IELTS Speaking Practice Live Class - TOPICS: Sport & Art

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[Music] [Laughter] whoa it's brian hello hi mark jay how are you pretty good pretty good hello everybody i'm jay and this is mark hello and what we're gonna do today is some ielts speaking but before we do that just into the chat please tell us where you are right now which country are you in what have we got we've got india pakistan uzbekistan singapore peru uae philippines philippines nigeria germany venezuela venezuela hey canada there we go iran lebanon incredible bangladesh wow nigeria russia mexico jordan very cool serbia it's amazing absolutely amazing good stuff kuwait keeps going all right so what are we going to do today mark or tonight or this morning wherever you are in the world uh we're looking again at ielts speaking tests and i believe today we're looking a little bit more specifically at parts two and this week part three or sorry this month part three right and you were an ielts speaking examiner right yes uh five years i was uh working for idp and ielts doing speaking exams but even since those five years i've continued working teaching and preparing students for their ielts speaking and writing tests so what did you learn as an examiner having examined so many people like what what is is there a key to this part of the test or what would you recommend one thing i always remember being an examiner was i i was very proud uh if i realized that my students weren't thinking too much oh okay yes so at the end of the test i would say thank you very much that's the end of the test and they were just kind of stunned like time had just they'd stopped paying attention to time so they relaxed okay and they were you know reflecting they were calm so they weren't they weren't like panicked about the test okay so they were actually just concentrating on speaking to you is that the key there they were just present they were with me and nowhere else okay right right right right okay so they're treating it more like just as you would a general conversation with somebody a conversation or an interview right so they weren't they weren't if they were doing a good job they weren't trying to give me the right answer they were just telling me how they felt or what they thought right okay that makes it easy let's just do that hey it's it it's that easy and it's that hard right yes i agree with you yeah okay just let me share my screen here so we can get started i don't think we've got any audio to share cool bananas let's get started so ielts speaking i won't rap just yet but there could be something very interesting coming up in the next few weeks so in today's class we're just going to do a quick overview of ielts speaking if you're unfamiliar with it we're going to concentrate on parts two and three we're going to allow two people to do part two we're going to listen very carefully to your performance mark and i are going to take notes and then give you some constructive feedback and hopefully it will be relevant for everybody listening in it should be and we'll do the same thing for part three hopefully we'll hear three or four people um answer those more complicated philosophical type questions we might do a little q a we'll see how we go it should last for about an hour and a half so strap yourselves in hope you've got some water or a cup of tea or something of course you're oh where's your mouse pointer [Music] it's disappeared that's going to be fun for me uh hold on yeah i don't know what's happened here it's doing the magical powerpoint there it is imagine there it is yeah okay just bear with me i'm just going to see if i can pointer options how do i just make it not automatic i'll make it arrow there okay hopefully that won't disappear cool okay do you want to do the little overview here what happens just very briefly yes absolutely yes i do that one that's the one all right uh so your ielts test will be anywhere between 11 and 14 minutes if it's if you feel it's closer to 12 minutes or it's closer to 15 minutes it doesn't matter three general parts you've got part one which is small talk they'll ask you a few simple questions what do you do are you a student they might ask you about flowers they might ask you about colors they might ask you about studying science in high school or elementary school simple questions you give very quick simple answers three or four sentences that's it part two this is where you get to really shine you have two minutes uninterrupted on a specific topic they might say ask you about education they might ask you about animals they might ask you yeah something that you can relate to it shouldn't be too difficult you go two minutes they might ask you a few questions after that fairly straightforward part three it's the longer discussion in this situation the examiner will let you talk but they will occasionally uh give you some questions or they might respond to you and sort of guide the conversation it'll be connected to part two so do make sure whatever the question they give you in part two is do try to stay focused on that because it will be relevant in the third part of the test and they might even they might even say well you know you did say this earlier so they might actually reference something you've said before and then ask you to talk a bit more about that in a different way okay okay let's just talk for a minute here about what happens on exam day because i've taken the test five times as a student or a candidate now you've been the examiner even on the other side i'll just relay my experience as a candidate just in case anybody hasn't taken this test before what it's like so from my experience what happens is you sort of you wait around you're given a time it might be at 1 30 pm that you have to be there and you have to make sure you've got your passport and so you wait in the waiting room and then an ielts examiner actually the person you'll end up speaking to comes and gets you and they'll read out your name they'll say jay and then i say yes here i am and you walk together to some little room and you sit down and it's very formal at the beginning right they ask you what your name is and your passport and they fill out a little form and yeah they sort of do some remember that yeah you've probably done that a thousand times and then it begins yeah so what's your experience as the examiner what do you do from your end i mean really just that you know you you get the person you maybe say oh how's your day going that's there might be a little bit of chit chat usually not much yes uh you sit down just follow the examiner's lead yes uh sometimes you know i remember a student would be like how's your day going and they'll just kind of smile and go hmm like we're not really instructed to say anything that might you know influence what happens my understanding from the examiner's point of view is you're not allowed to say good or okay you're you have to remain very neutral and examine it right yeah like so if you say something particularly intelligent during the test i shouldn't give you any indication like oh good like you won't be hearing that you just might hear that you know polite neutral smile so as the candidate while we're walking to the room should i be sucking up to you and saying wow you you're very handsome mr mark oh please don't do that yeah that's just weird okay yeah no actually it also sorry in all seriousness you you really this is an exam yeah these are professional people you can't suck up to them you just as mark said follow their lead you sit down you be polite you smile but that's about as much yeah like a job interview [Music] if if that's what job interviews are like in the rest of the world in canada that's what they would be like in australia that's what they're like so yeah you're just you're you're neutrally you're neutral and polite yeah now i'm going to talk about something interesting which is people get very nervous about these things right so as an examiner did you see a lot of people um get nervous i'm just um because this is a real thing right because it can affect your language yes absolutely a lot of people do get nervous again i really think that if the examiner is doing their job you'll start to relax very quickly the only thing i would just really remind you is maybe you know breathe yeah you know take a deep breath if you feel yourself getting nervous uh and and to be honest prepare for that so you know a week before the test even a month before the test just whenever you start getting nervous just take that deep breath and relax we'll practice that in this live class yeah breathing relaxing uh so yes well as i said i've done this five times and even i got a bit nervous even though i was just doing it for research purposes that my hands would sweat my heart would beat it was kind of a quite an intense experience but yeah it's only 12 minutes of your life it's totally fine you're not going to die in there okay you'll be fine you'll be fine okay cool let's push on let's push on let me share the screen again cool so just very briefly you're scored on four criteria fluency and coherence vocabulary range and accuracy we'll talk more about this just in a second grammatical range and accuracy and pronunciation this is how you're scored this is what it's all about in terms of your score okay 25 percent each so mark just very briefly can you talk about what is fluency and coherence uh you can continue speaking and you can extend your ideas and connect them uh we have these words thoughtful developed connected nice and and my main advice for that is reflect use your own experience your own ideas uh don't try to give perfect answers that you think the and the correct you know you think that the examiner wants to hear relax and reflect on your ideas right even like that yeah and even if at the end you're like you know what now that you know like even if you your idea changes in the middle yeah that's fine just say well you know maybe it's like this or maybe it's like that so so definitely not memorize dances yeah this is you're very much responding to what the examiner asks you right yeah especially in the dialogue the back and forth you really need to listen carefully be present really listen to their question and respond to it thoughtfully nothing's memorized no f pre-fabricated i've got this sentence that i memorized last week which i must use in my else no one one thing that i really saw a lot in in sort of not great answers if if you ask a question you know is this a good idea or a bad idea and the kind of goes it is a bad idea because or it is a good idea if i said is it a good idea and you're like it's a great idea right definitely it's a great idea like you can let that come out yes relax and you'll be a lot more fluent wonderful cool okay vocabulary you are scored on words and what that means is precision how precise your words are that is you're using the right word at the right time to make the right meaning and also range so you've got accuracy there like in terms of the the word that you use the precision of the word but also range you do want to extend yourself my experience was that like a job interview you kind of want to express yourself as much as possible to kind of almost show off your you know the repertoire of your language okay so that's something you should try to do grammar i'll talk a little bit about grammar grammar's uh similar thing your scored on accuracy you need to speak accurately of course not 100 even native english speakers make slips all the time with their grammar so don't worry too much about grammar and as mark said before you don't want to be thinking too much so speak naturally and don't try and be thinking oh god is that a plural noun which verb tense do i use no really concentrate on responding and let the grammar come naturally and yeah and the main the main things i always say here i mean to improve both vocab and grammar reading is really one of your best friends that's going to help you develop comfort and familiarity with a wider range of vocabulary and grammar and as always you know getting feedback you know like getting getting some help from someone who you trust to say yep this was good oh maybe fix that or yeah they can give you feedback to make corrections or give you feedback to express your ideas more excellent good pronunciation just briefly yeah pronunciation is just yeah the sounds that you're making these uh typically i we look at these in two ways the individual sounds but it's also the rhythm of your language you know are you just going up all the time at the end of every phrase or are you using word stress is your intonation going up and is it falling down that dynamic uh sense to your speaking is going to make a huge difference yes now you are the master of sentence stress i really am tell us about sentence stress and why it's important and what it is what is sentence stress so sentence stress is just placing emphasis on a specific word or words in a sentence right the best way i often uh try to teach this is a word like um many or or few like a quantity number right so i might say there are you know many people in canada love to watch hockey right right or few people in canada like soccer right so something like that or there's a lot of people in australia who like cricket right so that's one way you can add stress to a quantity word and that will you know that'll help prevent your intonation from going up at the end of a sentence and again to do it that way with rising intonation it's not wrong yeah but as the examiner it prevents me from giving you that that higher score so we'll hopefully hear a little bit we can we can deal with a little bit of that tonight but yeah that's there's many ways you can um add sentence stress quantity words is one of them good one yeah it seems to me that um some of those things are difficult to improve like grammar and vocabulary you know it takes a long time but some things like adding sentence stress to your speech can be done you know almost really quickly really quickly that's right yeah cool all right let's continue to push on here we go so uh if you do need help with your pronunciation by the way you can check out we have a pronunciation course in there it's excellent cool all right let's talk about part two this is the two minute talk so we're gonna skip part one because it's pretty easy it really is small talk talking about very familiar things part two requires a little bit of your concentration and practice i think this is where you'll give a monologue that is you speaking one person speaking for up to two minutes right so what happens so you're given a task card by the examiner the task card will be on a topic like uh a gift you recently received or something like that you have one minute to prepare so you get a pen and some paper and you get one minute to prepare and as my experience as the candidate one minute goes like that it's incredibly quick so you really don't have time to sort of plan out much at all you really just have to think of some key ideas then you have two minutes to speak the examiner will say you can begin or there's some technical language they use and you speak do you remember what it is uh you can start speaking now there you go you can start speaking now please and then you speak for up to two minutes you should really try to get to two minutes and then there might be one or two questions to follow up so here's an example task card describe a teacher who has impressed you you should say who he or she is how you first met him or her why you were impressed and explain how you feel about this teacher now this task card serves as the basis of your talk you must talk about it at least vaguely about a teacher you don't have to talk exactly about that you can certainly deviate go off on small tangents etc and i would also just say one thing with this is do try to stay on topic um do you try to be as honest as possible the really we'll talk about that because i've got some different ideas um and it's something when you're preparing for it as well like when you're preparing for this part of the test if you get one of those hard questions and you feel like i don't know i generally find that if you actually take a bit more time to think about it you'll actually come up with a good answer and in the test that's going to protect you because you might get a really tricky one and if you have a good habit of digging into your memory to find the answer you'll be fine the last thing you want to be is in a situ you know you just don't want to get one and then you know you leave the test you're like oh yeah i could have talked about this it's you know what it's a it's a great point and it's probably one that ielts teachers don't talk about much is your ability to retrieve a memory like if right now i'm speaking to you at home can you remember a particular teacher who has been influential on your life like who would you talk about um i'm sure you probably do but in the one minute prep time sometimes it's quite difficult to find that memory or that you know to think about that gift that was given to you or that teacher or a piece of art you'd like or something like this it's sometimes you think oh god and you really something how my memory works is i sort of think of one thing and then i just get stuck on it i'm fixated on it i can't think of anything else so i have to go for that thing well when i saw this question we had here about a teacher who impressed i just immediately went to my high school english teacher gotcha yeah so i just immediately go to that spot and then i let the rest of it come in there i let the rest of the ideas come good one so yes we'll give you that one minute today in a minute to um to have that experience of retrieving a good memory now there's really two approaches to this two-minute talk uh there's the let's talk about the traditional method first which is you start with a short introduction and you really use the task card you really flesh out those points in the task card and try to speak for up to two minutes i find this a little bit challenging do you want to talk about ppf for a little bit yeah i'd also say traditional can be a bit tricky just because a lot of times people just read the card out and it's very flat yes this is like i am going to talk about a teacher who so immediately your pronunciation score is not doing well and you're just kind of copying the card so i can't really give you a score for anything at that point ppf is nice uh you talk about something from your past and then possibly connect it with the present and the future right um i really think that there's so much you can get from the past like if you think about one old teacher and then you think about another teacher yes and like oh he really like this teacher also influenced me but really this is the one who started it like you can compare them i think that's really good um and i also do recommend you know the traditional method is just give the introduction i would just say jump into the story when i was in high school i had a really good english teacher his name was mr hill so just jump right in there like start with the story like you're just two people at the coffee shop having a conversation okay then you kind of relax fluency pronunciation they all go much better great great one thing i like about ppf is what happens and we might ex we might experience this uh today is some people just run out of ideas with the single story yeah you know they've talked about mr hill mr hill mr hill and they're about one minute in and you can just feel like there's no there's no gasoline left in the tank right yeah really they start to go round and round in circles about mr hill and you're sort of sitting there going oh please come on there must be more if that happens switch talk about another teacher okay in addition to mr hill i also had another science teacher who was also fabulous her name was blah blah blah and talk about that teacher so you're allowed to do that so if you find yourself exhausting ideas and therefore your language is exhausted switch ideas and you'll all of a sudden you'll have much more to say okay anyway enough of the theory uh not yet actually a few topics you might get uh people places physical objects abstract objects or times okay so just keep these in mind it could be anything about this all right here we go so i'm going to give you one minute to prepare i'll disappear from the screen gonna think about a sport so uh here's your question everybody yes we're gonna put on the timer so imagine it's the test day you have one minute you can prepare starting now all right you've got one minute to make your notes remember to dig deep a sport that maybe you saw when you were younger and wanted to try maybe you've seen it on tv or watched it on the olympics and would like to try it dig deep if you don't like sports you really want to be ready for this one whatever the question is that you don't like prepare for that question it's always my advice how would you learn it yeah i don't want to give any clues where would i get the information would i talk to a person where can i find the information and why how would it change my life do i have any past sport or something in the past i never did all right and i wish i had that is one minute there we go so let's do it live who wants to be a participant a brave participant i have to always remember how to do this here we go so participants a lot of eager people whoa okay here we go so attendees all right gracie santos i'm allowing you to talk hello gracie can hear us no it's not very clear it's not very gracious sorry gracie i'm going to move on hold on all right we really have to make sure we can hear everybody yeah all right who else croissants here we go hello price arts can you hear us hello hello that's pretty clear i can hear you how are you i'm good how are you process nice to hear from you i'm good yeah where are you prasanth i'm from india nice which part um south park south part of india all right oh nice are you going to talk about cricket by any chance yes yes sure of course that's good all right here we go prasan we're going to disappear um what's the special phrase you can begin speaking please can you start oh do i mean you do it all right can you start speaking now please yeah uh sports are very important by everyone actually today i'm going to talk about the sport three three sports uh would i like i like like to learn the first sport i like to learn is the cricket cricket is a very uh uh cricket is actually uh easy sport actually and also actually it's play in all the part of the world it's very familiar in my in my place uh also so actually i like to learn in my childhood days um the equipment needed for cricket is uh a very it's very simple actually only the batten ball is secured actually even the stumps are needed but it's not trickier to play cricket uh in in streets uh actually uh the sport uh initially in my childhood days i learned the sport cricket from my uh street friends area friends and also actually uh because of the interest my dad uh my my father has actually uh approached uh for a sports academy in my in my city and actually i learned a sport there and the second sport i like to learn uh at my college days is a football uh because uh during the time uh my college is participating a lot of football uh football games and they actually got a good one of good prices so i got a interest in the football so i like to learn a football at my college days the the equipment needed for football is actually a football which is actually cost around 500 to pay something in my uh which is available all over the world all of the places uh and actually it requires some ground to play uh because actually we can't play in the streets uh so uh so it requires uh some space it creates some spaces and actually need uh some clear places to play and uh also actually we can't play within a single person i just stopped you there because the two minutes was up and on test day that will happen um so so the examiner the examiner will just say thank you and just stop you even mid-sentence but don't feel bad if that happens that's just because you've reached two minutes so you reach two minutes so that's that's great okay do you wanna start with yeah i can start absolutely with a little bit of uh about uh fluency and coherence uh the main thing i would just say prasant is you could slow down a little bit totally it was so fast and yeah you don't have to be fast now um one thing about your pronunciation the linking was quite good like um it's very familiar and i would just say slur it's very familiar like that's good um yeah the fluency was sorry i want him yeah slow down it was my only main thing i would just say also like you you started you were talking about qriket first now the question did say a sport you would like to learn but it sounds like you already learned cricket that's fine i would just say though you know really make sure you make it a bit more clear why that last question why would you like to learn this sport i think that would have allowed you to extend a bit more you know you might have gone in and like i don't know about cricket but let's say you know i'm a canadian i'm talking about hockey and you know it would really give me a chance to learn more about you know this sport that people in my country love and you know when i was a kid i never really paid attention to it i never really understood so you can see i'm starting to really get deep into it so it's really important um you don't have to answer all the questions but usually the last one is the one that's going to push you to reflect more and use a wider range of grammar um okay so that's one uh that was it for fluency coherence i think i'll talk about pronunciation at the end sure yeah i totally echo mark if you had have slowed down your score would have jumped up quite a bit because actually i was listening to your vocab and grammar and i really found it hard to actually as the examiner to listen in on your vocab and grammar because it was so fast and rapid so you really need to slow down that'll it will actually enhance your vocab and grammar score because the examiner will be much more aware of actually the kinds of sentence constructions you're using and the types of words etc overall i can hear you've got very good language skills you know you've got really good a broad range of grammar use some really nice words you've obviously got a good range of vocabulary related to qriket stumps for example this one was like wow nice but also other just general vocabulary influence academy little phrases like all over the world etc there were a few little funny vocab ones that were just sort of little slips um you said something about playing cricket in my place i think you might have meant in my town or in my village or in my city or something like that a little tiny little grammar errors like you said the cricket at one point which was just a little slip but overall vocab and grammar is good however it was obstructed because you're speaking too quickly just one thing i'm going to get this from you uh get you to just repeat a little bit after me a few things i heard you say um i want you to repeat after me we can't play in the streets go across okay repeat this one we can't play in the streets we can't play in the streets good but a little bit more stress with can't or can't yeah we can't play in the streets okay we can't play in a street good one more time we can't play in the streets we can't play the streets yeah a little bit closer there so good sounds better a word like can or can't is an example of a word you could add some stress to another one might be the first one i want to learn is cricket can i hear that i want you to put a little stress on the word first the first one i want to learn is cricket the first one i would like to learn the cricket oh that's nice yeah you see like that's a lot yeah so instead of just the first one that i would like and that's why another reason to slow down well the first one i want to learn is cricket yes yeah that's a quick fix yeah easy fix marks quick fixes just remember uh you got to practice that because tomorrow it's gonna be gone so yeah come back check it out you know uh it's the first one i'd like to watch it's very important in my country or it's very popular in my country good one yeah excellent if you do those things you'll be you'll be happy with the result yes thank you so much thanks thank you thank you good luck oops yes everyone just yeah it's not a race slow down take your time think about no don't think about let yourself use a little bit of stress with some of the things that you say all right now um there's lots of hands up um dorothy chow what do you reckon yeah let's try let's try dorothy oh no it's disappeared nope okay dorothy can you hear us yes hi jay hi mark hi dorothy how are you where abouts are you i am in hong kong oh okay nice good stuff have you taken the ielts before yes i have uh taken choice okay fair enough all right now uh we're going to do the same one because i realized that i don't want to put you under pressure to prepare so we'll do the same one okay two minutes to speak about uh the same topic we just saw so i'm gonna share my screen okay remember let's all breathe okay i tried it okay take your time take your time okay you can begin speaking now please um it's a tough question to me actually i was not familiar with sports very much i seldom i seldom did sports unless physical education lessons when i was a student when i grew up i found that sports are essential for keeping us a healthy body i tried to find something i like i learned yoga last year and find that it is amazing although i have learned it for a short period of time i find it is interesting and i like to enhance my skills and duration of holding the positions of scratching and it is quite disappointed however it is quite disappointed that um yoga is not included in any kind of competition of olympics i'm looking forward to the development of yoga in promoting health in society and also another sport i would like to learn is swimming and i think swimming is in a relaxing situation and i can swim alone or even with my buddies it is also a chance for us to keep our social contacts with others however in such covenanting situation i think yoga is the most suitable activities for us to have as a sport spot as a spot item thank you thank you all right um first of all as as an examiner it was much easier for me to to give dorothy a score because she spoke very slowly and clearly yeah yeah yeah was that your experience yes i mean yes it was it was slower it was much more like relaxed i would i would say a little uh yeah in terms of just following the ideas it was definitely a lot a lot easier yeah um just a quick question there dorothy in terms of fluency uh you said that it should be a competition in the olympics is that correct uh yes i did it why did you why why should it be um actually if i i think if it can be a kind of competition in the olympics i can explore much about yoga and i think it may be also an entertainment entertainment and you think it would be entertaining to watch competitive yoga yeah yeah i think do you think everyone would enjoy watching that um actually i i'm not sure but i'm interested in why so so why would you like to watch people doing yoga some of the positions are quite difficult and also uh however i'm i i think it is difficult for for complete competing in for yoga yeah okay so all i'm trying to do here is like dig in a little bit because you said this really interesting thing about the olympics having yoga and of course when i heard that i was like oh that sounds boring but so so again that might be something where you say you know i understand that you know it might not be that interesting for a lot of people to look at but i think many people don't understand how difficult those positions are and how much strength is actually required so yeah i just i would just say like at the end there when i asked you that question i heard you go um like that's kind of what i'm trying to get i'm trying to get you to i heard you're you kind of digging into your brain for more information so one of the parts that i recommend for just developing fluency is maybe understanding yeah some people wouldn't want to watch that but here's why they should be interested so generally you know you were able to speak for a long period of time so the fluency is good i would just say you mentioned competition now to get a higher fluency coherence score now explain that a little bit more that means you're you're you know you're extending the idea you're connecting the ideas a lot of people might not enjoy watching that but i think it would be a really good opportunity for people to learn about how difficult some of those movements are and then you know they'll actually learn why maybe more people should do it because it's a really healthy activity and it would benefit a lot of people to get more exposure to it so mark is in order to extend my ideas and improve my uh coherence score should i be thinking because because yeah yeah yeah is that a simple way to do it yes yeah so again dig deep and think okay why why would why would this be a good idea or why would people disagree and then disagree with that okay so but yeah because is a really good i i wouldn't say you have to say the word because but think the word because right got it yeah very interesting thank you so much thank you wait it's not over yet dorothy we've got more feedback for you okay thank you okay so um vocabulary uh you have a very wide range of vocabulary and you showed that off very well um you made a wonderful little error which i'm gonna point out you talked about yoga and scratching but i think you meant stretching we're stretching yes i had a little giggle to myself but that's perfectly fine it's called a slip and uh it happens to the best of us so that's fine um but some wonderful vocabulary there use a wide range which is great mark how do you feel about the first phrase one of the first phrases dorothy said which was i seldom watch sports do you think that was too formal or too like i don't watch like another way to say that is i don't watch sports very often or i don't do sports very often dorothy said i seldom do sports is that good or bad i mean it is more formal uh it it's fine like you wouldn't have yeah i wouldn't be too worried about that unless you have i found it it didn't quite fit it was it felt too formal but i'm just just curious uh you're not gonna get in any you know it's not nothing you would be penalized for like you're not going to get necessarily knocked down for that um there is uh you know it's potentially like a risk that doesn't work out right and that's okay okay so some other vocabulary holding positions promoting health these things were fantastic grammar overall very good with grammar but definitely some some strange phrasing um keeping us a healthy body i think you may have meant um giving us a healthier body or something like that maintaining maintaining uh maintaining a healthy body yes so little things like that but quite minor um overall very very clear and quite good quite good obviously some room for improvement but quite good yeah pronunciation um yeah it was it was a there was definitely some use of sentence stress there i did pick up um uh like you know it was very it is the most suitable activity um i would just say like you know how do i put this um you could kind of it it did feel still a little bit rigid so uh again just let yourself kind of like let it out like it's you know how do i put this enjoy talking about this it sounds like you really like yoga yeah yeah so yeah you know let the examiner know that you know you might so what you were saying again not wrong but you could say it's the most like you know try to make the examiner believe it um i can say like as an examiner once in a while the candidates are having a really fun time talking about their topic and you know you you enjoy that as the examiner hearing the candidate get excited now it doesn't necessarily change anything about your score but you know it's really a wonderful activity and i think everyone would be healthier if they did it and you can hear i'm getting a bit more animated and that's great um so you're not just telling the examiner the story you're you're kind of giving them the emotion you're trying to convince them with your feelings a little bit so the word stress was good um i would just say this you know that that emphasis might help a little bit it'll help you relax it'll help yeah so otherwise like generally quite good um depending on what you're gonna get i would just say remember you're gonna try to convince the examiner that this is something they should do and so you know make sure they can feel that it did at times feel like it is a very good activity and i just want it's a wonderful activity like get your whole body involved all right thank you dorothy thank you thanks for your advice it helps me a lot and it's nice to chat to you thank you thank you michael i likewise dorothy all right the old zoom button you talk well i tried all right we're going on to part three next aren't we well i've accidentally um skipped the one on art so we'll just continue talking about sport i think it's fine all right so we'll we can do that one again and and as i said everyone you know if you're struggling uh a little bit with a topic you know take that time to write about it right maybe even just get out you know a piece of paper and a pen and then in english at the top why i don't like sports and then write about it like kind of a little bit of just fun writing in english will actually do some amazing things for your grammar and for your fluency when i do my own language study i just write a sentence at the top of a page maybe a quote i heard or a feeling i've had and then i write about that and i find that that's really uh one of the best ways to let advanced grammar uh come out nice yeah nice nice all right we're going to cut to a little advertisement break now where jay is going to talk about how good the ielts mock test is at so if you actually want to experience a full speaking mock test and also get writing feedback and do the reading section and the listening section get a whole lot of feedback you can go on to and you can buy the mock test either by itself or as part of a package and as i mentioned the speaking is one-on-one with one of our examiners or one of our teachers who will actually do the whole test with you and then provide you with a very rich report card and they'll mark you against all of the criteria that we've been talking about like the fluency and the pronunciation etcetera so you get a very good report card back so you know what to focus on before your exam it's very good so check that out cool let's talk about part three okay also just before we do that we're nearly at a million subscribers i think we've got about i i can't remember nine hundred thousand nine hundred and ninety nine yeah like something like i think we've got about 6 000 people before we get a million subscribers so do subscribe to the youtube channel if you're on youtube right now okay part three so what happens in part three mark so in part three you move on uh this is the final five minutes uh and the examiner will just ask you a few more questions related to what you just talked about um main thing i would just say yeah these questions might be like they're like you know different kinds of questions they might ask you let's just let's look at it let's just look at it let's look at some let's skip through that we'll come back so some of the questions about sport let's say you just did the little two-minute monologue on sport next in part three the examiner might ask you do you think children get enough exercise these days do you think sports should be made mandatory at school how can parents encourage their children to get more exercise is there a difference between the sports that girls like and boys like did we change that or not no we didn't i think we talked about it oh good but let's continue but yeah we'll come to that in a second let's just quickly take a look at the first two questions these two questions they're looking for a position so it's kind of a yes no or it depends question so it's if they're asking you for your you know is it a yes or a no is it a definitely is it a absolutely not or is it it depends if but then so there's those questions the second one how can parents encourage their children to get more exercise so one thing i'll say this this happens a lot as an examiner someone gives you one answer and you could give like two or three so one thing another thing so it's more like okay so questions one and two on this list are about your opinion about something and question three is really asking you to sort of make a list of things identify identify and sort of list out things what so what about question four what's that uh comparison right comparison now you mentioned oh we kept this question we didn't know if we wanted to keep this question and you know what you could reject the question you know i mean not not don't get angry at the examiner but you could say no there's there's no difference right um or i don't understand why people think there's a difference like that kind of response if it's genuine if it's what you believe okay it could work so the examiner sorry the examiner is not marking you on the content so much but just on your language skills so yes the examiner might disagree wholeheartedly with what you say yeah it doesn't matter that's completely fine because they're just listening for your language skills now that's really cool so you're right identif uh uh giving opinion um you're identifying and contrasting so that's three things you'll be doing the question a lot of the questions are are design uh organized this way all right so it's not just about your english it's about your ability to execute those things got it so in this section you really do need to extend your ideas here and get quite deep and i wouldn't say technical or philosophical but almost technical or philosophical so one of the things you can do here is give your opinion number two provide details number three give a contrast number four compare past to present you know what was it like for your parents and what's it like today compare present to future what's it like today versus what it will be like for future generations um or give reasons of course some language that can go along with this so giving an opinion use phrases like as far as i'm concerned or in my opinion or i think i think is always a good one um giving examples as an example for instance um a recent example that occurred that doesn't make any sense uh well i'm only thinking of writing ones right now um and a good way to we i mentioned with position questions and that third one there it depends now be careful that you don't want to be like well it depends and then just stop right you know drop the mic walk out of the room explain what that means so it depends if you're talking about this situation then my answer is this but if you're talking about that situation then this is my answer right so this is a nice fluency trick you're giving both sides um and also if that is complex grammar oh nice yeah now remember you don't have to say it depends but if you really believe that there's two sides then talk about it i still say if you really believe something then you just say absolutely yes or definitely if you disagree definitely not right yeah okay good so um past to present you know in the past but now number five there's talking about the future what could happen hopefully yeah um how else could you reference the future hopefully or um i mean you could say i just keep wanting to say hopefully so like hopefully in the next few years they're going to make some changes or hopefully soon people will start to change their behavior yeah i don't i don't really know if there's much else i think that's kind of the easiest one yeah but it's perfect that's all you need you don't need multiple ways to say this just use hopefully good and then the last one is giving reasons one reason is another reason is etc yeah cool so uh i'm going to stop sheen shreen squaring screen sharing i'm going to find a participant here and we're going to ask you questions so maybe if you bring up the questions i've got questions i'll find a lucky soul here i'm going to look for uh somebody with a great name omar is a great name zanashka is a great name antoinette here we go antoinette's an interesting name let's try internet all right here we go are we going in order with the questions uh no you go how you feel okay hello internet can you hear us you might have to unmute hello internet hmm oh had your chance all right we do our best we want to make everybody happy who else do we have for you you choose one let's go with uh what's that swati swati here we go swati hello swati just speak up a little bit hi hello good we can hear you how are you what are you doing yeah we're we're very good where are you i'm from india i'm doing great thanks for asking okay um let's get straight into it mark we'll see how swatty's audio is if it's not good we might cut it off but we'll see how we go okay all right so swati uh how can parents encourage their children to get more exercise um i would say by creating some daily routine by planning some daily routine into children like uh um by saying them that by doing exercise or by practicing meditation and yoga they can enhance their concentration skills so that if they study anything they can remember that subject for some longer time by doing that they can fetch good marks and also by rewarding children if they are uh if they are practicing the routine which which is led by their parents all right good we might just swati unfortunately your audio equality is not very good i'm finding it very difficult to understand do you just want to give some brief remarks to swati and then we might yeah somebody else i can just very briefly say that was actually really nice there was some connecting of ideas we should do meditation and yoga so that they can concentrate longer that's really good uh cause and effect do yoga and meditation so that you'll be able to concentrate longer and that's really uh good and that's something that everybody should be doing is sort of explaining why um so in terms of fluency that was really good i would say yeah your use of word stress it was it was pretty good there were certain times where you were like it was a bit of range so sometimes your intonation was going up and then it was going down at the end of the sentence uh the more you do that the higher the score i think you can get i'm sorry we couldn't really hear everything so it's a little bit difficult but yeah if you continue doing that you'll be happy with your with your result cool thank you swati thanks mark andre for having me okay sorry come on zoom yeah there we go did it work yeah it looks like it it's it's off yeah it's it's still oh yeah okay it's off yeah all right good all right so let me choose one here i'm going to choose i'm just going to choose a i'm trying to pick a different language background here um so let's have a look what have we got marty nathan there we go it's a different language background hello marty hello marty can you hear us nope nope oh yes there he is terrific monty where abouts are you from um i'm speaking from ghana ghana fantastic fantastic when's your exam marty yeah when is your exam i have not booked for example but i'm still there all right look your audio quality is also not great but let's do one question mark will ask you the question and so give a nice deep uh response and then okay feedback okay uh marty do you think okay get enough days come again please yeah do you think children get enough exercise these days well um i i may say that children get enough exercise because most of the time for example in ghana here children before sent to school are made to walk certain distances before they get to their destination um and uh i i i know i know i mean that walking is an exercise on its own and that when you work for certain minutes or hours you you automatically exercise your length and it's it's really helping me uh mostly me too cool all right good thank you marty we'll give you a little bit of feedback um i'll just comment uh briefly on vocabulary clearly marty's got a good range of vocabulary some nice little phrases on its own words like automatically um some tiny little grammar slips like before sent to school just missing the subject there before children are sent to school so just be a little bit perhaps in your first language you omit the subject which is very common in other languages in english we really need to know who goes to school etc so keep that in mind uh it was really nicely organized um i would say like yeah most of the time kids walk to school and that's that's fantastic like that's a nice way to kind of hedge it right maybe sometimes they don't most of the time here in ghana they walk um i may i i would say like you said at the beginning uh i may say that children do get enough exercise uh that was fine um i i feel like it was a little bit slow to get moving at the beginning um just remember like you know that was a really good example with walking so it's something where you might say well yes every day kids have to walk to school and then it was really good because then you extended it talking about how uh you know it's actually one of the healthiest things you can do nice so it was it was really good extending uh it feels like you shouldn't have any problems with uh fluency uh in the test because you're you're able to kind of make a very clear point about walking being that healthy um yeah i'm sorry the quality was a bit choppy and it's actually kind of hard to do part three because we can't really go back and forth um absolutely but it was that like for everyone watching that was really good yes they do because they walk and then he explains that walking is actually quite healthy and he explains the situation because kids have to walk to school every day they automatically get exercise that was brilliant that was really good all right let's uh choose this one here this is oluwayo oh my god thank you thank you thank you oh oh he's gone oluwayo yes all the way are you there hello oluwayou i you have a very long first name but i'll ask you that yes there you are yes yes i'm here terrific where are you calling from i'm from nigeria nigeria all right fantastic your audio seems nice and clear so we might ask a few questions so just just before we begin mark what's the general length of time somebody should answer the question for can you say that is it like 15 seconds 20 seconds or it depends it it it it really does depend um you know the examiner will let you speak generally for you know a fairly long amount of time but they'll typically cut you off at a certain point right um in terms of specific amount of time i'm not sure um but yeah i i think typically you know it's 20 30 seconds is quite long on that test so don't feel like you have to just keep going keep going keep going keep going unless i mean if you can great if the examiner interrupts you it's fine it's fine they might just be thinking okay i've got what i need i'm gonna move to the next question right good so which style of question are you gonna ask now because is it gonna be an opinion one is it gonna be an identify and list one or is it going to be a contrast one i'm going to do a position or opinion question okay so this could be uh a yes no or it depends okay terrific are you ready oh yes yes i am fantastic all right do you think sports should be made mandatory at school um that's an interesting question um in my high school we had sports every friday so it was made mandatory for every student but some students could choose not to participate in certain sports but there wasn't a wide range of sport activities available so some some students were not particularly interested in the sports that were made available by the school so i do believe that while exercise is um important it should be made mandatory at least once a week children should be getting um exercise they should be getting some sport activities done to enable them not just to have the um academic um to have that academic side of them to have that academic quality but they should also be able to do other things like some students found interest in sports that they never thought they were interested in before like basketball for example and i also enjoyed playing basketball during my time in high school so yes i do believe that sports should be made mandatory at least once a week for students in school okay good i just want to ask a question and this is related to fluency you mentioned that some kids didn't do the sports yes yes i did and and like i don't know do you think that like how was that a problem for them like i believe um some students missed out on a lot of things that they could have gained from partaking in the sports activities because it was not just um physical activities we were also bonding with other students in ways you can't do if you just seclude or keep to yourself or you stay in an isolated area so while the spotting activities were good to get um exercise it was also good for students to bond with other students in areas that they both have interest in perfect so that like that part there like first of all your vocab score just shot right up like when you went into a bit more detail because you were mentioning that some kids just wouldn't participate but you didn't really explain why that was problematic or why the sports were so important now when i prompted you uh you i mean you gave this great explanation your vocab uh you know uh missed out uh bonded party partake i was i think she you said partake in sport i was wow um and so and then your conclusion makes sense so i think it should be mandatory once a week before you just said so i think they should take it once a week and i i feel like there was a missing piece of information and when i asked you that question i got the missing piece of information so i would just say yeah like when you mention some kids wouldn't participate there's this whole option to extend on that and i think that would have been um in in the exam like they may or may not push you back to that they probably aren't going to push you back to clarify something so yeah just be careful if you um if you had done that i think i mean it's a how to be poetic the complexion of the exam everything changes can i can i just um because i was scoring you on vocab and grammar and i was just like okay first of all one thing that everybody can learn here from uh the way that you speak is vocabulary is not necessarily just single words right the way you spoke was in phrases interesting question uh not participate not particularly interested you know these phrases that just flowed out beautifully should be made mandatory so that's really critical these are called uh collocations or phrases and they're just they're very natural sounding they um they're very articulate they're just they're just wonderful ways to get a high vocabulary score in terms of grammar nothing wrong at all like i couldn't hear a single slip so very well done there any other pronunciation pronunciation was quite i was i was a bit more focused on the fluency i felt pronunciation was like you know i wouldn't give my usual feedback in terms of like sentence stress i really only picked up one thing which was instead of the word done you would say don don it was a bit of a oh sound instead of a sound but that's i mean very minor i could still understand you perfectly fine it was so i'm just being i'm nitpicking here it's really wonderful well done thank you very very good thank you very much thank you so much thank you good luck on your exam yes thank you okay yeah i think that's really one of the main things is like i you know really and why it might be good to make notes because you can or make it you know write some of your ideas on paper because you can slow down and reflect and with dorothy talking about competitions and then just now with you know children not participating in school sports there was this whole opportunity to really extend and i think everyone saw what just happened here where as soon as the you know the reflecting and the thoughtfulness of the answer was explored the quality of the the vocabula like the suddenly there was these really nice lexical items sorry vocabulary items uh and it was it was great okay um next person do we have more questions here we can go to the next one we could well yes good idea let's go to the next one all right don't just set this one up because imagine they've been speaking about art so we were speaking about sports right now we're moving on to art oh should we show the questions yeah let's show the question just show the question to you all right so we're going to move on this doesn't happen in the exam right you would just stay on one topic of sport you wouldn't move from sport to uh yes that's right you would stay on yeah you wouldn't switch topics okay correct we're going to switch topics though because we've exhausted our questions but imagine you in part two we're talking about art a piece of art that you saw that you like or something like that so let's imagine that these are now the follow-up questions in part three what kind of art do you enjoy are there traditional art forms in your culture if so what what do you think makes a good painting so this is where i say get ready for that right like you know think of one painting you like write down some ideas about it i hope you know your shapes in english rhombus should children study art at school that's pretty straightforward should government support artists that's quite complicated so we've flashed these questions up of course you won't see them on tester you'll only hear them one by one you've had a look so now if you want to raise your hand in the just click the little raise hand button if you want to speak and i'll select somebody here what i'm trying to do is find people from different language backgrounds too because it's very interesting to hear different pronunciation and different grammatical issues and stuff so let's try maruk sounds or is it fatima oh fatima it might be whoops wendy wendy when he got it i accidentally clicked on wendy wendy are you there you can unmute your microphone hello yes i'm here i am from venezuela but i have lived in manila for the last 10 years so that's the time i've been speaking english and i actually started to learn english when i get here so you know what it's so interesting because you have a i can hear a spanish slash filipino accent that's cool really yeah well i guess because i only learned english here and i have been talking to filipinos the whole time so yeah that's where i get my accent terrific when i'm very excited for this thank you so much that's right when's your exam wendy may 29th it's just on saturday i'm very nervous right and getting ready you can feel that lovely energy that comes from nervousness that gives you so much energy to speak well take a deep breath take a deep breath yeah yeah i think all right ready we're gonna mark's gonna give you a question all right wendy uh should children study art at school oh i love that question actually i have a kid which is a art lover he has been painting and drawing and working with um art materials since he was two or three years old he's already six and he does amazing drawings like he can already understand about um the deep concept in the in the drawings he loves to play with different materials sometimes he will color with um crayons sometimes he will use paint watercolors oh he would love to play also with the play dot so i let him be very creative and i think that every kid should have that opportunity so yeah i think that we kids should study art in the school because as i have learned with my kid i have seen how he can develop imagination how he can create new concepts how he he can to say this how he can construct the reality he is in those in that are so for example one day he will see a video about sorry stop you there what i just wanted you to then do is right here you got into this example of what your kid was about to do and i wanted to stop you because here i wanted you to say so children need to do this because so you were speaking entirely about like your your kids experience and it was actually really good in terms of language but it is important to then make it so you've talked about the the personal now make it global so i think all children should do this because it is important for young children to develop their creativity okay so no that's good so so wendy was really talking a lot about her child there and so one way to shift from that was to then sort of extrapolate or expand and talk about it globally all children so i mean one of the things that happens on exam date which is very strange is sometimes you just default back to certain ideas yeah like your child or your friend or whatever it is for some reason especially when you're nervous you sort of just drop back into start talking about that try and shift out of that if you can but uh very good yeah make it yeah get to the global and and a little tip there like just what i would think is when you whenever you're talking about kids talk about the future right because these kids are going to become you know future engineers and doctors and they need to have these skills okay yeah it's a little nice cheat and bring in the future there hopefully thank you so much for that feedback i okay so i continue i just wanna i just wanna speak a little bit about vocab and grammar before you go on so overall very good a few little grammar slips right at the start you said i have a child witch probably should have been a child who i mean little i heard it so careful of that um vocabulary was um i mean yeah you have it but you struggle to find the the phrases uh easily and effortlessly so deep concepts play with materials some of them came out quite easily some of them there was a real bit of a fight to find those find those phrases so you don't need to show off that much you really did find very deep and complex vocabulary but if you're going too deep maybe it's struggling a bit too much and you're compromising fluency so feel free to bring it back up to uh less complex vocab if you need to um i would just also say with with fluency actually one thing that was really nice is you said and again i did say that it should be global but or it should move to global but when it was personal he said my son is an art lover and then you followed it up and you you extended it he's been doing a lot of painting he's been doing a lot of art classes so you you kind of extend you you illustrated what you said you you gave examples and you used that was actually really nice use of uh the present perfect continuous oh yeah some slick grammar um nice should we select somebody else yes i think we'll we'll stop there so i would just say just the main thing so it was very good i would just say a good thing to keep in mind is to then make it yeah global as well and i think when you started making it global in the middle i was noticing that's when the really good vote like there was some really nice vocabulary and grammar coming as well so part of why you should go global is because it kind of pushes you to more abstract ideas and that's gonna push the grammar and vocab more nice good call thank you wendy thank you so much guys i really appreciate the feedback and thank you for the videos they are amazing i have been learning so much and then oh good good stuff thank you thanks a lot thanks all right so i'll just have to somehow click this wonderful button i think it no but she's on mute so that's oh i see what yeah all right i'll just try it okay got it all right here we go so um i did see i did see an omar in there i want to select an omar omar hold on i'm just going to allow you to talk he's got his hand up there we go hello omar hello hi uma how are you good i'm fine where are you calling from uh i'm calling from saudi arabia uh but i i'm from jordan and i was born in canada hey there you go where in canada uh in montreal oh okay very interesting great do you have an ielts exam booked already yeah i booked june 17. okay nice i've got a few weeks to go that's good have you been watching the e2 ielts youtube videos uh yes uh and i even upgraded my account into the website so wonderful good stuff thank you terrific all right mark's gonna ask you a question about art here we go all right so omar should governments support artists uh actually yes because the art industry is always there they sell and buy and there is income from it so when governments support the art industry they can get money from it which can improve the country by building more companies and improving the city itself um it can enhance even the personal uh the person like the artist himself or herself uh she can improve in her art because um she can like learn more about art because there is more income and money if governments support it because it will be more popular and more people will work in this industry what do you think would happen if governments didn't provide enough support for artists um i think it will the arts industry will decrease and less people will work on art so less pictures and uh and the master or not master um sculptures i think or the buildings and the designs will be less appeared in the city and i think less people would work on art good all right um just very briefly with pronunciation uh there's some very good use of there was some stress and uh intonation was good you seem like you were struggling a little to get the answers so that impacted your ideas a little bit now in terms of fluency i i like how you were answering the question you you took it to like an economic situation really quickly and that's actually really smart and everyone can kind of uh it's a good way to think about these questions is how does it affect the economy and i think that was really good that you did that so you said yes they should um that you know brings income um and this is where you could talk about things like taxes right so um people buy and sell art and that is something that governments can then get tax revenue from um so i think that was really good it helps the culture as well i think you mentioned and it's good for the country um one thing i would and so i'd say yeah that was good and i would just say for everyone it's a good way to explore it um and you know you can always go into more detail and say you know anytime there is art or there's an art show or there's a musical concert which is a form of art you know that's going to have people spending money not just on art but also on restaurants around the city so you know when the government is supporting art to grow they're also growing other parts of the economy as well um i was also going to say you know i i kind of thought you know there's different ways you can support artists right you can support them financially like how do you support them right or do governments invest um in art or you know so there's just different ways you can kind of explore that question definitely thinking about implications on society as well yeah another one in addition to the economy would be to think about uh the impact on people's psychology in broader society maybe it'll make people happier and societies become more cohesive if there's more beautiful buildings for example yeah nice good um i have a question yes please yeah my problem is that i don't know how to come up with ideas and build the structure of the sentence so it would be nervous for me because i don't know how to build the sentence and put the ideas in the right place so do you have any advice for that um all right i said one thing earlier which was like literally get like a little notebook and you know write down some of these hard questions and then give yourself five to ten minutes to just write down some of your thoughts even if like let's say omar you can't think of anything you just say you know what no maybe governments shouldn't provide any money because i can't like just let the ideas come out um it sounds a little it's a little strange to actually you know do it the first few times but just explore your own ideas uh talk to people about some of these questions i i would say with a lot of these questions there is often an economic angle or a psychological angle good one so what is the economic benefit of art um what is the psychological benefit of art good and you know again maybe just what do you think is good art and you know remember there's different types of art you could say you know da vinci and and you know uh painting is art right or you could say pop music and rock and roll and rap is art how you know which one do you think you know which one do you like and focus on that one yeah i would echo mark there i would i would suggest before your exam sitting quietly with a pen and paper and looking at some of these part three questions and just writing out short little responses and just allowing the ideas to come to you while you're relaxed and again linking them i think that's a really great idea linking them the economy society psychology how do they link to those things there because they always will at least one of them especially especially the economy yes oh yes that's right it's shocking yeah very good um thank you very much omar and good luck with your example excellent thank you all right we might wrap it up there yeah been going a fair while um it's a reality we'll answer some questions yeah we will have some questions and yes it's it's a really good idea i mean the main thing with ideas like reading and writing will actually help develop those and especially i know like you said something omars had a really good point he said how do i generate ideas and how do i put the sentences together and yes as i said i find that when i do writing activities in my own language learning i find that it just comes out a lot more naturally when i can slow down and you know i'm not worried about answering the question um out loud and so i kind of develop my own ideas my own philosophies and then when the test comes i have like a foundation of ideas that i can work from it it sounds really strange i know that you know people like to come to an english class and just get told do this then do this than do this yeah yeah no i agree with you but you know when i was an examiner and and when people would come in and they would get high scores it wasn't because they were taught how to do that you know like they weren't taught here's how you answer a question really effectively it's because they had like beliefs that they could work with nice so you know one thing that as a teacher i often do is i do get the students to write down ideas or you know at the end of a class if we've been doing speaking we have 10 minutes like okay guys just write down what you think or what you talked about and as always i always do say read newspapers are fantastic they're going to give you a lot of ideas that you can play with so yeah if you don't have your own ideas steal them from someone else okay okay on that topic so mark we have a bit of a disagreement about whether you should tell the truth in ielts speaking or not here's what i think before when i saw the task 2 card about sport talk about a sport you would like to learn what i would do is talk about a sport that that i already do and pretend that i would like to learn it do you know what i mean so the first thing that came to my mind was surfing because i like surfing and i would say a sport that i would really like to learn is surfing and here's why because i already have a lot of vocabulary about surfing that i could use but just shift it a little bit and pretend that i don't currently surf but i would like to set how do you feel about that you look you look unhappy with me jay no um like look i i at the end of the day if you have to lie lie but here's the thing like how good are you at surfing i'm all right so you know if you want i would say it might be better to say like look i've done a little bit of surfing but i'd really like to take the time to get really that's a good point like i just think you're gonna actually dig deeper and find ideas um i i generally advise people not to lie if you want to bend that a little bit the truth or you know you could say i'm surfing but i i would really like to try what do they call it like monster wave surfing or big wave surfing with those like 50 foot sorry uh 25 kilometer whatever uh humans huge big waves like pivot the answer to something like that yeah i think that's going to allow you to kind of really get into it and think about this if you're in that test and you say i'd really like to try big wave surfing i can already tell you're probably gonna say something like you know i i've done a lot of surfing and it's been really interesting but i've to be honest i've found it's gotten a little bit uh boring and you know i definitely have that hunger to try you know like you can kind of explain it better good someone's actually got a question here which is relevant to this which is can't do i have to speak exactly on topic in part two or can i deviate slightly like instead of a sport i would like to learn a sport that i would like to get better at is that okay you i mean tech no i mean technically you don't have to talk on topic you absolutely should i would never say go off topic um to get better at i'd say that's reasonable like there's as i was just saying to you it's probably a better answer than to just lie um yeah so i yeah that would be the truth i'm into i'm into that in ielts why not yeah uh okay more a couple more questions um okay here's a good question so in writing abanesh i'm going to answer your question here in writing and particularly yes in writing we talk about how you have to use uh subordinate clauses you have to write complex sentences in fact your grammar has to be very varied in the writing section in order to get a high score that is your sentence structures you can't just write in short simple sentences you need to use compound sentences and some complex sentences and maybe a conditional et cetera in speaking how much do we need to vary our oh sorry very grammar to get a high score it's interesting i see like like i what he says here forcefully include interesting so i would say you want to avoid forcing anything because even though so think of it like this if you force in the grammar it's possibly going to affect your fluency and pronunciation yeah so i would say fluency and pronunciation are kind of the priority because grammar and vocab like on test day where you know you're not gonna magically do better um fluency and pronunciation are gonna suffer if you are trying to be perfect with your grammar every sentence yeah i would say um practice a few things like uh you know again we're talking about surfing whenever i see people on doing big wave surfing i get really excited and i want to try that so a complex grammar more like whenever or if i think is something that you could practice because it kind of makes you reflect in a certain way whenever i all right so yeah whenever i watch uh whenever i see people doing this sport i really want to participate or when i was a kid i would whenever i saw that that's what i wanted to do so i i don't like the idea of forcing it in especially yeah like any specific type of grammar i just like the word if because if kind of pushes you in this sort of uh imaginative direction so if i have more time uh next year i'm hoping to to try more big wave surfing out at belle's beach in the 100-year storm all right um cool i think that's all we have uh for the moment it's nearly 10 30 we've been going for an hour and a half uh cool what can i say well what i can say is this if you're really serious about preparing for your ielts test you should do some speaking mock tests on and get some feedback from some of our experts so as i mentioned before the mock test is really good on the mock tests plural i should say we also have a speaking intensive package that you can sign up for that comes with two speaking mock tests uh i believe the the other packages have uh speaking mock tests in them as well yeah as well as writing feedback that's critical these are things that are really critical for your success um apart from that thank you very much for coming and i hope it was helpful if you hopefully you learned something and yeah thank you everyone yes uh really lovely to have this many enthusiastic people come and join us um hopefully some of you are practicing at home i really wish we could help everybody it's so nice to hear um all these wonderful beautiful voices as well with their different accents i love that so much it's gorgeous yeah and we enjoyed hearing some of your stories it's also you know just nice to hear what you guys are interested in and what you do
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 100,828
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Keywords: ielts, free ielts, ielts speaking, ielts reading, ielts writing, e2language, E2, e2, E2 IELTS, e2 ielts, FREE IELTS, E2 Replay, IELTS Replay, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Reading, IELTS E2, ielts e2, IELTS Help, e2 live class, e2 ielts replay, ielts replay, band 8, band 9, Speaking Practice, practice session, Practice Session, IELTS Speaking Practice, IELTS Speaking Practise, speaking practise, practise session, Topics, ielts topics, tips, Mark, IELTS Practice Class, IELTS Class
Id: jFs-HuGIdxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 34sec (5374 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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