IELTS Listening Practice Test with Answers

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hi i'm mark and in this video we're going to do an ielts listening practice test unlike other listening practice tests that you'll find on the internet after you've attempted the questions in this listening test i'm going to go through the answers with you so that you'll have a better idea of what to do on test day and this is the important part once you've gone through the test and gotten all the answers right or wrong now you're ready to learn you're going to see why you got the right ones right and why you got the wrong ones wrong and that's where the learning happens all right let's kick off the practice test for each question you'll get a little bit of time to prepare and then the audio will play i'll return at the very end of the video after you finish the test where i'll explain the answers to you just like the real ielts exam you're on your own now good luck good afternoon even meetings how can i help oh hello my name's cam and i'm calling about hiring a meeting room certainly let's just check that your date is available before we go any further when did you want to hire the room uh for july oh sorry uh june the 16th right we've got plenty available then excellent now we're a local business and we're planning to just walk from our office to your venue on the day so can i just confirm the location with you yes of course we are level 50 yes in the macquarie building oh isn't that on green road by the lake that's quite a distance from us no no that's the old macquarie building now we are in the city center it's level 16b general road portsville oh would you mind spelling that for me certainly it's g-e-m-b-o-r-o-u-g-h road okay thanks sorry i'm new to the area no problem it's easy to find us we're just beside the cinema about two blocks from the state library got it okay i know the spot that's perfect it's an easy walk from our office great so let me run through a couple of options and we'll work out the best one for your needs perfect so i presume you need space for more than 10 people right yes probably around 30. okay well there are two rooms that would probably suit you one is the governor room our most popular option actually okay and how many can it hold well we just had a meeting yesterday with 15 people but it usually has around 25. we just can't have more than 35 people in there well that sounds fine does it have all the usual things wi-fi projector yes and it's also equipped with its own coffee machine which is probably why it's so popular hmm and the price that one is 445 dollars for the day okay and you said there was another one there's also a state room another good option for you but the maximum capacity is 30 so we might need to check your final numbers before locking that one in ah yes this one has its own restroom attached as well as a kitchen which is quite handy and saves time during breaks that's a good point oh and an interactive whiteboard too if you need that right and is it more expensive than the first room the stateroom is 415 dollars quite a good deal actually it is now prior to your event we just need a few details from you the best way to do this is to complete your confirmation via booking form online i'll send you the link for that that'd be great and then just the day before our manager will give you a ring to sort out keys we usually leave them in our lock box so that you can come and go as you please during the day and you just return them at the end okay then now what else once your meeting is over we do ask that you ensure the table has been wiped down thoroughly oh of course our cleaners will take care of the bathroom and kitchen but any rubbish left behind also needs to be taken out there's a bin around the back that we'll show you on the day all right that'll be fine any laptop or tv cables you use can also just be brought back to the reception on the ground floor okay got it so let me run this by my manager and then i'll give you a call and actually i'm going to be away from tomorrow but i'll give you my colleague's number she'll be able to answer any questions you have her name is jenny arja that's a r j a h and her number is 0231922 thank you so much for all the information you've been a big help hey i'm back and you've just finished part one of four of this ielts listening practice test before we move on to part two i want to tell you about e2's online ielts preparation platform it's a website built specifically for ielts students who need to reach a certain ielts score for university immigration or work visas it has everything an ielts student could ever need and i can't recommend it enough and signing up is super easy just go to and click the start free trial button let's move on to part two but seriously do sign up to e2 test prep it has even more practice questions just like those in this video but better the slide we're looking at now shows foster park as it looks today with the changes that have been made you'll notice too that a lot of the original facilities are still here of course now we've kept all four gates but we've moved the information board it used to be next to the tennis courts but you'll find it now immediately to your left when you enter at the south gate just like before it has details about the park opening hours local wildlife and a little bit about the history of the area a brand new addition is the children's playground if you enter by the west gate keep walking past the path to your left and it's just after the one to your right dogs are not permitted in that section so children can play without any worries for you dog owners never fear we have allocated an off-leash dog zone this is in a fenced off area to the south west of the football field basically in the centre of the park you'll also find plastic bags there to clean up after your pet the tennis courts are in the same spot as always but you'll notice that we've moved the fitness area this used to be just inside the south gate but you'll now find it between the pond and the west gate we think this is a much nicer spot to work out the second last thing i'd like to point out is the new fountain a spectacular addition i'm sure you'll agree from the west gate walk along until you reach the first path and turn left there to reach it and finally you'll need to know where the drinking taps are in case you're thirsty or you want to fill up your drink bottles we decided to put these at the entrance of the south gate on the right hand side as you enter so if you are planning on playing tennis or football you might need to hydrate or fill up your bottles beforehand or you can get a drink on your way out any questions now before you go i just want to fill you in on some of the amazing history of foster park it's actually one of brixton's most popular green open spaces historically the park was used for a wide range of purposes just over a hundred years ago farmers used to graze their cattle and sheep on it it's hard to believe that there used to be animals like that roaming in the middle of the city the only animal you see on it nowadays are dogs oh and interestingly just after world war ii the park was used to house newly arrived immigrants and returning soldiers it was lined with tents and makeshift houses nowadays it's mainly used for sporting events including cricket and football and there's the occasional music festival as well in fact there's one on this weekend the park is also home to a number of buildings and structures including a community centre and a tennis club the community centre was the old caretakers cottage quite a lot of work went into renovating that building but it's great that they've retained almost all of the original building now the tennis club is built on the site of what was an old school unfortunately the school had to be knocked down it was just too old to do up and it was unsafe the tennis club thankfully is brand new and looks amazing the other building that was torn down which was a relief as far as i'm concerned was an old electricity substation it was a terrible looking old building the council had plans to build a shelter shed there one day but not in the near future okay that was part two well done let's get straight into part three hi jamie thanks for coming in today and let me start by saying well done on a really great presentation oh thank you i was actually very impressed with the class overall and i could see you'd put in a lot of work i sure did but i must say it was surprisingly enjoyable that's good now your topic was genetically modified food and the controversy surrounding it on both sides of the political divide that's right so how did you come to settle on this topic was it because of all the articles about gm food in the papers recently i actually felt like the issue has dropped out of the public consciousness lately i haven't seen an article on it in the mainstream media for a long time i do remember that my dad used to get so furious reading all about the plans to expand gm crops and imports i see when i saw that movie by the naturalist ah i forget his name the soil expert i guess that's when i really got interested and my presentation just flowed from there yes i know the one it won several awards so did you know much about gm food prior to your research i thought i was an expert but what i realized through my reading for this presentation was that i'd had a really biased attitude i mean i was only really aware of one half of the argument i never read anything by people who were in favor of gm technology it's obvious now but i don't think i really understood the different views on the matter yes that can happen particularly these days with the way our social media is curated how do you mean well everyone's social media is increasingly personalized the news stories that appear on your facebook feed for instance tend to reflect the political or social views you hold yeah i guess you're right what do we do about that though i mean we can't just disregard everything we see right how do we know which stories to trust only mainstream media it's more a matter of consciousness i would say as long as you understand the way modern marketing and media work and their strategies you can make informed choices about what you read and how far you trust it do remember that mainstream media also has its biases of course that's true now back to your presentation i made notes which i'll send through with your final grade but i'm interested to know how you feel about it were there any areas that you were disappointed in i know you'd been anxious about the technology side of things i was last time i did a presentation for my history subject it was a disaster how so i think i was just way too ambitious with the tech on that occasion i had moving graphics and audio and video and in the end it just distracted from what i really wanted to say that certainly wasn't the case this time though no i think that's what i'm unhappy about i was so put off by the previous experience that i went for just bare bones this time it was very rudimentary really i wish i'd aimed a bit higher well that's something to keep in mind for next time yeah a good lesson i guess so you've just done part three of this ielts listening practice test remember if you're having trouble with any of these questions you can learn e2 strategies at e2 click the link in the description below to get started let's move on now to the final part of this test part 4. thanks to all of you for coming along today to learn more about termites i'm excited to introduce you to these most fascinating insects that are not dissimilar to ants except they're usually white and of course they can destroy your house because they have an insatiable appetite for wood love them or load them termites are certainly one of the most successful insects in the world colonizing everywhere on earth except antarctica i want to start this lecture by discussing where they live their mounds and nests because this is truly fascinating the structure of a mound can be very complicated inside the mound is an extensive system of tunnels and conduits that serve as a type of ventilation system for the nest in order to get good ventilation there's a central shaft that runs right through the middle of the mound where air is pushed down towards the nest if we take a closer look at the central nest structure we can see three main parts each an engineering marvel unto itself right at the top of the nest is stored wood tiny bits and pieces of termite's daily foraging and right in the middle of the nest is a larger oval-shaped cavity called the royal cell like ants termites also have an amazing social hierarchy or social cast including workers soldiers and of course a king and a queen so below that larger cavity are several smaller cigar shapes these are the gallery chambers the shape and size of these depend on the type of termites but these ones here are pretty uniformly cigar shaped i could talk to you all day long about the sophistication of the nest but let's take our focus off the nest now and notice some other features of the ventilation channels you might notice an interesting curvy or wavy outer structure well these are the ridges and they help to regulate the temperature in the nest but the real regulation is done by what you might think of as air conditioning can you see what look like little tubes that run just beneath the outer wall around the entire mound they're the air channels they help with the circulatory flow of air and interestingly they're unidirectional the air follows a strict course around the entire mound so you've just completed this ielts listening practice test but don't go anywhere because i'm now going to explain to you the answers to each question let's start with part one how was part one for you this is the easiest part of the test but as you saw and heard it can be challenging to keep track of where to look and what to listen to let me go through the answers with you now for question 1 we were listening for the name of a road but there was a distractor green road and that's wrong and then the correct answer was mentioned gembra but how do you spell that well the name was then spelled for you for question two we were listening for a type of building or place the answer was cinema not library library was the distractor did you get that for question three we're listening for a number because we're looking at maximum capacity wow there were a lot of numbers given lots of distractors but the key phrase that gives the answer is we just can't have more than 35 people in there that's the maximum capacity so the answer is 35 or 35 people now remember that the instruction says you can write one word and or a number so if you wrote 30 people with two words you would actually get this answer incorrect you need to be very careful in this case you could have written the number 35 which is easiest or the number 35 with the word people for question 4 we're listening for a facility and kitchen is the answer but you must have spelled it correctly then for question five we need a price a number and 415 is mentioned four one five how are you tracking so far you might want to go back and read the transcript if you got any of them wrong by now you've had a taste of distractors and they're the reason why many people fail to get the scores they need in ielts listening if you haven't seen it yet make sure you watch this video on the four types of listening distractors it explains everything you need to know about how these tests are written so that you can avoid making these mistakes you can watch this video at all right question six you need to speak to the manager to arrange what keys not key keys with an s if you missed the plural that s you would get it wrong questions 7 8 and 9 well the table must be cleared no distractor's there but wiped down and cleaned are the synonyms used the rubbish needs to be taken out or removed that's number eight not been not been and the answer to number nine is reception not ground floor all right let's look at the final question for part one again it requires listening to spelling the answer for question 10 is arja a r j a h and here are the ten answers for part 1. pause the video and compare them to your answers let's have a look at the answers to part 2. these were the questions where you had to label a map all right question 11 the information board well it's immediately to your left when you enter at the south gate so the answer is f and there's a distractor there it used to be next to the tennis courts but not anymore question 12 the children's playground well you need to keep walking past the path to your left it's just after the one on your right so it's position b what about the dog zone well this time we need to use the compass directions it's south west of the football field or the bottom left keep that compass in mind the answer here is c not d the answer to question 14 the fitness area is e for question 15 the fountain is in position a this one is pretty straightforward and for question 16 the answer is g the drinking taps are right at the entrance at the south gate on the right hand side as you enter so here are the answers for questions 11 to 16. how did you go with questions 17 to 20. multiple choice and listening can be challenging because you have to read and listen at the same time or should i say read and then listen flashing back and forth between the text and the audio the answer for questions 17 and 18 are b and c or c and b it doesn't matter which order you put them in the two historical uses of the park were for accommodation mentioned when the speaker said just after world war ii the park was used to house newly arrived immigrants and the second answer is c farming because the speaker said farmers used to graze their cattle and sheep on it for questions 19 and 20 the answers are c and d the school and the electrical substation were both demolished knocked down or torn down there are some great synonyms for demolish there pause the video and read the transcript to see why the answers are c and d now i've mentioned synonyms a few times there's a great video over at that covers the use of synonyms in both ielts listening and ielts reading it's a really good video if you want to understand the way these questions are written so you can get them all right check it out at so the answers for 17 and 18 are b or c and c or b again it doesn't matter which order you put them in and then the answers for 19 and 20 are c and d in any order so that was part 2 of 4 for this ielts listening test remember you can learn e2's methods to map labeling and multiple choice questions if you sign up for free at all right part three now the answer for question 21 is a she saw a film about it there were two major distractors where the other answer options were mentioned but then she finally said when i saw that movie by the naturalist i forget his name the soil expert i guess that's when i really got interested question 22 is c this whole part is a rewording or paraphrase of she knew only one side of the argument 23 is b this was complicated but it's pretty clear if you listen again or read the transcript that the professor advises jamie to be aware of the techniques marketers use again pause the video and take a closer look and 24 is b she should have been more ambitious there were also some distractors in there as well one of the difficult things about part three and especially multiple choice is knowing which question you're up to you need to listen carefully for the same word or similar words used in the question prompt and the audio so you know where you're up to this is explained in our live classes and other videos like this that you will find on e2 test prep the answers for questions 21 to 24 are a c b and b and now let's look at the answers to the most challenging part of the test part 4. all right question 25 what is the middle section of the diagram well that's the central shaft it's not a tunnel or a conduit a ventilation system or a nest question 26 is stored wood not just wood and definitely not daily foraging and 27 is royal cell c-e-l-l not s-e-l-l and not cavity question 28 is gallery chambers not gallery chamber singular and not cigar or cigar shapes question 29 is ridges are r-i-d-g-e-s with an s on the end not ventilation channels and question 30 is air channels not air channel singular or air conditioning or little tubes or circulatory flow well done you've just finished an ielts listening practice test with us here at e2 isn't it so much easier when you have a teacher with you to go through the answers afterwards and show you where the mistakes were hopefully you found that helpful remember to click like and subscribe to this channel for more great videos and now let's check your results so how did you go what's your score out of 30 and what's your estimated ielts listening band score let me know in the comments below and while you're there share this video with your friends on facebook or whatsapp groups i'm sure they'll find it useful too cool so that's it remember for more help including writing feedback and speaking mock tests as well as high quality practice questions sign up for free at or click the link in the description below my name is mark and i'll see you soon [Music] you
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Keywords: IELTS Listening Practice Test, IELTS Listening Practise Test, IELTS Listening Mock Test, IELTS Listening Exam, ielts for listening, ielts, IELTS, ielts listening, IELTS Listening, ielts listening score band, ielts listening score, ielts listening test, the ielts listening test, e2 ielts, E2 IELTS, IELTS Listening Practice Test with answers, IELTS Listening Practise Test with Answers, E2, E2 Test Prep, E2Language, Practice Test, Test, Practice, Mock, Exam, listening ielts practice test
Id: v3axTdVoYkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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