IELTS Full Mock Test

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okay the video that you're about to see is five hours long and is that long because i'm going to take you through every single question in a complete ielts mock test i'm going to explain each question type to you you'll have an opportunity to answer the question for yourself then i'll explain the answers to you now you can complete this mock test just by watching this video which is fine but if you'd like to simulate test day conditions i highly recommend using this this is a fillable test book that includes every single question in this video and an answer sheet to fill in as you go this test book is free all you need to do is download it by clicking the link in the description below this video you can print it out like this if you want or you can type your answers into the pdf on a computer it's fillable i'm going to be referring to this as we go throughout the entire video good luck if you've never taken the ielts before don't worry this video simulates test day experience and i'll teach you everything you need to know so you're a hundred percent ready if you have taken the ielts before then this video is going to show you where you've been going wrong and how you can improve to get the scores you need so you can take this test just by watching this video that's fine or as i mentioned you can download the fillable test book and answer sheets before we get started with the listening test let me explain what's coming up so this is a full ielts mock test it's for academic and general training candidates we're going to do all four sections it's going to be the same level of difficulty as the actual ielts test we're going to start with listening then do reading then writing task 2 then you'll split into either academic writing task 1 or general writing task 1 and we'll finish with speaking we'll look at overviews scoring and answer explanations as we go and we'll finish up with an analysis of your scores and the next steps that you need to take an analysis of your score at the end is critical because it'll show you if you're ready to take the ielts or not and if not what you'll need to work on and how so by watching this video not only will you gain a full understanding of all parts of the ielts and learn some amazing tips and strategies you'll also know exactly what to do with your mock test scores when you get them at the end okay this will be fun so you might want to share this video with your friends on social media all right let's kick it off with ielts listening all right let me give you a very quick overview of the listening section so ielts listening has four parts there are 10 questions per part so there are 40 questions in total this test also gets progressively harder as you go and of course there are various question types at the end of this listening test you're going to have a score out of 40 okay then you can turn that raw score into an ielts listening score let me show you how so if you get a score of 33 for example that's the equivalent of an ielts 7.5 for listening and we're going to revisit these scores at the end so you know what your score is as mentioned there are four parts in ielts listening and in each part there are two or three sets of questions so we're going to go through the test one set of questions at a time i'll explain what you have to do for each set of questions then you'll do them and then i'll explain the answers if that doesn't make sense don't worry i'm going to take you through it all here we go part one questions one to three form completion so in front of you you will see a form with gaps you're going to have to listen very carefully and fill these gaps with one word and or a number you can see the example question here so you could write the word three or you could write the number three ready let's do it before the audio begins i'm going to give you some time to familiarize yourself with these questions hi this is vista view real estate you're speaking with marie how can i help you today hi marie i'm looking for a house to rent for me and my family okay well you've come to the right place we have quite a few available at the moment including some new listings but let's start with your name my name's andre peterson okay andre how many bedrooms are you looking for well we need three there are four of us in the family my wife and i and our two daughters my daughters won't mind sharing a room okay we have a number of properties that might be suitable whereabouts do you want to live well we've had a look around at some suburbs on the outskirts of the city but it would be great to be quite central both my wife and i work in the city so it would be more convenient for both of us hmm that could be difficult let me see it looks like we only have a three bedroom apartment in that area would that interest you no i don't think so we need an outdoor area for our daughters so an apartment won't suit us okay then you'll need to be a little further out tell me what's your budget for rent around two hundred dollars per month okay so that's about uh five hundred and fifty dollars per week that's right though i could push it to five hundred and eighty dollars a week but no higher than that okay we can find something quite nice for that amount rent prices have dropped recently which is good oh i'm glad they were getting quite expensive they sure were so how long are you hoping to rent the property for i know that the typical lease is for two years but i have a job contract for three years so i would like a lease for the full duration of my contract and i'm not interested in a single year lease i understand i'm sure that will be fine and how soon do you plan to move in as soon as possible really november 10th would be ideal my new job starts just a week later okay how did you go with questions one two three let's go through the answers okay so where are we looking we're looking at preferred location because she says whereabouts do you want to live which means the same thing then he says it would be great to be quite central so the answer to number one is in the central area of the city you may have been distracted by two words here outskirts or convenient they would be incorrect question number two we're looking at maximum weekly rent she says what is your budget for rent he says 580 dollars a week but no higher than that that's his maximum weekly rent so the answer for number two is the number 580 580 you may have been distracted by 2 200 per month or when she said 550 per week you need to be careful of distractors here we're looking at lease length preferred the woman said so how long are you hoping to rent the property for in other words she's talking about the lease and then he actually says the word lease now the answer is three years he said i have a job contract for three years so i would like a lease for the full duration of my contract can you see that now you may have been distracted by two years or single year both of these answers are wrong now be very careful because the instruction said that we could write one word and or a number so you cannot write two words if you wrote three years with two words this would be considered wrong even though the information is actually correct you need to write the number three and then the word years so the answers are number one central number two 580 is a number number three three years a number and a word let's now fill in our answer sheet if you're taking the paper-based ielts test remember that you'll have 10 minutes at the end of the entire listening test to fill in your answer sheet but we're going to fill in the answer sheet as we go so you know exactly what you have to write into those gaps so here's what your answer sheet should look like if you haven't downloaded the fillable textbook and answer sheet just yet please do it because we're going to use it not just for listening but also for reading writing and speaking okay let's do questions four to eight this is table completion so this is pretty similar to note completion that we just did again you'll need to fill the gaps with one word and or a number make sure you read that instruction very carefully on test day now you get some time before the audio begins to analyze this question what you want to do first is follow the numbers so it's 4 5 6 7 8. this will also be in the same order as the audio so you want to work through the table from left to right and top to bottom you'll now have some time to familiarize yourself with this table before the audio begins let me tell you about what we've got there's one at 47 craig street it's a three bedroom that's been recently renovated it has a single bathroom and they're asking five hundred and seventy dollars per week oh i ideally we'd like two bathrooms there are four of us fair enough this one at 36 cleveland is quite large it actually has four bedrooms a lovely lounge and dining as well as two bathrooms that sounds good how much is it it's within your budget it also has a double garage and a large garden too hmm off street parking sounds good but i don't like the sound of too much gardening work we won't really have time to look after it a small one would be good though we have an older house on the edge of town on hill street with three bedrooms and two bathrooms it's a two story and quite large it has a small but lovely backyard and it's not too far from the bus station but i must admit that it's in a very hilly area the driveway is particularly steep oh that might not be too bad how much is the rent for that one well it's 480 dollars per week down from five hundred dollars per week hmm anything else well the last option is a small two bedroom house with a study it has a lovely layout with an open lounge and dining room the kitchen is a bit old but it's quite functional and the whole house has been recently painted the garden is small it's in market street just off the main street it's 520 per week that sounds like a good option okay how did you go with table completion let's go through the answers and hopefully you didn't get distracted okay so we're looking at question number four and we're starting on craig street we're looking at possible problems and the start of the question says only one something we know that we need a noun here and the problem with craig street is that it only has a single bathroom and the man says ideally we'd like two bathrooms so the answer for number four is bathroom one word for question number five we're talking about cleveland street we're also looking at a possible problem or problems for question number five it says the something is too big the woman says it has a double garage and a large garden the man says i don't like the sound of too much gardening work we won't really have time to look after it so the answer for number five is garden now hopefully you weren't distracted by parking or the word gardening which would be considered incorrect okay we're now listening for hill street and again we're going to listen to a possible problem and also for question number seven the weekly rent so if we look at question six it says the road to the house the road to the house is to what what's a road to the house well that's a driveway and the woman says the driveway is particularly steep hopefully you wrote the word steep and not the word hilly which was a distractor the area is hilly the driveway is steep now the weekly rent was four hundred and eighty dollars four eight zero there's already a dollar sign so you don't need to write the dollar sign and hopefully you weren't distracted by the number 500 because the rent has come down from 500 to 480 so the answer there is 480. for question number eight we're listening for the name of the street and towards the end of what the woman says she says it's in market street just off the main street so main street there was a distractor the answer is market street okay so the possible answers there are market with a capital m or market with uppercase letters so here's what your answer sheet should look like for questions four to eight now in ielts listening when you write your answer i recommend that you write your answers all in uppercase letters it's just much easier okay let's do questions nine and ten this is multiple choice and if we look carefully at it it says which two after-school programs does high-field grammar offer that means that you have to select two answer options before the audio begins i'll give you a little bit of time to familiarize yourself with these answer options can you tell me about the primary schools in the area my daughters are in years three and five yes there are three schools within walking distance there's groveland primary high field grammar and maten state do these schools offer any after school activities my wife and i tend to work quite late on weekdays yes they all do let me see ah here it is so all of the schools offer a swimming program ah groveland primary and maintenance state have an after-school chess club if your daughters are into that oh they do like chess that could be good maten state offers french language classes as well as tennis and badminton while highfield grammar and groveland primary do not they both teach after-school physics and chemistry classes though which could be fun my daughters are good at math but they're not really into science i'm afraid do any of the schools offer painting or drawing by any chance doesn't look like it they might next semester so should i show you some photos of the house okay how did you go did you select two hopefully you did let's check the answers so the answers here are d and e science and swimming so we're listening specifically for which after school programs high field grammar offers not the other schools so we're listening specifically for this school's after-school programs right at the start the woman says all of the schools offer a swimming program hopefully you got that one there were also some distractors here because she mentioned chess club he mentioned chess she mentioned french but that was from matan state she also mentioned tennis and badminton or racket sports but again this was not for high field grammar then she talks about the physics and chemistry classes what can be thought of as science classes it does say that high field grammar offers science or physics and chemistry classes so hopefully you got d then there were some more distractors because the man says math as well as painting and drawing which could be considered art but the answers there are d and e so on your answer sheet for questions 9 and 10 you can write d and e or you can write e and d it doesn't matter which order you write these in alright fantastic you've just done part one of ielts listening how did you go please let us know in the comments below and also click that subscribe button for great ielts videos every single week let's now do part two okay so part two this is questions 11 to 16 and again we're doing multiple choice so questions 11 to 16 it says choose two letters a to e before the audio begins i'm going to give you some time to familiarize yourself with these questions hi everybody welcome to ace gym we're excited to officially open today and to welcome you as the first of our valued employees i'm sure we'll all have lots of fun working together my name is janice as you can see ace gym is a brand new purpose-built facility mind you because we're opening ahead of schedule there's still a bit of building development going on as you will see our squash courts are still under construction so anyone wanting to play will have to use the tennis courts instead and over the next few days you'll have to instruct people to take the stairs because our lift hasn't been properly installed yet also keep in mind that the pool is off limits until we fix the water pump which some people will find disappointing but the sauna and steam rooms are still accessible so there are still plenty of things for people to do what else oh most of our classes are starting today which is exciting and many of you will be involved in teaching them we've got a healthy number of sign ups already and we're looking forward to seeing you all in action yoga and spin classes are starting in a few hours alex and simon i believe you'll be taking those classes there have been quite a few inquiries about next week's boxing classes michael i hope you're well prepared for those and paula we have six people signed up for your dancing lesson this afternoon and lastly the active seniors classes with michelle will begin later in the week too they should be lots of fun ah let's see oh yes bryce our new marketing manager has organized a series of promotional radio interviews we've asked jenna our new general manager to speak to 4kw next week about the various classes we have available including our grid strength and body combat sessions and david will be in the spotlight too to promote our weight loss program before the end of the month next month we'll be promoting our pregnancy classes as well as our meditation and pilates classes we expect all of these classes to be very well subscribed to as they're popular at nearby gyms at the same time we'll also do some advertising where we'll target new mothers about infant water safety and why these classes are so important cool how did you go with these ones multiple choice can actually be pretty tricky i mean it's a straightforward question type but you have to actually sort of read and listen at the same time if you want practice then check out our live classes on e2 test prep click the link in the description below okay so questions 11 and 12. the answers are b elevator and e swimming pool let me explain why so we're listening for which two facilities are currently unavailable or not available at the gym the speaker says because we're opening ahead of schedule there's still a bit of building development going on then she says our squash courts are still under construction or unavailable but there's actually no squash courts in the answer options there is however tennis courts which is a distractor then she says you'll have to instruct people to take the stairs because our lift hasn't been properly installed yet in other words it's unavailable so lift and elevator are synonyms so therefore the answer is b then she says keep in mind the pool is off limits off limits is a synonym for unavailable or not available so swimming pool e is also the correct answer then there was another two distractors she says sauna and steam rooms are still accessible so that's incorrect so remember that on your answer sheet you can write 11b 12e or you can write 11e12 b for questions 13 and 14 which two classes will run today be very careful with this it's not tomorrow it's not next week or next month which two classes are running today okay so she says yoga and spin classes are starting in a few hours so that's today and we have for option d yoga so that's the correct answer there then there's a distractor she says there have been quite a few inquiries about next week's boxing classes michael so boxing is incorrect because it's not happening today then she says we have six people signed up for your dancing lesson this afternoon that's today so dancing and dance is synonymous or different word forms so the answer there is e dance then we have a distractor where she says the active seniors classes with michelle will begin later in the week too so that's not today so the answers are d and e here for questions 15 and 16 we're listening for which two classes will be advertised next month so she says grit strength and body combat sessions and then she says the weight loss program will be advertised at the end of the month so not next month at the end of this month so they are actually incorrect they're distractors then she says next month we'll be promoting our pregnancy classes that's also a distractor as well as our meditation and pilates classes so if we look in the list we can see meditation classes so that's correct d meditation now further along she says at the same time in other words next month we'll also do some advertising where we'll target new mothers about infant water safety and that is in fact a so the answers here are a and d so this is what you would write on your answer sheet remember the answers can come in any order all right how are you going so far we're almost halfway through the listening test make sure you click that like button question 17 to 20 map completion so on test day you might see a map that looks like this this one's kind of interesting because it's showing the different floors of the gym it actually has three floors or three different levels so it's a little bit different to the types of maps that you usually see what you have to do is listen very carefully as she explains the different areas of the gym and you kind of need to follow her through her explanation what you need to do is identify where the swimming pool is where the training rooms are where the tennis courts are and where the shop is so next to the numbers you're going to be writing a single letter so for example number 17 the swimming pool is that a b c d e f or g where's the swimming pool now just as a little tip before the audio begins you'll be starting at the entrance and this is typical to all map completion questions they'll always tell you from where you'll need to begin before the audio begins i'll give you a little bit of time to familiarize yourself with this map now from time to time you will be stationed at the reception desk here on the bottom floor of the building just opposite the entrance this is where you'll greet our visitors and deal with any inquiries before taking them on a tour you'll need to take them on a full circuit of the building including all three floors and i'll explain this to you now so from the reception desk stop at the bottom of the first flight of stairs and show the visitors the swimming pool you might want to mention that it is heated and opens at 6am daily once you make your way to level 2 via the stairs point out the sauna and steam rooms these are a great selling point as many people enjoy using them after their workouts after climbing the next flight of stairs take the visitors into the weights area which is a separate room just at the top of the stairs many people who are into bodybuilding often want to take a good look inside as you walk out of the weights room and across the top floor you'll see all of our training rooms for pump spin boxing yoga and so on it's quite a large space visitors may want to meet and have a quick chat to the trainers so please be prepared for that once you've taken the visitors through the training rooms take them to the walkway that joins to a separate building and our squash courts which as i mentioned earlier are still under construction so for the time being please don't take them across the walkway the tour should then take the visitors down the left where you can stop on the second floor to show the visitors the tennis courts if they're interested or you can continue to the ground floor where the elevators open revealing the store where we sell our merchandise and health food products while you're there don't forget to point out the change rooms which are next door and then you can return to the reception to get their details and hopefully sign them up okay terrific i think we all have a good idea of the building and where everything is does anyone have any questions okay how did you go with this one as you can see or as you can hear the test is getting a little bit harder it gets harder and harder and these map completion questions can be pretty tricky if you want extra practice or if you want to find out really how to do them check out the methods lesson on e2 test prep which is available in a range of packages okay so we're listening for where the swimming pool is and because you started at the entrance and then the woman says stop at the bottom of the first flight of stairs and show the visitors the swimming pool so the answer must be e 17 e we're now listening for where the training rooms are and the woman says as you walk out of the weights room which is a and across the top floor you'll see all of our training rooms for pump spin boxing yoga and so on it's quite a large space so the answer for number 18 is b okay so we're now listening for where the tennis courts are and she says the tour should then take the visitors down the lift where you can stop on the second floor to show the visitors the tennis courts so really here we're listening for the lift and we know that we're on the second floor near the lift so the answer for 19 is d that's where the tennis courts are we're now listening for where the shop is and the woman says continue to the ground floor or the first floor where the elevators open revealing the store which is a synonym for the word shop where we sell our merchandise and health food products so we know that we're in front of the lift on the first floor the answer for number 20 is f okay how did you go with that one it's a pretty tricky one if you have any questions feel free to put them into the comments below let's look at the next set of questions okay we're now up to listening part three you're going to hear different speakers and they're going to be speaking about a different topic we're up to questions 21 to 26 and these are sentence completion questions so sentence completion questions are pretty straightforward you're going to be listening very carefully and you're going to be completing the sentence with a word or two words and or a number that the speaker says importantly you're not going to change the word in any way the word is going to come directly from what the speaker says into the gap now make sure that you read the instruction again carefully it says write no more than two words and or a number on test day and on the question booklet that hopefully you've downloaded you might want to underline keywords in the question so that you know where you're up to remember that the question order and the audio follow the same order or same sequence before the audio begins i'm going to give you some time to familiarize yourself with each of these questions so ben you want some help with your presentation right yes i'd really appreciate your help may thanks so much i'm going to talk about van gogh the artist great he's certainly famous so you'll speak about his most famous works i sure will there are so many though most of them are clustered around the end of the 1880s for example i really like the potato eaters that one was from 1888 all right what was significant about that one well at that time he was still using a dark palette he used lots of somber earthy tones and lots of dark brown i think it was his earliest major piece a group of people are sitting around a table in a dark room and there is a single light source above the table it really harks back to the work of the early dutch masters it has a kind of intimacy about it and another one i've always liked van gogh's chair and bedroom and als they were both from the same year 1889 in fact this was a series when he started using brighter colors which was pretty common at the time but it was also during this time that his work began to show some unique influences such as the thick brush strokes that are so characteristic of his paintings oh that's interesting isn't it i hadn't noticed yeah there was a whole series like this painted when he was living at the yellow house in al's in france they say he rented the house and had grand plans for it he wanted to set up an artist's colony gauguin lived there for a year or so you know gigan right he spent a few years working in tahiti ah yes i learned about him in school did you know that he was basically unknown until after his death he was so experimental i can imagine why people didn't like his work at the time but i like his work a lot i love the way he plays with colors but back to van gogh he painted sunflowers during that period living in orals didn't he yes that's right that's one of his most famous works another is starry night it's a little bit later it's from 1889 and honestly it's my favorite while most people like the bright blue and yellow colors and swirls i'm actually a fan of the texture of the paint it almost looks like a night sky is that painting from when he was living in an asylum yes right that was from the period after his mental health deteriorated such a sad life in the end but i guess i should stick to the paintings his mental health issues were certainly sad but i think what was particularly sad was that he was undiscovered during his lifetime oh i couldn't agree more that's the real tragedy okay how did you go with that one this one can be again pretty tricky because you're kind of listening and reading at the same time let's go through the answers and i'll explain them question 21 the potato eaters which must be the name of a painting remind the man of art pieces by the what now if we listen very carefully he says it really harks back to the work of the early dutch masters remember that we can only use two words so we're going to ignore the word early and we're going to just use the words the dutch masters or dutch masters there are different possible answers here you could write dutch masters both with the capital letter at the beginning or dutch with the capital letter and masters in lowercase as i recommend you should write the entire thing in capital letters which looks like this all right question number 22 the man thinks van gogh's use of what makes his work distinct now there was a distractor here because he said in fact this was a series when he started using brighter colors which is tempting but then he says which was pretty common at the time that contradicts with makes his work distinct so brighter colors is actually incorrect then he says during this time that his work began to show some unique influences which is also a distractor but that does correspond to making his work distinct he finally says thick brush strokes now just be careful here because you need the adjective thick if you just wrote the word brush strokes it would be considered incorrect you need that additional information and we can write two words so thick brush strokes is correct and also be careful because if you wrote brush stroke singular not plural it would be considered incorrect as well you must have written brush strokes question number 23 apparently van gogh established ah what for other artists well there were a few distractors here it said he was living at the yellow house that's incorrect they say he rented the house that's also incorrect finally it says he wanted to set up or establish an artist's colony so colony for number 23 is the correct word just be careful because if you wrote artist colony or artist colony with different apostrophes or artist colony it would be wrong why look very carefully can you see that little indefinite article it's already there established ah therefore we can't have the word artist because that starts with a vowel so we're just looking for colony there question number 24 the woman mentioned that the golgan was what with his use of colors we're going to need an adjective here so if we listen very carefully may says ah yes i learned about him in school did you know that he was basically unknown well that's a distractor he wasn't unknown with his use of colors that doesn't make sense then she says he was so experimental then at the end there she says i love the way he plays with or is experimental with colors so the answer for 24 is experimental and plays with is a kind of synonym there okay question number 25 the man likes starry night the name of a painting because of the what of the paint we're listening here for a noun the something now there was a very big distractor there hopefully you did not write the word swirls i'm sure some of you did that's okay that's why we're practicing the answer is in fact texture i'm actually a fan he says of the texture of the paint by the way i hate to tell you this if you got that word texture right but you spelled it incorrectly you wouldn't get the point okay you need to spell the words correctly as well okay question number 26 the students agree it is sad that van gogh remained what while alive we're going to need an adjective here now she says what was particularly sad that's the incorrect answer that's a distractor was that he was undiscovered that's the correct answer for 26 undiscovered one word spelled like this so your answers should look like this and remember you don't need a printer you can type directly into the downloadable answer sheet okay let's finish up part three with questions 27 to 30. these are matching questions which can be a bit confusing okay so the first thing you want to do here is read the question right at the top it says what is the key information that should go into each section of the presentation now you can see for 27 28 29 and 30 it also says section 1 section 2 section 3 section 4. so the two students are going to be talking about the structure of their presentation or the plan for the presentation in other words in section 1 what are they going to talk about early life power of his art period in france major works or mental health for section 2 what are they going to talk about a b c d or e what you need to write next to 27 28 29 and 30 are the letters or one letter before the audio begins i'll give you a little bit more time to familiarize yourself with this question okay why don't we look at your overall structure now yes all right i'm going to start at the beginning with his birth in march of 1853 and let me interrupt you there i suggest that you start your talk with his most famous paintings that way he'll engage your audience right from the outset then as you are talking later they'll still have some of those famous pieces in their minds oh i see okay and then i'd probably talk about his early experiences as an adult in arles in france you know his relationship with his brother and with other artists yes that was certainly an interesting part of his life as i mentioned he had dreams of a group of painters living and working together and taking inspiration from each other but that didn't work out when do you think i should talk about the fact that he didn't become famous or successful during his lifetime it's so interesting that his fame came posthumously isn't it he certainly had a difficult life but you might want to put that in after talking about childhood his birth his relationship with his parents his education and so on yes that's all worth mentioning there were several artists in his family and he had five siblings he spent much of his life at boarding school and he hated it that links in nicely with the psychological issues he battled with yes i'm sure people would be intrigued with his mind and his stranger behaviors but i think i'd rather frame this section a little differently how so well instead of just talking about his mental health maybe i could link it in somehow to what shines through in his art i'd like to finish off by discussing the profundity of his art yes that sounds really moving i like it me too thank you so much for your ideas so as you can see and here this question type is kind of confusing what i recommend you do is good quality practice questions before test day you can do that on e2 test prep click the link in the description below go and sign up okay so we're listening for 27 section 1 what information is going to go into section 1 what's the plan for the presentation the answer is d he's going to start by talking about van gogh's major works now there was a distractor right at the beginning ben says yes all right i'm going to start at the beginning with his birth in march of 1853 and then may interrupts him and says let me interrupt you there i suggest that you start your talk with his most famous paintings in other words major works so 27 d so what goes into section 2 then well may says and then i'd probably talk about his early experiences as an adult in alice in france this is c period in france maybe you got distracted here and wrote a early life but it's not early life it's early experiences as an adult can you see how that's different 29 section 3 is a early life mae says he certainly had a difficult life hopefully you weren't distracted by that then she says but you might want to put that in after talking about childhood his birth his relationship with his parents his education and so on so that's all of the stuff related to his early life 29 a and section four how are they going to finish off the plan for the presentation well the answer here is b power of his art and there was a good distractor there it kind of led you to believe that he was going to talk about his mental health but then he changes his mind he says i'm sure people would be intrigued with his mind and his strange behaviors and then later on he also says something about mental health but then he says i'd like to finish off by discussing the profundity or the power of his art okay so into your answer sheet you should have written this if you're finding this mock test tricky or you just want extra practice before test day then go to e2 test prep e2 will help you pass your ielts first time or give you the help you need with one or two sections you'll find practice questions written by examiners based on real test questions and methods video lessons that give you everything you need to know for high ielts scores you can sign up and join the 1.5 million other e2 students who got the scores they needed okay we're now up to part four this is where it starts to get pretty challenging and on test day this is where you start to get a little bit fatigued so you really do need to concentrate come on let's do it let's do questions 31-33 this is multiple choice but it's a bit different to the ones that we've seen previously so with these multiple choice questions we're just selecting a single answer choose a b or c before the audio begins i'll give you some time to familiarize yourself with these questions hi everybody my name's tim friday and i'm a medical entomologist it's great to be back on campus here at brisbane university to deliver another public health lecture today i'm going to talk to you about mosquito bites not just about how much of a nuisance they are but how they can make us sick if we're not careful and i'm sure the mosquitoes will be loving the wet weather the entire east coast of australia has had recently mosquitoes naturally increase their population in spring especially when there's lots of water lying around for them to complete their breeding cycles it's an opportune time to give your backyard a once-over and turn over any container that has been collecting water mosquito larvae are commonly found in bird baths uncovered rainwater tanks pop plant sources and even brand new roof guttering if it's not installed correctly of course neglected swimming pools can become a prolific breeding ground for mosquitoes too not to mention natural receptacles like tree hulls puddles and nearby ponds so what types of mosquitoes are found in australia the answer that question is a lot the most common mosquito is a silent spotty little thing called a mansonia uniformis it's very likely that every australian has been bitten by this mosquito at some point in their lives another very common backyard mosquito is a white striped mosquito called the qlx astralicus it's typically found in the northern sub-tropical and tropical parts of australia there are actually hundreds of varieties of mosquitoes found right across australia and of course thousands across the world about 3500 to be precise but there are only a handful that exist in australian backyards despite the small numbers these mosquitoes pose a major issue for the nation's public health as we all know mosquitoes need blood to survive and when they bite it's possible that they spread pathogens that can make us sick the problem isn't the bite you see the problem is that the mosquito may have bitten something or someone else prior to biting you and then spread any blood-borne disease dengue is by far the most common mosquito-borne disease globally the mosquito that spreads it is called the aedes egypti as this mosquito is not widespread in australia the risks are limited to the northeast of the country and transmission only occurs when these viruses are introduced by an infected traveler ross river and the balmer forest viruses on the other hand are responsible for most mosquito disease-borne infections more than 10 000 cases are reported each year across the country with balmer forest making up a slightly greater percentage although outbreaks of ross river virus have become increasingly common in metropolitan areas which is a real concern how did you go again it's kind of difficult to listen and read at the same time you'll notice that your mind can't do both at the same time you sort of have to quickly read and then listen quickly read listen quickly read listen move through the questions like this so 31 mosquitoes can multiply in uncared for that's the critical part of this question prompt uncared for is it roof gutters swimming pools or rainwater tanks now the speaker says mosquito larvae are commonly found in bird baths uncovered rainwater tanks that's not uncared for just uncovered and then he says brand new roof guttering that's not uncared for and finally he says neglected swimming pools can become a prolific breeding ground for mosquitoes in other words mosquitoes can multiply in uncared for swimming pools can you see the synonymous language there the language that means the same thing but is said in slightly different ways question 32 how many varieties of mosquito are found in and around australian homes that's the critical part of this question because the speaker says there are actually hundreds of varieties of mosquitoes found right across australia that's wrong and of course thousands across the world three and a half thousand to be precise that's wrong they're both distractors then he says but there are only a handful can you see that see a few a handful that exist in australian backyards despite the small numbers these mosquitoes blah blah blah the answer there is c number 33 which is the most common mosquito related disease in australia dengue ross river obama forest right at the start there's quite a lot of information about dengue but it's not talking about australia it mentions australia but it's not saying it's the most common mosquito related disease in australia then later on ross river and barma forest are mentioned together finally the speaker says more than 10 000 cases are reported each year across the country with barmah forest making up a slightly greater percentage so which is the most common mosquito related disease in australia see bum forest finally there was another distractor about ross river at the end you can see that in multiple choice especially towards the end of the test there in parts three and four you really need to have the question understood you need to understand the question when you're listening you're really listening for the answer to that question don't be distracted what is the answer to the specific question that was asked on the answer sheet you should write this okay we're up to the last set of questions here questions 34 to 40 and we're going to complete a flowchart all right so we're looking at the life cycle of a mosquito let's look at the numbers here because that's the order of the audio and the order of the questions so you can see 34 35 36 37 38 39 and 40. so we're going to be moving down and across now importantly the instruction says that we can write no more than two words and or a number for each answer okay so we can write one word two words one word and a number or two words and a number or just a number before the audio begins i'll give you some time to familiarize yourself with the life cycle of a mosquito and what you're going to hear pay attention to the key words here now i'd like to turn your attention to the mosquito life cycle have you ever wondered what the life of a mosquito is like well a mosquito basically goes through four individual stages it first lives as an egg then a larva then a pupa and finally as an adult as i mentioned female mosquitoes look for stagnant water or even damp soil that will soon be soggy with water in which to lay their eggs for some mosquito species the eggs float on the surface of stagnant water and stick together to form a sort of raft each mosquito egg raft can contain up to 200 individual eggs other species simply lay single eggs some eggs are left all winter before hatching however most mosquito eggs hatch within 48 hours mosquito eggs eventually hatch into mosquito larvae these larvae live in the same water where the eggs were laid and come to the surface to breathe some species of mosquito larvae are equipped with siphon tubes for breathing while others attach to plants to get necessary air this is quite an extraordinary feat for an insect that is barely mobile microorganisms in the water become the mosquito lava's main form of sustenance while the larvae eaten live they shed their skins four times to grow larger and after the fourth malt the larva becomes a pupa during the pupil stage mosquito pupa stop eating and no longer molt however they do still move and respond to changes in the light during this resting stage of development the mosquito pupil stage is very similar to when a caterpillar is in a cocoon during its transformation into a butterfly inside the pupa a fully grown mosquito is developing most mosquito species only stay in the pupil stage for about two days during the warmth of the summer at the end of this metamorphosis the skin of the pupa splits to allow an adult mosquito to emerge after the new adult mosquito emerges it takes some time to rest on the surface of the water this gives it time to dry and allows its new body parts to harden this is a necessary step because in order for the mosquito to be able to fly it has to allow its wings to fully spread out and dry new adult mosquitoes begin feeding on blood and mating just a couple of days after they emerge then they lay eggs and the life cycle begins again all right let's look at the answers now this was of course the hardest set of questions all right so question 34 females search for still water or something to lay eggs well it says female mosquitoes look for stagnant water still water or even damp soil that is the correct answer there and you need the adjective damp damp soil two words is correct question number 35 most eggs hatch inside now i bet you were listening for a location but remember that prepositions can also talk about time so inside time inside two hours for example the answer here is 48 hours it says most mosquito eggs hatch within 48 hours and here we needed a number and a word and the synonym was actually a preposition within and inside mean the same thing all right question number 36 some love a siphon oxygen while others attach to what we're going to need a noun and we're probably going to need a plural noun if we listen carefully to the audio it says some species of mosquito larvae are equipped with siphon tubes for breathing while others attach to plants to get necessary air you can see the synonyms air and oxygen you can also see the keywords siphon and siphon tubes so the answer to 36 is plants plural with an s on the end number 37 main form of nourishment are what we're going to need a plural noun again and if we listen carefully it said microorganisms in the water become the mosquito lava's main form of sustenance sustenance and nourishment are synonyms here so the answer for 37 is microorganisms now possible answers may include microorganisms one word or microorganisms with a hyphen or micro space organisms two words would also be accepted again i recommend writing your answers in capital letters now we're listening for the pupil stage and this stage only had one question question 38 it said during development they move and react to something alterations okay we're kind of listening for an adjective form here so the speaker said they do still move and respond to changes in the light changes in the light light alterations the answer for 38 is light here we go the last two questions were in the adult stage of the flow chart 39 said something dries and strengthens we're going to need a noun and if you listen carefully it said this gives it time to dry and allows its new body parts to harden now the answer could not be body parts because then it would say body parts dries and strengthens so we can't use the word parts here but we can use the word body so one answer option that is correct would be body dries and strengthens or you could have written new body dries and strengthens both would be considered correct all right let's do the final question now question 40 something eventually on furl we need a plural noun for number 40. and what unfurls well in order for the mosquito to be able to fly it has to allow its wings to fully spread out and dry so spread out and unfurl a synonyms the answer to number 40 is wings so your answers for questions 34 to 40 should look like this on the answer sheet okay so here are all the answers to the listening section pay careful attention to questions 9 to 16 because you could have written for example in number 9 d or e and then in number 10 d or e in either order it doesn't matter pay attention also to question 37 you could have written microorganisms as one word or two words or with a hyphen and number 39 you could have written the word body or new body both would be considered correct and finally pay careful attention to plural nouns so for number three it's three as a number and then years with an s and number 21 dutch masters with an s number 22 thick brush strokes with an s and number 40 wings with an s well done you've just done a proper full ielts listening test how did it feel was it hard let us know in the comments below let's now calculate your listening score okay so what is your raw score out of 40 and what is your estimated ielts band score let us know in the comments below how you went okay so my final big tip for listening is this prepare properly as we saw some of those question types look pretty confusing and you don't want to be confused on test day on test day your job is to listen very very carefully and not daydream so if you want to find out what those questions look like how to do them check out e2 test prep by the way if you want to save this video you can click the little save button and come back to it later to do the reading section which we're doing next all right ielts reading okay you're now up to the reading section of the test fantastic this will take well over an hour so make sure you have a drink with you i want you to treat it like the real test before we get started i want to explain how the scoring works because it's going to be different for academic and general candidates okay so here are the raw scores out of 40 and you'll notice that there are two columns one for general and one for academic so if you're an ielts general student and you score 30 out of 40 that's the equivalent of an ielts 7.5 if you're an ielts academic student and you score 30 out of 40 well that's the equivalent score of a seven so it's going to be a little bit harder for academic candidates okay let me give you a quick overview of ielts reading just so you know what to expect so ielts reading has three sections there'll be 40 questions in total and there'll be various question types and you'll have 60 minutes to complete it we're going to do this reading test section by section there are three sections in total and each section will have about 13 questions with two or three different question types i'm going to explain how the question type works with an example and then it will be your turn okay we'll stop after each section and i'll show you the answers and explain them to you we're going to time you but feel free to pause the video if you need more time or you can skip ahead if you want okay ielts reading section one it's on inuit clothing questions one to five are on match headings let's do a quick example question just so you know how this works so how match headings works is like this you're going to see five paragraphs of text you'll notice that the paragraph has a letter next to it so this one has the letter a then what you'll see is a list of headings functional form humidity control decorative techniques etc what you need to do is read the paragraph very carefully and then select the best heading that would summarize the paragraph in the best possible way so with this example question here this paragraph is all about gender expression you can see tailored in distinct styles for men and women or the shape of the frontal apron flap for the woman's jacket blah blah blah some clothing worn by males included design elements generally reserved for women reflected in their clothing through the use of both male and female design elements so again this is gender expression so i would write i x or nine onto my answer sheet for question one okay are you ready do your best and remember that if it looks a bit small on your phone you can either download the fillable textbook from the description below which i think is a great idea or move to a computer or a laptop okay let's do questions one to five so you're going to see five paragraphs okay well done you've just done match headings remember to put your answers into the answer sheet as we're going let's now do questions six to ten these are going to be sentence completion questions all right so let's do an example question here and we can only use no more than one word in other words we can only use one word taken directly from the passage not changed in any way to fill that gap and to complete the sentence so number six says something was symbolized in the front of the female's jacket by an apron flap so we can see the key word there apron flap and we can see the answer which is childbirth one word so that's the answer and that's how we do this question type okay so it's your turn make your way through the paragraphs i'll guide you by indicating which questions relate to which paragraph it won't be like this on test day of course but let's do it okay how did you go with sentence completion hopefully you're feeling confident about your answers now remember click that subscribe button also hit like all right let's do questions 13 to 16 true false not given okay let me show you how these questions work because they can be quite tricky you may want to watch the methods lesson on e2 test prep which goes into much more detail but let's have a look alright what we need to do is read the statement so number 13 says clothing gender expression was always distinctly male or female what we need to determine is that true false or not given it will be true if the statement agrees with information from the paragraph it will be false if the statement contradicts information in the paragraph and it will be not given if there's no information on this statement now if we look into the paragraph here it says in some cases the gender identity of the shaman would be unknown which was reflected in their clothing through the use of both male and female design elements this contradicts the statement of 13 therefore we're going to write the word false again this is pretty tricky stuff if you get stuck make sure you go across e2 test prep and watch the methods lesson and join the live classes okay i'm going to help you a little bit here there's no answers in paragraph a and there's no answers in paragraph b so we're going to start by looking at paragraph c and you're going to answer question 13. all right so we've finished section one how did you go do you feel confident you're a little bit concerned let's take a look at the answers for match headings all right questions one to five match headings all right so let's look at paragraph a and we need to determine the heading now there were lots of indications as to what the heading is says stuff like areas are some of the coldest in the world to live clothing was designed to guard against the freezing cold in several ways material to maintain warmth trap warmth retain heat prevent the rising warm air from escaping prevent heat loss shield the face from high velocity freezing winds the answer for paragraph a is 8 v i i i insulation and heat conservation that is the best heading for this paragraph okay so we can cross off heading eight now we can't use that again so that's good let's look at paragraph b it had key words and key phrases like perspire accumulation of moisture fresh air to circulate removing air saturated with perspiration keeping the inuits bodies and garments dry outer layers were also quite porous allowing some moisture to evaporate the moisture of the inuit's breath animal skins are superior to non-porous materials allowing moisture to escape do not absorb moisture the answer for paragraph b is 2 or i i humidity control this is all about humidity control none of the other headings matched this paragraph so we can now cross this heading off our list and we're up to paragraph c the key words and phrases are impervious to the wet in fact just that one alone could be enough to give you the answer but let's keep going rain sheds water weatherproof raincoats wet weather gear prone to leaking keep dry all of these answers point to waterproofing which is answer number four so c is for or iv paragraph d is all about functional form or number one or i perform their work without encumbrance and in fact the rest of the paragraph was all about functionality so when we cross that one off our list we're left with four possible answers for paragraph e if we look at the keywords and key phrases it says critical to create clothes that would survive day-to-day wear and tear inuit clothing was not easily replaceable minimize stress to the skins different cuts of animal skin were used according to their individual sturdiness heartier skin indestructible clothing tor all of these words and phrases point to durability answer number five or v it's critical that you write the answers correctly on your answer sheet if you get the questions correct but you write the wrong word or thing on the answer sheet it'll be marked as wrong here's how it should look so the answer to number one should be v i i i or roman numeral number eight number two should be i i or roman numeral two number three should be iv or roman numeral four number four should be i or roman numeral one and number five should be v or roman numeral five how are you going so far remember you can save this video to watch later by clicking the plus save button and while you're there hit the like and subscribe button as well and feel free to share this with your friends let's keep going okay let's look at the answers for questions six to ten the sentence completion questions so we can only write a single word as the answer that's it number six said because caribou hair that's a great keyword to use and if we look into the paragraph we can see the key phrase caribou fur so we need to read in this particular section so caribou here is what it retains heat and keeps warmer for longer well if we look carefully it says caribou hair is hollow so the answer for number six is hollow number seven the design of the inuit garments was typically what so that rising heat would not easily disperse well this particular sentence in paragraph a is key it says garments were also generally bell shaped to prevent the rising warm air from escaping the answer here is bell-shaped now this word bell-shaped is actually two words joined together with a hyphen that counts as a single word or one word so keep that in mind question number eight animal skins so we're looking in paragraph b here because this is all about animal skins it says animal skins are effective at managing sweat via airflow because they are what so we're looking for a description of animal skins we also have keywords there sweat and airflow pointing to paragraph b and if you look carefully animal skins are porous p o r o u s okay question number nine we're still talking about animal skins here so we're still in paragraph b the question says unlike woven materials animal skins provide the wearer with more what because they don't become stiff the final sentence of paragraph b says animal skins also allow for greater flexibility in freezing conditions because unlike woven materials they don't absorb moisture and freeze to the wearer's body so the answer for number nine is flexibility now question 10 should have been pretty easy because there's a key word there walrus that is never mentioned in any other paragraph it's only in paragraph c question 10 says traditionally walrus what were you used to make wet weather clothing and if we look carefully at this particular sentence it says before artificial weatherproof fabrics became available the intestines or intestines of walruses were used to make raincoats and other wet weather gear so the answer for number 10 is intestines for question number 11 we're looking at paragraph d men's coats had loose fitting what areas so they could hunt more easily this particular sentence says a man's coat which was meant to be worn while hunting would provide additional shoulder room for unrestricted movement so men's coats had loose fitting shoulder areas so they could hunt more easily what you'll begin to notice here is the use of synonyms the words used in the question and the words used in the paragraph are different but they have the same meaning this is synonymous language and this is what ielts reading is all about there's a video on the e2 test prep platform that talks all about synonymous language i would check that out if i were you okay so we're still in paragraph d for number 12. the question says to carry babies women's clothing sometimes incorporated are what we need a noun and if we look at this sentence it says for women some of their garments included a pouch for carrying infants you can see the synonyms they're babies and infants the answer though is pouch incorporated a pouch so on your answer sheet for number six you should have written hollow seven bell shaped with a hyphen eight porous nine flexibility 10 intestines 11 shoulder and 12 pouch now you must spell these words correctly or they'll be considered wrong okay let's go through these final answer explanations for true false not given these were questions 13 to 16. so there were no answers in paragraph a there were no answers in paragraph b okay so we can find the answer for question 13 in paragraph c statement 13 says nowadays inuits use synthetic waterproof materials to make raincoats the part of the paragraph that we need to read says before artificial weatherproof fabrics became available the intestines of walruses were used to make raincoats and other wet weather gear in other words nowadays inuits use synthetic waterproof materials to make raincoats there's a bit of an inference here but the inference is clear if the inference is clear you choose true if the inference is unclear if there's not enough information you must choose not given okay question 14 was in paragraph d at the bottom there the statement says a design constraint meant that inuit hoods were warm but limited wide-angle vision the final sentence says hoods were constructed to provide warmth while maximizing peripheral vision 14 says it limited wide-angle vision this is a direct contradiction therefore it's going to be false the answer to statement or question 15 was in paragraph e right at the top the statement says in general women sowed most of the clothes in fact there's just nothing mentioned in paragraph e or any of the paragraphs about women sowing most of the clothes there's just not enough information given in the paragraph for it to be true or false therefore it has to be not given okay question 16 damaged clothes including tears would sometimes be fixed while outdoors is this true false or not given well if we look at the final sentence of paragraph e it says if an item of clothing tore then we can see tears then it would be fixed as soon as possible including in the field if necessary that means the same thing the statement and this sentence say the same thing therefore it's true on your answer sheet for 13 you should have written true 14 false 15 not given and 16 true all right we're now up to section two in ielts reading remember that there are three sections on test day and each section has about 700 to 800 words so you do need to get good at time management and that is one thing that we teach you in our live classes with our expert teachers on e2 test prep click the link in the description below okay so section two is an entirely different passage it's called telling the time using water clocks so you'll notice a little sentence right at the top that says a water clock is any timepiece by which time is measured by the regulated flow of liquid into inflow type or out from outflow type a vessel in this section we're going to do match features questions 17 to 24 and then we're going to do diagram labeling questions let's take a quick look at an example question all right so this question type is a little bit tricky on the left hand side you'll see a paragraph with a heading this one says china right and below that you'll see a list of countries and regions including egypt babylon india korea persia greece and china then you're going to see statements there are three statements here okay 17 18 and 19. what you need to do is read the statement and match it to the particular paragraph or the other way around read the paragraph and match it to the particular statement so if we read this paragraph on china there's a particularly important part says the chinese were one of the first people to develop water clocks that avoided the issue of evaporating water which gave their clocks more precision they did this through the sophisticated use of sealants where no water would be exposed to the outside air now 17 says this water clock was used to help farmers determine the best time of day to plant their crops so that's not about china and 19 says these water clocks were eventually traded around central asia that's not what this paragraph was about or mentioned in it statement 18 says the accuracy of these water clocks was improved because water could not escape into the atmosphere so that was mentioned in this paragraph therefore for number 18 we'll write g which represents china from the list if you're a bit confused with this question type just pause the video and spend some time looking at it until you understand it okay let's get started you're looking at the paragraph on egypt and there are eight questions to complete now this paragraph is a little bit different it's unrelated to those matching questions we'll see this paragraph in a minute fantastic you've just done the match features question we're now going to return to that paragraph on korea and we're going to label a diagram so questions 25 to 31 diagram labeling i won't give you an example here because it should be pretty straightforward and intuitive what you need to do is label the diagram from a word or words from the clock parts list of course you need to read the paragraph in order to determine what word goes where so that's the end of ielts reading section two we're two thirds of the way through it okay this is great this is fantastic practice let's now go through the answers for section two okay so in fact for the paragraph on egypt there were no answers in other words none of those statements related to a egypt so we're going to move on in the paragraph about babylon there was a phrase that said aided astronomical calculations and if you look at statement 21 or question 21 it says these water clocks help to measure the movement of celestial objects in other words they aided astronomical calculations so for 21 we would write b in the paragraph it also says their existence comes from writings on clay tablets and if you look at statement 23 or question 23 it says ancient writing imprinted in clay describes these water clocks existence so for 23 we would also write be you need to look closely at the instruction at the top nb it says you may use any letter more than once and that's why we're able to write b twice okay in the next paragraph on india there was a part that said similar the water clocks are similar to the utensil used to perform various religious rituals and if we look at the statement 17 it says this water clock resembled a tool used in religious ceremonies so the answer for 17 is see so one thing you're probably noticing now is that we're going from the paragraph to the features we're not going from the features to the paragraph right so you read the paragraph on india for example you understand it fully then you read through the features and match the paragraph to the particular feature okay so in the paragraph on korea there were two critical parts the first part said this innovation no longer required the reliance of human workers and if we look at feature 22 or statement 22 it says the task of refilling water was automated and human labor made redundant by these water clocks so no longer required the reliance of human workers human labor made redundant so 22 is d korea the last part of the paragraph on korea said this water clock was not preserved well and did not survive however reconstructions based on text descriptions have been made if you look at feature 18 it says this type of water clock has since been recreated according to old texts that means the same thing as that part of the paragraph therefore for 18 we write d career we're now up to the paragraph on persia and it mentions something about the clock manager then at the bottom of the paragraph it says he would record the number of times the bowl sank by putting small stones into a jar if we look at the feature number 20 it says someone would have to manually keep track of the time using pebbles or small stones with these water clocks so 20 is e persia in the paragraph on greece there were two critical parts relating to different features the first part says they also designed one of the world's first alarm clocks and if you look at the final feature feature number 24 it says one such water clock was devised to wake people up in other words an alarm clock therefore 24 is f greece there's another part of the paragraph on greece that says this type of water clock was used in courts for allocating periods of time to speakers feature number 19 says the time allowed to settle a dispute was kept by these water clocks therefore 19 is f greece on your answer sheet you should have written 17 c 18 d 19 f 20 e 21 b 22 d 23 b and 24 f remember that in ielts reading on test date you don't get additional times to fill in your answer sheet you get 60 minutes total time to complete the questions and that includes time to transfer your answers onto the answer sheet okay cool how are you going so far by the way please let me know in the comments below okay questions 25 to 31 diagram labeling okay so the answers are 25 containers can you see the containers and then there is jar 27 cork prong 28 floating rod 29 ball bearing 30 iron ball and 31 is bell so hopefully you've written the same words on your answer sheet in that order okay so before we move on to section 3 the final part of the reading test here is why you should sign up to e2 test prep for ielts preparation every day we have live online ielts classes our live classes are taught by expert ielts teachers many of whom are ex-ielts examiners it's easy to register and easy to join join the live online classes today at e2 test prep we're now up to section 3 of the ielts reading test how are you feeling now you're probably getting pretty tired but on test day if you've had a big breakfast and a good sleep you'll be fine or even if you haven't you can do this okay section three the title of this passage is battling cat allergies with biotech we're looking at questions 32 to 36 yes no not given okay let's do an example question together so this question type is very similar to true false not given the only real difference is true false not given deals with facts yes no not given deals with a speaker's attitude or opinions again what you need to determine is whether the statement says the same thing as the text or reflects the claims of the writer if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer or not given if it's impossible to say what the writer thinks about this so this example question says keeping house trained cats as pets is a relatively recent development the passage says just over a hundred years ago pet cats live mostly outside the house the exclusively indoor cat is a modern phenomenon therefore this would be yes because it says the same thing as the text it reflects the claims of the writer alright your turn let's do five of these questions how did you go with those true false not given questions don't worry we're going to look at the answers in just a second let's now move to the final question type this is match sentence endings so these are questions 37 to 40. here is an example question so you're presented with half a sentence number 37 says people's allergic reactions to cats it's really the subject of the sentence then in the sentence endings you're going to see the predicate and you have to match the predicate or the final half of the sentence to number 37 depending on what's written in the paragraph all of the sentence endings you'll notice will be possible or plausible but not in terms of meaning in terms of meaning there'll only be one that is correct according to the paragraph so if we read this part of the paragraph it says it's only as cats have physically gotten closer to us that their allergenic proteins have become problematic or in other words people's allergic reactions to cats have been intensified by proximity so if we imagine this to be a complete sentence 37 with a it actually says the same thing as that part of the paragraph so please don't just guess by matching the first half of a sentence with the second half because you can it has to cohere or say the same thing as the paragraph ready let's do it now just to help you a little bit there's nothing mentioned in the first paragraph so we're going to skip to the second paragraph all right fantastic you've just done a full ielts reading test good stuff that's amazing make sure you click subscribe click like and share this video on social media so all your friends can do it too you might even want to challenge your friends to see what their scores are so let's look at the answers for questions 32 to 36 the yes no not given questions so the answer to question 32 is yes the statement says manipulating cat genes as a means of dealing with fel d1 has shown some limited success the final sentence of this paragraph says although the gene therapy is a long way off it has been proven in a petri dish these two statements or the statement 32 and this sentence in the paragraph say the same thing they reflect the claims of the writer therefore the answer is yes statement 33 says yogesh chandrasekhar set out to eliminate the foul d1 protein secreted in cat saliva this part of the paragraph said he wondered whether he could interrupt that process by feeding the cat something that counteracted the protein in their saliva now there's a big difference here with counteracted and eliminated or interrupted and eliminated they're actually kind of contradictory so i'm going to give you the answer here which is no now we skipped this paragraph and we skipped this paragraph statement 34 says veterinarians disapprove of cat owners cutting their cat's claws in this part of the paragraph it says we used to declaw cats to save our furniture which is now frowned upon by veterinarians you can see here that frowned upon and disapprove mean the same thing they're synonyms so in fact statement 34 and this part of the paragraph mean the same thing they reflect the claims of the writer therefore the answer is yes statement 35 says reducing catfall d1 will improve cat human human cat relationships the final sentence of this paragraph is actually a question that says could you make the argument that the less foul d1 a cat has the less the owner and any home visitors will suffer and so the more the owner cat and others will get along harmoniously this is not given because the writer is not actually making a claim here at all it's really impossible to know what he or she thinks therefore for 35 we have to write not given now for question 36 we need to make an inference and i don't know if you remember but in the true false not given questions i warned you to be careful when making an inference we can make an inference if it's very clear if it's just obvious that that's the answer let's take a look at 36 though the statement for 36 says the effects of reducing fel d1 on cat pheromones will harm wild cats the part of the paragraph that we need to read says some suggest or scientists suggest that it acts as a pheromone for social signaling meaning that it may be less important for domesticated housebound pets it is possible here to make an inference that it will therefore harm wild cats but this inference is not clear be careful don't say yes if the inference isn't clear we're going to have to write not given here because there's just not enough information it's really impossible to say definitively what the writer thinks about this 36 is not given okay so on your answer sheet you should have written 32 yes 33 no 34 yes 35 not given and 36 not given so yes no not given and true false not given can be pretty tricky but our live classes on ielts reading with our expert teachers will help you out the link is in the description below alright let's look at the answers for questions 37 to 40 match sentence endings keep in mind that these questions follow the same order as the paragraphs 37 said the amount of the fell d1 protein what it varies enormously from cat to cat that's b that's because in the paragraph it says some cats shed more of this protein than other cats sometimes up to 80 times more and the amount shed by a single cat will vary from month to month again the amount of the fel d1 protein varies enormously from cat to cat 38 breeding cats in a certain way g was unsuccessful in eradicating fel d1 at the top of this paragraph it says because age old breeding techniques have failed to eliminate the protein question 39 the owner of a cat is exposed to fel d1 via household objects so it's 39 h and that's because this part of the paragraph says the allergen all over their fur which in turn gets all over the owner's couch clothes bed and so on and the final question question number 40 injecting fell d1 into hens a triggers their immune response that's because in this part of the paragraph it says injecting a hen with the fel d1 protein provokes its immune system it triggers their immune response so on your answer sheet for 37 you should have written b 38 g 39 h and 40 a okay so here are all of the answers this is exactly what your answer sheet should look like and remember for question 7 it was bell shaped which is counted as one word because it's using a hyphen also keep in mind that if you accidentally spelled any of these words wrong it would be considered incorrect pause the video and find out what your raw score is okay now let's turn your raw score out of 40 into an ielts reading score remember that if you're taking ielts general look in this column and if you're taking ielts academic look in this column how did you go are you happy or are you disappointed please let me know your score in the comments below now if you look at the last page on the fillable test book we have a next step section it'll tell you how you should prepare depending on the score you receive use it it'll help you to make the right decision about preparation and keep in mind that e2 has helped over 1.4 million candidates get the scores that they need if you haven't downloaded the fillable test book yet please do because we have the writing and speaking sections still coming up okay we're now up to the writing section and i'm going to hand you over to mark mark is an ex-ielts examiner and he's been teaching ielts for 10 years he's going to take you through writing task 2 and either academic or general writing task 1. i will see you again after the writing section for speaking here's mark with writing ielts writing hi i'm mark i'm an ex-ielts examiner and ielts teacher at e2 i'm going to guide you through ielts writing we're going to start with writing task 2 and then you can keep watching for academic task 1 or you can skip ahead to general task 1. let's begin with an overview of writing task 2. so for writing task 2 you will have 40 minutes to write a discursive essay you will see a question prompt that will contain one or two statements and one or two questions you need to understand the statements and answer the questions you need to write more than 250 words and writing task 2 is worth two-thirds or 66 of your total writing score before we begin writing the essay we're going to analyze the essay prompt and then plan the essay together we will then write the essay paragraph by paragraph i'll give you a basic structure for each paragraph and you will write yours and then i'll show you mine you should be writing your response directly into the fillable test book and the answer sheet by the end of this part of the video you're going to have written a full writing task 2 essay with me you will then be able to submit this for feedback from our e2 expert teachers don't worry i'll show you how to do this once you've finished your essay okay the first thing we need to do on test day is analyze imagine it's test day and you see this writing task 2 prompt in front of you it says nowadays many people change jobs quite regularly rather than working in the one company for their entire careers why do you think this is happening how can companies keep their workers we really need to understand this prompt before we start writing or even start planning the first step is always an analysis you need to think about the broad topic which is work or employment and you need to think about the specific topic which is about employee retention the questions ask you why do you think this is happening that is why do employees keep changing jobs or moving companies and how can companies keep their workers can you see that these questions are asking you to think about this issue not from the perspective of a worker or employee but from the perspective of a business owner manager or company that's important to understand okay so we've analyzed the prompt and understood it deeply let's now plan our essay when you plan you have to make sure you cover all parts of the essay prompt and answer all the questions thoroughly this prompt has two questions we will write a paragraph for each question and we will make sure that we never deviate from the topic of employee retention if you deviate you will lose points i'm going to give you some time to plan your essay feel free to pause the video if you need more time your paragraph 1 needs to answer the question why do you think this is happening write down the main reason why employees change jobs this will become your paragraph 1. and for the second question which will become your second paragraph think of one or two ways that companies can retain their employees start planning now how did you go with your plan mine looks like this i just noted down paragraph one why happening employees financially stable free to move this answers question one paragraph two how keep meaning and purpose this answers question two let's now write the essay introduction writing a great introduction is really important because it will set the structure for your overall essay now there's a certain way to write your introduction there's a structure i'll briefly tell you here but you really need to check out the video lessons on e2 test prep because they go into a lot more detail they're not here on youtube click the link in the description below so we're going to write a three to four sentence introduction it'll have three parts in part one you'll write a broad background statement about the topic in part two you'll rewrite the prompt not the questions in your own words or put another way you'll paraphrase the prompt statements in part three you'll tell the reader what you will do in your essay or put another way say what your paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 will cover your thesis statement make sure you hand write or type your essay into the answer sheet if you're taking the paper-based test you want to print this book out and get used to handwriting with a pencil or if you're taking the computer-delivered ielts you can type directly into this pdf on your computer as i mentioned you're also going to have the opportunity to submit your essay for feedback at the end you now have a few minutes to write your introduction pause the video if you need more time i'll leave the structure on the screen try your best to follow it okay start writing how'd you go i'm now going to show you my introduction please don't copy it instead use it as a reference for the structure and note some of the language i use but certainly don't submit this one for feedback as that's not really going to help you remember by the end you'll have your own essay written in your own english that you can then get feedback on that will help you so my introduction has three parts in part one i wrote workers are no longer as committed as they once were to the companies that employ them in part two i wrote while people in our grandparents generation would often work for a company for decades or even their entire lives nowadays people tend to change their workplaces every two or three years and in part three i wrote in this essay i will explain why this is the case and suggest two ways that companies can retain their staff for longer my introduction has a broad background statement the paraphrased question prompt and then my thesis statement this really is a perfect introduction on the e2 test prep website we have a whole video dedicated to how to write perfect introductions you might want to check it out here is my introduction without the spaces pause the video and look for those three structural parts can you see them so remember to use the three part essay introduction structure it works for any prompt and the question or questions you will get on test day okay now let's write our body paragraph one body paragraphs are the most important parts of your essay they contain the most important information the ielts examiners will be looking very closely at them if you don't know how to write body paragraphs then check out the methods lessons on e2 in short your body paragraph needs to have four to six sentences with four main parts in part one you will write a topic or opening sentence in part two you will elaborate and give reasons in part three you should give an example or two to support your ideas and in part four you need to conclude your paragraph i'm going to leave that structure on the screen for you as you write into your fillable test book answer sheet i'll time you you can pause the video if you want but please understand that on test day you should spend no more than 40 minutes on this essay you can do it how'd you go with your paragraph one let me show you mine and again please don't copy any of this word for word into your essay this is just to show you what one good response could look like there are many ways to write a great paragraph so in paragraph one i answered the first question like this in part one i wrote the topic and opening sentence the main reason people change their jobs more rapidly these days is because they can afford to do so then i elaborated i gave reasons because most societies have become wealthier workers are no longer tethered to a particular company or position financially in the third part i gave an example if a worker wants to leave because of a lack of interest in the work or an unfulfilled ambition even if it is risky they are at greater liberty to do so finally i conclude the paragraph put simply stronger economies allow workers to be more selective with their job choices and less dedicated to particular companies my final paragraph one looks like this pause the video and identify the underlying paragraph structure i showed you now please be careful a lot of teachers including lots of teachers here on youtube tell you to memorize essay responses this is dangerous take a look at this official writing task 2 answer sheet look down at the bottom this is where the examiners score you notice that there are three ways to get a major penalty the first is by writing off topic the second is a memorized response and the third is by having illegible handwriting or handwriting that is too messy to read can you see how easy it is to be penalized by the examiners some advice teachers give on youtube is wrong and damaging i'd recommend just following e2 we've prepared over 1.5 million candidates for their english tests subscribe to this channel and let us lead you to success having said all of that let's write our second body paragraph we will use the exact same structure as paragraph one it'll have four parts your paragraph two should answer the second question ready i'll time you but feel free to pause if you need a bit longer all right how did you go let me know in the comments below how you're finding this feel free to ask any questions down below here's my paragraph two part one while companies typically offer greater and greater financial incentives to retain employees they should instead provide greater meaning and purpose to key psychological drivers part two even if they are paid less workers who find their work fulfilling and purposeful are more likely to stay in their jobs than those who find their work dull and aimless and finally companies need to shift their thinking and focus to finding meaningful and purposeful tasks for their workers rather than just offering them higher salaries you may have noticed that i didn't provide an example here and that's because this paragraph was sufficient without one while you should always stick to the basic structure you should always remain flexible on test day and write whatever you feel best answers the questions and here's the completed paragraph can you see the underlying structure it's the backbone of this paragraph it's flexible but solid all right now let's write the final part of the essay the conclusion our conclusion will have two or three sentences and two main parts the first part will summarize our arguments or position and the second part will give a strong final ending okay let's finish off with a bang and write a very strong conclusion that wraps up your entire essay again i'll leave the structure on the screen for you to use all right let me show you how i concluded my essay in part one i summarize my arguments in this essay i argued that the shift in company loyalty is largely due to increases in societal and personal wealth in part two i conclude strongly only when management realize that money is no longer a significant driver of retention and meaning and purpose are the longer they will be able to keep their staff on board and here's how my final conclusion paragraph looks can you see the underlying two-part structure it's a powerful way to complete your essay and leaves the examiner with a good feeling about your writing let's have a quick look at how the essay looks when it's in one piece so this essay is over 250 words it's well structured it's on topic it answers the questions and it uses accurate and varied language right now that you have a full essay that you've written you want to get some expert feedback on it check this out e2 gives the best ielts writing feedback the feedback you get is comprehensive and will show you exactly what you need to do to get the score you want to get feedback simply click the link for academic or general writing task 2 in the description below or on your downloadable test book log in if you already have an account with e2 or if you don't have an account simply sign up it only takes a few seconds after you've logged in or signed up you can either type up your task 2 under timed conditions or paste your writing in from your testbook answer sheet you can save it and come back to it if you want or you can go ahead and submit it to one of our expert teachers for personalized feedback finally simply follow the payment options trust me feedback is an investment it's worth it okay great work we're now going to do writing task one if you're taking ielts general skip to this point in the video if you're taking ielts academic just keep watching okay great work we're now going to do writing task 1. ielts academic writing task 1 are you ready to write an academic task 1 with me let me start by giving you a quick overview in academic task 1 you need to describe data it could be bar charts line graphs tables pie charts maps or processes you need to write at least 150 words and you should spend no more than 20 minutes on this task this task is worth one third or 33 percent of your writing score before we begin writing we're first going to analyze and plan our response we'll do this together then i'll coach you through the writing part section by section just like in the essay i'll give you a structure you'll write your response and then i'll show you mine you should be writing your response directly into your answer sheet by the end you will have a complete academic writing task 1. you will then have the opportunity to submit it for feedback from one of our expert teachers imagine it's test day and you see these pie charts in front of you before you write anything you need to understand what you're looking at in detail let's start by reading the prompt it says the charts show the percentages of family income spent in different categories in south korea and singapore in the years 2000 and 2020 the instruction then says summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant this instruction is always the same no matter what you see on test day the better you understand the data the easier it will be to write and the higher your score will be analyzing is critical okay now that you understand what you're looking at let's plan our response you need to spend a little bit of time after analyzing planning what you'll write you need to make a conscious decision about structure what will each of your paragraphs contain will you talk about singapore in one paragraph and korea in the next or 2000 and then 2020. there's no right or wrong answer here but just make sure you make a conscious decision about structure we need to spend a minute or two analyzing and planning before we write okay let's now begin writing and we'll start with the overview the first thing you'll write on test day is the overview it's a description of the most notable trends of the data there are two sentences you need to write the first sentence of the overview is simply a paraphrase of the prompt you need to rewrite this sentence in your own words you don't need to change every single word you can just rearrange it and replace some words with synonyms the second sentence is a description of the most notable trends of the data pick out two key trends and describe them but don't use any numbers yet i'll give you a few minutes to write your overview how did you go let me show you my overview my paraphrase of the prompt says the charts illustrate spending in south korea and singapore in five categories in 2000 and 2020. notice that it uses many of the same words i've only changed it slightly but importantly it still captures the meaning of the original prompt you should never spend too long on this sentence it should take you no more than a minute my second sentence is a broad overview of the key trends without any numerical data it says overall housing grew to become the highest cost in both countries while healthcare costs increased the most here i've identified the two major trends across both sets of data the countries and the years these two sentences provide a broad but solid overview of the data a good way to think about your overview is that you're explaining the entire data set to someone in two sentences let's now write our first data paragraph okay i want you to write your first paragraph using data you can either talk about a specific country and compare data between years or you can talk about a year and compare countries i'll give you a few minutes to write your paragraph feel free to pause the video if you need more time how did you go if you haven't written an academic task 1 before you're probably finding this challenging be sure to check out the methods lessons on e2 they'll tell you everything you need to know here's my data paragraph one in south korea in 2000 the most common expenditure was other at 29 food housing and transport were similar at 24 21 and 20 respectively health care was a mere six percent by 2020 however a number of changes had occurred housing rose noticeably increasing to 30 percent making it the highest expenditure in contrast the other category fell substantially dropping to seven percent less than a quarter of its 2000 value healthcare showed the most dramatic change rising from 6 to 18 an increase of threefold food decreased to 20 percent and transport increased to 25 i've just written about south korea here and i've compared some relevant data please don't copy what i've written maybe you want to go back and rewrite yours but don't look at mine while you rewrite your own when you get feedback you want to get feedback on your writing not mine let's write our second paragraph using data okay i'll give you a few minutes to write about the other country or the other year make sure you use data in your paragraph and compare where relevant here's my paragraph it says singapore's housing was consistently the highest expenditure rising from 34 in 2000 to 40 percent in 2020. healthcare costs similar to those of south korea's showed massive growth rising from three to six percent doubling similarly transport increased from 10 percent to 20 percent despite being lower expenditures they showed the most growth food and other costs both fell notice how i've used relevant data and i've made relevant comparisons as well this is a very high scoring paragraph now on test day you might write two data paragraphs or three it totally depends on the data set that you were given you need to plan accordingly and be flexible there are no right or wrong answers just conscious decisions about structure here's my complete task one from beginning to end pause the video and notice how i've written this pay attention to the overall structure as well as the paragraph structures as well as the sentence structures now that you have a complete task 1 you need feedback on it here's how you can get it as i said e2 gives the best writing feedback to get feedback simply click the link for academic writing task 1 in the description below or on your downloadable testbook login if you already have an account with e2 or if you don't have an account simply sign up it only takes a few seconds after you've logged in or signed up you can either type up your task 1 under timed conditions or paste your writing in from your testbook answer sheet you can save it and come back to it if you want or you can go ahead and submit it to one of our expert teachers for personalized feedback finally simply follow the payment options trust me feedback is an investment it's worth it fantastic well done that's a challenging task and it's one that you need to practice skip here to meet jay for ielts speaking my name is mark and i'll see you later ielts general writing task one all right we're going to write a high scoring ielts general task 1 together just like we did for the essay and just like the essay at the end you can submit your writing for expert feedback let's start with a quick overview of general task 1. so just briefly on test day you will need to write a letter the letter will be formal semi-formal or informal depending on the prompt you receive you need to write more than 150 words you should only spend 20 minutes on this task it'll be critically important that you follow the writing prompt closely and remember that this task is worth one third of your overall writing score or 33 before we begin writing we're going to analyze the prompt and plan the letter together we will then write the letter paragraph by paragraph i'll help you with each paragraph you'll write yours and then i'll show you my high scoring paragraph by the end of this video you're going to have written a complete letter in this booklet you will then be able to submit this letter for feedback from our e2 expert teachers don't worry i'll show you how to do this once you've finished your letter we need to spend a minute or two analyzing and planning before we write all right so imagine it's test day and this is the writing task one prompt that you see in front of you let's read it carefully it says you should spend about 20 minutes on this task write at least 150 words then we have the all-important prompt you are moving to a new country to go to university and will need a part-time job you have a friend who lives in that country write a letter to your friend in your letter one apologize for not staying in touch two explain why you're moving to this country and three ask your friend if he or she can help you find a job you don't need to write any addresses so let's get this straight you're writing to a friend you're moving to a new country to study your friend lives in this country and you're gonna need a part-time job when you get there let's just double check those three imperative words from the prompt because they dictate what we need to write apologize explain ask so you're going to have three paragraphs in your letter the first paragraph will be an apology paragraph the second paragraph will be an explanation paragraph you're going to answer the question why and the third paragraph will be a request you'll need to ask for help narrowing down the task like this helps you to identify exactly what you need to do before we start on our paragraphs we need to write an opening to our letter okay so normally we want to start a letter making the purpose clear we might say i am writing to let you know that i'm moving to your country but we also need to be flexible sometimes in this letter we also have to apologize so that's probably a little bit more important so we're going to start with that to open my letter i've written dear john but you can write dear or hello or hi because it's informal and then you can select any name you want you might even want to use the name of a real friend you have then i've written a couple of sentences just to open my letter i know it's been a long time since we've spoken i hope all is well with you now i'll give you a little bit of time to write your opening you can write something similar to mine but please write it in your own words and keep in mind we're not at the apology paragraph yet okay let's write paragraph one together covering the first dot point what i want you to do is write a three to five sentence apology to your friend for not keeping in touch give a reason why you have not written to him or her in a long time and maybe how you feel about it be creative and use interesting language how did you go remember that on test day you need to use your imagination and varied clear accurate language here's my apology paragraph it says firstly i'm sorry for not staying in contact over the last few years the last time we hung out i felt like we needed some space from each other did you feel the same anyway i'm excited to touch base again as i have some very exciting news there's a few things i want you to notice here first i'm just writing my apology here i'm focusing on the first dot point i'm not including anything about the explanation or the request i'm not mixing my paragraphs second take a look at the sentence types i've got simple compound complex and even a question you should aim to vary your sentences one thing you want to do before you start writing is imagine a real scenario this will help you to write a coherent and believable letter so perhaps you need to apologize to your friend because you missed his birthday party or perhaps you didn't drive her to the airport or maybe something deeper and more emotional he or she needed a friend and you weren't there you might not explicitly say this in your letter but if you have a realistic backstory in your mind it'll help with the way you write the letter it makes it more believable and your language will be stronger all right let's write paragraph two in paragraph two you're going to explain why you're moving overseas remember that in the prompt it says you're moving to study so definitely you want to include that i won't say any more but i'll give you some time to write a three to five sentence explanation paragraph how did you go here's my explanation paragraph it says i'm moving to canada next month to study and i can't wait i'm transferring to the university of toronto so i can specialize in artificial intelligence as you probably remember i've always been interested in that topic so it's an amazing opportunity note the compound and complex sentences and also note the use of collocations or natural sounding phrases like can't wait and specialize in and interested in and amazing opportunity my language use is not over the top i'm not trying to use sophisticated language because i'm writing to a friend and that would be unnatural i'm just using everyday colloquial language that is clear natural and makes sense ok let's focus on paragraph three the request paragraph i'll give you a few minutes to ask your friend to help you find a job when you arrive in whatever country you're moving to remember to add some interesting details vary your sentence types and use natural sounding phrases go how did you go let's take a look at my paragraph mine says but i need your help with something if you don't mind while i have plenty of savings i'm going to need to find a part-time job almost as soon as i arrive ideally i'd like to work for a tech company but i'm happy to work in hospitality again if need be would you be able to help me out notice that i've said work in hospitality again this shows that i have a believable backstory and helps with my narrative in a way i'm connecting my letter to my personal history with my friend and it just makes it more authentic and cohesive okay let's finish up the letter using english letter writing conventions here i've written a closing sentence that wraps up my letter then a sign off then my first name i want you to do the same i'll give you a little bit of time to complete your letter please don't copy mine word for word try to use your own ideas all right you did it well done you've completed your ielts general writing task 1 letter from beginning to end that's exactly what you need to do on test day now let me show you how you can get feedback on this letter as i said e2 gives the best writing feedback to get feedback simply click the link for general writing task 1 in the description below or on your downloadable test book login if you already have an account with e2 or if you don't have an account simply sign up it only takes a few seconds after you've logged in or signed up you can either type up your task 1 under timed conditions or paste your writing in from your test book answer sheet you can save it and come back to it if you want or you can go ahead and submit it to one of our expert teachers for personalized feedback finally simply follow the payment options trust me feedback is an investment it's worth it all right so now you've finished ielts writing let me now hand you back to jay who will take you through ielts speaking remember that you can save this video to watch later if you want and don't forget to subscribe leave a comment and hit like my name is mark and i'll see you soon ielts speaking welcome back how did you go with writing i really do recommend that you get some writing feedback writing is the most challenging part of the ielts and by getting some feedback you'll really improve your chances of getting the score that you need okay you're doing really well you've reached the final part of the test ielts speaking i'm going to be your examiner today and i'm going to simulate the speaking test from beginning to end so you know exactly what's going to happen on test day before we begin though let me give you a quick overview of ielts speaking so ielts speaking is one-on-one with the examiner it's 11 to 14 minutes total it consists of an identity check which is unassessed and then part one small talk part two a two minute talk and part three a discussion all right so on test day you should arrive early for your speaking test give yourself plenty of time and don't forget to bring your passport or id you'll be asked to wait in a room and then the examiner will come to collect you you will then follow the examiner to the room for the test now i just want to talk to you briefly about nervousness because it can be a big factor for a lot of people first of all it's completely normal to be nervous leading up to test day and during your speaking test it's fine it's really okay each time i've taken ielts speaking and i've taken it five times my hands got sweaty and my heart beat quickly i was nervous and it was fine remember that it's just 15 minutes of your life take a deep breath you can do this okay let's start by simulating the identity check the identity check only lasts for 20 or 30 seconds it's not assessed don't give long answers here just give brief factual answers let's do it now ready hi my name is jay i'll be your speaking examiner can you please tell me your full name what can i call you can you tell me where you're from may i see your identification please okay we're now up to the assessed part of the speaking test part one small talk so in this part of the test i'll ask you 12 questions on three different day-to-day topics it'll go for about four or five minutes you just need to answer each of my questions in two or three sentences ready let's talk about where you live do you live in a house or an apartment who do you live with what is your favorite room what would you change about your home okay good part one isn't over yet because the examiner will now change topics and ask you some other questions on an everyday topic but i want to stop here and show you how i would respond to those first four questions here's the first question and here's my response i live in a one-bedroom apartment just near the botanic gardens it's a really cute old art deco apartment with a fireplace i love it here's the second question and here's my response i live alone which i really like i've lived with housemates before but i much prefer to live by myself here's the third question and here's my response uh my favorite room would be the lounge room it's connected to a balcony that looks out over the street and it also has a fireplace it's really nice in winter lighting the fire here's the fourth question and here's my response well i actually rent the apartment so i can't change much but if i could i would make the kitchen a bit bigger it's currently a little bit cramped and there isn't much bench space did you notice that i gave concise relevant answers try doing the same and as i mentioned the examiner will now ask you a few more questions on a different everyday topic ready let's go on to talk about friends now are your friends mostly your age or different ages do you usually see your friends during the week or on weekends the last time you saw your friends what did you do together in what ways are your friends important to you okay well done let me now show you how i would respond to those four questions here's the first question and here's my response most of my friends are my own age but i've certainly had lots of friends throughout my life that have been different ages in fact two of my best friends were a lot older than me one was about 70 in fact he was a great guy here's the second question and here's my response i play sport during the week so i see some of my friends then but i usually see my good friends on the weekends and actually some of my best friends i only see every two or three months i guess we're all pretty busy these days here's the third question and here's my response i caught up with some old high school friends on the weekend actually it was really fun we had dinner and played virtual golf together here's the fourth question and here's my response uh friends are really important to me because you share your life with them they know you they know your stories and where you've come from they can also be honest with you and tell you in which ways you need to improve yourself i'm a very loyal friend so as you just saw in my second set of answers i'm beginning to extend myself a little bit more and i'm using a range of different grammar and sentence structures to express myself all right let's do the third set of part one questions ready i'd like to move on to talk about food and cooking what kind of food do you like to eat what kind of new food would you like to try why do you like cooking what was the last meal you cooked okay well done let me now show you how i would respond to those last four questions here's the question and here's my response uh i really like all foods i don't think there's a type of cuisine that i don't like to be honest i guess my favorite food is anything that's healthy i really like meat and salads and dips so probably middle eastern types of food especially lebanese here's the second question and here's my response hmm that's a good question i don't think there's any food that i haven't tried in melbourne it's possible to get all different types of cuisines from all around the world i'm very experimental so i think i've tried them all here's the third question and here's my response i don't love cooking i'm not a bad cook i tend to make food that's quick and simple i know some people like to put in lots of effort for meals but the eating part only takes a minute so i tend to just make simple dishes here's the fourth question and the final part one response well last night i ate some leftovers but usually i just have a piece of fish and some vegetables or something simple like that i also try not to eat too many carbohydrates you probably noticed that i didn't explicitly answer some of those questions for example one of the questions was about a type of food that i'd like to try and i told the examiner that there's no food i hadn't tried before you can deviate slightly that's fine all right ielts speaking part two the two minute talk this part is a bit weird and it's certainly something you need to practice even if your english is perfect what's going to happen is i'm going to give you a task card you can find this in the downloadable test book you'll have one minute to prepare and then you'll have two minutes to speak ready i'm now going to give you a topic and i'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say you can make some notes if you wish do you understand here's some paper and a pen for making notes and here's your topic i'd like you to describe something you saved money to buy i'd like you to now speak for two minutes on this topic you can begin okay how did you go it's quite tough right if you're a bit unsure of how you went or what to do then i recommend checking out a range of packages on e2 test prep nearly every e2 ielts package includes a one-on-one speaking mock test with one of our expert ielts teachers it's very simple to book and take simply choose a day and time of your choice and click the zoom link just before the time of your booking importantly you'll receive lots of valuable feedback so you'll know exactly what to do on test day to get that high score get an ielts test prep package with e2 today i'll now show you what i would do on test day as i mentioned i've taken this test five times and each time i've got a nine firstly here's what my notes look like from the one minute preparation time all i wrote was walkman car and house notice that i only wrote three words on test day trust me time goes like this you can't write much if any ielts teacher tells you to write down anything more than just a few words they obviously have never taken this test themselves and that's why you should stick with e2 click that subscribe button and here is my two minute response please pay attention to my vocab grammar pronunciation and fluency okay so the first thing that i ever really saved money to buy was a sony walkman i'm not sure if you remember what a walkman is but it preceded the ipod and iphone it was a mobile cassette player i was about 15 years old i think it took me about six months to save up for it and i remember the price it was 60 which was quite a lot of money for me back then i also remember the shop that i bought it from i guess i remember it clearly because it was such a significant event in my life at the time the reason i wanted to buy it was to listen to music of course as i was really into punk rock but i also wanted to buy it because it was cool i guess it was a kind of status item some of my friends had walkmans and i thought i needed one as well i also remember that the batteries constantly needed replacing but yeah it was an important purchasing decision in my life and made me feel good about myself uh more recently i bought a new car it was by far the most expensive thing i've ever purchased well actually when i say new it was just secondhand as it only had about 4 000 kilometers when i bought it which is pretty much brand new but it was expensive i bought it from a chinese international student who was moving back to china and i think i got a bit of a bargain the reason i wanted a new or newish car is because i've always driven old second-hand cars and i didn't want one that would break down i'm really happy with it it drives beautifully and uh i guess at some point i'm going to need to save up for a house as you know house prices here in melbourne are very expensive so people usually only save up a deposit and then take out a 30 or 40 year mortgage i really love the idea of debt so i'd much prefer to pay a big chunk of the house off rather than be stuck with a debilitating mortgage for like the rest of my life it's just not for me you may have noticed an underlying structure to my part two i actually used a very clever strategy that makes doing a two-minute talk much easier and allows you to extend your grammar and vocab quite a bit if you want to find out more about it check out the speaking part 2 methods lesson on e2 test prep okay ielts speaking part 3 the final part this is the discussion with the examiner so part 3 the discussion will carry on from the topic you received in part 2. so because you spoke about saving money you're now going to have a discussion with the examiner on a range of questions related to money and personal finance for about four or five minutes this is where you can really extend your answers and show off a great range of relevant vocab and flexible grammar and of course clear pronunciation this part of the test is very interactive you need to listen carefully and respond appropriately to the examiner it's just like a real life discussion so i'll ask you a question you'll respond and then i'll show you how i would respond to that question ready do you find it difficult to save money here's the question and here's my response ah i do i've just reached a point in my life where i get paid a decent salary so i don't really feel like saving money i'm enjoying spending it admittedly i spend quite a bit on eating out and i also like buying clothes online if i cut back on those expenses i could probably save quite a bit of money but i'm not ready to sacrifice just yet maybe next year okay next question do you think it's easier to save money now or in the past here's the question here's my response well i think the internet has made it much easier to spend money i mean online shopping is so incredibly simple to do before you know it you've clicked a few buttons and added something to your cart and bought something so yes i think in my parents generation there would have been less things to spend money on mind you this generation is wealthier than previous generations so maybe it's okay that we spend more money okay next question how has technology changed the way people spend money in recent times here's the question here's my response well apart from online shopping there are all sorts of different ways to spend money cryptocurrency comes to mind as one but also just different payment systems there are credit cards of course but a more recent one that's popular here in australia is after pay where you buy now pay later of course you have to be careful of all the hidden fees they charge you okay next question should school children be taught to save money here's the question here's my response absolutely i think teaching children the importance of being thrifty or managing personal finance is really important it should be part of the school curriculum maybe from about grade six or perhaps it could be combined with a maths class so students learn mathematics and personal finance at the same time that would be a great subject okay next question do you think it's easier to save money in the city or the country here's the question here's my response in the countryside for sure there's just not much to spend money on i mean walking in the forest or swimming at the beach really doesn't cost anything whereas doing just about anything in the city costs money as soon as you step out of the door you're getting out your wallet so to speak so yes living in the countryside is simply cheaper all right next question what are some ways to manage savings here's the question and here's my response well budgets are helpful but i can't say i've ever used one i think there are all sorts of apps that you can download onto your smartphone these days to help with managing your finances as well i'm sure there are things you can add to your phone to block you from spending money i think technology can actually be pretty helpful when it comes to saving money alright next question do you think people who have a higher standard of living also enjoy a better quality of life here's the question here's my response uh that's a good question i think so i mean money does buy better experiences certainly when it comes to restaurants or sports cars but then again some experiences that cost nothing are often the best hanging out with friends or seeing your family so i'd say in general yes money does help with a better quality of life but only really with material objects so you saw there that i really started to extend my answers and give very thoughtful responses my language simply described the ideas i was having in response to the examiner's questions okay well done you've just done an ielts speaking test and an entire ielts test i hope that gave you a good feel for what it's going to be like on test day unfortunately on test day i won't be there to help you i wish i could join you so you will need to practice on your own all right before we finish up we have the most important section coming up next steps okay well done that was a huge challenge you've just done a full ielts test if you have any questions pop them into the comments below and while you're there click like hit subscribe and share this video with your friends on social media alright so throughout this video i've talked to you about the importance of practice on the last page of the fillable test book you will see a little table to fill out with your mock test scores and the scores you need it will show you exactly what e2 package you need based on your scores preparing with e2 will save you time and money and give you the confidence you need leading up to and on test day thanks very much for watching this video i know it was enormously long but hopefully it was helpful remember to share it with your friends my name is jay and i wish you the best of luck on your ielts test [Music]
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 117,428
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Keywords: IELTS, IELTS Mock Test, IELTS Sample Test, Full IELTS Mock Test, IELTS Speaking Test, IELTS Reading Test, IELTS Writing Test, IELTS Listening Test, IELTS 2022, E2 IELTS, mock test, band 9, band 8, band 7, IELTS Practice Test, sample test, practice test, ielts full mock test, ielts answers, with answers, test with answers, IELTS Test, ielts full test, ielts mock exam, mock exam, ielts exam, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Reading, IELTS Writing, IELTS Listening, match, e2, test, E2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 307min 20sec (18440 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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