7 Words to Say in IELTS Speaking for Band 7+

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Hey Mark, Hey Jay, so are we really doing this? We're doing this. So you're going to tell everybody   seven words that they need to use in IELTS  Speaking to get a seven, eight or even nine. That's right. Okay, Mark, I think I know what  the first word is, is it plethora? No. The first word is 'if'. So 'if', like, if I had a million  dollars, I would buy a Ferrari. Not quite sentences like that. We can use 'if'  very predictably to show cause and effect,   and extend ideas. Use 'if' to  talk about cause and effect.   If I don't get enough sleep,  I feel terrible the next day. If the sun is out, my house warms up quickly. If people start recycling,  it can make a big difference. So we can also use if to criticise  someone or something. Is that right? That's right. Use 'if' to criticise. If people  exercise more than maybe they'd be healthier. If education systems were better,  more people would understand this. If businesses cared more about the environment,  I guess that we'd be in a better position. Okay, cool. And how do we use 'if'  to show a problem and a solution? Hmm. Use 'if' to suggest solutions to problems. If people want to solve these problems they  will need to demand change from their leaders. If people want change, they will  have to make some sacrifices. Or if I studied with E2 I would pass my IELTS. If  you need to pass your aisles test and click that   subscribe button for great video content every  week on all different parts of the IELTS test.   So Mark, how do we put this if sentence or  these if words into an IELTS speaking question. Okay, Jay, I'm going to give you a  Part 3 IELTS Speaking test question.   Let's see how we can use if to help us answer this  question. How can people improve their health? I think that's pretty simple. Firstly, you  need to exercise of course. If you do about   30 minutes a day of exercise, then that will  keep you fit. Staying healthy is actually   pretty easy. If people weren't so lazy, they'd  be much fitter. I mean, if you want to get fit,   you need to get off the couch and go for a walk.  So the first 'if' sentence is a cause and effect   sentence. And then I've used 'if' to criticise.  And finally I've used 'if' to show a solution. Cool, great work. But remember everyone,  don't overdo it. You don't have to start   every single sentence with 'if',  in fact, you can probably just take   one of those ideas and explore it more with other  types of grammar. Other words, other sentences. Cool. Let's look at the next  word. The next one is 'more' 'More'? What about plethora or  irrefutable or phantasmagorical? You don't need to memorise these fancy sounding  words, honestly, they create more problems than   they solve. Agreed. Okay, so 'more' is a  very versatile word, and we use it a lot.   And it's going to help you connecting and  extending your ideas. It's going to help   you with your grammar, and it's going to  help you with your pronunciation as well.   Use 'more' to extend your ideas. The more  I study, the more my test results improve. The more we invest in energy research, the  sooner we can start solving global warming. The faster children develop  healthier eating habits,   the less likely they'll grow up to  suffer from diet related diseases. Wait, you said to use the word more but then  you use the word sooner faster and healthier. That's right. So that 'er' sound at  the end. That's the 'more' in the   comparative adjectives like  fitter, happier, healthier. Gotcha. And if you want to learn more about  grammar, including comparative adjectives,   check out our other YouTube channel called  E2 English. It's got heaps of great videos   on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation which  will be incredibly helpful for your IELTS test. Okay, Jay, I'm going to give you an IELTS Speaking  Part 1 question and you're going to use 'more' in   your answer. What's more important in your job,  the work you do, or the people you work with? Ah, it's definitely the people. The nicer and more  helpful your colleagues are, the more fun you have   at work. Notice here how I've used the comparative  adjectives nicer, more helpful and more fun.   And notice the way I added  stress to the words nicer   and more fun. And this is going to help  me with my IELTS pronunciation score. Nice work. So as an ex IELTS examiner, I would  have noticed that you've extended your ideas,   you're using more complex grammar, and  you're already using sentence stress quite   effectively. So if you're aiming for a seven  or higher, you're off to a pretty good start. Nice, excellent, good stuff. What's the next word? The next words are 'to' and 'the'. What? 'To' and 'the'? Really? Yeah, these are two fantastic words to help you  focus on connected speech, or linking, which is   super important if you're trying to get up to  a seven or higher. Okay, how? Let me show you.   In spoken speech, you'll often hear 'to' and  'the' like this, I went to the gym yesterday. I would go to the library at school, I took the train to the zoo.   Making small improvements to your ability to link  words together is going to have a huge impact   on your score, it's going to allow you to speak  faster or slower, and maintain intelligibility. Cool, so it's just t'th t'th t'th t'th. That doesn't mean that 'to' and 'the'  are incorrect, the way that you see them   in the dictionary. But it's very common  to hear them shortened slightly as t'th. Very natural. Let's move on t'th next one. The next word is 'which'. As an ex IELTS examiner,   I actually used to think it was strange  that I didn't hear this word more often,   we can use 'which' to reflect on something.  (Idea) 1, which is strange, because... (Idea) 2, which is important because... (Idea) 3, which is unfortunate because...   We can also use 'which' to introduce cause  and effect. (Idea) 1, which can lead to... (Idea) 2, which causes... (Idea) 3, which may result in... Okay, great. So we can use 'which' to reflect  upon something or we can use 'which' to show   cause and effect. But how does it work  in the context of IELTS Speaking? Hmm. Here's a part one question. What is  your favourite room in your house? It's definitely my bedroom. It's got a big  window that faces the east, which is wonderful,   because in the morning, it fills my room with  sunshine. So I've said which is wonderful here   because I'm reflecting upon something  and I'm extending my ideas. Now if you   want to watch a video on cause and effect,  you can click it in the description below.   Nice, Jay. Cool, thanks.  Alright, what's the next one? The next word is 'so'. 'So' can be used at  the end of a comparison of ideas or maybe   a list of ideas so that you can show your  final position or opinion on something. And why can't I just say in conclusion? That's probably something you want to avoid  in the speaking test. It's more appropriate   in writing. Agreed. Use 'so' to conclude  your points. Point 1. Point 2. Point 3. So. Let's use 'so' in the context  of an IELTS speaking question. Here's a part three question.  Who is more responsible   for addressing the dangers of global  warming, individuals or governments? It depends, if individuals make an effort,  they can accomplish a lot through recycling   and living more sustainable lifestyles.  But if governments set clear regulations,   they can very strongly influence businesses  to find more sustainable practices, which is   important because they can create more pollution  than individuals. So it's probably governments   who bear most of the responsibility. Notice here  how I've used the word 'So' to conclude my points. By the way, that was also really impressive  how you've incorporated a few of the different   techniques we've looked at today. We've  got 'if' for cause and effect and we've   got 'which is important'. And then you  conclude the point very nicely. Great.   Let's look at the last word. 'When'. I love  teaching this word, I love training it with some   of my students. It's a great way to get students  to reflect on their own experiences and ideas. And   it can be really helpful if you're not totally  sure what your idea is, it can help you think   out loud before finally coming to your point. Use  'when' to reflect. When I studied at university. When I was in Spain. When I was a teenager.   Alright, cool. Let's see how to use  'when' in an IELTS speaking question. Here's a part three question, what are some  things people can do to improve their health? Get exercise, these days, people just seem to be  sitting a lot more, there seem to be a lot more   things that force us to sit for longer and longer  periods of time. I remember when I was younger,   video games weren't so popular. But now I  constantly hear stories about young people playing   video games a lot. So you can see how I've used  the word 'when' here to reflect upon something, Then I think at the end of this, you  probably could have added something   to really conclude the point you could  have used 'so' to introduce that,   or not used 'so'. To be honest, it's not really  the words you need to think about. It's the ideas,   it's expressing your ideas, through your  experience, through your opinions. And   that'll give you the opportunity to use the more  complex grammar. Well done, Jay. Thanks, Mark. I can really see how those words allowed  me to express myself and extend my ideas. Exactly. Lead with your ideas,  your experience and your positions.   Let the language describe  what you're thinking. Cool. Totally Great. Let's recap those seven  words. Number one, 'if'. Number two, 'more'.   Number three and four, 'to'and 'the'. Number five,  'which'. Number six, 'so'. Number seven, 'when'. Thanks very much for watching everybody. Cool. Don't forget to click that subscribe button.   Click like and leave a comment for us.  That would be lovely. See you soon.
Channel: E2 IELTS
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Keywords: IELTS, IELTS Speaking, ielts, ielts speaking, ielts speaking band 7, ielts speaking band 6, ielts speaking band 8, ielts speaking band 9, band 7, band 8, E2, e2 ielts, 7 words, band 7+, english speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking part 3, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking words, ielts idioms, ielts speaking idioms, ielts speaking grammar, idioms, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking sample, ielts speaking mock test, e2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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