Understand IELTS Reading in JUST 40 minutes!

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Did you know that in IELTS Reading there  are 11 different question types and some   of these question types are very confusing  when you see them on the page in the paper   based test or when you see them on the screen  in the computer based test. What we're going   to do in this video is go through all the  different IELTS Reading question types. All right. Before we look at a single passage and  all the different IELTS Reading question types,   let's just recap the basics of IELTS Reading,  what you need to do. So you'll have 60 minutes   to complete 40 questions, you'll have three  reading passages. And as I mentioned, there   are 11 different question types. Let's take a look  at the simplest question type, multiple choice.   So take a look at this paragraph here. This is  part of a larger passage that we're going to   read. On test day, it's not a good  idea to read the entire passage.   A passage is a number of different paragraphs. The  best way to approach this test is to go paragraph   by paragraph because the questions align with  the paragraphs themselves. That is, question one   is going to be at the top of the passage, and  the final question will be at the bottom of   the passage. Let's take a look at this multiple  choice question. Even though you have probably   seen a number of these in your lifetime, there  is a good approach to a multiple choice question.   And that is to identify where in the  passage it mentions the answer options,   and to eliminate incorrect answer options before  arriving at the correct answer option. The reason   we do this is it increases the probability that  you'll select the correct answer. Feel free to   pause this video and do the question yourself  or join me right now as I take you through it.   Alright, so macadamia milk. That's what we're  looking for in this paragraph. Let's quickly read   the paragraph. Milk is not what it used to be.  For centuries, milk was associated with animal   milk and certainly in the UK with cow's milk.  But now there are dozens of different types of   milk products, which are derived from vegetables,  legumes or nuts, while soy, almond, oat, rice and   coconut are the current popular milk alternatives.  There are even lesser known milk types,   including pea hemp, and macadamia. Let's read on.  Many people are choosing these different types of   milks for environmental purposes, while others  are doing it for health reasons. So if we look   at the question again, it says macadamia milk,  let's check A is a well known dairy alternative.   Well, probably not because it says it's a lesser  known milk type. So that's directly contradictory.   So we're not going to select A. Macadamia  milk has negative environmental impacts. Well,   it doesn't actually say that. There's nothing  mentioned about the negativity of macadamia milk.   Let's check C. Macadamia milk is a relatively  obscure type of milk. Well, it says here that   macadamia milk is a lesser known milk type. Lesser  known and obscure mean the same thing. So in fact,   C is correct. But let's first eliminate D to  maximise our chances of success here. Macadamia   milk has many positive health benefits of which  that is not mentioned. So if we look carefully,   we can see this part of the text, we can see  that this aligns with C. They say the same thing,   but in different words, that is the correct  answer. Okay, so that's multiple choice. And it's   pretty straightforward. And what we're going to do  in this video is I'm going to walk you through all   of the different question types. And some of them,  trust me, get really strange, and you probably   need my advice here. So please don't click off  and watch cat videos. Stick with me. Let's look   at Task Type number two. This one's called true,  false, not given. And this is what it looks like   on test day. You'll see here it says choose true  if choose false if and choose not given if. Below   that you'll see number two and number three, these  are statements. What you're ultimately doing with   this question type is working out whether the  statement says the same thing as the text, in   which case it's going to be true. Or you're going  to look at the statement, you're going to look at   the text and perhaps they will contradict each  other and it will be an explicit contradiction,   in which case it's going to be false. Or you're  going to look at the statement, you're going to   look at the text and there just won't be enough  information to make a decision if it's true or   false, in which case it's going to be, you guessed  it, not given. Let's go through this one together. So number two, is it true false or not given?  Dairy Milk has a high sugar content. Let's   quickly read the paragraph. Milk alternatives  aside, what are the health benefits of dairy   milk the world's most popular milk. Dietitian  and celebrity chef Marcus Adam says that there   are many reasons to stick to the most classic milk  types. It's a great source of vitamin A, D, B-12,   and zinc. And while it might be slightly higher  in saturated fats than plant based milks,   there is always the option to buy low fat milk. So  you might have some assumptions whether dairy milk   has a high sugar content or not. that's beside  the point. If it's not mentioned in the paragraph,   it's not mentioned in the paragraph, and therefore  you choose not given. Let's look at number three.   Plant based milks contain less saturated fats  than cow milk. In other words, cow milk has   higher saturated fats than plant based milks.  In the final sentence there it says and while it   dairy milk might be slightly higher in saturated  fats than plant based milks. Number three says   plant based milks contain less saturated fats than  cow milk. What we found here is that the statement   says the same thing as the text but it's just  using different words. In a way, it's just kind of   reversed the meaning but it says the same thing,  in which case the answers are not given and true.   Let's look at question type number three. This  is called sentence completion. And it's pretty   straightforward. Importantly, with these types  of questions, you need to read the instruction,   this one says choose no more than two words,  that is, you can choose one word directly   taken from the paragraph, or two words, no more.  Sometimes the instruction says choose no more   than two words and or a number. So what does  this mean? This means you can choose one word,   two words and a number. So that is two words and a  number. Or you can choose two words, or a number,   one word or a number. What I suggest you do is  write that down and just work it out. It's a   little logic problem, but once you work it out  on test day, you'll be fine. Let's take a close   look at this question. Okay, so number four,  the dairy milk that has the most devastating   impact on the environment is what? Hmm, let's read  the paragraph. As for its environmental impact,   London university professor Dr. Mary Wilks  says that it's indisputable that cow's milk   is the worst possible choice for the planet. Let's  read number four again, the dairy milk that has   the most devastating impact on the environment  is what? Hopefully you've got the answer there.   Number five, comparatively, the production  of dairy milk creates something as much   greenhouse gas as plant based alternatives.  Hmm, let's read the rest of the paragraph.   Wilks' research suggests that a single  glass of Moo juice accounts for three   times the amount of greenhouse gas emissions  compared to non dairy milks. And we probably   don't need to read the rest of the paragraph.  Because number five again says comparatively,   so it's comparing dairy milk with non dairy  milk, the production of dairy milk creates. Well,   let's look at the answer three times or three  times with the number would also be correct.   Number four is indisputable. So what I've done  there, or more precisely what the test is doing.   It's asking you to find the same information in  the paragraph that's written in that statement.   One word will be missing. The specific  word you need will be located in that   paragraph. The word might be an adjective like  indisputable, or it might be a noun, like,   well, we'll have a look later on at some key  nouns as well. But just keep that in mind. Let's   have a look at the next question type. Question  type number four summary completion. Okay, so take a look at this here. On the left hand  side, we have the paragraph from the passage,   and on the right hand side, we have a summary.  What essentially happened here is someone's taking   that paragraph and written it again, slightly  differently, okay, it's gonna say the same thing,   but it's been written differently. Now,  in this summary, there are words missing.   So ultimately, what we're going to do is read  that paragraph, understand it, then look at the   summary. Understand that and find the words that  have been taken out. Okay, let's do it. Again,   just be cautious of the instructions there.  Write no more than one word. We cannot write   two or three words now. Let's read the paragraph.  Almond Milk is quickly becoming the most popular   alternative to cow's milk. If you visit your  local cafe the term almond latte has now become   commonplace. Despite its popularity, almond milk  offers very little in terms of health benefits,   mainly because it consists almost entirely of  water. Most almond milk products contain less   than 2% almonds and be careful of the sweeteners  used to make this milk taste better as well.   Fitness coach Peter Jenners says that while many  people turn to almond milk because of its low fat   content, most people fail to understand that its  sugar content is actually the culprit of weight   gain, not fat, he recommends purchasing  almond milk that contains no added sugar.   Now let's read the summary. Almond Milk  is becoming increasingly more what. Let's   read this first sentence again. Almond Milk is  quickly becoming the most popular alternative   to cow's milk. You can probably guess what number  six is. Let's keep reading the summary. A request   for an almond latte at a cafe is not uncommon.  In terms of nutrition, Almond Milk is lacking   considering it is made of mostly what. In fact,  most brands contain only around 2% almonds,   one must also be cautious of what as well, which  are added to increase the flavour of the milk.   While low fat is a drawcard of almond  milk. It's a common misconception that   something leads to increased weight. So the  answers are number six, popular, it's increasingly   more popular. Have a look at the first sentence  of the passage of the paragraph. Almond Milk is   quickly becoming the most popular alternative. The  summary says almond milk is becoming increasingly   more popular than cow's milk. They say the same  thing. They're just saying it in different words.   That key word though that key adjective,  popular, has not changed. Number seven.   Almond Milk is lacking considering it is made of  mostly water. If we read the passage paragraph,   it says it contains very little in terms of  health benefits, mainly because it consists   almost entirely of water. It consists of and  it's made of are synonymous, they mean the same   thing. Number eight, one must also be cautious of  sweeteners. Well, the original paragraph says Be   careful of the sweeteners used. Be careful, be  cautious, you can see the synonymous language.   And number nine while low fat is a draw card of  almond milk. It's a common misconception that fat   leads to increased weight. So it's a common  misconception. Or if we look in the original   passage, most people fail to understand that  it's sugar content is actually the culprit of   weight gain, not fat. So let's read the summary  again. While low fat is a drawcard of almond milk.   It's a common misconception that fat leads to  increased weight. That's pretty tricky. If that   one sort of makes you go what I don't get it, I  want you to read it again and again until you go Yes, I've got it because really again, what's  happening is that summary is saying the same   thing as the passage, but just in different  ways. That's all. You can see the use of   synonyms. IELTS Reading is all about synonyms  and paraphrases. Let's look at the next question.   Question type number five match sentence endings.  Okay, take a look at the right hand side here   you can see two subjects, almond trees and almond  lattes. And below them you can see the predicates   or the rest of the sentence. Consume vast amounts  of water caused more greenhouse gases than dairy   should be bought locally destroy bee habitats  and need more water than people suspect.   As you can imagine, you're gonna have to  match the sentence endings to the correct   subject. Now this is vastly simplified. On test  day, you're going to get a number of subjects,   and you're going to get even more predicates or  the rest of the sentences. So it makes it a bit   trickier but this will give you a good idea of  what you need to do. Because this one's tricky.   You're sort of going subject predicate passage of  the sentence. Does it say the same thing? Let's   take a look. Okay, let's read the paragraph first  before we look at the question so concerningly   almond milks impact on the environment is almost  as severe as dairy. Well, it doesn't have the   same greenhouse gas effects. It does lead to major  water losses. Almond trees are extremely thirsty.   Environmental scientists Dr. Abdul Karim  calculates that a single Almond kernel,   the basis of almond milk requires up to 10  litres of water to grow. Put simply, an almond   latte will need 60 litres of water to produce an  alarming realisation for many who have made the   switch from dairy to Armand. Karim also notes that  almond trees can have devastating effects on bees,   which are used to cross pollinate the trees, but  it's susceptible to insecticides. He advocates for   drinkers to choose locally produced almond milk,  rather than imported varieties. Okay, so what does   it say about almond trees? And what does it say  about almond lattes? Let's take a closer look. So   at the top of the paragraph, it says almond trees  are extremely thirsty. And there's also a phrase   major water loss. So if we look at number 10,  almond trees what consume vast amounts of water?   That sounds pretty good. Let's just make  sure that B, C, D and E are wrong. Cause more   greenhouse gases than dairy. Well, they don't.  So that's wrong. C, should be bought locally. No,   you don't buy almond trees locally. It didn't say  that. almond trees destroy bee habitats? Well,   let's have a look at that. It says almond trees  can have devastating effects on bees. It doesn't   say anything about bee habitats, though. So that's  not quite right. Although it's very tempting.   And again, number 10. almond trees what  need more water than people suspect?   Well, it doesn't really say that. So let's  stick with 10. A. What about Almond lattes?   It says in the middle of the paragraph, an  almond latte will need 60 litres of water   to produce an alarming realisation for many who  have made the switch from dairy to almond. That's   the key sentence. And if we look down at E, it  says Almond lattes need more water than people   suspect. So the answers are 10 A and 11 E and  you can see in the paragraph, that particular   sentences which are critical to the meaning here.  So what you're doing with this one is gymnastics,   mental gymnastics, you're putting a  subject and the predicate together.   And then you're looking in the paragraph and  saying, is that what it says? And you sort   of have to rearrange. Now on test day, there's  going to be more predicates or sentence endings   than there are subjects so it gets a little bit  tricky. If you do need help, click the link in the   description below. go across to e2language.com  sign up for our live classes, that'll help you   out. Let's take a look at the next question type.  Okay, stick with me. We're more than halfway   through. Now we're looking at question type number  six. This is short answer. It's dead simple.   Okay, again, read the instructions, choose  no more than two words. Okay, so I can't use   three words or four words, I can use one or two.  And even if all of the sentences only require one   word, that's a kind of way that IELTS do a little  trick on you. Just rest assured in your answers.   Let's read the questions first. What  does soy milk and dairy milk contain in similar proportions? Number 13. What  type of soy milk should people buy?   Number 14 what disease is a misattributed to soy  milk not attributed, misattributed? Let's read the   paragraph. Soy milk is the oldest alternative  to animal milks and is made by dissolving   soybeans in water. In terms of nutrition, it  is one of the best alternatives to dairy milk.   Quote. It is one of the healthiest dairy free  options you can buy says Samantha Deubey,   a health and wellness practitioner. It has just  as much protein as milk but has far less saturated   fat, which makes it a far better choice. In quote  Deubey recommends that consumers make sure they   choose a fortified soy milk that has added calcium  Deubey also maintains that while some people fear   that soy milk can cause breast cancer, the science  doesn't stack up to support this claim. In fact,   the only condition soy milk has been proven to  cause is acne, but only if drunk excessively.   So you've probably got a bit of an idea of what  the answers might be considering we read that some   of those keywords flashed or stuck out. Let's just  make sure that we've got them correct. Let's look   at number 12. What does soy milk and dairy milk  contain in similar proportions? The answer here is   protein. It says in the paragraph, it, soy milk,  has just as much protein as milk. In other words,   it contains similar proportions of protein. Number  13. What type of soy milk should people buy?   Well, Deubey recommends that consumers make  sure they choose a fortified soy milk. Now here,   remember that the instruction says that you can  use two words max. Now admittedly, in some parts   of the paragraph, soy milk is two words, in some  parts it's one but I did this as a little trick   just to make sure you don't screw  up on test day and put three words.   Because if you wrote fortified soy milk as  three words, it would be considered incorrect.   If soy milk throughout the passage is always one  word, you wrote, fortified soy milk, that would   be considered correct. Or you can just have the  adjective there fortified. Cool. Let's look at 14.   What disease is misattributed to soy milk?  Well, there are two diseases mentioned. One   is breast cancer and the other is acne. I don't  know if acne is a disease or condition whatever.   Anyway, Deubey also maintains that while some  people fear that soy milk can cause breast cancer,   the science doesn't stack up to support this  claim. So what disease is misattributed to   soy milk? The answer is breast cancer. Okay, we're  more than halfway through which is fabulous. Stick   with me. We can do this and this will help you on  test day, I promise. Before we look at question   type number seven, I want to talk to you about why  you should prepare properly for your IELTS test.   One of the best things you can do to prepare  is invest in an E2 package to pass your isles   test. We have packages ranging from 49 US dollars.  That includes live classes, practice tests,   recorded classes, mock tests, writing, speaking,  feedback and tutorials. All you need to do is   click the link in the description below. Go across  make yourself a free account and then upgrade.   Okay, let's look at question type number seven.  Yes, no, not given. So we've already looked at   true false not given and that deals with facts.  Yes, no, not given deals with people's opinions.   So it's pretty similar but slightly different  if you like. Similar principles, though. Let's take a look. So choose Yes if the statement  reflects the claims of the writer. Choose no if   the statement contradicts the claims of the writer  and choose not given if it's impossible to say   either way. So number 15. Soy generates  comparatively small amounts of greenhouse gas   emissions. Let's read the paragraph and see  if it's Yes, no or not given. In other words,   see if it says the same thing, it  contradicts or it's just not mentioned.   In terms of its environmental impact, in contrast  to cow and almond milk, soy uses very little water   and according to Dr. Karim, its land use  in greenhouse gas emissions are negligible.   Okay, let's stick on that sentence.  Let's read number 15 again, soy generates   comparatively small amounts of greenhouse  gas emissions. Let's read a part of that   sentence again. According to Dr. Karim,  its land use that is soy beans land use   and greenhouse gas emissions are negligible, which  means they're only tiny or not worth noticing.   Number 15 says soy generates comparatively  small amounts of greenhouse gas emissions.   So does that statement say the same thing as  that part of the text or does it contradict or   is it impossible to say? What do you think? Let's  take a look at the next statement. Okay, so the   Amazon rainforest is being destroyed for soy milk  production. Let's read the rest of the paragraph.   The problem with soy milk is its popularity not  as a milk but as a feed for livestock. It turns   out that large parts of the Amazon rainforest  are being cleared to grow soy beans. Hmm, let's   read number 16 again. The Amazon rainforest  is being destroyed for soy milk production.   As far as I'm concerned, these two statements or  that statement and that sentence contradict. One   says that the Amazon's being destroyed for soy  beans for livestock. And the statement says that   it's being destroyed to make soy milk. That could  be interpreted as a direct contradiction, in which   case you're going to choose yes, no or not given.  Let's look at the last one. Consumers should avoid   buying soy milk produced in Brazil. Let's look at  the final sentence here. Abdul Karim recommends   again that people choose soy milk with soybeans  sourced from countries other than Brazil. Hmm,   let's read it again. Consumers should avoid  buying soy milk produced in Brazil. Abdul Karim   recommends that people choose soy milk with soy  beans sourced from countries other than Brazil. So   as far as I'm concerned, what's going on here  is we don't have enough information to determine   whether it's saying the exact same thing or  whether it's being contradictory. There's just   not enough said about soy milk that's produced in  Brazil. If there's not enough information, and if   you can't truly decide, then what do you choose?  Well, the answers here are Yes, no and not given.   How are you going so far? We've done 17 questions  in total thus far, and we've looked at seven   different question types. What's your score out  of 17 so far? If you want, you can keep track and   let me know in the comments below what score you  get. At the end, there's going to be 33 questions   in total. Okay, let's have a look at the next  question type. It's question type number eight,   and it's called match headings. And this for  some reason, scares people. Let's take a look.   Question type number eight match headings.  Alright, so for the following questions,   we're not going to just look in a single  paragraph for answers. We're going to look across   paragraphs. What you have to do in match headings  is read the paragraph and think of a good   heading. There will be a list of headings and  only one of them will correctly sort of summarise   that particular paragraph. So what we're going  to do is go back to the start of the passage,   we're going to read the paragraph, we're  going to look at all the different headings.   We're going to decide which of those headings  best summarises that particular paragraph. Okay,   so we go from paragraph to headings, not headings,  to paragraphs. Again, we look at the paragraph,   read it, understand it, then quickly  read the list of headings to determine   which is the best heading. That's the best  approach. Let's do it together. So A, is it going to be 18, 19, 20, 21, etc. Let's read  the paragraph. Milk is not what it used to be.   For centuries, milk was associated with animal  milk and certainly in the UK with cow's milk,   but now there are dozens of different types of  milk products, which are derived from vegetables,   legumes or nuts, or soy, almond, oat, rice and  coconut are the current popular milk alternatives.   There are even lesser known milk types including  pea hemp, and macadamia many people are choosing   these different types of milks for environmental  purposes, while others are doing it for health   reasons. Let's now read the headings to determine  which is the best summary. 18 Why almond milk is   not that good for you. No. 19 The nourishment  of soy milk. No. 20 The impact of cow milk. No.   21 The nutritional benefits of dairy milk. No. 22  The ecological issues of soy milk. No. 23 Concerns   over water consumption. No. 24 Alternative milk  products. Yes! So hopefully you chose 24 A.   Let's do the next one. Milk alternatives aside,  what are the health benefits of dairy milk,   the world's most popular milk? Well, we probably  don't even need to read any further than that. You   can see that it says vitamin A, D and zinc. The  whole paragraph is about the health benefits of   dairy milk. You can see number 21 which is the  nutritional benefits of dairy milk so 21 B. Okay,   paragraph C. As for its environmental impact, that  is, dairy milk. London university professor Dr.   Mary Wilks says that it is indisputable that cow's  milk is the worst possible choice for the planet.   Hmm, have a look at the headings. Which of those  best summarises the paragraph? I think the answer   might be 20. 20 C. Now it's probably a good idea  to read the entire paragraph because sometimes the   topic sentence or the first part of the paragraph  can lead you to the correct summary or the correct   answer. But oftentimes you do want to read the  whole thing through just to make sure because it   can be a little bit confusing and the headings can  be confusing, etc. Let's keep going. D, Okay, so   we're talking about almond milk now. Almond milk  is quickly becoming the most popular alternative   to cow's milk if you visit your local cafe the  term almond latte has now become commonplace.   Despite its popularity, almond milk offers very  little in terms of health benefits. So this is   about almond milk and health benefits. Take a look  at the list of headings which one is about almond   milk and health benefits. Well, hopefully you can  see that 18 says why almond milk is not that good   for you. I shouldn't say health benefits, health  deficits maybe but the answer there is 18 D.   Okay three more. Concerningly almond milks impact  on the environment is almost as severe as dairy.   While it doesn't have the same greenhouse gas  effects, it does lead to major water loss as   almond trees are extremely thirsty. And then the  rest of the paragraph is about how devastating   This is on the environment because they drink so  much water. Have a look at the headings. Which of   these is about almond milk and its impact on  the environment. Well, if you see number 23,   you can see concerns over water consumption. This  paragraph is about, mainly about, concerns over   water consumption of almond trees. Let's do the  next one. Soy milk is the oldest alternative to   animal milks and is made by dissolving soybeans in  water in terms of nutrition, okay, so soy milk and   nutrition. Take a look at the headings. If  you look closely, number 19, you'll see the   nourishment of soy milk is a good heading for  this particular paragraph. Let's do the last one.   In terms of its environmental impact, in contrast  to cow and almond milk, soy uses very little   water. And according to Dr. Karim, its land use  and greenhouse gas emissions are negligible.   The problem is soy milk is its popularity  not as milk but as a feed for livestock.   Hmm, let's take a look at the list so far. Well,  you can see number 22 there. The ecological   issues of soy milk. Now similar to match sentence  endings, which we saw before, there are usually,   no, not usually. There are always more sentence  endings, then there are subjects. Similarly,   in this one here, there will be more headings  to the paragraphs than there are paragraphs. So   what we're looking at here is a bit simplified,  but hopefully it gives you a good idea. Okay,   before we look at the next question type, I  want to talk to you about the mini mock test. One of the ways that you can assess if you're  ready to take the IELTS test and you'll pass   first time around, is to take a mock test,  but not any mock test. You should take the E2   IELTS mock test. It gives you real exam simulation  that gives you confidence. And more than anything,   it's going to give you lots and lots  of feedback. One of the cool things   is you actually take a one on one speaking  test with one of the E2 expert teachers.   That is a good idea before your test day even  if you've taken the IELTS test before you want   to find out why you were unsuccessful. The mock  test is going to provide you all the feedback   you need to find out what your weak areas are.  Okay, let's look at question type number nine.   We're almost there. This one is match information.  Question type number nine match information.   Okay, so this one's similar to match headings but  match headings was about summarising the entire   paragraph and determining a good heading for it.  This one is about specific information within the   paragraph. It's basically asking you in which  paragraph can you find this information here,   let's take a look at the list. 25 it disturbs  important insects or 26, It is very watery   27, It contains a range of vitamins, 28, it has  the most devastating environmental impact. The   passage has five paragraphs labelled A to E which  paragraphs contain the following information,   choose the correct letter A to D for question  25 to 28. Note, you may use any letter more   than once. Okay, let's look at paragraph A. But  what I'm going to do is save you time and 25, 26,   27, 28 do not relate to paragraph A. Let's take  a look at paragraph B. This was about the health   benefits of dairy milk. Take a look at 25 to  28. Which of those is in relationship or which   of those has information that is also contained  within paragraph B. Hopefully you chose 27 was   B. It contains a range of vitamins, you can  see the detail there, vitamin A, D, B-12.   Take a look at paragraph C. This was about the  environmental impact of dairy milk. Now take a   look at the pieces of information. It disturbs  important insects, is very watery, it contains a   range of vitamins, it has the most devastating  environmental impact. That, my friends,   is where you would write C. In short, that piece  of information about being the most devastating   to the environment is mentioned within this  particular paragraph. So therefore, we'll write C.   Paragraph D was about the health benefits  of almond milk. Take a look at the list of   information here. Do you remember anything about  it being watery? That's because it's number 26.   Therefore we would write D In short, it is very  watery almond milk is very watery, was contained   within this particular paragraph. Finally,  this was about almond milk's impact on the   environment. And it did mention something about  bees. And you can see number 25 there. It disturbs   important insects. Therefore you would write  E. This one's pretty tricky, right because what   you're doing is you're reading that little piece  of Information and you're thinking to yourself,   where was that located? In which paragraph?  Was that detail located about bees or about   the wateriness of some particular milk product?  Okay, so that's why you have to read across the   paragraphs to do that one. Okay, let's take a  look at question type number 10. Match features,   question type number 10 match features. Okay,  I don't know if you paid attention. But within   each of those paragraphs, or nearly all of  the paragraphs there were people mentioned you remember Dr. Mary Wilks and Dr. Abdul Karim,  etc. Now we're gonna have to work with those   people to find out specific information  that they said, Let's take a closer look.   So what we ultimately need to do is match  each of the statements. 29, the maths on water   consumption or a false scientific claim is the  most detrimental milk, stay with what you know,   there is a dietary misconception. These are the  statements, we need to match these statements with   A, B, C, D, or E. In other words with the person  who said it, for example, who said something about   the maths on water consumption? Who said something  about a false scientific claim? Who said something   about the most detrimental milk or staying with  what you know or the dietary misconception?   Let's take a closer look at the paragraphs. Okay,  within this paragraph, you can see the name Marcus   Adams. And here you can see C Marcus  Adams. Now what did Marcus Adams say?   Marcus Adams says that there are many reasons  to stick to the most classic of milk types.   In other words, number 32, stay with  what you know. That is the answer for 32   C. Take a look at this paragraph it mentions Dr.  Mary Wilks. What does Dr. Mary Wilks say? Well,   she says that it is indisputable that cow's milk  is the worst possible choice for the planet.   Which of those statements from 29 to 33  say the same thing? If you look closely,   31 says the same thing. Therefore, we're going  to write A next to 31, which is Dr. Mary Wilks.   Take a look at this paragraph. Can you see a name  in there? I can see Peter Jenners. What does he   say? Well, he says that while many people turn  to almond milk, because of its low fat content,   most people fail to understand that its sugar  content is actually the culprit of weight gain,   not fat. So from 29 to 33, we've already  eliminated a couple. Which of these is or   could be attributed to Peter Jenners? And that is  number 33. There is a dietary misconception there.   Have a look at this paragraph. This is where Dr.  Abdul Karim says something, now he calculates that   a single Almond kernel requires up to 10 litres  of water to grow. Have a look at the statements,   hopefully you'll match Dr. Abdul Karim with  number 29, which is B. Finally, we're looking at   Samantha Deubey. What does she say? Well, she  said something about soy milk not causing breast   cancer, remember was a misattribution.  Therefore you can see number 30, a false   scientific claim we would write E next to number  30. Hopefully you got B A C D for that particular   question type. Holy moly, we've actually made it  to the end. We did 10 out of 11 possible question   types. The only question type that we didn't do  is called diagram labelling completion because,   put simply, I couldn't create a diagram about what  we're looking at unless I did a cow and pointed   to the cow. But that would have been strange. If  you want to practice diagram labelling completion,   click the link in the description  below. go across to E2Language.com,   sign up for an IELTS prep course. Hopefully you  found that video helpful. That was fun. I hope   you enjoyed it. Thanks very much for watching.  Don't forget to subscribe. I'll see you soon.   One of the best things you can do to prepare is  invest in an E2 package to pass your IELTS test.   We have packages ranging from 49 US dollars. That  includes live classes, practice tests, recorded   classes, mock tests, writing and speaking feedback  and tutorials. All you need to do is click   the link in the description below. Go across,  make yourself a free account and then upgrade.
Channel: E2 IELTS
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Keywords: ielts, ielts reading, ielts writing, ielts academic, ielts general, E2, e2, E2 IELTS, e2 ielts, IELTS Reading, IELTS E2, ielts e2, ielts tips, e2 class, ielts replay, band 8, band 9, band 7, band 6, band 5, Multiple Choice, true false not given, sentence completion, summary completion, match sentence endings, short answer, yes no not given, match headings, match features, match information, diagram label completion, 40, minutes, 40 minutes, IELTS in 40 minutes, IELTS, yes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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