IELTS Speaking Practice LIVE - TOPIC: Holidays

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yay [Laughter] are we going we're live man all right fantastic we look very red i don't know why are we so red ah we've been busy all day i think that's why certainly not sunburn is it definitely not no hello everybody i'm jay and this is mark mark close things i think we've got uh great we've got 200 people in here already picking up excellent and if you're on youtube watching this and you want the chance to actually speak live you have to actually come across and join us in the zoom live class and you can do that by going to and you'll just only take you a minute you come in click on the live class follow the zoom link and you can come into the actual zoom live class all right let's have a look at who's in here lots of people dharma ibrahimo um ahana abisola irving well it's alphabetically ordered right yep amandi anna alice amal amandev anjali anwa ah it's all a's there we are yeah yeah yeah listen let's let's go down let's see who else is here we got new zed hello from iran we have people from iran joining us latvia laura from italy italy the united arab emirates india the philippines argentina all right fantastic well nigeria i saw okay azerbaijan good stuff good stuff good columbians all right we may as well get cracking with this let's go so let me just bring up my slides here yeah and let me share my screen with you i think that's all good cool all right i'll do the little intro part great hello everybody my name is jay i'm one of the expert ielts teachers here at e2 test prep which you can find on in today's class if it's morning noon or night for you we're gonna focus on ielts speaking okay just very broadly you probably know this already in ielts speaking the whole thing goes for about 11 to 14 minutes and there are three parts can you just quickly recap the three parts mark part one basic simple introductions who are you where are you from questions you know are you a student are you working and then they'll ask some simple questions maybe uh your favorite color maybe a season that you like do you like the rain is when i got one really i understand yeah well you're in a good city for that do you like the rain i i'm from vancouver i love the rain all right uh yeah so basic simple questions you just give a quick three four sentences you don't need to go into too much detail that's right yeah cool and let's skip part two because we'll focus that on more in more detail what about part three part three uh this is where you're gonna have a bit more of a back and forth with the uh teacher they're gonna ask you some questions they might ask you your opinions or positions on something they might ask you to identify examples or characteristics of someone or something and talk about those they might ask you a comparison question the past and now or the future right okay it starts to get quite deep in part three doesn't yes all right cool so we've just recapped that very quickly i want to touch on scoring with you because this is the name of the game you need to know how to maximize your scores so just briefly you are scored on four criteria it's called uh it's actually really more than that you scored on fluency and coherence 25 percent vocab range which means the number of words you use the different words the different words or the variation in your vocabulary and also the accuracy of the words you use or the precision your word choice grammatical range and accuracy again grammatical range means you're just not speaking with short simple sentences you're using some conditionals maybe a question maybe some different verb tenses etc and it should be as accurate as you can possibly make it and the last one is prawn pronunciation so this thing i don't know if you've seen this before this is a ghastly looking thing this is the official criteria so if i'm in ielts well you were an ielts speaking examiner five years did you look at something like this when you're marking the candidate uh not when you're looking at it you aren't really looking at it while they're speaking but yes you do have it there with you uh and you use it you know you you can keep that with you but yes you're usually focused on the student as they're speaking and you've got this off to the side so so what are you doing when the candidate speaking is the examiner what are you writing down uh you're you're not really you're only writing down some times of you know when did they start speaking when did they stop speaking yeah in the in the test they're just there they're talking to you and they're listening to you yes they might write down a couple of notes but that's not that's just time related not score related yeah so if you see a a three or a nine don't feel anything about that that has nothing to do with your score um and then you know once you've left if they have any doubt then they might check their scores so so when do you actually give the candidate the score do you wait until they leave or yep after they leave they close the door they stop recording they make their own do you listen back to the recording oh what do you do in memory um i believe you can listen to it but yeah so it's okay mark's an excellent examiner you can listen to it i suppose yes he's come to the good side now he's in the preparation space i've always been on the good side okay yeah so all right okay so after they leave you then recount sort of the fluency coherence vocabulary etc let's take a closer look at this mark so talk me through fluency and coherence what does that mean really you're not uh for a higher score you're not pausing you're not having difficulty looking for the words you might have a bit of difficulty occasionally maybe with the correct idea but you're generally not humming um too much and then of course your ideas are connected and developed so you want to avoid and then and and and and you want to take one idea explain it extend it talk about the effect hypothesize develop the idea cool that's what we're going to do in this lesson we're really going to focus a lot of what we're going to talk about today is going to focus on that fluency and coherence criteria it's the one thing i think you can control easiest as a language learner gotcha because you know these ideas are the same if you're speaking a different language yeah and you can you know learn how to develop your ideas grammar and vocabulary everyone's a little bit different and that can take time to develop and pronunciation yes although you have something about sentence stress that you i won't stop talking about you can do prawn i'll talk about vocabulary so as i mentioned before you are scored on vocabulary in that it needs to be precise that is you're using the right word at the right time to make the right meaning it also well it should be varied as well um that is you shouldn't be repeating the same word again and again so try and use your full repertoire of vocabulary that would have got me a little point what about grammar grammar is the same thing it needs to be accurate so if you're talking about i don't know cup versus cups make sure you get your plural noun right if you're talking about in the past tense make sure you get the ed on the verb right things like that and also varied so i wouldn't think too consciously about grammar at all in this well while you're right while you're preparing while you're practicing you might you know or you know while you're making notes or developing an idea before your class or before your test that's fine yeah but i wouldn't be thinking in the test okay i need an if sentence and it's just not it's not realistic there's no there's no time this is real time so it's moving very quickly you're just going with the flow and if you fo i think if you focus on extending the idea the gran you'll need the grammar yeah you'll need that ext you know and yeah you want to practice before and then in the test don't think about it here's an interesting little thing which is do you lead by grammar first or idea first and what i'm getting at here is if you have a big idea you're probably going to need quite complex and very grammar to express that idea so really you want to be leading with ideas and then letting the grammar express those ideas not thinking i'm going to use the present perfect now what's an idea that can fit the present perfect that's not how it works with language uh okay pronunciation now people cannot rapidly improve pronunciation but there is one thing they can do is there i always think about word stress uh sentence stress sentence stress sorry sense and stress um stressing the key word in a sentence is one way of thinking about that um but i like to think about the the very common words that we use a lot many a lot and by the way i always see these videos on youtube of like people saying never say very and i say very all the time add stress to it it's a very good movie it's a very it was a very good day it's a very important word yeah so you know it's not a wrong word if you're gonna use it add the stress add that feeling we're gonna be talking about um you know advertisements today it was a very funny advertisement boom that's going to bring up your pronunciation i mean that if you continue to do that throughout your answer that's really going to help your pronunciation score so yeah like cool add stress to those words more many uh few a lot okay never i never i've never done that before good yeah sort of become a bit more emphatic with your speech you really do have to amp it up like for example if you're watching the news pay attention to the way the news readers read the news they don't read in a monotone flat way they're very they emphasize particular words of importance cool all right enough of that scoring stuff let's look at ielts speaking part two so in ielts speaking part two you have one minute to prepare the examiner will give you a task card you get to look at that task card and take notes with the pen and paper for one minute and then you will need to speak about that particular task card for up to two minutes ideally so this is what we're going to focus on today and what we really want to do is think about the one minute preparation time and how you can leverage that hey how you can use that to your benefit all right so we've got a couple of different ways that we can use the one minute preparation time here's method one okay so imagine it's test day mark and the examiner gives you this task card yeah about a website you've recently used so this is method one let's talk about what we would do first of all actually sorry i'm gonna keep carrying on here yeah okay so i've taken this test five times and one thing that i've noticed is that the one minute preparation time goes like that for a few reasons well for the main reason that you're probably anxious okay which is perfectly natural on test day your heart will be raising your hands will be sweating and you don't really have time to think very clearly about this particular task card you don't have time you certainly don't have time to write down full sentences or a paragraph or anything like that really when you're given the task card and it says describe a website you have recently used you have to first think okay okay what website am i going to talk about what website am i going to talk about this can take sort of you know if it's a tricky one like talk about a present that you have received sometimes you'll spend like 20 seconds thinking about a gift that you've received okay or a gift that you've given somebody so that takes time then what we recommend with method one is instead of just writing down one gift or one website you write down two and here's why when you begin to speak you'll get off to a flying start and you'll have lots and lots to say and you'll have lots of ideas and if you have lots of ideas you'll have lots of language to say about that website or that gift or that book or that teacher or that friend or that circumstance or whatever most people however then run out of ideas at about the one minute or one minute 20 second mark and when they run out of ideas they run out of language this is what we don't want to happen so when we practice this today we want you to do this let me share my screen again we want you to read the card write down two websites read the card again take a deep breath that's probably all you can do so mark talk me through your thinking processes with this task what would you do all right i would just pick the first thing that comes to mind yes and you know don't don't worry about it too much um that's it so i'd be like all right simple facebook and then instagram i would just think about those two things it doesn't really matter and yeah don't worry about a good or bad website yeah just pick pick the first things that come to mind um go over the card again i would think a little bit you know about uh the past like what's my story with it when did i find facebook for the first time something like that or when the question says when uh you've recently used it so when did i last use it yesterday yeah cool all right let's do it it's your turn so enough talking from us what we want you to do is just prepare not speak yet we're going to give you 60 seconds we're going to give you an entirely new task card and i want you to use method one i want you to write down two things all right so let us disappear you have 60 seconds to prepare just to remind you you're just preparing at the moment and just like that your 60 seconds is over and what does the examiner say here uh you can you can yeah there's a little bit of a preamble you can start speaking now please that's the end of it i'll never forget that all right you can start speaking now please all right now it's your turn to speak and we are going to select uh grace hello grace can you hear us you have to unmute yourself grace hello grace hello hi grace how are you i'm doing fine thank you where are you grace i'm in nigeria lagos nigeria all right fantastic grace so let's do this i want you to describe a holiday you would like to take and we're going to give you two minutes and if you start running out of ideas on one holiday i want you to think of another holiday okay and uh just wait can we also just check um grace do you have your test coming up soon yes but i'm not ready to start for the test okay so okay what score are you aiming for eight eight point five four minutes all right all right you can do it all right grace we're gonna disappear we'll give you two minutes away you go can you start speaking now please hello go grace go ahead no hello grace is gone what happened to grace grace bailed out okay let's try that again right that's it who else do we got here um let me go to the chat okay okay here we go uh man pre-core here we go man pre-core i see someone who was in my class just recently really yes okay just bear with us this is a bit two-man pre-course let's see if it's this one hello man pre hello that's a very cute little kid you're having your profile pic is that your daughter yeah no no not at all i'm unmarried [Laughter] there you go fair enough okay man preets are you ready to speak for two minutes yes what score are you aiming for it's seven seven okay terrific we're going to disappear and you can begin speaking now well i'm a travel freaker so i would like to go on a holiday very frequently so i'm planning to move to the venice italy very soon so i have planned to visit there in the coming winter actually this is a very famous place in the italy one of my friend is living there and he has told me about the various places various interesting places in the venice the very famous profession in the venice i came to know is the gondoliers i want to know about the culture about the living style of gondoliers and i would like to go there in the coming winters and after uh visited visiting there i would like to know about the lifestyle of the gondoliers i have came to know that their salary is very high because it's a quite tough job because i think it requires uh two to three years to get this job because there is a quite long training period is there uh ex apart from the awareness if i didn't get a chance get a visa to the venice italy then definitely i would i would love to go to the parents because i have many relatives which are residing in the paris and i would love to meet them as soon as possible because uh they have told me about the paris there are a lot of churches that i can visit and that churches are worth to visit so i will definitely make a plan to visit paris or otherwise if i would be fortunate enough then definitely it would be when is in the italy so that i can learn about the life of the gondoliers and also there are lots of there are several churches in the italy also so i will visit that churches and i will see a bit of italy perfect okay thank you okay um okay so what we're going to do is we're going to give you a bit of verbal feedback first so mark just first impressions let's with with manpreet's attempt there uh just overall first impressions what was it what was this i'm sorry this is a bit of a leading question manpreet you definitely have amazing language skills my the key thing that i picked up on was that it was constant there was no pausing yeah there was just uh it was it was it was consistent but there was an absence of pausing there was no real breaks between sentences did you do that on purpose by any chance men pray were you sort of practicing actually i'm happy of speaking like this even i'm keep on getting this uh feedback from the other tutors also but if i take a pose while speaking uh it i got to forget my ideas that's why i keep on speaking on the one piece okay so you've sort of developed a strategy where you just keep going on and on and on is that right yes okay that's you please you go you're the ielts expert i mean the the main thing that i know uh in in a situation like this where it just kind of continues is that you know you you talked a bit about the gondoliers and you i guess here's the question there you you mentioned that uh what was it their salary is really high and the training is uh now i guess was this surprising for you like when you found out about this was it so no actually i have read about them in the 10th standard there is a one one novel no uh i think there is a one english book in our cbsc school about the gondoliers okay and it's in italy that's why i quite know even i haven't write any plan yet i don't have notebook with along with me i just spoke whatever uh stuck in my mind so this is really interesting you just said you read about it in a book yes yeah like i think that's kind of an important thing you could you could stop there and and you know yeah like focus on that in your answer right like you know years ago i read this book about and then go into that how did you feel about and how did you feel when you were you know reading about that like was it exciting to read about or you know sometimes when i'm reading a book i'm really engaged sometimes i'm kind of bored like how did you feel when you were reading it it was quite interesting because their lifestyle is quite different from others profession that's why it's quite different and i also have searched about them on the google like they have to do the boating or in the water and they have to take care of the of that that their boat will not stuck on any corner because it's a very quite uh tough it's it's quite tough uh i can say boating or something i don't know which vocab i have to use okay so i would just say like that that's an area you could go in there like i was listening going like oh like why is this so surprising that they get paid so much uh maybe you thought they didn't get paid much but yeah you read about it i also wanted to ask you said you went you want to go in the winter yeah why i'm not sure about the weather because these days summers are going on in the indian if i have to plan then it would be a winter in the coming season according to my uh area okay okay so so again like this is something you might explore a little bit like you know most people will off i mean or or you could even say like it might be nice to go there in the winter because it's going to be less busy maybe yeah so just just ways to extend it it'll slow you down and you can give a bit more detail about the backstory i would just also say one thing with pronunciation slow down a bit yeah and yeah very frequently so i'm planning to go to venice um you know it's a very famous city can i hear you just say a few things i would love to see them i would love to see them much better yeah much better there are a lot of churches there are a lot of churches much better yeah good uh it's very famous it's very famous so much better so slow down stresses you did it once at the end all right like i only heard that really nice stress one time at the end if you're aiming for that seven you're going to need to make that more consistent yeah i might my key thing for you is just slow down a little bit and use those the sentence stress on particular words will have more emphasis so slow it down and a bit more sentence stress but the problem is if if i slow it down i used to forget my ideas that's why i keep on speaking so that i will not follow get anything to pause i think it's due to stress okay look if this is your method if it works but i would just slow down a bit and use sentence stress to make it more um emphatic here's the thing it sounded like a really personal and interesting story for you so let it be interesting for the person who's hearing it i read this book when i was younger and it was really interest like go into that i think if you if you focus more on that part of it i think for fluency you'll do you'll you'll get what you want cool let's let's move on yeah um uh manpree very good um a couple of little prawn things is the venice venice sounded a little bit um italy rather than italy it's um i i do love italy italy and india but italy it so a few little prawn things and grammar very good just the paris um you also said the google so just sometimes articles but otherwise very good we're going to move on thank you man thank you man thank you no problem all right i cannot there you go whoa that's a nice way to do it yeah uh okay let's do it again let's do it again let's do it again that's fun have fun okay your turn to speak and we're going to go to the chat i'm going to pick somebody with a different doing the same the same question let's do the same one again oh by the way the whole point of this let's go back for one second is man preet did something amazing then i don't know if you noticed so she talked about venice venice venice venice venice started to run out of ideas then man preach said apart from venice i would also like to go to paris and started talking about paris paris paris paris was full of fresh ideas and fresh language and therefore she could speak for the full two minutes so well done on using method one there manpreet that's cool okay somebody with a oh what about us askgarbeck i have no idea what language that's gonna be plus a s q a all right ready us go back i'm going to find you uh asq there you are oh hey just doing its crazy thing again yes oscar hello you have to unmute yourself hello oscar beck hello hello jj hello where are you calling from oh i'm from uzbekistan from central asia all right cool cool that's awesome i don't think we've had an uh and spec student on here yet so that's really nice nice to hear you so is your first language respect what was becky yeah uh-oh hopefully yeah but i can speak errationism oh cool nice work all right my man let's give you a crack at this ready we're gonna do the same one uh that you just saw so you're talking about a holiday and if you run out of ideas talking about your first holiday switch to another holiday idea your time if i can find my cursor hold on cursor is here fantastic all right you can start now please okay um now what i would like to tell you about um my holiday which is um to my really george's uh region call it surround area it's really located in the larger side of my country uzbekistan and i love my region very and much and i think in my holiday when i um in visited there i feel so good because it makes me feel uh really george's and i and i think in one area which is called omaha is the best place and and i suggest you to invite or just i invite you there to go there there is a crystal clear water and very great nature of this planet um you'll fall in love uh with with that nature uh i'm sure if you come here um i just want to switch can you please tell me about another place now sweetheart i'll show you all of the uh beauty of the viktor armour i have just um spending on my time in there and i i i'm spending really great here [Laughter] sorry thank you thank you that's so great it's not working all right there he stopped cool we had some had some internet problems but i think we've got a a good idea of of of your language there mark do you have any comments uh the first thing as quebec like if you're aiming to get up towards like a strong five if you want to get to a six or above that you are gonna need to think about i mean you are pausing a lot and you're gonna have to i mean it's you're just gonna have to get a bit more comfortable giving longer pieces of language so i'm going to go to a place in georgia uh this place is very beautiful so the way you were speaking there was a few too many pauses so if you're gonna try to get up to a six you're gonna have to have it's gonna have to be a bit smoother there's too many pluses that's gonna be a bit problematic um and then of course you know you mentioned crystal clear blue water do you swim in this water uh what you know is this is this a lake where people swim did you play in this water when you were a child how did that make you feel so just be sure to give us more details about what you're talking about because for fluency for your ideas that that needs you're going to need to give a lot more to start getting us a higher score all right i have two questions for you mark actually first one is what's the difference between pausing and hesitating because one is good and one's not good right yeah so if you're struggling to go from one word to the next yeah yeah that's a bit of that's where the problem is that's hesitation you're looking for the word and you don't know it pause is something you can use like this to demonstrate a bit more emphasis right so so pauses used correctly can enhance your score yeah hesitations however will decrease your score okay the second thing i want to raise is this quebec i wasn't i didn't hear when you transitioned from one idea to the next as far as i heard you were talking about the one holiday destination and let's say this one holiday destination was a place you go in summer that has lakes and you're swimming and etc then if you were if you are running out of ideas you switch and say apart from that i would also talk like to visit this place here it's in the mountains but we visit this in winter and there's snow and it's cold and so you've all of a sudden got this new vocabulary and new ideas so i'll we'll we'll call it um we'll call it a day there thank you ask quebec for joining us hopefully that was helpful um and i'm going to pause that so we've done method one yeah method one was we write down two ideas and we run out of ideas for the first idea we bring in the second idea we have fresh ideas and fresh language so let's now talk about method two cool okay method two here we go this is a different idea so sorry in method one write down two ideas method two works like this you'll get your little task card thank you very much you're gonna read the card this one is just for us we're gonna talk about a website this time we're gonna talk about one website however we're gonna think about change okay so for example um i'm going to try not to use google because i've done that one before i'm going to talk about see this is the problem it actually sometimes it takes you quite a long time to think of a particular website i'm going to talk about e2 language i thought you had a website for surfing that gave you like weather information about surfing yeah this one but yeah but that's a perfect example you do you use it today yes yeah so i could talk about um magic seaweed is a website that i've used for a very long time i started using it when i was about 17 years old and the purpose of magic seaweed is to check the surf it tells you all sorts of things about the weather conditions the wind the surf the swell etc and either before you found that website you know what how did people find out about good surfing conditions exactly before i found sorry i just want to tell you about this now it's so interesting okay so perfect extending ideas right before i knew about in order to check the surf i would have to ring my friend who lived near the beach and say hey rupert what's the surf like and hope that rupert had checked the surf and then he could tell me over the phone what the surf was like and could by the time you got there could these water could the conditions have changed totally the wind could change the swell direction could change does this website give you a better indication of what it's going to be like later in the day totally this thing actually predicts the future et cetera so that was one idea um just briefly i'm going to talk about e2 language it's a website that i helped to build when we first started it was like this now it's like this and in the future it could be like this so what we're doing here with this method is selecting one idea and thinking about the past the present and the future okay so now we're going to turn it over to you i'm going to give you one minute to prepare you're going to look at this task card and you're going to think past present future okay cool sorry anything else no no that's it i really think you know that's a good way you know what was your life or life in general like before and what is it like now or after it's a simple way to extend and you know it was the same we were just talking about this a little bit with manpreet you know before you well no that was yeah there was the book that she had read and that's you know informed her decision so think about how things changed from the past until now all right so now what we're doing mark is we're giving everybody the same task card they saw before about a holiday they would like to take which is kind of indicating the future but we still want them to think about this particular holiday destination this one particular holiday destination in past present and future okay see how it changes your sort of angle and what you're going to talk about so anyway i'm just going to give you 60 seconds to think about this okay so let's just before we turn it over to you um to give you a chance to to talk mark can i ask you about a holiday destination you'd like to go and how would you use this past present future or the notion of change to do with this particular holiday destination yeah there's a few ways so i might start by saying yeah uh once we can travel again i plan to go to spain right i hope to go to barcelona um i actually would have gone there this year but of course we have had this incident where there's no international travel or at least limited international travel so i might i might make that point i might also point out you know i actually went to barcelona once when i was 19 but i don't really think i appreciated it that much back then um you know i went there i just looked around i didn't know anything about architecture or food so i i kind of just hung out with other tourists with other backpackers and this time i actually know people who live there i know local people there so i would go and visit them so i can kind of jump around a bit in the past and now and again in the past i didn't really appreciate these things um you know i didn't really enjoy hot climates either you know i grew up in a very cold climate i was very comfortable in those kinds of places but now that i'm old i like hot places and how did how did barcelona change over time as well like from when you're there in the past to present and how might it change in the future yeah so i might think of it a bit more about how i changed as well uh you know i think back then you know i was 19. i didn't care about museums i didn't care about art galleries uh and you know now i think i would enjoy it much more because you know it's a city that has all of these museums and again when i was young i just i didn't understand so so why this is so good and why your response is so rich it's not just the vocabulary here but because you're talking about past present and a hypothetical future yeah you're using a range of cool grammar lots of verb tenses subjunctive possibly an if sentence yeah lots of interesting past tense verbs so that's cool right what about what about what about you how would you like what's the next holiday that you would want to take well considering kovid has locked down our state in fact our entire country i'm going to holiday locally very soon and what i'll do is visit a place that i've been to many times again i went there when i was a child it was a holiday destination i went to quite a lot again i could talk about visiting there more recently it used to be a very quiet seaside town but now it's quite busy and it's grown a lot the population's increased quite significantly is it was it better then or is it better now well i think there were some aspects that were better then it was quiet but now there's more amenities better restaurants better cafes things like that in the future i think they should probably put a stop to the growth of the town because it might ruin it for example but again talking through past present future and that was perfect i heard like i've been or it i've been there a few times i went there the first time when i was young so we got a range of verb forms all right i've a low i don't know if that's how i pronounce your name hello eviler rasanov hello yes that's a cool accent what's your accent my accent is typical slavic accent i'm from bulgaria and bulgarian language is the same group as russian which should be quite clearly fantastic all right great so uh all right let me share the screen are you taking your ielts test soon well i was planning to sign up by the end of july but i'm not completely sure if my english is on the level it needs to be to pass and what level is that uh well i need an overall 7 with no less than 6.5 in any of the components so i can actually get away with 6.5 in writing in speaking for example but they'll have to make up in reading and listening cool all right all right great well we're going to give you two minutes and i want you to think about this topic and think about the nature of change okay your time starts now okay uh could that be related to the holiday topic or just change in general hi holiday holiday holiday yeah let me start the clock again so describe a holiday that you would like to take uh you can start speaking now please okay so i also actually like to visit italy i wanted to visit the country for a very long time i've seen only seen cool pictures like the most famous seasides like the coliseum and tower in which city was it it just slipping my mind uh now uh but anyway so italy definitely has a lot of cool places to visit historical and also definitely the food is very famous so i want to try some original italian food other from apart from that probably do some window shopping and um besides italy another cool place will probably be to visit like the usa uh because because uh as it it's now i've only been in countries in europe so bulgaria is also in europe so that's why i've only been to countries in the same continent so i would like to visit another one see how culture is there and so say bigger differences for example i've never seen skyscrapers uh the only thing that kind that comes close to skyscrapers was in germany uh but still quite different and besides that will be probably very interesting to visit like las vegas new york chicago the most popular cities and maybe some other resorts like yellowstone and uh i think my time is done [Laughter] all right so so just before we talk about the sort of language aspect what i've i valor did then was um switch topics yeah so um he didn't in fact really talk much about past present future as much as i could hear no but rather there was a you did method one which was to switch topics which is completely fine yeah um that obviously for you felt like a natural thing to do as you're running out of ideas talking about italy you then talked about the usa and you and you made that transition by saying another cool place to visit would be the usa yeah that was pretty good really nice transition so the ability is there i think uh there's definitely some use of those less common uh grammatical structures which was really good um the only thing that i would as always i would kind of say is like let's try to get into this a little bit um you know you you wanted to go to italy um you've been to other places in europe i guess the question i would have is like you know what kind of holidays like did you when you were younger did you go on like more local holidays in bulgaria and nearby uh well overall yes i mean it does come does come down to budget so most of my holidays were local or to labor countries like greece and turkey north macedonia serbia so on from our neighbor countries i only haven't been in romania and yeah about the past like just sorry oh no go ahead keep going i guess what i'm just trying to think there is that really helped us just now i start extending a little bit more you start to get like local countries neighbor countries and so that kind of it started expanding uh extending the vocabulary a little bit topic related and then you might then transition and say so going to italy would be special because um and you i really liked what you said about yeah you don't see a lot of skyscrapers where you are um and i guess yeah so italy maybe would have more of those as well if you're up in milan or other big cities um so yeah i guess i would just say that like the change could be when i was younger i used to do this uh and usually i do local holidays so i would really like to go to italy cool all right um we will move on just for the sake of time but look overall um great language skills i have to say like um you certainly tick the box for vocabulary range and and precision a lot of grammatical variety in there was largely accurate and your pronunciation was clear as far as i could i could understand you pretty much effortlessly effortlessly yeah very nice pronunciation very clear good pausing again you can sort of see the how important ideas are here if you get the ideas there so being willing to switch topics halfway through that's completely fine gives you fresh ideas give you fresh language any other last points i think i think that's fine i guess just tell us in the comments what's the italian city that has a famous tower in it oh here we go yeah there it is pizza somebody said that's what pizza you know yeah all right thank you availa and uh yeah good luck with your exam thank you very much i was going to ask is it possible to evaluate my performance at the moment uh i would say so again we we don't want to just be throwing out numbers uh but i would say if you extend like the way you did it there when you started extending and talking about neighboring countries local countries local holidays macedonia turkey if you do that more i think you'll be a lot more likely to get the score you want that's right okay thank you very much so focus on that way of extending the ideas and i think yeah it's much more likely cool good stuff thanks very much thank you bye okay cool we've got time for one more and this time i want somebody to do these um well now we're going to choose tope because taupe has his or her exam on monday apparently taupe okay no taupe's gone no type's there but it's there we go allow yourself hello hello hey tobe how are you i'm doing great uh cool um where are you i currently live in finland but i'm a nigerian oh nice okay fantastic okay nice what are you doing in finland uh just finished my postgraduate studies in masters in information technology what subject sorry information technology oh okay cool nice nice good it's a good country to do yeah we have nice uh education system yeah is that does that work oh no let's go all right you ready yeah yeah yeah all right let's do it my man you got two minutes see if you can weave in some past present and future into your talk about holiday okay yeah okay okay um so i would like i would like to talk about early days uh i think like in every human's life uh the importance of holiday cannot be overemphasized because i remember when i was little my father used to work a lot and he didn't have enough holiday and he took a big toll on his health so uh over the years my mom has always made sure we go on holidays because i remember when when i was little my mom took me to france france is a very nice destination we visited the eiffel tower i was uh really amused by the by the architecture of the city although uh francis and paris is an ancient city but i believe the heart there is still ahead of his time and sometimes i'm i'm marveled by the by the heart structures and i think the heart is take off the heart uh structure and also uh i've been thinking about going to uh a safari in south africa south africa is located in africa and uh is a city is a place i always want to uh want to visit although there are a lot of social vices in south africa but i still think it's the place i would like to go especially this safari like the the safari is a place where uh the animals have been uh uh conserved preserved for the future because uh most uh animals right now are going into extinction and i think uh salafi has done a very good job there and i would also like to visit the the bars and the uh maybe a music concert in san aprica because i'm a big fan of the ama piano music genre i'm a big fan of music and also i would also like to visit um maybe the mars in the future talking about apothecary like literally the future i'm a big fan of elon musk so maybe i would like to visit the the mars with elon musk that would be a dream come true that was the most thorough uh information packed yeah all right um i would yeah so good you you gave your answers you and you made some really good reflections um i would just say like with when you mentioned going to france and you were talking about the importance of travel and it's very relaxing and interesting and i would only just say like you know if you're going into that much detail so what like why is that important i would just say maybe you know it's really important because then when i return to my regular life i feel more relaxed it just felt like you you kept giving information but i didn't really feel like you were making the final point or concluding the idea that this is important because um and again similar thing when you were talking about music with uh going to was it eastern africa north you know south africa south africa south africa can you hear that music live in finland or uh in nigeria but they have the best um they have the best ama piano is a big genre in in south africa so i think going there would be the best to uh to have the life concert experience yeah they have it in nigeria but it's not as big as africa yeah so not as big as so yeah that comparison really adds a little bit of depth and uh it extends the answer nicely because you were kind of just saying yeah i really like the music and i'm gonna go to mars and i think you know i really like the music because you know you can hear this music in nigeria but it's not as yeah so just kind of give a bit more context that's extend the idea more it's a bit better for fluency uh it did feel like you were rushing quite a bit like just like uh what's that i was never well hopefully you'll feel a little bit less nervous it's good you got to breathe that in you just got to feel that there's not much you can do about nervousness i don't think except for just accept it your heart's going to race your hand's going to sweat it's only 11 to 14 minutes of your life you'll be fine cool type that was good i mean your language okay do you think i can make seven i think you can make seven yes i think if you slow it down a little bit if you um elaborate more on your ideas a little bit more um yeah i can do that for sure yeah yeah i agree i think just yeah remember like when you're telling your story like get us get get the examiner like wow the examiner doesn't really necessarily care one way or the other but as if you're trying to say yeah like i want to see this music because it's wrong yeah like you find something interesting because then you find the interesting idea naturally you're like yeah cool man good luck all right thank you all right all right bye all right only got a few minutes left it's gonna go to mars that's gonna be cool yeah i like that he went from south africa to mars right elon musk from originally from born in south africa oh yeah it's true cool all right just a little tv advertisement before we uh head off so if you need help with your ielts test and if you need to talk to an e2 expert and do some speaking live speaking practice with someone who can give you very good feedback then you can do that on the tutorials come as part of your packages uh what else can say these are 45 minutes they're one-on-one you can choose the time that suits you the skill or skills of your choice and as i mentioned you get comprehensive feedback from the expert and that's extremely helpful before your test you can of course always take this on writing as well so if you do need help with your ielts test check out cool i think that's all from us there's a grammar class coming up in three minutes i believe with murray clare so if you are a paid student you can join that class there cool thank you very much for coming along everyone i hope that was fun was fun for me did you have fun it's always lovely to hear you know from people around the world and you know just everyone i know i wish we could have talked to everybody but we can't just listen to what we're saying follow the ideas practice yeah and kill those methods you'll do well that is a lot of smiling faces sandeep's gonna get kicked out next time remember those methods they'll be helpful cool thanks everyone see you soon
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 69,534
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Keywords: ielts, free ielts, ielts speaking, ielts reading, ielts writing, e2language, E2, e2, E2 IELTS, e2 ielts, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Reading, IELTS E2, ielts e2, IELTS Help, e2 live class, e2 ielts replay, band 8, band 9, Speaking Practice, practice session, Practice Session, IELTS Speaking Practice, IELTS Speaking Practise, speaking practise, practise session, Topics, ielts topics, IELTS Practice Class, IELTS Class, Holidays, IELTS Holidays, Speaking about Holidays, E2 Live, Jay
Id: ov9Pabb6UMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 22sec (3502 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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