IELTS Live Speaking Practice Session - TOPIC: Useful Websites

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hello [Laughter] hello can you hear us can you hear us just say yes into the chat if you can hear us please yes we can hello rahul and mandeep and tarun and oh my god there's lots of people in here my name is jay and i'm with mark hi everybody and mark is well he has a funny accent as i'm concerned i sound a little different mark is canadian mark is also an ex-ielts speaking and writing examiner yes correct both yeah how long did you do that for did that for about five years and have been teaching uh and doing informal speaking and writing tests for about another five years all right fantastic so we've got a real professional here with us today and what we're gonna do is give you feedback on your speaking part two in fact this presentation or this lesson that we're going to do is focusing on part two of ielts speaking the reason is we think part two is probably the most challenging it's a bit odd isn't it part two well yeah i mean in some ways it should be very simple it should be very natural but in some ways i think it's where a lot of people get the most nervous and hopefully today we can help relax you a little bit and give you a couple of little tips to make it a nice easy experience in your test i agree i agree all right so let me just share the screen here and we'll get started uh cool so ielts speaking what we're going to do specifically is we're going to do a very brief overview of ielts speaking just in case you don't know what happens most of you already do as i mentioned we're going to do part two and we're going to do an open mic that is we want four participants and we're going to give you feedback on your performance okay and then we'll do a little q a at the end just in case you have any questions about what the test is about or methods or where to practice etc so that's the plan so just briefly an overview of ielts speaking the whole thing goes for 11 to 14 minutes and i have to say on test day it feels like it goes for about one minute because time flies there are three parts in ielts speaking uh there is the small talk part where you talk about yourself and you talk about where you live and whether you're a student anything else there four or five sentences keep it simple yes you know don't don't overthink it yeah i agree don't overthink it yep good one part two is where things get a little bit tricky that's where you have to do the two minute monologue that is you have to speak by yourself for two minutes it's not really interactive at all and it's kind of strange that's what we're going to practice today part three what happens in part three part three will extend on part two so whatever the topic was in part two there will be similar questions based on that in part three a little tip to sometimes you know my students say you know i took the test and the questions were a bit harder in part three that's a good thing yeah they were trying to push you to see how far you could go just i have a question in part three yeah the examiner can sort of change questions depending on the proficiency of the student is that right yes if they're thinking okay this might be a higher score they might cut to the more challenging questions right and not super super challenging but they might not ask those simple identification questions you know what are some things people like to do in you know so they they tend to be a bit more opinion based but okay yeah good one good i like part three seems to be straightforward all right so of course you need to know about scoring so how are you scored in ielts speaking well first of all you scored in four criteria it's actually really more than four because fluency and coherence vocabulary range and accuracy grammatical range and accuracy and pronunciation each of these is worth 25 so there's equal distribution of the scoring there but what does it all mean so let's take a closer look and mark if you can talk us through how the examiners actually score the candidate all right so these notes here are based on the band descriptors that the examiners get but also just some observations that we've had as teachers about where students can get a bit mixed up and we'll start with fluency and coherence i actually think this is the most important place that you can focus you know in a couple of days or weeks you can you know get a bit more fluent you can learn how to extend ideas uh really quickly the first thing we have here is being is is thoughtful and this is really important um what can happen a lot of times in the exam is that candidates are just trying to give the what they think is the right answer oh good one yeah right and it's there's no right answer there's just your thoughts and your reflections and you express them yeah can i just jump in there so people there's really no memorizing of anything here no and you really can't memorize because you have no idea what the examiner is going to ask you apart from those first questions whether you're a student or whether you work but really there should be nothing memorized here and as mark said being thoughtful means you're really giving a considered response to what the examiner's asking you you're not thinking about you know what the preparation said and what this person said and what my friend said no just respond appropriately yeah yeah don't yeah you're right about you know don't try to memorize anything i don't think i've ever really seen that go well yeah um and yeah that's the main thing like even if you're not sure you have a good answer that's fine yeah and i mean even if they said look i don't really know but maybe and then express an idea i think that's more important than getting scared and or nervous and being like uh the answer is this so yeah what about development and connections what does this mean extend the ideas extend extend extend whatever you say you know why is that important yeah or why is that good why is that bad um you know don't just give a short quick answer but then try to develop you know well i know some people think this i think this right and in the end this happened so bring in more information that is connected and that comes to the next one well connected right so you know as a result what happened or um you know in the future you might you know people should do what find some way to kind of connect the ideas and keep going forward nice yeah good one all right let's talk about vocabulary quickly um so there seems to be several parts to vocabulary vocabulary is quite complex first thing is you need to be precise with your word choice right you don't want to just use these crazy big words because they're crazy big words right you want to use not crazy big words you want to use words that are appropriate and meaningful for the particular thing that you're talking about yeah and i mean when it comes to expanding vocabulary reading more is such an important part of that that's going to help give you the vocabulary that's precise generally on test day i would recommend staying close to those words that you are comfortable with okay yeah yeah good one okay then there's uh relevance that would be relevant to the topic itself so there's going to be specific vocabulary let's say you have to talk about a teacher that you whom you really respect so there'll be vocabulary related to teachers and education and classes and stuff like that varied means that you're not just repeating the same word again and again do try to think of synonyms or other ways to describe something you don't want to be repetitious what does natural mean again i think that comes down to you know precise but not forced you're not trying to replace a word suddenly because you want to you know try to boost your score unnaturally so um you know if like let's say a more advanced word like pedagogy if you're not sure what it is and you say something more like teaching style right then that's fine yeah yeah okay and also collocations so for natural phrases yes and that's not just you know new fancy words it could be like educational background right those are two nice not too difficult words yeah but together they mean something specific great all right hold on i just have to click something [Music] here whoops [Music] we don't zoom it makes it hard to click stuff and it looks like i can't make myself bigger i can perhaps expand myself oh there we go is that working oh my god i'm bigger wonders of technology okay let's not get carried away of the tech grammar just quickly grammar of course needs to be accurate that is when you're using a plural noun like glass or glasses or computers plurality verb tenses the right preposition of course you want to try to do this on test day but also be conscious of varying your grammar to a degree if you can you can't just speak in short simple sentences sometimes throw in a question or throw in a a conditional like if sentences for example modal verbs should or could or might just sort of try and vary it up a little bit what about pronunciation because that's a that's a hard one that is a tricky one um and and i love how the first word here is clear yeah i like that and and one key thing is you know it's not a race don't worry about speed keep it at a consistent pace so that will also allow you to do more sometimes when i uh when i was an examiner sometimes people come in and they try to talk really quickly and they think that this is the best way to go [Music] and as you can see you know my pronunciation becomes very flat and that leads into the next two points which is stress sentence stress and word stress so if i slow down i can now add stress to words and this is important because the more i'm able to use word stress to express a specific meaning the higher the score i can get well said no there's something to say there also about test day anxiety i think because it can be there's a lot of pressure on test day and one of the things people tend to do is speed up when they're anxious so if you're like that you really need to take a breath yeah catch yourself if you're going too fast slow down it's much better to be slower and clearer fluency is not really about speed so much it's about not hesitating not reaching for those words so slowing down will help you there and then finally we have connected speech and pausing which is a natural part of spoken language where we sort of blend words and phrases together and pausing is also really important between ideas et cetera to create emphasis all right it's probably enough on scoring there's a lot there though there's certainly something to think about if you do need help with your pronunciation uh like your core pronunciation just the sounds of english maybe you're a bit unclear in your speech you can check out there's a pronunciation course there you can sign up for free it's a really good one okay so let's get to it part two two-minute talk very brief overview so on test day the examiner is going to give you a task card on a piece of paper like this right the examiner is also going to give you a piece of paper and a pen so you can take notes you can have one minute to prepare in the time where you can take notes and we'll talk about that coming up very soon and then you have two minutes or up to two minutes you don't have to speak for two minutes would you encourage people to speak for the full two minutes if they can absolutely uh have no fear don't don't get stressed out if you run out of um things to say the examiner is most likely going to encourage you to keep going but you know if if if you're done you're done yeah um ideally you do want to try and it's it shouldn't be that difficult and what happens if the examiner stops you at two minutes is that bad nope that is totally fine right yeah they will just stop you mid-sentence even if you haven't finished all your ideas they've got enough information they just say thank you yeah that's it that's not a bad thing that's not a bad thing and sometimes after it directly after it they might ask a couple one or two follow-up questions okay here's what a task card might look like but i'm going to skip that because i want to examine the one that we're going to focus on actually no because we're going to talk about method first okay so what's a method well you can go into this exam sort of unprepared and you haven't thought through any strategies or approaches to how you're actually going to fill the two minutes and i can tell you that methods are actually extremely helpful they sort of provide you with a bit of a structure or just a way to approach the this particular question type and if you have practiced this you will find it difficult to speak for two minutes the usual method is like this and let me shrink myself so you can see oopsie whoopsie hold on okay nice there we go uh do you want to talk about the usual method yeah now something i do see quite a bit here is that you know the candidate will have their card or a student in a class will have the card maybe on the first day and they'll they'll very slowly introduce what they're going to say and a very common thing here is to say i'm going to talk about a teacher who has impressed me so they'll kind of read the card in the test um and then kind of go through each point uh as they continue going so they kind of read they look at the card say the comment like oh who he is he is this right how i met him and they kind of read through it i do generally tell my my students if i'm teaching a class to avoid doing that right the thing is that and i know a lot of people tell people to do this but there's one thing one is when you read the card it's flat i am going to describe a teacher who impressed me like there's no energy to it and secondly i can't really give you a grade for that language because that's not your language you're just reading it so it can you know it can waste a lot of time and it doesn't really help the score gotcha yeah how closely do they need to follow this what happens if they go off topic and they talk about something that's not mentioned there it doesn't really matter you can go a little bit off topic you could even really go a lot off topic i don't recommend intentionally going off topic um i would just say you know usually the first two points are very quick who is he two three sentences right how did you meet two three sentences why you were impressed the reason it's important to get to that is because that's the part of the question that will make you reflect you're gonna be thinking oh you know he was really impressive because you know every day when i came to class he was there waiting you know before any students arrived so you can see as soon as i reflect my grammar the quality and the range of my grammar increased then i wasn't really thinking about it i was just having a good time all right so the dot points become a little bit more complex don't they actually work down yeah they're going to force you to extend ideas more which will then kind of force you to use better grammar okay terrific good now i'm not a fan of excuse me the usual method i find it very difficult to speak for two minutes just on this task card like this and just going through those dot points and trying to expand who she is you know it's like there's only so much you can say about that before you run out of ideas the main issue that i've seen with people doing part two in speaking is that they just exhaust the ideas right they run out of language they run over ideas and therefore they run out of language and by about the minute mark minute 15 seconds there's just nothing left and they start to go around and say and and oh it's terrible right let's think about another method then because we need a different way to approach this okay here's another method that i encourage you to try in this live class when you're doing your speaking or if you're practicing by yourself we call it ppf it stands for past present and possibly future but basically what you do is you'll tell two or three stories so you'll exhaust a story about probably the distant past for me talking about the teacher i think about a primary school teacher when i was like eight years old right she was she was a really lovely woman and i can talk about her for about a minute but then i'm gonna run out of puff and i need some other ideas right so i'm gonna switch the story slightly and say well more recently another teacher that comes to mind is this guy here he was fabulous because of these reasons and i've kept on the topic of my favorite teacher but i've just switched to a more recent maybe maybe i have enough time to just throw in a future sentence or two and say in the future i'd love to be taught by robert sapolsky he's my favorite scientist something like that right and then of course i'm using some future language there some modal verbs and future tense and so it's a nice little mix the other thing you can do is tell one story but include information from the past present and future and i think we'll take a closer look at that so just think about which method you want to try and i encourage you to try the ppf method in this class let's see how it goes um okay here are some possible topics there are an array of different topics but these seem to be the classic ones that come up in the ielts speaking test the categories are you'll talk about a person like a teacher for example a place talk about the countryside a physical object a book or a present or something that you've got an abstract object like a website perhaps a time so these are the broad categories of topics that you might see in your part two let's take a closer look at the one that we are going to do in this live class so you better pay attention because i might pick you to actually do it so let's prepare together all right you get given this mark what do you think um what what's my answer no like in your preparation what would you do like what first comes to mind so yes i would the first thing that would that i would do is i would read over the entire question and you know while i'm reading over all the little details i'm probably still focusing on that keyword a website yeah yeah so probably in my mind as i'm reading two or three ideas are coming in i don't want to think much beyond that um i would be careful you know obviously a website a lot of people might think facebook now that's fine i might say okay well what's my second one oh okay like i'll pick that one you know i might try to avoid one that's um just too obvious um but yeah i want to pick one and then i would write it down that's a really important thing you know you get one minute to think make notes definitely you want to make notes okay just for our interest can you just type into the chat what website first comes to your mind here a few people are saying e2 language i need to score that's great oh good one yeah wikipedia pinterest youtube coursera very nice amazon ebay okay google udemy pubmed we've got a doctor in the house bbc yeah right oh somebody said something rude i went wrenched in that one science direct unacademy which i think is a famous one in india linkedin all right there are plenty of options coming to mind for people which is h m what's that a shopping mall shopping yeah okay cool science daily science stuff all right let me run through what comes to my mind with this task guide i think google maps i don't know why that came to my mind and what i find having taken this test five times with the pressure of test day is that the first thing comes to your mind is often the one that you just have to go with because my mind won't let me think of another website i'm like google google maps google maps i can't find i'll go with google maps so i would run through this and in ppf what i would do is talk about the past and how we actually didn't have google maps and what we used to use were these big directory books and we drive around in our cars trying to turn the page to find somewhere on the map so i'm mentioning something about the website but it's a past version then i would talk about how google maps has revolutionized the way that we get to places etc and talk about all the features and functionalities of google maps and i might even slip in a little bit at the end if i've got 20 seconds or so and talk about what might come next for google maps and how i actually have no idea what the hell would come next for google maps well i think what you've done here is really good in terms of you know you think about what was it like in the past yeah and what is it like now yeah and what's really good there is to focus on you know how did it feel in the past how does it feel now and then yeah really describe the change like how is life now different i think you'll find it's quite easy to just keep talking you know when you relax and you just say yeah like my life is you know life is very different now i can't imagine going back to you know using a map to find places right language yeah so really focus on what's changed or you know what how do you feel differently now and you'll you won't run out of things to say terrific all right while i'm selecting somebody so if you want me to select you um just say me into the chat while i'm doing that let's bring this up and let me see if i remember how to do this i click on participants i click on attendees which we've now maxed out at 500. all right all right i'm going to go with oh my god there's lots of things popping on the screen i'm going to go with raman garu i hope you're ready rahman does he have a minute to prepare nope nope oh i think we've given ramen enough time okay here we go rahman you're on mute can you please say hello oh hold on you are on still on mute rama i can ask to unmute let's see if that works if not i'm gonna have to uh i'm gonna have to pick someone else nope talking permitted how do i do this my god disable talking all right let's try someone else okay joby joseph here we go let's try that again joby can you hear us hello joby you're on mute select computer all right let me try this um audio output it might be me hold on select the speaker macbook pro speakers all right i've got that let me try again select the speaker select the microphone scarlett speaker macbook pro now i can see that joby's also on mute right i'm going to just pick somebody else whoops just bear with us here this is uh this is technology all right let's try someone else let's try someone write down maybe volume um let me go to the chat let me see who's got the name up all right navi and navi and i saw navi the name naviant ready now i've got to find naviance wow that's can you hear us yes there's nobody's face yes hello which part of india in the north part from punjab wow okay nice hey i hope things are all good in india i heard there's some lots of coronavis stuff but we won't talk about that all right navian are you ready to do this for two minutes uh i will try my best try your best that's all you can do and mark and i will give you feedback okay so we'll be listening carefully now you're gonna listen to navin on fluent incoherence and what else a little bit of pronunciation you'll do pronunciation all right i'll do grammar and vocab so where you going navian okay shall i start yes please okay i use a lot of website in my daily routine but the most useful website that i found is wikipedia the reason is that in india teachers give a lot of homework and in india there is a lot of road learning cramming rather than understanding concepts so we have to just copy the answer from the internet and just paste in our assignments there are a lot of people in india who are really fed up of this kind of education system and the website i like is wikipedia i use it just twice a week and there is a lot of information given in the website and everything you search on in that website it has sort of information about it and there are also the references given about the same topic that you are searching on the website there are history facts related to that topic uh everything is available and it is just like a panacea for every indian and also for the other parts other also for students living in the other part of the world but for me it is the best website and i would definitely like to be a contributor in the upcoming years and the same website thank you navin how do you feel you went how was your performance it was okay not too good i didn't do my best what why what do you think you need to do texting right now i'm shaking that's okay that's a big part of it you know i i just uh just a little bit on this it is very nerve-wracking to actually have to speak for especially in front of whatever you're doing now is quite quite crazy i i completely sympathize with you but you'll probably shake on test day too and it's completely fine this is just the natural response that we go through when we get nervous so please don't let that um don't let that get to you too much and just accept the fact that you will shake you will sweat it's completely normal and just try to focus in on what you're communicating that's key okay cool mark and i will give you a bit of feedback so um do you want to talk first about fluency and coherence yeah okay so i guess the main thing i was just thinking is you know you're describing um like generally it was quite good you were able to talk for the full two minutes uh you were giving some you know you provided a lot of background information right uh and you mentioned something that i thought was really good is you said there's a lot of rope learning in uh india and then you said and we're really sick of it so you actually added that emotional part to it nice um and i mean here's where you might say something like you know hopefully this may change in the future so you might say like you've said this kind of thing that's frustrating you could then contrast it with something like hopefully you know they'll stop doing this in the future or i mean in the opposite way you might just say i don't think they're going to change this or this is never going to change so really extending responses here and extending ideas yeah getting contrast or addition yeah yeah exactly and and giving that kind of like you know that that opinion and it could be positive or it could be negative both work um the other thing might be to maybe consider i don't know i don't know how old you are but i remember there was no wikipedia when i was in school uh so you know i might say you know i remember when i was younger you know if i wanted to learn something i had to go to the library and get a book you know i had to get the actual encyclopedia now it's just so much easier right so again that's another little trick is uh think about how things work before does that make sense otherwise it was really good so i'm not saying you know you have to be worried about that but that's just a potential way to take it a bit further all right i might just touch on grammar and vocab briefly first of all grammar is really excellent there were a couple of minor slips i think first up was you said something like one of the website it should have been web sites just be careful with little plural nouns maybe it was zoom that cut you off there there was one little phrasal verb that you just missed you said you were fed up of something it's actually fed up with something i was fed up with something so really nothing to mention grammatically um grammar was really quite accurate and i think it was quite varied as well in terms of vocabulary i'm just going to pick up really good things that you you did you didn't you didn't bring in words that didn't make sense you touched on panacea which was actually relevant at the time so that was a really uh uncommon infrequent word that you managed to slip in there and it was relevant so that was great but other words like references topic related to nice phrases contributor of wrote learning wrote letter that was nice yeah so some really lovely vocabulary then finally pronunciation yeah i'll just say uh two things it was um it was a good pace i liked that i would just say one little thing that you can you know you could start doing this today or tomorrow practicing this and just add a little bit of stress and a nice easy way to do it is a few times you said they give us a lot of homework there's a lot of people in india and if you add some stress just to a word like lot there's a lot of people in india uh who are sick of this right they give us a lot of homework so you can almost add that emotion to it so the word stress is kind of showing that you're unhappy about it they give us so much homework that element of stress it's nice and easy any word like you know they really give us too much homework or there's really yeah like really very so these are nice easy words that you can start adding just a little bit of uh stress to and that that communicates so much about how you're feeling and it helps the examiner give you that higher score good stuff all right um just bear with me again yeah i have to work out how this works thank you navin i really appreciate that thank you sir the you race there while i work out how to how to kick you out um attendees more disabled talking beautiful got it all right next one uh we're gonna do the same one again and uh jessica i hope you're on the line i'm gonna allow you to talk now jessica hello jessica can you hear us hello hello how are you um can you hear me yes yeah pretty clearly that sounds pretty good where abouts are you jessica um where are you which country i'm from the philippines ah okay nice great all right we'll probably just cut straight to the chase do you want to give this a crack um two minutes you ready okay okay i'm ready all right so oh hold on i'm not ready i think my timer there's a lot of stuff flashing on my screen let me try this ah that's what i want okay you can begin um google was first introduced to me by my professor when i was making my research peer paper a couple of years ago um since then i've been using it every day at work at home or even updating on news all over the globe i prefer using it other um oh oh jessica i don't think we can hear you you're there it seems you're on mute hold on let me see if i can unmute oh maybe something's maybe an internet connection issue uh all right she got off to a good start let's uh i mean i i got while you do that i'll find someone else i will say this uh a nice little bit of falling intonation so your intonation was controlled sometimes students go like this and every sentence ends like this and they go up that was nicely controlled one little recommendation while we figure this out um i always love to start with or encourage people to start with the time first so it wasn't wrong but something to think about is to maybe start with a couple of years ago my professor introduced me to google yeah i thought the introduction was a bit too straight in there yeah it was a bit well it took a bit of time it was a bit slow and i i really think just you want to get that first piece of information out quickly like you're telling a story to a friend at the coffee shop you know that's a great way to think about this yeah a couple of years ago i started using google great all right yourself i hope you haven't had too much luck today uh and again we haven't had too much luck because yourself i can't click on this thing oh there we go yosef are you there hello unmute yourself please hello can you hear me yes oh fine how are you yourself i'm great that's good where are you i study poland but i'm from uzbekistan fantastic great to have you here okay do you want to try this yourself i'm going to give you two minutes okay okay see how you go yeah you can begin well well there are lots of websites which i really like however what i like most one is facebook the reason because not only you can and read news or stuff like that but also some entertainment stuff value uh in our hustle and bustle uh lifestyle we coming across a lot of problems or stuff like that we can cheer up i mean uh we can uh a little bit forget about some issues so how often you use it well uh if i tell the honest and most of my time i spent to use facebook um uh every two every each oh i'm sorry that's okay whenever i have free time when i uh when i'm my hands free i use to join myself why you like it about i like is because um you know i'm studying far from my home country in order to connect with my relatives my spearmates uh i try to message with them and to see uh what's going on uh their life as well as they ask me uh what's going on in my life so usually there are many kind of useful stuff there but as i mentioned before it's quite useful for my uh lifestyle thank you how did you go yourself i am a little embarrassed i don't know why understandably understandably that's totally fine it's it's as i said before it's quite a it's difficult it's very difficult doing this all right let's dissect your source performance no not basically what do you think hey you should be very happy with that that's a very good performance you know you came in uh you know i get you're nervous but you know i couldn't really tell um one thing you know and and jay mentioned relax a little bit um i could see that you sometimes stopped and so there was a lot of pausing that was not as natural that could be a bit uh problematic depending on the score you're trying to get maybe you're just nervous but just something to keep in mind um and you know again when it comes to fluency and extending ideas you know you mentioned here uh it gives me a chance to connect with my relatives so here is where you can stop and say you know i haven't seen my relatives in a few months or maybe i haven't seen them in a year or you know when i was back home good one i saw them every week now i never see them yeah sorry there's a real tendency just to talk about the website's features and functions and stuff but how do you feel yeah you can certainly go off topic a little bit and just add in little additions called tangents go off on little tangents come back to the website go off on a tangent come back i can't imagine not being able to see my family on the facebook it was facebook yeah like you know you know and again if you're if anyone out there is you know older like me it's like yeah you know i remember before when you said goodbye to someone you literally said goodbye for the rest of your life now we're like this so i mean you could just say you know it's a big change to go uh from seeing my family every week and i'm so glad i've got social media or i've got facebook because it helps me stay in touch with them so how do you feel about it and the other thing is to again if you exhaust the ideas you're really out of ideas on facebook just switch to another website talk about linkedin recently i've started using linkedin which is similar to facebook but it's more for business blah blah blah so feel free to switch the topic if you want not the topic switch you know a website fine you're allowed to talk about another website it doesn't have to be on the one website nice little phrase that anyone can kind of put into these things you say it helps me right so it helps me stay in touch with people or i see my family more often and it helps me you know stay sane while i'm away from home something like that yeah cool all right grammar and vocab you've got quite good vocabulary skills grammar you're going to need some work there are a few phrases in there that were quite unnatural i won't pick up too many but i like i like most one the one i like the most that's complicated grammar but these sorts of phrases seem to trouble you a little forget about um i'm not quite sure what you're trying to say there but definitely you will need to brush up on your grammar there and some phrases came out beautifully what's going on in my life you said that perfectly well some other phrases were incorrect grammatically but as i mentioned vocab was was quite strong some good words entertainment cheer up even phrases like going on is good and finally pronunciation yeah and that that phrase you just said what's going on it was what's going on in my life that was beautifully linked yeah so it was it's not what's going on in it was what's going on in my life and uh when you do that you are at your best there were other times where you stop more and so there was more pausing which is not great for your pronunciation score so you're kind of 50 50. so just keep keep keep improving that and and you can do well uh word stress was generally like it was also kind of like sometimes good sometimes not so he said it's a website i really like there's many websites i really like but the one i like most that was good and then a little bit later sometimes it was a bit flat most of the time straight you know so uh yeah good keep keep making small improvements and you're going to do really well good stuff thank you very much no problem thank you so much thank you that was very good all righty let me try again while i'm finding somebody that's quite intense trying to yeah yeah yeah can you just talk about something interesting all right i have said it twice my big thing i love to help with students is just that quick fast time intro that's what i said to jessica a couple of years ago i used google for the first time every day i use facebook to stay in touch with my family beautiful you know all right i got time intro just start telling the story right away okay francette i hope you're out there hello friendship oh got a photo hello friendship she's muted no ask hello yes hello yes okay oh i forgot that we haven't prepared you for the next we just do the same question websites and we'll have to do website again i think you're ready for website maybe we can uh have a look at the other we'll do that next time all right let me just restart the timer okay all right and friend you can begin okay should i begin yes please okay so um usually i have different applications in my in my phone but the the website that i most liked is facebook wherein i can connect to some people um around the globe uh i can connect to my families away from the philippines and um i usually use it every day like i can i use it for five times a week five times a day and then um i like about it i like i i like facebook so much because um they tend to connect people from other places and um uh this this application helped me to communicate with my family around the globe and also um facebook also helps i help me to have uh to have and gain more knowledge because uh there are some epic there are some features in facebook that they provide some educational services or educational attainment entertainment for me as a student it is very useful and it is very um applicable in my situation and and facebook also can you now switch and talk about another website just so you don't exhaust facebook too much is that okay okay make the switch okay so i don't know which one though maybe google talk about google for okay i have different applications here in my phone but what i like the most is youtube because in youtube you can you can view you can see many videos such as educational videos which can help you in improving your knowledge and your um sometimes skills because they tend to provide you provide you with videos with different um procedures and how you you will do such things and thank you and again if that happens on test day it's not a bad thing okay great so the reason why i stopped you there is because i i i just felt like you were beginning to exhaust facebook there and it was beginning the end and and yeah when you find yourself just running out of ideas did you feel like you're running out of ideas there yeah sometimes a little a little bit but then just switch to another website one of the things that i would do on test day in my preparation time on my note in the one minute prep time you really can't write down much at all it's not long i would write down maybe a couple of different websites or three websites just in case i do exhaust my talk about google maps i would also maybe write youtube as well something like that okay feedback feedback yeah just a quick question um so you use facebook like five times a day yes do you ever feel that's like too much not not yet for me it's not that too much because i'm into social media so i tend to to check always my social media accounts what about like do you have any friends or family who maybe say you know you are on facebook too much you know they do they do do you have friends who don't like it yeah i have some friends that they don't like facebook they usually they tend to view their facebook account only for just once a day or maybe four times a week yeah because no continue because they have this perception that if they will spend their time in facebook they will be using too much time instead of using it through another or any other activities good so the only reason i ask that is you know you might come in there and say you know some of my friends you know they they try to use it only once a day because they don't want to get you know sucked in they don't want to get pulled in uh they want to enjoy you know they want to they want to focus on what they're doing but i use it and this is why so it's a nice a nice little fluency trick because you know if i'm taught you know when i heard that i'm like oh my gosh five times a day but that's me and so i imagine maybe some of your friends have that so what i mean is it's a nice way to extend is to compare other people's ideas but then say but i use it for this reason so uh yeah just a nice way to extend the idea and i noticed here when we did you were you started using you know more like because and my friends tend to and so the the language became a lot richer when you stopped adding information and started kind of extending ideas okay just a little thought i hope it's it's it's good because it you know i think what people the problem people face here is they're just trying to talk about facebook but again addiction to facebook or friends who use facebook what life was like before facebook what would be post world facebook i saw this documentary on facebook mark zuckerberg whatever yeah how do you relate to facebook yeah okay right um okay so uh grammar very good a few slips actually i don't even know if this is a slip you said different apps in my phone here in australia would say on my phone but again prepositions sometimes differ from place to place it might be called what they call a slip which means it doesn't really matter at all i think you said families my families instead of family something like that so really nothing to contribute there for granted um vocab yeah you have a good grasp of vocabulary use some very relevant words educational applicable features even the five times a day now i have a question for you mark um franchette restarted a few sentences she said i use the app five times a week i mean five times a day is would you be penalized for that no absolutely not if you if you make a little slip and you correct it that's fine gotcha i i would even say it it's a good thing for for fluency um you know even if you're in the middle of the sentence and i'm saying yeah you know uh i tried not to check facebook i mean i try not to check instagram at all so i catch myself i go back and fix it and and there's a little tip there right like i said i try not to find i try not to check face i try to check instagram five times send stress sentence stress to show that i know that i've made a mistake and i'm correcting it nice yeah okay anything on prawn probably a bit not really this isn't prawn but perhaps a little bit too quick in places sped up too much what do you think um yeah i mean it could have been a i mean i i wasn't really noticing that so much um i did notice there was a bit it was uh the rising intonation at the lot of at the end of some sentences in the beginning i'm from the philippines facebook and it's not wrong but if it happens a lot uh the examiner is going to have a hard time giving you a higher pronunciation score because you need range so if you yeah if you say i try if it's me i say i try to check facebook once a day so stress and falling intonation okay cool thank you friendship thank you see you soon have a nice day me too very good uh okay i noticed that we haven't got much time left it's okay this is a lot of fun though um by the way if you're enjoying this and you want to attend again you're going to have to click the subscribe button but better yet if you really want to make sure that you can attend all of our live classes you can check out we actually run live classes for ielts twice or three times a day i think seven days a week maybe six anyway there's a lot of live classes going for reading writing speaking listening even grammar and pronunciation and spelling believe it or not yeah they're spelling yeah so yeah lots to check out at is there anything else i need to show in the slides i think that's a good idea you know everyone it's really fun to give feedback but it's really as a teacher it's even more fun to know that you know my students are gonna go and practice that and uh you know when i talk about things like sentence stress that has to be internalized yeah you know like when you go to the test you don't want to be thinking about sentence stress it should be automatic so make sure whatever you learned here today you know practice uh you know maybe get some feedback from a from a teacher that you trust right it's really important yeah i agree there's a lot there we saw what's in the scoring and there's a lot under fluency coherence and vocabulary and grammar and pronunciation and within each of those there's like dot dot dot there's a lot going on there yeah um one little thing that we have at which is very helpful if you're taking an ielts test or an ielts test is coming up or even if you're just thinking about it is the mock test and the reason why it's really good is it gives you a simulation of what it's like to take the ielts test and you actually take a one-on-one speaking mock test with an examiner sorry with one of our examiners who probably was an ex-examiner and then what they do is they provide you with feedback so they actually mark this fill out this report card and you get a score for all of those things for pronunciation and fluency and coherence etc and you can see what your weaknesses are and then you know what to focus in on and think about and practice before test day anyway this will help you uh boost your chances of success but i think mark well you got five let's just do a few questions if you have any questions pop them into the chat let's see what we've got close that everyone's just saying me me me me yeah i'm sorry we couldn't sleep for anybody yeah we can't we'd love to i hope i hope these really did did help okay let's do well let's start okay so abanesh has a question about uh abanesh actually got some feedback from e2 language we gave abanesha seven does this mean that arbanesh will get a seven on test day we do our best to give an equivalent ielts score and i think we give a very very accurate or similar one the thing that you have to understand about ielts though is that things can change on test day could be better could be worse who knows so um indicative scores are helpful they give you a range but again focusing on the feedback that we've got that we gave you not so much the score if we've told you something about grammar or we told you something about structure focus on that not the seven and that will help you to boost your score um okay phrase gonna wanna okay great question do you wanna talk about contractions uh in the speaking and speaking it's fine what's a contraction like instead of saying i'm going to i'm going to talk about um or i want to talk about this i want to um yeah want to um i'm not really sure that they're i i don't know that there's a reason to use them generally um if you do say that i'm going to talk about which is fine either are fine i i wouldn't worry about that too much yeah i think when you're with your friends it's very easy to contract words and say hey what you're going to do this weekend but in the ielts test you want to you can still do that that's fine but try to speak clearly as clearly as possible and you say what i'm going to do this weekend is instead of actually i would speak a little bit differently in an ielts test than i would say to my friends it's fine either way but um yeah if you if it comes out in the test don't worry but try not yeah try to be a bit more professional good one um okay someone asked about stammering so there's sort of two answers to this one some people have a speech impediment where they might stutter if you have a speech impediment like a genuine one that you've probably had for a long time you can get i wouldn't say help or an exemption from idp or british council but if you let them know in advance of your tests they will set up a test room that will be different for you and they'll actually allow you more time in the speaking and they won't actually your stutter or stammering won't be won't affect your score if you're stammering just like me just then because you're hesitating because you can't find the vocabulary or your grammar's a little bit off that's when you will be penalized so it's not something that's uh you know a disability or anything like that but you actually just can't find the language so there's a couple of differences um okay i think we're just about out of time but um again if you're on youtube click subscribe come across sign up for the live classes i think that's all that was fun yeah yeah that was great you guys and congratulations yeah everyone who tried that was amazing yeah i wish we could get to everybody yeah yeah that's right
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 59,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts, free ielts, ielts speaking, ielts reading, ielts writing, e2language, E2, e2, E2 IELTS, e2 ielts, FREE IELTS, E2 Replay, IELTS Replay, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Reading, IELTS E2, ielts e2, IELTS Help, e2 live class, e2 ielts replay, ielts replay, band 8, band 9, Speaking Practice, practice session, Practice Session, IELTS Speaking Practice, IELTS Speaking Practise, speaking practise, practise session, Topics, ielts topics, tips, Useful Websites, Good News, websites, e2s
Id: KmblOEBjnRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 39sec (3579 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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