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cool bananas my name is Jay I'm one of the expert teachers of e2 language calm in this lesson we're going to look at IELTS writing task 2 and specifically we're going to look at the opinion questions of course when you take your ions there are a variety of different question types which you might get one of them the double question advantages disadvantages for example this one's the opinion it's a little bit tricky the other ones it's easy to see how to write two paragraphs two body paragraphs this time you need to think a little bit more carefully so let's take a look at it by the way before we begin please get out a pen and a piece of paper because we're going to write this essay from beginning to end I'm going to show you how to do it sentence by sentence and the structure that I use if your grammar and vocabulary is good enough this warrants a high IELTS writing score possibly even a nine if that's even possible let's have a look at what I'm talking about so this is what you'll see on test day this will be on a piece of paper in front of you it says you should spend about 40 minutes on this task write about the following topic what you see smack-bang in front of you is the important thing it says some people believe that eventually all jobs will be done by artificially intelligent robots what is your opinion ok so what are we looking at here we're looking at a statement where someone has given their opinion and it's asking you for your opinion your essay is going to be based on this statement let's stop before we do anything and think about this question prompt again because we need to generate ideas we need to quote seems a bit strange to say that we need to know what our opinion actually is before we start writing only when you form your opinion in your mind and it may only take you a few seconds or may take you 30 seconds then you'll be ready to write but if you start writing without having formed a good opinion who knows in what direction you'll end up going and we want to go in a straight direction I'm going to show you a structure that uses this so let's read this again and let's have a closer look at it it says some people believe that eventually eventually that's a keyword all jobs will be done or taken over or carried out by artificially intelligent robots in other words in the future all jobs will be done by robots it's a controversial statement what is your opinion do you think that robots will take over every type of job in the future or do you think that robots will just take over some jobs and some other jobs will always be done by humans these are the sorts of questions we need to ask ourselves before we start writing ok so when I look at this question prompt I kind of I largely agree with this opinion my opinion is that I think most jobs in the future most not all most and there's a big difference there between all and most most jobs will be done by robots in the future some jobs however will always be done by humans that's my opinion on this question prompt right let's have a look at this question problem so there's a general statement we're going to use this to form our structure to write our essay so we need to know what the parts of the question prompt are the general statement says some people believe that eventually all jobs will be done by artificially intelligent robots what's your opinion fine what structure we're going to use well we're going to do this we're going to write a four paragraph essay we've got to write at least 250 words so we've got to write about 70 words for each paragraph 6070 words and our paragraph 1 & 2 will in fact the our opinion one and two so remember when I said that I think most jobs will be carried out by robots but some jobs will always be human well there's my opinion one bears my opinion too most and some that's what my paragraphs are going to be about there are my two opinions this is the entire essay sentence by sentence and this is what I want you to write I'm going to show you my sentence then I want you to write yours I'm going to show you my second sentence - I want you to write yours and we'll go through from introduction right through to conclusion you might be thinking in yourself well this is too much for me to memorize before the exam but if you look closely you'll notice that the introduction and the conclusion are exactly the same so I'll show you a loser there'll be a little bit of a difference but this one says rewrite the general statement this one says rewrite the general statement this one says briefly mentioned opinion one and two this one says briefly mention opinion one and two this one that says give your overall opinion and this one says give your overall opinion so in fact but not minute we're just memorizing here three sentences not six and if we look closely at paragraph one and two you'll notice that the structure is the same for each of these has restate opinion one we state opinion to give reasons give examples give reasons give examples conclude opinion one conclude opinion two so you're not memorizing here how many sentences six ten you're not memorizing fourteen different sentences in fact you're just memorizing the structure for seven sentences and this will become your entire essay this works this is a structure that you want to take into your exam on test day because a few reasons why first of all when you have a structure in your mind it takes a lot of stress away because you know exactly how to start you know the next scent next said then you go all the way through and you know exactly how to end so it's stress relief right it's also well as I'll show you at the end of this lesson it's tied to the IELTS criteria what that means is the IELTS examiner's are looking for a certain structure and this is it so let's get started with it how to write the introduction fine this is the introduction it's going to be three sentences we're going to rewrite the general statement we're going to briefly mention our opinion one and two we're going to give our overall opinion three sentence introduction so this is it let's look at that first sentence where we rewrite the general statement what's the general statement well it's in the question and it says some people believe that eventually all jobs will be done by robots so let's have a look what I've done this is my example here here's the general statement right some people believe that eventually all jobs will be done by artificially intelligent robots here's my sentence artificially intelligent robots are progressively replacing humans in the workforce I haven't gone with the awl because I don't believe that but I've really mirrored these two things say if I got rid of this these two sentences apart from some people eventually jobs will be done by artificial intelligent robots artificially intelligent robots are progressively replacing humans in the workforce now it's your turn you've seen my sentence I want you to write your rewrite this general statement I will give you two minutes no one minutes to write one sentence one minute starts now [Music] you see on YouTube by the way don't forget to click like leave a comment it makes me feel good cool let me just check to see if anyone's written any sentences Herrmann has written a growing number of population advocates that all pop know all occupations will be substituted by artificial intelligent robots in the future okay you've written here a growing number of the population advocate know some people think not a growing number of people think just some people think I like this second half of your sentence better home and you've said if said you could start with occupation occupation will be substituted by artificial intelligent robots in the future but by using all you've started to get into an opinion we want to avoid that so you might want to just say you could say some people think you could use those words again or you could just say something like occupations are increasingly being substituted by artificial intelligent robots something like that or they might be might just use the word might occupations might be substituted by artificial intelligent robots in the future that could be good pseudo says these days artificially intelligent robots are profoundly replacing human requirements in many works the word choice is a bit off but you've got written a good sentence you've mirrored that first sentence I would say these days artificial intelligent robots are profoundly are increasingly replacing profoundly replacing increasingly is a better word increasingly replacing humans in jobs keep it simple cool all right all right all right Julia's written it is assumed that the majority of jobs in the future will be done by machines with artificial intelligence beautiful well done Maria some people perceive that jobs will be overtaken by robot in the future excellent that's the ticket let's go back we've written our first sentence of the introduction and all we have done all we have done is rewrite we've just rewritten that general statement from the beginning that was pretty easy now we move on to sentence two we want to briefly mention opinion one and to briefly mention opinion wanted to let me show you mine so let me read this it says while it is possible that all menial jobs will eventually be done by robots unlikely that jobs that require human contact will be taken over so I briefly mentioned both of my opinions opinion one all menial jobs will eventually be done by robots let me choose a different color here which is red and here I've said I've said my second opinion opinion too is it is unlikely that jobs that require human contact will be taken over so they're my two opinions menial by the way menial this word here just means like unskilled jobs unskilled or simple jobs easy jobs so it's possible that easy jobs will be done by robots but it's unlikely that jobs that require human contact will be done by robots so now write your answer here briefly mention opinion one and opinion two with two minutes [Music] you thirty seconds it's your opinion do you think all jobs will be done by robots in the future only a few jobs do you think they'll be just restricted to factories for example looking at sort of ratio is all most some a few many majority something like that let me have a look at your sentences here Herman says although the possibilities to replace jobs is quite high there are some jobs especially those which require human relations that cannot be replaced good well done if you've mentioned both those opinions that are it's very high highly likely that jobs will be replaced by robots but the ones that require human relations won't be good well done haven't good julia in my opinion it's more likely that some jobs will be taken by robots while others will still require the presence of a human being excellent you've got both your ideas in there two opinions Prabhakar says this is absolutely true for some to some extent however there are quite a few jobs which cannot be done by robots great you've got your two opinions in there that's looking good let's move on to sentence three where we give our overall opinion what does that mean now last week I didn't do this but I believe that this is a good inclusion this essay will discuss and then blah this essay will discuss why eventually only very few jobs will be carried out by people so what is your essay going to discuss well the first sentence I rewrote the general description the second sentence I gave both my opinions and I said that I said two things in my second sentence I said that most jobs will be replaced especially unskilled labor jobs will be replaced but I said some jobs that require human contact won't be replaced now I've moved to my third sentence where I give my overall opinion and you know in many ways I'm saying the same thing but I've just said this essay will discuss why eventually only very few jobs will be carried out by people so you go ahead and write I want you to memorize this phrase though this essay will discuss and then you write your particular overall opinion here one minute all right just let me check that chat to see how people are going okay good how much written this essay we'll discuss the reasons why only particular jobs will be replaced beautiful well done blue said in my opinion in many hospital sectors don't get too specific here in the paragraphs we're going to get specific in detail the introduction you remain quite broad but what we're doing is we're angry we're becoming specific but it's not until you reach the paragraphs that you get into details proper care says sorry blue life says to human okay that's fine proper card this essay will discuss why some jobs are going to be are going to rely on humans rather than machines good I like it well done Julia says this essay will discuss why some jobs are difficult to be taken by robots good that sounds good let's push on and look at first of all look at my introduction then we'll look at the paragraphs so my introduction sounds like this artificially intelligent robots are progressively replacing humans in the workforce while it is possible that all menial jobs will eventually be done by robots it's unlikely that jobs that require human contact will be taken over this essay will discuss by eventually only very few jobs will be carried out by people all right so what have I got here let me choose a different color let me choose a different color which is blue moons nice so what have I done well this sentence here I've rewritten the general introduction the general statement here in this sentence I've given my two to opinions all menial jobs will eventually be done by robots unlikely the jobs that require human contact will be taken over third sentence are given my overall opinion this essay will discuss why eventually only very few jobs will be carried out by people it's kind of hard to write this introduction for the opinion actually because I think that the other essays is easier in the other essay is to just say overall the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for example or with the double question to come up with your your your answer this one let me think about this one I could possibly improve this structure but let's keep going let's keep going how to write paragraph 1 how to write paragraph one paragraph one looks like this and this will be your opinion 1 so what we do is we restate opinion 1 from the introduction we then give reasons we then give examples and then we conclude let me show you what I mean so we've restate opinion 1 so in my introduction I wrote while it's possible that all the menial jobs will eventually be done by robots so this is my opinion 1 this part here I don't need this actually all menial jobs are all unskilled jobs will eventually be done by robots so I'm going to restate that so let me restate that it says this robots may eventually replace all human labor that does not require specific and complex human skills fine that's what I've done so what I want you to do is go back to your introduction find out what your opinion 1 was and then I want you to restate it in different words and start to get a little bit more detailed all right let me have a look at some of these sentences not yet here keep going all right let's now have a look Herman first off the mark these argue that robots can automate most human jobs these days most human jobs most human most of humans jobs just most human jobs it is argued that robots can automate most human jobs these days good introduction to this paragraph well done because next you're going to give reasons then you're going to give examples then you're going to conclude good my whole boob says artificial intelligence and robotics are into existence nowadays to replace less effort human jobs ok I get it artificial intelligent robots may replace jobs these days that require less effort good good that's your opinion they're going to replace jobs that require less effort that makes sense that's a good first sentence of your introduction Julia says it's highly likely that a significant number of jobs will be completed with the use of artificial intelligence ok then you've gotten in to your reasons or your examples that's fine good first sentence a sister says mundane tasks which consumes significant amount of time for humans can be carried out by robots good I like it well done so we've written the first sentence of our paragraph one where we basically just restated in other words our opinion our first opinion from the introduction now we're going to give reasons give reasons why so let me just remind myself robots may eventually replace all human labor that does not require specific and complex human skills why many companies will turn to artificial intelligence because it is far less expensive than hiring training and employing a human right that's my reason why it's less expensive than hiring training and employing a human cool up to you now give reasons why elaborate on your first opinion on the first sentence of your paragraph one all right let's have a look at these reasons why have we got cumin there are many compelling reasons of why this trend is significantly fostering that words not right cost is the most obvious one good that's fine you've written two sentences there but that's fine and it leads it's going to lead beautifully onto your examples you can see why the reason and then the examples come together the reason for then the examples Maha vogue says accurately program robots can execute the jobs flawless more flawlessly than humans do thus human errors can be eradicated completely in the workplace fantastic well that great sentences plural you've written - that's fine the structure the structures semi set ok you can follow it sentence by sentence if you want to add an extra sentence that's fine that's the nature of language we have to be flexible gulia therefore many people especially with special needs may benefit good that's fine that carries on Maria there are certain jobs that only a human being can execute good cool fine so we've given reasons why now we need to give some examples this is pretty straightforward give an example or two I said in supermarkets in Australia for example many cashiers have been replaced by automated stations that cost far less than employees I've written another example in addition these automated stations work around the clock and require no holidays or holiday pay let's go back I'm going to read your mind sentence by sentence restated opinion one robots may eventually replace all human labor that does not require specific and complex human skills many companies will turn to artificial intelligence because it is far less expensive than hiring training and employing a human in supermarkets in Australia for example many cashiers have been replaced by automated stations that cost far less than employees in addition these automated stations work around the clock and require no holidays or holiday pay now up to you please give just give one example in the exam you can give to but let's throw one sentence a good example that leads on from your reason you have one minute you you Oh guilty let's see what we've got here we want some examples oh shoot that says operational activities which have patterns can be programmed into machines which we result in completing the tasks accurately and successfully within less time compared with humans I think that's your reason we want to example now in Kerman take registers for example it is axiomatic that the efficiency of managing automation mata mated machines is much less exorbitant okay here's a little tip when you start to use words that are rare that are not frequent less common complicated you have to be certain that they're precise whatever you do make sure your word choice is precise because they're interesting words exorbitant automation etc axiomatic but they're not quite right I mean actually Mattox fine but exorbitant not quite right exorbitant refers to money expense for example not efficiency so make sure your work choice is correct you may have to choose a word that's simpler but it will serve a better purpose because it will be more precise a simpler precise word is much better than a complicated imprecise word okay to simplicity choose clarity maha bob says for example automated teller machines are used to deposit and withdraw money in no time this has tremendously eradicated human intervention and saves time good well done Julie a for example in Japan the robots as our helpers in supermarkets or at home okay this sentence needs a bit of work for example in Japan the robots as a helpers in supermarkets or at home are replacing people's jobs let me reword this for example in Japan the robots work as helpers in supermarkets are increasingly replacing human jobs so you needed to just pull that one together a little bit more but good well done let's push on sentence four we want to conclude we want to wrap up this this paragraph we want to wrap up or conclude opinion once these reasons jobs that can be replaced by robotic intelligence will be replaced let's go back I'm going to read all of mine again robots may eventually replace all human labor that does not require specific and complex human skills many companies will turn to artificial intelligence because it is far less expensive than hiring training and employing a human in supermarkets in Australia for example many cashier to have been replaced by automated stations that cost far less than employees in addition these automated stations work around the clock and require no holidays or holiday pay so these reasons jobs that can be replaced by robotic intelligence will be replaced cool and you might notice this little phrase I've I've UT you may want to use this as well for these reasons because we gave the reason and we gave the example and now I'm referring back to them and saying for these reasons blah blah blah try this phrase in your next sentence conclude your first opinion in one sentence all right how have you gone there let me have a look at this chat good nice sermons written all in all these unskilled jobs have evident our evidence our evidence of how machines are progressively substituting the humans workforce good well done you've repeated the idea from the introduction in here and that's fine because that's logical structure and si flows from the introduction into the paragraphs into the conclusion the conclusion goes back to the introduction the paragraphs themselves have a cyclicals sort of structure so that's fine good Julia for these reasons computers and robots will be involved in people's lives plural more frequently in the future good excellent that's fine if you haven't finished that that's fine let's push on so we've just written our paragraph one which basically is our opinion one what we did was we restated our opinion one we gave reasons we gave examples and then we concluded this is what my paragraph looks like from beginning to end robots may eventually replace all human labor that does not require specific and complex human skills many companies will turn to artificial intelligence because it is far less expensive than hiring training and employing a human in supermarkets in Australia for example many cashiers have been replaced by automated stations that cost far less than employees in addition these automated stations work around the clock and require no holidays or holiday pay for these reasons jobs that can be replaced by robotic intelligence will be replaced cool how to write paragraphs - well we just follow the same structure we restate opinion - we give reasons examples and we conclude opinion - here's mine conversely now I've said that because my first paragraph was about jobs that would be replaced or could be replaced or that probably will be replaced my paragraph - however conversely there are some human jobs that cannot be replaced because robots will never achieve the capacity to do them put simply some jobs require a human touch these jobs include psychology education medicine and Social Work to name but a few robots will never be able to achieve what has taken social evolution hundreds of thousands of years to achieve let's look at this closely here I've restated my opinion to remember in my introduction I said that some jobs require human contact I've said here conversely there are some human jobs that cannot be replaced because robots will never achieve the capacity to do them ok fine now I give my reason put simply some jobs require a human touch it's a short sentence and it's fine here I give my example these jobs include psychology education medicine and Social Work to name but a few and here I conclude this paragraph robots will never be able to achieve what has taken social evolution hundreds of thousands of years to achieve so I've written my paragraph - in exactly the same structure as I did with my paragraph one fine let's move to the conclusion the final part of the essay it's going to have three sentences if we look at it up close we're going to basically actually let's go back you'll notice this the conclusion is the same as the introduction except here we here we wrote this essay we'll here we don't we don't write that ok but the structure the same sentence one two three same here one two three so sentence one rewrite that general statement again it said in the question if we remember correctly some people believe that eventually all jobs will be done by artificially intelligent row lots I've said it is increasingly likely that robots will end most human employment I haven't said all I've said most this sentence is very similar very similar it's maybe not identical in meaning but it's very similar in meaning to the first sentence of my introduction ok I've basically just rewritten that again in different words now I want you to do that rewrite that general statement again and put your answer in there if you're watching this on youtube please put your comments into the comments below you can put your sentences in if you like and do click like and subscribe and let's have a look at those sentences what have you got here Herman to sum up good that's fine you can begin your conclusion with to sum up or in summary or in conclusion it appears to me that there are considerations a considerable number of occupations that may be taken by robots beautiful well done no comma after that that's the only problem there that there you don't need a comma Julia to conclude the significant amount of people's jobs will be conducted by artificial intelligence in the future good a significant a significant number of people's jobs will be conducted by artificially artificial intelligence in the future good a significant number of jobs will be conducted by artificial intelligence in the future excellent if you're still writing a sentence that's fine let's push on we've rewritten the general statement now we're going to briefly mention opinion one and two again mine says this unskilled laborer will eventually be done entirely by robots however sophisticated jobs that require human specific skills will always exist again let's look at it closely what are my two opinions here I've said unskilled labor will be done entirely by robots first opinion however so I balanced this like a seesaw using however sophisticated jobs that requires human specific skills will always exist they were my two opinions exactly the same from my introduction first one the second one I put them both into a sentence and interestingly I've used this here put a semicolon comma sorry semicolon and a comma here with the word however now I did this because I'm trying to balance two ideas here I can't start my sentence and say ah while while opinion one opinion - or I can say opinion one however opinion - that's one way to balance two ideas in a single sentence so you may want to use or copy this particular structure here if it works if you're confident if it works so your turn write your answer briefly mentioned opinion one and opinion two again the hard sentence I'll give you two four minutes if you want you can write two separate sentences you don't necessarily have to write a complex sentence with both ideas let me have a look at what you guys have written I'm inclined to believe that robots will dominate in some activities however human labor will be in the priority in sophisticated fields go well done you've balanced your two ideas there good good good what else we got Herman while this is true there are few humans ah well this is true there are few humans labor mm okay how do I say this there's little labor that will will be replaced very little labor hold on one second I've just got a premise alarm off of my office ah all right let me look at that one again Herman while this is true there are a few human labor that will never be replaced um you could say few jobs there are a few jobs that will never be replaced sometimes choosing the noun like that labor or jobs there a few labor doesn't quite work you need to say few jobs few jobs cool marvel to conclude in the future less skilled jobs will be expected executed by robotic machines semicolon wearers comma high-skilled jobs need human intelligence and effort beautiful Maria despite the fact that we are living in an advanced technological world comma I still believe that artificial intelligence cannot do some of some of some human jobs beautiful I love that well done cool though agree written the second sentence we now are up to our final sentence where we give our overall opinion and I've said this ultimately comma very few jobs will be safe in an increasingly artificially intelligent workforce I probably should have said very few human jobs let me change that let me change that right now very few human very few human jobs will be safe in an increasingly artificially intelligent world this is my final sentence I want to make it powerful I've used this ultimately comma here which works really well and I've it what I've said follows on from everything I said in my introduction my paragraph one my paragraph two and I've just summarized it down and if we remember correctly from the the question it said all jobs will be replaced by robots in the future and what I'm saying is ultimately very few human jobs will be safe in an increasingly artificially intelligent workforce I've used some crazy double adverbs here and an adjective anyway you might want to use this ultimate try that if you want otherwise you can write your final sentence whoops there we go final sentence one minute you let me have a look here all right all right all right AHA boom consequently only fewer fewer work you can't do few and labor you can't do few and work you have to do few jobs only a few few sorry only fewer work-related activities sorry you're right you can do it with activities consequently only fewer work-related activities can be accomplished by robots which doesn't require much skills ok yeah make it simple make it simpler as a consequence few work-related activities can be accomplished by robots which don't require much skill singular good Julia ultimately comma skillful jobs which are effectively done by people may not be completely replaced by machines I love it that's a nice sentence well done cool if you're still writing that's ok that my friends is the end of your essay let me read you my conclusion it says it is increasingly likely that robots will end most human employment unskilled labor will eventually be done entirely by robots however sophisticated jobs that require human specific skills will always exist ultimately very few jobs will be safe in an increasingly artificially intelligent workforce that's the essay we've just written it from beginning to end this is what it will look like on your paper what we want to do is we want to get the format right just before I do that I've got to say that in the aisle you're going to be writing with a pencil and paper and I don't know about you but I I never do that and I haven't done that for many many years not since I was a child so actually when I took the IELTS and I did that I found it difficult it's probably a good idea to practice a pen and paper anyway paragraph 1 here it is here I sorry my introduction here my paragraph 1 which is my opinion the pinyin one remember that was my opinion one here's my paragraph 2 this was my opinion too and then we wrote the conclusion here excellent and you'll notice that I've kept a space in between my paragraphs I didn't invent it there's no need to you just need to put a space in between it Oh 244 words now I can I I did this when I took the IELTS and I did the writing I didn't write enough words I wrote my essay and I thought easy now I'll relax and have a stretch and then I looked at I thought I wonder if that's 250 words and so I did a little bit of mathematics where I counted how many words were in the first line and then I counted the number of lines I multiplied the two and I got to about 230 not 20 words short or around that I can't remember exactly and I thought to myself oh my god I'm 20 words short the IELTS can these documents and they know precisely how many words you've written so what do you do if you get stuck and you're short on words well you need to get to 250 so what I'm going to do is I'm going to look at this paragraph and I'm going to think I'm going to have to add an example or add a reason so what I do here is I what you'll probably have to do on test day is through a line and and write your your extra information but here I've just added another example or another reason I said they require the sophisticated social skills of a person bla bla bla bla bla I've brought my word count up to 257 words so that's done right just before I let you go I want to talk to you a little bit about what the examiners look for in your writing there are four things you need to be conscious of four things first of all to do right on topic right on topic well yes we have because we've used that question prompt so much in our essay we rewrote that general statement and and we did the opinion one the opinion two again and again again don't deviate from the question prompt it's hard to do in this webinar but what you have to do on test day is keep that piece of paper right in front of you every few minutes looked up and look at that question prompt and make sure you're writing about that because if you it's very easy to go off-topic and to just writing writing writing you think if this is beautiful I'm writing a beautiful paragraph and then you look at the question prompting you think oh my god it's nothing to do with that opinion that they're asking me in the question prompt so stick on topic did you use precise vocabulary well I as I said before it's better to be simple and clear rather than to be complexed and unclear what about this essay well I've said words like progressively replacing that's nice I've said menial jobs that's good vocabulary eventually find unlikely that's a nice word very few jobs that's a nice phrase carried out that's a phrasal verb that's okay replaced that's a nice verb specific skills or complex skills that's a nice phrase there so mine contains not just a wide range of vocabulary that's the first thing the second thing is is your vocabulary precise is the meaning clear that's critical and also think about vocabulary not just a single words you're not trying to just put in single words you're trying to put in those phrases those phrases those there is a human contact there's collocations are carried out replaced labor again this specific skills these types of phrases and collocations are critically important ok next accurate grammar fine well in English a lot of the grammar has to do with your verb tenses are your verb tenses accurate have you used the right verb tense simple past present simple all that sort of stuff let's have a quick look at mine so I've used are replacing I've used the present continuous here because it's happening at the moment so that's correct ok it is possible that all minier jobs will be done future it's unlikely the jobs bla bla bla bla this si will this is also future although it's only briefly into the future but still the correct verb will discuss will discuss robots may eventually replace present simple because I've got this may replace here I've got a negative etc anyway I don't want to go into too much detail but verb tenses are critical singular and plural nouns are critical is it one robot or many robots at one job or many jobs is it labor or Labor's we can't do Labor's so you got to do labor so there's a little exception for you also one last thing I want to point out is our articles articles articles I'm scanning my eyes over am I seeing any articles ah to do and I can't say any fine I'll move on logical structure well this is a logical structure what happens is your introduction creates a little cycle your paragraph creates a little cycle and your second one the same and they link back to the first sentence same with your conclusion it does a little cycle an overall your essay does a big cycle your introduction connects to your conclusion and what happens is you create a logical flow from sentence to sentence from paragraph to paragraph from introduction to conclusion back to introduction this is called coherent and that is what the IELTS examiner's are looking for in your essays cool that's all ah let me quickly answer some questions on Q&A but then we'll leave it there if you're watching on youtube click like click subscribe and leave a comment it makes me feel good as a teacher if you say something nice or say something terrible I'm also open to criticism cool let's do this let's go to Q&A and let me stop recording
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 1,411,060
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Keywords: ielts, ielts writing, ielts writing task 2, ielts writing task 2 opinion, ielts opinion essay, ielts essay, ilets essay, ielts writing task 1, ielts writing academic, ielts academic essay, ielts training, ielts writing training, e2 ielts, IELTS, E2 IELTS, e2 jay, e2 language ielts, e2language ielts, ielts e2 writing, e2 ielts online, ielts general, ielts academic, e2 ielts writing task 2, e2language ielts writing task 2, ielts writing lectures, free ielts writing, e2, E2, esl
Id: JpI8Vin_QVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 3sec (3783 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2017
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