Top 20 IELTS Speaking Topics with Answers 2022

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in ielts speaking you'll never know what topic you have to talk about on test day to get a high score you'll need to know how to talk about a range of topics so you'll be ready for whatever question the examiner asks in this video i'm going to help you out by showing you the 20 most common ielts speaking topics in this video we will go through each of the top 20 ielts topics that you might get in ielts speaking during each topic we will ask jay an example speaking part 1 question and then listen to his response after that i'll show you some other questions that you could get for that topic on test day now before we begin looking at the most common ielts speaking topics make sure to hit that subscribe button for the best ielts test prep videos on the internet let's start with the first topic you might have to talk about on test day the first topic is animals all right when you hear the topic of animals maybe you think of words like pet captivity endangered extinct and so on so they're all great topical words but it's very unlikely that you'll use words like that in part one of ielts speaking because the examiner will ask you pretty simple questions you won't need sophisticated vocabulary like that are you ready for your first question you can pause the video and try to answer the question yourself or you can watch jay give his response let's talk about animals do you like animals yeah in general i like animals i think i've become a little bit more discerning as i've aged with regard to which animals i like for example i don't like silly jumpy dogs anymore i like quiet placid dogs great did you notice how straightforward the question was and his answer was perfect just the right length and it demonstrated lots of great vocabulary not necessarily topical but good vocab nevertheless let's take a closer look at his response i like how we used in general to begin his opinion yeah in general i like animals that's a nice way to do that then he compared his present self with his past self i think i've become a little bit more discerning as i've aged with regard to which animals i like and then he gave an example for example i don't like silly jumpy dogs anymore i like quiet placid dogs other questions you may receive on test day could look like this what animals can you see in your city or country are animals used in farming in your country what animal would you like to see in the wild these three questions along with many more animal related ielts speaking questions can be found in e2's ielts topic toolkit ebook this ebook contains over 100 pages of speaking questions topical vocabulary and other resources you can use to learn more about the 20 topics in this video you'll be prepared for any question you get on test day you can get this ebook for a reduced price by clicking the link in the description below let's take a look at another common ielts speaking topic let's talk about art i don't know much about art and maybe you don't either i mean maybe you didn't study it in high school or university and while i'm sure you can appreciate painting or sculpture or fashion perhaps you really don't know much about the topic and that's okay if you don't know much about art like me you don't need to have a background in the topic you just need to have opinions you have opinions about art right ready for the question let's talk about painting and drawing did you enjoy painting and drawing when you were a child well if i remember back to primary school or high school i have to be honest and say that i didn't really enjoy art i wasn't good at it and that was probably the main reason why maybe if i were better at drawing or painting i would have enjoyed it more ah nice work nice grammar you see that was pretty straightforward let's take a look at some of his language he used a nice little strategy to buy some time and help him think at the beginning by saying well well if i remember back to primary school or high school then he used a nice phrase i have to be honest before providing his opinion and then he gave a reason i have to be honest and say that i didn't really enjoy art i wasn't good at it and that was probably the main reason why his last sentence used very complex grammar if i were i would have maybe if i were better at drawing or painting i would have enjoyed it more this is a solid answer note that he didn't use any fancy art words like aesthetic or graphical or symmetry and that's fine you don't have to in part one part one is all about you and your opinions and experiences and also keep in mind that it's not all about art vocabulary jay used lots of great general vocabulary and grammar in his delivery his pronunciation and fluency were perfect so relax you don't have to be an art critic to score well with a topic like art here are some other art questions that you might receive on test day in part one speaking do you think painting and drawing are important activities for children do you ever paint or draw now do you think adults should paint or draw more that was art let's take a look at another common ielts speaking topic let's talk about communication personally i'm all about communication i've studied linguistics and i'm a teacher so i feel confident with this topic but what about you maybe not but again you don't know what question you're going to get and despite it being topic-based it's probably going to be a very general question all right let's get ready for the question let's talk about writing do you prefer to write letters or emails i think hand written letters are very beautiful and on special occasions they're great but email is so much more efficient both to write and to send nice answer as you heard he didn't talk for very long you really want to speak for about 10 to 15 seconds for each question that's only a few sentences and remember not to rush speak as clearly as you can really focus on your delivery when you answer answer from your personal opinion use your own thoughts don't try to say something that will impress the examiner or something that you think the examiner wants to hear express your own thoughts there are no right or wrong answers there's just language the examiner doesn't care what your opinion is they care how varied and accurate your grammar and vocabulary are and how well you deliver your speech other communication questions might include how often do you send letters or emails when did you last receive a handwritten letter do you think people will still send letters in the future that was communication let's take a look at another common ielts speaking topic crime this is an interesting topic i'm sure you don't have too much personal experience with crime i hope but it's still a topic that you could be asked about on test day and i'm sure you have some interesting opinions let's do another question let's talk about rules what are some common rules in your country for example driving rules or public transport rules interesting question well australia is often criticized for being a nanny state that is many people think we have far too many rules around traffic or even just minor infringement type stuff but i think i think i've gone off topic he's right he went off topic but it doesn't really matter i asked him about different types of rules and he started saying something about there being too many rules this is fine he's still speaking generally about the topic and there's nothing in the scoring criteria about staying on topic so i would have still given him a good score for this answer he shouldn't have stopped remember it's not a listening test it's a speaking test so you're allowed to deviate from the question but in general it's a good idea to answer the question that you're asked other questions on crime you may receive on test day could look like this do you usually follow the rules do you think young people or older people follow the rules more is it important for people to follow rules on to the next ielts speaking topic culture culture is a very broad topic i wonder what question you might get let's check out a question let's talk about festivals what are the important festivals where you come from well when i think of festivals i think of music festivals but i wouldn't say any more or less important but yeah there are lots of music festivals including weekend festivals where you camp or day jazz or even reggae festivals how do you think jay went with this question sometimes when you answer questions you're not quite sure about is you waffle what i mean by waffle is you say words but they don't have much meaning the best answers are those where your ideas lead and your language explains that is you have something interesting to say and then you express yourself clearly still it was a good answer overall other questions on culture you might receive on test day could look like this how do people celebrate these festivals do young people or older people enjoy these festivals more do you think people will still celebrate these festivals in the future let's have a look at the next topic the next topic is education all right so i'm a teacher so for me i'd be quite happy to get this topic on test day but what about you how do you feel about education let's take a look at a question let's talk about high school what subjects did you like in high school i liked all subjects including mathematics until about the age of 15 and then i steered much more towards the humanities i really loved language-based subjects like english and literature nice answer let's take a closer look at this response what i like here is his use of a complex sentence to express himself he's not just using simple sentences like i liked math full stop now i like english full stop instead he's naturally expressing complex ideas through more sophisticated grammar other questions on education you may receive on test day could look like this was there anything you didn't like about high school do you still keep in touch with friends from high school have you ever been back to visit your old high school let's check out the next topic the next topic is entertainment remember if you're asked about something that you're not interested in like for me going to a nightclub don't worry just give a reason why you're not interested just give a reason or an example and that'd be a great answer let's have a look at a question about entertainment let's talk about going to the cinema how often do you go to the cinema uh i don't go to the cinema very often if i do it's because there's something on that i really want to watch you know some sort of blockbuster movie that really interests me but usually i just wait for it to come out on netflix if you noticed jay said you know if i do it's because there's something on that i really want to watch you know some sort of blockbuster movie that really interests me this is a slang term it's fine you don't have to be formal in ielts speaking but also don't swear or use too much slang either imagine you're having a polite conversation with a stranger you're not speaking to the queen and you're not speaking to a friend on the street ideally it's in between let's say semi-formal jay also used the phrasal verb i go to the cinema rather than a formal verb like i attend the cinema the phrasal verb is much better phrasal verbs sound much more natural other questions you could get about entertainment could be do you think young people or older people prefer going to the cinema would you like to go to the cinema more in the future why do some people prefer to watch movies at home remember if you're not sure how you would answer these questions on test day consider getting the e2 ielts topic toolkit ebook for a reduced price by clicking the link in the description below there you can find all the speaking questions topical vocabulary and plenty of resources on these 20 topics to help prepare you for your ielts speaking exam now let's get on to the next topic environment let's just get straight into it here's a question about the environment let's talk about spending time in nature are there natural places where you live for example gardens or forests well i live in the city so there are some natural places such as the beach or the botanic gardens but i grew up in the countryside so i don't think they really compare to some of the places i know such as rivers or rainforests perfect nice answer he used some great topical vocabulary and do you know what i like about his response he drew upon his childhood which is a rich source of experience and language here are some other questions on the environment that you could get on test day how often do you spend time in nature what do you enjoy doing when you spend time in nature would you like to spend more time in nature let's move on to the next topic family as you can imagine when talking about family you'll probably be using vocabulary like grandfather auntie brother sister let's take a look at a question do you have a big or small family my family is relatively small i guess i only have one uncle and one auntie and only three cousins sometimes when doing ielts speaking you might want to say something a little emotional perhaps something about a family member having recently passed away something like that in the moment anything can pop out don't be embarrassed or or think you've made a mistake this is completely fine of course don't say anything rude or too weird but if you say something personal that's fine the ielts examiners have heard everything you can imagine so it doesn't phase them other example questions you might get on test day could be what do you enjoy doing with your family have you ever been on holiday with your family will you see your family more or less in the future let's check out the next topic food and farming food and farming hmm let's see a question should children learn to cook at school should children learn to cook at school i've never considered that but i think it's a great idea i think it's really important to educate children about nutrition and cooking lessons would really help their understanding of what's in the food they eat great so here jay bought himself some time again by repeating the question should children learn to cook at school don't do this too much but this was a difficult question and he actually said i've never considered that but i think it's a great idea this was also a good way to buy a little more time to think of his answer it can be good to use these techniques when you get a question that is strange or unexpected here are some more questions on food and farming what's your favorite food is there any food you don't like did you learn to cook as a child let me show you the next topic the next topic is global issues global issues uh oh tricky one let's have a look at a question what languages do you speak well i speak english obviously and i speak intermediate indonesian and i'm currently studying farsi but i'm really a complete beginner i have studied other languages though such as korean and canada which is a south indian language as well as jungle mata an australian aboriginal language that was too long wasn't it jay's right that was a long answer but it's fine it was really coherent he structured his answer really well by saying and but as well as so although it was a long answer it wasn't waffly it was coherent coherence is an important part of the ielts speaking criteria it really means how well you organize your response including the use of pronouns and conjunctions and discourse markers though for ielts speaking i wouldn't recommend using discourse markers such as in addition or furthermore because they're used more for writing so when we speak we use markers such as so if when or and here's a few more questions on the global issues topic how did you first learn english do you think all children should learn a second language what language do you think will be the most dominant language in the future let's take a look at the next topic the next topic is health ready here's a question on health do you think you are a healthy person yes i eat well i sleep well and i exercise quite a lot i mean i watch my macronutrients so i don't eat many carbohydrates and i make sure i sleep at least eight hours every night and i exercise usually three or four times a week nice response again great structure one thing i noticed was the use of a contraction don't instead of do not and that's perfectly fine it's a natural part of spoken speech you are not marked down for using contractions here are some more questions on health what do people your age do to stay healthy would you like to change your lifestyle to be healthier should schools teach children about health let's take a look at the next most common ielts speaking topic media media like youtube remember if you're not yet a subscriber to this youtube channel you should click that little subscribe button it won't take you long at all we release top quality ielts videos that will help you pass your exam let's take a look at a potential ielts speaking question about media do you think we will still have newspapers in the future well who knows anything could happen in the future with technological developments it seems to me the way that we consume the news is certainly changing i mean we used to read paper-based newspapers and now we tend to watch much more video great i liked his use of collocations which are very natural sounding phrases for example he said technological developments and consume the news and tend to watch all these are great collocations or natural sounding phrases vocabulary includes single words but it is much more about phrases you're actually scored on your collocation use under lexical resource or vocabulary it's called idiomatic language idiomatic phrasing is different to idioms don't use idioms or proverbs like a stitch in time saves nine or it's raining cats and dogs unless it fits perfectly idiomatic phrasing is like what jay did usually consisting of two words like an adjective and a noun like technological developments this is the type of language you want to use here are a few more questions you might get about media do you ever read the newspaper do you prefer to read the newspaper online or on real paper why do some people not like reading the newspaper let's take a look at the next topic the next topic is money here's a question you might get on test day related to money are you saving for something special at the moment right now i'm not saving for anything but i am paying off a small loan so i guess in a way i'm saving to pay off a loan i'm hoping to have the loan paid off within four to six months now did you notice that he used a lot of present continuous then grammar is super important in the speaking test you need grammar to express yourself but you don't need to use any crazy grammar the questions the examiner will ask you will require you to reply in the present simple or present continuous or maybe future simple so in part one at least that's pretty straightforward in terms of grammar the main thing is don't overthink it here are some more questions related to money are you good at saving money when did you first start earning money do you think children should learn about money in school let's move on to the next topic let's talk about science and technology but before we talk about science and technology let me remind you that you can find over 100 pages of speaking questions relevant vocabulary and resources for all 20 topics in this video in the e2 ielts topic toolkit ebook it even comes with a sample essay for each of the 20 topics for writing task two so it can help with your writing as well click the link in the description below again i can't recommend our topic toolkits highly enough here's a question on science and technology how often do you use your mobile phone oh my god i use it a lot i think i use it like four to six hours per day but i listen to a lot of music when i work and i also listen to a lot of long lectures so i try to monitor my usage of websites and apps that are a waste of my time in conclusion i think i use it quite to my advantage that conclusion was weird his answer was great apart from that phrase in conclusion it doesn't suit speaking at all the phrase in conclusion is definitely something for writing but maybe not for speaking here are some more questions related to science and technology what do you usually use your phone for what was your first mobile phone like do you think you will use your phone more or less in the future let's have a look at the next topic the next topic is space here's a space question you could get on test day don't worry you don't need to be an astrophysicist or astronomer do many people enjoy stargazing or looking at the stars in your country before we hear the response i just want to say if you don't understand a word the examiner says like stargazing you can absolutely ask for clarification the examiner will say something like stargazing means to look at the stars let's hear jay's response so yes i love star gazing but because i live in the city the view of the stars isn't great it's usually blocked out because of what's it called light pollution i much prefer to look at the stars when it's pitch black and they shimmer that was some great vocab and i also like how he saved himself there he said it's usually blocked out because of uh what's it called light pollution look you're not going to be perfect on test day you're going to forget a word or phrase here or there and that's completely fine that's spoken english here are some more space related questions do you ever look at the sky at night is it easy to see the stars where you live have you ever seen something interesting in the sky at night let's have a look at the next topic the next topic is sports here's a question what sports are popular in your country well in australia we play cricket in the summer and we play football in the winter when i say football i don't mean soccer i mean a very special type of football that's only played in australia what about you mr examiner what sports do you play in canada jay asked the examiner a question here and that's unnecessary unless you're clarifying something never ask the examiner questions about their opinion during the exam this is not how the exam works here are some more sports related questions did you play any sport as a child why do some people dislike sports when did you last watch a sporting competition let's look at another common topic transport with this topic you know you'll be likely talking about buses taxis planes or trains here's a question how do you usually get to school or work to get to work i walk i live about five minutes from the office so it's very convenient it's not a particularly nice walk but i'm glad it's so close because it means i can get out of bed late this question was almost too easy for jay he had to think of more things to say to extend his answer you could see that he had to add information to his answer to flesh it out a bit more never respond with just i walk never give short one or two word answers make sure you give nice long explanations with examples and reasons and experience just like jay did here here are some more transport related questions would you like to get to school or work faster what do you do while you're traveling to school or work is it becoming harder or easier to get to school or work let's look at the second last topic this topic is travel here's the question do you think older or younger people prefer to travel yeah that's a great question ah i think it's probably pretty even lots of young people like to travel especially after they've finished high school and lots of older people like to travel especially if they've retired even though i asked jay to choose between two ideas jay didn't pick older or younger people he chose both it's perfectly fine to respond like this in the speaking test here's some more travel questions you might get on test day do you like traveling have you traveled outside your country much what problems can people face when they're traveling let's look at the last most common topic you might get on test day work work i work at the best test prep company in the world called e2 and we prepare people like you for your ielts test all you need to do is prepare with me and jay by clicking the link in the description below here's a question on work what are some common jobs for young people in your country in my country young people usually work in hospitality working as waiters or waitresses in cafes or restaurants or they work in retail working as shop assistants but there are lots of different jobs young people do great good clear response here are three more questions related to work when did you get your first job what did you like about your first job what job would you like to have in the future again as a reminder these questions are from e2's ielts topic toolkit ebook which includes even more questions from ielts speaking part 1 2 and 3. you can get this ebook for a discount by clicking the link in the description below and that's it that's the 20 most common ielts speaking topics you might see on test day so the most common topics are animals art communication crime culture education entertainment environment family food and farming global issues health media money science and technology space sport transport travel and work if you've ever encountered topics that aren't on the list or been asked a really strange question during your ielts test put it in the comments below we would love to read it remember to sign up for free on e2 and don't forget to subscribe to this channel i hope this video was helpful i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 319,939
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Keywords: IELTS, IELTS Speaking, E2 IELTS, IELTS 2022, the ielts speaking test, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking topics with answers, ielts speaking topics with answers pdf, pdf, topic, topics, ielts speaking topic part 1, ielts speaking topic part 2, ielts speaking topic part 3, ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking part 3, ielts speaking exam, topics for ielts speaking, most common topics, top 20 topics, in ielts speaking, ielts speaking vocab, with answers
Id: iT5dk3nkYfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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