IELTS Speaking Band 7.0 Mock Test with Feedback

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let's begin all right so could you tell me your full name please um oh hi my name is insu Park insu Park good insu are you working or are you a student um I'm working right now I'm working as a freelancer I teach like young children and also young adults English and also about communication and do you like your job um yeah part much I like teaching because I think it's a really meaningful thing for me to do as a living it also gives me a lifegiving meaning by just teaching because I'm thinking that I could learn from like anybody anything nice and could you describe your hometown for me um my hometown I'm like right now living in a place called Chango it's in which is our capital city and it's a kind of a bed town we don't have much things to do but still I like my hometown that's about my hometown and now we're going to talk about being bored so do you often feel bored um yes I think I feel bored a lot so that's why I do a lot of like activities because I don't really like the feeling about being bored okay so when do you feel bored um actually I'm like a very like active person so I could tell you that whenever I'm feeling bored is the time except when I'm sleeping okay and do you think childhood is boring or adulthood is boring um I'll I'll guess that not childhood or like um adulthood I think it's more than like the part when we have to study like the um Middle School and High School those teenagers I think that time is very bored because they have a duty to do to study M okay and now we're going to talk about celebrities so who is your favorite celebrity in your country oh in my country that's a like difficult question for me but my favorite celebrity ah I have one um my favorite celebrity is a singer that is in a group called 2 A.M he is um the vocal like part his name is I like him much because I think his voice is very beautiful nice and what kind of famous people do you often see in the news in the news I usually see like the people who are connected to the politics like the president or um the other people who work for the government and do you think that news about famous people is always true no I'm going to tell you that I don't think that all of the news are true about the like famous people in the news especially the politics okay and would you like to be famous yes I like to be famous especially in my major which I'm studying right now because I really want to be an expert in my major okay and what kind of famous people are most popular in your country in my country um in my country the like um celebrities are famous especially like the idol groups are very famous they have like a very massive fandom so they have a lot of fans and yeah those are the most famous people great that will do us for part one we'll go on to part two now give you your question yeah so there is your question and I'll give you one minute to do some note taking all right all right that's one minute now okay so yeah your question is could you describe a time when some people near you made a lot of noise um the time when some people near me made a lot of noise is when I was in the like loud Subway we were using the public trans transportation and there the subway was very crowded so there were a lot of people and my friends my friend was making a short call with her boyfriend and her voice got louder and louder because of the crowded people like the loud noises that the people made so that time was when she made a lot of noise so like I felt a bit frustrated about her loud voice because I think people should be um like need etiquet in the public transportation so I wanted her to be quiet so I asked her to lower her voice but still she was a bit like excited by calling her boyfriend so she didn't lower her voice so that made me a lot of like frustrated and also so it gave me a bit of like anxiety so that time was when my nearest person made a lot of noise that thing first came in my mind okay okay so that was one minute 15 total okay um do you think on the subway in your country are people usually quiet or not I think it depends on the time that you get on the subway because when it's like the time when they all finish their work there are a lot of people in there and I think that time is very quiet because they all look at their phones and they use the internet in the Subway because in our country the internet the Wi-Fi and the subway the public transportation is so good okay nice now we'll go on to part three of the speaking test all right so uh what kind of places should be Noise free Noise free uh I think the most noise-free place that was um like that took my mind was the playground and the parks because that place is outside and that is made for people to rest very freely and also the children could play there like whatever they want so they could scream and like yell to each other by a fun way so I think that place is the most noise-free place for me and do you think it's easy to access those places in your country uh yes because in our country and we have a capital city in the capital city we have a large river named h River and that place is very accessible in any places because that river is like in the middle of our Capital City okay and on what occasions do people need to be quiet quiet as I told you in part two I think that people should be quiet in the public transportation because that is a place that many people use and they have to share their um places to each other so I think that people should I wish that people could be quiet in that place nice and do you think people should be allowed to make noise in all public areas not really because as I told you in the transportation people are moving to another place from where there are so I think that place should um be un noisy for people's anxiety I think it's because of my anx anxiety because I have a very weak ear so I'm a bit feel frustrated about the loud noises MH and how do people usually react if other people are making excessive noise the first thing is that I think people ignore it because in our country it's very important to um respect other people's opinions so I think the first one will be ignoring it but the second one should be asking them to be quiet because yeah that would be um a bit of communication that people could do yeah and do you think most people can do that effectively effectively um there should be many different opinions about that but for me that is very like um I feel it very easy to do that thing to make people quiet I could like ask them to be quiet because as I told you I'm a person who studied about communication okay and why can't people make noise in libraries or museums um I think it's because that um the libraries and museums should be a place where people have to focus on a specific thing like in the library they should focus on their books that they want to borrow and in the museum there should be some like art art or like those um things that are in the museums so people should focus on there so if people become loud in that place they are disrupting other people so that would be a rude thing and do you think going to a museum is a common Pastime in your country uh yes I think that is a very common thing to do in my country because I remember that when I was in elementary school and also Middle School we had this field trip going to the museums every year and also we have many large museums in the capital city so many people could go there very easy okay that will do us for part three okay so we'll finish up there very nice okay so yeah let's talk about your test and give you some feedback I would estimate your score to be 7.0 I think you spoke really well really fluently with good pronunciation those are the positive things nice um I would say in part one try to give a couple of reasons for your answer some of your answers were just a little bit on the short side you know so obviously you can speak English very well so try and give some reasons if you can in part one um part two you spoke for 1 minute and 15 which which is okay it's it's a little on the short side the maximum is 2 minutes so I would say in the real exam try to keep speaking if you can you know the examiner will stop you at 2 minutes anyway um yeah and then part three we went through it nicely I think there was one question in part three there was a bit of a misunderstanding right uh the first question what kind of places should be Noise free Noise free means like there should be no noise yeah oh you know you might say like this is a smoke free zone or alcohol free zone or where you cannot do that oh yeah I was a bit like um I got a misunderstanding because I thought that word was like kids free Z yeah that's the same thing no kids zone yeah no kids zone that's a very common thing in our country my anyway that's all good so you answered the rest of them um very well so yeah that was just that um yeah there's a few grammar eras that I I'll just point out to you nothing too major um maybe one time I asked about your opinion about childhood and adulthood you said like I'll guess that um neither uh neither of them are boring instead of I'll guess I think it's better to say like I would say I would say or in my opinion or I believe yeah instead of guessing um there was one time when you're talking about a time that was very you said that time is very bored so make sure it's in in that situation like maybe high school is boring like students feel bored so I think you know yourself anyway but e Ed is your feeling or a person's feeling and ining is describing the situation so that time is really boring for them yeah um one thing about countable uncountable is uh news instead of news are true the news is true yeah you could say news story there so those news stories are true but if you're just saying news in general it should be is um okay we on that yeah in part two um when you're using the word crowded you were saying like crowded people you'd have to say crowded place crowded place or crowded with people crowded with people um what else do we have other one is about public transportation instead of of saying in the public transportation you should say on on the subway on a bus you know so when people are on public transportation they should be quiet um okay because they have to share I think you said share their places to each other it should be share with each other they have to share that area you could also say like uh it's a common area a common area meaning a shared area um yeah there pronunciation was great there was a couple of words there maybe um politics politics I think it was the word stress so yeah politics and little bit one um Library so make sure you're pronouncing that one as well yeah but the rest of the pronunciation and fluency were great uh so yeah that was a good test thank you for coming in no thank you you
Channel: IELTS English Academy
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Keywords: IELTS, mock test, writing, speaking, test, feedback, study, exam, listening, essay, english, academy, band, 아이엘츠, 스피킹, 리스닝, 독학, 라이팅, 리딩, 영어, 유학, reading, TOEFL, ielts speaking, ielts writing, ielts reading, ielts listening, ielts tips, band 7, band 8, band 9, IELTS general, ielts academic, ielts tutorial, ielts methods, IELTS class, IELTS teacher, study ielts, IELTS pronunciation, IELTS help, IELTS video, IELTS improve, IELTS tutor
Id: -awN8jpvDFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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