IELTS Speaking Test band score 6.5 with feedback 2024

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so we can now get it started from here starts the speaking test this is the speaking mock test of the international English language testing system taking place in Ros Academy the candidate is maram Gand the candidat number is 014 3252 The Examiner is meui examiner number 44353 three good morning my name is marfi would you please tell me your full name yeah nice to meet you my name is maram biosand um you know it's a common name in Iran it's a name of the flower so I would appreciate if you call me Maria Maria yeah okay sure and uh can I see your identification please yeah here you go thank you very much welome thank you so much you're welcome now let's move on to talk about music what kind of music do you prefer to be honest I don't listen to music because I don't have enough time and but if I had the time to listen to music I would prefer to listen to classical music uh because it gives me more energy and boost my mood uh when I'm when I'm not in a good mode I try to listen to um classical music are you fond of learning any musical instrument um no I haven't um thought about it yet about any musical instrument but uh if I wanted to choose one of them I prefer to I would prefer to uh play piano and does music help you ease in any way yeah why not when you are in a bad mood when you have a lot of problems especially in these days economical problem financial problems I think you can um put your time you can spend your time uh on listening to music and um maybe enhance your mood okay and get better now let's talk about cakes do you like eating cakes yeah why not especially chocolate cakes and uh when I go to a restaurant ijust for dessert you know not for the main course and starter because I want to order dessert after that especially chocolate cakes and uh let me explain I can bake cake too okay so delicious do you know how to bake a cake H yeah do you want to know yeah I I have to explain about it so uh we need some flow um sugar and um different um uh flavor if you want to add to it um it takes about 30 30 minutes to bake in the oven uh and it depends on the people about how is cake a part of the celebration at your home yeah exactly for every celebration I try to bake cake okay for my mom's birthday my dad's birthday thank you very much great now we can move on to the second part of the exam so in the second part I'm going to give you a card with a topic and you should talk about it for two minutes before that you have one minute to think about what you're going to say and he can make some notes to help you if you wish do you understand yeah great now I will give you a paper a pen and your Q card here you go thank you so much you're welcome thank you and here is the pen great and uh you should describe a talent that you have and want to improve now you have one minute to think about it and it starts now for okay now you're one minute is over sure and you may talk about this topic for 2 minutes but do not worry if I stop you so your two minutes start now thank you so much so um you know I've been uh teaching English for about 10 years and uh I think uh one of the talents that I have in my life is teaching English and conveying uh meaning and encouraging my students uh to improve their knowledge in English so in my own idea I think my talent is um teaching English to my students and um yeah I trained myself many many years ago uh I took I test in 2009 and uh at that time as I remember I uh learned I I had learned English for about um 12 years because many years ago when the students wanted to uh learn English it was too long you know but not uh like today because after six or seven years these days you can get your I degree uh and be professional in it um yeah I want to improve it uh because of this I'm here I want to test my knowledge uh where am I exactly so uh if it needs uh necessary I think uh I can improve my knowledge too um it benefits me because um I think the first point that I travel to other country um I can communicate with other people easily and uh I can understand them and it's one of the most important things in my life and watching movie when I watch movie I can understand um not 100% of the speech but I can understand the old meaning uh of their speech uh and I think um maybe for my little daughter is good because I have A8 month daughter so maybe um she's proud of me when she brought up then she will bring up uh and um she says my mom is a teacher and I have no problem about any problems in my life so I think it has U more benefits than this um and you know everyone has thank you very much now your time is over and we can move on to part three great can I have the Q card and the pap thank you so much okay then so we can now move on to the third part and uh as you've been talking about a talent that you have and want to improve in this part I want to ask you some questions related to this topic do you think that talented people are happy people as well talented people are happy as well no I didn't I don't think so because maybe some people that are talented are not uh um good at um are not good at in their fields uh but U maybe some people are not talented and do the best and do the best in their lives and you know I think uh you mean that being famous in this situation maybe some talented people are not famous uh and are not popular so um they have to present themselves to among of people uh to show that they have particular Talent uh and people encourage them and to get them improved and uh how about the difference between talent and skill how do youate Talent is natural it's natural ability I think maybe you were born with it but a skills you can gain it during your life and you can gain it and um with some intensive courses some Majors maybe academic courses or so on okay and uh what are the talents that you have that are proud of I'm proud of my myself uh come on you know all my students love me because uh I have a good relationship with them when I teach them so um as they said and as I know I think um conveying meaning and uh transferring my knowledge to my students is one of my talents that they have because you know art of teaching is the most important point in teaching English and uh I okay maybe I have high confidence but I have it and uh has this a challenge helped you in your life in your own life yeah yeah in my own life because at that time uh my husband encouraged to uh my my husband was encouraged to um study his lesson and continue his education in English so maybe I had a positive point on him okay and do you think that having this Talent is important for an individual or people can have different talents um could you please explain again or rep having your talent like being a teacher do you think it's important for an individual for every person or um people can have different talents other talents um Oh you mean um other than teaching Oh you mean uh accept these talents okay accept this um I don't think so I don't have any talents I because all my life is teaching and all the time I prefer to to um connect something uh to my um to my major to my this Talent uh so I haven't uh had anything to talk about it about my talent okay and how about other countries do you think that uh there is a talent or a skill that people should necessarily have them yeah why not uh you mean according to my according teaching or no the other Talent any Talent can explain more about other talents come on everyone has particular talents in their lives according to their field according to their life so it's necessary to to be talented in your life if you want to follow your dreams if you want to follow um the field that you want to do in future uh yeah in other countries uh we have too many talented people um okay thank you very much now this is the end of the speaking test thank you so much you're welcome now we can just relax and take a breath and I'll take a few minutes to add up your scoring different criteria and then I give you the feedback so you're welcome so we can now get it started with your feedback Maria sure um first I want to start with the first criteria which is your fluency and coherence as you know there are four criteria in iOS speaking the first one is your fluency and coherence to start with that I can say that one of the strongest points that you have in your speaking is your fluency you have the flow of speech you are confident and you're able to just keep talking and to talk about different topics The Familiar ones and unfamiliar ones so this is very important and you're not struggling to come up with ideas other than that um another good thing in your speaking is that you don't have many pauses or hesitations like whenever you feel like you you will have some pauses or you don't know what else to say you just keep talking about other topics maybe you go off topic or you use some fers and boosters to fill up those gaps which is a very good thing however you had some uh self-repetition and self-correction like uh you kept repeating some the same phrases or the same words for example convey the meaning you repeated that two or three times grammar grammatically point for example he was encouraged and I will I will tell you what to do about that because your mistakes that the mistakes that you made are not actually the are not showing the problem with your grammar because you have a good command of English the thing is that you speak very fast we will we will get there I will tell you more about that so you you have the flow of a speech and you have just a few self- repetitions and self Corrections it is always a good idea to correct yourself like when you make a mistake just try to correct yourself because uh this way you are just using the precise thing or the correct thing that you should um however you can just um paraphrase some words because the problem was that you were repeating the same words or the same collocation so try to use more synonyms and if you don't know what to say because sometimes you may face face some unfamiliar topics or it's fine but you don't have collocations about that or you don't have any idea to develop so in that case try to just fake the topic or you can just lie exactly as long as your answer is related to the question you're good to go it's fine so for example I ask you to talk about your experience with something for example your exper experience in an art gallery m maybe you have never been to an art gallery but you can talk about your friend's experience in an art gallery so just keep talking and this way you can just link the topic the given topic to a topic that you are better at or you have better vocabulary in this can help you with your self-repetition and self-correction another thing that can help you is to just uh maybe you need to slow down a bit because you speaking so fast as you wanted to just give me all the information and all the ideas that you have in mind so you can just uh avoid these um you know self- repetitions by slowing down and uh sometimes changing your pace like you raise your voice you lower your voice and um when you want to talk think about what you want to just keep saying you can just slow down and then you go back to your normal Pace it's fine no problem with that uh the only problem that you have like so far everything was good you just had these self- repetitions and self correct but the problem that you had is that you did not use a wide range of connectives and discourse markers I really wanted to give you a seven in your fluency and coherence but you got a six and the reason is only one of the reasons is because of uh the range of connectives that you didn't have you should remember that even if you're using a range of complex structures which is really good and can Mark you up in your grammatical range and accuracy which is another criteria uh if you don't use uh good connectives and discourse markers you cannot get a highest score like not more than a five or six um so as you were just using and so but because these four simple connectives and you did not use more you couldn't get a seven but you can easily get a seven just by working a bit on your connectives and I'm sure that you know how to use them just try to use them naturally in your sentences for example instead of and you can use besides moreover in addition to that other than that exactly or instead of but you can use however instead of because you can use as or exactly so try to use more connectives because because it can also help you with your grammatical range and accuracy thank you so much uh the last thing to mention regarding your fluency and coherence is that you should be a bit more careful with the question that you're asked in the first part the first topic was about your work but you explained about exactly you talked about your home town or where you live and especially in the first question in the second and third one you just explained a bit about um your your job but then you you know went off topic talking about your hometown which was totally irrelevant to the question so try to give a very exact related answer to the question this is very important and in the first part yes you should always explain because you asked me should I explain now when I was asking you about the cake I guess so always always provide explanation in the first part like two three sentences you should give the the answer to the questions the answer explanation an example but it shouldn't be very long now to talk about the next criteria which is your lexical resource your uh vocabulary in your vocabulary I can say that uh as I mentioned it is really good that you can talk about the topics as length familiar ones or unfamiliar ones and you use some very good collocations to mention s for example you said uh you should follow your dreams or the rush hour or a city is overpopulated and good vocabulary for example classical music to boost your mind or the function of your mind uhhuh exactly so this is this is very good uh uh concerning your collocations you can still use more collocations if you can just by going off topic or talking about or using the collocations in another topic a topic that you are better at so this is about the collocations but uh in order to get a higher score you just need to use more idiomatic language because uh this is necessary if you want to get seven and above in your vocabulary so more idiomatic language and paraphrasing your paraphrasing is generally fine but if you again if you want to get a higher score uh you need to paraphrase successfully especially when the examiner asks you a question MH I you shouldn't repeat what you hear in the question so just use some direct synonyms and remember only direct synonyms because being error free is more important than using some words that you're not 100% sure about so you have good paraphrasing you have good collocations but you still need to give a wider range to that uh and you were using good fillers and boosters just um by slowing down just by slowing down you can use more fillers and boosters because it can help you to just buy yourself more time and then keep talking with better ideas so because of all that you got another six in your lexical Resource as I said you can get a seven you need more collocations more idiomatic language and a better paraphrasing now to talk about the next criteria which is your grammatical range and accuracy I can say that your grammar is again one of your strongest points uh just like your fluency because you were able to use a range of complex structures I could hear very good tenses and more importantly correct tenses like present perfect continuous past perfect or present perfect and other than that some complex structures for example conditional sentences or relative clauses or subordinate clauses uh or compound sentences but if you use more connectives you can make more complex structures this can also help you in this criteria so uh generally it was really good how you use the complex structures if you can give a wider range to that or if you can use more connectives then you can get get a higher score in your grammar as well because you have a very good uh control over that thank you so much um regarding your mistakes you made some mistakes like um most of your sentences were error free and this is really good and as you were speaking so fast and you could manage this part this this shows that you have a very good command of English but uh the only mistakes that you made were mostly because of your F fast uh pace so just slow down because problem in my life so um for example watching movie you should have said watching movies or I have eight Monon uh daughter and the article or some people's some people among of no among the people good at in no you're good at something or too many no you should have said so many people because too many uh has a negative meaning and you didn't want to refer to that so you just added some words that you shouldn't have or you had problems with singular and plural so slow down and be careful with your mistakes and mostly people like candidates make more mistakes in the second part uh compared to the first or the third part is because especially with the tenses because um you're literally telling a story and you should uh switch from one tense to another so you make more mistakes with that be careful with it so because of all that you got a seven in your grammatical range and accuracy but you can you can mark up you can get a higher score just give a wider range to your complex of structures okay and finally to talk about your pronunciation in that you got um another seven because you you are able to your speaking is totally easy and clear to understand and you didn't have many mispronunciations it was just uh a few for example the word particular mhm and um you failed to use some pronunciation features like word stress or sentence stress only because of your fast space because in this criteria your intonation your Rhythm also matters so if you just slow down you can maintain a better ination right so just to wrap up in your fluency you got a six you can just use more connectives and be careful with the question that you're asked in your vocabulary got another six you need to use more idiomatic language and uh you should have a better paraphrasing in your grammar you got a seven you can easily get a higher score and in your pronunciation and another seven that would bring you an overall band score 6.5 but as I just mentioned several times you can easily get a higher score it's just a matter of practice and time and you can you can do it in a short time just try to focus on the problems and the weak points that you have and you can do that why not so do you have any questions your problem thank you so much no it was uh obvious and clear and thank you uh for your comments my pleasure my pleasure best of luck have a great time thank you do you want to know what band score you'll get in the I speaking test perhaps you want to improve your performance and prepare yourself for the real test then why not book an online mock test with us that will last for 25 minutes 12 minutes of the test itself and 13 minutes of comprehensive feedback plus we'll give you useful tips on how to make your performance better remember all our examiners are especially trained by British Council instructors so we know how to help you join us
Channel: Ross IELTS Academy
Views: 131,847
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Keywords: Ross IELTS Speaking, Ross IELTS Academy, Speaking English, IELTS Speaking part 1, IELTS Speaking Part2, IELTS Speaking Part 2, IELTS Speaking Part 3, IELTS Speaking Band 6, IELTS B2, IELTS B1, IELTSSuccess, LanguageImprovement, EnglishSpeaking, IELTSStrategies, IELTSTips, LanguageLearning, SpeakingSkills, IELTSPrep, EnglishLanguage, Band6, IELTSSpeakingTest, IELTS Speaking Test 2024
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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