IELTS Speaking Band 7.0 Mock Test with Feedback

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okay we can get started now to begin can you tell me your full name my name is Nina and my last name is wira hadiraksa can you spell your last name for me yes w-i-r-a-h-a-d-i-r-a-k-s-a are you working or studying right now I'm currently studying but I am in an off book period okay what do you study I'm studying nursing and what is an off book period it's like breaking like taking a break from school and do you enjoy your studies so far yes it's pretty depending but I'm enjoying at the moment and what do you enjoy doing in your free time I enjoy listening to music um watching some random videos um chill out and go for a walk and sometimes I like to just read a book and chat with my friends on a phone okay and what is your hometown um I mean I have two hometowns like one is in Switzerland which is called um shindelegi and the other one is like a city but kind of a town yeah where is gunpo it's in kongito okay you can pick either one yeah and what are some things that you like about one of your hometowns um I would actually pick schindelagi because I actually recently lived there because I immigrated to Switzerland in 2016. um and what I like about there is the nature it's very wide and really um really big and it's got a lot of a lot of like people and just um not so many supermarkets so then we have to like Thrive a lot to the city parts to uh do grocery shopping but like just the nature I guess okay um sort of following on that what are some things that you don't like about it yeah the grocery shopping part and um I mean I said the good thing about my town was nature but it's also the other hand like it's also not the good part because there's not so many things to do so I would have to travel to the city Side to do something with my friends because they're only like houses and like train stations near by my house now we'll talk about shopping so to begin do you like shopping I do why um it keeps me off from negative thoughts sometimes and just um irrelitive thoughts regarding schools or just try to chill me out sometimes okay go and do you compare prices when you shop sometimes I do sometimes I don't depending on the items okay can you tell me more yes for example if it's related to me I don't really consider the price like if it's for example items like clothes or something like a book or something related to skin care then I wouldn't really like care about the cost so much because it's related to me and taking care of myself and my body so cost doesn't really matter okay and is it difficult for you to make choices when you shop um yes and that also depends um when it comes to me it doesn't take so long for me to pick out items but if it's for someone else like picking out presents for example my family or my relatives or just anyone other than me then it would take a long time to me why does it take longer because it's someone else than me like I don't know what they like I don't know I don't know their preferences so that's why okay good and do you think expensive products are always better than cheaper products I think in some ways it does show that yeah you do have some extra vacancy kind of yeah attached to it in the item and yeah it can show a bit of a more I don't know in some sense that you care a lot more about this person in a way of a gratitude weight but not always because I do think that the meaning and what this what that item means to someone is what matters okay good good uh so that's the end of part one now we can move on to part two so uh for part two you're gonna have one question and you'll have a minute to prepare make some notes and then up to two minutes to give your answer so here is your question and here's a pen so you can take some notes I'll set a timer but you can go ahead and take some notes okay so that is a minute and when you're ready you can describe a time when you changed your opinion so about a year ago in summer in Switzerland I went to an ice cream shop with my friend like a gelato shop in the city center and I usually go for a cheesecake flavor but there was a new flavor called mint chocolate and I I'm not like an Auntie mint chocolate person like Flavor person but I was kind of like thinking maybe I should go for it and my friend was like yeah you know you should go for it and then it was actually my family's controversial kind of a conversation always like I'm in chocolate or not like the flavor kind of a debate because my mom likes it and my sister doesn't and my dad doesn't know about the flavor and I was thinking for quite a long time actually not not for like a 15 minute thing but like maybe five minutes and um although my original opinion was cheesecake I I actually did go for the mint chocolate because I was curious um being inquisitive about the new flavor kind of yeah it was intriguing to you know try out a new flavor and discover what it actually means to um try out that flavor itself and and I did and it tasted very different from what I thought I thought I would taste something like a chewing gum that I actually I used I used to like chew on like a mint flavor spearmint but actually tastes really nice and sweet and I felt surprised pretty odd actually and yeah I was I was very I wasn't really like very excited about it but it was more that I was very odd about it okay good yeah that's two minutes there nicely done and now we can move on to part three so the first question do children like to change their opinions I think they do I've worked with children for some ones because I had an internship at a daycare School and I think their preferences change a lot depending on the situation and I think situation is definitely it because like for example they see that their friend has something and it looks like theirs are more nice and there's look bigger and fancier and they suddenly want that one than the ones they have and they change their opinion and sometimes it's like that and like they used to have this preference on this kind of a cookie and then later on they discovered this taste and then they change their preferences and kind of an opinion on other food and tastes and more generally when do people change opinions I think it's a situational thing although one can have their own opinion depending on what the group has like opinion the group has I think one can change for example if yeah like the group has like definite like sole opinion on this and the other one has another opinion then I don't think like that person can act with Kate their opinion on their own okay good and who do young people turn to for advice person who they feel emotionally close to I guess that's number one but maybe depending on depending on their level of dependency their friends or other adults I can be close um but yeah they're parents or emotionally dependent people hmm and do people like giving opinions about politics oh not so I'm not so into politics but um uh from what I've seen I think so um and it's I guess politics it's a very big topic and it's a topic that has to do with many different branches and many different um story story lines and hotlines that are connected to each other that it's connected to culture and media and so many things that it can trigger someone it can just be a controversy it can it can be debate it can be anything that it can go on and on and on it can be it can be a conversation on a boss it can be a conversation in a cafeteria I've seen a lot at school but I've never been in one but I I think I think people really like to Give opinions especially my schoolmates okay sure sure all right um that's the end and now we can move on to a little bit of feedback as you probably know the IELTS test is scored on four categories so there's fluency and coherence there's pronunciation and then vocabulary and grammar um I think he did a really nice job overall um sort of working in order the first two categories fluency and pronunciation I thought were both very strong we have a sort of natural rhythm of speaking and all of the words are pronounced with the easy to understand common Standard English pronunciation so those are both very good um grammar vocabulary were also good um but it might be here that that a little bit of improvement is possible um just to point out a few vocabulary uh things that I heard along the way uh in part one when you were describing the nature sort of landscape in Switzerland I think you described it as wide yeah um I know what you mean but there's probably other Expressions maybe you could describe it as expansive um uh impressive imposing I'm picturing the mountains of Switzerland um but yeah expansive rather than wide would be the kind of uh the kind of adjective to uh to to try there um there was one little mix up around uh I think you're looking for the word irrelevant um but I'm not sure it came out quite right um in part two as you're describing the the ice cream um you use some good words like inquisitive is a very good Advanced word a couple words to maybe think about I think you describe the debate about mint chocolate as controversial um again I know what you mean but I'm not sure something like that would be controversial because it's so it's not really important something like politics can be controversial because it has a sort of emotional charge um ice cream flavors they might be hotly debated but it's in a um sort of in a playful spirit so I'm not sure it would be described as controversial um and it would probably would be possible in that answer to um to think of some other ways to to express the idea that you wanted to try it it repeated the idea that you wanted to go for it and go for it which is a very good expression but trying for for more variety to express the idea that you want to try this new new flavor more vocabulary in part three there's some very good words you talked about you know advocating for uh for your position which is very good and talk about something triggering so these are good sort of advanced words to be using um and so you know mostly good but always there's always room for improvement um in terms of grammar uh mostly pretty good um good use of the past tense in part two um a couple of little slip UPS kind of working in reverse order in part three I think you describe something as being more nice but that's a good opportunity to use the comparative to describe it as nicer rather than more nice and in part one there's maybe a preposition at one point uh mentioned something I think shopping was uh would keep you off negative thoughts um instead of off and maybe keep you away from or help you avoid negative thoughts so these are really small things um but at the at the advanced sort of bands it's important to to try to keep them as accurate as possible so uh really good job and based on all that I think your estimated score today would probably be 7.0 um but a strong 7.0 and uh and with a little bit of uh fine-tuning on the on the vocabulary uh I think you'd get even higher so thanks for coming in and um Good Luck
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 482,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, mock test, writing, speaking, test, feedback, study, exam, listening, essay, english, academy, band, opic, 아이엘츠, 스피킹, 리스닝, 독학, 공부법, 라이팅, 리딩, 토익, 토플, edm, 이디엠, 영어, 유학, 오픽, 수능, 단어, reading, TOEIC, TOEFL
Id: AJhplp3dct8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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