IELTS Speaking Band 7.5 Mock Test with Feedback

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okay we can get started now to begin can you tell me your full name so my Korean full name is song minjo but you can just call me Eric sounds good and you gotta put H behind the c yeah ah okay a silent h behind the c I gotcha all right can you tell me are you working or studying now I'm a student at Johnson University I'm a senior right now but I finished my whole semester so I'm about to graduate this August and I'm also working as an intern at SMU hospital as a robotic engineer oh interesting yeah do you enjoy your studies uh not exactly I mean it's too hard so I had a hard time thinking about I mean getting a good grade yeah um and what do you hope to do after you graduate oh well after I graduate I just want to go to a company as normal as a lot of people do but I want to do something that's kind of [Music] um some collaboration between what I've did so far for example the engineering and also talking with the foreign people so using English I want these to combined so I want to do a job that's related to these two and what do you enjoy doing in your free time my free time I usually watch YouTube and also do a workout such as like push-ups and pull up such things like that okay um let's see where is your hometown uh my hometown is uh near the Gangnam station is and it takes about 10 minutes just by walking from Gangnam station to my house yeah um what kind of things do you like about your hometown well if you if you ask anyone about what you think about Gangnam it's it's the center of soul and there are lots of facilities around so it's it is really convenient to get what I what I want I can just uh walk to the store and get anything out anything that I want and for people who are into education there are a lot of academies so you can get a good quality of Education anywhere yeah true um what kind of things do you like what kind of things do you not like about your hometown um maybe when I go to work or go to a subway station it is too crowded in certain period for example when I finish my work and go back to my home um I think it's about seven to eight pm like if you go to exit 7 and the Gangnam station it is too crowded and it takes about five three to five minutes just to go upstairs yeah so I don't like that people being too crowded I think I know what you mean yeah um okay we can talk about change now have you changed a lot since your childhood yeah I think I changed the law yeah so uh back in the childhood I was really quiet and I was only focusing on studying but as I grow and meet a lot of people like I became extroverted and so it changed I changed into like I mean I changed to um like talk talking with other people yeah okay and what do you plan to change next year probably um being more being more positive because uh usually I think in a negative way but it's not something like that a being negative means oh I cannot do this like it's not something like that uh just when I when I think about the future I think in a negative way so I think about how to how I sh what I should do to not make this happen but but I think just thinking positive as lots of people suggest me to do I think that's much more better because it gives me less stress so yes I'm Gonna Change My Mind in a more positive way okay and do you like changes yeah I definitely like changes why like if like nothing changes then it's too boring but I like something that's kind of like Dynamic and always changing so so if it changes a lot I can learn more regarding to those changes so you know I prefer the change more than just not changing and uh live a boring life okay and are there any changes in your hometown recently um uh well recent there's a park nearby uh at first that Park was really how do I say this not pretty developed I mean if you just walk around there are dirts everywhere on your shoes but recently it changed so they made a path that's and they covered something over the over the dirt so yeah so after that when I walk around the park my shoes are steady and clean okay good um we can end part one there we can move on to part two okay so for part two you'll have a minute to prepare your answer [Music] um and you can take some notes here's your question and here's a pencil um so take a minute uh to make some notes and then you'll have up to two minutes to talk about the topic okay okay that's a minute there so uh you're gonna describe a tradition in your country well I like to introduce chuso which is a really famous holiday and also one of the representatives of our Korean tradition and in true so usually um the whole the whole family members and also the cousins and aunt they all participate in this tradition s so and they usually participate not for a whole not for a whole period like three days but just for one day because you know everyone's too busy having their living their own life so uh they make a plan to gather at just one day and the activities that they do is they play a game called yunuri it's throwing four sticks that has two different sides and yeah you throw them and according to the result that came out you you move some kind of a thing and also they make function and also they they eat and I've also tried it too and it's I think that's one of the most uh interesting activities that I've done so far and how I feel about this tradition well I think it's really good of course and I feel really relieved because in this holiday I feel I feel it feels like that I'm outside of my uh outside of my reality which means that I'm well in my reality I'm full of stress but in in this holiday I feel really happy and don't have to think about what I'm doing right now yeah so basically happy okay good that was just about two minutes oh um what is your favorite part of chuseok favorite part I really like eating eating some delicious food okay good um so we can move on now to part three and the first question how do people value traditional festivals um I think since I'm used to talking with workers right now they mostly say that tradition is just a resting period the holiday because and they feel really happy because they don't have to go to work and for people who are really young well they in a similar way they also feel happy because they don't have to go to school so uh instead of actually enjoying the true meaning of those Trend uh tradition they just feel happy because um because of this tradition and this holiday they don't have to do their live their normal life at those short periods so yeah I think in this way most of the people think that it's just a resting period good what's the difference between festivals now and festivals in the past well in the past when there's a some kind of Festival lots of people gather together and they enjoyed the they enjoyed the activities um yeah such as what I said before yunori or this kind of stuff but nowadays it's really hard to find people Gathering and enjoying their activities nowadays so if I ask someone what did you do on this holiday or in this Festival they usually say oh I just watched YouTube I just took a rest and lie on bed yeah so I think that's the biggest difference foreign okay do you think Western festivals or holidays like Christmas are replacing traditional festivals or holidays in your country [Music] I think uh instead of replacing I think it's adding would be more a appropriate way to say say it so I've never felt that the Western holidays and or the festivals are replacing our uh our holiday so I think it's just it's just adding not the replacing okay do you think it's wrong for children not to celebrate traditional festivals within a culture you mean uh even though they want to enjoy it they cannot no like they decide they don't want to if children decide they don't want to is that a problem well I've never thought that that would be a problem because that's their own choice you know even even I didn't I had a lot lots of times not enjoying the holiday or the festival so I think it's just it's just it's just their own choice and it you know it's not wrong at all okay good um okay we've made it to the end nicely done thank you and now we can move on to a little bit of feedback um so as you know the IELTS has scored on four parts uh there's fluency and coherence there's pronunciation vocabulary and grammar I think he did a nice job on all of these categories but we can just comment on each uh quickly uh we'll start with the first two that are the easiest fluency and pronunciation are both very strong if you've got a natural rhythm of speech and no pronunciation issues at all really so um those are both very strong uh vocabulary and grammar are often linked it can be hard to actually say exactly what's a vocabulary thing what's a grammar thing um broadly speaking I think it was it was quite good um you have a good control of the present and the past tense um good accuracy for the most part um and there's kind of two ways that you want to think about there's accuracy and then there's range um so accuracy whether there are errors and range whether you're reaching for idioms and natural phrases and very Advanced vocabulary um the errors that you made were very small um in part one for example the the question about your hometown might have been a little misunderstanding I think you wanted to you could just say soul is your hometown um I know Seoul is not a town but Hometown just refers to the place where you grew up yeah um that would have made that question a little bit easier because you can talk more generally about the city um but I guess that's a vocabulary thing in a way um when you were describing the train too uh you described it as too crowded which is true um in a good way to to describe it but there's more advanced words that you could have used as well in that in that position to sort of Advance your score could have described it as cramped you could have described it as claustrophobic it could say it's suffocating and reaching for these slightly more advanced phrases is good um okay good for progressing in the in your score uh in terms of grammar let's see Small Things um uh at one point um you mentioned that something was more better uh better but yeah yeah so it's just better a little bit of using comparatives is actually very good on the exam it shows uh it shows a level of accuracy and range so those questions that ask you to uh you know compare the festivals now and festivals in the past that's a good place to use comparative forms um the more better was a that was a part one question but again it's an accuracy um really small other things um plurals and singulars he mentioned that the park there was a lot of there were lots of dirts uh and dirt is not countable yeah dirt is not accountable so those are small little accuracy things that that might hold you back just a little bit um one other point would be that in part three part three is hard um because you get these general questions and they want you to talk generally without using your own example um so you want to avoid using an eye eye statements or or approaching it from a personal perspective and and try to try to keep it as general as possible it can be hard because the questions come from various different angles um but yeah overall I think it was it was a very good test and I would estimate your score at around 7.5 but very strong 7.5 and with a little bit of extra refining on the on the vocabulary a little more advanced phrases you'd be able to move up okay so very good job and thanks for coming in oh thank you all right take care
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 51,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, mock test, writing, speaking, test, feedback, study, exam, listening, essay, english, academy, band, opic, 아이엘츠, 스피킹, 리스닝, 독학, 공부법, 라이팅, 리딩, 토익, 토플, edm, 이디엠, 영어, 유학, 오픽, 수능, 단어, reading, TOEIC, TOEFL
Id: qWEmYpor_Ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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