IELTS Speaking Band 5.5 Mock Test with Feedback

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okay so now let's get into the speaking test so just to let you know this test has three parts so the first part is general questions then this for the second part I will give you a question which you will have a one minute to prepare for for this question you can speak for a maximum of 2 minutes then the final part is targeted questions okay yeah I got it okay great so let's get started uh do you like texting um texting um you mean the like K talk or SNS or something or just the writing um I mean like Kaka talk SNS oh yeah I really like to texting text with um friends my friends so um I usually do my use my kaca talk like all day long and I'm testing like um I'm drinking like this or eating like this and I'm here and yeah something okay great do you prefer sending or receiving messages um that's a kind of that very difficult question because I really like to um message um change our message so I really like to um sending or receiving both of them but um I I think I prefer to sending my message because I really like to talk to someone and talk about me so yeah okay great um have you ever received a confusing text message confusing text message um um so I have some Instagram um account and sometimes some stranger just send me like um I like I like your phos and I really wanted to want want to be your friend but I don't know about him so it's like kind of confusing m m i see and in what circumstances is making a phone call better than sending a text message I'm sorry can you repeat again yeah of course so in what circumstances is making a phone call better yeah I got it than sending a text message um if I have some issues about like emergency emergency issues then I really wanted to get um very quickly quickly um reply then I just call to my friend like um if we have some appointment like um we we will meet in the CH station or something and the time is like 11 or something but my my appointment time is like 11:30 but I'm going to if I'm going to late and just call to my friend oh I'm so sorry I'm going to late a little bit so like like this ah I see okay great so that is it for part one now we're going to move on to part two of the test okay so your question for part two is describe an old friend that you got in contact with again M you have one minute to prepare your answer okay all right that's time up 1 minute so can you describe an old friend that you got in contact with again okay so I met Reena in the US during my exchange students life and she's from Japan and we got very um got closer in during the exchange students because we don't have any Asian friends a lot in there and she's very cute and she's a little bit introvert person and yeah um she don't have she doesn't have any Kaka because she's not a Korean so we usually contact in by the Instagram DM and yeah after I come I come back to Korea we didn't do we didn't Tex a lot during the that during nowadays nowadays but she text me like oh I got I gotta go to I'm gonna go to the Korea in June so yeah that is she text me like that so yeah we contact again so yeah I'm so I'm very happy about that and I can I can't um wait for that for her um visiting to Korea so yeah I'm planning to look around some place in Soul with her so uh it's going to be very happy for happy for me oh that's lovely it was really nice to hear your story yeah all right so that's everything for part two right so now we're going to go on to part three the final part of the test okay so what's the influence of social media on friendship okay so I have a lot of friends um who is living in uh abroad like us or Japan or Taiwan I met them in the US and um if I don't have any Instagram or some the other SNS I don't have any um way to contact with them or something so I really feel oh thanks God I have some way to contact them or text them so yeah um I think the SNS or something is very um have a good influence to make my friendship even I I have a lot of current friends too but we don't don't have any time to meet with meet with them so yeah because we we have a lot of to we have a lot of things to do or something so sometimes texting them through the SNS is very um helpful helpful to improve our friendship ah okay that's wonderful why do people lose contact with their friends after graduation um that is very good question I think I think um during the students we have a very um we have a lot of time to enjoy our life or we have a lot of time just um we have a lot of time to think about the friendship or something but after graduation I think we I I think um the most important thing to me is like a job or career or how can I live something so I think that is why people just um forget about to Tex them or something yeah that is I think that is why people just lose their contact with the friends I see do people in your country like to make new friends it depends on PE who who is he who is her she is so like um for me I'm very extrovert person so I really like to misset someone new new people and make some new friends but some of my friends don't like doesn't don't like to make some new friends because they just prefer to spend the time with who with people with friends who is very close and feel better yeah so I think that depends on people ah okay and now this is the last question okay so do you think old friends are more important to the old generation or the Young Generation Um sorry but can you repeat okay yes of course do you think old friends are more important to the old generation or the Young Generation Um I think the old friends is more important to the old generation because they uh because they don't have any like SNS or some social media on the smartphone so they prefer to miss like old friends and just talk about the old memories or something but for Young Generation we have a lot of way to meet some new people so yeah that is why I think like that okay great so that is everything for today oh yeah thank you so much okay so are you ready for the feedback on your is speaking exam okay all right so you did a lot of things really well in this exam okay so the number one thing I think you did really well was that you spoke at length for any question I asked you even if it was something that was difficult or that maybe you never thought about for yeah so that's a really big Pro similarly you were able to speak relatively smoothly even if the topic was hard or you got lost a little in the question and your pronunciation was generally good you didn't really mispronounce any words all right and now here's some things that you can improve on so you did speak at length but sometimes you seem to maybe get lost in the question through maybe hesitation or you were trying to correct yourself um but you know with practice and like increased practice that will kind of calm down I think for you maybe it was mainly due to nerves right yeah yeah and in terms of your um lexical score um you used words well and accurately but I think next time you should try to aim to include more advanced vocabulary to increase your score in this SE this section all right for fluency I would just give you some advice to try and take it slowly so you don't get lost in the question but generally overall it was very good now the biggest thing I would like to advise you on would be the grammar section M yeah so while I could understand you there were some small grammatical mistakes right yeah so for example um when I asked you about sending or receiving messages you said I like to sending oh yeah that's true yeah you use the jarn form but it should just be the base form I like to send um similarly um when asking about uh phone calls versus text messages you said you like to get a quickly reply oh yeah so you like to get a quick reply yeah that's true and just things like that that if I'm going to late if I'm going to be late oh yeah yeah again I think a lot of this probably comes back to nerves and keeping calm so you can maintain your coherence flow and grammatical accuracy right so overall I would give you a score of 5.5 but if you slow down and increase your Advanced vocabulary then I think this score could be higher oh yeah thank you so much you're very welcome
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 12,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, mock test, writing, speaking, test, feedback, study, exam, listening, essay, english, academy, band, 아이엘츠, 스피킹, 리스닝, 독학, 라이팅, 리딩, 영어, 유학, reading, TOEFL, ielts speaking, ielts writing, ielts reading, ielts listening, ielts tips, band 7, band 8, band 9, IELTS general, ielts academic, ielts tutorial, ielts methods, IELTS class, IELTS teacher, study ielts, IELTS pronunciation, IELTS help, IELTS video, IELTS improve, IELTS tutor
Id: BUunhCIz1Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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