Boost Your IELTS Speaking Score From 6.0 to 8.0

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you're continually improving what we want to do with you is to make sure that next time you do the test you absolutely 100 are going to get at least the score that you need take those steps I think you'll get at least about seven if not repeat the bound date that you got so let's start off by talking about your work do you work or do you study well I'm currently working I finish my studies two years ago so I'm currently working as a pharmacist and where do you currently work I currently work in Dublin I came in Dublin a few months ago I worked previously in Romania from where I am and why did you choose that career well I think my mother has some influences on me so she's uh she's an assistant and she always thought that Pharmacy will suit me and it's an easy job and a respected job so she kind of pushed me to do Pharmacy so I chose Pharmacy in the end and do you enjoy your job um I do now like when I was in Romania I didn't like it that much but now in Ireland the system is different and I feel more appreciated for my work so uh it starts to grow on me good so now let's talk about your hometown okay so where are you from uh I am from a small town in Romania so I grew up in a really small town and then I moved uh to a larger City near to my town and it's called negrashed so it's difficult for foreigners to pronounce it and do you like your home time um I didn't like it when I was a child I like it now because it's a small town a small community where you can raise your children with no problems with no bad influences so it's a good place where you can grow up and be a decent person and how often do you visit your hometown um now that I'm living in Ireland probably I will visit it will I will visit once or twice a year but when I lived in the other city in Yash I went to negresh to maybe twice a month and how do you think your hometown could be improved well because it's a small community maybe just improve the job offers try to raise the local economy most of the people that are living there are farmers or they are working in construction so maybe just improve that part and they can live better now let's talk about your childhood did you have a nice childhood yes I did like I said it was a small community so my parents knew every neighbors that we had they weren't afraid to to leave me with kids on the street just to play or let me out in the night to going with my friends to have some fun so it was nice and what is your first memory my first memory is a funny one I was two years and a half and I ran from my grandparents house to go to kirangard where my aunt was going so I miss her so much that I ran out of the house and come back with her a few hours later and when you were a child what did you want to be when you grew up I always loved medicine Pharmacy science in general so I knew I would be a biology teacher a doctor a pharmacist something that related with the science part and what hobbies did you have as a child well I tried a lot of hobbies I tried singing I tried Sports I did a actually karate I did a lot of them but I never found one that it suit me 100 so I don't think I have a hobby I hope you're enjoying the video so far to thank you for watching this video I want to give you a free course that has helped thousands of students improve their IELTS speaking score it's called the IELTS speaking Challenge and what it's going to do is take you through every single part of the test and give you strategies for part one part two and part three and also allow you to practice at home for free and get feedback it is a hundred percent free all you have to do is just look in the description below this video click on it enter your email and we'll sign you up and send you all the information thanks very much and let's get back to the video all right that's the end of part one we're going to move on to part two now so so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you a cue card with a topic on it you should read that cue card and you will have one minute to prepare an answer after that one minute I'll let you know when the one minute is up and you should speak about the topic on the cue card for up to two minutes is that okay all right the cue card I'll start the stopwatch okay please speak for up to two minutes okay so I'm going to talk about my first computer that I got when I was like eight or ten years old um back then we didn't have an internet connection so it was pretty easy to use it especially for a kid that did some computer science in school so basically I used it only for basic games that I already had pre-installed on my system listen to music or movies that I borrowed from my friends it wasn't um it wasn't hard to for me to learn computer science on that one because with the develop of the technology we got also a computer or internet connection in our house so practically I started to grew up in the same time with the technology so now the main benefits that I'm getting from that are me knowing to use and discover more utilities of the computer new programs I can manage to solve my own problems with the computer hardware or software um I also don't have any difficulties when it comes to to work to solve a problem with my system at work also I think because we as a generation grew up with a computer in our houses we got a lot of advantages of this because nowadays everyone is depending on a smart device or a computer so that helped a lot at the end of the of part two and we're going to move on to part three you know all right so we've been talking about technology we're going to continue to talk about technology for a little bit and we're going to talk about technology as it relates to education so the first question is do you think someone can learn a language using an online course yeah I just did that it's not like I've learned a language a new language but an online course can help as much as face-to-face teacher can help you if it's a good course and it has enough explanation on it they can help you a lot to um to get the information that you are missing so for example if we are speaking about a vocabulary course for a beginner or a good course we'll provide the learner or the basic words the basic grammar and everything that they have to do to know in the beginning of Learning that language and should schools use more technology in the classroom well I think so because children nowadays use their smart their smart mobiles and smart devices all the time so they are very familiar with technology and schools should really improve their classrooms I don't know about Ireland in general but in Romania we didn't have computers in our classrooms we had only one um one one room with computers and the rest were all old books so every new information that we got it came from books and not an actual technology piece or I don't know let's say we are studying biology it's easier to study something that you can see 3D like with Holograms then seeing a book and do you think one day AI artificial intelligence will replace teachers in the classroom no I don't think that because a teacher can come with some experience in the back can come with more than on artificial intelligence can bring like it's a personal experience that a student can correlate with the lesson and remember that particular story from the teacher's experience and correlated with what he learned so I don't think a computer could do that even though it's programmed to be like an Intel artificial intelligence I don't think it will accomplish that now let's talk about technology and Society so has technology improved how we communicate with each other it has if we are speaking about smartphones for example now we can not only can call each other we can text in a few seconds we can video call we can use the internet connection to see each other from Big distances like I am with my family the smart device that I'm using is helped me a lot to keep in touch with them and why are some people now reducing the amount of time they spend on electronic devices [Music] at some point we got um overwhelmed by the technology around us and now people are trying to realize that the social connection that are between people are starting to fade so they are they are trying to restart a real connection between people and give up a little bit of social internet and actually doing some socially socialization okay good well done that's it over you can breathe now you can relax and you ended up with socialization at the end so this video is sponsored by us IELTS advantage and ielt VIP course the IELTS VIP course is the most successful IELTS course in the world that is a fact because we have more bands seven eight and nine success stories than any other IELTS course in the entire world we do that by simplifying the whole IELTS process supporting you with some of the best IELTS teachers in the world and being with you every step of the way until you get the score that you need to thank you for making it this far in the video I want to give you 10 off our VIP cores all you have to do is just look down in the description you will see our special link that you need to get 10 off just click that and you can sign up if you have any questions about the VIP course always feel free to get in touch with us Chris at iot is my email address we answer a hundred percent of the questions that we get hope that you become a VIP if not enjoy the rest of this free video so now I'm going to give you some advice um and I'm basing this advice on the fact that you've done the test three times now you've got to bond six the first time in speaking then you got seven and then you got eight and speaking before okay so you're continually improving and what we want to do with you is to make sure that next time you do the test that you absolutely 100 percent are going to get at least the score that you need because as a pharmacist you need a bond seven what you're struggling a little bit with writing at the minute but sometimes students will focus so much on writing let's say they're at about seven for speaking and they'll Focus so much on on writing that they they forget or or they they just are a little bit complacent when it comes to to speaking so what we're gonna the advice I'm gonna give you now is to make sure that you would never fall below a seven and to make sure that you get there okay so first of all I'm going to go through each part and then I'm going to go through the four marking criteria so um you did something in part one which is very very common where um where you were a little bit nervous in the beginning so when we're talking about work you were a little bit more hesitant shorter answers and that is totally normal and the exam most examiners will will expect that and because part one is is is important but it is designed to let you ease into the test and to let you warm up so that's why they ask you questions about work about your hometown about your home which you know are quite easy questions to try and get you warmed up and as you went through when you were talking about your hometown and more when you're talking about your childhood you were talking far more fluently you were developing your answers it was yeah more relaxed so when you're talking about work it was like not robotic but when you're talking about Hometown and childhood is like talking to a friend about so if you and I were in a coffee shop and I was saying you know what did you have a nice childhood you're like yeah I did and just talking naturally and and that was great to see so part one was was really good the examiners would never listen to your first few answers that were a little bit let's say they were a little bit short fluency a little bit hesitant they would never base their score on those first few answers so some people watching now would be like oh she gave one short answer she gets a bond six like that's not how the examiners think or how the marking criteria thinks the examiner will base their score on the totality that your total performance not on one short answer or one answer where you hesitated for example so um for for part one and the the length was good you really eased into it your fluency was excellent so nice vocabulary in there some grammatical errors but we'll talk about that when we talk about the four um marking criteria part two I think part two was the was the area that um you struggled with a little bit um compared to the other parts because there's a lot of pausing a lot of hesitation um so your fluency wasn't as good in part two as it was in part one and on part three um I'll tell you why I think but it's always good to hear from the student why did you think that you were struggling or did you you didn't do a bad job by the way it's just in comparison to the other parts you were there was more audible pauses and like uh uh yeah I've noticed that myself um maybe because I tried to I forgot about some ideas that I had in my head and I tried to see if I got all those uh dots on the um on the card I know I don't have to speak about all of them they are just guidelines but uh no I didn't I like at some point I felt stuck and didn't know what to say so maybe that's why with the long pauses so the the audible pauses um are normally caused by one of two things one is um linguistic or related to grammar related to vocabulary so you're trying to think of the correct word for for example um the other one is related to ideas people trying to think of content basically things to say was it linguistic were you trying to think of the correct vocabulary and grammar or was it just ideas ideas yeah so the examiner will also notice that because if you are constantly stopping because you're trying to think of the correct verb tense or trying to think of the correct vocabulary that's a signal to the examiner that you have a problem with the English language if you're pausing because you're just trying to think of the next thing to say that's not really a problem with the English language it's more of a problem with the the subject and so the examiner should take that into account but one of the things that I noticed that you did which normally causes a drop in fluency related to content is you listed a lot of things so you're you're like um so for example it could be I went to the shop when I got banana bananas and apple and cheese and cereal and and they're trying to think of the next thing and the next thing and the next thing it's much easier just to pick one of those things so you're talking about software versus hardware and go a little bit deeper into that until like a story related to that or example related to that because I think a lot of people go through part two and they're just like okay I need to talk about this let's list a lot of things with that then this list a lot of things this and then you run out of time or run out of things to say so I think in it when you're doing the real test um don't be afraid to go very deep into one thing and especially pick one thing that you're comfortable talking about like for example I got when I was a little girl I got Windows 2000 or something like that and and how are the changes that it made were blah blah blah blah blah and I really learned a lot about programming through that so that's much better than we had windows and we had Adobe and we had this and we had this and we had this you see what I mean that just makes it easier for you to be more fluent and so I think that's the only in terms of fluency and coherence that's the only area of concern that I would have you weren't like your fluency wasn't terrible and but we're just making sure that you would never go below a seven and if you that topic is sounds like something you know a lot about but if you got another topic that you don't like and that could that could turn into a a problem for you and and it's part two is such a big part of the of the test that if you get a topic you aren't comfortable with plus you're trying to think of content that can really drag down your fluency scores so um that would be my main bit of advice to go deep on a few things you you feel comfortable talking about rather than trying to list everything okay and examples and stories are are great like the story you told about when you're a little girl running after your auntie you were very very fluent because you're just talking naturally and it's much easier to talk about something you know about than to try and think of something completely abstract and to to list lots of things but overall I thought it was good because you got to the two minutes most people don't get to the two units and speaking in a foreign language for two minutes is not not easy um for part three I think you did really really well for part three you had no problems with any of the questions and a lot of the questions like for example will AI replace teachers why are some people reducing their time on on their electronic those are difficult questions and the examiners will if they think that you are you know seven or a band eight or about nine they'll ask you more and more difficult questions to see if they can stretch you and and really test you so if you get difficult questions that's a good thing be happy if they ask you really simple questions like you know um then you might have a problem but you uh you coped very very well with those questions I like the way that you answered the questions gave an explanation gave an example to help you fully answer fully develop the question so part three finished very very strongly and in the test don't be afraid to keep going in part three or you should keep going in part three because people often feel tired and they just want it to be over so they get very short answers for part three and often people do that subconsciously as well because they're just like oh I'm sick of this but you did a you did a really good job on on development development is the most important thing I think apart from the four marking criteria um development in part three is the most important thing and you did a good job with that so um well done let's talk about for marketing criteria your strongest area is pronunciation like many Romanian students you're the clarity of what you're saying is very very good I can understand a hundred percent of what you're saying any IELTS examiner would be able to understand 100 of what you're saying so that means that you would be getting at least a band seven for pronunciation plus you have very good use of intonation sentence stress word stress connected speech all these higher level pronunciation features a very good command of those and which means you you would get more than a seven for pronunciation so when you combine the examiner can understand everything plus you're using those higher level pronunciation features so that's probably why you got about eight last time because you can't get a Band-Aid without using a higher level pronunciation features um for fluency and coherence your coherence is very good because you answered every question properly you you stuck to the answering the question rather than going off topic and you fully developed your question so for part one you don't need to give very very long answers you gave a few answers that were quite short at the beginning but the rest were fine uh part two you talked for two minutes so that was fine in part three you fully developed your answers by answering the question explaining giving examples so that was good to see fluency um was very good in part one quite good in part three dropped a little bit in part two and but we've already talked about that that how to get around that and I would encourage you to um don't be complacent about speaking and maybe practice part two yeah because part two seems to be the area that you need to that the only area that you really need to worry about object yeah maybe I should do more subjects with various teams yeah have an answer about yeah and some ideas it's you know a a pint of sweat is better than a drop of Tears you know you don't you wanna you wanna do your the hard work um in during your preparation make it as difficult as possible so the test day is a breeze and it's no big deal and for you um so that that would be my only concern for me your fluency is very good and it's it's at least a a band seven level but um you know as I said before if you got a a topic that you know nothing about and they're going to ask you about the same topic in general in part three so it's like you know you said before you got uh they're asking about history and you don't know anything about it or you don't know very little about history so that could cause fluency problems because you don't have a problem with the language but you might have a problem with the contents you're trying to think of of those things but in general it's very it's rare I don't think you would ever get a a topic that you know nothing about like history is something that you know a little bit about you know that what the first world war was and or the second world war and you know so you can you they're not testing your um knowledge of the second world war or the first world war they're talking about whether you can talk about a range of topics and your vocabulary is quite good you have a really nice range of vocabulary I asked you about many different topics you have no problem talking about all of those topics so that because I was asking about a range of topics and you have topics specific vocabulary related to all of those you have and that would indicate that you have a very wide-ranging vocabulary because if you ask someone about five or six different topics and they have topics specific vocabulary but all of those that means that you could talk about pretty much any general topic so that was very very good collocations are something that I would that I would work on and for you and when you're listening to English and reading English notice collocations underline them put them in a book and work try and practice them review them and use them collocations is one of the areas that tells an examiner the difference between somebody at about 6.7 level and a bond eight by nine level because um if you listen to native English speakers they will use collocations just intuitively without even thinking about it whereas um someone at about six by seven level will know the words they might have a very wide ranging vocabulary but they might not be able to put those words together which is make make little mistakes with that I'm not too worried about about your vocabulary though um I just be careful with collocations but in the test don't be thinking collocations collocations because that will affect your fluency um because there's a balance between fluency and vocabulary and grammar the more you think about vocabulary and grammar normally the lower your fluency but um just be confident that that you're I think your vocabulary is good enough to get a band seven at least and the one area that I would be concerned about is small grammatical errors and you seem to have um two things one would be you seem to be translating sometimes so that's probably because of the way I would guess that you learned English through translation rather than learning it through through communication um the other problem is little fossilized errors and fossilized errors are areas that you make and you've no idea that you're making them so common uh fossilized errors are things like articles and prepositions they don't affect you don't make article Mistakes by the way but you made some preposition mistakes um they don't affect communication so if you're in Dublin and you're in a bar and you're talking to your boyfriend he won't correct you if you say of instead of in you know if it's a preposition because he understands exactly what you're saying um but so that means that you never pick up on the mistake that you're making and you make it again and again and again and again and it becomes hardwired natural into your brain a good way of of getting around that is to record yourself and listen to so I think the best advice that I could give you would be get part two questions look at them prepare them for one minute record on your phone and then listen back and because that's going to help your fluency it's going to help part two but it will also help you pick up on these little grammatical errors that you're making you're not making any serious grammatical errors and you're not making them like every single sentence because if you were there's no way that you would have got a bond seven on a Band-Aid the last two times that you did it and I'm not really concerned that you'll get about six or about 6.5 but we want to make absolutely 100 sure um these little errors that you're making with grammar are also present in your writing so I think working on them is going to help both your speaking and your writing so we want to make your preparation as efficient as possible and so I think doing that in combination with the reading and the listening and the writing that we suggested for you is going to really help you out any questions about the speaking test or any questions about the advice that I gave you um not now not I will think about it I think you should be really confident and and if you um take those steps you I think you'll get at least the band a band seven if not repeat the Band-Aid that you got and last time so well done that's good here all right good
Channel: IELTS Advantage
Views: 504,663
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Keywords: IELTS, ielts speaking, ielts test, ielts exam, ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking tips, real speaking, band 9, speaking mock test, ielts speaking band 8, ielts speaking mock test
Id: 2Zp2uiu4ij8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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