IELTS Speaking Test band score 7 with feedback 2024

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great so we can now get it started from here starts the speaking test this is the speaking mock test of the international English language testing system taking place in Ros Academy the candidate is Muhammad Mahi bahi candidate number 014 3251 The Examiner is mefi examiner number 44353 3 good afternoon my name is Mari would you please tell me your full name yeah my name is Muhammad mAh what can I call you you can just address me Muhammad Muhammad sure can I see your identification please yeah of course here you are thank you very much great thanks so much so we can now get a started with the first part of the exam in the first part I will ask you some personal questions first I'd like to ask about your hometown what can a visitor do in your hometown well there are thousands of things uh that a visitor can do in my hometown uh as I live in a historical town the visitor can go sightseeing there are so many places that a visitor can enjoy taking his time there and spending his time there and what are the common occupations of people there um well I guess the main occupation of our city uh is making some how can I say it traditional stuff you know and you know and our city is famous for historical materials and stuff is it a good place for a child growing up there well yeah I guess it's natural and good place for a child to spend his childhood there and yeah it's a good place not as move on to talk about concentration what activities help you to concentrate um well there are a few things that really help me to focus and and concentrate on different things and especially studying the first time the first thing is probably drinking a bottle of water and trying to relax I try to take a chill pel before getting started and yeah and do you think having a routine helps you to concentrate better yeah yeah it's one of those most effective and efficient ways that someone can take into practice I can put into practice to help and improve their concentration is it easy or difficult for you to concentrate it's rather medium somewhere between difficult and easy okay thank you very much now let's talk about fashion is fashion important to you not really much actually I have never thought about it it's a tricky question for me but sometimes I really care about it for example when I want to hang out with a special friend I really care about how I'm going to look like and do you think it's important to be updating your clothes and hair as fashion trends change well yeah it's important but I really don't think about it that much I mean I try to spend a little bit of my time about it and what kinds of clothes do you like wearing um well I try to look fine in public so it doesn't really matter for me what kind of what kind of clothes I'm going to wear okay thank you very much now we can move on to the second part of the exam so in the second part uh Muhammad I'm going to give you a topic and you should talk about it for 2 minutes before you do that you have one minute to think about what you're going to say and you can make some notes to help you if you wish do you understand yeah yeah of course perfect so now I'm giving you a paper your Q card and a pencil to make notes so here you go thank you very much you're welcome you should describe an occasion when you were standing in a line or a cube now you have one minute to think about it and I'll let you know once your one minute is over so you can start thinking now e okay now your 1 minute is over and you may talk about this topic for 2 minutes but do not worry if I stop you so your 2 minutes start now well a few years ago there was there was a toy that everyone wanted to have and at that time I was I was uh I had a really strong tendency to buy this uh to buy this toy and um one day me and one of my friends uh one one of my friends and I I uh made a decision to go and purchase this product so we went to the uh we went to the downtown and we we there was this long queue and we stayed in it we we get there and stayed in it uh but the problem was it was just so long and everyone wanted to buy the toy uh and I told my I told my friend hey man it's going to take a lot of it's going to take a lot time to stay but he said please be consistent and yeah while we were there uh we tried to do many things to amuse ourselves for example working out working with my phones uh talking to each other and you know discussing different topics and it was a really good time but when I think about it right now I think I really wasted my time on that toy because you know when I purchased when I purchased it uh it wasn't really amusing or entertaining for me because it didn't have any specific or how can I say specific or nice features so I just tried to get rid of it get rid of it and I sold it to my cousin and yeah it was the entire story yeah just it do you want to add more information no that's just all okay thank you very much so we can now move on to the third part of the exam if you can just uh hand me the paper and the pen thank you great okay we've been talking about an occasion that you were standing in a line or a queue and now I want to ask you some questions related to this topic is it very common in your country to have people standing in cues and waiting in some uh in some occasions and yeah of course for example if you want to buy uh some Dairy purchases dairy products groceries some things uh we do have every day yeah it's common it's common and you need to stay on in a queue okay and uh how about the technology do you think that uh technology has played an impressive role to reduce waiting time yeah of course in the past few decades it really has helped a lot because we used to we used to stand on cues just for taxi or bus but we don't need to do that anymore and we can get a car right now we can get a taxi but just by just using our uh phones okay and it's it's a lot more convenient so do you think that it can it has also uh being effective uh when you want to go to Banks and supermarkets or you still need to wait for a long time well about uh supermarkets no I don't think so because uh there are a lot of groceries and supermarkets all over the country all over the city that anyone can access easily to these shops and purchase their whealing products okay and uh how about yourself uh how do you feel when someone breaks the line impatiently it really work it really walks on my nerves when someone does that and but I try to control myself and I just get to that person and alarm them and hey man you got to be more careful because there are a lot of people standing here just to take one of these so that's all I would do in this situation okay and what do you think the reaction of other people would be to that um well I guess they will support me because I mean it's a common sense then and you need to fight for your rights okay and uh do you think customer service helpl lines make you wait for a long time no I don't think so about that because I mean um they are much more inconvenient and uh it doesn't take much time why do you think so can you explain more about that yeah of course um you know customer services is uh uses some methods and for reducing uh the queue for example if you want to go to if you want to use some services that the company provides um you need to make an appointment with this company okay so I mean there is no such a thing in this case there is no such a thing as Q in this uh in this method because you just make a call uh you make you make your appointment and you'll get there on time um yeah thank you very much now this is the end of the speaking test now you can just relax and take a breath and I'll just need a few minutes to add up your score and then I'll give you the feedback okay sure perfect okay now let's see what you did uh so first to start with your fluency and coherence which is the first criteria because as you might know there are four criteria in your in I speaking based on which you will be evaluated and the first one is your fluency and coherence to talk about this one I can say that the good thing in your speaking is that you are able to speak at length like whatever question you are given you just provide explanations and examples and you have the flow of speech which is really good in yourish speaking you had some self-repetition self-correction not too many which is good and you should always know that you you need to avoid hesitations or pauses you you didn't have many pauses because you you were able to talk about the topic but um it's it is always a good idea to just maintain this flow of a speech and being fluent um so generally I can say that your topic development is good and I recommend you to cover the two minutes in the second part because this way you can use more vocabulary more grammatical structures and you can show The Examiner what you actually know in order to get a higher score uh but you covered all the bullet points in the second part other than that something else that you should take into account is that in part one as you know you shouldn't just give a very short answer and you were aware of that you you knew that you should Pro you should have provided explanations and examples but the thing is that as you're just trying to stick to what you really think of the the the question or what you really think of uh like whatever you as you're asked to talk about sometimes you run out of ideas sometimes you don't know what else to say and because of that you give short explanations or you repeat the same idea so I do recommend you to sometimes fake your answer for example in the in the first part if you just faked some of your answers or you just referred to a topic that you can you are better at or you have better collocations in then uh you could give better ideas right sometimes to me it felt like you didn't know what else to say uh for example I asked you I asked you do three questions about concentration and maybe you find some of these questions so similar especially it happens a lot in the third part so fake your answer just you can lie as much as you want because as long as you give a relevant answer to the question then you're good to go uh so because of all of that which which are very good things so far uh you could get a very very good score the only problem you had in your fluency and coherence is that you did not use a wide range of connectives and discourse markers this is necessary if you want to get a high score because uh you were mostly using and so but because you also used the word as but try to give a wider range to that because you have the potential to do it you can use them naturally for example although even though on one hand on the other hand besides moreover however um as s you can use these words more flexibly so um that's why you got a six in your fluency and coherence today you can easily get a seven and getting a higher score is a matter of time and practice but you can do that just uh for now today your score is a six in your fluency and coherence now we talk about the next criteria which is your lexical resource your vocabulary um your vocabulary is actually one of your strongest points because uh you just you were able to use a range of collocations or vocabulary related to the topic as I was changing the topics you just use some related to each for example go sightseing or uh make a decision to you you just said that it works on my nerve to get to somebody a common sense make a call make an appointment so if it is very important to use cations and idiomatic language and you were using some other than that you your paraphrasing was good because for example um instead of the word effective you word you use use the word efficient or purchase or buy uh to have a tendency to do something so always try to use direct synonyms not only in your own sentences but also to paraphrase the examiner's question a simple example would be when I ask you for example do you like uh do you like your hometown you say yes I do love where I live mm so try to just paraphrase the words that you can just the words that you you are 100 % sure about the direct their direct synonyms because being error free is very very much more important than um using some words or structures that may be incorrect so because of all that uh you got a seven uh in your lexical resource in your vocabulary uh you just need to use uh more idiomatic language if you can or more feelers and boosters because they can help you buy some time think of the next idea and then keep talking for example you say that's a very interesting question let me think about it and then you just talk about it now in your grammatical range and accuracy um in your grammar which is the next criteria I can say that you were able to use first of all very good tenses correctly I could hear present perfect like used to Future tenses past perfect this is really good and other than that you are using a range of complex structures for example conditional sentences or relative clauses subordinate clauses but if you use more connectives you would be able to make more complex grammatical structure so try to do that because it can positively impact your fluency and coherence and also your grammatical range and accuracy at the same time um you just made a few mistakes for example you said uh how I look like how I look or we get there we got there take a lot time take a lot of time mhm some words were missing or it happens to many candidates the the mistake with the tenses in the second part for example you should have talked about something in the uh past when you were standing in a line but you used present tenses a few times so be careful with the tenses in the second part and not to miss a word in your sentence es so because of all that uh you got another seven in your grammatical range and accuracy if you want to get an eight you don't have a problem with your with making mistakes uh but if you want to get an eight you need to use more complex structures and finally in your pronunciation you got another um seven because first of all your pronunciation and how you speak English is clear to understand sometimes you need to slow down because uh if you're slow down you you you can refer to more ideas because you have so much on your mind that you want to talk about all of that and because of it you make mistakes you have self-repetition sometimes just slow down and try to give a better intonation to your speaking if you can right uh in instead of repeating some words or just going back to what back to what you had already mentioned and you had one Mis pronunciation which was the word traditional it's not Trad traditional and uh you can still work more on your intonation like your word distress your sentences stress was but generally you didn't have many mispronunciations and uh you were good in this criteria as well so uh just to wrap up you got a six in your fluency and coherence a seven in your vocabulary your lexical resource another seven in your grammatical range and accuracy and another seven in your pronunciation which would bring you an overall Bandit score seven now if you have any questions or doubts then you can ask me well thank you so much I don't have any D doubts right now uhhuh I'm just a little bit stred out thank you so much but you you just need to be natural because you have a very good command of English you have the potential to even get a better score you just need to focus on your weak points mhm yeah yeah okay then so if you have no questions then I wish you best of luck thank you so much it was fantastic and have a lovely day thank you see do you want to know what band score you'll get in the iot speaking test perhaps you want to improve your performance and prepare yourself for the real test then why not book an online mock test with us that will last for 25 minutes 12 minutes of the test itself and 13 minutes of comprehensive feedback plus we'll give you useful tips on how to make your performance better remember all our examiners are especially trained by British Council instructors so we know how to help you join us
Channel: Ross IELTS Academy
Views: 59,585
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Keywords: Ross IELTS Speaking, Ross IELTS Academy, Speaking English, IELTS Speaking part 1, IELTS Speaking Part2, IELTS Speaking 2023, IELTS Speaking Part 2, IELTS Speaking Part 3, IELTS Speaking Band 6, IELTS B2, IELTS B1, IELTSSuccess, LanguageImprovement, EnglishSpeaking, IELTSStrategies, IELTSTips, LanguageLearning, SpeakingSkills, IELTSPrep, EnglishLanguage, Band6, IELTSSpeakingTest
Id: WZd79iNE6AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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