Mocktest IELTS Speaking band 7.0 cùng feedback chi tiết| IELTS FIGHTER

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welcome to the I speaking test my name is hang I will be your examiner today how are you feeling um I'm five things all right good now this test will insist sorry consist of three parts okay ranging in difficulties all right now we will start with the part one are you ready yes I'm ready all right first tell me your full name please my full name is but it's quite hard to pronounce so you can call me joy joy I will call you Joy now okay Joy let's start with your first topic okay are you a student oh yes currently I'm a student in the secondary school which is located in District 2 but now it's renamed as total City do you have favorite subject in mind um yes um Frank uh Frankly Speaking that my speak um English is my favorite subject at school because I find that there is so many opportunities when you can learn English well very well what do you usually do after school um it often depends on my schedule I mean some days in a week I will have extra classes and I'm quite busy on those days but when I don't I will stay at home listen to music or read books to Braden my knowledge and let me hear it out all right the next topic is social media do you often use social media um yes I normally use Facebook as a form of entertainment you know there are so many um funny videos on this kind of uh social platform besides that I also use it to learn I find that there are so many useful materials for learning English for example do you think that you will work in a social media company in the future um to be honest I have never thought of it but I find myself have no NE for being a person to work for a social company because I'm very shy and you know I think that my speaking skill is not really that good your next topic is singing do you like to sing um Frankly Speaking music is my favor suggest go as well but I have no NP for singing Because if I it's really hard for me to sing some high notes what kind of song do you like to sing to actually it depends on my mood uh when I feel over the more I was sing some thing that is uh fun you know but when I'm in a black mood uh some songs like love scenario or I mean some sad sounds would so for me and have you ever taken any singing class um no I haven't because I find it quite con it's a time consuming when you when I attend some classes like that because as I mentioned that I have no net for singing very well all right that should be it for part one I will be giving you a topic called part for your part two you will describe a certain Target now you will have 1 minute to write down your note and then you will have one to two minute to speak okay this is your topic card and this is your pencil you will now have one minute to prepare you may start all right now you will have one to two minute to speak whenever you're ready you may start well when it comes to a person that I find interesting I would say tan um he is an old man um who used to work for Vietnam Marine cop before 1975 now he's a tour guide well he is really uh easy to to realize since he always wear uh a hat on his head to talk about where I met him uh in t Park which is near my incle Center um well I have to say that he is really humorous because he have some funny stories and he even told me some past events uh I can actually hurt some interesting for his stories um to talk about about the reason why I find him really interesting because you know from his story I can definitely be more confident and step off up my comfort zone to talk with more people because at the time I was so shy but now I'm not um well besides that I can actually um take great briide in my country's postive F very well now does this person do you still meet him often um not really I just really met meet him because you know my how is quite far from my uh inish Center so it's not really necess uh I mean uh convenient for me to meet him our own days okay now let's move on to part three I will be asking you several questions on General topics in society the first one since we're talking about an old person let's talk about old people your first question what do you think old people can teach young people well um let me see from your perspective uh old people are the ones who are experienced with life I mean they have overcome so many obstacles and difficulties in life therefore they can give the youngsters some good advice um okay so let me take an example um op people the ones who know their um youngster ability like when a youngster choose a job they may ask the the elderly to give them advice about what job they should do and what about young people what do they teach what can they teach uh old people well it's a really intriguing question for me let me think you know as we're leaving in the 4.0 era uh using internet seems really it seems crucial for us and I think that most most old people don't know how to access the internet and in this fiute young people have that abilities to H to help the elderly to do this to exchange information or search for some material okay now let's move on to the next topic okay feeling tired so what do usually what do people usually do when they feel tired I say that various ways uh some can play games to let their hair down um but for many um but for olders they may you know go window shopping or listen to music to relax um yeah you know as I mentioned there are various ways to um help them to uh to make them Che loud after feeling tired and can you tell me the differences between feeling tired after school and feeling tired after playing sports oh it's really hard question for me so please give me some time okay uh well for me learning uh affects the the most for the mental health but for exercise uh is upset about their physical health um I mean when you learn you absorb so many um lessons at the same time and you may feel tired in your head but when you do exercise your body may feel uh well out but your mind is fresher okay very well and that will conclude our speaking test thank you very much how do you feel U actually a little bit nervous ver all right don't worry okay [Music] uh ination fore can have few time can have some time give me some time please fore okay right [Music] for [Music] core c o r p s cores for part two for realize realize recognize recognize realize oh I realize he's my friend absorb mistake uh time consuming take out of comfort zone out of comfort zone take great pride intriguing yeah interesting interesting very well let hair down yeah relaxation right okay okay okay okay yeah all right good job love speaking writing [Music] fighter
Channel: IELTS Fighter
Views: 272,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts fighter, học ielts, học ielts online, ielts listening, ielts reading, ielts writing, ielts speaking, ielts
Id: IZlFuWcwzGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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