IELTS Speaking Band 8.0 Mock Test with Feedback

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all right let's begin so yeah could you tell me your full name please my full name is mong Jang Mong and people just call me Steven stepen okay good and uh are you working or are you a student I'm a student and at at the moment I'm actually working at the same time so I'm both both a worker and a student right now could you tell me about your major my major is graphic design and I I just basically I study graphic designs but I also study about arts and media and how to cooperate with people how to communicate with clients I also study about like marketings and brandings so yes it's it's basically about graphic designs but I study more about that and I think it's more focused on how to talk with people how to work with people and how to communicate with them and find a better way out so yes great and could you describe your hometown for me my hometown's actually here so it's a lovely city and I've lived here more than 23 years mhm and it always makes me really nice when I go back to my real home was it's m it's a place called M and whenever I'm still living in there but whenever I go back to bour from like coming back from England or coming back from the Army whenever I visit my hometown it feels really warm and nice all the time I think it's because I was born there I was raised there I played in that playground when I was a young kid and now as a student and as a tutor I'm I work around that town so it it has my history in that town so I think it's very meaningful for me perfect now we're going to talk about uh sweet food so do you like to eat cakes or other sweet food that's I think I love to eat cakes yes like especially I think strawberry ones not not really a chocolate person so I do enjoy eating cakes yes I do and can you make cakes no I haven't I haven't ever I I I do love cooking I do love cooking like Korean foods or Italian I love cooking but I'm not really a baker so I haven't ever baked a cake yet but yes I do really want to try baking a cake yes nice and are there any traditional cakes in your country I think the only traditional cake I can think of right now is the rice cake I I don't really think it's really a kind of a cake I think it's more something to a food but yes still rice cakes called cakes so yes rice cakes and they are like sweet rice cakes made of like different crops kind of stuffs so I I I don't really like rice cakes a lot but yes there there might be rice cakes in my country yes okay uh now let's talk about video games so do you play video games yeah I do play video games like computer games once in a while once in a week or just not not really often but I do play video games and I do enjoy playing football games like FIFA kind of those kinds of games so yes I I do enjoy playing video games in my free times when I get like really stressed from my work or from my studies I do sometimes play video games about like 30 or an hour a day mhm but not very much in a week so yes okay and do you like to watch other people play video games yeah I think I do enjoy other seeing other play players play games like professional players League of Legends professional players or I do watch those kinds of videos on YouTube and just before before when I go to sleep I watch them play and I just it really entertains me just for just for fun I do watch those stuffs and do you think people spend too much time playing video games these days people pop Parton uh yeah do you think people spend too much time playing vide yes I also think that people's especially younger ones like boys or or girls in their 20 or in their teenager ages I think they spend too much time watching meaningless YouTube video game videos and actually I would prefer just prefer them to just play it not just watch it because if we play it you know we can feel the entertainment but just by watching it it's not really it doesn't give you anything it just it doesn't give you fun it it's kind of a waste of time so I think it's a problem for younger ones teenagers especially if they watch too much video games and they can easily be distracted from studying or gring up so I think yes they it they watch too much video games these days perfect that do for part one we'll go on to part two of the test now I'll give you your question your question is here there you go I'll give you a pen or pencil whichever you prefer all right I'll give you one minute now to take some notes okay yeah you can begin all make that's one minute now all right okay so could you describe a trip that you were looking forward to but was delayed it happened when I was 14 I remember and I I was I was traveling London with my parents and we were heading to Paris in that day and so we went to the station and we had to take the Euro star the underground Railway that goes to Paris and actually we just thought the the Eurostar as a normal train we didn't really think about the concept that it goes abroad so we were kind of late at that time because we didn't think that they would check our luggage or they would check our passports so we didn't really expect it it was our mistake obviously but yes we so we couldn't take the Train to Paris cuz we were so late at the time we did arrive at the train departure time but it was about we should have been there about 30 minutes before for our luggage and our visa and all to check all those stuffs to go to Paris and because it's another country obviously and at that time England was out of the Europe United yes Europe unions after the brexit so yes we were delayed to go to Paris so we had to book another train and at that time my mom was in charge of our family's trip and I would talk rather talk how she felt about the experience cuz she was in charge of the trip I was like a kid and I was it's okay we can take the on other the train but it was her who paid the fees and it was her who paid the overpaid fees too so okay yes that's two minutes great okay perfect so H how long did you have to wait for the next I think it was about a few hours but the fees were quite expensive and pricey so okay all right nice one let's go on to part three now we'll keep it going great all right then so why do many people like to travel abroad I think it's about the new experience cuz our daily lives has nothing really special like the the special events we have in our daily lives is about just meeting friends like walking on a park walking in a park or those teeny tiny stuffs but if we travel abroad the the the air is different the food's different the language is different and we feel like being a totally new person like everything doing in that country feels very new and fresh to us so I think that kind of you know that that kind of feelings are very enjoyable for us M from like it's it's kind of a similar stuff from like Escape from the daily routines we live in so I think that's the most important reason mhm and why do some people dislike traveling abroad I think they are afraid of it's it's almost on the same flaw that some people want to escape from the routine but I think some are afraid of of getting off from that routine cuz if if we travel a roads we can obviously meet some robbers or pck poetter I was also P poed ones at in while traveling Spain those kind of experiences or the the the language the the difference in language the difference in food some people might feel positive about those differences but some might not because obviously it's too different from the lives we are living right now at the moment so I think they're afraid of yes like traveling abroad and do you think uh traveling abroad is something that everyone should do I think if they are happily living happily enough at the moment in their daily routines and their lives I think they don't really have to travel cuz travel quite costs on Co a lot and we don't really have to pay for something we don't really like to do Soh they can do something else they like to do with that money so I wouldn't recommend everyone to like travel around but most of the people who if they feel that Curiosity to what what it would feel like if I travel abroad like if people have some kind of curiosity like that or those questions in their mind I think they should definitely move on to the next level and travel abroad absolutely uh and what do you think is the difference between how younger people travel and how older people travel I think the younger ones are more concentrated on on like traveling around walking around cuz they obviously have more energy to use they drink a lot of alcohol at night like they their travels are more concentrated on on the energy they have to spend but I think older ones they the elders their travels are more peaceful like their their travels are more concentrated on rest on the term of rest cuz they have less energy than the younger on they want to just they do want to see like some famous sites but not too much so they have to be like full of energy all the time so cuz obviously they old yeah that's something that I can see from my parents they they like to walk but they want to stop at some point when they feel tired so they have to go back to the hotel and they have to rest so I think that's the difference the younger ones and the elders yep absolutely and do you think it's necessary um for tourists to learn some of the local language before they travel abroad yes I think that's the very basic thing to do as a traveler so for me when I travel around countries that they don't when when they don't use English I do try to learn some of the the basic words like thank you like hello those basic phrases or words cuz I think that's the manner we can show to the locals CU cuz it's very I think it's very rude if we speak English just in front of them because it's not yeah they are born there and they are using their language but if we just speak English at in face it's kind of kind of a rude thing to do I think like not really a good thing to do while traveling so even though we have to use English if we say hello or like excuse me in their own local language I think it would be more helpful for us also and it would be more like they would really love to help us if they hear their their local language from a tourist okay perfect that'll do us for the test thank you for completing no thank you all right so yeah let's start with the feedback now so yeah that was that was a great teste I would estimate your score to be eight up up there thank you yeah really really strong test um in terms of the strong points obviously your fluency pronunciation are great some hesitation here and there but that's normal I think it was more out of you know thinking of ideas rather than language skills and yeah pronunciation uh perfect um a few small grammar errors that maybe I could just point out not a big deal now at all by any means um one time when you were talking about mapo you said I'm still living in there so it should be just I'm still living there yeah as there is an adverb we do not use a preposition so go there stay there right same as like home you know go home stay home um you also referred to mapo as that uh town I probably wouldn't call it a town I would call it an area or a neighborhood okay yeah so a town is usually a place that's smaller than a city so I wouldn't refer to anywhere inside a city as a town as you know um yep one thing you you mentioned a a nice phrase there once in a while I play video games once in a while perfect then you mentioned once in a week when you talk about um frequency you don't need the preposition in just once a week yeah once in a while once a week twice a week um and you talked about young people in their teenager years so in their teenage teenagers years yeah teenage years teenage years in their teenage years um little bit of your habit I noticed as well you were saying I do enjoy do watch that that's fine you know that's for for emphasis you can use it um yeah I just found it was interesting I don't think it should be used all the time but for emphasis or something that's possibly a bit surprising you could you could like it you know for example if we talk about like rainy days like a lot of people don't like rainy days but actually I do like rainy days that would be a time to use it but yeah I just found that was interesting uh part two was nice um uh you're using the now stuff make sure that's an uncountable noun so it should be that stuff yeah no s there rather than those stuff um when you talked about the train you are using the word a fees for when you talk about Transportation I think you want to say the word fair train Fair bus Fair fee is usually like for example like if you cancel a train TR ticket you should pay a cancellation fee yeah or like a little bit of an extra like if you want to transfer money like overseas you might need to pay a fee like a 2% fee or something um okay one time you said the most important reason I probably wouldn't say most important there I would probably say the main reason the biggest reason the major reason I think those would be fine um and also in part three a lot of the time you were saying you know talked about your parents or you said for me when I go abroad I probably wouldn't talk about your personal story in part three part three is more like in general okay so yeah if you look at the questions is like do do you think it's necessary do you think people should so keep it you know people in general not a big deal like you you know you most of your answers were fine but just I think it was the last question you talked about like that but okay yeah it was a really good test really good test thank you for coming in cheers
Channel: IELTS English Academy
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Keywords: IELTS, mock test, writing, speaking, test, feedback, study, exam, listening, essay, english, academy, band, 아이엘츠, 스피킹, 리스닝, 독학, 라이팅, 리딩, 영어, 유학, reading, TOEFL, ielts speaking, ielts writing, ielts reading, ielts listening, ielts tips, band 7, band 8, band 9, IELTS general, ielts academic, ielts tutorial, ielts methods, IELTS class, IELTS teacher, study ielts, IELTS pronunciation, IELTS help, IELTS video, IELTS improve, IELTS tutor
Id: n0A2bI2QsIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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