Band 8.5 IELTS Practice Speaking Exam

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we're going to start off by talking about Seasons what is your favorite season summer is my favorite season but not for the whole year so I like four seasons but um I like I like summer because of the sun because of the vitamins we have you yeah summer mainly tell me about the different seasons in your country we have four seasons but my favorite is the summer as I mentioned uh because in Beirut it's not it's not like too hot and uh if you feel hot you go to the mountains so you feel like uh it's different in Beirut the seasons uh I like winter in Beirut we go ski and uh we have many activities to do we're not stuck at home it's not like minus 20 so it's um it's nice is tourism popular in a particular season in your country the tourism in Beirut is U is high in summer and uh in Christmas all the people come you know it's like the our country is uh more about family and so they come to be to see the family to spend the holidays and um to have time with the parents let's talk about sports do you play any sports uh I used to play uh wakeboard snowboard uh horse riding and I had to stop because of the kids I'm afraid Ian something will happen God forbids and um I'm I'm planning now to go back to my Hobbies do you watch any sports on TV no I'm not a fan of sports but I like to do Sports and I like to my kids to do Sports so I started the gymnastics for my son uh last year he was like two he was too young for the gymnastics but I I like I like seeing him active not sitting and watching TV and on the iPad so yeah what sport did you play as a child in school gymnastics I love gymnastics and for me gymnastics is the base for all the for whatever you want to do in your life the base is gymnastics let's talk about travel where was the last place you visited on holiday Greece uh actually we go to Greece every summer and um I love Greece it's like uh similar to Beirut but more advanced in a way more not more civilized but um I love Greece I love The Vibes the islands they have the people the food there is amazing I love Italy um Romania Europe in general I love Europe where would you like to go back again on holiday beut actually we're going uh in Christmas we're going to spend Christmas in London but I'm excited for Beirut now let's talk about TV do you enjoy watching TV yes uh actually I love uh watching TV at night because uh I put the kids to sleep and I feel like this is my time with my husband so like 2 three hours before going back to sleep and uh I feel like it's our quality time sitting together watching a movie a documentary series what kind of TV programs do you most enjoy watching uh I love Netflix yeah you have the all the options you want if you want to watch a series or a documentary or you have plenty of uh choices what was your favorite TV show when you were a child um when I was a child I used to play uh outside with my neighbors so uh we used to spend time playing more than watching TV but uh we used to watch like you know the kids show at 500 a.m. before school and that's it when we come back from school we run directly to the street so describe a TV documentary you watched that you enjoyed the last one I watched it was about um the most country the population in this country who lived the longer than the other countries why I watch this documentary because when I have kids back to the kids when I had the the first baby I decided to change my lifestyle to stop eating bad food to stop eating junk food to change everything so when I saw this documentary I felt like I have it's a must I have to watch this documentary and to see why this population or this country they live longer than the other countries and mainly it's it was like um because of the food the organic food they don't go to the gym but they walk a lot they they don't sit like doing nothing no they are always active so uh I learned a lot while watching in this documentary because my husband used to make fun of me okay why you are using buat flour instead of the the normal flow when I watched this documentary I've got the answer and I told him look when when you eat this flow instead of this it will help you it will help your blood not to um how to say it to absorb the sugar so this is the difference between this and this that's why in Italy if you realize that the the the their food is based on carbs why they are not uh fat or why they are not like uh Sumo because uh of the good ingredients they use and the quality of food they they have so uh yeah that's the end of the two minutes so we've been talking about a TV documentary and we're going to continue to talk about TV and specifically TV advertising what type of products are most advertised on TV in your country to thank you for watching this video I want to give you a free course that has helped thousands of students improve their I speaking score what it's going to do is take you through every single part of the test and give you strategies for part one part two and part three and also allow you to practice at home for free and get feedback to sign up for that for free all you have to do is just click the link in the description thanks very much and let's get back to the video uh so mainly the food they do a lot of commercials uh about food cheese uh fries yeah food do you think that people pay attention to AdWords on TV yeah of course they do because it's uh it's not like an ad you can skip you have to watch otherwise you put mute but you are still watching even if if you mute the TV you are still watching and seeing the product name and the product itself how important are regulations on TV advertising so important especially for the Young Generation you know what's happening now and the the brainwash the kids they are going through and um the things we're not used to see and we're not used to think about out now we are seeing everywhere in the cartoons in the like we say um under the table the messages like uh yeah so what I'm going to do now is give you some feedback um you did very very well but there's always room for improvement so I'm not criticizing you or anything like that I'm just trying to help you get the best Mark possible so I'm going to give you feedback on part one part two and part three and then we'll talk about your pronunciation your fluenc your grammar your vocabulary all of those things to thank you for making it this far in the video I want to give you 10% off our VIP course I VIP course is the most successful I course in the world that is a fact because we have more b seven eight and N success stories than any other I course in the entire world we do that by simplifying the whole I process supporting you with some of the best is teachers in the world and being with you every step of the way until you get the score that you need all you have to do is just look down in the description just click that and you can sign up if you have any questions about the VIP course always feel free to get in touch with us we answer 100% of the questions that we get hope that you become a VIP if not enjoy the rest of this free video so part one um you did very very well um one thing that you did particularly well was you really developed your answers um and you were very fluent you had no problem talking about about those things one thing that you do that could become a problem I don't think it is a problem is that you tend to answer the question and then you will go off and speak about things related to that question but kind kind of adjacent to that topic you know so you're going off and talking about your children related to that rather than really sticking to the question so you get a mark for it's called coherence which means did you answer the question and really develop the answer related to that question so you didn't do it that much but sometimes you went off and talked about about things which is okay but we want to help you get the the highest Mark Mark possible with part two you had no problem speaking for 2 minutes most students find it very difficult to speak for 2 minutes you don't have any problem at all speaking for 2 minutes about that just be careful and again you stick to the topic it was describe a TV documentary and you talked a a lot about you and your husband and his health and why that food is healthy that's okay because it's related to that topic so in the way that you did it was probably fine but the question is describe a documentary so you should really really focus on that the only weakness that you have is really sticking to and answering the actual question so you can use examples from your own life you know for example my husband we started using bucke in the pasta and that really helped him and then go back to the documentary if you did the test for real you might be under pressure you might be stressed out and when people are stressed out they're not thinking clearly and then you might start talking about things that are not really related to the question part three um you did develop your answers but you should try to maybe use a little bit more development use things like explaining why you think that or giving examples will help you develop it a little bit more again sometimes you kind of went off on a tangent a good way to think about the questions is maybe for Ev for most of these part three questions there's a not all of them but most of them there's like most things uh this side and this side all right so if you want to think more clearly about these questions it would be well some people think this here's why they think that some people think this here's why why they think that I personally believe this so for example how important are regulations on TV so some people think that there shouldn't be any regulations maybe because they're advertisers and they want to sell more stuff other people think that they should be heavily regulated because of children you know children should not be exposed to certain things through advertising personally I'm a parent so I think that there should be regulations especially uh before 900 p.m. nowadays we have to double them yeah so you can see how I give a more in-depth more balanced view especially the last question it was kind of like you were talking as you were thinking it's better to take a few seconds and think you know you don't have to immediately give an answer but think like okay why do people think this why do people think that and then you can you can give the answer so that that that would help but overall excellent like really really really well done so let me give you some feedback on pronunciation fluency grammar and and vocabulary for pronunciation The Examiner will be thinking can I understand everything that she says and they will he or she listening to you will be able to understand 100% of what you're saying she'll get a very high Mark for pronunciation you do have a a Lebanese accent and that should be you should be very proud of that a lot of people think think that getting a high Mark for pronunciation means siging British or American or Australian that's not what it's about at all um some of the best students in the world have very strong accents but it's not about speaking with a British accent it's about using your own accent to um speak as clearly as possible and you do an excellent job with that so you would get a very high high score U for your pronunciation it's very very good yes and you also use intonation very well so your voice going up voice going down to show meaning and you do that very well um so overall your pronunciation is is the very very very high standard just to go back to Accent the only time accent would cause a problem is if your accent is so thick that it causes problems for the The Listener and yours yours when you don't understand when I'm saying right exactly and and as I said I'm sitting with you talk talking and there's not one word that I don't understand so it's very very good move on to fluency and coherence so fluency and coherence is one one band fluency means speaking normally without pausing or hesitating or repetition you have no problem with that in general but we we'll come back to that in a second coherence is your main issue so coherence is did you answer the question so sometimes you go off on a on a you remind me of my sister my sister can speak for days and she you ask her about one thing and she ends up talking about you're right because I forgot that we have the time and I'm like uh yeah I mean under normal like when I'm speaking to my sister I would never criticize her about her speaking level but remember this is a test so with it's nice to I'm I'm happy to hear this so it's not a criticism it's just but remember that they're testing that so you would maybe get a lower Mark for coherence um and then fluency um especially towards the end cuz you were trying to think of the correct answer it's a speaking test so there's no correct answer any answer is is acceptable they're not testing your um your knowledge of the of the topic or your IQ they're just using these General topics so that anyone can talk about them that's why they ask you about questions that anyone in Lebanon or Vietnam or South Africa or any country in the world will know about these topics so you don't have to be an expert in them in part three if you get a difficult topic feel free to say I don't know much about this but here's my guess yeah you know and throw through that just keep talking and that and that's absolutely fine and then at the end you you didn't know the right word because that sometimes happens even you know even myself when I'm speaking I'm like my mind is gone blank I even in Arab sometimes I what what is that word to say yeah what yeah exctly so if that happens in in the test all you have to do is say to the examiner and I'm thinking of this word I can't think of the exact one but it means this or paraphrase it this and that that's absolutely fine cuz that happens in normal when you're speaking Arabic when I'm speaking English I do it when I'm teaching all the time cuz they're they're not looking for the perfect answer they're looking for if you move to London or Canada or New York City and you got a job in one of those in a company there would you be able to communicate with those people absolutely yeah you know and and that's what really they're testing for grammar your grammar is excellent very very good very very accurate you do make certain little slips like this one for example but these are just little slips you're not making them all the time all right so 90% of your sentences have no errors in them no grammatical errors you do make little slips but none of those slips stop me understanding what you're saying so if you were making grammar mistakes where I'm like what what does she mean like I don't know what she mean then that would be an issue but because your slips are minor and not frequent at all you would get a very high score for for grammar so your grammar is very very good same with your vocabulary your vocabulary is of a very high standard such as this so you can see that you use very good topic specific vocabulary and also very idiomatic um vocabulary so this is vocabulary that native English speakers would use that learner generally Learners wouldn't be able to use so that demonstrates that you've got a very high level of vocabulary so overall you would get a high score except for coherence and fluency that's what you should work on and we'd like to invite invite you back and we can do another one and we can see if you get the top score thank sound good yeah all right good
Channel: IELTS Advantage
Views: 358,104
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking test band 9, ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking real test, ielts speaking band 8.5, ielts speaking band 8, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts speaking test 2023, ielts advantage
Id: S8Y5D3RMBes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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