IELTS Speaking Band 7.0 Mock Test with Feedback

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all right let's begin so can you tell me your full name please uh my full name is bin zhang kim okay and are you working or are you a student i'm a student currently what are you studying i'm studying uh tourism and event management in kyogre university which is located in seoul korea but i'm also studying graphic design besides [Music] and do you like your course i love my course actually uh in my like tourism and event management we learn about marketing tourism and basically all the events like even the international conference kind of thing so i'm very into it okay and could you describe your hometown for me my hometown is busan which is also known as the second capital of korea which first is seoul obviously um yeah i love my capital i mean yes is there anything you dislike about your hometown well if i have to you know pick one i would say the human humidity because bhutan is surrounded by ocean there's like when it's summer like i get sweaty and then the humidity makes me even like stickier so that's the thing i don't like about absolutely all right now let's talk about colors so what is your favorite color my favorite color was brown but then it changed to purple purple i like purple because i like the lavender the flower and i mean it's the color of lavender is purple and also like purple makes me feel very uh it's like my color like my favorite clothes color would be purple so yeah that's why i like okay and are there any colors that you dislike i don't like color yellow it's not because like there's not obvious reasons for that but i like when i wear something yellow like the color yellow clothes that makes me look very pale so that's why i dislike it okay and what colors do your friends like the most my friends uh i think they like black the most because black is like the most common color for everyone so it goes with everything and also white the same reason okay and in terms of your home decoration what color do you think suits a home decoration definitely beige like brownish color or like even white uh because i think all my desk or like chair is in color brown so if i choose too bright color for example as like like mute or pink i think it it it isn't suitable for my room yeah okay now we're going to talk about new activities okay so do you like to try new activities i love trying new things i am actually adventure lover so i love trying new things yes definitely and are there any activities you would like to try in the future i would love to try snowboarding because during winter as i said i am very of an active person i love winter sports but i've only tried skiing so and snowboarding is like looks so cool but like i've never tried it so like yeah that's the one i want to really try okay and do you like to try new activities alone or with friends i would say for the first time i would be need i would need friends to be with me because so that like if i fall down they could you know hold me but like the second or third time i would it it doesn't matter if i'm with someone or not all right and have you ever tried a new activity and not enjoyed it that i never thought of uh i think i'll say no because like i if i try new stuff i definitely learned something from it so like even though i don't like it like dislike it i would i would like eventually know that oh i dislike this and then like learn something from it so i wouldn't say i dislike it i just like it's not my thing yeah yeah good attitude yeah all right that'll do us for part one let's move on to part two now give your question so this is your question let's paint a pencil whichever one you want okay so i'll give you one minute to do some note-taking okay all right so yeah you can begin all right last one minute all right so could you describe someone you really like to spend time with okay uh i love spending time with my best friend i met her in my high school time i was in international school in china back then so that's where i met her and we actually do a lot of things because she also is a very active person but we love staying at home so like we would paint nails and watch netflix's like we love watching american tv shows because there's like we can learn new language from it and i think there's a lot of advantage of that so those are the things we do we also write letters to each other which might sound a bit weird because you know writing letter in front of someone who i'll give the letter to might be like a bit strange but we love writing letters so like we just do it anyway uh we also love cooking and eating um a lot of different food like we would make pizza or like spaghetti or even like korean food such as tanjang tiger and all kinds of stuff also like the reason why i spend time with her is because she makes me feel very confident about myself she always cheers me up whatever i do even i failed making tendantike she always say hey it's okay like it happens all the time so i think that's the reason why i love spending time with her also she is very funny um i like funny person like so yeah i think those are the reason why yeah i stay with her yes that's about 150 there now okay so that's enough for that all right so these days do you meet her often yes i actually meet her the day before yesterday apart from staying at home are there any other activities you like to do we actually stay at home most of the time but we sometimes go on go to this like cafe those are like pretty and like there's a lot of decorations for refreshing us but like we love staying at home nice okay we'll move on to the third part of the test now okay we're going to part three all right so what kinds of people are easy to get along with uh i would say people who are positive would get along well or like better because i am more of a positive person than negative person um so it just it just goes well it just flows like our characteristics if our characteristic hit off i think that's the most important thing yeah i think like personality and are there any personality characteristics that people usually find it difficult to get along with other people uh it depends on people but i i might say like introvert people is a bit more hard to get along because since they love staying by themselves i mean it depends on that person but like if she or he loves staying by herself then i think that would be a bit difficult for yeah people to get along okay and do you think people spend more time by themselves these days these people yes due to corona uh the coffee 9 incident i think that's kind of the thing i think coronavirus made me an introvert so i think yeah definitely these days do you think is that a negative development i wouldn't say it's negative because i've learned so much about myself during this period so it actually helps you figure out like who you really are and get to know yourself better yes and do you think it is important for managers or bosses to get along with their employees definitely because i want to be a ceo one day i definitely think being a friendly boss is the way to make their company succeed because when they don't talk a lot i mean talking and conversation is like the main point of getting along or like forming a like making these strengths to move forward but then if they're not friendly i don't know how they make that happen like i i want to figure out actually but yeah that's what i think and in your country is it common for this situation to happen like friendly situations i think it totally depends on the situations because some bosses they're really friendly but sometimes they're over friendly which makes the people very uncomfortable so i think it's important to keep this distance from people but still keep keep the friend like friendship so yeah all right and do younger people like talking with older people i like i'm younger i'm young people person so i would say yes because they have a lot of experience ahead of us because they live longer so i think they would love to talk to older people people for advices yeah what is a piece of advice that older people can give younger people what kind of advice i got from my dad that don't be afraid and just try it that really helped me move forward because we tend to get afraid of something very easily because we haven't tried it yet but my dad was like don't think about it like how scary it is everyone got fear you just gotta keep that fear in your mind and then move forward and that really helped me all right then at lewis we'll finish there thank you thank you all right so yeah start with the feedback i'd say your score would be estimated 7.0 let's say it's a good score very fluent with good pronunciation and strong grammar throughout obviously there are some like errors that we can go through and we can look at to improve if we look at vocabulary first of all you used a lot of good phrases when you're talking about colors you're saying you know black it goes with everything white goes with everything yeah some nice expressions in terms of like errors so when you talked about your major what you're studying and you're studying graphic design besides you could say that but maybe like on the side would be better yeah i'm studying graphic design on the side it means like it's not your main focus it's kind of like extra yeah so you could say that um just be careful with plural here we said like my dad gave me advices make sure it's singular yeah always advice is always advice you would say some advice some advice yeah um adventure lover right i think a better word there would be adventurous and adventurous yeah like i'm an adventurous person adventure lover is not really a common collocation but people say like thrill seeker that would be a common one or an adventurous person yeah um one thing as well with introvert okay so introvert is the noun an introverted is the adjective so when you say you're talking about people you'd say i'm an introverted person or i'm an introvert yeah either one okay yeah so that's cool there that's good uh a few phrasing let's just go through like two or three of them okay uh you talked about busan surrounded by ocean you know surrounded is kind of like the whole way around but i would say like busan is on the coast on the coast yeah i would say like it's on the coast also you could say it's a coastal city either on but like surrounded means with more like an island it's surrounded you think about like jeju surrounded by the ocean yeah okay uh one word we used as well as suitable sorry suitable for my room uh instead of suitable i would say suit is a better word there suit yeah suitable is more for like the situation like if you talk about like a horror movie it's not suitable for kids yeah or like uh if you want to go hiking if you're wearing like very like thin clothing it's not suitable for hiking yeah but when you talk about like your style or like your room like ah it's it suits the atmosphere it suits the room yeah same way with your clothing like oh it suits you like blue suits you okay a couple of times maybe like even and said one time even though i dislike it and i think it was in the last question so it should be here even if i dislike it oh what's the difference even if even if even if it's more like it's a possibility even though uh it's like statement yeah so if you say i tried skiing last winter even though i disliked it because it's more definite okay but even if it's more like possibilities oh i think yeah so when you're making like a general statement even if i dislike it yeah okay okay um what else we got just in part three just be careful with uh not giving too much like personal um statements you said like i got advice from my dad i want to be a ceo so in part three it's more about like people in general so just try and keep your answers more generally speaking rather than about you you can give it as an example but um for example the last one do the young people like talking with uh older people you're like i'm a younger person or what advice would my dad give me it's more yeah general in part okay yeah it's really good test overall you spoke really comfortably yeah thanks for coming in thank you all right thank you
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 1,139,667
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Keywords: edmielts, 아이엘츠 스피킹, 아이엘츠 시험, 아이엘츠 자료, ielts practice, ielts mock test, 아이엘츠 모의고사, ielts speaking, 아이엘츠스피킹테스트, ielts study, 이디엠아이엘츠, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking answer, ielts speaking 6.5, ielts speaking high score, 한국인목테스트, IELTS Speaking Interview
Id: 62KYznhM0k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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