IELTS Speaking Band 8.0 Mock Test with Feedback

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hello welcome hello so we can get started now and to begin can you tell me your full name please my name is Che Young Lee nice to meet you nice to meet you and are you working or studying right now well I'm mainly a student majored in English literature but I'm also working at the same time okay what kind of work do you do I'm working as an interpreter and bilingualmc for the international events oh very cool enjoy your job yeah I really like my job because I'm the type of person who really likes to step out of my comfort zone and broaden my Horizon and I'm working as a freelance interpreter I always get to meet various people like I always work with different clients different audiences so that really excites me so I really like my job you like your studying I'm I'm trying to like my major because I used to study cultural anthropology but I found out that it's not really my thing so I changed my major into English literature but I really like studying English but English literature I'm not sure about it and what do you enjoy doing in your free time in my free time well these days I started making cocktails because I really enjoy drinking so there's a lot of YouTube channels where they teach how to make some simple Cocktails so I'm I watched that I follow the tutorials and served myself a glass of cocktails nearly every day and a couple of questions about your hometown what is your hometown Hometown well I am I live in jungen I was born and raised in yongin so I basically live my entire life in Union and it's a suburb city which is located in kyongi Province and whenever I tell my friends that I live in yongin my friends always ask me it's the city where Evelyn everland is located so I'm always like yeah but I've never been to everland so yeah the only thing that we have that we have in our city is everland the amusement park okay good that sort of leads into the next question um which is what things do you like about your hometown my hometown well it's a peaceful City there aren't many people because I'm solely so crowded so it's um comparably I'm more peaceful than Seoul so that's the thing that I like about my hometown and there's this little table right near my apartment so whenever I want to watch a movie or whenever I want to grab some anything or like foods I can do that so it's very convenient like we have a great infrastructure so I think that's the thing that I like about my hometown and what things do you not like about it not like about it well the transportation is bad because I have to I'm transfer twice to get to Seoul um like kangnam so it's very inconvenient and additionally there's pretty much nothing in in Union so if I want to like hang out hang out with my friends and like want to drink I I like always have to go to Seoul so that's not good because when I'm drunk I have to get back to yongin but that's nearly impossible yeah true um well that sort of leads naturally into the next topic which is public transportation there's a few questions um do people use usually use public transportation in your country a lot because um I would say Korea has a great infrastructure especially public transportation system so a lot of people commute by especially Subway so if um I whenever I go to work I also use Subway so there's like a lot of people so we as I am kind of stuck in the subway every morning so that's a bad part but yes people use a lot of Transportation Systems and what kind of public transport do people in your country use the most the most um just like I said right before yes Subway because we have over 20 lines so it's really easy it's really convenient to transfer like Line to Line so I think like many people take Subway um and this is sort of All Leads naturally um but what do you want to change about the public transport what I want to change well um I've never thought about this question but I would say um I hope there are more Subways because in Seoul there there are a lot of people using Subways so um always people are stuck in that Subway so many people are like trying to get into the subway so it feels kind of kind of like suffocating for me whenever I take the subway so I think I would I hope that would change um and will you ride public transportation in the future um yeah probably because car is expensive because I have to if I lose the car then I would have to pay at least um like 500 a month and that's pretty a lot for me because I'm still a student so um even if I get a job in the future I would still take on public transportation okay uh so that's the end of part one job so far and for part two uh we have a question for you and you'll have a minute to prepare um you can use this paper to take notes and uh pencil thank you to write and in a minute we can get started may I start uh yeah you can take notes yeah okay so that is a minute uh and if you're ready you can take uh up to two minutes to talk about this topic yeah sure um the things that I enjoy doing doing with a group of people is about work um I am now also working as a translating manager for the 4M models at the model agency so a shooting is a group work teamwork is very important photographer like makeup artist and model those should make teamwork to um perform well so as a trend setting manager I always try to assist models so that they can they can perform their best so I always like give them water and I always like have chit chat with them so those group work and I always try to ask the client what kind of poses they want for the model so that I can um I can deliver it um to the model so those kind of group works is very enjoyable because I I consider myself as a friendly person and working with a bunch of people really excites me and it's very enjoyable so yeah I think this is the thing that I enjoy with people okay good oh should I talk more you don't have to you don't have to uh it was a little short you're at a minute and 21 seconds but it's okay don't worry um we can move on now to part three um so the first question what kind of jobs need people to work in a team um I'm sorry could you repeat the question yeah what kind of jobs need people to work in a team well probably most of the jobs need teamwork but I guess my job interpreter also needs to work as a team because whenever I go to work I work with buyers and also I perform in front of the audiences so in all those um process of preparations we need to like communicate with clients and we needed like I always have to ask what they want from me so I think all those um all those like process of communications and those steps I think it's we work as a team right yeah so yeah my job interpreter uh what kind of um what can parents do with their children to make them happy well um cells make children happy because um for the children parents are their life itself so I would say having time as much as they can should will make children happy because um spending time with parents and broaden their world and hearing stories from parents and um yeah that all those time would be worthy for the children and it will make them happy and how can children improve their social skills social skills well um I think being engaged in extracurriculars in schools would be one of the ways that they can be socialized because um being part of the group and be engaged in the social um be engaged in those activities would make would enhance their communication skills because they would have to like keep talk to others and yes so um I heard I know that schools provide a lot of extracurriculars so be engaged in those activities but help them and a final question what are the benefits of boys and girls playing together well um that's a tricky question but um um may I please have a second to think about this question yeah thank you um well I think that there are some stigmas for the gender so if children if like girls play with only girls and boys play with only boys then their world is limited but if they play together if they hang out together then they will get to understand of each other like how how the others think and how that how they're different so I think that would be the biggest benefit okay you made it to the end oh thank you very nice very nice thank you um so now we can move on to a little bit of feedback let's see so as you probably know the IELTS exam is scored on four categories there's fluency and coherence pronunciation lexical resource which is a fancy way of saying vocabulary uh and grammar and uh you did a very good job in all of these categories but we can talk about each one yeah sure um uh in a little bit of detail so in terms of fluency and coherence uh very strong sort of natural Rhythm uh and in particular in the beginning uh you have very good connections between uh between words and between ideas um so that was very strong uh your pronunciation is very clear uh didn't hear really any words that were pronounced in a sort of unnatural or incorrect way uh so that was very good you also used a lot of good vocabulary um talked in part one about broadening your horizons um uh infrastructure comparably which is a nice way to talk about two different things um and some good words in in part three as well with extracurriculars and talking about kids being socialized which is good morphology of social uh and stigma so there was a lot of good a lot of good vocabulary um more good news your grammar is good thank you uh the only things that jump out sort of throughout and they're all very small um the first one would be articles articles of course from Korean are very difficult uh because they don't exist in in Korean uh in a few cases the article was dropped uh and in a couple places it was added for example at a few times when you're talking about the subway oh I just talked about Subway um and uh sometimes they were added to I think at one point in part two you might have to shoot uh shooting like a photo shoot is a teamwork yeah so that would be an article that you actually don't need um so those are that's small but uh but an important thing the other sort of grammar point would be around uh singulars and plurals um I think he once referred to audiences in plural but often we just talk about audience the audience I'm gonna meet the audience even though there are many people all right we'll talk about them together um and at one point uh in part one I think you said pretty a lot um which is close um but you can really just say a lot um uh [Music] those are the main points on those categories one part that's maybe it doesn't relate specifically to these four categories um but in part three well sort of actually Let's Go part two first um in part two uh you were a little bit short uh right at a minute and I think 21 seconds so you have up to two minutes and it's always good to fill that time as much as you can because it's an opportunity to uh to show all the language structures that you can use and it's actually okay even to hit the two minutes and have the examiner tell you to stop um so that's a minor things related to the structure of the test another thing related to the test uh itself is that part three uh the questions are all very general and they want you to talk in general about it but not with a personal example so the first question there about the jobs that people need to work in a team yeah I think you gave a personal example which I can understand because you had just talked about it um but it's always good in that part three to um to speak generally uh sort of at a sociological level rather than a personal level um but overall a really really strong strong test I think really strong in the beginning and a few a few hiccups later um but I would estimate your overall score around an 8.0 which is very good and uh yeah you should be proud oh thank you thank you thank you for coming in thank you thank you for having me today thank you thank you
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 161,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, mock test, writing, speaking, test, feedback, study, exam, listening, essay, english, academy, band, opic, 아이엘츠, 스피킹, 리스닝, 독학, 공부법, 라이팅, 리딩, 토익, 토플, edm, 이디엠, 영어, 유학, 오픽, 수능, 단어, reading, TOEIC, TOEFL
Id: 2RaNq8rmsGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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