IELTS Live - Task 2 Writing a Band 9 Finish for Essays

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welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had a great week and i hope you're all looking forward to a fantastic weekend hi janiel hi kyber hi harwinder welcome members everyone this is a member's chat class but everybody is welcome to watch and there's lots of learning uh to be had in this class today we are looking at ielts writing task 2 writing a band 9 essay finish this is an essay that we started yesterday and that we're going to finish today if you missed yesterday's class don't worry we will look at the question we'll look at our introductory paragraph and everybody will be able to follow along this lesson everyone is presented to you by for academic ielts success please check us out there the website looks like this with the blue background you can click this big red join now button to get access to our premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access so it's well worth it and for general ielts it's this green background here you can click this big red button there and for general ielts please visit us at welcome rashika hi bakrat um so again good to see many of our students joining in we'll get going on our lesson right away uh you can get our apps academic ielts help and general ielts help from your app stores and you can link our apps to your uh website so you can learn from the same account it's really good hi rumi hi papula um let me check the voice for you papula thank you for letting me know about that okay just two seconds okay so um here we go just a second okay papula you should be able to hear me now hi roomie you should be able to hear me now welcome carolina our moderator that's great to have you in the class it's fantastic good morning june okay um so uh let's get going with um the uh essay oh yeah by the way if you have questions uh just send me an email to uh adrian at ae help dot com so that's where you can uh get a hold of me all right let's take a look now at uh the essay that we started yesterday so um here was the original uh question and uh let's review that right now rumi let me know if there's still no sound because there should be i just activated the sound on the general english help channel as well so here we go with the um with the question so ielts task 2 writing you should spend about 40 minutes on this task many jobs require ongoing training and research to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving world of information and technology some believe that it is the responsibility of businesses to pay for this education for their staff while others uh feel it is up to the individual to advance their job skills discuss both views and give your opinion all right so this is our question here and yesterday we wrote the introduction so we'll just review the introduction and i know that um some of the um some of the other uh members uh finished their introductions as well so i'm going to take a look at that now after we review the introduction okay so this was my introductory paragraph here it starts with a hook okay so billions of dollars are spent each year worldwide for ongoing job training either companies or individuals invest money to acquire new skills so that they can be competitive and productive some people feel the cost of training is up to businesses as they can profit more while others feel individuals ought to pay since they can earn more i believe that the responsibility of payment for job training should depend on whether or not the skill is specific to the position in the company okay great so let's take a look at what our members have okay all right um so uh bakrat writes millions of individuals sign up for job training and the cost is billions of dollars every year numerous jobs need ongoing training and research to stay competitive in a society of quickly emerging information and tech few people um believe it's the responsibility of businesses to offer their employees such training opponents think individuals should learn by themselves in my opinion organizations should provide financial assistance to their employees to learn new skills to get advantages for their company and growth okay so bakra you're kind of taking one side here which is okay um and you have a lot of just paraphrasing of the question there which is fine for band 6.5 maybe a band 7 but you need to do more than just paraphrase in the introduction okay uh janelle writes millions of employees are learning new skills to stay competitive in the world both individuals or employees spend money on this education to prosper therefore it is an important topic to discuss for better society and business okay all right um hi nair welcome to the class um okay danielle you have a little bit of unnecessary information there okay um so you can take some words out so jenia what you want to do when you have your introduction like this is read it over a couple of times check to see where you can be a bit more concise okay so where you can say the same idea but in a simpler kind of shorter way okay so for high band scores in the ielts again students for band 8 band 9 especially you need to have good quality writing and it has to be concise writing concise means saying it in a short as way as possible now that does mean minimum 250 words usually more okay so band-aid band 9 is usually closer to 300 350 words for task two and that's true for general and for academic ielts so both general and academic task twos are longer than 250 words for the high high band scores okay all right um so let's uh let's take a look at uh what kyber has written okay kyber writes making payment for ongoing training demands a great amount of money both organizations and each person spend billions of dollars on professional development courses to be productive and produce quality work for their businesses while certain individuals ascertain that companies are responsible to pay for such courses i believe that it is up to the employees for excellence and a quality career okay so kyber that looks pretty good um the ideas are okay you're taking one side uh i'm going to try something a little bit new here kyber with what you have written okay so let me see if i can do this for us okay here we go so this is the start of kyber's um essay here let me see if i can uh do something fancy here for us this morning okay all right let's see how well you can see that yeah you can see that pretty well okay so i don't need to do too much there let's make it a little bit bigger all right so let's make it a 14. okay so this is the beginning of kybers so this i can do now kyber because of this new kind of setup so i can give you some feedback here and you know what kyber i'm going to grab the rest of what you wrote so uh this is um uh i'm going to edit this for everyone in real time so you can see how mistakes are made and how mistakes can be corrected when you get some expert help here so bear with me let me see if i can i can do this the way that i expect to be able to do this um and again you can get this type of editing on the websites so on or i'll show you where after i do this so um here um let's do this so let's uh let's edit this okay all right um so kyber here is your introductory paragraph okay so uh making payment for ongoing training demands a great amount of money the first correction that i would make here is i would write s okay um and i would say uh because it is ongoing uh payments okay so there's multiple payments here let me uh down shrink this a little bit you should still be able to see it clearly so you can see the comments okay all right and i will show you how an ielts examiner actually looks and thinks about a piece of writing when they're evaluating this okay and kybra i hope you're okay with me doing this if you're not let me know right now okay but um but this is how an ielts examiner that's trained well will assess your introductory paragraph and your level of writing here okay all right so uh making payments for ongoing training demands a great amount of money the reason why is because of ongoing training kyber so that would be a plural right [Music] so both organizations and each person spend billions of dollars on professional development courses all right there's a couple of mistakes here uh can anybody tell me what the mistake is in in this here so if i if i look at this sentence by kyber can anybody tell me uh the mistake um until this point or there's actually a couple mistakes that i recognize so both organizations and each person spend uh billions of dollars okay so there's a mistake here there's actually a couple of mistakes here can anybody tell me what it is so janelle says there's a subject and verb agreement um no i think it's it's fine kyber says instead of thousands carolina says maybe it has something to do with the plurals yeah i think carolina you're closer yeah rajvir you're right so rajvir says both organizations and people yeah that's right harwinder each person so see you can do a lot with peer review everyone as well because rajvir and harvinder i identified the mistakes so each person does not spend billions of dollars on professional development so this would have to be people or individuals okay so it's individuals um that spend um uh money okay so okay so maybe my my comment there's a little bit small but uh the idea here let me see if i can just a little tiny bit smaller so you can see it all so this kind of mistake um kyber is a bigger mistake because you have the word uh or you have the words each person and this is a coherence mistake it's like each one of us spends billions of dollars it's it's easy to misunderstand this and this is considered a coherence mistake it's this kind of mistake that you have to be especially careful about students because coherence mistakes will drop the score of the essay especially if there's multiple of them because the examiner says hey this makes your communication confusing okay all right um so spend billions of dollars on professional development courses to be productive and produce quality work for their business there are a couple of mistakes here as well um can anybody tell me what is the mistake or what are the mistakes in this part here that i just highlighted okay so again this is uh this is what you really need to do to improve your writing band score and to improve your writing skills is go over your writing step by step identify your mistakes okay yeah exactly so rajvir says we don't need it's it's wordy okay so one of the uh points that rajvir and harwin are immediately identifying is that it reads really wordy so spend billions of dollars on professional development courses um on professional courses so this is not needed okay it's understood from the context that it's for development okay so not needed uh wordy and you have to reduce wordiness okay all right and there's another mistake here so spend billions of dollars on professional courses to be productive and produce quality work for their business okay um what's the next mistake here okay maybe you'll identify it um it's this part here okay we don't need that okay we can finish the sentence here and it basically does not yeah exactly june so very good june so june identified that just as i was correcting it so june said you don't need um the productive and produced quality work it's redundant exactly so this is redundant and wordy redundant means it's just repetition of ideas and it's wordy okay all right um all right uh so now while certain individuals ascertain that companies are responsible to pay for such courses i believe that it is up to employees for excellence and quality of work okay let me show you there's a quick mistake here this individuals is a small eye okay so this would be a capitalization mistake now this isn't a huge mistake but if you make lots of these mistakes it is a problem hi sammy okay so uh capitalization okay and um and then there's another mistake here uh that i'll show you so uh ascertain that companies are responsible to pay for such courses i believe that it is up to the employees for excellence and quality career okay there's a pretty big mistake in the last part of this introductory paragraph what is the mistake here so um what are the what are the mistakes here at the end of this introductory paragraph okay can anybody tell me that so i believe that it is up to employees for excellence and quality career okay read the whole sentence while certain individuals ascertain that companies are responsible to pay for such courses i believe that it is up to the employees for excellence yeah very good so rajvir says that there's parallel grammar that's missing here okay and carolina says there's a bit of lack of clarity here as well a lot mal says it's maybe a little bit weak as well yeah so we've got a couple of key mistakes here kyber okay and kyber by the way don't feel bad that it's got so many mistakes a lot of students have many mistakes in their writing as well i'll give you a band score at the end here also okay so there's a few mistakes here and this is where you want to be strong kyber because this is your thesis right so your thesis statement has to be the best sentence of your essay because if it's bad then it's really confusing to the reader what they're going to read okay so this has to be a much clearer thesis okay the start is okay minus this little mistake with the i so while certain individuals ascertain that companies are responsible to pay for such courses i believe it is up to employees to fund their learning for a better quality and more salary okay so this would be the first correction that i would make here um first okay so let me explain the corrections here i believe that it is up to employees to fund their learning uh here we have to create more clarity for what we're talking about okay so clarity is needed here okay and uh for better quality and higher uh salary um work okay all right um so here i made these corrections yeah so buckrad is asking a very good question okay so bhakra is asking does ielts examiners check writing tasks like you bakra the quick answer is yes they don't make the correction okay so if i were the examiner and i were checking kyber's um writing right now i obviously wouldn't do all of these comments and corrections but i would recognize all of these mistakes very quickly while i was reading so bakra you're probably thinking and some of you maybe are thinking like well but adrian for the ielts examiner doesn't this take a really long time so let me show you how the ielts examiner uh will look at this so the altz examiner will see kyber's candidate number okay um so candidate number uh so kyber's candidate number will be something like this okay and then they'll have something like coherence okay they'll have wordiness spelling grammar accuracy grammar range okay so they'll have a sheet like this okay or a marking rubric like this and then what they'll do is they'll just uh mark right so one comma one comma one so every time they find a mistake they'll indicate it with a check mark or a number okay when they see a spelling mistake like individuals they'll mark it like that as they're going through and it's very quick to do this so at the end uh they'll end up with a certain number of marks and then they'll know that okay i have 20 marks here that means it's minus three um band scores uh and so this would be an overall band score of six so far okay so band uh let's i would probably market a band 5.5 kyber to be perfectly honest with you okay um so they're not gonna they're not going to correct it obviously that would take them forever and it would make your exam much more expensive because they don't need to give you feedback right but they do recognize all of the mistakes in real time and even if they miss one or two mistakes they'll catch 90 of them um so they're trained in in editing and proofreading just like i am okay all right um so again going back to this introductory paragraph kyber here the higher salary work i would say parallel grammar missing so parallel uh grammar needed okay um and um the original sentence here that kyber had so i believe that it is up to employees for excellence and quality what's the biggest mistake with that thesis members sami nari rumi you can jump in there as well and let me know so what is the biggest mistake um with that thesis so i believe it is up to the employees for excellence and better quality work there's a very very crucial or critical mistake with that thesis what is it okay can anybody tell me you have to recognize this kind of mistake kyber you have to correct it when you're writing an essay and this is one of the reasons that i decided not to go on just one side but mention both sides yeah rajvir very good so rajvir says that these are not mutually exclusive points yeah exactly so excellence and quality are kind of the same okay so i would say that excellence and quality okay these are not clearly separate points for the essay okay so they're confusing because it just kind of seems like one point that's the same point okay all right so again students if you want to get this kind of marking done for your essay writing what i recommend doing is going to our website okay and then in your my student account um if you click on uh the task one and task two buttons here these um these green buttons okay uh then you can uh send us your essays here so hi i want to send uh you my essay so it will uh do a word count you can submit it it's a paid service it's well worth it and you get that kind of editing and feedback that i was just showing with kyber's introductory paragraph so that you know where your mistakes are and so that you can correct those mistakes okay so i highly recommend using that service on our website it's very very useful and students are always happy with it so okay so uh let's go back to the lesson and work on the body paragraphs okay all right so just so we can kind of see the page a little bit better kyber i'm going to remove all of that um let's put it into a new one here we'll get rid of that okay and then we'll go back to the essay here so again whose responsibility is it to pay for uh the um job training and development for people okay so here's my essay so you can see that my essay kind of takes a two-sided approach here because it makes sense logically so this is my thesis statement here i believe that the responsibility of payment for job training should depend on whether or not the skill is specific to the position in the company okay um and here before that you see in my background i see some people feel the cost of training is up to businesses as they can profit more while others feel individuals ought to pay so here i'm going to get going on my body paragraph one okay and body paragraph one what do you think um it's going to be about okay yeah rajveer grammarly absolutely it's it's a very useful tool i highly recommend it to anybody um especially when you're you know learning your writing okay um so body one uh what should i target here so what should i be working on kyber you're very very welcome okay so in this case uh i'm going to discuss both sides i have a very clear opinion i said that the payment for job training depends or should depend on what that training actually is um what do you think i should start with here what should be the topic of my first body paragraph okay so mal i already have my introduction this is my introductory paragraph here so i don't need an introduction to anything um okay so rajvir says payment by businesses yeah so here i have some people feel the cost of trading is up to businesses as they can profit more so i should start with that one okay carolina says maybe start with the employee payment um carolina i think that would be a good idea as well if i started with that up here but here i mention that secondly while others feel it is the end of it it is uh while others feel individuals ought to pay since they can earn more um here i'm going to start with businesses but yeah i mean um carolina if i were to write this essay again i might start with the employee payment because it does seem a little bit more general right like if we're learning general skills okay but i think we can do either one here so um body one okay all right so this is what i need to discuss in this first body paragraph businesses have to pay for uh job specific training okay all right um so the first sentence that i need here is my topic sentence uh that introduces this idea and gives some more details so go ahead everyone uh write these sentences sami rumi rajvir carolina write this okay all right so let's write this topic sentence all right you all right um so there is my topic sentence okay so certainly a lot of workshops are directed towards very specific skills for employees in niche careers and this should be paid for by the employer as they stand to benefit the most okay let's see what others have come up with rajiv says organizations can increase their revenues when they have a workforce with up-to-date uh skills okay um sure uh rajvir i think it's a bit repetitive okay so you need a bit more definition or a bit more clarity there all right now following the topic comes the explanation okay all right and now i need to explain to my uh reader what i mean by the fact that some workshops are very specific skills for employees in uh niche uh careers okay um and then why this should be paid for so i need to by the employer so i need to explain this uh in in more clarity okay so all right so again uh keep in mind everyone that i am showing you how to write a band 8 or a band 9 essay so if some of these words are new or challenging don't worry about it write it down and learn them okay um so there are jobs in the medical field um i'm gonna change that to medicine construction and software and computers let's say that requires skills which may only be used at one place of employment such as operating a proprietary piece of hardware proprietary means that it's not common it's designed for one single use here okay all right meanwhile the topic sentence by june a number of vocational trainings are designed for specific occupations and their fees ought to be covered by companies since they are the primary beneficiaries that is a beautiful topic sentence june that would be considered a band nine so when i read that sentence june i can see that there are no mistakes in grammar use and coherence in fact your use of vocabulary is excellent and the overall composition is very good okay primary beneficiaries is an excellent collocation in this case so that's really really good okay i like it all right so here's my explanation there are jobs in medicine construction and computers that require skills which may only be used at one place of employment such as operating a proprietary piece of hardware and then here i need an example okay so the example will help to strengthen uh my uh my explanation okay so when you hear your teachers for ielts say supporting points um then this is what you have to think about explanations and examples okay so and by the way everyone we will have a grammar lesson coming up after this lesson in a little bit talk more about that later and so you're going to be able to enhance that as well okay all right um so let's uh let's write an example so what are we talking about here okay so um for instance an x-ray technician may need to learn the way to operate a new x-ray machine that the hospital has recently procured clearly the hospital should be the one to foot the bill for this training as they will as they can give better service and make more money afterwards okay so uh i'm i keep thinking about the original question and what i've written so far when i'm writing this example okay so here for instance an x-ray technician so an x-ray technician is the person that is working the x-ray machine in the hospital okay it's not a nurse it's not a doctor usually sometimes it is but that specific job is called x-ray technician so obviously you know ielts examiners are looking for lexical resource as well so if you write doctor they'll be like okay it's not bad but you don't have the specific vocabulary okay um here i just thought about the first explanation or the first piece of the explanation in medicine so there are jobs in medicine let's take out the it's not needed there um in medicine so i just thought about some jobs in medicine like a nurse or a doctor or if i know a more specific job like x-ray technician than i can say x-ray technician right and then i thought you know well x-ray technicians they work with a variety of machines primarily the x-ray machine maybe that has a specific fancy name but you don't have to have that level to get the band-aid band 9 okay and then um and then i thought about okay and it's visualization here right you really need to see the information that you're writing so i visualize this x-ray technician has to go for a one-week training course to operate the x-ray machine zy 2000 that the hospital just bought for half a million dollars and you know for me to pay for that if i'm the x-ray technician i'd be like uh excuse me that's not fair it should be the hospital it's their machine it's a unique machine uh clearly the hospital should pay for that so for instance an x-ray technician may need to learn the way to operate a new x-ray machine that the hospital has recently procured procured means purchased for the company okay clearly the hospital should be the one to foot the bill foot the bill means pay for this training okay so foot the bill for this training as they can give better service and make more money afterwards all right okay so hopefully that makes sense to everybody all right um okay uh now let's see uh what some of you have okay so sami says in my bank i always get training for new products and the latest technology uh through this i get more input and perform well and uh provide better business to the bank as well as higher pay yeah sami now if you're writing sami um in body paragraph one here i would somehow indicate to the reader that the bank is paying you for training which is specific to the bank and i think the bank is a really good example too sami because banks have their own kind of software their own kind of internal systems so it makes sense that you're not paying for that training because if you leave that bank there's a good chance that you'll never use that kind of software or that kind of a system ever again okay or a very small chance so um try to think about some specific training sammy that you've done at the bank where clearly it's the bank that's going to get the most benefit okay all right mal says since companies know better what they need to teach for their vision they can stand to afford the training necessary for their employees like training employees to operate a specific computer program okay mal that's good watch your punctuation okay but you're on the right track i think okay rashika says in my country governments organize special workshops annually for nurses to introduce new procedures to work effectively okay rashika um that's good what kind of a procedure and it's specific to uh the hospital system in your country which is government owned and operated right so they will always profit okay june rights for example a welder in a pipeline manufacturing company has to acquire novel welding techniques to produce quality steel for operation and obviously it is justified for his employer to pay for his theoretical and in-field training because the business owner can provide better products to clients and thus obtain more products yeah june very good so the right idea okay um now i'm going to have a connecting sentence here okay and my connecting sentence has to conclude this paragraph and has to lead into the next paragraph okay all right so okay and then comes body two so body two is the same idea but here i'm going to introduce the other uh side of this coin which is a individual should pay for generalized skills in the workforce okay so uh again any time that you're doing this at home it's good to read especially from your thesis and then reread your body paragraph and then start your second body paragraph okay so i believe that the responsibility of payment for job training should depend on whether or not the skill is specific to the position in the company certainly a lot of workshops are directed towards very specific skills for employees in niche careers and this should be paid for by the employer as they stand to benefit the most there are jobs in medicine construction and computers that require skills which may only be used at one place of employment such as operating a proprietary piece of hardware for instance an x-ray technician may need to learn the way to operate a new x-ray machine that the hospital has recently procured clearly the hospital should be the one to foot the bill for this training as they can give better service and make more money afterwards this is the case where i believe that the company should pay for ongoing career development however there are many skills that can be applied to a wide range of jobs and this kind of education needs to be paid for by each individual again there are skills in medicine construction and computers that are industry standards and a worker needs to use regardless of their place of employment okay so notice the strong coherence and connection here so now i'm kind of writing along here to provide further clarity okay um for you and just kind of this fluency so i have my topic sentence with the however and then i have my explanation with this next sentence and then now my example okay okay and again the example to write a good example everyone try to use or reuse the previous example for this uh situation or this context okay okay so um so the same x-ray technician may need to update their knowledge of anatomy okay anatomy is um understanding the human body the bones the muscles the tissues okay so the same x-ray technician may need to update their knowledge of anatomy in light of new research okay or according to standards um you don't have to so some people might be thinking yeah that's great adrian but i don't know expressions in english like in light of new research you don't have to write that if you don't know that you can just write update their knowledge of current anatomy or of current physiology or update their knowledge of the human body okay if you want to be simpler so um there are simple ways to express ideas as well if you have the vocabulary use it if you don't have that vocabulary it's still okay it's more important that you get the right idea in the right sequence or in the right thinking okay so in light of new research in order to provide quality work and this responsibility or and this expense is a bit better because we're talking about money and this expense um ought to rest with the individual as they can use it at any point in their career regardless of their employer okay so just giving a lot of clarity here all right so same x-ray technician okay everyone i've got a little bit more time to finish the conclusion so i'll do that but i will take a look at a couple of more um responses here okay okay rajvir writes nonetheless there are various generic skills that enable individuals to stand the chance to get employment in various fields and individuals should be held responsible to pay for these uh rajvir very good i made a couple of corrections that i think make your writing a bit more natural but overall very good okay sami writes notwithstanding certain skill development programs should we be paid for by the individuals where they can get some kind of certification so that they can use those skills for various companies also it will improve their employability okay so weightage for their resume semi it's a little bit awkward um it will make their resumes stand out or it will make their resumes better okay but to write it even more clearly or clearer sami it will make them more employable okay all right and then comes the conclusion okay so uh here we go with the conclusion okay all right so conclusion uh in conclusion okay whether the worker or the business pays for training depends on the skills provided by the workshop if the company benefits most then it should pay but if it is the individual that gains the most then uh they should pay they here means he or she i believe that this is uh fair and leads to the most viable results in the end for the ongoing success of employees and employers okay all right um so this is my conclusion here okay i so i'm kind of restating my main points of the essay from the thesis i'm strengthening my argument and i'm giving a take-home message so in conclusion whether the worker or the business pays for training depends on skills should depend on okay should depend on the skills provided by the workshop if the company benefits most then it should pay but if the individual uh gains uh the most then they should pay i believe that it is fair and i believe that this is fair and leads to the most viable results in the end for ongoing successive employees and employers fatma welcome to our group of members okay rajvir writes in conclusion whether the employee or organizations bear the cost of job training should depend on the nature of the training rajvir very nice beautiful use of english and great paraphrasing there okay okay so here is my full essay um i'll just read it from start to finish always read review your essays so billions of dollars are spent each year worldwide for ongoing job training either companies or individuals invest money to acquire new skills so that they can be competitive and productive some people feel the cost of training is up to businesses as they can profit more while others feel individuals ought to pay since they can earn more i believe that the responsibility of payment for job training should depend on whether or not the skill is specific to the position in the company certainly a lot of workshops are directed towards very specific skills for employees in niche careers and this should be paid for by the employer as they stand to benefit the most there are jobs in medicine construction and computers that require skills which may only be used at one place of employment such as operating a proprietary piece of hardware for instance an x-ray technician may need to learn the way to operate a new x-ray machine that the hospital has recently procured clearly the hospital should be the one to foot the bill for this training as they can give better service and make more money afterwards this is the case where i believe that the company should pay for ongoing career development however there are many skills that can be applied to a wide range of jobs and this kind of education needs to be paid for by each individual again there are skills in medicine construction and computers that are industry standards and a worker needs to use regardless of their place of employment the same x-ray technician may need to update their knowledge of anatomy in light of new research in order to provide quality work and this expense ought to rest with the individual as they can use it at any point in their career regardless of their employer in conclusion whether the worker or the business pays for training should depend on the skills provided by the workshop if the company benefits most then it should pay but if the individual gains the most then they should pay i believe that this is fair and leads to the most viable results in the end for the ongoing success of employees and employers who that was a mouthful but that's the essay okay so and it makes sense so that reads well that would definitely get you a band-aid band nine no question okay uh for this task two um we will post this on our youtube channel the essay the question so check back there later okay students i hope you enjoyed this class and it was fun for me to try this new kind of live real-time editing as well with your work kyber next time i promise i will do the same with other students so i'll take your writing and i'll stick it into microsoft word and do some editing proofreading show you where you have some mistakes okay again everyone make sure to check us out at for academic ielts okay and for general adults that's where you can get editing that i was showing earlier in the class our academic ielts uh website uh looks like this and it's got this these red buttons you can click those to join our premium package and our general ielts looks like this you can click that big red button there i will be back in about 30 minutes students with a grammar lesson okay so we're going to be learning grammar as well and i'm going to show you some interesting and um clever ways to understand grammar so come back in 30 minutes join me for that that will be an all chat class thank you so much everyone for watching and hopefully i will see you soon
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, Task 2, writing, essay, paragraphs, sentences, vocabulary, introduction paragraph, band 9, body paragraphs, conclusion, IELTS description, English examination, writing IELTS, writing for task two, second part of writing, writing strategies, IELTS task 2, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 2 explain, IELTS task 2 learning, IELTS task 2 explanations, plan, planning, understand, skills, strategies, task 2 ielts writing general
Id: hynJCfMTnAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 53sec (3533 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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