IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing - Pie Chart Band 9 Step-by-Step

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here in canada i hope everybody has had a great week and is looking forward to a fantastic and productive weekend in this class everyone we are looking at ielts task 1 writing specifically we will look at some pie charts and we will plan and write a band 9 essay together for the academic task 1 of the ielts exam the general version of the test of course is a bit different it's letter writing if you need that we have resources for you welcome jai neil this is a member's chat class everybody is welcome to join simply click the join button next to the subscribe button on our channel page if you do not see that let me know you can send me an email to adrian at ae help dot com while we wait for a few more members this class is presented to you by ae help dot com that's academic english help dot com and g that's on both of those websites we have lots and lots of materials for you to improve your writing including professional editing services as well as videos practice exams and help for all the other sections of the ielts exam this is the academic version of our website click that big red button to join our premium package we are an ielts uh registration center for the british council and certified british council agents the general ielts website if you're looking for task 1 general ielts you can find lots of resources here for that it's again click that big red button to join the premium package there hi paulo hi rashika welcome june nice to have you all coming into the class again you can get our apps academic ielts help the app links to ae and general ads help links to our apps and our websites work together and you can keep up with us on instagram as well ielts underscore ae help and gl's help all right fantastic so uh today we will have another class a little bit later in 90 minutes that will be listening part 3 and 4 that's a continuation of yesterday's listening test if you missed that no worries you don't have to uh have that lesson to do today's lesson okay everyone let's go to uh ielts task one let's look at today's question here so we've got a good one for you um last couple of task one classes we were looking at diagrams this class we're looking at pie charts okay so let's read this question task 1 writing you should spend about 20 minutes on this task the following charts show the various methods of watching the news in two different years uh rep report the main features and make comparisons were relevant okay so we're going to be looking at some pie charts and we have them here so we have a pie chart with data for 2009 and we have another pie chart for 2019 so these two time periods are 10 years apart or in another way they are a decade apart okay welcome ali and nick hill all right and then here we have our legend uh which tells us that the blue slices mobile phones the orange slice is laptops the gray slices tablet the yellow slice is desktop computers the light blue is flat screen tv and the green slice is conventional tv okay great um so we'll take a look at these pie charts in just a moment now before we get deeper into this task one i want to shed a little bit of light on academic aisles task one that's really important to know so these are some foundations i'm gonna go through this quickly you can discover this on our website as well it's very important to know this okay so there are about six different kinds of uh task one questions okay and they are pie charts line graphs bar charts chart and graph is same idea in british english they tend to use the word chart more in american english or canadian english we tend to use the word graph a little bit more but they are synonymous so graph and chart they're synonyms it's okay to paraphrase them the brits do use the word graphs and canadians americans do use the word chart at times as well okay so you have pie charts line graphs bar charts you have uh diagrams flow charts and within the diagrams you have some different kinds like you have maps for example or you have some other types of diagrams like process diagrams okay so that's why i said they're about six different kinds because you have a little bit of variance in the diagrams so you have diagrams which lets for arguments say are process diagrams and then you also have another type of diagram which is a kind of a blueprint or a map okay all right so uh the fundamentals for task one that you need to be aware of are these different types of [Music] pictographical data okay it's pictographical data because it's data represented as pictures and each of these has kind of a different style of writing and you'll see why i'm digressing here in a moment so this is important for today's lesson so hang with me okay all right um so each of these presents information in a unique way and demands a unique type of writing okay we'll talk about that in a second task one is an expository essay for all question types and must be written in the third person objective voice of the author okay so i'm not going to get really deep in all of this i'm just presenting this to you to make it aware for you or sorry make you aware of the fact that you have to understand all of this information to really get a good band score in task one i'm not making this up this is standards of information and standards of essay writing okay so this kind of knowledge is usually taught in grade 11 grade 12 classes in many western countries like the us uk uh of course also in australia so it's expected that you have this knowledge for college and university okay hopefully everybody is with me so far all right so um again each of these has a unique way of writing each of these is written as an expository essay expository essay means that it seeks to explain interpret information for the reader and it's written in the third person voice so you want to avoid words like you i and even words like we and us okay so don't use those kinds of words in this essay don't use those kinds of uh pronouns all right okay why did i just say all that uh because um one of the biggest mistakes for pie charts is that people tend to write in in a way that looks like or reads like a line graph okay not a pie chart okay so what is a big difference then between pie charts and line graphs so again one of the very very common mistakes that i see among ielts candidates when they're writing their task one for pie charts is they write about the pie charts like they're writing about line graphs what is the big difference between line graphs and pie charts in the way that they present data okay data is plural datum is singular okay so janil says written like a line graph yeah so what's the big difference what is the difference between looking at data on a pie chart versus looking at data on a line graph there's a very significant a very important uh difference okay that you have to understand okay so nick hill says line graphs are variations over the period uh june says line graphs show the dynamic change with time yeah yeah ali says line graphs are continuous exactly so line graphs are designed to show correlations oh among variables over a continuous period okay so the goal of line graphs are to show correlations it means connections uh among variables like let's say for example you have a line graph that shows the change in house prices over uh 10 years so here you have the variable of time you have the variable of housing prices and that change is represented as a series of data points over time okay pie charts conversely okay are designed to show what okay so we're looking at pie charts today so members what are pie charts uh designed to show okay again it's a different type of data and to do well in task one you really have to have this clear uh in your mind before you start writing so what's the goal of a pie chart so janelle says pie charts is a specific one for overall data for a time reason or others okay paulo re says it's a proportion ali says it's a stagnant data um ragav says it's information without any time dimensions it's not necessarily true because we do have time periods in this case raghav so pie charts are designed to show the proportions of variables from a hole within a given context such as time okay so with pie charts you have the pie which is the whole right like a pizza pie or an apple pie and you have the whole pie which is the complete data set right so you have the complete data set and then within that complete data set you have different types of data and that data oftentimes is nominal data okay nominal data means name data okay so in our case our nominal data are mobile phone laptop tablet basically these are just names that we're giving this or these variables right at the end of the day if you think about it a mobile phone a laptop and a tablet are really uh the same or desktop computer even actually might even include all of them here but mobile phone laptop tablet uh are very similar because in essence they're all three computers a mobile phone these days a smartphone is a little mini computer in your pocket a laptop is a bit of a larger mobile computer with a keyboard a tablet again is a computer mobile computer without a keyboard so a mobile computer without a keyboard mobile computer with a keyboard and tiny little pocket computer so they're all really just computers but as humans we make distinctions among these of course and we give them names so we call this kind of data set nominal data okay versus line graphs line graphs usually show interval data like what i said the cost of houses is measured in dollars dollars are interval data the difference between one dollar and two dollars is one dollar the difference between two and three dollars is again one dollar those amounts are equal that's called an interval data so it's important to understand these kinds of fundamentals as you're going into college and university when you're looking at graphs and charts because you will see a lot of them in your school okay so you have different kinds of data as well all right so um when we're looking at this here okay i'm going to give you an example of why this is important to understand in 2009 we have eight percent here for the light blue and the light blue in this case is a flat screen tv okay and then in 2019 you have um 27 percent so this 27 is oftentimes what students will do is they'll write a sentence like this okay they'll write from 2009 to 2019 uh there was a sharp increase or i'll give you an even better one watching uh news on a flat screen tvs was sharply increasing okay so i'll make it even more of a line graph type of sentence so this from 2009 to 2019 watching news on flat screen tvs was sharply increasing is an incorrect sentence according to academic standards okay this would be correct if we were looking at a line graph but this is incorrect when looking at pie charts and the reason why is because we do not have information for the years between 2009 and 2019 so we don't actually have this uh data between 2009 to 2019 okay we don't know what happened here we have 2019 here and we have 2009 here but we don't know what happened in the years between so it's a false statement or it's a big assumption to make that there was a sharp increase it might have been a slow increase it might have been like this okay or it might have fluctuated for some reason in this part of the world we don't know that so it would be false to write that to our audience okay hopefully that makes sense all right so then i'm sure some of you are wondering well okay so what is the correct way uh to write this okay well we have eight percent here we have uh 27 here which is more than three times okay the proportion because three times eight is 24 24 minus 27 is we have three percent left so 27 is more than three times uh eight of course so for a band nine sentence what you want to write is something like in 2019 proportionally more than three times as many people watched the news on their flat screen uh tvs as in 2009 okay so here is your band nine sentence that accurately describes data in pie charts okay does that make sense everyone okay janelle says more than threefold janille that would be correct as well so this is pie chart this is line graph does that make sense this is accurate reporting of data without making assumptions this is inaccurate reporting of data making big assumptions and in science and academics that would be considered poor interpretation of data does that make sense members okay and hopefully for a lot of our viewers as well all right so again ielts especially academic aisles it's not just testing your english it is testing certain basic um types of knowledge that's commonly taught in high schools and is required for college and university okay everybody's got that yep so nick hill says got it ali's on board rashika very good okay so now let's do this so let's write this essay together okay the uh start of the essay is the introduction so for the introduction um what you want to do is you want to uh paraphrase the question and give it some more details um from the graph okay uh june there are verbs in the sentence uh so the verb is watched okay so we're always writing uh full uh sentences june you you need the uh subject verb object always it may look like that june but it always has the verb okay all right um so for uh the introduction the following charts show the various methods of watching the news in two different years report the main features so here for the introduction we just want to paraphrase meaning write it using our own words and give it details so instead of saying the following charts we can write the two pie charts okay instead of show we can write depict all right i'm going to write the introduction you do the same and then we'll compare it okay so the and don't i don't like writing the provided bar charts i think that's unnecessary okay so various methods well let's do a little count here we have six different methods okay you might list them as well here um it's not absolutely necessary but you could okay so the two pie charts depict the six okay so that would be uh my paraphrase or my introduction whereby i'm using the information from the title from the legend um of these pie charts to give it more detail and of course i'm paraphrasing so i'm not just simply repeating the question here obviously that's not going to get you marks um raghav says the rendered pie chart depicts the percentage or sorry one more time the rendered pie chart depicts the changes in percentage in various electronic devices um okay it's watching the news so be careful ragov of the question uh it's watching the news so devices used to watch the news i don't see that raghav in your introduction and that would be a problem it's a key piece of information it's the topic of this diagram or this chart okay ali says the two uh pies depict the different types of electronics used to watch news in two years 2009 and 2019 okay that's better ali yeah six different good correction yeah uh june says the two pie charts illustrate the six different electronic devices people use for watching news in the year 2009 and 2019 respectively very good june that's excellent okay depica says the pie charts depict the six different appliances uh instead of appliances depica i think gadgets is a more accurate word in this context gadgets people used to watch the news in 2009 and 2019 okay nikhil says these two pie charts illustrate the six different electronic devices used for viewing the news in the years 2009 and 2019. yeah and again here it's very good nick hill uh here's where again a lot of students will make mistakes they'll say from 2009 to 2019 and that little word from is a big mistake because from would be for a line graph not a pie chart okay janelle writes the two pie charts to pick the six different ways comma namely mobile phones tablets desktops laptops flat screen and conventional tvs comma used to watch the news in both 2009 and 2019. janil that's good watch the two commas that i mentioned because you're giving what's called a descriptive additive clause to your sentence it means that you're adding details which are describing uh your nouns more and you need the commas to encapsulate that additive clause okay angelo says the two pie charts uh narrate the six uh electronic devices that people used for watching news in 2009 and 2019. angelo watch your plurals and uh your verb tense it's in the past we're in 2021 now okay all right so uh depicts present tense for the pie charts because they're doing that now but watch the the news because that's when people did that action was in the past okay all right um so here we go the two pie charts depict the six different mediums used to watch the news in 2009 and 2019 including mobile phone laptop tablet desktop computer conventional and flat screen tv okay great now we want our overview and the overview is basically your main feature or main features so when you look at the question and the question uh says report the main features that's basically your overview okay so you want to report the main features the main features you're doing that mostly uh visually so you look at the the pictures here and then you report the main features um what can we say right away so we can notice something immediately looking at these two pie charts and we can report that what is that what do we notice right away what are the main features so we don't want to go into the biggest and the smallest or the smallest and the biggest necessarily um there's something else that we can see so ali don't worry about the green slice uh so much i think there's something much more prevalent here much more obvious and exciting that we can report okay uh janelle because i'm creating a list after including i'm creating a list and in order to create that list i put the comma after including so right away the reader knows that there's a list coming okay janil very good so danielle says there's significant variance among the mediums instead of variance i would actually use the word change here i think there's that's a little bit better but yeah daniel absolutely you're right so this green slice changes a lot but so does a lot of the other slices right so this blue slice changes a lot as well this blue slice changes quite a bit there's even a significant change in the orange and the gray slice so these mediums uh experience quite a bit of change um from one decade to the next right there's a lot of change uh some of them um they become much more popular like flat screen tvs and some of them like conventional televisions become much less popular right so that's our main feature is noticing that there is a great change in the proportion of the use of these devices uh both negatively and positively depending on the device right so that's what's most noticeable here okay so that's what i would write and let's do that together okay so i'm just gonna grab this part of my introduction and overview and i'm going to move it down so we can see it a little bit clearer here okay so let's plop these down here okay so the overview okay okay so something along the lines of very quickly it is noticeable that there are significant changes in the proportions of these devices being used to watch the news between these time periods okay some become drastically more popular while others become much less popular okay all right ali says overall there are significant changes among the gadgets within this decade okay um not within this decade but after uh a decade after 2009. so ali to be more accurate i would write a decade after 2009 okay because again we don't see what's happening within the decade we just see after the decade so 2009 2019 is after one decade not within the decade so careful with that ali absolutely they will catch you on information mistakes okay so the examiners are very [Music] meticulous at catching information mistakes okay janeil says immediately it is obvious that there were significant changes among these devices used uh for watching the news uh and between these both years okay janil again careful with the between these both years okay immediately one can notice that the proportions of these gadgets used for watching the news altered remarkably between the given periods from one period to the next okay or from one year to a decade later yeah it's a tricky one right to avoid that misconception of having the reader think about years between 2009 and 2019 so you have to be extra careful uh in this kind of situation with pie charts okay all right um so now we get into the actual analyses okay this is where we're looking at the specific data so here um i'm using my overview as my thesis okay so notice here i said some become drastically more popular while others become much less popular okay now a lot of people here might think okay i'm gonna write about this green slice first conventional tvs 34 and just four percent in 2019 but i'm not going to do that okay the reason i'm not going to do that is because in my overview i decided to write more popular first and less popular second okay and in the real world if you're dealing in business and marketing it's very likely that the industry will be more interested in what has become more popular rather than what has become less popular so even though that green slice looks like it's the most drastic it's actually the not the most interesting logically speaking okay that's from my perspective right all right apollo shouldn't it become the past tense if we're referring to the change paulo than its past tense or the years it's past tense if we're referring to the graph it's present tense because the graph is true now we can all see it now but when we're referring to the actual action of watching the news for instance then it's past tense because that was in the past i hope that answers your question okay so here i'm looking at what has become most popular or more popular uh definitely uh this one here which i mentioned before for the flat screen tvs that's very obvious okay another one that has become quite popular are the tablets okay obviously almost arguably even more so than flat screen tvs so these are tablets number two the gray okay has become very very popular and then we can see that uh there's a fair bit of increase in the popularity of these here okay so notice how i'm grouping those ones okay and the one that has become less popular oh sorry yeah this one's become less popular so i have to be very careful here not to make some mistakes there okay all right so let me erase that one so this one's become less popular actually i'm going to go with this one less popular and this one's become less popular okay all right so of the six we basically have four gadgets that have become more popular and then we have two gadgets that have become less popular and this is why you want to carefully look at this and identify your points of comparison before you begin writing the analysis okay all right so now i can dig a little bit deeper into this and write the body paragraph of the essay starting of course with flat screen tvs okay because flat screen tvs not only become much more popular but they also make up over a quarter of the total yeah sorry one and one here yeah okay so all i'm gonna do here is i'm going to take my sentence that i showed you as the example and i can just plop that in now okay making sure that i'm grabbing the right one not the one that describes the line graphs so the body paragraph is the analysis okay or analyses okay and then i start with the one that describes the first point of my thesis okay hope that makes sense so far all right just get these out of the way i'm pretty sure we can all remember those few points of comparison angelo says overall it is evident that the green slice shows a remarkable change throughout the decade some slices increase while some decrease in terms of its percentages angelo that's not going to work okay you have some incorrect information so throughout the decade we don't know that again it's not a line graph we cannot see all of those other years 2010 11 12 13 14 so we don't know what happens throughout the decade okay if i were a market analyst i would say angela how do you know that by looking at just these two years that is changing throughout the decade we don't know it might have stayed relatively the same for 2010 11 and 12. okay so be really really careful with this students all right uh june says it is is it better or june is asking is it better if we write two body paragraphs one about the increased popularity and the other one about the decreased one i don't think june that you need to get that granular we're discussing the changes between the two years that can all go into one paragraph uh i think it's quite awkward when uh students are dividing these task ones into four or five paragraphs it's it just reads awkwardly okay um we don't use the word crazily paulo in this kind of context it's too colloquial okay um angelo again the green slice is not what we're most interested in so don't jump on the green slice just because it looks big okay all right so um so here we go observing the data in further detail in 2019 proportionally more than three times as many people watch the news on their flat screen tvs as in 2019 making up just over a quarter in that year a quarter of the total in that year okay all right that'll be clear so observing the data in further detail in 2019 proportionally more than three times as many people watched the news on their flat screen tvs as in 2009 making up just over a quarter of the total in 2019 all right great so now the other device that uh experienced something similar is the tablet right so here we have a so similarly watching the news on tablets became four times more popular in 2019 making up one-fifth of the total in that year okay so i'm going to move along here nice and smooth now just to build a little bit of fluency so you can see how i put this all together in real time so keep up with me members and write with me as i'm doing this okay rashika writes the preference for watching the news from a flat screen was greater more than three times in 2019 at 27 as its use in 2009. okay rashika you need some commas in there a little bit of correction but you're on the right track okay um now let's see what else uh increased in popularity so this one decreased this one decreased so actually three of them decreased um and then this one increased also which was the mobile phone right so as well mobile phones also became more readily used for viewing the news with a change of 11 from 15 in 2019 or sorry in 2009 to 26 in uh 2019 now notice something interesting here uh everyone that i'm not really writing percentages all that often so this is the first time in my analysis that you actually see me really write percents from these pie charts okay again because a great essay will not just simply uh report the data so we'll not say percent this percent that percent this percent that a person can see that when they look at these pie charts so your goal is the author is much more to interpret the data like making up just over a quarter of the total okay so interpreting data is a lot more valuable for your audience than simply reporting percentages keep that in mind yeah um ali you can so from two you can because you're comparing from 2009 to 2019 but you're not comparing the years between so from and to is okay yeah good question okay all right so here depending on how much time i have if i'm running out of time in my 20 minutes to write the essay then i'm not going to write too too much about the less popular devices but i can just simply say conversely the other three devices and whatever those are so desktop computer conventional tv and laptop computer and conventional tv all became less popular for watching current affairs after the passing of a decade from 2009 the most drastic change was for conventional tvs which dropped in popularity from 34 in 2009 to just four percent in uh 2019 okay so depending on how much time i have i'm adjusting the level of detail that i'm putting into my analyses if i'm running out of time then i'm not going to write lots of sentences for the decrease in popularity of the other three devices i'm just going to group them together and maybe make a mention of the most drastic one which was the conventional tv and notice how that's at the end okay all right so um that's and you can still absolutely get a bad nine it's much more important that you leave about two three minutes before your 20 minutes is up so that you can review what you have written and make corrections as needed okay all right um rashika writes the same as same as the popularity of using tablets was an increased threefold in 2019 at 19 as they used in 2009 rashika you definitely have some word order and grammatical mistakes in that sentence it's very awkward so you have to rethink that and rephrase that okay angelo you have to say what kind of tv there are two types of tvs mentioned in this in these pie charts uh one is the uh flat screen the other is conventional and there's a very significant difference between the two so just saying tv is not good enough okay all right so i'm going to leave the summary for now you can think about that on your own i'm going to review this so the two pie charts depict the six different mediums used to watch the news in 2009 and 2019 including mobile phone laptop tablet desktop computer conventional and flat screen tv very quickly it is noticeable that there are significant changes in the proportions of these devices being used to watch the news between these time periods some become drastically more popular while others become much less popular observing the data in further detail in 2019 proportionally more than three times as many people watched the news on their flat screen tvs as in 2009 making up just over a quarter of the total in 2019 similarly watching the news on tablets became four times more popular in 2019 making up one-fifth of the total in that year as well mobile phones also became more readily used for viewing the news with a change of 11 percent from 15 in 2009 to 26 percent in 2019 conversely the other three devices laptop desktop computer and conventional tv all became less popular for watching current affairs after the passing of a decade from 2009 the most drastic change was for conventional tvs which dropped in popularity from 34 in 2009 to just four percent in 2019. okay good i can definitely write a summary here um i'll challenge you to do that you can email that to me members yeah angelo you can definitely send me your email or your essay story through email we can give you a free price or sorry we can give you a free estimate angelo of your score but if you want to get detailed editing then you need to pay for that okay and it's definitely worth it all right everybody that's it for these pie charts remember the key information that i gave you at the beginning of the lesson about the six different kinds of task one questions sandeep kumar welcome to our group of members send me an email sandeep a little bit later so i can hook you up with those videos exams and so on okay and uh stay around stick around everyone we're going to have listening uh part three part four continuation from yesterday and everybody will be able to join the chat there you're very welcome jai neil um ali great yeah refresh those lessons for sure review them uh great participation everybody good work make sure to hang around i'll be back check us out at for academic outs and for general ielts that's it for now but i'll be back shortly so hang around see you in 30 minutes i'm adrian signing out from victoria for now bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 8,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: 8kFnFHlb0Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 33sec (3393 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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