IELTS Live - Task 2 Writing - Plan and Start with a Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having a great week feeling satisfied fulfilled and looking forward students in this class we are looking at an ielts task to writing i'm going to show you how to plan and start your essay with the band nine task two writing is 40 minutes of the writing section um the writing section is one hour task two takes up two thirds it's worth two thirds of your mark and it's relatively the same for the academic or the general versions of the ielts exam so it doesn't really matter which version you're sitting this lesson will be very useful for you you will get a good idea of how to understand interpret the question and how to come up with some good ideas for your answer for those high band scores you do need to plan your essay well before you start writing hi daniel hi kyber hi ear fun good to see members joining in on the class this is a member's chat class everybody is welcome to join welcome carolina our chat moderator hi amman i'm doing great i'm happy you are excited all right while we wait for a few more uh piers to join in this lesson is presented to you by for academic ielts help visit us on that website for the general ielts check us out at g-i-e-l-t-s help dot com that's general ielts help dot com uh on both of those websites we help hundreds if not thousands of students each and every day these uh are um a one-time payment for lifetime access so this is the academic ielts website here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join our premium package for the general ielts you're looking for the website with the green background and again just click that big red button as you can see we are an official british council ielts test registration center and certified agents so you're in great hands with us we will help you get the score you need from start to finish all right everyone uh you can download our apps from your app store academic ielts help or general ielts help install the app link it to the website you can learn from your web account or your app account they're linked together so you can basically study ielts anywhere you are on your mobile when you're out and about or on your computer when you're at home um if you have a question send me an email to adrian i'll be happy to help you all right so we've got lots of classes this week check the schedule on our youtube channel make sure to subscribe to the channel and get notifications so you know what is happening at what time um all right let's get into our ielts task to writing a question for today here we go you should take about 40 minutes on this task definitely take 40 minutes it's worth the majority of your writing section mark read the question carefully so step number one read the question carefully and paraphrase the question this isn't to write the introductory paragraph yet it's just simply to understand the question and collect useful vocabulary that you can apply in your essay so let's read this question and then let's paraphrase it at home you should be paraphrasing on paper or on your computer and in the actual exam i recommend paraphrasing it as well in the computer-based exam it's really useful because you can cut copy that paraphrase probably into some part of your essay like the introduction or the conclusion okay uh so let's do this let's read this okay um here we go many companies are strongly against having personal relationships in the workplace and impose strict policies against it do you agree or disagree uh with this practice okay include any relevant explanations and examples from your own experience write at least 250 words okay think about how to paraphrase that so think about how you can say that another way akshay i see that uh you got a good band score a desired band score um great job okay good job with that akshay um i'm happy that uh you reached the score that you needed and good luck uh with the next steps all right okay everyone so again step one is to paraphrase the question okay so step one paraphrase the question uh using synonyms antonym plus negatives so these are just different ways that you can paraphrase grammar description okay there's lots of ways to paraphrase this will help you to understand the question think deeply about this idea and gather some useful vocabulary okay so it helps in a lot of ways to paraphrase this all right okay lucas nitz says uh several firms oppose having married couples in their workplace and want to ban it by law do you think it is a good idea to ban it or not okay lucas not bad um yeah it looks good um and yeah married uh couples or um some kind of love-hate relationships yeah possibly it could be other types of relationships too i'm not sure so we have to be careful uh not to restrict our ideas so a lot of businesses that's how i'm gonna start in fact i'm going to put it a little bit closer to the original question here just so you can see it okay let me put it in here all right so instead of many companies i'm going to start with a lot of businesses okay all right so there is my paraphrase of kind of the main sentence so here's the main sentence many companies are strong against having personal relationships in the workplace and impose strict policies against another way to say that in my opinion is a lot of businesses oppose having love relationships in the workplace and um in the place of work sorry so instead of workplace i just split that and put place of work and create company regulations to dissuade employees uh from doing this yeah so um policies against it dissuade us to discourage okay and i feel like it sounds or reads better if i finish this from engaging in such interactions okay all right and i can see that uh lots of our members are also coming up with some good paraphrasing now so let's take a look at that okay so june writes numerous corporations prohibit their staff from developing personal relationships in their work site and they enact harsh regulations to eliminate this do you think such action is justified um good june okay that works kyber uh states many organizations are forcefully disagreeing with maintaining a private connection in the place of work and commit regulations on this activity and impose regulations to discourage this activity kyber i think would be more natural and accurate uh do you approve or disprove of this notion all right very good paulo writes many corporations forbid their employees to have non-professional bonds with workmates but some regulations are in place to discourage it are you in favor or against this practice very nice apollo very nice paraphrasing so non-professional bonds sure that works all right arda stay as long as you can and just keep studying hard it's fantastic rashika writes a lot of organizations are imposing anti-personal relationships in the workplace and prohibit and prohibiting strong rules and strong rules to prohibit this do you accept this or not jainillo many organizations are let's see are um many organizations make it a strong priority to um discourage forming personal connections in the office and put strict regulations um and um impose consequences on people who do it do you support this notion or not okay janil good i had to uh do a little bit of correction there but your ideas right so your approach is good just a little bit of change of grammar and uh word choice amu writes many organizations restrict their employees from having personal bonds with other employees in the work environment and follow policies to prohibit it do you accept or deny such protocol amu very good i like the word protocol in there as well georgian writes a lot of organizations are against personal relationships at work and impose tougher policies against it and impose tough policies so georgia not a relative because you're not really comparing just tough tough policies against it okay all right um so uh unkit writes strict policies have been imposed by many companies as they are strongly against personal relationships in the workplace yeah it's a little bit reversed on kit it's a bit confusing so careful writing that way the strict policies have been imposed what do you mean by that right all right um amman writes the majority of the associations are strongly opposed to having close relationships in organizations and implement strict rules against employees that's pretty good uh aman okay many professional associations okay i would start it that way all right um so uh are you in favor or against uh this [Music] ideology all right yeah so you always want to finish your complete paraphrase so you want to pay attention to this do you agree or disagree with this practice because that gives you the type of question and answer that you need to have for this now um with this question so here we have a do you agree or disagree with this practice uh what do you think you should do um should you a both agree and disagree or be should you agree or disagree so let's take a vote on this uh what do you think for this type of question do you think that you should try to discuss both views and explain to your reader that it's good to have relationships as well as it's bad to have relationships or should you just choose one side and say i completely agree with this or i completely disagree with this what do you think is going to be the better choice the better essay the better argument okay yeah kyber maintaining is a good synonym for having um it works in this case okay amuses both views uh carolina says choose one side janil says a both rashika says choose one side so it looks like there's a bit of confusion and june says it should be b um because you cannot um have both yeah uh so absolutely i agree with june here so in this case i would definitely go with b okay in this case it is better to approach this essay as one side supported by two clear points because logically you cannot have both okay so it just wouldn't work in the real world right you couldn't have a company that says oh yeah we're supporting uh personal relationships in the workplace um if you find your significant other that's fantastic oh by the way you shouldn't do it people would be very confused right they'd be like um so can we date or no or what's going on right so logically here it's either one or the other okay so logic dictates it's either one or the other uh there's an idiom for this um in english i'm not sure if everybody knows this but the idiom is it goes like this yeah we don't need an exclamation mark okay anybody everybody heard about this idiom it's a good one so when you're looking at this type of question think about this idiom right think if it's applicable or not sometimes it's not sometimes you can discuss both views sometimes you can't um here the idiom is you can't have your cake and eat it too okay does everybody get what that idiom means um think about like a wedding cake for example right it looks beautiful it's got a lot of uh decoration it's ornate maybe you have a wedding cake that's got like multiple layers it's got the lovely couple on the top probably worth a lot of money and you just want to keep it you want to put it in your house like a statue but it's your wedding and people want to eat cake so you want to eat your cake because that's part of the ceremony but you kind of want to keep your cake and put it in the living room as a centerpiece well you can't do both right you either keep your cake or you eat your cake but you can't have your cake and eat it too right okay so that's the idiom that applies in this scenario you can't have your cake and eat it too and of course that's one of the big challenges for humans in many parts of life is we'd like to have this but it's just not logical right so we have to choose one side okay um so in this question let's identify the topic what are we actually talking about here so what is the topic here always stop for a second to identify the topic and verbalize it so explicitly state it in your mind okay you should never start writing a full essay or even a paragraph uh responding to a question without really being clear on exactly what you are writing about right like you need to know like what am i discussing here what are we talking about okay um and carolina says it's personal relationships and companies or in the workplace yeah amu agrees okay i agree um that's that's what we're talking about so we're talking about uh personal relationships in the workplace all right and what's the controlling idea yeah rashika you can think about rules for personal relationships in the workplace here they're kind of uh synonyms so um we can kind of uh choose this as both so rules for personal relationships in the workplace are simply personal relationships in the workplace and then put the rules part into uh the uh controlling ideas so just like june is saying so whether or not this should be allowed yeah because it makes the same sense the the concept of rule is innate in the controlling idea so whether or not this should be allowed okay good so uh let's do a quick kind of step three here um step three is think critically about the topic and controlling idea okay that means ask uh what why how and i know this is sometimes a bit redundant and arduous and some people are like oh can i just think about the answer like can i just be like yes they should or no they shouldn't because you have to be very careful to jump over the critical thinking element of planning because it's very easy to miss some important ideas that make your essay very good and if somebody writes at a band 5.5 band 6.5 ben 789 um how good your ideas are so how good your thinking and the content the information for your essay will definitely have a big effect on your mark because you're being marked on the coherence and cohesion of your essay and that's coherence and cohesion aren't just about language it's not just about vocabulary and grammar but it's really about having good ideas okay so you want to ask what why and how about um the topic and the controlling idea okay so when you think about the topic right the question that comes to mind okay so topic again personal relationships in the workplace so the first question that would come to my mind is what is a personal relationship at the workplace okay um so what is a personal relationship at the workplace and how would you answer that so this is where you'll see very soon that oh yeah it is a good idea to think about this a little bit more critically because i get a lot of ideas and then some people think well if i do this i'm wasting a lot of time or this takes so much time initially in the beginning it does take a bit of time but then you realize that by doing this you actually become a much faster author because you have the right ideas for your essay okay says what kind of personal relationship i would keep it a more simple bachrat so what is i think when you think about the what try to keep it really simple usually just try to think about the what is welcome back rajvir okay so just think about the what is so what kind of personal relationship to be avoided amu it's too specific um let's answer this what is a personal relationship at the workplace okay it's relationships are quite tricky to define um answer this for me so what's a good answer here natalie says it means maybe a spouse um i don't know natalie i don't know if it's a necessarily a spouse it could be if that's your interpretation then you have to include that in the introductory background okay so paulo says it could be a romantic relationship so a all right see it's not as easy as you think right sometimes it's like oh of course i know what a personal relationship is at work but uh do we really know like what's the definition right carolina says some individuals can find uh marriage or have love relationship um through uh meeting at the workplace yeah maybe carolina um janil says making personal connections with colleagues like boyfriend girlfriend friendship okay janil yeah that's maybe a stronger definition so janil says forming strong emotional bonds to have um boyfriend girlfriend friend connections that are not focused on work related topics okay so lots of ways to define this okay um amman says personal relationships are those when they are informal but we don't know what that is among um chin tun that's a very good definition so chintan writes emotional attachment between two employees or between employees right it could be more than two but chintan i think that's kind of the closest so chintan if i combine yours with giannio then um i kind of have the same as myself here right okay all right so rajvir perfect time to join back right we're doing that planning right now so that should help so what is a personal relationship it's a romantic relationship it's forming strong emotional bonds to have boyfriend girlfriend friend connections that are not focused on work related topics obviously right okay um what's the next question so being able to ask questions is a really good idea so what would be the next question and when you practice asking questions and giving answers you quickly start to realize that this can go very smoothly as long as you practice okay so yeah rajvir we've got lots of writing classes um this week so it's the perfect time as janelle's saying yeah so what's the next question that i want to ask here today i want to focus a little bit on this planning and then you'll see that the introductory paragraph comes very quickly when you have good planning amuses why personal relationships should be prohibited at the workplace amu you're asking the why question for the controlling idea not the topic okay it's very important a moon to have um that separation of what why how for the topic versus what why how for the controlling idea um natalie you're on to the how question carolina says why do people have relationships yeah exactly janelle the same so why are people making personal relationships at the workplace very good yeah b2 welcome to our group of members happy to have you on board okay all right yeah so i agree daniel the better question is why are people prone prone here means likely okay it's just a fancy way to say likely to form personal relationships at work okay uh very good so that would be the question about the topic okay all right so what's the answer to that why are people likely to form personal relationships at the workplace what do you think so i'll write an answer for this you write an answer and then we'll compare but i think it should be pretty quick right so i think a lot of you will come up with the answer here pretty quickly i think it's fairly straightforward okay all right farduous i'm not sure what you mean by that they have not good a good protectivity some of them consider that as a waste of time i'm not sure what you mean by that you'll have to rephrase that okay uh rafshanara actor for the course check out the 30 and 60 day study plan that's included as a pdf to know where to start okay yeah carolina very good so carolina says it has to do with time right they spend a lot of time uh together every day right so they spend a lot of time interacting yeah so they spend a lot of time together daily which facilitates emotional attachment facilitates here means creates the opportunity okay so to facilitate means to create opportunity okay so i'm giving you vocabulary and definitions here as we go along but absolutely carolina it's the time factor right so employees spend a lot of time together daily which facilitates or creates opportunity emotional attachment okay very good um how does it happen right how does this happen that's usually the how question when you think about the how question think about examples okay so um this is where it's really important to visualize okay and the answer here could be like they work on projects together their desks are side by side they talk about personal feelings and um asked to go on a date right so think about it visually okay you've got you know two colleagues they're working next to each other they're working on projects together they have time to talk about their personal feelings they get to know each other and then somebody says hey would you like to go on a date and so on so that's how that personal relationship evolves right and then of course they interact outside of work as well and that's very good paulo so paulo says they have lunch together they keep in touch outside of work right it's not necessarily true paul i mean it could be just that work right but definitely that's it all right no now let's do um critical thinking for the controlling idea okay all right so critical thinking for the controlling idea what what are the regulations uh put into place to discourage um personal relationships at work and this is um quick when you think quick here so um what do you think so if you think about companies right and what these regulations are to discourage people from having these personal relationships um what are usually those regulations or those policies okay keep it simple right again keep it simple so um carolina we don't want to go with why yet i think you're answering more the why question with the low performance okay yeah amu very good so loss of job yeah getting fired basically right yeah so that's absolutely it um usually the policy for those companies that have these policies um they will say that okay if you have personal relationships then one or both of those people will be fired from the workplace they might get a warning first and then they might get fired after but that's just generally the rule right they'll be like if we notice that there's personal relationships being formed or maintained at work um no bakrat i don't think there's salary cuts okay it's not it's not something where the company would just say will decrease your pay and continue your relationship it's more black and white in this case i believe so i think companies just simply say okay if you decide to do that you have to find another job right okay all right um now the why question so again students it's really important to practice this critical thinking this planning at home and a couple of the important points because i'm seeing these mistakes right now in these live classes okay so number one make sure to clearly separate your uh what why how for the topic versus the controlling idea okay the second point where i'm seeing some mistakes in today's classes make sure to clearly separate the uh what why how questions from each other because i am seeing a bit of confusion there so really pay attention to these two points when you're practicing at home because it's going to make a lot clearer of an essay okay everybody picking up on that so everybody clear on what i'm saying here when you're practicing your essay writing at home and this isn't just for high band scores on the ielts this is also for your college and university assignments and so forth and even in your workplace to communicate much clearer you have to have clarity and the separation of ideas uh when you're planning otherwise the confusion will increase in your writing and to you it will make sense but to your reader they will kind of have to really look hard to figure out what it is that you're trying to say exactly okay so i can see a lot of okays and thumbs up and and that's great you really want to work on that that's something that people authors can continuously improve on to make their writing clear okay okay so let's get back to this so the right question here is why do companies impose regulations to discourage personal relationships in the office okay and continuously paraphrase so notice how here instead of saying in the workplace i wrote in the office okay so when you're practicing at home always paraphrase and think of different ways to write this because that will continuously expand your vocabulary or lexical resource right so why do companies impose regulations to discourage personal relationships in the office okay um june says to make sure employees focus on work itself and contribute more to the company yeah absolutely june and you're looking at it from the positive perspective which is very good to ensure that employees are as efficient as possible with their work related tasks and then in brackets i would say that employees lose focus and become less efficient when um they have relationships at work okay sure yeah and june i agree so look at it from the positive right the company isn't really looking at it from this as much as they're looking at it from this they want their employees to have maximum productivity right you want your employees to produce because they're an investment right so for the company's interest it's not ideal to have employees falling in love and then not focusing on work right um fardio says because it's considered respectable and um for responsibility janelle says distracted mal says to encourage professionalism sure all right i think we're still missing one so really visualize this um and um think about this okay um listen and learn says so that they do not create any problem in the organization okay uh paulo says it could be that one of them could deal with sensitive data um so it could be kept confidential very good paulo yeah so personal relationships um at um a company could lead to uh reliability risks as well or liability risks yeah absolutely okay so okay so all of those yeah so there's lots of reasons um so to guarantee efficiency uh to avoid conflict of interest if we want to stay on the positive to maintain integrity right now suddenly you're starting to realize that okay whoa whoa there's a lot of reasons that a company might impose uh such rules for their own interest now in the ielts you don't have enough time to write about all of these reasons okay so if you try to write about all of these reasons you will run out of time and you're not going to have a clear detailed essay so it's very important in the ielts that you give a good amount of detail and a good amount of explanation so you don't want to jump around with too many ideas all right um so how can this happen okay think again of examples i'll give you a quick one that comes to mind for me i'd like you to also think of some examples here okay these examples will become very useful for your essay especially the body paragraphs okay so i want you to think of some examples i'm sure here you can come up with some most of us have seen movies or have heard of situations or have maybe even experienced situations that are relevant to this question okay i'm going to write one that comes to my mind okay so all right so based on what some of you said okay this is the example that i came up with come up with your own original example here okay so um a lawyer is fired from uh her because i'm i've got to his her confusion here so let's go to her here okay there we go so i changed my gender midway um here we go so lawyers fired from her law firm for having a relationship with her legal aid as she was found sharing sensitive client information okay so here i just created this visual image of this lawyer she's um working for a law firm she has a personal relationship with her legal aid she's sharing some sensitive information that's obviously confidential about her clients with the legal aid that comes to light that's discovered in the company and the company says whoa whoa before you make our company bankrupt and ruin our reputation you gotta go so that's the visual image that i created thinking about this scenario in this situation and that's really what you want to do okay uh june very good so june says a doctor and a nurse are dismissed by the hospital because they develop a love relationship with each other and make mistakes during surgery okay so um which leads to malpractice uh june so your idea is really good too okay absolutely it's a definitely a common one uh leads to malpractice okay malpractice is a good word here it's good vocabulary it applies here in my uh example and in your example as well june okay um okay amu very good so amuses in a hospital nurse is terminated because she is busy talking with colleagues about personal matters and ignores patients calling for help okay the patient got up and had a bad fall yeah absolutely amu yes so in the healthcare industry this is usually a very strong policy for these reasons very good example okay all right okay gentan vinay uh roshonara yeah go for it so create an example all right so i'll be looking for those examples while you do that i'm going to um start my introductory paragraph so the introductory paragraph for your essay has a hook has a background and has a thesis okay once you have good planning the introductory paragraph becomes relatively easy in fact the whole essay becomes much easier and much more uh fluid to compose okay uh so listen and learn says hr manager is reprimanded um as he is uh paying more money to his friend than other employees uh yeah that would work too so paying your friend more than the standard because they're your friend right or um a contract yeah um okay backroad a journalist uh is dismissed from a broadcast media company because he's spending most of his time um with colleagues and is found um being in a love triangle very good okay nice yeah so you're getting some good visual imagery there okay the hook so oh all right so i'm going for a little bit of a longer hook here i'm even including a reason here so introductory paragraph it is common for colleagues to develop personal relationships through their employment because of their frequent time spent together okay so here i'm creating a little bit of a different hook than usual i'm giving an explanation for why that happens right away with the topic okay making it a little bit longer but it's definitely interesting in catching uh the reader's attention okay so here we go um background so all right so nevertheless companies are often in strong opposition to emotionally charged relationships at the workplace and discourage such activity with threats of terminating employment right this is all coming from our planning right so what i'm doing here um some of you're like oh just kind of putting it out there right but it's all coming from the planning that we have done okay uh kyber writes maintaining personal relationships is common in most organizations okay kyber i like it it's provocative i was going to say many but i think kyber you're on to something because i think in most organizations we will find this okay all right apollo says it is not don't use contractions paulo so it is not a secret that a lot of people develop personal bonds with colleagues at the workplace i love it paul i love the use of the word secret in that hook okay uh amu one word nowadays one word nowadays all one okay so nowadays it's widely found that many people in organizations tend to develop special relationships as they spend a lot of time at work okay amu good simplify a bit nowadays one word okay all right okay harwinder it is easy to fall for a personal relationship in the employment sector due to much time spent with each other good harwinder very nice listen and learn many or most let me start again listen and learn so most employees form relationships with each other due to their shared environment okay listen and learn not same environment but shared environment i like it okay um all right so um here is my thesis okay i agree that for the interest of business personal relationships should be regulated by policy as companies must maintain efficiency and reputation okay so clearly we can see that my essay is going to focus on the agreement with such policies for having efficiency and the agreement of such policies for maintaining reputation these two points are now also coming from my planning and from visualizing that situation with the lawyers with the doctors that some of you mentioned at the hospital okay so good good i think everybody's got the idea now and again to develop introductory paragraphs of this level or of this caliber you have to practice planning your essays especially before you sit the ielts exam so that when you get to your test and you read that task 2 question you can identify the topic identify the controlling idea think about each of those critically come up with good ideas good visualizations and then come up with a solid introduction so here we go it is common for colleagues to develop personal relationships through their employment because of their frequent time spent together nevertheless companies are often in strong opposition to emotionally charged relationships at the workplace and discourage such activity with threats of terminating employment i agree that for the interest of business personal relationships should be regulated by policy as companies must maintain efficiency and reputation now when i read that it reads well i've got personal relationships kind of repeating a few times so here during the exam i would probably change that with the word relationships to bonds um and maybe this one to connections okay just so it doesn't read so repetitive okay otherwise i'm happy with it it looks good and now i'm ready to uh continue on with the body paragraphs and then of course the conclusion so that's it for today everyone again practice this okay so regvir um over the next few days make sure to practice this at home planning your essay so that you can do this quickly and you can do a lot of this in your head during the actual exam in the actual exam you only have about three four minutes uh for this whole planning process but notice that when you have it the introductory paragraph only takes a couple minutes to write okay all right that's it for this class everyone we will finish this essay tomorrow and i do see that there's some good writing for the thesis june for the background paulo that's looking good okay kyber the background is looking good there as well alright so keep it up we'll go over the introductory paragraphs again um tomorrow so uh think about them make adjustments revise them and then we'll review them tomorrow and then continue with the rest of the essay okay so bakrat bring that thesis statement tomorrow as well carolina thank you for moderating the chat and for the contribution thank you members for your support i'll be back in 30 minutes with general isles task one informal letter writing okay that's coming up next uh for everybody who's watching check us out at ae help dot com for academic outs for general out lots of hd high quality videos there to help your learning much love back to you kabul kyber in kabul all right that's it for now i will see you soon bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, Task 2, writing, essay, paragraphs, sentences, vocabulary, introduction paragraph, band 9, body paragraphs, conclusion, IELTS description, English examination, writing IELTS, writing for task two, second part of writing, writing strategies, IELTS task 2, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 2 explain, IELTS task 2 learning, IELTS task 2 explanations, plan, planning, understand, skills, strategies, task 2 ielts writing general
Id: 7oScFYyPjJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 53sec (3473 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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