IELTS Live - Speaking Part 3 - Answers to Get a Band 9

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today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada today everyone we are looking at ielts speaking part three and we are going to be practicing answers that get a band nine score welcome canoe hi a tharwa hi hubby bulyayev good to have many students already in the class that's fantastic everyone this lesson is presented to you by for academic ielts success check us out there i will show you this website real quick so you can see what we're talking about this is our academic ielts website here all you have to do to get access to our premium ielts package is click this big red button there it's a one-time payment for lifetime access we are an official british council isles test registration center certified agents we help hundreds thousands of students each and every day we have tons of testimonials coming in that many students have been successful in their goals and when you have access you will have access to your my student account and in your my student account you have student partner speaking and you can book a speaking interview practice with me clicking this yellow button for general al students it's the same idea green background click this big red button here to join the premium package again it's a one-time payment for lifetime access so it's really really well uh worth it hi prabjat welcome back jay neil good to see you uh fardious all right uh so going back to uh the syllabus uh for today um you will see that we also have apps our apps are available on google play and apple app search for academic ielts help or general ielts help to find our apps those apps will link to your web account so you can also follow us on instagram i'll say help and giles help and if you have questions students about your next exam about our products about english just send me an email adrian um hello neren gadis hello back to uzbekistan good to see many students all right everyone so we've got our speaking part three class right now this is a speaking class so make sure to speak and repeat uh we will not have live class on sunday monday tuesday that's usual and then we will have classes all next week from the 17th to the uh 20th multiple classes from the 18th to the 20th i will put the live class schedule on our youtube channel comments and board and you will also see it on instagram so that's why it's good to follow us there and now we get into speaking part three okay so again students this is a speaking class so make sure to speak and repeat okay so copy my sentences copy my intonation uh intonation means like how my voice goes up and down um and copy again my energy level okay so you can hear that i'm quite energetic and that's what you want to be during the ielts exam so you want to be really energetic okay make sure you have lots of energy uh for your ielts okay show confidence all right um english speakers culturally are quite outspoken oftentimes like we're you know maybe not as verbal as italians or maybe not as verbal as some people speaking arabic languages but english speakers do have quite a good melody and energy to their communication as well so make sure to copy that okay all right good evening ariza welcome back uh divya congratulations on your score send me a testimonial um so that uh we can put that up on our website with all of the other success stories okay so part three is a continuation of part two okay so part three speaking uh continues from uh part two now we just did part two uh everybody remembers what part two was about we just did a part two class we finished half an hour ago and that uh part two class uh had a specific topic what was that topic what did we talk about your examiner is going to ask you a question about that part two okay so what was that cue card about that we just that's right buckrat and light bulb in fact buck red is one word right so part two was we uh talk about an invention and our answer was the light bulb okay we talked about a light bulb so we talked about the invention of the light bulb and so on so here the examiner will say okay that is the end of part two now we will continue with part three uh for part three i'm going to ask you a question related to your response and some questions connected to this topic so what do you think a question might be that the examiner might ask you um in connection to your part two response so they will ask you a question to make sure that you're not just memorizing english and that you're able to produce original language so they will ask you a question to follow up on your part two response okay all right um yeah harpreet you want to master some more of the techniques and strategies and then you want to reappear for your ielts exam try to leave at least two to three months before your next ielts exam so you can really improve your score from five point five to seven five okay um jay neil good so daniel says maybe the examiner might ask you something like have you ever broken a light bulb um when uh replacing it okay yeah it's possible they might ask you something like that uh siam why is the light bulb so important they probably won't ask you that because you answered that in your part two so remember we said in part two that it's important for productivity for people to be able to do work or to have fun uh when the sun is down so we answered that question okay [Music] all right okay maybe they'll ask you something like this here let me ask you a question so have there been any improvements to the light bulb since edison's time okay so they might ask you a question like this have there been any improvements to the light bulb since edison's time now this is speaking part three so students make sure that you copy my intonation my pronunciation okay eugen i'm doing fantastic thank you for those cute emojis get into the lesson okay all right um yeah you can use informal english as long as you're using it correctly okay as long as you're being fluent okay all right harpreet uh buildings affecting climate is completely off topic here okay so the question is have there been any improvements to the light bulb since edison's time cannon yes it was is not present perfect all right um i would say yes there have been many improvements to the traditional uh light bulb which edison uh invented back in the 1800s uh these days people have invented uh energy efficient light bulbs such as leads also there are many uh colors and sizes and shapes in fact i have a large floodlight to illuminate my front yard this did not exist during edison's time all right um so uh here is uh my answer to this question and my first tip students when you are doing the ielts speaking is that you have to reflect the questions so notice that this question is in the present perfect form okay so this is present perfect so because this question is present perfect you must answer in present perfect okay and the best way to do this is use the question and include it in your answer right away yes there have been many improvements so notice that right away i am reflecting the present perfect grammar the question that's being asked by the examiner yeah that's right mamta we should use the exact same tense in our response okay fatma welcome all right okay um so here we go everyone practice with me uh first let's do the question and then we'll respond so have there been any improvements to the light bulb since edison's time yes there have been many improvements to the traditional light bulb which edison invented back in the late 1800s these days people have invented energy efficient light bulbs such as leads or leds also there are many colors and sizes and shapes that people can buy nowadays in fact i have a large floodlight to illuminate my front yard this did not exist during edison's time okay a flood light is kind of that big round uh shaped light they're the large lights that people work use in construction as well to give lots of brightness so they give off a lot of light they're used outdoors most of the time or a lot of the time they're called floodlights okay all right so notice that here um i answer the question okay so this is where i have my answer all right um and then uh here i have an explanation okay and then um near the end i have a smooth example okay so there is my example and good answers that get high high band scores in speaking part three will have these three elements in fact i just read an email from one of our students today who got a band-aid in their speaking and they said i used this answer explanation example and it really worked well i was fluent and hey they got a band-aid so um that's fantastic that's what you want to do and i just got that email literally like an hour before i started this class so that's awesome okay all right uh kevin bowie says since it's advent the light bulb has certainly improved in its light color and projection area if i'm not mistaken the original bulb could only light up within a few meters with yellow beams whereas the current modes like the fluorescent tubes send white light as far as 10 meters okay very nice all right okay kevin that is a fantastic answer okay very good kevin happy to have you on board all right so now the examiner will continue on the topic of part two and uh part two is about inventions so by this time you should be thinking about words like innovation uh discovery scientist research experiment okay advancement development all of these words should be kind of like spinning around in your head because you're going to be using words that are connected to the topic of an invention when you're answering these questions okay all right so let's get into it students make sure you have some water with you because you should be speaking not just listening to me but speaking lots okay all right let's do this together okay so the examiner will say okay let's discuss modern technology in your opinion is technology making people's lives easier why or why not okay so in your opinion is technology making people's lives easier why or why not um give me a nice full sentence answer for this one now uh i definitely recommend staying away from it depends so avoid it sometimes it's not avoidable but or unavoidable but avoid saying it depends okay instead just choose one side this is the ielts okay so instead choose one side and talk about it so instead choose one side and communicate it clearly okay you'll get a better band score you'll be more fluent when people say it depends this often leads to confusing uh communication as well so you want to avoid the it depends okay all right delany you can improve to band seven by following this lesson all right so again the question here is in your opinion is technology making people's lives easier why or why not okay all right all right uh mohina bonu says yes certainly the advent of sophisticated technology has really facilitated a comfortable lifestyle for many individuals that's a good start explain why and give me an example okay siam says yes in my opinion technology is making people's lives easier because nowadays without technology nothing happens technology gives us the power to boom and gives us access to create history siam that's a little bit confusing i'm not exactly sure what you're telling me about technology if i were an alien i'd be kind of like what um so you want to be a little bit clearer in your explanation nick hayman says i think technology has made people's lives much better and easier many innovations have saved people's time and energy in doing tasks and work aspects of life like the mobile phone and aiding long distance communication and the light bulb that i just said increasing productivity in offices nice on nice connection to part two good connection to the part two answer okay i'm looking up students because that's where i can see your comments so i'm looking up at you all right uh medina says uh it is obvious that it has both merits and demerits however i 100 think that it leads to much easier lives for individuals who use special types of technology in appropriate ways what do you mean medina what's the appropriate way to use technology again don't say that it depends or don't say that it has both merits and demerits strange by the way english speakers don't actually use merits and demerits in speaking that much the last time i heard one of my friends say the word merits probably like a year ago demerits even less common demerit i don't even know if i've ever heard anybody in here around me and canada use that word i'm sure i've read it i know what it means but i don't really hear that word often so keep that in mind all right um nilard says yes modern technology has made life more convenient for everyone and nilard says especially i love your class i'm not sure nallard if that's connected there but thank you make sure to give an explanation and example okay so um yes i believe that technological uh advancements have made uh people's lives much more comfortable and convenient by saving both time and energy the light bulb allows people to be more productive as i had mentioned and uh the washing machine saves tons of time and energy by automating the cleaning of clothes it probably saves me at least uh three to four hours of work each week okay all right so there's your band nine answer this would be considered ben nine all right and i'll tell you why all right so first of all i answer the question again here's my answer yes uh i believe that technology uh or that technological advancements have made people's lives much more comfortable and convenient so here we have the word easier okay and here i'm using the word comfortable and convenient to paraphrase the word easier by saving both time and energy so this is my explanation here okay okay so this is where an alien would be like oh okay i understand the concept of energy and time so yeah i get you okay i understand what you're talking about so here's the explanation by saving both time and energy all right and then i make a connection and connection to part two is very powerful students it creates more coherence more fluency um so connection to part two the light bulb allows people to be more productive as i had mentioned and uh the washing machine saves tons of time and energy by automating the cleaning of clothes so here i'm giving a couple of examples with my explanation and here's my specific example okay so uh my specific example here is uh i it probably saves me at least three to four hours of work each week now notice this communication here okay this is called quantitative communication and quantitative communication um means that i'm giving numbers okay so i have clear numbers here how much time technology is actually saving me to make my life easier so this question it's correct english it's showing a range of grammar it's reflecting the question accurately i'm using correlative conjunctions both time and energy and it's making connections it has all the elements for good communication and a great band score so this is what you want to do okay all right um buckrat that's a great answer too with the motorbike fantastic i love it okay all right um so here we have our next question keep these points in mind okay and again students it's speaking so make sure to speak while you're doing this class repeat and copy okay all right so here's the next question uh what are some important technological developments for the future now here clearly they're looking for will and going to this type of grammar okay so as soon as you hear this what will or what are the in the future you should be immediately thinking about using these uh future participles will and going to with your verbs okay so what are some important technological developments for the future give me a nice full sentence for this one if you need time to think about a good answer you can say something like this that's an important question but i haven't uh thought too much about it please allow me a moment um because you know this isn't something that we would automatically have an answer for so it's okay to ask for it of neet says okay uh judgment says mobile oh we already have mobile phones so that's not really a future invention um here you should visualize like what are the challenges right technology is often being developed to meet the challenges of the world so you should be visualizing and thinking about what are the challenges that we're facing in the world today what are the difficulties um that inventions need to address or need to solve okay all right uh monta's got some ideas so manta says maybe flying cars will be an important development for the future why mamta what kind of difficulty or what kind of challenge do flying cars solve i agree with you i think there's definitely an issue that flying cars solve think about what that is okay un says i think that technological advancements in space exploration and medical innovations will be needed for humanity's future the former one is important because humans have to inhabit other planets like mars since resources on earth are depleting rapidly the latter one is because reflecting on the current pandemic people may need stronger vaccines to cure even more dangerous bacteria virus or pathogens pathogen means it could be a virus a bacteria a parasite a chemical so any danger to the human body coming from the outside that's a microbe that makes us sick it's called a pathogen okay all right very nice answer on i like it siam says there are some great technological developments uh happening in the future like um inventing artificial intelligence which will give access to people to great amounts of information okay siam you have some good ideas you need to put it together a little bit better all right i'm correcting you in real time so watch those corrections okay all right um and let's see kevin bowie says the next big leap in technology so instead of saying the next big thing kevin i know you know this kevin but don't use the word thing some um examiners and some high-level english speakers when they hear the word things or stuff they just go that's okay because the word thing and stuff has zero value okay so kevin and i know you got great vocabulary so use it so the next big leap in technology is perhaps the rollout of the hyperloop a supersonic bullet train traveling across borders at the speed of aircrafts but at a fraction of the cost allowing humans to get more work done within much less time another key advancement is the popularization of 3d printers so architects and engineers can better visualize their end products and create objects which would be otherwise impossible okay very nice kevin uh akbar shocks says i think there will be some essential tech advancements in coming decades such as the ai industry will have a broader impact in fact embedding the internet into everyday technology is on the increase um i just bought a new uh stove and it is connected to my wi-fi so i can preheat the oven while driving home from work this is true so akbar sharks you're on the right path i can agree with you on that again make sure to repeat after me okay don't use the words thing and stuff students don't use the word thing and stuff so that's an interesting question i believe that there will be great advancements in both ai and flight technology i presume that soon enough we will witness the advent of ai flown drone transports for humans as this will solve the issues of traffic and dense uh population congestion in metropolitan areas such as new york and tokyo the other day i saw a video on uh testing such technology on youtube okay uh so there's my answer okay uh now um developments is plural so we need at least a couple and here i'm combining ai and flight so development and ai and flight when you have a plural like developments you want at least two okay so i think unsaid uh medicine and space exploration so ideally you want to think about at least two and think about why right always answer that why question i'm throwing some advanced vocabulary at you and some of my responses as well because this is speaking part three practice so when you see such new vocabulary write it down okay and add it to your vocabulary list okay everyone so here we go um repeat after me so what are some important technological developments for the future that's an important question but i one i haven't thought too much about uh please allow me a moment i believe that there will be great advancements in both ai and flight technology i presume that soon enough we will witness the advent of a.i flown drone transports for humans as this will solve the issues of traffic and dense population congestion in metropolitan areas such as new york and tokyo the other day i saw a video on testing such technology on youtube okay um so there is your high band answer um you're using vocabulary like presume advent okay um drone i think drone is with an e if i'm not mistaken otherwise it's drown drone sorry drone like that yeah um drone which is of course you've seen the drone planes and cameras that people are flying okay um some nice expressions here like soon enough we will witness okay um pay attention to that expression there okay congestion congestion is where we're not able to move around because there are too many cars or people all kind of squeezed into one space okay collocation metropolitan areas all right okay so the examiner will catch the use of such words and phrases and that will help you to improve your lexical uh resource score okay all right let's jump into the next question everyone so what kinds of modern technology do people rely on in their daily life just think about what you have in your pocket what you have in your house what you drove to school so just think about all of those and you'll come up with several okay so again i'll give you a chance to answer first here we go this is the next question uh what kinds of modern technology do people rely on in their daily life okay manta says there are a plethora of technological gadgets which people depend on each and every day uh mumta so let me grab your response uh and let me make some corrections here okay all right so this is uh monta mumta answers this okay thank you mamta for letting me use your uh response as an example here all right so right away you can see that spell check and grammar check they're underlining a couple of points here they're like hey there's some mistakes here um so there are a plethora okay the reason why we say a plethora is because plethora is one unit here there are plethora of technological gadgets uh okay because it's many gadgets you're saying plethora of gadgets so you have to have uh gadget sa which people depend um there because people are plural you do not use uh the s okay so you take out that s uh depend on it um it doesn't make sense here you need clarity so depend on in their every day lives okay plural again uh for example let's start that with a capital f uh for example let's put a space there uh washing machine microwave um always the last in the list you should add an end we do that even verbally so and mobile phone uh arguably i would make this a little bit more natural uh people cannot as one word everyone um so people cannot think about to live without these technologies so people cannot survive easily better choice of words people cannot survive easily uh without uh these technology yeah and you can do that you can say without these technology now i would finish this mumta with a smooth example so i would say my friend could not find his mobile yesterday and he freaked out uh he thought the world would end okay and i'm sure many of you have seen that right so use visualization so yeah when people lose their mobile phones or can't find it they think the world is going to end and it's all over until they find it again right uh so mumta that's what i would do to change your answer from a band six to a band eight okay maybe we could do a little bit more to make it a band nine um so munta says there are a plethora of technological gadgets which people depend on in their everyday lives for example washing machines microwaves and mobile phones which i have talked about earlier arguably people cannot survive easily without these technology my friend could not find his mobile phone yesterday and he freaked out he thought the world would end okay so that's kind of your colloquial language that'll work there um and that will work all right so that will get you a nice high band score all right okay uh akbar shock says aside from the light bulb the internet is the most important tech which people rely on in their everyday life since we cannot do much without the internet now we use it for information for communication uh for work very good okay so akbar shocks a little bit more detail all right very nice okay uh not to worry everyone i'll take somebody else's response here in a moment okay all right let's keep going so let's uh let's uh do one more here okay so uh let's uh talk about scientific uh discovery okay that's the next part here and if you're doing a good job um in your speaking the examiner will ask you as many questions as they can within that 12-minute time so let's talk about uh scientific discovery okay um here is the next question what are some of the most important discoveries for humanity in the last two centuries give me a nice full sentence answer for this one okay so nice full sentence answer for this one um again think about answer explanation and example i think that um your answer um uh akbar shock uh was a good one for this one so aside from the light bulb the internet is the most important okay that would work well for this one because this one focuses on important discoveries okay so now think about ways to say important so paraphrase it with crucial vital critical okay there's a lot of different ways to say important you want to paraphrase parts of the question as much as you can night jar our reef says there are a vast number of gadgets we rely on during rely on in on a daily basis such as a computer smartphone and mostly the internet i personally depend on the internet so much i could not even think of my life without it okay all right so what are some of the most important discoveries internet light bulb certainly two of them okay all right um so i'll give you an answer here and i'll wait for your answers and then we'll compare and i'll take somebody else's answer to analyze here so this will be my answer okay so i believe that some of the most vital uh advancements for humanity over the last 200 years include electricity and antibiotics without these most of the technology today would not work computers the internet and the light bulb all need electricity electrical power to operate also without antibiotics many people would still die well before their time due to illnesses such as new ammonia okay all right um so there's my answer uh again repeat after me so what are some of the most important discoveries for humanity in the last two centuries i believe that some of the most vital advancements for humanity over the last 200 years include electricity and antibiotics without these most of the technology or most of the technology today would not work computers the internet and even the light bulb that i talked about all need electrical power to operate also without antibiotics many people would still die well before their time due to illness such as pneumonia okay you're on the track for a band nine with a response like that for sure okay all right habib boulayev says in my view the most vital inventions that discovered in the last 20 decades are the creations which assist to travel to another planet advancements in rocket for instance could help for individuals who have uh tedious feelings about earth to have some data on mars okay um hobby boy there's uh some mistakes there i'm gonna take habibullah yev's response here and correct it from a band of four and five to a band nine okay all right let's do this so here we go uh this is uh hobby boo uh la yes response here okay and we'll take both parts of your response okay and then we'll take a look at it and we'll see how we can make this a lot better okay here we go all right let's do this so i'll be nice and quick and here we go okay hobby boulev good job and thank you for letting me use your example here so in my view the most vital inventions that have been discovered this is a present perfect passive because you're not telling us who is discovering so you're not telling us the agent or the doer of the action plus its achievements over time so you need to use the present perfect passive form of the grammar here okay so in my view the most vital inventions that have been discovered the last 20 decades 20 decades here is a bit awkward it's okay but i would say 200 years is better are the creations which assist travel to another planet here we can link this such as advanced rocket science uh for instance um developments which could help uh individuals who have pessimistic uh feelings about um life on earth in the future and ones that give data on mars okay all right so you've got a pretty outlandish answer here hubby boulayev and it's okay if you give an answer like this but you have to make sure that you're giving correct grammar okay and then you do have to give more clarity so i think this type of research has given much of the technology in transportation communication and medicine to the general public the rocket uh propulsion engine is also used uh in um planes okay whether or not that's true uh it doesn't matter um but that's the example there okay so this would be your band five converted to a band nine response uh hubby bulayev okay so that's uh what it is there okay i'm bringing it up so there you go okay all right so again here's the question what are some of the most important discoveries for humanity in the last two centuries now one problem here habibullah rocket science has only really been around for about a hundred years but it's okay all right so here's my answer i believe that some of the most vital advancements for humanity over the last 200 years include electricity and antibiotics without these most of the technology today would not work computers the internet and the light bulb all need electrical power to operate also without antibiotics many people would still die well before their time due to illness such as pneumonia this is hubby bulayev in my view the most vital inventions that have been discovered in the last 200 years are the creations which assist travel to another planet such as advanced rocket science and the telescope for instance developments which could have helped individuals who have pessimistic feelings about life on earth in the future and ones that give data on mars i think this type of research has given much of the much to the technology in transportation communication and medicine to the general public rocket propulsion engines are also used in planes okay all right now that's a much better answer okay all right okay everyone so here you have a couple more questions are all scientific discoveries a positive for society should there be more regulations placed on research why or why not you can practice these questions on our website so our website looks like this uh for the general ielts okay it's got this green background you can click this big red button to join our premium ielts course for the academic one it looks like this i'll show you the urls in a second this is and you can go to your my student page and here you have student partner speaking so you can click on that and then um here you see that there's akshay uzman and niaz that are in here you can video an audio chat with people who are in here just like skype or whatsapp but people in here are all studying ielts that's the good news okay you can do the same thing in the general ielts as well okay so that's where you can practice your speaking for free with other students you can create a free account as well okay so lots and lots of goodies there for you computer-based practice exams um videos much much more so practice the questions from today's class there okay and remember everyone that we've got lots more ielts live classes next week uh starting on uh wednesday the 17th okay so wednesday the 17th um we're going to start back up again and then we'll have lots more live classes um it's been great having all of you thank you so much for all of your interactions uh thank you members for your support you can always join and become a member of our youtube channel definitely subscribe definitely check your notifications from us if you're studying ielts we are leaders when it comes to ielts test preparation have a wonderful rest of your weekend everyone much love to all of you wherever you are in this beautiful world chin up looking forward and the best of luck for those of you sitting your ielts exams i'm adrienne and i'm signing out from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada again visit ae help dot com for academic ielts and for general owls bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: vW7hoLnsD1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 37sec (3157 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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