IELTS Live - Speaking Part 3 Band 9 Effective Finish

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the southern tip of vancouver island canada i hope everybody is having an awesome start to their weekend i hope you're all staying happy healthy and productive welcome as he's back hi margiona welcome to our members hi mall good to see many students in this class everybody we are looking at ielts speaking part three band nine effective finish and the reason i'm saying effective finish is because part three is the last a part of your ielts speaking so once you're done with part three the examiner will say okay that was good no they won't actually tell you that's good they'll just say thank you and goodbye and then you're done um so you want to do really well uh to get a nice high band score uh part two part three uh that's basically where the examiner decides whether you're a band six seven eight or nine band a student so you have to do really well uh welcome dominique hi edgar welcome to more of our members uh hi gineal this lesson everyone is presented to you by ae help dot com for academic ielts success uh please visit us here click this red button to join our premium ielts package uh keep this in mind we will be using our website today for some speaking practice that's because our website has a chat interface like skype and whatsapp where you can basically connect with other students and connect with people like me even so i'll show you how to do that in a few moments and we will be using that to practice some speaking with real students from around the world today um so uh we'll get back to that in a bit um again for for general ielts if you're interested in the general version of the exam um then it's this green background at and you can click that big red button there to join the premium package students um there's this discount code that you can use when you're joining it's r4tyj you get a 20 uh discount so use that code um yeah arguably we have the world's most popular ielts learning platform online and on youtube we are the most popular ielts uh channel on youtube as well so subscribe follow us follow us on instagram ielts underscore ae help we've been teaching ielts for over 20 years we're certified ielts instructors we've taken the exam ourselves we're certified british council agents test registration centers so you know what's going on um for general ielts and to send me an email just reach out to me adrian i will get back to you usually within 24 hours so students today the speaking part three then we have a couple of days break so no class on sunday monday tuesday and we will have lots and lots of classes starting on wednesday again live classes um during the break time watch some of our other videos we've got a really popular ielts speaking interview up with the candidate from bihar india so check that out and look at some of the other hd videos on our website okay um so we've got lots and lots of students in the class now we're gonna get right into it students so uh yesterday uh we did a speaking part two and our speaking part two does anybody remember what that was about so um the speaking part two that we did yesterday it was something about our biology professor does anybody remember specifically what that speaking part two cue card was about and the reason i'm asking you is because speaking part three is connected with speaking part two so you have to really kind of make these connections uh between speaking part three and speaking part two so it's good to remember that um anybody remember what that was uh vinicius says it's something about friendly meaning friendly i'm not sure what that first or being friendly um yeah me very good so me says it's a person that you had to be friendly with but you didn't really like yeah so it was a person that you had to be friendly with but didn't really like and i talked about my biology professor mr andrews who was kind of a grumpy biased professor that wasn't really fair with the students but i had to be friendly with them because of my grade point average so i had to get a good grade point average by the way everyone the speaking part two from yesterday and the speaking part three questions today these are very similar to some of the questions that were asked on the alt exam last month so this is coming from real ielts exams it's not like we just made this up okay all right uh yo gesh if you're having you're speaking on monday i highly recommend volunteering to speak in today's class to build some of your confidence okay all right now a really important point here um we came up with some other ideas remember that for part two you have to come up with more than just one possible answer so it's super important because that's going to help you in part three so remember that for part two in the one minute preparation time you must come up with a couple of possible answers uh because even though you only choose one the other ones those will help you in part three they'll help you come up with some some good examples some good answers for that anybody remember what some of the other um [Music] answers were that we thought of yesterday so what were some of the other people that we might have been friendly with in our lives that we didn't really like okay so you must come up with a couple of possible answers these will be super useful for part three okay so um what were the examples that we came up with yesterday okay blueberry says the neighbor yeah yeah you live beside them so you can't uh you can't exactly escape them so sometimes you have to be friendly with your neighbor even though you might not like them okay um tran and norwinder say your in-laws yeah absolutely mother-in-law father-in-law brother sister-in-law yeah in-laws uh in-laws means like basically the family of your wife or your husband okay those are your in-laws okay um vinicius says customer or boss yeah yep customers always write you got to be nice with them otherwise you get fired um hi eugen thank you for those emojis making everybody happy with that sequence of pandas and such that's awesome okay anthon remembers the ielts examiner yeah just don't maybe don't use the ielts examiner in the arts exam but yeah that was a funny one anton absolutely okay uh co-workers teachers yeah so maybe the uh manager uh co-worker uh teammate right even on sports teams right like sometimes you have a teammate on a sports team and you got to be friendly with them because you're on the same team and nobody's going anywhere um so uh sometimes uh teammate okay it's teammate one word yeah it is one word there you go team mate with two m's okay uh so these are some good examples here right so you might wanna you know keep those in mind for part three answers okay um so here we go students we're going to do speaking part three now um we'll do the first question together just so you kind of get a feel for it and then i'm going to do some voice calls i'm going to call some of our viewers and we're going to practice speaking and analyze i'm going to give some band score estimates according to the official marking criteria of ielts so coherence fluency grammatical range accuracy lexical resource pronunciation i will give you marks for these and i'll really maybe even do a bit of practice so first let's do one question together before we start calling our viewers okay so now the examiner says okay that's the end of part two now we'll continue with part three for part three i will ask you some questions related to the topic of part two uh let's talk about friendly behavior do you think it is necessary to be friendly okay so give me a nice full sentence answer okay so you always want to do a full sentence answer which means include the answer plus an explanation plus an example okay so always do that in your example hand hint uh connect to part two okay so um use your part two answer for your examples at times in part three that will be really good okay thirty-one allah says yes it is mandatory for a person to have amiable nature a person not only feels comfortable but the company around him should also feel relaxed okay thirty-one alarm not bad i like the start of it i like the paraphrasing of amiable nature so like a friendly attitude um the second half is a bit awkward if a person should not only feel comfortable but the company around him should also feel relaxed i kind of get it but i think you need more clarification there okay all right so um again answer explanation example um anton says in my opinion it's not as essential to be friendly with someone as it is to be honest uh anton don't go into another kind of topic which is the importance of honesty okay so stay on the answer what i recommend for the ielts is choose okay this is another tip so choose the positive it's usually easier to talk about the yes answer it's usually easier okay so keep that in mind margus says yes i believe that being friendly is important and it's our and it's one of our positive behaviors towards people marguba don't repeat yourself you've got a bit of repetition there and you've got a little mix up of word order okay yeah van fam you can absolutely include some uh personal pronouns and part three in fact sometimes the questions in part three will even ask about your opinion or what happens in your life so uh when students feel like oh in part three you should not use i or me or my that's not true pay attention to the questions i don't know who came up with that crazy idea but it's a misconception it's true that a lot of questions in part three are talking about society or people in general but not always and it's okay to include personal examples there's no rule that says you can't say i in part three and the ielts does not say that okay some teacher or some institute came up with this idea and it's not correct okay um says yes absolutely being friendly creates a strong bond amongst neighbors yeah so um yes i do believe again students reminder we're not coming up with this question this is very similar to a question that was asked in a past ielts exam in november so the do you think is a yes i believe okay so yes i do believe um that it is important uh to be friendly with others since humans are social by nature and often we rely on one another for help and positive outcomes um just like my gpa depended on my friendly attitude with my biology professor okay so again remember connect with part two remember i talked about my biology professor i had to be friendly with them because i needed a good score on my final presentation so i connect with that um so here we go everyone just repeat after me and then i'm going to start calling students and we're going to get into this on a one-on-one basis so here we go everyone first question do you think it is necessary uh to be friendly yes i do believe that it is important to be friendly with others since humans are social by nature and often we rely on one another for help and positive outcomes just like my gpa depended on my friendly attitude with my biology professor okay answer explanation example notice here is the answer okay and then right away i use this word since by using the word since it reminds me to give the example okay since humans are social by nature and often we rely on each other for help that's why it's good to be friendly with our neighbor too right because you never know even though your neighbor might not be the greatest person there could be a day where your car doesn't start and you have to go somewhere in a hurry and your neighbor can help you okay so um that is my example and then here i'm using just like um to make the connection to uh my example okay so this is my example the last one was the explanation so well i don't like that color let's go with something a little bit different um i like colors but they have to be the right colors maybe not let's do that one that's a good one all right um so here's my answer okay so that is the answer all right um and then uh this here is my explanation okay and notice how it all kind of smoothly flows together and then here is my example okay and that's what you want to do and notice how i'm connecting okay so everybody's good yogesh says i want to volunteer i have my speaking on monday you'll guess you can definitely volunteer i'll try to find you okay and i know aziz is also in this class and i told him so but we'll have lots of chances today that's why i'm starting this early okay so lots of chances for volunteers okay repeat after me one more time so do you think it is necessary to be friendly yes i do believe that it is important to be friendly with others since humans are social by nature and often we rely on one another for help and positive outcomes just like my gpa depended on my friendly attitude with my biology professor that'll get you a bad nine okay all right so now students um we will do some practice speaking with our viewers okay and uh you can volunteer to speak with me first of all um it's great if you have a headset for this okay um and to volunteer you have to follow these steps okay so follow these steps for volunteering uh first of all you have to register a free or a paid account at so you can do this with a free account or a paid account either one will work excuse me still getting over that cold so even a free account will work uh general outs it'll work as well so this is our academic ielts website here you can join uh you can make a free account with the green button that's try demo or a paid account with the big red one it's worth it it's a one-time payment lifetime access doesn't cost much and then once you join you'll have a my student account that's right at the very top of the page here right way above my head okay then you go to your my student account and then in your my students account you have this student partner speaking up there okay so um there there it is that student partner speaking that's right above my head right there so you click on that okay and then you have to enable your camera your microphone your speakers we're only going to be using audio so no camera i'm using the camera for youtube okay so you accept and then you come to this page here [Music] where you can see all of the students who are in the chat right now so right now we have mahul niyaz amrit paul aziz back marzona manish panisha tranquing so we've got lots and lots of students already in here and um and then you can send me a message you can say hey i want to volunteer i can see that aziz beck just did that let me just see and then uh i can see that so here we can see as he's back okay aussie's batch says hi can i volunteer please please uh and again please yeah i know aziz beck you've been trying and we've had difficulties but it sounds like you tested your system so sure um so i'm going to call aziz back ask him a question and then we'll take more and more students in the class today okay so i'll be looking for students in here okay and again just audio students no video okay because we're using video for youtube but when you're practicing with each other you might want to use some video as well okay all right aussie's back i'm going to give you a call hopefully it works out this time here we go hi as he's back i can't hear you yet make sure that you have your microphone enabled for your browser and for the website in your browser settings okay and i'm sure the system's working we tested it before the class so you have to check the settings on your end i still cannot hear yazzie's back and i definitely have audio in my headset okay all right um okay while aziz beck is checking this setting as he's back i'll come back to you okay while you're checking your settings i'll look for somebody else uh so let's see manish here um manish [Music] says hi okay hi manish uh would you like to volunteer all right and by the way when you're um using our website to connect with other students this is what you should do so you should just send a text message first be polite and say hi i would like to practice some ielts um would you like to practice with me and then the person will say yes sure i have 10 minutes or i have 15 minutes and then you guys can do that um by the way up here at the top you have um just like right at the very top there you have speaking scripts as well so these speaking scripts you can use to practice okay all right so manish says yes of course i'm new here please teach me okay manish uh let me find you here again in the list and then i'll give you a call okay manish so i'm gonna reach out to you there we go and i can hear money swinging so hopefully manish will pick up keep the window open everyone when i'm calling you hi manish manish make sure again students just a reminder when you're using software that uses your video audio on the website then you have to make sure that you enable your browser for privacy your browser will always ask you do you want this website to be able to use your microphone and your speakers okay so you have to enable that i'm going to check my volume settings here but i think it's fine because i can hear the calls and everything so uh manish can you hear me okay no okay all right this is kind of the same as yesterday but then we got going so no worries okay manish check your settings and then we'll try again in a little bit okay all right um let's try azzy's back again i can see i think aziz becca's um says sorry maybe next time okay all right aziz so maybe some settings on your end there okay let's try bakrat so i know that bakrat's been going here i want to volunteer okay bhakra are you ready let's see if bakrat is ready yeah bakrat i just sent you a message okay all right okay um some countries too have restrictions with other countries so you know you want to check that um i think you can check that online like which countries are uh restricted for social media or for software and then you can you can see if maybe canada is one of them okay buckrad i'm going to give you a call and then we'll give it a shot here uh can you hear me adrian i can hear you loud and clear back right it's good to connect oh hi how are you i'm doing good thank you how are you doing uh i'm also good awesome is this the first time we're connecting bakrat no no we had also uh i had a conversation i think two weeks ago okay yeah i thought so i thought so well it's good to connect again um okay baccarat so we'll practice uh a speaking part three question okay um we'll start with the same one that we just practiced but i want you to give me a different answer okay sure all right so um and then i'll analyze your response okay yeah okay um here we go buckrat so do you think it is necessary to be friendly uh oh well uh friends bring more happiness into our lives uh than virtually anything else uh friends will have a huge impact on our mental health and happiness uh good friendship leave stress provide comfort and joy and prevent loneliness and isolation uh developing clothes friendship can also have a powerful impact on our physical health okay uh good all right buckrat so that would be about a band uh 5.5 to uh six okay for your answer but i think you can get higher i think you can easily get a band 6.5 um quite possibly even a band seven you have to make a couple of corrections in the way that you answer the question okay so you started a little bit slowly like it's okay to use natural fillers like um uh but you don't want to use too many of them and here at the beginning back right you used a lot of them together so you said uh well um uh uh and it's kind of like okay one uh or one arm is okay but when you use three or four of them together then that starts to have an effect on your fluency score okay okay so it's okay to be like um friends bring more happiness so one um or one uh it's not a problem you can still get a bad nine just not too many okay all right um and then the start of your answer was really good it was like a band eight band nine okay so he said friends bring more happiness to our lives than virtually anything else i loved that i thought it was very original it was natural there was some nice complexity to that grammar as well okay um and then you kept speaking you said friends have a huge impact on our mental health uh it prevents loneliness and isolation and then you kind of repeat it again that um it has a huge impact on our mental and physical health so there was a bit of repetition and it was your explanation was too long you started to over speak a little bit so that's why you got into that repetition as well and you missed one important part of the answer do you know what that was uh i think i think i'm like uh i'm i was trying to be answering the question i think i respected uh i majorly talked about friends instead of friendship yeah so you talked more about friends than friendship but i think the two are synonymous so i think your answer was on topic when you give an answer back right remember answer explain example so answer explain example and instead of giving a really long explanation where you're kind of repeating the same idea or the same explanation like the importance of friends on happiness and mental health it's okay to say that once but don't say it two or three times instead of saying that again and again go to an example like i'm really friendly with a lot of people and usually i'm happy every day all the time right and then that example is a much better way to finish and then you know that you should be done because you gave your answer you gave your explanation you gave your example and then you know you're done and you've got a good score and you can go to the next question okay all right so i'm going to um read the question i will give your answer with a little bit of an upgrade and then i'll ask you the question again and then just repeat okay [Music] okay all right nice and loud buck rod be confident i can hear you but you're very soft-spoken so be confident use your loud voice okay okay okay all right so do you think it is necessary to be friendly um friends bring more happiness to our lives than virtually anything else so yes friendliness is important for mental health it prevents loneliness and it makes people happy i'm a really friendly guy and i feel good every single day do you think it is necessary to be friendly uh well friends break brings more happiness to our lives than virtually anything else and it is important to be friendly with others friends have a huge impact on our mental and physical health and it prevent loneliness and isolation uh and i'm also friendly with my other my college friends and also my peers when i meet them at weekends okay good all right that was much better so that was definitely a solid six to six point five um again don't repeat yourself so loneliness and isolation are the same words so only one it prevents loneliness or it prevents isolation okay don't don't paraphrase the same word within the same sentence it's not necessary and your example was good keep it even faster and shorter right i'm good friends with many of the people in my college and i feel great and that's it and then you just stop and the next question's coming okay so that's how you do it so really keep focusing on all three parts answer explain example okay yeah yeah okay buck rod keep up the good studies i can see that you're improving so by looking at your responses and i know you've been a member for a good number of months now and i can see your improvement so keep it up okay you're doing a great job thank you thank you thank you for uh allow me to answer this question absolutely you're very very welcome um okay barbara have an awesome day and keep hanging out in the class um everybody give buckrat a nice applause please some thumbs up he was our first volunteer for the day that we connected with and um you know it you got to be brave you have to be uh you have to have some courage to um speak in front of several hundred people who are watching right now so uh shakshi says yeah buck rod clap clap clap and so do some others so that's awesome um okay so let's take another uh volunteer um i think we have jacqueline here i'm going to be looking for azzy's beck as well oh there's azzy's back we'll we'll i'll circle back to you as he's back for the next question i'm going to see if i can uh connect with jacqueline uh for now so um okay jaclyn says hi can i volunteer i'm also new i would like to give it a go please nice expression give it a go okay jaclyn let's see if you're still here so are you ready again students we're using our website for this and you need to log in create an account and use this student speaking partner function for this okay enable your camera enable your microphone and your audio okay so here we go everyone okay jaclyn is ready so i'm going to call jacqueline here for the next question okay connecting with jackman hi jaclyn can you hear me okay i cannot hear you um jacqueline uh check to make sure that you have enabled your microphone and your speaker for the browser i think that's where a lot of people are going wrong is that they don't have their microphone set up for their browser okay so make sure to have your mic and speakers enabled for your browser okay that's very important all right and you can test this uh students with others um when uh we're not in the live class like uh aziz did so um it could be that there could be like um a firewall with your country to certain countries like the u.s or canada as well so um i cannot hear jaclyn right now which is unfortunate but jacqueline just test the system later and then see what's going on with the setup okay all right let's try somebody else here so let me see all right so um aziz beck says i just installed a vpn can we try again um okay uh aziz back yeah let's try it again so i'm going to try to call azus back again yeah sometimes you need to use a vpn which is a virtual proxy network because your network might not allow um certain types of functions for browsers internationally okay so let me see if i can reach out to aziz beck let's see if his vpn is working okay hello aussies back can you hear me now i still cannot hear you now even when you're using a vpn students which is a virtual proxy network you have to test the system because you have to see where your virtual proxy is going through or what which countries it's going through okay so ideally if you want to speak with me you're testing it with somebody who is in canada okay all right um all right so aziz back says there's a bit of a lag and so it's not working that's fine we'll reach some we'll try someone else so peter here is reaching out let's see if peter okay so peter says i want to practice okay let's try peter okay are you ready peter here we go so if we were able if i was able to connect with bakarat i'm sure i will be able to connect with some of you so um let's try this so peter says yes i know vietnam is pretty good for example vietnam has usually no problem connecting i'm hoping to catch at least a couple more students hello peter hope you heard me have you hear me i can hear you peter yeah absolutely peter can you uh mute um youtube just so we're not getting feedback so just youtube muted okay yeah i chose me with thanks perfect awesome yes okay and speak nice and loud because i think maybe you're a little bit far from your mic or it's a little bit on your butt okay yeah i know i'm bringing the mic closer to me perfect all right i can definitely hear you better now i'm sure everybody else can hear peter as well that's awesome um peter may i ask where are you right now so which country are you in um um resides in vietnam and ho chi hotmail cities in particular okay awesome yeah so vietnam yeah vietnam has a pretty good connection through um chat software i know that so uh i'm not surprised we've been connecting quite well with students from vietnam okay peter so we're going to practice uh part three question uh just like we did with buck rutt so i'll ask you the question give me a nice full sentence answer explanation example try to connect it with part two if you can um and then i'll give you uh an analysis of your score and how to uh do even better okay yes thank you awesome okay so here we go with the next question okay um what are some ways that people express friendly behavior i believe that acting behave acting friendly with other people is really simple and also really useful too just like saying hi to a lot of people preaching to uh preaching to them start a conversation or even praising them when they did when it to fit something good is a size or ways of being friendly that person okay all right so let's analyze that response a little bit okay so again the question is what are some ways that people express friendly behavior and then you said i believe that acting friendly with other people is really simple and useful uh just like saying hi um like saying a greeting and um starting a conversation um that was really good okay so that was a nice start um you had good fluency and you had a fairly good explanation yeah the start of your explanation was good but the second half of your explanation started to get a little bit jumbled like a little bit mixed up right you probably felt that i feel a little bit nervous because it's first time so a lot of um anxieties is putting on my shoulders oh yeah i can imagine yeah i i can't imagine but it's a good it's a great way to uh build confidence to do this so um by volunteering um you're also building confidence and and that's fantastic by the way peter is actually my middle name so good choice there on the adopted english name um so uh you were also missing uh something from your answer that i recommended to buckrat as well do you know what that was i guess it's the explanation explanation right i think what you're wanting to say is example because you had the explanation but example yeah your your example um was missing right so yeah examples are super important um and even when you're thinking about your example you think of a different way to explain as well right so um were you here in yesterday's class when we did part two yes i heard that and i did some practice uh to myself okay good um remember um how i was friendly with mr andrews so what what was what was it that i did with mr andrews to be friendly you just being nice with him that's all remember i was being nice with him but there was something a little bit more specific i was complimenting him on being smart remember that yes okay so okay good so um so then when you remember part two right then you remember oh yeah complimenting another person like hey you're looking good today or oh i like your new hairstyle right that's definitely one of the ways that humans are friendly with each other is we complement each other even when it's not really true we just want to get something right so you can give that kind of an example okay so let me ask you this question one more time give me the same answer keep your explanation a little bit simpler so you can say just like saying hi and starting a conversation and then give me an example with complimenting someone okay so i'll ask you the question one more time give me the same answer just include the example this time okay so here we go uh what are some ways that people express friendly behavior i believe that acting friendly on people is really simple and easy to do just like saying hi starting a conversation or complimenting someone's on what they just do is really usually essential and needed like by doing this you can make them feel happier and also feel that you are being the friendly person and they will be friendly with you too okay good so um not bad all right so that was better you would you would definitely get a higher band score for that simply because you're not repeating ideas but you're presenting new ideas however don't switch to you right because now you're talking about me right yeah so avoid switching to the u instead use the i um i'll give you a sample answer and then i'll ask you the question again and repeat after me okay yes okay so what are some ways that people express friendly behavior um i believe that acting friendly with other people is really simple just like saying hi and starting a conversation and complimenting a person just the other day i complimented my classmate for their new hairstyle and they gave me the answers to the math exam okay all right so that's how you that's how you do it the ielts examiner will not take marks for saying that okay so and they will not call your math teacher um so here we go again uh what are some ways that people express friendly behavior um some uh you just ask the questions the new questions yeah it's the same question so give just repeat what i said repeat the idea of what i said okay so what are some ways that people express friendly behavior yeah i believe that acting friendly with other people is very simple and easy to do just like saying hi starting a conversation or complimenting something that they just do is really essential and by doing this you can help by do this you can nope stop there okay i'm gonna i'm gonna actually interrupt you there i'm gonna stop you there peter so just simply switch to the example i complimented my friend on the new haircut and they gave me a chocolate bar just the other day i compliment them on their new hack on his new haircut and they just gave me the answer for my math uh exams on the uh after work okay good yeah sure you stuck with the math exam all right so that's what you want to focus on peter okay so answer explain example and keep it all smooth and quick so don't get lost in over explanations okay you have good english so i understand what you say you don't need to over explain it to me okay i get it the first time so just finish the quick explanation and then give the quick example so keep practicing that and i promise you that your band score will increase by at least half if not a full band on your next test okay yeah i haven't taken i haven't taken the iot before so i'm kind of nervous although i have you know talked uh talked to lots of different foreign teachers and also my foreign friend too i believe that my there's nothing wrong with my fluency it's just being nervous and stuff that's some point that's that's the same for a lot of people that's the same for a lot of people peter and that's why it's really good to do this kind of practice to get on our website to speak with other students that helps to build that confidence and to build the right kind of communication so thank you so much for volunteering peter keep up the practice and i'm sure you will do great on your exam by the way your estimated band score i would say right now is between a six and a six point five yeah i'm aiming for the seven or maybe a 7.5 if possible but you know seven is pretty bad for me i think you can get a set i think you can get a seven maybe even a seven five with some more practice and just getting the right answer down okay yeah of course i'm having problem with developing the idea so yeah okay really gonna your recommendations into considerations awesome okay peter keep watching have a great day thanks for volunteering bye bye nice thank you man okay everybody so give peter a round of applause yeah he was nervous and it's totally okay to be nervous one way to overcome your fears and your nervousness is to uh confront it okay um i can see yogesh is calling me yogesh i'm going to call you instead okay uh don't call me because then it just gets too crazy but i can see that you're in here yogesh so i'm going to reach out to you and i'll give you a call if i see you okay so just hang up the phone okay i know that yogesh is one of our newer students doing their exam i think on monday so let's see yogesh are you ready okay i'll reach out to yogesh and hopefully we can get a hold of yogesh here for a question all right okay yogesh says your dash is ready okay all right so yogesh let me give you a call here okay you gosh here we go hello yogesh [Music] hello sir can you hear me i can hear you loud and clear yeah and i hear that you muted um youtube so we're not getting feedback which is fantastic okay yogesh awesome uh yogesh may i ask why are you taking the ielts exam for my higher education in foreign studies what are you planning to study business administration okay are you planning to become a businessman yes of course um buy luck if it if i go out a chance in future okay do you have an idea of what kind of business you'd like to own or operate oh um i'm planning to have a smaller outlet as it was always my dream to have a small business while i have a some big dreams to come out for big firms like working with multinational companies okay and so what area of business like clothing food industry jewelry technological or like stereo tvs do you know what kind well business uh are in various fields like i obviously like to work in the field of technical uh as i am good in technical handling technical things like uh managing cameras so i would like to prefer my business in a fin filming a business as it is a big interest in india as it would help me to spread my roots in filming industry okay great yeah so in the film industry kind of like what i'm doing right now right um okay that's awesome that's great um so uh good luck with uh your future dreams and ambitions you're on the right path um by being brave and volunteering for a question okay i'm going to ask you a question from part three again give me a full sentence answer and then i'll give you a score estimate and analyze your response does that sound good okay sir all right here we go so is there a difference between being friendly and polite behavior yeah yes it is uh quite similar to be listened at a friendly and polite behavior is quite same thing but uh talking about uh the specific thing that friendly is something that uh people are more friendly more uh good with other people while uh saying talking about polite thing light behavior people are apply it when they help others and speak and the speech of the that specific person is good with the other person as i i'm polite and as well as as well as i'm having a friendly nature i will i with my friends friends often be a friendly as i help them and their work as well as and their churros a daily routine and i will i am polite with it is it to be friendly in your work or school can you repeat the questions how important is it to be friendly in your work or school well in the work or school it's a lot of important it plays a lot of importance to be friendly with others as being friendly helps in a daily curriculum as it also provides different opportunity to know about other people and it obviously help in daily chores as a being friendly with the colleagues how to know about different types of daily routine and they always help in doing uh daily work in office or some people pretend to be friendly okay i'm gonna stop there notice how i keep interrupting you right nigesh so you don't want that you don't want me to interrupt you right no no it's okay no you definitely don't want me to interrupt you i don't want you to interrupt me you don't want me to interrupt you um that's not good conversation right so i think maybe you heard somewhere that you should just keep talking until the examiner stops you that's bad advice okay uh that's really bad advice so don't don't do that so right now your speaking would be scored a band five there are a couple things that you really need to fix because i think your speaking is actually better than a band five but the examiner will definitely give you a band five if you're going to do this on your monday exam okay so you have to change your strategy before monday okay a couple of really important fixes and everybody listen to this because i know that a lot of other students think this and do this unfortunately there's some really bad information on the internet and in schools about ielts of what to do and how to do and some of that information is just keep talking until the examiner stops you that's not true okay you have to stop yourself because what happens when you keep talking like this is i have to interrupt you because i have to try to get to the next question as your examiner and then you miss the question so when i asked you how important is it to be friendly in your school or work you didn't get it because i interrupted you so you said can you repeat the question sir it's okay to ask for the question to be repeated but you only want to do that once in your interview not five or six times and if i have to interrupt you you're going to do it almost every time because you're not going to catch the next question okay so we're having a conversation we're not having a fight for words we're you're talking and i'm interrupting you okay so you have to answer and you have to then stop and wait for the response okay also you don't need to speak this fast okay what's happening is you're speaking very quickly but it becomes very difficult to understand what you're actually saying so you're saying lots of words you're giving me lots of information but much of it is unclear because you're focusing on speed rather than clarity okay so my two biggest tips for you for your coming exam on monday is one slow down a little bit and think about what you're saying more carefully and two finish your idea and wait for the next question okay okay all right so i'll show you how to do that in a second here okay so my question was is there any difference between being friendly and polite behavior you said yes it is quite similar that's confusing because if you say yes it means that it's different so you should say yes there is a difference okay and then you said to be friendly and polite behavior kind of the same but being friendly is a little bit more it's more of a specific thing and then i did really lose what you were saying just because you were giving me so much information some of it was repeating some of it was unclear okay so um this kind of a question is difficult for anybody like if somebody asked me on the street is there a difference between being friendly and polite i would have to kind of think about that for a second and be like well is there a difference so the best way to start when you have this kind of question okay is to say uh that's a tough question um just give me a second and then i would say yes i suppose there is a difference okay uh friendly behavior is more than simply being uh polite um being polite means using kind words but being friendly means giving an extra effort to make another person like the individual like um i greet my i greet everyone and this is being polite um but i buy uh birthday presents uh only for uh my friends so this is being friendly okay and to do this you have to visualize it like you have to see it okay and i see myself saying hi and good morning to lots of people so i greet them and i use nice language but when i see myself with my friends i see myself doing more than just using nice words i see myself doing actions such as buying gifts or giving compliments that's more than just polite behavior okay so this is being friendly okay all right so i'm going to read this question again i will give the answer and then i'll read the question one more time and then you copy my answer okay okay all right so is there a difference between being friendly and polite behavior that's a tough question give me a second um yes i suppose there is a difference friendly behavior is more than just being polite being polite means using kind words like saying good morning and goodbye but being friendly means putting in an extra effort like buying birthday gifts for friends okay here we go so is there a difference between being friendly and polite behavior yes i suppose there is a difference being friendly and being polite with other people just being polite means using a kind of words but being friendly means giving an extra effort to make another person like the individual like i greet everyone and this is being polite but i am by a birthday present for my friends so this is being friendly okay great so that would get your band seven no problem okay and i could tell that you know you did a little bit of reading at the end but at the start i could tell that you're actually using your own words and your own thoughts to repeat um one so that was by the way that was a huge difference so the way that you answered now compared to the way that you answered first it was black and white night and day so there was a big big difference you had way more clarity you weren't speaking nearly as quickly you were speaking perfectly fine so that's totally a natural speed for english that you were using there but your answer was much more thought out so i could tell that you were thinking much clearer about your answer do that on monday and you're going to get a way better score okay okay so definitely i would uh also like to take your help on sunday if you are free um yeah i have some time on one on sunday so if you want to book like a full speaking interview with me you can do that on the website just click on that yellow button the speaking interview practice but make sure you do that today i usually suggest people to book at least 24 hours in advance okay so if you want to do that you can use the website but either way definitely do it this way on monday okay so slower complete answers stop wait for the next answer you're going to get a much better score okay okay so definitely i will uh get a get that now okay by clicking it yeah all right sounds good keep it up okay yogesh uh thank you so much for volunteering and uh we'll take one more speaker for the day so uh that was yogesh everybody give an applause for yogesh again it's it takes a lot of bravery especially like you know there's a lot of bad information out there so a lot of people don't really know what to do for these questions on the isles the first time okay um can you please stop calling me i can't pick up the phone so um okay so um let me find somebody else um to uh have a discussion with um please please don't call me i won't be able to answer your call because i don't want to encourage people to interrupt the lesson like that okay so we have mirza here um mirza says i want to volunteer so just send me a message students don't call me okay i can't pick up if you're calling me because that interrupts the flow of the lesson so just send me a message okay so merza says i want to volunteer okay marissa are you ready so let's see if mirza is still here with us um mirza um are you ready if merza gets back to me then we'll take mirza an interesting name marza okay let's see if mers is still on on the line here or still in the chat all right and again students test this system at home with other students keep this window open when you're using the website so other people can send you messages okay all right so i'm not getting a message back from mirza so maybe mirza had to run off somewhere okay lily here has sent me a message let's see if i can connect with lily okay so lily wants to volunteer and has even included an emoji um so okay lily are you ready let's see if lily is still with us okay so lily if you see my message just say yes um and i'll try to reach out to you okay i want to give everybody a couple of seconds here a fair chance okay lily says yep all right so um cool so lily i will call you here we go hopefully i can get ahold of you hello lily hello oh there you are okay you picked up so fast it's just one ring okay um all right lily fantastic thank you for volunteering it's very brave of you um lily may i ask uh where are you right now which country are you in um actually i live in uzbekistan in uzbekistan in tuscany in the capital city yes how is the weather in tashkent today why chill i would say i would say it's freezing it's freezing what's the temperature yes i'm not sure um s i don't go out so okay but is it like minus it's like minus five degrees or minus 10 degrees ish maybe minus five minus five okay so yeah it's definitely cold i've heard uzbekistan is an absolutely beautiful country with a lot of amazing nature so i've heard lots of good okay all right so lily um we will do a question together okay i will ask you a question for speaking part three give me a nice full sentence answer remember answer explain example and then stop okay um so we'll practice this and then i'll analyze your response give you some score estimates does that sound good yes definitely okay all right so um here we go let's uh try this last one here so okay uh here we go how have the ways people form meaningful relation or sorry one more time how have the ways people form meaningful friendships changed in recent years that's interesting question i would say i guess in the past people tend to make new relationship by just going out and and asking for meetings however nowadays these methods are became odd and untickly as nowadays we have a lot of social medias there um where people can just text a message and make new contacts pick my brother for exp for example he made a lot of new friends just texting to each other and finding new interests so it changed dramatically okay good all right so that would be that answer very good so that answer would be um about a band 6.5 i would say okay uh and i think you can get higher as well so your answer is somewhere between six and seven you have one of those kinds of responses that's a little bit tricky to say exactly what you would get i think some examiners might give it a six some examiners might give it a seven but most of them would give it a maybe a 6.5 okay i think your answer was good so i think you gave a good answer explanation example but i think it was a bit long and your fluency got chopped up a little bit i could tell like you're thinking about what to say and how to say it and so that broke your fluency a bit so your fluency score would be like a band five five six your lexical resource your vocabulary would be higher it'd be like a band seven your grammatical accuracy would be a band seven but your grammatical range would be a band six now i'm not just throwing these numbers out there's reasons obviously for all of these your pronunciation is fine your pronunciation is a band-aid okay so there's nothing wrong with your pronunciation i can understand all of the words coherence is a little bit lower so your coherence score would be like a band 5.56 coherence score goes below six when the person you're talking to doesn't understand everything that you're saying so in your response about 20 of what you said was unclear for me i was kind of like what do you mean exactly i got your overall message like i got the the main ideas of what you're saying but i didn't get some of the specific points you're trying to make okay so first tip uh lily simplify okay simplify so your uh thoughts are good simplify it um and build up your fluency okay so how have the ways uh people form meaningful friendships changed in recent years um what's the grammar of this question lily um so what what type yeah so what type of verb grammar is this question using how have the ways people form meaningful friendships changed in recent years i guess how making new friends changed so the verb grammar when i'm asking for the verb grammar i mean is it past tense future present present perfect past perfect how have the ways people form meaningful friendships changed in recent years and there's some hints in the chat so some people in the chat are trying to help you out they're yelling kind of at you so if you look at the chat you can see it yes present perfect yeah it's present perfect because you have that have really pay attention to that have auxiliary verb have changed right and then that means it's present perfect as soon as you hear present perfect you want to answer in present perfect so you said that's an interesting question i guess in the past before you say i guess in the past and start explaining it give a very clear present perfect answer so the ways people form friendships have uh changed much uh due to technology okay uh technology is changing the world around us so that's kind of always one of your quick easy answers that you can use is that technology has changed the world a lot so it's changing the way we make friendships right so you can really keep it simple by using that okay so you started well right you started to buy a bit of time to think about it like that's an interesting question and that was okay and then show the present perfect and that will get you your grammatical range marks up higher okay so that's an interesting question the ways people form friendships have changed much due to technology i guess in the past people tended past tense to make new friendships just by going out and meeting others face to face okay and then keep it simple however nowadays people use computers and mobile phones to meet up virtually on social media like facebook and instagram uh take my brother uh for example um he met a hundred new friends just by texting and that's it no more you just stop right there okay so take my brother you don't even need to say for example so just stop using for example for instance so take my brother with a smi slight pause he met many new friends you can say a dozen new friends so use numbers it will make your answer even better he met a dozen new friends doesn't means 12. he met a dozen new friends just by texting okay so then you'll get a much better band score let me repeat the question the answer and then i'll say the question and then just say the answer sounds good yep okay all right so here we go how have the ways people form meaningful friendships changed in recent years hmm that's an interesting question the ways people form friendships have changed much due to technology i guess in the past people tended to make new relationships by going out and meeting others face to face however nowadays people use computers mobile phones to meet up virtually on social media like facebook and ig or instagram i take my brother he met a dozen new friends just by texting and then i can ask you the next question okay um here we go so how have the ways people form meaningful friendships changed in recent years that's interesting question the way people from foreign friendship have changed much due to technology i guess in the past people tend to make new relationships just by going out and meeting others face to face however nowadays people ask use computers and mobile spots like meeting each other visually on social medias like facebook and instagram and so on take my brother he met a dozen new friends just by texting okay much better right i could tell that you were reading a bit there but i did like how you uh corrected my typo of us and you changed it to use yeah um i was typing quickly so i missed typing the e but it was good that means that you're paying attention while you're reading and while you're speaking which is a very good sign so good job lily that's what you want to practice okay so simplify yourself a little bit and just really picture it and focus on the simple concepts so it has changed because of technology social media versus face to face my brother uses whatsapp and has like a dozen friends right so simple thoughts they're not easy i know it takes practice but they will get you those higher band scores okay yes thank you very much you're very welcome lily and may i ask why are you taking the outs exam as many students i just wanted to study abroad which country i'm thinking about canada or america as my uncle lives there okay cool right on well i wish you the best i can tell that you've got a lot now going on in your head you're going to keep going there yeah it's just fantastic um so good luck with that okay um yeah both thank you very much so beautiful keep it up and i'm sure you'll get there okay have a wonderful day in tashkent bye for now lily goodbye okay so that was lily and i just kind of cut her off at the end there but i think she was saying have a good day so thank you lily that was awesome thank you for volunteering everybody give lily an applause um she was very brave to volunteer with us so um that's it everyone for today's class i even added on some extra minutes so we could get some more volunteers but don't worry if we didn't have a chance to speak today we will have lots more chances we've got lots of classes coming up next week this is our schedule next week here and you can see we've got loads of speaking classes for part one part two we're putting lots of these in we know that people really like doing these classes so we've got lots and lots of speaking classes coming up next week in the meantime everyone go to our website go to register an account buy our course it doesn't cost a lot and we've got tons of great help we help thousands of students every day to get better scores on aisles so we really do want to help everyone and and practice with other students uh so that's it for me for today everyone keep up the great work remember you all have amazing the most amazing machines in your head the human mind it is still by far the most powerful super computer known to human existence so use it and i guarantee you'll all be better for it i will see you all next week i'm adrienne i'm signing out thank you to all of our volunteers thank you to our members have an awesome awesome rest of your weekend bye for now everyone
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 8,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: qKwOIdJT8tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 16sec (4576 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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