IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 Band 9 Response Analyses

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having a fantastic week so far i hope you're staying healthy and strong in this class everyone we are looking at ielts speaking part one the speaking is made up of three parts the first part are some general questions about you we're going to look at how to get a band 9 starting right away from the beginning from these first few questions and we will also analyze the language the grammar the communication that's needed for these band nine answers and we will give a chance to some of our members to practice speaking and we'll analyze their speech welcome carolina our moderator to the class welcome amu hi arda hi harwinder nice to see many students in the class already we'll wait for some more members to join in and again members today is speaking again so you will have a chance to do a real voice call with me in this class where i will ask you a question you can answer and then i will give you a band score estimate according to the ielts marketing criteria and give you some feedback and maybe even a bit of practice while we wait for a few more members this lesson is presented to you by ae help dot com for academic ielts success check us out there for the general ielts visit us at we will use the websites today for our speaking our websites have a kind of a chat interface if you will where you can do video and audio chats with other ielts students our websites look like this this is our academic ielts website here at you can click this red button here to join our premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access it's not a lot of money so it's well worth it we're british council ielts test registration center and certified agents this is our general ielts website here with the green background again you can click this big red button and we've got some exciting news when you click that button to join our premium package today you can use for the next couple of days our best discount code of the year because black friday is coming up black friday is the discount day for shopping we have a 40 that's right a 40 discount uh for black friday for our courses so all you have to do is use this code here uh k f day and you'll save 40 um but hurry up hurry up this uh discount code will only be valid for the next three days okay so today tomorrow and saturday after that this discount will be gone so use that discount at ae and it's a great time to sign up for our courses with the courses you will also get our apps for your phone so you can study from your phone as well academic ielts help and our app for the general is general ielts help so lots there for you instagram you can always find our live class schedules daily vocabulary tips and strategies for the ielts so definitely check out our instagram ielts underscore ae help and gl's help you can find part two speaking cue cards and speaking section questions there to practice as well so lots of resources that's absolutely free of course and if you have questions uh please just send me an email to help adrian com all right we've got lots uh more uh members joining in now i see june mal rashika asma and arda says i think it's already cheap enough i think so too art i agree with you but we really want to help a lot of students and we really want to encourage them to use our courses um so we're we're also doing a black friday but i appreciate that positive feedback okay students so again right now we have speaking part 1 for members and then we will have task 2 writing for everyone in about 90 minutes of course everybody is welcome to watch this class and there's lots to be learned if you want to become a member of our youtube channel simply just click the join button next to the subscribe button if you don't see that send me an email and i can give you more information okay all right so let's get into our speaking questions for the day i'm going to make these a little bit bigger so they're more legible all right remember that word from yesterday legible it means that it is easier to read legible okay uh so let's uh warm up our speaking a little bit we'll go through these introductory questions a bit faster for our members today so the first question that is asked of um the uh candidate when they go in for their 12-minute speaking interview is may i see your identification so uh may i see your identification the ielts examiner will match your passport with you with your registration number you go to your speaking exam 20 minutes early to register and then they take a picture of you and so on and the examiner is already looking at all of that so they're matching you up make sure you didn't switch out with anybody during your 20 minutes and so on um so be confident be yourself and be professional when i say be professional it means sit straight keep your arms open so that you vocalize you verbalize and speak in full fluent sentences okay um so arda says gladly just a moment please here's my passport that i used to register for this test a couple of weeks ago uh please look at my credentials okay very nice arda um yeah so that's a nice full fluent sentence by arda it's perfectly fine i'm just gonna take that sentence arda and uh stick it in for us here because i think that's a fantastic way to start this and it's a great example okay so gladly just a moment please here is my passport that i used to register for this test a couple of weeks ago please look at my credentials okay all right now for everybody who's watching this is speaking so make sure to speak and repeat okay so copy my intonation my pronunciation my fluency my speed all right i'm speaking again canadian west coast style english okay so speak and repeat uh so here we go one more time may i see your identification gladly just a moment please here's my passport that i used to register for this test a couple of weeks ago please look at my credentials okay nice and fluent and then the next question of course is what is your full name so give me a nice full sentence answer for this one what is um your full name okay all right in bakara rashika harwinder i see that you have some good answers for the previous question as well that's great again we're going through these introductory questions a little bit faster because i'm hoping that we can get a good chance to talk to some of our members today in real time with a voice call so prepare yourselves for that all right um arda says my given name is arda and my surname is garbazz as you can see on my passport please just call me arda as i'm comfortable with it very good nida says my name is nida qureshi and you can call me nita uh yeah anita that's good uh i would say please just call me by my first name nida okay um so for a couple of reasons nida let me take what you wrote there and explain this a little bit clearer okay so remember the examiner doesn't know you this is the first time that they're meeting with you okay and you want to be kind of like a native speaker when you're meeting someone with for the first time especially in a professional setting right so first time professional setting you want to use the right kind of language nida so this is fine my name is nida qureshi okay and instead of and you can call me nida we would like to be a little bit more polite um so instead of this i would say use please uh call me by my first name or by my uh given name uh needa okay it's not too long but this is better because the please call me is a bit more polite nita and also when you say by my given name [Music] you're letting the examiner know that that's your actual given name so that's what you like to be called okay and it's not your family name they don't have to kind of guess it or they don't have to think okay is this going to be miss neeta or mrs neda or you know or is it just the first name nida okay so um this is a little bit of a better way okay all right bakrat says my first name is bakrat and my surname is sharma um i'm used to being called by my first name bakrat okay you're welcome nida hasn't says as it is in my passport my full name is hasna muhammad pranovo muhammad pranovo is my family name i'm glad to be called hasn't not will be hasn't it's a bit awkward to use the future participle will there i am because it's right now okay so i am glad to be called hasna which is now all right so uh i am glad to be called hasna okay all right okay um so a good job everyone now um we come into some more of these general questions that are meant to make you feel more comfortable so at this point the examiner is going to say okay i will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic okay so again like we practiced yesterday with everyone make sure that you think about answer plus explanation plus example okay when you are speaking that is definitely very very very important to give yourself the best chance to get those higher band scores those band eights band nines okay all right so make sure to always answer explain explain your answer and give an example okay all right illumina hi arthi muhammad over in our general english channel muhammad says my name is saiful islam and i am from bangladesh okay muhammad good um you don't need to tell them where you're from until they ask you okay arathi says my full name is arathi raj you can call me by my first name arathi okay good um so uh we're going to practice uh our speaking now a little bit um with uh with actual voice calls so i will put the instructions for this into the chat uh for everyone okay so um i'm hoping that our members will uh join in here okay all right let me just stick this into the chat here we go all right okay let let me just yeah i can't do it as one block so i have to do it as a couple of different pieces okay so um i'm going to be looking for some volunteers members for this okay so to volunteer for voice call speaking right now all you have to do is number one i've put the instructions into the chat you want to register a free or paid account at log into your my student account click on the student partner speaking and the rest of it's coming okay enable your microphone in the browser that's very important so when your browser says would you like this website to access your camera your microphone then you need to say yes okay and then just keep your window open so don't close that window once you get in there and then i will be able to call you so let me show you how to do this and we'll get into some actual speaking practice where everybody will be able to hear our conversation and then again i will analyze it and we'll look at it so we want to go to the website okay uh we'll use for this it's the one with the blue background okay and then what you want to do is create a free account by clicking this green button or if you decide you can create a paid account by clicking the red button and then you go to your my student account which is up at the top here if you're using a computer it's better to use a computer for this i think than a phone and then you have this student partner speaking okay if you're using a phone to look more like this and you will see the student partner speaking button like this and then you click on that you have to click accept this basically just means that you're responsible for your actions and for speaking okay and then once um you click there you're going to have access here with um with all these other students so right now we can see that tren santosh kyber june ivana and jyoti are all in here uh which is great so today is a class for members so we're gonna go with the member first let me see if we have any volunteers so far in the class okay kyber i saw you in there but i don't see you anymore so i'm looking for bakrat arda in here and if i don't see or june or asma as well carolina if you'd like that's fine as well there's rashika um rashika would you like to practice a couple of questions with us for the members is that okay here let me message you here okay i see hasn't in there now as well so here we go let me see what's going on uh hi rashika would you like to [Music] volunteer uh for a couple of questions by the way um doing this and volunteering everyone is a great way to build your confidence for the actual aisle speaking okay would you like to volunteer for a couple of questions okay hopefully uh you can get my message here you should see this message rashika popping up on your end um in your account okay there you are yes sir i see it all right i see your response okay so let me call you rashika and then we'll try this all right and it's just a voice call rashid no video because i'm using the camera for the youtube streaming okay so just audio all right and we're buzzing rashika remember right now hopefully she picks up okay [Music] hello rashika hello sir hi rashika good to hear your voice all right so rashika i'm just going to go back to the questions here okay okay and then um let me there we go okay so um here we go okay uh so rashika just uh be calm um you know you're i think your english is quite good based on um the uh answers that you're putting into the chat so just be yourself um imagine that i'm just in the room there with you talking to you just like the examiner would okay and then in part one here the examiner would ask you something like this okay so now i will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic where do you live i have been living in a rich i reside in a two bedroom apartment uh of a two four-story building uh in um little rock arkansas which is located um south central part of america okay all right um so i'm just going to analyze that um rashika okay so uh right away um that would be at least a band seven for your answer i can tell that you're nervous okay and that's totally fine it's the first time you're doing this i'm sure you're going to get less nervous with the next couple of questions so the examiner will not take marks away for being nervous especially for these first couple of questions as long as you are producing a good answer and here you started your answer in one way so you said i have been living in and then i could feel you got really nervous and then you changed your answers so then you changed it to i reside in a two-bedroom apartment in a two in a four-story building i couldn't quite catch the place um could you tell me what place is it again so what's the actual name of the uh city little rock little rock kansas okay i got it yeah so you really want to enunciate that especially the key part of your answer so little rock kansas okay so when you say that part really emphasize it okay so i reside in a two-bedroom apartment in a four-story building in little rock kansas like really just little rock kansas like really make it clear because that's your actual answer right so don't don't rush through the answer and then you said it's in the south central part of america okay which was good okay so nice detail so you told me about your building where you live the city where you live the state where you live and the region of the united states where you live and that's a really good answer okay now um you want to be calm of course rashika so that will come with practice and that's why it's good that you're doing this because uh your start the i have been living in is a nice start because that's uh present perfect progressive and using present perfect progressive of course is good grammar so you want to try to finish with the sentence that you start with okay all right um rashika let's let's try one more question okay so because we're doing a members chat class i'm going to try to do a couple of questions with each member okay so let's do one more question okay so here here we go here's the next question what do you like about your home i prefer a patio of my home because i can see a beautiful fountain and pond when i was when i in there actually it makes me relax yesterday i read a novel when i in a patio okay so uh let's take a look at that question and answer okay rashika so again the question was what do you like about your home and your answer was i prefer the patio of my home because i can see a beautiful fountain and pond when i'm in there actually it makes me relaxed yesterday i read a novel or i read a novel when i'm in the patio okay so that would be considered a band um 5.526 answer because there's some awkward and unnatural language there okay so we want to always correct that and i'm going to explain what that is okay so um i prefer the patio of my home that was okay and then you're giving an explanation because i can see a beautiful uh fountain and pond that's okay so far so this whole first part um is green it's good okay um when i'm in there is is awkward a natural language okay so when i'm sitting on the patio okay or when i'm hanging out on the patio you're not in there nobody no native english speaker would say when i'm in there okay so when i'm out on the patio okay so the correct sentence should be i prefer the patio of my home because i can see a beautiful fountain and pond when i'm out on the patio looking down at the park okay because you're on the fourth floor you just told me that your apartment is for story building okay so looking down at the park okay and then the next part actually it makes me feel relaxed to hang out on the patio yesterday i read a novel when while i was sitting on the patio okay all right um let's try this uh rashika so let's try it with the correction okay so i'm going to repeat it and um please repeat me i'm just going to go sentence by sentence okay all right here we go so first sentence i prefer the patio of my home because i can see a beautiful fountain and pond when i'm out looking down at the park try it i prefer the patio of my home because i can see a beautiful fountain and pond when i am out on the looking down at the park actually it makes me relaxed to hang out on the patio um yesterday i read an hour while i was sitting on the patio okay that was great i made a couple of corrections there just in the first part for it to be absolutely clear but that was good rashika okay rashika that's fantastic thank you so much for volunteering um you'll have more chances you're very welcome and um just uh stay in the class of course keep repeating we're going to do this with a couple more members as well okay so that was really nice rashika i like how you answered gave an explanation and an example that was a really important part okay all right everyone so let's take um another student here you're very welcome rashika goodbye all right so um i see that we have hasana bakrat as he's back santosh okay so we've got lots of people in here now um let's see would you like to practice a couple of questions i'm going to text you first and um students when you're using this function of the website i recommend doing it this way so first just message a person make sure that you keep your um your window open okay all right so here we go so uh hi hasn't let's see uh would you like to volunteer for a couple of questions so i'm just uh here let me show you what i'm doing right now i'm messaging hasn't hopefully volunteer for a couple of questions okay um here we go so i'm hoping i can connect with hasana for the next couple of questions so let's see what's going on in the chat okay um all right husna says yes and arda it's okay if you're 16 that's fine and june says june can do one okay we'll do some more students here in a moment so we're gonna go with hasn't for now all right husna so it's just again it's just audio because i'm using the camera for youtube so here we go husna i know the ring is loud everyone so hi hassana hi how are you doing i'm good sir thank you awesome how was the weather where you're at [Music] the weather uh in the place i am currently living it's rainy these days and in some areas flood occurs but thankfully in my area the flood doesn't occur are you in british columbia by any chance no okay because we have the same kind of weather where i'm residing as well we've had some major floods in british columbia so um okay so hesna thanks for volunteering i'm going to ask you a couple of questions here so this is where um the examiner will get into these kind of general questions for part one so the examiner will say uh let's talk about beverages okay and then the first question so just give me a nice full sentence answer um explain example okay so here we go how often do you drink juice i said i seldomly drink juice because my mom doesn't buy a lot of fruits and i usually buy them through online when i go outside i usually buy juices i love mango juice and apple juice i usually wear them in the evening last week i went to the i went to my friend's house and i buy couples of juice for my friends and i okay so i got the first part of that you have good fluency so it was difficult for me to catch up um with your speed but that's okay um because i remember everything that you said and i can give you an analysis here so that would be like a band five to six it's a little bit difficult to mark you because you have really great fluency but some of your answer is a bit awkward for sure and some of the grammar needs a bit of improvement as well so according to the ielts marking criteria your fluency is a band eight okay your pronunciation is a band-aid you have very nice clear pronunciation i can understand all of uh your words okay um your lexical resource marks or your vocabulary is easily a band seven i can tell that you have a lot of vocabulary however your grammar range is about a six and your accuracy is about a five and the coherence mark is about a five and i'll explain why okay so your start was really good you said i seldomly drank juice you actually said it correctly the first time i seldom drink juice not seldomly i sell them drink juice because my mom doesn't buy a lot of fruits so that would make sense if you say like we make juice fresh at home or fresh squeezed from fruit but because my mom doesn't buy a lot of fruit we don't often make juice right but you have to make that clear because most of the time people don't make juice at home so it would make more sense if you said something like i seldom drink juice because my mom doesn't buy a lot of fruit juice from the grocery store okay um does that make sense so far that's not yes okay um and then you said and i usually buy them online which was kind of weird for me because honestly i've never bought juice online before um that's one of the kind of items that i would not really buy online like i've never searched amazon for fruit juice and so if you say something that's like awkward the examiner will kind of be like huh they're not gonna make a face or anything but they will be like okay that's awkward english right um so you have to be careful with that so you can say i usually buy it from the corner store um but i only go there maybe once every week okay so you have to remember that you said seldom seldom means that it's not often and you have to focus on that word okay and then you started to have a lot of fluency and you told me about when you go out and you buy fruit juice with your friends and that was i think kind of awkward you even stopped there for a second i think the examiner would probably interrupt you um in that point in your speaking as well okay so um the good news hasn't is that i think you can get a really good mark in your ielts speaking like i think you can get a band seven or higher you just have to practice really putting together just some clear sentences okay so let's let's redo this sentence okay so i seldom drink juice because my mom rarely buys fruit juice while grocery shopping okay i would say only once a month or so i remember she bought some apple juice um about a week ago but i haven't had any juice in the last couple of days okay so that would be it that would be your bad nine so that's kind of the same idea that you started with but staying with the idea and then giving the answer explanation example with some present perfect at the end um and uh accurate answer and that's really important you want to be very accurate with your answer okay so i'm going to uh read the question the answer one more time and um i'll ask you to repeat try not to read okay so try to do it just from listening and repeating only read if you have to okay all right so i'm going to go first and then you go after here we go so how often do you drink juice i seldom drink juice because my mom rarely buys fruit juice while grocery shopping i would say only once a month or so i remember she bought some apple juice about a week ago but i haven't had any juice in the last couple of days okay try it i saw them drink juice because my mom really buys fruit juice while grocery shopping i will say once a month or so i remember she bought some apple juice about a week ago but i haven't had any juice in the last couple of days perfect so i were you reading husna yes all right fair enough and that's totally fine and that's totally fine that would be a bad nine of course so if you if you face that kind of answer that's a bad nine and it's totally okay to do it that way at first once you've practiced then again you want to repeat but without reading right so when you're doing this at home it's okay read it once read it twice and then try to do the third or fourth time with no reading and really get a feel for the answer okay okay awesome okay um hasn't i'm going to give others a chance as well okay so um i'm going to pick somebody else for the next question because i know we have a lot of pings but if we have the chance i'll ask you another question in this class or the next okay okay thank you all right thank you so much thank you and everybody give a round of applause for husna and for rashika as well they're really brave and they deserve your applause thank you husna okay so let's um yeah there we go now i see some thumbs up and some smiles and some applauses yeah thanks yeah support each other guys because i know it's really i mean you're in a live youtube class here lots and lots of people listening and lots of people are learning from you so that's you know it's your it's your good deed for the day you're helping lots of other students who are in this class and a lot of students have the same kinds of mistakes okay and everybody's nervous so you all deserve a round of applause okay we'll take somebody else here i see that june is in here um and he's anxious to get going as well arda wants to volunteer also we've got time this is a good um reason to be a member of the channel so arda no worries you'll have a chance as well i'm going to take june and then i'll take arda after okay i see that there's um lots of people okay so let's take june i'm gonna reach out to june here first uh via a message so again students uh when you're using this feature of our website what i recommend is to just politely message the person first and make sure that they're okay to speak with you so hi june uh would you like to volunteer for a question all right okay so i just messaged june here hopefully he gets my message june says yeah absolutely okay thank you june so again june this is just voice we can't do video because um i'm uh doing the live class but you know once you're comfortable with a person and you guys meet regularly through the website maybe you want to do video as well to give more um of a feeling of the real situation so here we go june i'm going to give you a call right now okay so i'm calling june hi june okay hi adrian you can hear me i can hear you just fine and clear and um june i know you've done a full speaking interview with me in the past so it's exciting to have you here in the class with me now thank you okay so june i'm going to ask you a question uh again just focus on paraphrasing the question so using your own original vocabulary to answer the question uh and give a full answer and once so this is important to everyone once you've answered the question so once you've given an answer explanation example then you want to stop so give a chance for the examiner to ask the next question so don't just keep talking okay you want to stop once you feel that you've finished the question and that way you'll get the best score possible okay so let's jump to the next question here all right here we go june so what is your favorite refreshment and why well the snack i love the best are the protein bars i guess you know recently i'm on a diet and this refreshment contain relatively less calories and a lot of protein well just half an hour ago i had a protein bar made with almonds a walnut and dark chocolate to boost my to boost my energy for this exam okay so um jude the examiner would likely interrupt you on this answer you have really good english your answer should be a bad nine but unfortunately it's not going to be a bad nine because you're not answering the question so um your answer is a protein bar but a protein bar would not be considered a refreshment yeah i was thinking though what is the definition of the refreshment so it is only drink or it can be also some like as like a snacking food yeah i thought about it i didn't say the juice or something on purpose stay with juice right and i'll and i'll give you a tip here on how you can avoid this mistake junior yeah so a refreshment will only be um some kind of a drink okay and the way that you can avoid making this kind of mistake is by keeping in mind the topic of part one so um the examiner will always introduce the topic so for instance when i did the official ielts exam in february i distinctly remember that the examiner said okay let's talk about maths so i knew that all of his questions were targeting math at that time not biology not other sciences but just math so here at the introduction it was let's talk about beverages so you have a pretty good idea that every single question will target beverages so drinks only if the examiner says something like let's talk about beverages and snacks then it's a little bit trickier but here but here because the examiner said let's talk about beverages um you know that the question has to be related to beverages so if you know that refreshments is some kind of a drink and you're thinking maybe it's a snack only go with the one that you're sure of so only go with the drink okay so um here we go let's try this one more time because i loved your english i just want a better answer okay okay so here we go so one more time so what is your favorite refreshment why well uh i guess uh the refreshment i love the best are the water water lemon juice you know they taste too sweet and you know they they're not they're not only tasting sweet but also contains some vitamins which can help me to recharge my batteries uh you know just uh half an hour ago i just had a glass of a glass of melon juice and which makes me better prepared for this speaking test okay all right let me just try to get a bit more down here all right okay so i transcribed as much as i could while i was also paying attention to what you're saying uh june so um okay that was good all right um and that would be an easy band seven okay um maybe even seven five um your answer could be as high as a band 8.5 but you need to make a couple of improvements june okay okay so you said well i guess the refreshment i love the best now if you can you want to paraphrase the um the subject here um or the objects or the refreshment okay so instead of saying refreshment you should say like drink okay or a juice or here you can even say juice if you're saying water uh mel or water melon right yeah um okay so um well i guess the drink so let's change this to drink i love the best is watermelon juice you know it tastes so sweet now another mistake here and this is a very common mistake and it's strange because it's technically not a mistake but if we're talking about good communication it's recommended to avoid this do you know what i'm thinking about june i've talked about this in some classes there's a word that you used a few times which you should not be using in your answer do you know what that word is maybe somebody else in the among the members can help here yeah yeah we see it in the chat so if you look at the chat june you'll see it there the word that you should avoid using [Music] it's you so jyoti and amu and art are saying you know yeah so you want to avoid that jun and it's part of diction it's part of kind of your natural style of speaking and i i know you live in canada right so yeah we we do this all the time canadians say you you know americans as well all the time but in good communication we actually want to avoid saying you know because i'm your examiner and i i actually don't know so i i don't really know what your favorite drink is and i and and i don't know that you had it about half an hour ago until you tell me right um here you say you know just half an hour ago i had watermelon juice and i know it's just an expression but i don't actually know that you had watermelon juice a half an hour goes to it in a bizarre way it's inaccurate right yeah you also say something to buy time so tries to use other phrases or yeah it's a type of natural filler i get it it's a type of natural filler so you want to avoid it if you can't avoid it completely you want to minimize it okay so you definitely don't want to say you know four or five times within the same response okay so you want to cut that out okay so that's my other tip so that would be the big correction so here here's what i would say if i were you keeping with the same answer well i guess the drink i love the best is watermelon juice it tastes so sweet not only is it sweet but it's full of vitamins like vitamin c and vitamin e just half an hour ago i had it to give me some energy for this exam okay that would be your band nine um try it again okay without the you knows just like what i said okay would you like me to repeat it one more time oh okay yeah we can just do that yeah okay i'll repeat it right okay i'll repeat it okay yeah yeah i'll repeat it one more time and then you can copy me okay so i'll do question answer and then i'll do question and then you can say it okay so let me go first here we go so what is your favorite refreshment and why well i guess the drink i love the best is watermelon juice it tastes so sweet not only is it sweet but it also has lots of vitamins like vitamin c and e just half an hour ago i had some watermelon juice to give me energy for this exam okay so here we go with the question one more time what is your favorite refreshment and why well the type of drink i love the bags are the watermelon dunes i guess um recently i'm kind of on a diet and the watermelon drinks would oh sorry oh okay yeah my my i just try again yeah i was i'm thinking about another one just visualize it so this is a good tip for everybody jun so everybody has you know when it's a long repetition like this it's tricky right and i think a lot of students right now are thinking yeah adrian we can hear how you know like this is challenging for students to repeat such a long concept right so the best way to repeat such a long kind of a sentence when you're practicing with your teacher your tutor with partners is instead of paying attention to each of the words you want to visualize it so you want to see the picture of you with this watermelon juice okay so um here again just picture it i'm going to say it and instead of listening for the words exactly listen for the picture the image okay so well i guess the drink i love the best is watermelon juice mmm it tastes so sweet not only is it sweet but it's full of vitamins e and c just half an hour ago i had watermelon juice to give me lots of energy for this exam okay all right so try it what is your favorite refreshment well i reckon uh the drink i love the best is the watermelon juice uh it tastes so sweet and they just not only sweet but also contains vitamins like vitamin b12 vitamin e things like that well just a half an hour ago i had a glass of watermelon juice to help me recharge my battery and make me and and give me more strings for taking this speaking test okay that would be an easy band-aid june so that answer even even with that kind of awkward finish it's still it's still a band-aid it's still a band-aid because it's very clear you were natural so that was good and the speed was good even though you kind of stopped a couple of times there it wasn't awkward so that would still be considered natural okay so that would be an easy band eight and i could tell that you were following visual pictures of you liking uh the watermelon juice and that was very effective so practice that in the future when you're doing this is instead of the words because you have good english think about the pictures and how those pictures um are put together in your head okay you got it awesome okay that was really really good thank you so much everybody give a round of applause you're very very welcome um give a round of applause to june everyone he's a brave man good job june thank you so much all right okay everyone so um we'll do one more i know arda is really anxious to get in there yes arda i see that stardust says can i volunteer if the time is not up absolutely arda i'm going to send you a message so make sure your microphone is enabled okay and we'll do one more question here so hi arda okay would you like to volunteer awesome and i already see your answer before i get my question up there i just typed it to you so um this is arda right now everyone let's uh let me just show you here a little chat there's yeah arda i'm chatting with arda first i'm just sending some text to arda arda is ready to volunteer so art i'm going to call you and then ask you the next question okay so here we go again it's just voice call no video because i'm using the video for the live stream so here we go arda okay hopefully we can get parda on the line here hi erda hello how are you good how are you doing i'm quite tired because i just i told him from school but okay you're quite tired all right may i ask where what country you're living in uh i live in turkey you live in turkey okay yeah so for me it's uh 6 30ish in the morning but i guess for you it's about uh five o'clock half past five yeah half past five yes i was right yes i have some colleagues in turkey as well so uh that's great okay arta well i'm happy that uh you're here with me in the live class you're brave men and that's good thanks awesome may i ask why are you taking the ielts exam i'm taking the ielts exam to study abroad uh to make more money and for my future career awesome actually i have been uh studying for ielts for two years okay for two years awesome okay and i can tell that you're practicing the british accent as well because i can hear uh slight uh hints of uh british english in your uh pronunciation which is great okay so yeah my mother is british your mother's british okay so that was a good guess on my part australian new zealand accent can sound similar as well but i can tell that you're closer to the british accent than the kiwi or the aussie accents okay um good so uh here we go arda i'm going to uh ask you a question again uh answer to the best of your ability pay attention to the details in the question and then we'll analyze it after it sounds good yep all right so here we go arda uh which kinds of drinks are not healthy and why uh in my opinion all kinds of fizzy drinks are extremely unhealthy uh because they contain high amounts of sugar and high fructose corn syrup and these ingredients lead people to diabetes and obesity my six-year-old cousin loves to consume unhealthy products such as fizzy drink and i think he's getting fat even though he's only six okay all right um so i've got most of it again uh my typing's pretty good but uh it's uh quite challenging to type as fast as someone uh speaking as well as you so um okay so students that would be an example of a band nine response very uh clear oh my yeah so you would do just fine there okay um it's natural if i were talking uh with you on the phone arda for the first time and i didn't actually know that um your first language is turkish and you're living in turkey i would just assume that i'm speaking with a native english speaker in some part of the world who is speaking very well at that so not just speaking with a native english speaker but with someone who has good communication skills you gave me a good answer you gave me an explanation you gave me the example of your cousin um you had natural fluency you had a great selection of vocabulary with obesity diabetes you didn't have to think about those words even those level words just came very naturally to you i liked how you used the expression fizzy drinks okay fizzy drinks technically are called carbonated drinks right or of course the other way that we call them is pop so pop pop or carbonated drinks or fizzy drinks and fizzy drinks is a very natural way to express that type of beverage yeah like coca-cola sprite ginger ale and so on yeah absolutely um so uh i'm not really going to do any correction here arda because there's not really anything to correct so thank you yeah the only very much you're very welcome the only step we could take is to say it a different way but um that was great so again the question was which kinds of drinks are not healthy your response was in my opinion all kinds of fizzy drinks are not healthy because they contain high amounts of sugar as well and then you said another part what was that you said sugar and something else what was the other i think i was talking about corn syrup like high fructose corn syrup yes you said concentrated corn syrup and fructose which again was very good vocabulary and then you said they lead to all kinds of disease like diabetes and obesity my cousin has been drinking pop all day every day for the last few years he's gotten quite fat and i can tell it's very bad for his health okay um yeah so that was really good if i were like super picky and i was coaching you at the university level communication where i'm coaching you for your thesis defense for your dissertation i would say paraphrase not healthy so the question said what kinds of drinks are not healthy you said not healthy so instead of not healthy i might have said damaging for health or damaging to health instead of not healthy just to paraphrase that part of the sentence but that's just being super picky um for the ielts you don't have to be that um adapt with your response so it's it's just me being super picky okay all right um let's let's uh stop there arda cause i'm running out of time i was gonna do one more but we'll do but we'll do more uh next time artists we'll have lots of these classes coming up more of these for members uh as well so you'll have more chances to practice and also thank you for giving me the chance to talk here oh absolutely really nervous like before but i built my confidence and i'm me now so thank you very much for that you're very welcome and that's what you wanted to carry into your ielts exam as well do you have a date picked out for your alts exam uh not yet but i was thinking about that with my that's like i don't know yet okay the reason i'm asking is i think you're i think you're more or less ready i haven't seen your writing yet but i think you're more or less ready so um i think uh you know whenever you have some time coming up in december or january you'd be fine to sit the outs exam okay yeah all right okay arda thank you so much uh for volunteering everybody give a nice round of applause to arda cause you know it takes it takes a lot of uh courage again um to volunteer for these so yeah so thank you again art i have an awesome rest of your evening you too thanks bye okay all right everyone so that was uh arda with some very very nice english indeed okay all right students so that's about as much time as i have for this class but worry not i will be back in 30 minutes with writing task 2 and we are going to look at an interesting question we're going to analyze it plan it start the introduction as usual so make sure everyone that you come back in 30 minutes and join me for some task to writing again we have this black friday discount which is the best discount of the year um it is code blkf uh day so make sure to use that on our websites and we were just using one of those websites for the speaking practice today so there's lots of great tools there for you to improve for your next ielts exam it's well worth using our premium package much love to all of you thank you carolina for moderating this chat thank you members for your support thank you everyone at general english help omar uh muhammad as well muhammad we're going to incorporate the voice calls in the next couple classes for general alex as well so worry not and i'll be back in 30 minutes with task to writing that's it for now goodbye everybody
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: cGGIm9o3MfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 53sec (3653 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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