IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Band 9 Accuracy

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having a great weekend so far everyone in this class we are looking at ielts speaking part two uh we will be looking for that band nine accuracy [Music] and uh just as we get going here um this class is presented to you by ae for academic ielts success you should definitely visit our website there it is an excellent way to improve your communication and your band scores our website looks like this with the blue background you can click this big red button here to join the premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access and as you'll notice we are at british council outs test registration center and we've got lots and lots of success stories we help thousands of students every single day you can read all of their uh genuine testimonials right here and we are very very proud of that um for the general ielts you can check us out at it's the green background and again just click that big red button it is a one-time payment for lifetime access so um again those websites will help you to improve your communication and your english uh for the ielts exams you can also install our apps academic ielts help and general ielts help from your app store they link to the website so you can learn from your mobile phone through the app or through the website it's really cool and if you have questions about the ielts or if you have uh questions about english you can just simply send me an email it's my name adrian ae help dot com hi harwinder hi bakrat welcome members this is a members chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch there's lots of learning to be had and in a little bit in about 90 minutes we will have an all chat class uh for speaking part three where everybody can join in on the chat so make sure uh to stick around and improve your uh speaking okay um so we've got lots of classes uh november 12th to november 20th we've got lots of classes for you we've adjusted our hours to daylight savings here in north america daylight savings means that we changed our clocks we turned them back an hour with gaining one hour so classes are uh 13 30 to 14 30 and 15 to 16 o'clock according to universal uh time okay it's coordinated universal coordinated time all right or gmat time um no classes tomorrow monday tuesday that's usual and then we're going to have lots of classes from the 17th to the 20th and we're going to bring you some new exciting classes next week as well but i'm going to keep that a secret um to keep you excited about what's going on with that but there's going to be some interesting twists and turns in these live classes welcome jyoti hi harmali nice to see more of you in the class harmali i'm sorry to read that you're stuck at 6.5 but i'm going to help you get unstuck and get higher band scores today for the speaking section okay everyone uh so we're looking at ielts speaking part two right now the cue card all right and um this is a speaking class everyone so make sure to speak and repeat so copy my sentences my intonation my energy okay so as some of you have probably noticed i'm a pretty energetic person and it's good to bring that kind of energy into your studies and into the ielts exam so you want to be energetic being energetic also means that you're being confident okay high output all right show lots of confidence hi abu kaiser nice to have you on board from bangladesh okay asthma yeah absolutely hang in there and you're going to get to be part of some pretty innovative and new classes as we keep evolving all right um so speaking part two it's uh three minutes total okay um and uh your speaking interview is about 12 minutes so speaking part two it takes up about 20 or yeah 25 of your total speaking interview right three minutes of 12 minutes 25 it's the most important 25 okay so speaking part two um is the most important 25 of your interview time it will have the greatest impact on your overall uh speaking score keep that in mind okay because uh it is uh directly related to part three and we're going to do part three a little bit later today so um you will see how and why okay all right uh so for speaking part three you need to be really really well prepared okay and there are some very um standard steps that you should practice getting ready uh for speaking part two and implementing during your speaking okay so it's kind of like a recipe like step one step two step three and you just really need to do this okay so you need to be calm you need to be collected you need to have good ideas for part two part two is a cue card let me move this to the next page so you see it all in one go here so part two is a cue card like this okay um so when you get to part two your examiner sitting across from you at the table is going to look at you and they will say okay that is the end of speaking part one now we will continue with speaking part two for this part i'm going to show you some questions you will have one minute to read these questions think about your answers and then you will have two minutes to speak you see there is some note paper there beside you and you have your pen you can take notes in this one minute if you wish i will tell you when to start and when to stop and then they show you the card with the questions usually there's four to six questions on the card you have to prepare a mini speech in response and just as you get going the last step for the examiner is the examiner will introduce the topic of the card so the examiner will say talk about a famous invention okay so they'll say talk about a famous invention and then you need to talk about a famous invention okay so you have one minute to read this card and there are some very important steps that you need to go through what is the first step so when you see this cue card what's the first step so step number one it's very very important that you do this all right anybody know so they introduce it talk about a famous invention step number one you do this what do you do all right let me know what do you do well hopefully you have the same idea as me you read the question carefully and you do it twice okay uh you must make sure to answer all of the questions on the card and stay on topic okay so that's what you have to do yeah that's right jyoti so you have to read the question twice okay all right so let's do that now students let's read this cue card question twice okay read with me so talk about a famous invention you should say what is the invention and how it works who invented it and when why is this invention important one more time talk about a famous invention what is the invention and how does it work who invented it and when why is this invention important okay so now i've got a clear idea of this question now my second step is to identify the category of this question okay so identify the category and the tense okay so category and tense all right uh what do i mean by category right some of you are probably thinking like what do i mean by category abu computer mobile phone would not be good choices i see abu kaiser saying computer mobile phone those are not good choices i'm going to explain why okay in a minute there's something interesting that i'm going to teach you with that abu but i would not choose a computer and i would not choose a mobile phone and you're going to see why i wouldn't choose those answers in just a moment okay so we're going to identify the category and the tense of this question and when you're practicing this at home you're going to be able to do this very quickly in your one minute preparation time so this step one step two is in your one minute uh preparation time okay this is what you have to do all right uh any cat facebook may be also not a very good choice i'm going to show you why okay all right um okay so um here we go uh in ielts for speaking part two there's usually five categories that part two may be about okay so um part two could be about a person so talking about a person it could be talking about an object um it could be talking about an event a situation okay you might be talking about a place or you could be talking about an idea okay so those are kind of the different uh topics now sometimes it's a combination okay it's a combination of two okay all right um so in this situation i'm talking about a famous invention okay uh which of these topics is the main one so which of these categories are we talking about a person are we talking about an object um are we talking about a place an idea so which of these is the main one okay muhammad they're all equally difficult it just depends how much you practice each of these yeah very good bachrod so um this is an object that's right asthma that's right harwinder this is an object so here we are talking about an object okay which is a famous invention now we will be talking a little bit about maybe a person who invented it right um the event of the invention but mainly we're talking about an object and when we talk about an object uh what should we um talk about okay so um what should we include okay so when uh communicating well about an object to our listener what should we include okay and how should we structure this okay all right so before we get into answers harwinder but that's a much better choice um yeah then we want to think about this so when we're talking about an object if i want to tell a person about an invention is an invention is a really good one for this what should we talk about jyoti says when talking about an object we should include the appearance of the object the function of the object the significance and there's one missing jyoti okay you have one missing there okay um atma says we should include the history of the object yeah so instead of the history model um you should include the origin that's right buckrat so the origin of the object where does the object come from right so if we talk about an object to clearly talk about an object we want to talk about its appearance what it looks like we want to talk about its origin where it comes from we want to talk about its function which means how it works and its significance which means its utility or its usefulness okay so those are in that order okay so in this order all right okay very good now um the tense so we need to figure out the tense of this question so talk about an object what is the invention how does it work who invented it why is the invention important what tense are we going to use mostly in this speaking part two so what verb tense based on the questions do we need to use uh for this part 2q card okay what do you think so if i read this cue card um what kind of a tents do i have to use okay harwinder says mainly present continuous past satish says past yeah so i would say for this example we need present present continuous uh present perfect and passed uh so these are the uh mostly the important ones okay and har mail says maybe some past perfect as well um yeah maybe some past perfect as well so yeah i agree okay uh present perfect uh we have to use because it shows achievement okay uh present perfect means that happen before it's happening now into the future present perfect is really important here because we're talking about an invention and an invention is always an achievement for humans when we talk about achievements uh we often use present perfect okay so keep that in mind all right so in english present perfect is used when talking about an achievement okay to emphasize that experience all right very good okay so now we can go to step three so step three um means uh what is that anybody know what step three is there's some students that are in the class often so what is the third step that you have to practice and that you have to do during your one minute preparation time and of course again this is all happening very fast because you learned it you practiced it it's in your head um so what's the next step here okay janil says two to three ideas yeah not the first sentence yet harwinder we're not there yet first you have to come up with two to three good ideas three good ideas for this cue card okay do not just think of one idea because you may get into a difficult situation okay so keep in mind students your ideas should be original easy to talk about and lots of information okay so for this one and i know a couple people said mobile phone and computer so again the cue card here is talk about an invention okay so uh computer and mobile phone and even covet vaccine would not be good choices would not be good choices why okay and you're going to see when we come up with some good choices for this uh cue card um you're going to see you'll be like oh yeah wow that's yeah that's a way better choice to talk about it for um for a couple of minutes okay so um why would computer mobile phone or covet 19 vaccine not be good choices okay all right and again here's the original cue card for those of you just joining in so talk about a famous invention you should say what the invention is how it works who invented it and when why is this invention important okay so janil says the reason why these would not be good choices is number one they're too common yeah too many students would probably choose to talk about mobile phone i always tell students don't even choose mobile phone to talk about because just way too many students pick that and it's awkward and examiners get tired of people talking about their mobile phones and it's difficult to get a high band score okay satish robot is a category it's not a specific invention okay so also it's not just that it's too common but these are complex so they're also difficult to talk about okay a mobile phone is a computer all right it's a type of computer the kovid 19 vaccine is very complex it's very difficult to talk about you have to know lots of medical terms to clearly talk about culturing a vaccine and rna vaccines especially which are kind of new to the world so these would be difficult to talk about so don't put yourself into a tricky situation with your choice where you choose an idea that everybody's talking about and it's difficult to talk about don't do that so we've got you know some other um some other really good ideas here okay so pantisha says how about electric bulbs yeah so light bulb that was one that was already suggested by another student today and i think light bulb would be a good choice okay um fountain pen all right danielle says fountain pen or even a ballpoint pen if you know it sure fountain pen ball point pen um washing machine muhammad very good yeah yeah i think a washing machine could be a good one as well okay now again make sure that you know how to talk about it satish robot would not be good okay so robot would not be good because it is complex and it is a category not one invention and i'll show you what i mean um satish uh the washing machine is a type of robot okay so in english a washing machine would be considered a type of robot anything that's an automaton so it's automated it uses electricity to move and to function and to produce a function would be considered a robot so a washing machine is a type of robot in your home sure it doesn't walk around and it doesn't go to your fridge to get you a glass of juice and it doesn't talk to you but it's still considered a robot all right so careful to choose something specific okay so it should be original easy to talk about lots of information and specific okay in some sense okay harmal a microwave could be a good choice that's a type of robot too right okay uh osma says maybe let's go to something simple like the wheel right um yeah asthma that's not a bad one uh another one that uh that could be um a good one if you're thinking about the wheel yeah you just thought about it harwinder at the same time is even fire okay so you could even go with fire uh fire being considered one of the earliest inventions or discoveries of men and definitely of great importance to uh humans okay harmal says maybe a lead television that could be good too okay all right um so let's uh let's just choose one we're going to choose the light bulb okay so let's go with the light bulb okay our choice here is the light bulb all right so now we need some notes okay all right and for the notes always create useful notes so write down useful notes that you wouldn't otherwise think of write notes that will help you speak more and speak fluently okay so light bulb remember what we said before everyone so we're talking about an invention an alina nice microscope so now you're you're a lot of you are thinking about uh good ones okay the beach is not an invention helen so here again the ielts q card is this here so talk about a famous invention you should say what is the invention and how it works who invented it and when why is this invention important you will have one to two minutes to talk about this topic okay so very quickly in this one minute it's only taking us a few seconds we read the question twice we realized okay we're talking about an object and we're using the past present present perfect tense i thought about light bulb electricity um the wheel fire airplane car train okay and i go all right i can i think i can talk about the light bulb effectively for two minutes now i'm going to write down some useful notes that will help me to expand on what i'm going to say okay so rajvir you just saw the question okay so i know i have to talk about the appearance okay i have to talk about its function how it works okay i have to talk about its origin before its function okay um and i have to talk about its significance all right um okay so all of these i need to talk about and uh i don't need to write all these down in my notes now in my notes i might just write down something like if i remember oh appearance origin function instead of writing down appearance i might just write down a in my notes and then instead of origin o in my notes okay and instead of function you got the hang of this now um f and instead of significance s in my notes okay and then appearance what does a light bulb look like okay so give me some words describing the appearance of a light bulb okay what does it look like so the appearance of it okay and just go with a traditional classic light bulb if you don't know some words that's okay don't use them don't talk about them you can talk a lot about a light bulb i'm sure many of you have seen a light bulb um rajvir says it's oval sure oval shape sure oval circular oval is a good vocabulary oval kind of means like circular right or round if you don't know the word oval you can say round okay um give me some other words to describe like let's say i'm an alien from another planet with my little ears tell me about the light bulb i don't know anything about it i only use candles um okay uh harwinder says antennas inside yeah uh and antennas in uh plural form are um and 10 um 10a okay uh let's see and nope there it is there we go that's the one i'm looking for so plural for antenna antenna singular antennae is plural and there's antennae because there's two of them right um rajvir says they're not antennae they're filaments if you say metal antennae you'll get some points for that for sure okay uh bakrat says they're about they 15 centimeters 30 grams yeah they come in different shapes and sizes right so you can say different shapes not all are the same right um okay atmos has clear glass yeah sometimes it's smoke glass as well right okay so now you're getting lots of ideas okay um okay lights yellow white other colors uh metal base all right yeah good okay so don't get too carried away with the appearance all right you don't want to spend too much time on the appearance so many of you are realizing oh gosh i could talk about a light bulb just the way that it looks for two minutes right so don't do that only spend about i would say on the appearance only spend about 15 seconds talking about this okay okay don't talk about that more because you have to answer everything else okay origin so where does a light bulb come from okay so where does the light bulb come from yeah muhammad it's made of glass it's colorful now i probably wouldn't um write down made of glass because that's something that we know right so we're probably going to say that without needing our notes so in your notes you should only be writing down notes that you don't automatically think about okay all right gineal says 0 to 100 watts yeah so there's a lot of uses electricity that's going to be part of the function gineal so where does the light bulb come from okay tell me this and i think most of you know this but if you don't um that's fine you don't have to tell the truth so you can say john smith invented it you might get a smile from the examiner um but they're not going to say oh that's wrong information um so uh satish says it's albert einstein in fact that was not albert einstein the person accredited is thomas edison yeah jyoti harwinder and janiel say it's thomas edison yeah we even have the edison bulb it's a very popular kind of light bulb these days uh for many people in their homes the edison bulbs um yeah so it's thomas edison thomas edison uh what do you think where is he from uh janil says it's 1874. um yeah late 1800s okay so if you don't know that it's 1874 you're gonna know it's 1800's uh buck red it's not the 18th century it's actually the 19th century but again that's fine yeah british okay he's a british guy okay um all right now um where can i get the light bulb from today okay so this is where you want to think outside the box and when you think about origin yeah you can think about um the inventor of course uh and you can think about um when right you're answering the questions on the cue card where annie cronenberg says he failed 99 times that's a famous story and he failed 99 times yeah so it exploded it broke he failed a lot of times okay um and uh where can i get the light bulb from now and daniel says he failed 999 times yeah exactly there's a famous saying by edison if i fail a thousand times i know a thousand ways not to do it okay so um yeah and uh again so where can we get the light bulb from today muhammad you can always make it up again the ielts is not about the truth right so you can make it up oh there we go rajabeer says convenience store so convenience store hardware store all right sure okay uh let's jump to the function how does it function okay so how does how does it function the light bulb electricity heat light gas okay bright light so i'm just going to write that if i were writing my notes in the exam and i were sitting here and you're my examiner uh you would see me write these down okay electricity uh there's heat there's a spark the wire or the metal antennae the filaments they heat the gas the gas lights up and it becomes bright and please students don't start talking about leads and other types of light technology i know that there are different types of light bulbs but just choose the classic light bulb okay don't get too fancy all right and you have to fit it into its socket the light socket okay yeah very good asthma so asthma says fits in the holder asthma you twist into socket okay twist it into the socket all right okay and why is it important okay so um of course we're going to remember that it can create light so we can see in the dark okay so but why is that important okay um so we can work and we can have fun in the dark all right um and it's very bright compared to candles all right okay uh so good now um we can begin uh our response to this cue card before the examiner says your one minute preparation time is up so so before the examiner says your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking you must have your first sentence ready so you can start right away strong okay so again um here we go students the question okay it's uh talk about a famous invention what is the invention how does it work who invented it when why is this invention important so this is our uh cue card okay so this is our cue card there we go that's our cue card right there um now we need to have the first sentence ready for uh this one here so uh give me the first sentence okay and this is the start of your speech okay all right yeah annie very good so people can be more productive of course right we need the light bulb um so we're not um uh restricted by the daylight hours when the sun is up or when the sun is down absolutely okay so give me the first sentence and students make sure your first sentence is very direct okay so don't say things like thank you for giving me the opportunity or don't say things like um there are a lot of different inventions throughout human history including the train the computer the mobile phone but the one that i would like to talk about today is don't do that okay that will waste time and you will actually not get as high of a band score you can get a much higher band score by just being super direct okay um so rajbeer really enjoyed that introduction to the inventions of humanity um yeah so uh just start directly right don't introduce the scientific history of humans that's not what this question's asking it says yeah it's a horrible thing rajvir because ielts examiners know that that's just some ridiculous trick to improve fluency in a false way um so that's not the answer right the question's not asking you to list the different inventions of humanity it's asking you to talk about a famous invention one okay um yeah so don't do that yeah absolutely rodri i mean i got a bad nine in my out speaking and i definitely didn't start listing things and thanking the examiner for giving me the opportunity to speak the examiner didn't give me the opportunity to speak i paid for it it cost me like 300 for that ielts exam so i paid for the opportunity to be there and i'm just going to speak so give me that first sentence i'm going to give you the first sentence for myself and then we'll compare okay so all right that's my first sentence just keeping it clean and direct okay um and again students this is a speaking class so make sure to speak and repeat after me so here we go my first sentence is one of the most famous and important inventions worldwide is the light bulb we can find the light bulb in just about every corner of the planet okay so gineal says a popular object that was invented in the later 19th century is the light bulb yeah and janil i would say popular is an understatement a vital object where there are billions of them produced annually worldwide right so bakra it says one of the unique inventions in history is the light bulb invented by mr thomas a edison in the late 19th century very nice bakrat okay our winner says one of the most important inventions in human history is the light bulb nice correction harvinder uh robin hood says the invention i would like to talk about is the light bulb robin hood uh don't even say that so don't even say that i would like to talk about okay just talk about it you don't have to like to talk about it and you just talk about it right um asma says the much needed invention which bought light to which brought light to many people in dark times is the electric light bulb beautiful as might like it okay mal says i will talk about one of the most used inventions the common light bulb that works tumal yeah and again mal it's just better to talk about it don't say i will talk about just talk about it right so one of the most famous and important inventions worldwide is the light bulb and now all we have to do is uh go through basically the order of our notes so first we talk about the appearance uh what it looks like right so think about your listener like an alien and include um as much information as you can if you get stuck look at your notes okay so this is a small round shaped object in fact um it's shaped just like a pear okay if you know the word pear you know the fruit the pear um a light bulb looks like a pear and we actually say it's pear shaped okay so this is a small round shaped object in fact it's shaped just like a pear made mostly of transparent glass with a metal base it has a couple of metal filaments inside and it is filled with a type of gas now i don't know what kind of uh gas it's an incandescent type of uh gas but i don't know what type of gas they use in light bulbs i'm not a light bulb expert it doesn't matter you can still get band nine okay you don't need to tell the examiner uh what kind of gas it has inside okay all right so um students right here so do this with me okay so keep writing sentences that you think you would say in these cases all right and i'm going to look at the chat and i'm going to keep reading what you're writing okay so all right um historians believe that the electric light bulb was invented by the british inventor uh thomas edison uh in the late uh 19 or late 1800s okay so that answers the when and the where question on the cue card okay so um mal asthma her winter robin hood um muhammad satish keep writing what you would write okay don't just pay attention to me so express yourself asthma says this small object is made up of fragile glass it is pear-shaped also has a also has metal at the bottom which is connected to a pair of filaments this brilliant idea popped into the mind of the british inventor thomas alva edison very nice asthma very nice writing in composition okay so the way the light bulb works is it has to be screwed into a socket which passes electricity through the metal components which in turn ignite the gas that is contained in the glass and this gas then illuminates with a bright white or yellow light okay so again using your own words right it doesn't have to be exactly like mine use your own words to describe how the light bulb works buckrat says it is a round shaped object and consists of an aluminum sheet covered by the tail it's around 15 centimeters long and 30 grams yeah good pop right so i didn't talk about its size but you did and if i forgot to talk about its size i might talk about that later on okay all right so um the light bulb uh has been a revolutionary invention which has helped shape the course of modern history because it has enabled people around the world to be less limited by daylight hours what i mean is that people can now work and play even after the sun has set simply by turning on a light bulb even though the candle served a similar purpose before the light bulb it simply wasn't nearly as efficient because it wasn't or it isn't as bright or long-lasting now offices and factories can operate around the clock simply by turning on the lights okay all right so that would be uh my uh response to this cue card question and then if i have more time i could go back and look at my notes and see what i missed and talk even more about it like i could start talking about how people these days can buy light bulbs from a convenience store or a hardware store just about anywhere okay azma don't use the word things so asma says this object needs to be twisted into a holder which is connected to the electric wire and just with the press of a switch it ignites and illuminates its surroundings or the place yeah absolutely us that's very good okay so this is what you want to practice all right students check it out so again here is the original cue card question ielts speaking part two talk about a famous invention you should say what is the invention and how it works who invented it and when why is this invention important okay i'm sure that i answered all of these questions which is really good okay now uh repeat after me everyone so [Music] here we go this is my answer so the examiner says okay adrian your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking and we begin so repeat after me one of the most famous and important inventions worldwide is the light bulb this is a small round shaped object in fact it's shaped just like a pair and made mostly of transparent glass with a metal base it has a couple of metal filaments inside and it's filled with a type of gas historians believe that the electric light bulb was invented by the british inventor thomas edison in the late 1800s the way the light bulb works is it has to be screwed into a socket which passes electricity through the metal components which in turn ignites the gas that is contained in the glass and this gas then illuminates with a bright yellow or white light the light bulb has been a revolutionary invention which has helped shape the course of modern history because it has enabled people around the world to be less limited by daylight hours what i mean is that people can now work and play even after the sun has set simply by turning on a light bulb even though the candle served a similar purpose before the light bulb it simply wasn't nearly as efficient because it isn't as bright or long lasting now offices and factories can operate around the clock simply by turning on the lights okay all right okay uh bakra it says the major role of electricity to light a bulb when it passes from the node sheet to filament it ignites into a yellow color rajamir says one of my acquaintances told me that if you want nine bands in writing then you have to write 600 plus words no that's not true regime you don't need to write that long harwinder says it has to be pushed and twisted then let it go to plug into a socket after that the electrical supply glows like a glowworm yeah nice harwinder um students it's difficult to describe how something functions so i would highly recommend practicing that at home describing how a piece of machinery works okay all right okay um so here is um my answer to this uh question and then uh the examiner will now say okay uh your uh two minutes is up stop there i will now ask you a question related to your response and some questions on this topic let's continue with part three and we're going to do part three uh very very soon here before we do part three again i'm just going to jump back to our websites here this is general ielts here this is our academic ielts website here and when you have access you can access your my student account this is after you join the premium course and in your premium course you have this full online academic ielts course and that you will find the speaking section lessons and i think maybe in part b you'll find speaking part two yeah exactly so speaking section strategies for part one uh part two part three okay and here um you're going to uh see strategies uh for how to effectively do or how to effectively respond to speaking part two um when you're talking about a person so describing a person um describing a place okay location appearance history function describing an object okay so you have all of this here with examples so for those of you who have access to our premium ielts package make sure to use this so check out the full course and the speaking part for the full course okay all right okay everyone so that's it for speaking part two i will be back in 30 minutes with speaking part three so make sure to join me for that and again to get lots of help join our premium ielts packages at ae help dot com and uh where you can get lots and lots of videos practice exams and much much more hope you enjoyed this lesson everyone and hope we all appreciate the light bulb more than ever especially for those of you where it's still dark like where i am i'm using a light bulb right now all right everyone i will be back in half an hour take a short break get a glass of water stretch your legs and i will see you soon i'm adrian signing out from victoria for now okay and again make sure uh to visit our websites there they are again ae help dot com okay uh part three coming up shortly
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: 1iUKLc6XzJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 54sec (3354 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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