IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing - Comparing Maps - Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live alt class my name is adrian i'm streaming to you live from beautiful budapest here in central europe i hope everybody has had a great week and is looking forward to a fantastic weekend i know many people are on lock down again and so forth but make the best of it now is it that good time to study to reflect and be productive at home hi baek john back at you hi moani i'm rat khan os nice to see you in the class nick hill good to see everyone in this class we are looking at a task one writing essay it's called an expository essay that's the type of essay for task 1 where you have to explain and expose information hence expository essay and we are looking at comparing maps this is one of those types of questions that come around every now and then in the ielts examine students are often curious on how to write an effective band 9 essay when you compare maps again this lesson is presented to you by that's for success on your academic ielts exam be sure to visit us there join our premium course for the general outlets visit us at g on both of our websites we have the best deal of the year going right now it's our cyber monday discount so you can use the code cyber day to get 40 off on our premium package so it's a great time to join and get your lifetime membership doesn't cost much at all and it gives you a lot of help to improve your band's course jai neil good luck on your listening reading and writing uh tomorrow uh today's writing task one janeil so this should help for that part of the test all right if you have questions students you can always send me an email to adrian this is a members chat class but of course everybody is welcome to watch and we will have an all chat class coming up for reading so jay neil a little bit of writing a little bit of reading today so it's great that you're in the class and of course we had listening this week so it's uh it's a good week for you to prepare for that exam coming up okay and tomorrow we'll have uh speaking classes so make sure you're around for that here we go with our task one just before i show you the question a quick peek at our websites this is with the blue background you can click that big red button to join us there and use that code for the 40 and this is the general version of the website here with the green background you can click that big red button to join us there okay let's take a look at today's question so here we go ielts task one writing this is academic general is quite different generally you have to write a narrative essay if you're wondering about the general visit our website and visit our youtube channel general isles help or general english help okay here we go the following diagrams show the changes that have happened on an island from the past until the present report the main features and make comparisons where relevant this might be a familiar question to some of you write at least 150 words so minimum minimum 150 words they do a word count on your writing for computer-based exams they know exactly your word count because the computer tells them for paper based they count few lines they divide find the average multiplied by the number of lines okay so 150 words minimum it should be more should be like 180 and 20 minutes uh here is our map number one can everybody see that fairly clearly hopefully you can i try to pay attention to making it as clear as possible if you don't see the words exactly it's not the end of the world there's not a lot and it's fairly simple here okay if you can't see it let me know but that's it right there okay all right so this is uh as you can see the past we don't have a year here okay um so you don't have to worry about the year all right we just know that it's the past when you see that you should immediately be thinking um there's gonna be some present perfect going on when it's past like that and then here we have this nice little island the name of the island is paradise island you're always processing pictures the same as written text so you're going from top or sorry from left to right top down so this is a map of paradise island this is of the past here we see the beach then we have a nice uh seaboard here we have some sharp looking rocks and then we come here we have our scientific research station some trees what kind of trees are these anybody let's see your use of vocabulary here uh what kind of trees are we looking at what are those called what type of uh forest is it what kind of trees are we looking at they're palm trees yeah so this is where of course your vocabulary should be coming into mind so palm trees right like the palm of your hand this is also your palm okay palm and palm trees okay word association it's not a coconut tree gineal it's a palm tree palm trees the fruit of the palm tree is a coconut but it's called a palm tree okay all right um and uh what kind of a forest is that when you have all of these palm trees what type of forest so when you have many many palm trees many palm trees together make up what type of forest okay there's a name for that as well think about the area where you find uh palm trees let's see palm tree forest but it's a little bit awkward yeah that's right murat khan very nice it's called the tropical forest very good tropical forest yeah there you go this is these are the types of um words you should be thinking about becca rainfort tropical rainforest is okay rainforest is a little bit different though becca when we're thinking tropical rainforest we're thinking more about the forests of uh brazil which do have palm trees um but it's better just to call this a tropical forest rather than a rain forest so just a tropical forest is fine okay so we have that we have a natural spring here okay which is fantastic we have a scientific research station then we have a pier with the boat and the c okay good so that's looking good we've processed that of course this is happening very quickly when you're looking at this in the real exam i'm just emphasizing the details here and importantly the processing stages so top left to right top down okay and thinking of vocabulary as i'm looking at this all right it's not a palm island tito it's paradise island okay don't write confusing information students all right so here we go with of course the next picture which is paradise island in the present okay now it'll be a little bit easier in the real exam because you will see both maps at the same time we'll do that later too i'll shrink the image so you can see both but right now we're just looking at each one of these separately so again left to right top down here we have a beach and now we have uh swimming permitted okay so it's the same beach where swimming is allowed we have the same seaboard here we have those jagged rocks but we also have a scenic lookout okay great now we look at the pier oh right away i noticed that the pier it looks like there's much larger it's much larger it's a t-shape we got an end of the pier so that's being developed and there's a cruise ship okay and then um now here's a hotel complex what was there before what was uh what was in place of this hotel complex before okay so what was there before this is where you know you want to train your brain to kind of remember what it sees and immediately start making those comparisons that you will use later in the essay yeah so janelle says there was a scientific research center yeah research center janelle okay very importantly good so now it's a hotel complex with a swimming pool we can see there's a path to an open restaurant barbecue area there's a cafe and here we have that uh natural spring okay and then uh here we have a cycle path that goes around the island um now the so this cycle path that goes around the island what is this called in math so when you have a circle in math this is called the diameter okay just remember diameter diameter this is called the radius and what is this called important for a lot of engineering and physics students to know these kinds of words so this is the this is the center right this is the diameter this is the radius and the line that goes all the way around is called the what it's not the circle it's not the perimeter yeah very good crystallite it's the circumference circumference okay sir conference okay circle circum circumference okay so um perimeter is not a bad word i saw somebody write that david um so the psychopath goes around the perimeter of the island or the circumference of the island okay perimeter or circumference both of those work so this was just a bit of vocabulary for this psychopath that goes around the circumference of the island okay all right um good so now we have um our words by the way if i want to use this to describe the shape of the pool it would be a circular pool okay so if i'm using circle as an adjective then circular circular pool when you're describing maps it's a good idea to have some vocabulary for shapes shapes and different word forms circle rectangle square triangle definitely know those words and then know the adjectives circular rectangular okay so know these words all right fantastic we're on the right track we've observed the past and the present of paradise island now we're ready for writing the overview slash introduction okay introduction an overview one paragraph it's the same you don't need to separate them i really don't like seeing them separated uh just because uh it's uh too segmented in that way and it's awkward reading okay so first of all we write the overview okay overview is a detailed paraphrase or a paraphrase of the question with details as i always say plus the most observable feature okay um so let's do this now you should be able to do this from memory okay the diagrams or the maps aren't that complicated the following diagrams show the changes that have happened on an island from the past until the present report the main features and make comparisons were relevant first of all just paraphrase this sentence the following diagrams show the changes that have happened on an island from the past until the present so paraphrase that in your own words and add in some details okay i'm going to do the same and then we'll compare okay all right so that's my uh paraphrase of that sentence just adding a little bit of detail not much um i'll show you what i mean there let's take a look bakshan says the given blueprint depicts the improvements that have occurred in the island of paradise uh from the past until present time uh back sean do you think they're improvements their developments i'm kind of sad that they cut down that tropical forest by the look of it so i don't know if it's an improvement but you know what becca and it's okay you can make that opinion it's just do you realize that it's an opinion you're opinionated okay oh it says the two maps illustrate the development which has occurred on paradise island um uh between the past and today the significant development os so os always use your adjectives and adverbs to uh be concise to state your ideas as simply as possible right so the two maps illustrate the significant development which has occurred on paradise island uh between the past and today period that's it always then it's good janniel says the given two blueprints depict a snapshot of paradise island in the past and the development until current time good gineal the given two pictographs depict nick hill because you're using the word pictograph uh don't use the word depict it's just the picked right pick pick pick pick uh the two the given two pictographs show the or illustrate the developments that have occurred on paradise island from the past until current time nick hill make sure to capitalize the p and the i uh don't lose easy marks uh it's the name of the island right paradise island needs a big p and a big eye for dav says the given blueprint illustrates the developments like building hotels piers restaurants cafe paths and cruise ships sites that have occurred on paradise island for a long time okay that's okay for doves i don't know if i would actually list all of the different amenities which have been built i think i would leave that for the analysis i think you might get a bit of repetition there unnecessarily okay murat khan says the given maps compare a small island before and after their developments for tourist purposes okay yeah muradka and you're also kind of rolling in the most observable feature in with your paraphrase so i'm not sure if you did that on purpose if you did then okay moni says the two diagrams outline the major alterations that have occurred on paradise island from past to present money island also needs a capital i when it's part of the name it becomes a big i and it's just really one diagram with two maps okay we could argue about that but arguably this is one diagram showing two maps one of the past one of the present okay all right so good job everyone let's keep going here uh david jeri basha rashika i see your answers as well uh they're looking good i'm gonna keep moving along here so i kept mine pretty simple too the two maps provided show the development that has taken place on paradise island from the past until the present okay and i'm using present perfect has taken place to show that grammar right away and then the most observable feature so now write a sentence about what is the most observable feature and keep it simple so don't go into details we've got a good analysis ahead of us here so we don't need to um [Music] get right into the analysis just the most observable feature so and and i give you a bit of a hint because i think it was marotkan that kind of hinted uh towards the most observable feature which i think is quite obvious here if you're not over complicating okay so what's the most observable feature here again simple is beautiful it's not necessarily easy uh beijing says at first glance it is clear that the given island has changed from a scientific research center to a uh tourist recreational destination beck john good that's exactly it that's exactly it okay all right so os says the main features converted from science to tourist facility that's good os again be a bit more expressive like what i did um correcting baek zhan so a little bit more expressive ferdav says it's obvious that the palm trees have been cut down i think i have my camera stopping here maybe not just give me a second i'm not sure why i lost the screen there we'll get you back though no worries just give me a moment looks like maybe a software failure i'll give you an extra second to word everything correctly here okay no worries you get a little happy smiley baby intermission there okay but again so clearly some of you identified what the main feature is that we're moving from a tourist hot spot or sorry from a research scientific research station to a tourist hot spot okay or converting that's the past to the present all right and think about wording so you want to word this as nicely as possible and yes for dobbs you're right there were more palm trees in the past there is a way that we can perhaps put that into the overview okay thanks all right um so i'll write it and then i'll read a couple more of uh your main features okay so it is at first glance right because at first glance we can see that it is clear that the island has been converted from a scientific research outpost to a tourist destination with many additional amenities in place of the natural or the um yeah let's keep it like that okay all right yeah i would agree that that's what we see okay moni says the most noticeable aspect is the scientific research building has been replaced by the construction of a hotel uh moni you can see that there's a lot more than that going on okay so um yes i agree but for dobbs was correct too like i mean we see this tropical forest here with all these palm trees and those are all gone and instead uh we have restaurants barbecue areas cafe so uh i think that at first glance we can definitely see that here we're looking at the overall change which is from a scientific research station or outpost which is here uh to a tourist island or an island for tourism right so that's what we need to express okay all right hopefully that is clear for everyone okay uh so here is my band 9 introduction and again not over complicating it all right so the two maps provided show the development that has taken place on paradise island from the past until the present at first glance it is clear that the island has been converted from a scientific research outpost to a tourist destination with many additional amenities in place of palm trees okay and now i have um those key elements in there okay janil says it's a guitar-shaped island yeah it is daniel but again don't go off onto kind of unique and awkward tangents like that right okay for dob says it is clear that paradise island served as a scientific research center and now it has been transformed into a tourist hot spot very good for dobs i like it did you notice my corrections for dogs one more time it is clear that paradise island served as a scientific research center and now it has been transformed into a tourist hot spot okay so a couple of corrections there with the passive present perfect and also for dobbs a scientific research center small s small r small c okay doesn't have to be capital it's not a name it's a common noun okay everybody following me so far it's all good all right okay so um now let's get into analysis or analyses okay when you are analyzing maps like this what should you do some students have been with me for a while and i told you about this how to do this so when you're analyzing and comparing a map like this what do you need to think about bef as you're thinking of your analysis so what's important how do you figure out what to write about first second so should you write about the trees first should you write about the hotel first how do you figure that out okay i can see everybody's on the same page as me with the yeses that's great thank you janel os nick hill for dobbs so how do i know like what to write about first what to write about second how do i figure that out i'm gonna shrink these maps down a tiny touch so we kind of have both of them more or less in the image here okay i know the size just got really bright there but that's fine so we have both maps in here now how do i figure out what's the most important what's what's kind of a trick that i can use to figure out what's most important anybody tell me so it says start from the science station and i think you're okay with that i think perhaps you're right about that os that we can start with that so what you can do in the exam is go from big to small okay big to small so if i circle this or put a square around it and i put a square around this okay and i add these two together it's quite a large feature then i have this and i have this that's quite a large feature as well okay then i have i'm just going to use a triangle here this and i have this okay that's quite a large feature as well all right then i have this and i have this that's a fairly good size feature as well so what i'm doing here because i want to go from the most to the least important why i might run out of time and i might run out of space so i might run out of my 20 minutes and 150 words and i might not be able to discuss everything about the rocks and about the beach and about the bike path okay there's quite a bit of information here maybe i can maybe i can't i don't know that yet okay you should have a good idea as long as you're practicing at home so i would say that this is my biggest feature this is my second biggest feature this is my third greatest feature this is my fourth and then if i can get all four of these i'm looking good if uh if i have more time then i can mention the beach the bike path okay and the lookout okay so i'd roll that into a five 5b 5c okay everybody with me on that so the way that i identify when i have something like this of what i should write about first second third and fourth is just basically taking the largest features that have especially changed like the scientific research station um and then moving to the smaller features of change does that make sense and you can literally do that by circling them and then visually kind of seeing which are the bigger and which are the smaller changes it makes sense to do it that way okay everybody with me on that so let's start then with the research station and you can get fancy later on like in university i might do it a little bit differently i might discuss the peer and the research station together simply because a smaller research station is serviced by a smaller pier a much larger tourist resort is obviously going to be serviced by a much larger pier that where larger boats like cruise ships can dock but again here to get a band 9 you don't necessarily have to get into that much detail you're not writing a master's thesis okay or you're not actually writing um a tourism report for the tourism ministry of the caribbean or something like that so you can just focus and do it on the way that i'm showing you okay so let's do this let's start with the hotel complex swimming pool okay i would definitely roll that all into one so hotel complex swimming pool replacing the scientific research station so write a nice sentence explaining that contrast or that comparison uh to your reader okay oh it says the most important change which has happened or that has happened on paradise island is the replacement of the scientific research station by a large hotel complex and swimming pool okay so immediately it is don't want to repeat my overview here it is clear that the smaller research station on the east side of the island has been replaced by a much larger hotel complex and a swimming pool okay good and again we're using present perfect here fordav says analyzing deeper it can be observed that the scientific research station has been demolished and instead uh hotel complex has been built uh the amenities that comes later for dobbs um unless you want to mention directly the swimming pool amenities can be anything for doves so you want to be specific here the hotel complex and swimming pool right we'll talk about the palm trees getting cut down and in their place other amenities being built such as the restaurant and the barbecue area uh that comes later that comes next right so uh leave that open so don't just generalize with amenities at this point okay okay uh beckton says to begin with the most noticeable change which took which took place on paradise island is the conversion of the scientific research station to the hotel complex with swimming pool on the north side it's the east side beck john so this is this is the east right uh east sorry west it's the west side i wrote it wrong too so yeah you might want to make sure that you don't make that mistake that becca and i just made okay so west east north south okay so this is the west side of the island this is the north side of the island south side east side of the island okay all right um so yeah it's good to write the compass on the map uh so that that can help you as soon as you see a map often times on the ielts they will include the compass but if you don't see the compass then you can just quickly include the compass so that you remind yourself to use these directions to help your reader figure out what's what okay all right so west side not the north beckham and not the east like i said but the west okay which i shouldn't make that mistake because i live in western canada um all right so uh west side of the island okay uh now the next uh point that we want to compare here is [Music] the palm trees that's obviously very clear and where the palm trees were it's now an open restaurant and barbecue area and there's obviously a path connecting the hotel to this restaurant and notice that the restaurant it's an open restaurant and and they you know they drew this circular shape so if you can definitely describe the shape of the restaurant it's not by accident that the isles didn't draw a square shaped restaurant so if somebody at the ielts uh exam making center took the effort of drawing a circle instead of a square it's probably because they're looking to see if some students are going to describe the shape of that restaurant okay all right so ferdav says moving to the center of the island the palm trees have been cut down and instead an open restaurant and barbecue area have been built yeah not structured built okay for dogs don't actually count the palm trees that's probably not an accurate representation of the number of trees uh it's just showing you that there was a tropical forest there of multiple trees so i wouldn't say six palm trees i think that's a bit awkward okay all right nick hill says looking uh in more detail it is evident that the scientific research station has been replaced with the construction of a new hotel complex yeah and um uh beck janu says the you said the conversion of the scientific research center it's not converted but it's replaced be careful about that student so you can tell that the scientific research station has a very different looking shape than what they gave you here for the hotel so um i think one of you wrote demolished and i thought that was a good word because you can tell that the scientific research station has in fact been demolished and replaced by a hotel complex okay so pay attention to that okay so let me just fix my mistake here not the east side the west side of the island okay in addition the tropical forest in the center of the island had been cut down to make way for the circular shaped open they say open air it's usually how we express it maybe not just open restaurant okay i'm going to call it open air i think that's more accurate english in my opinion but shaped open-air restaurant and barbecue area which are accessible from the hotel by a walking path okay so uh here's my next sentence in addition the tropical forest in the center of the island had been cut down okay so again use your grammar range wherever whenever possible here i'm using the passive past perfect had been cut down to make way for the circular shaped open-air restaurant and barbecue area let's not forget letters area which are accessible from the hotel by walking path okay now let's go to [Music] the next part of the island which is here and here we have that natural spring that's probably what brought the tourism here in the first place although we don't want to write that because we don't know that it could be the swimming beach it could just be the remote location with this beautiful lookout but obviously the natural spring has remained the same there's a cafe located there as well so here we're moving to this area okay this is our next spot that we can discuss although here some of you might be saying well adrian why don't we go here back to the pier um and yeah we could do that so we could jump around here as long as we're clear on our direction so you know what let's save this for the end let's go back to the pier okay so let's go back to the pier um so let's talk about that number three this is why it's good to indicate your points of comparison i got a little bit carried away there thinking that i'm going to talk about the spring because i was moving from left to right okay but then i realized that wait a second i don't want to do that because the pier is actually a more important point of comparison for me at this point than talking about the natural spring now some of you might be thinking well adrian why didn't you just start from the pier and move from west to east okay i could have done that but i didn't i thought about that okay um why do you think i didn't choose to do that so why didn't i start talking about the pier first with the boat and the cruise ship anybody have an idea of why i chose not to start with the pier why i decided to go with this first and then the trees and now i'm going to the pier and then to the hot spring so what's my logic this is arguable it's up kind of up to choice a little bit but why do you think i didn't start with the pier yeah back john exactly and it was kind of a bit of a trick question but an easy answer it's because it's not as big as the hotel it's kind of weird to start the analysis by saying there's a large pier on the island it makes much more sense to start with the research center especially because remember the main feature so the main feature was at first glance it is clear that the island has been converted from a scientific research outpost to a tourist destination okay so this was my main feature so it makes sense to tell the reader that yeah okay there was a research station there and now there's a massive hotel there rather than saying a little pier became a big peer okay so i thought that made uh more sense okay now we can talk about the i mean it's arguable you could still get a band 9 if you start with the pier it just might read a little bit more awkwardly in the beginning saying that firstly tourists arrive to a much larger pier than scientists in the past okay so you could kind of start that way but it's trickier and you know what i would say avoid it it's not necessary to get into that difficult situation now we want to talk about the peer okay so and it'll make more sense you'll see so write a sentence with the smaller peer being [Music] developed further i don't want to give you the exact words there's a few different ways you can express this where you have the original pier it looks like but there's more of it and then you had a small boat here you have a cruise ship so right about that i'm going to do the same and then we'll compare it okay okay so here we go um all right so here we go oh it says another change which has happened on the extreme east is a bit remainder of the natural spring but create a coffee in the same zone okay oh so you jumped you forgot about the pier forgot about the peer okay um here's what i wrote maybe you're writing as well right now uh so i said in order to service the needs of the island let's put a comma there because this is a dependent clause followed by the independent clause so the smaller original pier has been extended to accommodate large cruise ships to birth okay birth is the verb for park when you park a boat you dock the boat or you birth the boat okay so think of birth like when a baby is born okay different spelling so in order to service the needs of the island the smaller original pier has been extended to accommodate the large cruise ships to birth and then i can add location sure that's maybe not a bad idea on the shoreline just west of the hotel okay giving directions is a good idea um beckham says in terms of access to the island there was a small pier which served boats and it has now been improved to accommodate large cruise ships students always use the volca use the vocabulary boat might as well use the vocabulary cruise ship again notice how the people who made this map took the extra effort to draw a little cruise ship here instead of a boat so obviously they're looking to see how many students are going to use that vocabulary cruise ship correctly with the verb birth or doc to explain this scenario here okay all right so um i'm going to now write about the hot spring or the natural spring we're going to go to that here now this is a similarity and it's really good to discuss similarities as well if you're really fast you can discuss the similarities of the rocks and the beach also okay so i'm going to just wrap up the analysis here for you just so you can see how it goes all right here we go you you you okay so here's the rest of it just kind of finishing up these smaller points okay i'm not going to worry about the lookout kind of running out of time i feel i can still get a band 9 um without that okay i saw that you did that for dobs which is good uh here i'm just writing um [Music] okay uh on the northeast of the island the natural spring remains as is with a newly built cafe and if i really want to get that look out in there and look out as well the beach on the northwest of the island remains unchanged and this is where tourists can go to swim additionally tourists can use the newly made bicycle path that goes around the circumference of the island okay here we go i want to get to one more point here the summary i'd like to see how you summarize uh this analysis of paradise island from past to present so now that we've looked at this island and we looked at what has been developed uh from the past until now what can we summarize about it so what is the clear summary here uh yeah janelle cafe or cafe uh as kind of the french um with the accent are both valid in english yeah you can use the e with the accent in rare cases we do use the accent or the french style of writing cafe yeah modern english incorporates uh french that's a little fyi okay all right moroccan says it is clearly observed among the many changes that the pier which can affect the whole transformation has been developed further to ensure uh easy accessibility okay moroccan it's a little bit opinionated and it's a bit complex all right uh let's see what you come up with for the summary for says to sum up paradise island serves more people than in the past yeah absolutely okay that's one good point there it seems to for sure okay so in summary not only has the purpose of paradise island oh wait a second that's all capitals right paradise island changed from the past until now but it has also being transformed transformed from its natural beauty into a more developed forest destination right so there's no longer force destination to accommodate more people okay good yeah absolutely all right and there is our uh full essay uh fordov says man-made spot um yeah man-made it's not quite what i'm looking for for dogs there is another way to express that it's not coming to my mind right now but yeah when you move from natural to man-made we say man-made yes but there i can express that a little bit better it's just not coming to my mind it's okay i'll think about it and then when i post it on our youtube community post with the other essays you'll see it there okay students let's read this so make sure it makes sense from the top here we go the two maps provided show the development that has taken place on paradise island from past until the present at first glance it is clear that the island has been converted from a scientific research outpost to a tourist destination with many additional amenities in place of palm trees immediately it is clear that the smaller research station on the west side of the island has been replaced by a much larger hotel complex and a swimming pool in addition the tropical forest in the center of the island had been cut down to make way for the circular shaped open-air restaurant and barbecue area which are accessible from the hotel by a walking path in order to service the needs of the island the smaller original pier has been extended to accommodate large cruise ships to birth on the shoreline just west of the hotel on the northeast of the island the natural spring remains as is with a newly built cafe and out and look out as well the beach on the northwest of the island remains unchanged and this is where tourists can go to swim additionally tourists can use the newly made bicycle path that goes around the circumference of the island in summary not only has the purpose of paradise island changed from the past until now but it has also been transformed from its natural beauty into a more developed tourist destination to accommodate more people yeah you'll get a bad nine for that for sure and many of you have done a really good job in today's class again reminding you of those important tips pay attention to the biggest features write about those first think about directions locations that's really important for maps using the compass northwest east south is a very handy tool okay again for everybody watching check us out at for academic ielts and for general if you're studying for the general ielts for task 1 general ielts definitely look at our videos on gl's in your full course uh beck jen you're very very welcome uh make sure you hang around everyone 30 minutes we got reading coming up reading reading passage with strategy and answers os you're welcome good writing everyone good writing for doves janil if i missed uh some of your responses hey don't worry about it it's practice you're doing great okay i'll be back in 30 minutes with some more aisles for reading strategy and practice i'm adrian bye for now and hopefully i will see you soon you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 9,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: 10bNicXCah4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 0sec (3420 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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