IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing – Band 9 Pie Charts

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welcome to today's live alts class my name is adrian i'm streaming to you from the carpathian basin i hope everybody is having a great week so far staying productive healthy and strong this class is a members chat class we have these classes especially for our youtube channel members the class will be followed by an all chat class that will be a brand new reading passage so hopefully everybody will stay tuned for that of course everybody is welcome to join this class if you'd like to become a member of our channel click the join button next to the subscribe button if you don't see that send me an email and i can help you further hi janil hi beck john hi romaine nick hill maxood owis good to see many of our members for dobbs uh in this class we're looking at an ielts task one specifically for the academic version of the exam not the general general task one is a letter this will be a pie chart an expository essay explaining the data in a pie chart interpreting and explaining the lesson is presented to you by for academic ielts success please visit us there and for the general aisles check us out at g that's general on both of our websites we have lots and lots of materials to help you out and we're always adding more this is the academic website here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join us there and this is here is the general version of our website you can click that big uh green button to uh sort of big red button on this green background to join us there all right um so getting back to point here if you have any questions you can send me an email to adrian um and you can ask me anything about the exam or our products i will gladly respond within 24 hours or less so we have some task one writing right now some reading tomorrow we have more classes speaking part two speaking part three again just to remind our students this week no class on saturday usually we have a couple classes on saturday also let's take a look at today's task one writing we've done some line graphs bar graphs diagrams flow charts in the past few weeks so i thought we could do a pie chart this week pie charts if i had to say are the most common task one uh kind of question maybe maybe a line graph but it's pretty uh equal distribution so sometimes students ask what do you think we'll have on the next ielts exam will it be a diagram will it be a pie chart will it be a line graph it's really hard to tell it's kind of like picking from a hat they're almost equal in the amount or the chance of getting one or the other okay so strategy really is the key to doing well for these questions all right we're going to do that together today um so let's read the question first when you get to so when you get to the writing section okay the writing section is after the reading section and sometimes students get actually not sometimes often students get really kind of fast and jumpy by the time they get to the end of passage three in the reading section and then they get to the writing and they continue with that same kind of tempo that same speed into the question so they just finished reading writing or sorry reading passage three and they're reading reading really quickly and then they get to the writing task and then they're like okay you should spend about 20 minutes on the following task the charts below show various reasons for either biking or driving to work summarize the main features and make comparisons we're relevant you should write at least 150 words don't do that okay so remember you just got to the writing section and it's just a couple of sentences read them a lot slower than the reading passages pay extra attention okay because you're going to be writing and you really need to have a good idea about the question okay is that clear members i've never really pointed that out but it's an important point in the real exam that when you're finished going through the reading section you kind of have to mentally go okay i'm in the writing section i gotta read these questions slowly and carefully don't just rush through them okay all right so back john nick hill abhimaan abhishek says yup okay yeah because it's easy to do that after you've been reading for an hour it's really easy to rush through these questions so slow down okay slow down all right so let's slow down you should spend about 20 minutes on the following task keep that in mind sometimes i've heard students go oh man i spent like 30 minutes on task 1 and then i realized what's going on so 20 minutes uh the charts below show various reasons for either biking or driving to work summarize the main features and make comparisons were relevant okey-dokey now we have a clear idea here all right and then let's take a look at the pie charts so can everybody see the pie charts clearly maybe i'll i'll do a bit of enlargement here so you can see the reasons for them okay i'll just kind of look at one and then the other so the first pie is reasons for cycling to work okay health and fitness less pollution no parking problems no costs faster than driving okay so those are the reasons there's five reasons given okay and then here we have reasons for driving to work and then we have five reasons so comfort distance to work faster than cycling uh need to carry things to work and safer than cycling okay all right good so now we have enough information to get going with our paraphrase and our main feature so let's do this so step number one is we need to write the overview okay and for the overview all we want to do firstly is just paraphrase this question and give it some more details so let's do that okay paraphrase this question for me and give it some more details as i give you feedback everybody will have a clear idea on the best way to do this so i'm gonna do the same try not to look at what i'm typing uh until you have your own answer okay so you all right so i see that many of you already have that nice paraphrase going on with details so let's look at that uh beg john says the given two pie charts illustrate the five main reasons why individuals prefer to either drive or cycle to their job okay beck john that works good abhimann says the following two pie charts illustrate the percentage of five reasons to opt for biking or cycling to work abimen fantastic okay uh oh it says the pie chart okay oh it's always the number of pie charts okay here we have two pie charts so the two pie charts illustrate the different reasons why people commute whether by biking or driving their vehicles to their work very good okay uh muksud uh says uh the given pie charts depict various purposes of commuting to work by both driving uh which offer comfort faster and safer and cycling as it helps keep physically fit no pollution uh no parking problems okay muksud so here uh careful in the beginning it's the given pie charts there are two of them and in this case because we have ten different uh reasons together or five for each i definitely wouldn't start listing these there's no point in doing that so you have to really be careful students when you choose to include the variables into the introduction versus when you don't at this point when you have 10 multi-word kind of variables like this it's just too much information to include in the introduction and your reader would lose sight or lose focus of what you're stating by including these so it's not a good idea to include these uh you might give a couple of examples like health and fitness and lower cost but i wouldn't necessarily um do that in the introduction anyway i'd leave that for the body paragraph does that make sense so is it clear when it's a good idea and when it's not a good idea to list these variables i probably wouldn't list variables in the introduction anything about above five or six okay uh just a little fyi for your information from psychology uh human short-term memory tends to have a limit on average of seven items okay so humans generally have the ability to remember seven items in short-term memory so as soon as you get to 10 for most people it becomes nonsensical because they're not able to store the information in short-term memory it gets jumbled up so i wouldn't list anything above five or six out of a legend okay keep that in mind for good writing good expository writing okay everybody everybody got that okay so if you got five or six maybe anything above that definitely don't list so don't list like 10 different variables in the introduction it doesn't make sense okay um yeah back jen you could write just health and not include health and fitness uh it's kind of redundant or repetitive okay all right moani says both pie charts give explanations for various reasons uh of uh transportation to work namely cycling and using bikes okay moni be really careful with your word choice and grammar it's really confusing without me nearly uh re-stating your entire uh paraphrase so moni keep practicing and money really invest time into your grammar and word choice okay all right nick hill says the given pie charts depict the percentage of five main reasons for transport vehicle cycling or driving um and their preference to commute to work all right nick hill same thing at the end there it's a bit confusing all right okay abhishek says the given pie charts depict uh five primary reasons for choosing either biking or driving to uh work or to the job okay numerous five primary numerous isn't needed there abhishek okay five primary reasons uh numerous is qualitative abhishek and five primary is quantitative you don't need to include both here especially in a task one expository essay just quantitative information is fine okay for dove says the given bar graphs illustrate five reasons for each cycling and driving to job destinations with percentages i like it it's very nice for doves technical clear accurate it's good high level writing all right so what's the most observable uh feature here okay what do we notice right away okay while you think about that i'll read gineals as well so the given two pie charts depict the proportion of five reasons for people who prefer either cycling or driving to work a little bit of correction there who prefer either bicycle or car to go to work gineal to go to work if you add the verb go then it will be more sense okay more sensible yeah uh gianniods either bicycle or car to go to work okay mahash says the first pie chart represents reasons people prefer to bike to work on the other hand the second pie chart shows reasons people opt to drive a car to work yeah and another again just a reminder students that you want to avoid question markers when you're writing a good essay so you don't want to use words like why or how when you're writing an essay okay what you don't want to use either when is okay because when is used as a conditional as a real conditional so when is an exception but you want to avoid using why how what when you're writing an essay the reason is is because essays are designed and written to answer questions so even though you might be making a statement uh reasons why we want to avoid that and usually they're not needed okay mahesh so you can just say represents reasons people prefer bicycling to work okay show reasons some people opt to go to their offices by car okay so you don't need those words why why right okay so avoid those question markers all right oh it says driving is more for comfort and biking is more health and fitness okay uh abhishek says that in both of these uh legends the reasons are very different okay that's looking at details abhishek so the different reasons i don't know if that's worth noting because they're two very different modes of transportation [Music] there is kind of one that's similar as well abhishek so faster than driving faster than cycling so that reason is kind of similar it's just the inverse right so beck john says at first glance it is evident that health and fitness are less pollution and the major reason for cycling while comfort for driving okay um so that's okay as well furdov says it is it's clear that more than half of cyclists prefer to cycle because of health and fitness and less pollution so these two here all right okay um remember i've said this before that when you're looking at a visual graphic like this you want to circle the largest elements right so one way to help you visually identify the main features is to circle the largest elements and you're doing that but you might as well do it with your pencil or pen okay so there's one big visual element here's another big visual element okay fine now if i look at driving here is a very nice big visual element and then i would say this slice here is a nice big visual element as well does everybody agree with me on that maybe i see it a little bit differently than others but for me when i just have a quick look at these two pie charts what jumps out at me is that this pie chart has two big slices and this pie chart seems to have two fairly big slices as well and then these other three slices here are definitely smaller and kind of equal somewhat so these like if if this was a pizza or if this were i should say if this were a pizza and these were the only slices left for me to buy it would be hard to choose which is the bigger slice okay but if these slices were there i'd be like oh give me that slice oh yeah give me that slice of pizza right so do you kind of see that as well you visually with me there okay so here what i wrote for my overview for my introduction is this okay so take a look i've basically i finished my paraphrase and my main feature and i wrote the two pie charts indicate the percentages for five reasons people choose to cycle to their employment or five reasons for driving to work each of these reasons are clearly outlined in the legend okay so instead of listing those 10 points this is where i actually refer the reader or the viewer to the legend okay now if they don't see the diagram that's fine but they'll know where i'm getting the information from and then here's my main feature immediately it is clear that there are two dominant reasons for cycling to work as well as for driving okay so this is my main feature i'm basically telling my reader that hey right away i look at these bada boom there are two big slices there and bang there are two big slices there one is huge but definitely two big slices there so that's kind of what i notice and that's what i'm gonna lead with when i get into um my point one and point two so first of all i'm going to discuss this is my point one and then these two as my point two and then i'm gonna go to these three for my point three and then i'm gonna go to these three for my point maybe four for these ones and five for this one because here i take notice that this is these are 14 this is 11. so here i have two absolutely equal sized slices here i have 15 13 and 12 so that makes sense okay so that's my analysis all right now uh i think a lot of you will realize this analysis that it makes sense to do one two and then uh three four five okay so let's do this um let's do number one first just write your sentence i'm gonna give you a little head start here so health and fitness 30 percent and then of course less pollution is another 30 percent so write a nice um starting uh sentence for the body paragraph for the analysis that describes health and fitness and less pollution okay so i'll give you a little bit of a head start here all right i'm going to do the same so i'm going to get going with the analysis here and what i'm going to do here is uh just copy it to the bottom so we can see this so my beginning here is the overview i don't need to separate these two sentences that would be nonsensical or unnecessary and then i'm going to start with my analysis firstly those two points health and fitness and lower pollution for bicycling so analysis for plural okay all right so os says the major two features for driving comfort uh and distance instead of biking health and less pollution os that's unclear rephrase it rewrite it okay that sentence does not make sense uh oh it says it is clear and equal to advantage for biking is health and fitness and less pollution both rate 30 percent os avoid percentages especially when you have thirds halves and quarters okay all right becca says when looking at the data in more detail careful with the spelling because d-a-t-a data in more detail it is evident that the majority of people cycle to their employment because of health and less pollution which account for 30 percent each yeah i would have written beck john for one third of the pie each okay 30 percent so close to 33 percent furdov says more than half of cyclists prefer to cycle because of health and fitness and less pollution with 30 percent equally all right in that case for dogs it makes sense and it makes sense to write 30 equally that's a nice start okay all right uh abhiman then just break it into two uh comments okay so abhiman says sixty percent of people opt for cycling to go to offices because they're serious about health and environment while the same percent of people would choose card due to more comfort and um yeah i mean you can make that comparison of the 60 but i would keep it a little bit simpler for my audience so i just wrote going into more details about a third of all cyclists indicated health and fitness as the primary for choosing this method of transportation while another third claimed it is for less pollution okay so i kept it a little bit simpler all right uh if you're getting really fancy you're pushing for that band 9 you can say that 60 of the two top reasons and the sixty percent of two top reasons for uh driving a car but i don't think there's much value in that comparison so i don't know if i would do that okay so here i'm just saying one third of cyclists choose this method of transportation for health and fitness while another third choose it to help the environment or to cause less pollution okay so different ways to say that but i would do it that way all right okay um so let's keep going here now we're going to do uh the same but for uh comfort and distance to work okay so 21 is distance to work for driving a car and 40 percent is for comfort okay um now kind of similar to these two but it's a little bit different because here we have one third and one third right here we have 40 percent which is double of the next main reason which is distance to work okay so that's a hint and of course in the future i would expect that you recognize that yourself so 40 twice as much as 20 20 still a lot more than the other three reasons here okay or 21 so write this sentence here or write these sentences it could be one sentence maybe two sentences clearly explain these two large portions for this choice okay all right i'm gonna do the same and then we'll compare okay all right so there's what i wrote let's see what you came up with back john says similarly for driving there are also two major reasons which are comfort and distance to work making up uh two-fifths and just over a fifth uh respectively yeah very nice okay beck john yeah 40 is two-fifth and uh 21 is just over a fifth and you use the word respectively notice how i used it here as well i felt that that made sense so we're kind of on the same page good very good nicely done okay all right ferdov says about two-thirds of drivers choose cars in order to get to job places because of comfort and long distance regarding the major advantages for driving vehicles to work are comfort and distance 40 and 21 respectively yeah don't put um a dash os between 40 and 21 because that means 40 to 21 so that doesn't make sense it should be 40 and 21 respectively okay so don't use a dash because when you put dashes between numbers like that it means the range of numbers okay and it's very awkward to have the high number first and the low number second okay so just end okay so here i have uh on the other hand the largest proportion of automobile users expressed comfort as their main reason for opting to drive while half as many expressed that it was due to their distance from the workplace at 40 and 21 respectively okay so quite similar uh to what you are writing as well uh beck john just worded a bit differently okay all right so now we have uh the other three reasons for cycling to work and that's no parking problems at 15 percent okay we have no cost at 13 and then we have faster than driving at 12 and yeah in some cities during rush hour it's arguable that it is faster than driving so no parking problems no cost faster than driving fairly similar all within a three percent range uh 15 13 12 right and that makes up 40 of the pie chart total okay so i'm gonna write this number three uh you do it as well and then we'll compare okay now beck john gave us a good tip here he said that wait a second forty percent is roughly two uh it's not roughly it's exactly uh two-fifths of the total okay all right now because i use the third in my case i'm not going to use two-fifths because that wouldn't mathematically add up so i have to be a little bit careful here okay but uh write your sentences students so go ahead and explain those last three points so no parking problems doesn't cost anything and it's faster than driving okay all right you you so this is what i wrote let's see what you've come up with okay now again make sure that you're also working on fluency so don't overthink it okay you only have 20 minutes to write this so you need to be fairly quick for dav says there are three more reasons uh people opt to cycle no parking issues it's free and it's faster than driving all of them about 13 each um yeah i would actually for dogs maybe say no parking issues it is free faster than driving comma 15 13 and 12 respectively so therefore doves if you want to be more precise you could just do 15 13 and 12 respectively and then you have a more precise sentence okay all right um so the remaining three reasons people bike to work are shared fairly equally no parking problems fifteen percent no cost i liked how you paraphrase that for doz with it's free uh thirteen percent and faster than driving twelve percent sure and now if i go [Music] to the last kind of point here at 14 14 and 11 which are faster than cycling need to carry things to work and uh safer than cycling then now i can kind of make a comparison here right because that's similar to biking so these three pies or sorry these three slices are also kind of equal in proportions or fairly close these two are absolutely equal and then safer than cycling is just three percent less so again very very similar so here i can create a similarity okay so here what i would do is i would write similarly the three remaining factors for driving to work are quite equal weighted weighted and then they were have cargo okay and was it cargo and faster than cycling have cargo and faster than cycling both 14 and safer than cycling at 11 percent okay so uh yeah i did a little paraphrase here you inspired me uh for dobbs so instead of uh have something to carry to work um cargo right when you have in your car some boxes or you have a truck with some tools basically you have cargo okay all right apiman says the remaining three reasons why people opt to cycle is because of no parking overhead no costs and it's faster than uh driving during rush hours abhimaan be really careful with information mistakes okay and biking is faster during rush hours also apiman don't assume we don't know if it's because of rush hour right maybe some people have some shortcuts that they can take through the city and it's not just to do with rush hour but for other reasons as well it takes a long time to find parking we don't know that so you should never make assumptions uh in task one without the information given okay so abiman be really careful with that okay abhishek says furthermore people choose to pedal to work to the workplace for no parking problems no cost and faster than driving this is between 12 to 15 percent yeah good okay uh so this is what i wrote um similarly the three remaining factors for driving to work are quite equal weighted uh have cargo and faster than cycling both 14 and safer than cycling at 11 okay i'd fix this a little bit and replace this with either or so either have cargo or faster than cycling both 14 and cycling at 11 now um here i probably don't have the word count yet let me see how many words i have yeah okay i have just about enough so i have 178 let's say i have a little bit more time here so i can come up with a summary okay um so when i look at these two pie charts based on all of this analysis and description and comparison um what can i uh summarize okay and abhishek this is where i think what you said for the main feature i think that's what would be good for the summary here so do you remember abhishek what you said for the main feature if you recall that you can write that now for the summary okay so what was that that's what i would summarize with here and if somebody else remembers maybe they can use it as well so in summary and then how would i continue so i'll give you a little bit of a head start i'm gonna write it don't look at mine um until you finish yours okay yeah so abhishek good so you want to word that a little bit differently but it's the right uh approach okay don't refer to the legend just refer to the reasons okay in summary all right so this is what i would write here okay so in summary it is clear that there are quite different reasons for people to either bike or drive to work and each of these represent a significant percentage of commuters so commuters of course are people who are going to school or to work and we can see okay in these pie charts i'm sure you will agree with me that none of these are like two percent or one percent all of them are significant the lowest percentage that we have out of all of these reasons is safer than cycling at 11 11 it's over one-tenth of the survey it's still a significant number so here we can summarize that we have some very clearly different reasons why people either cycle or drive to work and all of these reasons seem to be significant because they're 11 percent or more okay does that make sense so far says to sum up when people choose either biking or driving they do it for different reasons yeah and each of these are significant so for dobbs all you need to add there is and each of these are significant okay and if you want you can even say significant and a 10 or more okay back john says to sum up by looking at the data presented in these two pie charts it can be observed that there are quite different factors that contribute to cycling and driving and then beck john same thing and each of these present a significant number of commuters okay all right makes sense spec john ferdovs yeah oh it says there are different priorities between biking and driving but in general both have many advantages um yeah os i think that works and represent a significant proportion of commuters okay all right so fantastic it's a beautiful kind of uh example of pie charts and how much information you can interpret from these pie charts so nicely done everyone i'm going to of course post this essay in our youtube community bulletin along with our other posts so you'll see it there you've done a fantastic job coming up in about 40 minutes i'm going to continue with a brand new reading passage so make sure to hang in there for that and everybody can join that chat so that's going to be some strategy and some practice with answers and everybody will be able to join in on the chat you're very welcome abhishek you're welcome ferdovs great job everyone keep thinking keep working on these okay keep cleaning up the language uh and uh focus on word choice grammar review revise okay all right i'm adrian i'm signing out for now and i will see you soon bye wow
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 59sec (2879 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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