IELTS Live - Reading - Band 9 Technique

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today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from beautiful Budapest here in the heart of Europe I hope everybody is having a great start to their weekend in this class we are looking at the reading section of the IELTS exam we're looking at a passage from the academic IELTS but students do know if you're taking the general version of the exam section 3 in the general version the passage is very very similar to the passages of the academic version of the test this is a members chat class so only members can use the chat function but of course everybody is welcome to watch we will have an all chat class coming up in 90 minutes that will focus on speaking part two while we wait for some of our members to join in on the class just a little bit about us these lessons are brought to you by AE help comm for the academic IELTS exam check us out there join our Premium Package and for the general version check us out at G IELTS help comm on both of these websites we have loads of materials to help you in fact we will use one of the websites today this is what the academic website looks like here with the blue background click that big red button to join the Premium Package or click the green button to try it for free this is the general version of the website and again you can click that big red button to join the Premium Package or click the green button to try the demo version of the preparation of course both of those sites have over 100 hours of video lessons fully interactive courses for your phone tablet PC and original practice exams and you can link them to the apps the apps our academic IELTS help in general IELTS help your Google Play Apple AppStore if you have questions about our products courses videos or the IELTS exam send me an email adrián @ae help calm I know a couple of our members send some requests in the last few days for classes so that's fantastic I'll schedule those hi reg beer hi eggs done for dobbs Michelle good to see you in class those of you who like to learn from physical books you can order our paperback books or of course the electronic versions of the exams as well search for a helps academic culture Geoff's general outs on Amazon and then you can get those delivered to your home they're very competitively priced so well worth it a little bit about the schedule members take note of this as well viewers hi Sergey so of course the schedule is according to Central European time because I'm in Budapest currently and today it's reading followed by speaking part 2 then tomorrow Sunday there's no class and then I'm back on Monday and usually I don't teach on Mondays and Tuesdays but this time I will host a class on Monday and I will host two classes on Tuesday so next week we'll have classes Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday because after that I'm going on a trip for six days so Monday Tuesday we will have classes to make up some of that time okay members is that clear give me a yay give me an a let me know alright so Monday to Thursday classes next week and then Friday to Wednesday no classes there you will have a little bit of break and then I will be back on the 6th with a speaking part one okay I share welcome aboard I see you have exclusive video send me an email so I can hook you up with those perks okay alright four doves reg viewers Sergei thank you for that so that's clear all right so then we'll have classes of course regularly until the ninth all right so I will post this schedule on the YouTube community board also okay so you'll see it there all right so let's get into today's reading passage students here we go we're gonna do a little bit of discussion practice and so the questions bit of strategy so here we go the topic for today is earthquake preparedness what is your first step members so what should you do right away when you are looking at your reading passage in the IELTS exam what is step number one to give yourself the best opportunity to get a high score and you should always do this without question even if you're a native speaker even if you're doing a university reading exam you should do this okay always so this is a standard step for any person doing a reading comprehension exam yeah so Rajveer says read the heading you mean read the title write read your ears so read the title and do some critical thinking yeah absolutely so always read the title and do some critical thinking this basically warms up your brain for the upcoming information so it can process it better and faster a lot of times students complain that I read the passage and then I forget what I read right so that happens to the best of us it can happen to me as well this strategy helps you overcome that okay so this strategy helps you overcome forgetting the content of the passage right after you read it so it's it's important for several reasons okay so this particular passage that we're looking at the title is earthquake preparedness so what kind of ideas come to mind when you read this title okay so when you think of earthquake preparedness what do you think of okay for example I think of escape route okay that idea comes to mind so I should know where I have to go or which way I should escape out of the building if there's an earthquake what comes to your mind fur dog says preparations in Japan so yeah that's good fur dog so you're thinking specific Japan and then you can take that specific idea of Japan for Dobbs and then expanded into the bigger idea of earthquake preparation and earthquake zones right Vancouver Victoria San Francisco Philippines lots of other places with higher chances of an earthquake right India as well of course the X Don says shaking of the earth and being ready to face it yeah yeah it's done so how how how should you be ready to face the shaking of the earth okay so reg vir says using good materials for construction of course when you do this and you're thinking about your ideas you're practicing at home maybe even write these down these ideas and do it in English okay this is a great opportunity for you to expand your vocabulary as well when you do this kind of critical thinking Joe and Jesse says if you can't escape where should you where should you hide right yeah Joe and so what would so that's the general idea and then what are the specific points so where would you hide Joanne just dusty if you can't escape okay so where to hide if there's no escape and where would you do that KX dun says go to an open area so stay away from buildings that might be falling yeah absolutely okay and where would we hide if we're not able to escape so what would be some good places to try to protect ourselves any ideas around that one that comes to my mind well you're gonna think about that is have some water saved for emergencies right that's a very important one so have a supply of water yeah so Joanne says under a hard desk or a big table yeah good okay good job sure all right so now you're getting the right ideas okay so now your brain is prepared now you're ready to read absorb the content remember the content and your going to be able to use it when it comes to answering the questions okay so preparing the mind warming up the mind remember the mind is an extremely complex organic machine and it definitely benefits from being warmed up okay so being prepared all right Sergey says maybe save important documents yeah so yeah all right good so we got some good ideas around it what's my next step so what is my next step what do I do next step - so I read the title I spent a minute or so thinking about it critically gathering all the information from my own experiences Rajveer says look at the questions or read the questions yeah so so look at the questions read the ones that have information which is in the passage and ignore any false or possibly potentially false or extra information okay that's the key so let's do that alright so we look at the questions we read the ones that we think are going to be in the passage and we ignore ones that are false or potentially not in the passage we come to these yes no not given questions many of our regular students know that these ones we ignore okay we don't read them don't read it no don't read it it's extra false information in there it's confusing completely unnecessary to read not to mention it's a waste of time okay here we go we have questions 18 to 21 these ones are complete each sentence and sentence with the correct ending A to G so we have four half sentences let's say and then we have seven possible answers now these possible answers again we don't know which ones are correct or wrong which ones are in the passage or not so we're not going to look at those simply we're just going to review the information that is surely in the passage which are these four here okay so read with me and members viewers this is a reading class so please read don't just listen but read okay here we go the first step after waiting out aftershocks is to poor construction results in buildings that offer even otherwise well-constructed buildings may be at risk because they buildings along the west coast of North America and Japan are designed to Hey look at that for dogs Japan is in there so good prediction okay all right and then here we have a summary completion and we have a list of words the words again we don't know whether or not they're useful so we ignore the words we just nice and quickly review the paragraph that's given and these summary completion ones they also have a title again pay attention to the title in these questions so earthquake planning planning is incredibly important for surviving an earthquake they must make sure in advance that they have appropriate to survive after the event is the most critical resource after an earthquake since municipal sources may be damaged and unavailable conversely will be less scarce because it is less likely to be compromised in an earthquake some measures to take in preparation for an earthquake include storing medical supplies in a safe place not hanging picture frames above your bed and identifying in your home and workplace in the event of an earthquake try to call for help using your phone or if you are trapped try something on a pipe okay good so so far so good we read the questions now next step step three read the passage visualise okay just skimming and scanning for answers is not going to work if you're looking for those high band scores if you can get an OK band score with just skimming and scanning you can probably get a better score by reading keep that in mind okay so I'll read the passage visualize keep order of the information in your mind now you need to practice this okay so it doesn't happen magically overnight so visualize keep order of the information in your mind spend about 10 minutes which is lots of time to read the passage okay a native speaker at the high school level so a native speaker who is 18 years old grade 12 first-year college student they can read a passage like this in five minutes and understand it 100% so for those of you who are going into university college using English you have to reach the level of being able to read this passage in ten minutes and understand at least 70 to 80 percent okay so spend about 10 minutes to read the passage and focus to understand at least 70% okay this is what you need to master for band 7 and higher scores okay there's no other way around it so the only other option is luck and of course you can't plan your life around luck it's not a wise decision so plan your life around practice and mastery instead alright okay so let's do that now members any questions so far members is this all clear if you have a question ask me now because now we're going to read the passage so Joanne next on share our new member rajv viewers say Sergey any questions for me at this point so about strategy or anything that comes to mind for dobbs is good to go okay thank you for responding to my question anybody else questions no questions all right Rajveer says we can go ahead yaks done.i looks like yech stun has a question okay yeah it's done I can answer your question later too so keep it in mind after we read just ask me your question ok if your question is about how can we improve our speed and our comprehension one way is to do audio read along that's where you listen to audio you read with the audio and then you ask yourself questions so X done yeah I guessed your question there I can I improve my speed so use reading audio yes done and we're going to do that right now because our courses they're unique in that we offer audio for the reading sections also you don't have that in the real exam but it's really good for studying so at Geoff's help calm and a help calm we include the audio from British speakers ok and we're gonna do that right now so this exam of course is coming are out of our academic so I have the volume maximum on my end students so read with this British person follow this speed this is a nice comfortable tempo kit so I think it takes about six or seven minutes with this reader and also again visualize and keep order of the information okay so here we go viewers read ok read here we go earthquakes are likely to be the most devastating though earthquakes most of the time are only weak tremors which are not even strong enough to knock picture frames off walls just a sec I'll start that for us again k just one more time preparedness of all natural disasters earthquakes are likely to be the most devastating though earthquakes most of the time are only weak tremors which are not even strong enough to knock picture-frames off walls at their strongest earthquakes can destroy entire cities killing thousands and displacing millions for regions of the world affected by earthquakes being prepared for the big one is crucial to surviving when it eventually occurs earthquake preparedness takes three forms education construction and planning those who grow up in earthquake zones are very familiar with so-called earthquake drills these exercises take place multiple times each year in school and students practice the appropriate steps to take in the event of an earthquake the first step is to take shelter under a strong structure in school this is often a wooden desk in the absence of such furniture a doorframe is recommended as this is the strongest structural part of any room next drop to the ground cover your head and neck and only move if there is a safer place to seek shelter within short crawling distance keeping your head and neck covered are of critical importance since falling hazards are one of the biggest dangers in an earthquake once the shaking has stopped people are advised to wait for any aftershocks to occur many deaths and injuries occur during aftershocks smaller earthquakes which occur shortly after the initial quake so staying sheltered is recommended for up to 10 minutes after the main event once sufficient time has passed people should get to open ground taking care to avoid falling hazards especially glass structures such as windows one of the biggest factors that affects the number of casualties in an earthquake event is the quality of the construction of buildings that people work and reside in in areas with poor construction standards these buildings provide little to no protection against earthquakes in the major earthquake that occurred in Haiti in 2010 poor construction standards were to blame for a large proportion of the casualties while other countries have higher standards often these standards are not designed with earthquakes in mind many buildings may be built to an otherwise high safety standard but be almost as defenseless as the Haitian buildings when facing a strong earthquake in high-risk earthquake zones all buildings must be constructed with an eye to earthquake preparedness buildings in areas such as Japan and the west coast of North America are constructed to shift a certain amount along with an earthquake this elasticity allows the building to survive the quake instead of shaking and being knocked down they are shaken and returned to their original place this type of construction greatly minimizes the risk to inhabitants in the event of a major earthquake the final form of earthquake preparedness is planning people in high-risk areas must have a plan for what to do in the event of an earthquake and they must plan beforehand so they have appropriate supplies to survive in the initial days after the event the most important resource after an earthquake is a water and it is recommended people keep enough water for a week approximately 28 liters per person food will not usually be difficult to come by but water which relies on municipal delivery systems which are very likely to be compromised by the quake is precious other critical items such as medical supplies and personal documents should also be stored in a safe place so they can be retrieved after the event other measures which are useful to prepare for an earthquake are keeping a flashlight and whistle next to your bed not hanging falling hazards such as picture frames over your bed arranging a family contact person outside of your area arranging a family meeting place and identifying both hazards and refuge areas within your home school and workplace in the event that you are trapped after an earthquake do not struggle or kick up dust instead try to make sounds such as blowing on a whistle or tapping on a pipe so that rescuers may locate you if you have a mobile phone use it to call or text for help earthquakes can be deadly all the preparedness in the world will not help if a sufficiently large earthquake hits the wrong spot what can be done however is to improve the chances of survival through education appropriate construction and diligent planning countless lives can be saved all right so just a little bit of fYI for your information this is a very comfortable reading speed you can even read 15% slower in the actual exam and you should still have lots of time to answer the questions okay so that's what we're going to do right now we're going to answer the questions together and again just a little bit of information as we do this so step four answer questions and you must practice this at home okay so answer questions you should answer about 70% of the questions without without having to search the passage for those of you who are really looking for those high band scores those band seven eight nine so that's what you need to target okay so being able to confidently answer questions without searching for answers all right searching for every single answer all 40 of them in three passages is too much okay it's not an ideal situation okay it's not perfect okay so we want to do that with the right strategies now before we begin the passage explained that there are three key parts to surviving an earthquake what are they what are the three key parts to surviving an earthquake so this is my question to you before we look at these questions okay what are the three important components or factors when expecting or what do we need to do so what are the three important factors for surviving an earthquake okay even if you're speaking and comprehension level is at about a band five you should know this okay if you didn't pick this up you definitely have to rework your reading strategy okay so Rajveer says education construction and planning in that order and I like how you kept the order correct okay Joanne says education construction and planning fer DAF says preparation education and construction so fir dubs you've mixed up the order a little bit careful with that yeah the reason I asked that question for most of you does anybody know why I asked that question so the answer was education construction and planning why did I ask this question what do you think so what was my logic here why was it important for me that you know that aha very good Rajveer very good fir Dobbs super thumbs up for both of you I'm loving your perception and your clarity it's the thesis absolutely it's the thesis of this essay you have to be clear on that yeah yeah so it's the thesis of the essay and it gave the structure of this passage so the passage told us about the education first then it told us about the construction and then it told us about the planning aspect so if you paid attention to the thesis it was much clearer to follow the passage and to understand what was going on very good Rajveer very good fir Dobbs excellent always pay attention to the thesis which comes out of the introduction so for all of our viewers what Rajveer and fir Dobbs very cleverly identified as this last sentence here earthquake preparedness takes three forms education construction and planning they realize aha wait a sec that's the thesis I have to really pay attention there because that means that this paragraph will be about education and then after we'll come some information about construction and then about planning and that's very clever that helps okay helps you stay organized and know where information is all right great job hats off members I'm really proud of you good good I love it when I can see my students acquiring the knowledge that I'm giving them that's fantastic that makes me feel confident that you're gonna do an excellent job on your IELTS exams okay great so let's do that yes no not given hmm here we go number 14 we read this statement most earthquakes are strong enough to cause some damage then what do we do so true false not given I read the statement and before I decide or do anything what should I do okay Joanne's giving me the answer but let's just hold off maybe Joanne's already like yeah I know what to do and you've gone through the steps and that's fantastic John but I want you to just remind me what I need to do so what do I need to do and the true false not given please remind me and please tell all of our beautiful 158 current viewer so Rajveer says ask if it's important so ask yourself is this information important yeah very good so is it important to know how strong earthquakes are usually the answer to that is absolutely okay we're talking about earthquakes earthquake preparedness for this topic it's definitely important to know so we can decide that it's given okay so we know that it's given and now we just have to decide if it's false or if it's true okay so here the next question was is it true that most earthquakes are strong enough to cause some damage and I think this is where Joann realized that now that's not true most earthquakes are just very small so there are thousands of earthquakes around the world every day but they're tiny they're very small worst-case scenario you might see a crack on the wall of the building but most earthquakes luckily these days are not strong enough to do damage right so it's false now pay attention students this is a yes no not given so you do have to change your F to an N okay so be very careful students it's an N so make sure you put n into your answer sheet if you put F into your answer sheet they will mark it wrong okay so don't put F okay N or no all right okay so same thing same strategy number 15 the strongest part of a room is furthest away from windows that can shatter all right so let's go through this one with the logic is it important to know what the strongest part of a room is I think yes so it's given right okay so is it important to know what the strongest part of the room is yes so it's given so that means that the author or the writer discusses this information right yeah absolutely Reggie it's it's important so mmm this comes from visualization you should have visualized this you shouldn't need to search the text for this what's the strongest part of the room yeah Sergey says yeah that's important yes done it's absolutely important we're talking about earthquake preparedness so the strongest part of a room that's important okay yeah Joanne says well the strongest part of the room is the doorframe right so it's not this it's the doorframe when you read the passage you should have visualized yourself kind of standing or crouched maybe at the doorframe here okay so you should have kind of seen yourself crouched at the doorframe so according to the writer is the strongest part of the room furthest away from the windows no the strongest part of the room is the doorframe wherever that is right okay so what's the answer to this one then it's false so it's no right again it's n that we're putting here not F okay so here we go number 16 next one your head and neck are the weakest parts of your body and must be protected is it important to know for earthquake preparedness which parts of the body are the weakest and must be protected so this is question number 16 okay is it important to know which parts of your body are the weakest and must be protected for an earthquake what do you think for this one Joanne says important Rajveer says I think yes Sergey says yeah X Don says no okay um let me ask you in a different way and this is another logic I haven't shown you this before but you can ask this as a question okay what is the weakest part of your body let's ask it that way okay so this is another trick for these yes no not given questions is asked different questions related to the statement so here we can ask what is the weakest part of your body so what's the weakest part of a part of your body what do you think what do you think is the weakest part of your body so for dove says head neck head maybe I disagree okay again use your logic I don't know about you but my head is pretty hard okay sure my brain if it's damaged I'll die but my head is not weak okay Joanne has a very good answer Joanne says I don't know okay so don't know you're right Joanne because there is no such part of the body that could be said to be particularly weak okay for different people different parts of the body might be weak depending on their age okay some people might say their lower back their spine is kind of weak some people might say their legs are a little bit weak but there is no actual one part of the body that we can say hey that part of the body is the weakest fortunately nature God has created us to be quite strong and without too many vulnerabilities so our neck and our head they're pretty strong they protect some key parts of the body okay so here this is we're realizing now that this is kind of strange okay so if you realize that the information is strange okay so strange idea or strange information or a strange idea then there's a very very very good chance that it's not given okay the IELTS examiner's usually don't discuss awkward information like that okay so it's a pretty safe bet to go with not given the author the writer is probably not going to write something awkward or strange like that that your head and your neck are the weakest it would be a different question if it said something like vital parts of your body are the vital parts of your body vital means that it's important to survive that's different because that's true okay if I shatter my head I die my brains in there right same with my heart so we have some vital body parts but we don't have weak body parts all right so here it's awkward it's strange I didn't picture weak body parts so not given does that make sense so did that make sense students how I use that logic and share I'm glad that you also realize that yeah the head is strong it's not a weak part of the body okay and you were right share it's not mentioned in the passage okay so careful with awkward information all right number seventeen aftershocks are incredibly dangerous okay so we had the big earthquake and then these smaller earthquakes follow after is this important for the passage I would say yes absolutely okay so that's got to be important right now then the question is is it true true so we know it's given is it true that aftershocks can be very dangerous and again think logically right you have this big earthquake it shakes everything loose okay so everything is just kind of hanging and holding on and now you suddenly have smaller shakes to finish the job right so of course they are they're very very dangerous that's why they say that often times more people will die and aftershocks than in the original earthquake ok so yes is true so not T but Y for yes ok so the answers are no no not given yes did I have to look at the passage no ok first for answers purely logic purely from what I understood in the passage all right good job by the way students I can tell that most of you are getting this so Joe and Sergey share yex done nice I like how you're clicking reg beer for dogs you're clicking you're going yeah ok I get it I get it I'm following alright good good I'm happy you're making my Saturday happy thank you for that I appreciate it I really do alright so here we go complete the sentences with the correct ending ok vishal says ye so complete each sentence with the correct ending here we go so let's do these number 18 so for these ones the strategy is mostly to finish the idea yourself and then see if you can find a match ok so finish the idea and then see if you can find a match make sure that the grammar is correct all right here we go the first step after waiting out aftershocks is to so the main earthquake happened I'm standing in a doorframe now there's smaller shakes I'm waiting for those now they're finally done it's quiet nothing's happening I've waited two minutes what should I do and I visualize this so this was in the education part right this said people should know this to stay safe so what should I do I waited for the whole earthquake for the aftershocks what do I do now answer it and then we'll see if there's a matching ending to what you think okay what do I do fern offices get out of there yeah right fur dogs don't wait for the building to collapse okay it's probably in a rough shape get out of there okay Sergei says stay in a safe place for some time yeah which is probably some open ground right I know that's what I would do is go to an open area far from buildings yeah Vishal absolutely yeah Rajveer says look out for other family members of course Reggie fear that's possible and hey if that answer is there we might want to consider that right if it's not then we'll go with the go out to open ground but yeah I agree with you reg fear if somebody is in need of help then that should be your first priority especially family members that people who you love and then go to open ground okay so let's see if there's anything there anything jump out at you does anything look like it could be the right answer just the nut just the letter right we don't need the whole shebang here yeah there you go all of you on the same page be absolutely students when you're putting the letters into your answer sheet I definitely suggest stay with the capital so stay with the big big letters okay the capital uppercase letters so be alright good yeah find open ground okay um number 19 poor construction results in buildings that offer what so there's it's kind of like fill in the blank think about it and then match right so offer another way to say offer is give okay this is a verb so this should be followed by some kind of a noun in the end so Porkins action results in buildings that offer less safety so Rajveer says less safety here maybe is the answer okay anybody else four doves offer collapse doesn't make sense okay [Music] because collapse is a verb so you need a noun here for Naz offer means give give collapse doesn't make sense for dogs yech stunts has less protection okay I might be even more direct and I might say yaks done something like no protection okay so poorly constructed buildings offer no protection or fur DAF says offer high risk okay good so yet you're all kind of on the same page any of them jump out like they could match so any of them look like they mean no protection or less protection careful anybody know the meaning of modicum so here it says little protection I'm sure that one okay if I don't know this word I have to be very careful to choose it okay I think G is the better choice okay so I would confidently put G because that makes sense less protection or little protection okay that makes sense so G is a better answer modicum is actually not does not mean little okay all right next one even otherwise well constructed buildings may be at risk because they okay so even otherwise well-constructed buildings may be at risk because they what do you think is the end of that sentence so what should go in here to finish this sentence okay what do you think so even otherwise well-constructed buildings otherwise is a word meaning opposite so although even though well constructed buildings may be at risk because why might a well-constructed building be at risk yeah so yes done says they aren't designed to face an earthquake yeah so here in Europe actually here in Budapest where I am there's some really nice buildings that are really well constructed but they are not constructed for earthquakes so sure they're built well but an earthquake would destroy them because they're not designed to move they're made out of bricks they're made out of mortar and concrete without steel rebar so they would not do well in an earthquake even though they're well constructed all right so hopefully Europe doesn't have any major earthquakes because there are definitely some countries that would be in trouble okay so we look for the right answer here are not designed to withstand earthquakes look at that it's a okay and I think all of you got that that's good okay twenty-one buildings along the west coast of North America and Japan are designed to what what are the buildings in Japan and Vancouver San Francisco what are they designed to do again finishing your own words and then find the match so visualize it Japan Vancouver risky places yeah so reg veer says they're designed to move designed to move in case of an earthquake sure okay yeah so elasticity nice you even remember that nice vocabulary Rajveer an elastic band a rubber band right so elasticity means it can stretch and move yeah Vishal Koscheck says they're designed to move sure so any choices that match that concept of designed to move okay I can see one yeah very good for dobbs very good Reggie Adi right move in response to an earthquake good okay so Dee is the right answer fantastic okay great job members really really loving your work today nice flow I think a lot of you if you sat the IELTS exam today you would do really really well in the reading section so very good good job Sergei all right so we have this last question here it's the complete the summary with the list of words so here's the question again I'll leave it on the screen for just a moment so you can kind of see that okay so there it is and then I'll show you the choices and I'll leave you this one for homework okay members so here is the paragraph you can read that and then here are the choices okay do it for homework put the correct letter you don't need to write the words put the correct letter into the spaces send me your answers and I'll send you back the answer sheet okay so I'll let you know how you did how does that sound okay my my email where you can send those to and of course this video will be on the channel so you can look at the end of the video to see the question again my my email is Adrian at AE okay and Reggie viewers giving a good start to everybody saying 26 is gee okay all right okay students so send me that I'll wait for those emails for all of our viewers make sure to join our premium packages at a help calm for academic IELTS G IELTS help calm for general get the best materials to improve quickly improve communication as well as English vocabulary and grammar succeed on your IELTS exam and succeed in your continued studies college university and in your office work writing effective letters and business proposals that's it for me for right now in 30 minutes I will be back with speaking part 2 an original question to get you thinking and practicing for band 9 cue card response you're very welcome Rajveer I'm glad that you enjoyed that class hopefully I will see all of you in 30 minutes much love from the heart of Europe in Budapest bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 8,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, reading, passage, tip, strategy, skill, band 9, body, paragraphs, academic, sentences, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, description, English examination, read, speed, fluency, true, false, not give, understand, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage explanations, sections, question, list of headings, paragraph completion, multiple choice, material, papers
Id: kZInm42qo8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 42sec (3282 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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