IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing for Maps - Band 9 Practice

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had a great week and you're all looking forward to a fantastic weekend i wish good luck to all of those who are writing their ielts exams on this weekend i hope you get nice high band scores in this lesson everyone we are looking at ielts task one uh a map expository essay this is for the academic ielts task one but this is also very useful for the general ielts the reason is is that in the listening section oftentimes you have to listen to a description of a map and you have to understand directions so practicing map type questions for the general ielts can be quite useful for vocabulary and language while we wait for some of your peers to join in this lesson is presented to you by that's for more help with the academic ielts visit us there and for the general ielts check us out at g i e l t s help dot com that's general ielts help dot com on both of those websites we have loads and loads of information to help you improve your communication your english and your band scores welcome jai neil get to see members joining into the class all right i'll just quickly show you these websites so this is our academic ielts website here with the blue background you can click this big red button to join our premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access and it only costs a fraction of the official ielts exam so it's worth your investment i've put a discount code even into the chat that you can use we are an official british council ielts test registration center and certified agents hi bakrat hi amu hi jun hi jyoti nice to see more students joining in this is our general ielts website here with the green background you can use this big red button to join us there again it's just a one-time payment for lifetime access this sunday will have my ielts band 9 journey episode 5. i took the official ielts exam we filmed it we did a mini series with this and episode 5 will be the inquiry on results so when students are not happy or candidates are not happy with their marks they can get a remark and that's what i'm going to show you this sunday hi nikhil hi rashika you can follow us on instagram ielts underscore ae help g ielts help and you can send me an email if you wish with questions to adrian ae help dot com all right so we have this task one class right now for members also we're streaming now live to our general english help channel so uh students can join there as well that will become also a membership for this time and tomorrow uh we have speaking part two and speaking part three so some really good speaking practice coming up tomorrow make sure you're there for that and now let's take a look at this ielts task 1 writing question again this is for the academic ielts but it's very useful vocabulary language and listening for the general ielts as well because the listening section often includes question types that are about maps and you have to identify locations directions prepositions so this will be good for that as well hi paulo welcome vicky good to see you there um okay so uh let's take a look at this step one is just to read it really carefully you have to um really slow down after the reading section start with your task one task one should be easier i actually like these map type questions i think that um they're one of the easier task ones as long as you know what you're doing so here we go uh students you should spend about 20 minutes on this task the maps below show a library in 2000 and now describe the main features and make comparisons were relevant you should write at least 150 words uh the at least part is kind of emphasized and oftentimes what you actually see in the ielts when you're reading this is the at least is capital so they write it like this okay um when you're writing all uppercase letters does anybody know what that actually means in in writing technically speaking in english anybody know like if i write something like this this is kind of a fun question because sometimes students write emails like this in english and i'm like whoa you should not do that it's not professional so if you write something like and this is also in the chat students even in the live chat so if you write please give me the answer like this all capital letters versus a writing uh please give me the answer does anybody know what the actual technical difference is between these in according to english literature there is a description of what this is and what this is okay janeille says it's to emphasize something um actually it's even more than just to emphasize something um when you're writing all capital letters it means you're shouting okay so you have to really use that carefully you're right janila does emphasize but technically it means that you're shouting so if you have a paragraph and let's say one sentence is all in capital letters it's kind of the same as um using exclamation marks and it's like using multiple exclamation marks like that so it's like please give me the answer um so it's like you're shouting at your listener all right so if you don't intend to shout don't write all capital letters um yeah jynil absolutely it can be so depending on how you use it and where you use it it could be considered rude behavior okay so in this here when the ielts writes this they're actually writing it like this you should write at least 150 words okay so if i'm reading it according to rules of english this is you should write at least 150 words okay that's how that would be read which means that that's the absolute minimum and you need to keep in mind that band seven uh to nine essays and this is true for the general ielts as well are most often uh 200 to 200 let's say even 40 words uh for task one okay so keep that in mind all right that's kind of interesting to to note all right no now let's go back to our question here so um here we have our library and here we have the year 2000 and here we have now okay so after you read the question your next step is to actually look at the diagram and just start to understand what you're looking at here so in 2000 okay in the upper portion here now we need to have a reference point obviously okay so we need to know which direction and north east southwest is a little bit awkward for something like a library here okay so i wouldn't really use the compass in this case like north uh south east west okay so i wouldn't use the compass here i think that's a little bit awkward not for this type of a map it's a building it's not a large building we don't really have wings like a west wing or an east wing to the building so we do need a reference point that we're going to be using in our essay where we kind of figure out the relative direction what would be a good reference point here okay jenny nidhin welcome to our group of members that's great to have you uh vicky um thank you for that super chat donation that's fantastic and i'm glad you registered successfully for your exam yeah nick hill very good so nick hill says the reference point should be the entrance yeah um absolutely nick hill good eye and notice how ielts is trying to help you here a little bit so they are bringing your attention to this notice how this is gray okay everything else um there are these white blocks okay but the entrance here is uh gray so that's your reference point okay so this is to the left of the entrance uh to the right of the entrance this is near the entrance this is the center of the library this is the back of the library so our reference point here is the entrance okay it's very important that you identify that reference point okay yeah bahrain says begin from the entrance absolutely okay so we have that reference point and now we'll be able to orientate our reader clearly based on that reference point okay so when you see something like this for your task one identify that reference point all right um so now let's just look at some of these main features these will this will become uh valuable information for our essay okay all right um so we have our entrance um up to the left of the entrance here we have this large fiction center and then we have even some more fiction here so there's quite a quite a large part of the library here dedicated to fiction books and here um we have um of course a fair bit of change so we have books dedicated to uh different uh genres like art hobbies cookery and then here we have fiction and non-fiction so those sections have become much smaller okay these uh books here so these um subsections here were in the center of the library or more towards the center and now we have some tables and seatings with a cafe there so obviously there's some changes there travel remains in the same location new books remains in the same location and service desk remains in the same location okay so we've got some movement we've got some addition uh to the library some additional services to the library so that's what we're going to be focusing on all right now um we're not going to get into that much detail at the beginning that's going to be for the main block or the body paragraph of the essay the first step that we want to do is we want to begin with the introduction okay and the introduction what is that members so what should be included into the introduction always always no matter what kind of a diagram or um graph you're looking at you should always be doing this for the introduction okay the introductory paragraph so what do we do for that mm-hmm very good nick hill very good buck right yeah we paraphrase the question right for those of you who aren't clear um we paraphrase the original question and add some more details okay so paraphrase the question and add details okay don't forget to add details there are so many students who just paraphrase the question and they think they've done a great job um yeah it's okay but it's not a great job there's definitely some more detail that you can add so let's do this together um and uh let's uh compare after to see how we paraphrase there are lots of different ways to uh paraphrase the question okay all right here we go so all right that can be my introduction so summit says the maps show changes in the layout of a bookstore um between 2000 and the present assuming it's not bad i think you have a good idea but just be really careful with information mistakes this is not a bookstore it's a library okay a library and a bookstore are not the same and from a library you borrow books in a bookstore you buy books and the examiners will take marks for information mistakes because they're coherence mistakes so you have to be careful june writes these two blueprints depict the change in the layout of a current library from the millennium including the rearrangement of the book categories and facilities june i think that's fantastic okay yeah let's put those changes in there all right uh nick hill writes these two pictograms provide the information about the changes in the various sections of a library in the year 2000 and now yeah nikhil i'm pretty sure if you give that a second look you'll figure out that there are ways to paraphrase 2000 and now with time there are always ways to paraphrase time okay a time is such a frequent and key part of our daily communication that in just about every language i'm sure we find lots of ways to paraphrase time and time context depending on how we want to express it okay all right janiel says the two blueprints depict the library and its various sections and services in the year 2000 and at present time yeah so i have something similar all of those are quite good so i wrote uh these blueprints um yeah and it's it's good to be even more specific so let's write how many right let's tell our listener think about your reader or your audience as maybe a person who doesn't necessarily see these diagrams right and ask yourself is it still clear so can a person who doesn't actually see these diagrams understand what i'm explaining to them or exposing to them because it's an expository essay right okay baccarat writes the blueprint of a map describes the changes that have been done to the layout of a library from 2000 to current in 2021. um bakrat you've got a few small mistakes but i do like how you're using the present perfect because present perfect is used to show change over time and that's definitely grammar that we want to be using in this essay it's present perfect because it's change over time from the past to the present has everybody recognized that so has everybody seen that now that we've looked at the question and uh paraphrased that present perfect is a is an absolute uh grammar form in this um in this map so and what kind of present perfect so we're gonna use present perfect here and there's gonna be a little bit of a more of a twist okay so what kind of present perfect are we going to be using at least a couple of times or several times in this essay if you take it one step further what do you think yeah very good nick hill clever clever nick hill you're you've become very very adapt um at english grammar and understanding how and why it's used um yeah the present perfect passive so the changes that have been done uh to the library and bakrat is using that present perfect passive which is great because of course we don't know who is the agent of the action so we don't know who is making or which people are making these changes to the library right okay so now um we want to uh create an overview here okay now for the overview it's a separate paragraph which is kind of strange it's just for the ielts in the real world especially when you have such a short introduction uh you would probably just have the overview as part of your introductory paragraph but in the ielts it's good to separate these just so that there's a lot of clarity so in the computer-based exam leave a space in the paper-based exam also skip a line between these two paragraphs just for the ielts when you get to university you probably want to combine these overview and the introduction are quite synonymous and connected so for the overview we want to look at um just kind of the main features so what you can see by uh looking at the diagrams at first glance so don't get really into uh the specifics yet okay and right away we can see this big chunk here so that would be my first glance first uh notice okay that's what i would recognize right away and then i would recognize this here and then this here is my number two okay and of course we don't all have to agree here um and then i would probably recognize this um as my number three now you're not describing this in great detail you're just describing this as an overview to your reader okay all right so i'm going to do that i'm going to describe this at first glance and then we're going to compare and again for generalized students even though your task 1 letter writing is quite a bit different than for academic students having a question like this for general aisle students it's still again really good practice for vocabulary description explanation to practice this kind of map style essay for developing your english communication skills okay and there's a very good chance that it will be still very valuable for your listening and potentially your reading section of your ielts exam or even your speaking section if you have to describe a building that has been changed uh over the past couple decades in your city okay so keep that in mind all right okay uh so i'm going to describe these kind of key features that i see at first glance that's what the question's asking right it says describe the main features and that's kind of your overview right so i will do that you do that and then i'll give you some feedback and we'll discuss further right so here we go all right so i'm gonna go with that okay let's see what you have um summit says overall the layout of the library has uh been significantly changed especially on the left-hand side of the room um yeah the left-hand side of the room is is okay yeah absolutely a number of features have been moved and modified while other facilities have been added okay good summit i like it that's good nice writing that would definitely get you a good band score mugun thumb nice to have you contributing good for you says overall the layout of the library um has changed significantly remember you're plural and you're singular so library has changed significantly especially the organization of the categories of books okay and then keep going mugunthun so you don't have all the information yet okay there's a little bit more as you'll see with mine and summit also included a bit more but that's a great start uh students be really careful with the correct use of has and have the auxiliary verbs for the present perfect you do have to have those correct if you keep making mistakes with those that's awkward for english and you will lose scores so pay attention to that okay nick hill writes overall it is noticeable that the major changes have that major changes you don't need to write the nick hill so overall it is noticeable that major changes have been done to the interior layout especially to the left of the entrance of the library while there are minor change changes at the center and back of the library that's what i would write nick hill so i think if we look at the library this would be considered the front because this is closest to the entrance and this would be the back so usually the front of the library back of the library the front of the library has actually remained more or less unchanged with of course this slight art fiction section here but you have to be careful with correct information june immediately it is evident that there has been considerable changes in the layout with the addition of a cafe and dining area and the organization of book categories um yeah very good june okay that works rashika at first glance it is clear that there have been lots of alterations that have been done to the left side of the library and some new facilities have been introduced all right rashika good just that one awkward grammar mistake they're careful okay um so now uh we can get into the analysis part before we do that let me read my overview so at first glance it is clear that there have been significant alterations uh to the layout of this library especially to the organization's organization of the books and services uh nevertheless some parts of the library have remained the same over the past 21 years and of course as with most of you i'm also using lots of present perfect already because present perfect really makes sense and i think that's why ielts is asking this question the present and now because they want to see that present perfect in your writing okay all right mahadi mam nice to see you join in on the class i'm glad you're enjoying it all right so now we get into our analyses okay so basically you don't need to over complicate this so use your overview as your thesis to guide your writing okay that's all you want to do is use your overview as your thesis statement to guide your writing simply digress into more details for each of your points in the same order okay so here um in my overview i write there have been significant alterations to the layout of this library especially to the organization of the books so organization of the books is my number one okay organization of the services is going to be my number two okay some parts remaining the same is going to be my number three all right so i'm simply going to go into more detail on each of these points in this exact order all right hopefully that makes sense for everyone okay all right so let's do this let's digress digress means to go into further explanation to go into more depth more detail that's what the word digress means okay whenever you see new word students i'm always trying to throw some new vocabulary at you whether it's an idiom a collocation an expression or some more advanced vocabulary make sure to write that down so in this case if the word digress it's a definitely an academic word let's say write it down and then keep that in your logs okay all right um so here i said the organization of the books right so organization of the books we have a large fiction center off to the left of the entrance reaching all the way to the back of the library and then we have the non-fiction section to the right of the library near the center of the wall all right now clearly that has changed and these smaller categories of cookery hobbies art have moved from the center of the library have expanded while the fiction um has become significantly smaller obviously the people in this locality weren't maybe borrowing them as much so that sections become much smaller but don't write that we don't know why the fiction centers become smaller maybe the libraries become an education center rather than an entertainment center so we don't know that so don't write points that you don't know just write what you do know and then um and then describe those okay so here we go i'm gonna do this you do this and then we'll compare so okay and just keep referencing the map as much as you need it so art hobbies cookery um and then yeah i can see here that uh non-fiction moved from the center of the right wall um to the back portion where fiction used to be okay okay there we go so that is uh my first point i'll read it out to you and i'm guessing you're also typing away collecting your thoughts and that's great so describing the changes in more detail it is very obvious that the fiction section has become much smaller after renovations in 2000 this section occupied the entire left side of the library as well as a portion of the back wall however by 2021 let's stick another comma in there because that's still a leading expression of time this category became much smaller and was joined by the other categories art cookery and hobbies okay to the left of the entrance yeah furthermore non-fiction novels have been relocated from the left center wall to the back right corner where more fiction books were uh formerly housed housed formerly is okay but i like formerly housed a bit more all right so there we go all right june writes in more detail the left hand side of the entrance was completely occupied by fiction uh books in 2000 however this section has shrunk with the supplement of books on hobbies cooking and art over the course of almost two decades uh careful yeah june it's good writing just careful with course of almost two decades it's not course of almost two decades it is two decades so 2000 to 2021 is actually just one year over two decades so be really careful with information mistakes okay uh nick hill writes a deeper inspection to the lip a deeper inspection comma nick hill it's your leading expression uh to the left side of the entry in 2000 the l-shaped fiction section has been diminished after renovations nevertheless after 21 years it has categorized it has been categorized because again it's passive nikhil so other people are doing the categorizing with the other types of books okay so it has been categorized with other sections art cookery hobbies and hobbies to the left of the library moreover the non-fiction books have been moved from the right center of the entry to the back of the library okay good all right uh speaking world is asking having a first glance it can be seen that um speaking word world having a first glance it can be seen that is wordy okay that's why i wouldn't write something like that so the question that's being asked on our general english and i've seen this so it's a good question i'll address it is is it okay to write this yes but it's not good writing it's not considered band 789 so having um a first glance it can be seen that okay so this is not considered a high band writing because it's wordy and redundant so having a first glance is almost the same as saying it can be seen that so basically you're just repeating yourself ielts examiners and you can imagine when they're marking hundreds and hundreds of essays they don't like to see writing where they feel like the student is trying to fill um words so they're trying to reach the 150 or 200 word count by filling unnecessary words you will actually lose marks for that in that case it's just better to write less words but better quality okay so i hope that makes sense for everybody all right mugunthan writes while in the past the library had a large portion of books on fiction after renovations this section has become more or less equal um it's not more or less equal maguntan it's clearly less so again information mistakes be careful about that more or less equal no way i mean look at how small fiction is here and look at how huge it is here uh if you wrote that it's almost like the examiner will drop you a mark just for that right away so it's not more or less equal okay it's different uh the left side of the library where fiction books are placed in 2000 is now divided into more categories giving space to other books um yeah yeah that's okay um i mean giving space to other books it's not actually true again muguntan because they're not doing that to give space to more books they were actually doing that to give space to uh the tables the seating and the cafe so again maguntan you have really good english you have really good grammar and vocabulary but you're going to be losing your marks on coherence and information and that's especially important for band 789 so you know if you wrote that i think you'd be very surprised if you got back at band 6 or 6.5 for your mark but that's what you would get and i'm sure you'd be shocked to be like why did i just get that i know i have good english i know i have good vocabulary and the reason why is because you're making too many information mistakes okay i'm just being very very honest with you here so you have to be really careful not to do that because that's so sad when i can see that a student has high english but they're also marking your communication so be really careful okay all right thumbs up yeah pay attention to that magunthon all right so i would actually write something like this the reduction of the fiction book section and the relocation of the other sections has given space for the introduction of a cafe [Music] to where the non-fiction books were found in 2000 and three tables and seating to where the interest books were located originally okay so um that's what you want to write okay so furthermore non-f sorry the reduction of the fiction book section and the relocation of the other sections has given space for the introduction of a cafe to where the non-fiction books were found in 2000 and to three tables and seating to uh where the interest books were located originally i might even give a little bit more help from my reader here to the center of the library where the interest books were located originally i should say originally located it just reads a bit better okay so now again going back i've basically uh described the first two points of my overview okay so the organization of the books and the services the changes there all right now i have one more part to go the part that has remained the same over the past 21 years and that part okay are the travel books the new books and the service desk all right so nevertheless uh three parts of the library have remained the same the travel books new books and service desk have stayed near the entrance to the front and front right of the library i'm gonna go with the venue instead of the library all right okay and that finishes uh this essay now i'm good here so this is good if i'm really fast at writing and i've already had a chance to review then i'll write a summary but before i write the summary it's really important to review students that's where i made a big mistake on my official ielts exam as i didn't actually spend enough time reviewing for spelling mistakes maybe some missed grammar and i think that's definitely where i probably lost about a whole band score so i'll do that differently the next time that i attempt my ielts exam so i highly highly recommend that you spend at least a couple of minutes reviewing your work before you move on to task two okay so at this point in the real exam what i would do is i would read this and it's the same for general ielts as well when you're writing a letter or an email quote-unquote you need to review it before you move to task two so here we go these two blueprints depict the various sections and services of a library at the turn of the millennium and current in 2021 with notable changes and see right away i can see that this is an additive clause so i need another comma here okay and it's bad to have mistakes even small ones like that in the introduction at first glance it is clear that there have been significant alterations to the layout of this library especially to the organization of the books and services nevertheless some parts of the library have remained the same over the past 21 years describing the changes in more detail it is very obvious that the fiction section has become much smaller after renovations in 2000 this section occupied the entire left of the library as well as a portion of the back wall however by 2021 this category became much smaller and was joined by the other categories art cookery and hobbies to the left of the entrance furthermore non-fiction novels have been relocated from the left center wall to the back right corner where more fiction books were formerly housed the reduction of the fiction book section and the relocation of the other sections has given space for the introduction of a cafe to where the non-fiction books were found in 2000 and three tables and seatings to the center of the library where the interest books were originally located okay and i have a missing comma here nevertheless three parts of the library have remained the same the travel books new books and service desk have stayed near the entrance to the front and front right of the venue okay um in summary much of this library has been altered to provide visitors to sit and enjoy a beverage while browsing and reading books okay so that's my summary because after all of this analysis if i want to really be like okay i want to be a five-star university level band 9 student i'm going to give some valuable information that i can figure out by looking at this and clearly when we look at this diagram hopefully everybody sees that the primary reason for the changes is really to add this service okay probably over the years we don't know this so don't write this probably over the years libraries realize that having a cafe in the library is extremely valuable um to keep your visitors there to keep them interested which is ironic because this is actually true in the real world uh libraries 20 30 years ago were very strict about not having any food or drink in the library but because of computers and the internet and all the information being on the internet now libraries have a challenge to stay open to st to keep people in the library to keep them interested so having a cafe where people can kind of enjoy their warm cup of joe with their book becomes essential so that's kind of an interesting thought for you to close this lesson okay i do see that there is some more good writing coming from rashika and from june as well okay uh magoonthon semicolons punctuations please visit the blog on our website so students for more details on writing especially concepts like punctuation commas semicolon period visit look at the blog search for punctuation same thing with for general aisle students all right that's it for this class everyone i will be back in about 30 minutes where we will finish task 2 essay that we started yesterday if you missed it don't worry because we will review the question and the introductory paragraph before we write the body paragraphs and the conclusion that's coming up next class this is and click this big red button to join our premium package and for the general ielts click this big red button here to join our premium package there i'll be back in 30 minutes see you soon everyone have a lovely break and then come back and join me for some more writing i'm adrian signing out from victoria for now bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
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Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: XRnzs4IfirY
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Length: 54min 22sec (3262 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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