IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing - Band 9 Line Graph

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hi students and welcome to today's live isles class my name is adrian and i am streaming to you from beautiful victoria on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had a great week and is looking forward to a fantastic weekend i hope you're all staying healthy staying strong and optimistic welcome sharmin hi anatoly welcome manish asha share very good to have many of our regular students in the class welcome arda hello members good to have you here with me today in this class we are looking at ielts task 1 writing specifically focusing on a band 9 line graph example and as usual this class is presented to you by that's for lots more help with your academic ielts visit us there if you haven't yet definitely check out our premium course it is well worth your investment for the general ielts check us out at g i e l t s help dot com where we have resources for the general version of the test including task one videos there i'll quickly show you what these websites look like while we wait for a few more of your fellow students this is our academic ielts website at we're an official british council isles test registration center and certified agents and you can click that big red button to join our premium package akash i'm doing fantastic thank you for asking all right a general ielts looks very similar as the academic but with the green background you can click that big red button uh to join us there and of course you can download our apps academic ielts help and general ielts help and you can link those to the websites and if you want to see something different check out a new youtube channel that we started called fun run search for fun run channel be fit for ielts fitness and education go hand in hand so check out that channel and it's a channel for charity to help students study around the world so it's great to check that out and if you have questions about our products or about the exam or english send me an email to adrian students uh we have a couple more classes tomorrow as well so make sure you're here for those q a for members speaking part three for everyone and here is our task one writing question for the day welcome to our moderator carolina as well uh carolina could you put the url up please for our fun run channel just in case somebody wants to check that out a little bit later on they can just click on that okay meanwhile let's get into task one writing so task one writing for the academic ielts um it's 20 minutes of writing it's an expository essay meaning that you have to explain the information that you see and it is going to be either a pie chart a line graph a bar graph a diagram a map okay it will be one of these or maybe a flow chart they usually change it up so don't try to predict make sure to practice all of them today we're practicing the line graph and you have to write at least 150 words okay now students keep in mind that band 8 band 9 essays for task 1 are in most cases closer to 220 words okay so 150 words is the absolute minimum but do keep in mind that band 8 and 9 task 1 essays are usually closer to 220 words okay just just so you have an idea about that okay thanks manish i appreciate that comment all right okay so your first step okay when you get to your writing section start with task one don't start with task two start with task one it'll get you warmed up and uh when you know what you're doing it is the easier essay okay so tip one is start with task one okay you can start with task two if you so choose but i don't recommend it okay so start with task one it is easier uh than task two when you know what to do because all the information is there so we could say it's like less thinking and more writing okay so it'll get you going on your writing okay and then step one is read the question carefully and start your introduction by paraphrasing the question with more details okay using uh the chart all right so paraphrasing means using your own word so let's read this question let's take a look at this chart all right here we go so ielts task 1 writing read with me everyone so do this with me don't just see me as like this entertainer that's jumping around in front of the camera but be active be a part of the lesson okay so read with me do this with me okay so here we go ielts task one writing the following graph shows the number of flu cases in a given sample for a specific year for both men and women describe the main features and make comparisons were relevant now when i read this kind of question i always go okay so the following graph sure what kind of graph okay it's a line graph number of flu cases okay so how many flu cases in this given sample let's see that um so here's the graph okay so flu rates for males and females females indicated by the red line males indicated by the blue line so this seems to be a flu that affects women a little bit more than men right away um and then okay so number of cases right so how many right and then uh for the number of cases we're looking at the y-axis okay so this vertical axis is called your y-axis okay it's good to know that and it goes from zero to four thousand uh with intervals of five hundred okay so if this is a new word for you make sure to learn it intervals of 500. okay so the maximum cases is 4 000. so good so that's kind of the more detailed information i'm thinking about as soon as i'm reading this so uh flu cases in a given sample for a specific year um is there another way to say the word flu pop quiz so let's see how much you're really thinking about this okay so what's another way to say flu or what's a different way to save flu can anybody tell me real quick good luck romney on your exam yeah i know it's coming up okay so um july says it could be a cold a cold isn't necessarily a flu but irene paulson says yeah well the full word for flu is influenza yeah absolutely so you want to think about that okay so instead of writing flu you can write influenza that is the full word absolutely okay very good lucas came up with that as well so lucas says why not call it the full word influenza and impress the examiner yeah so 0 to 4 000 influenza in a given sample sure for a specific year so as soon as i see specific year i go okay well what year right um so i'm sure the graph is going to tell me that and um it's 1996. okay uh february march april may june july august so interesting it's 11 months we have uh january missing which is noteworthy we might want to mention that at some point but um it's 11 months of 1996 from february to december okay so i'm paying attention to the title of my axes i'm also paying attention to the um the data here okay so this is my interval data on my x-axis it's the day or the sorry the months of the year okay all right shishma 7.5 band on the ielts overall is fantastic good job okay so now that i have all of this information i can write my introduction okay the introduction for task one is short and again it's a paraphrase of the question with these details that i just showed you okay so read the question carefully start your introduction by paraphrasing the question with more details okay don't make mistakes on the introduction of task one because that looks really bad it's the start of your entire writing section if you make mistakes at the very very beginning it looks terrible so careful be extra careful with spelling double triple check okay all right so let's do it so here it says the following graph so now i'm just putting it together so this line graph okay i'm not going to say given graph because we know it's given you don't have to say the given graph okay you can it's not terrible um but um just say the uh given graph or sorry just say the line graph okay so what type of graph so the line graph shows you can always have a million different ways to say that so the line graph illustrates um influenza cases from zero to four thousand with intervals of 500 in 11 months of 1996 from february to december for both males and females all right so there we go um and that's nice and fast when you practice it it becomes quick so again all i did here was i just put together what we discussed right looking at the line graph giving that more detail in paraphrasing this uh sentence so the following line graph or sorry the following graph shows the number of fluke cases in a given sample for a specific year for both men and women this line graph illustrates influenza cases from 0 to 4 with intervals of 500 and 11 months of 1996 from february to december for both males and females for a given group okay a group would be uh in this case for a given sample all right nerd gamer love the handle a nerd gamer says the line graph depicts the number of fluke cases for a specific year for both males as well as females nerd gamer you're lacking detail notice my detail 0 to 4 000 intervals of 500 1996 if you just paraphrase like nerd gamer if that's all that you do for your introduction is you just paraphrase the question you're getting a band six maybe a six point five okay you're not getting into the band seven eight category okay uh sudarshan yeah we'll definitely look at the graph here again okay so ashish says the line graph uh illustrates the number of both males and females infected by influenza throughout 11 months of the year 1996. okay usher sure that's better so more detail there june writes this line graph depicts the influenza rates for both males and females in the year 1996 over the course of 11 months from february to december the y axis ranges from 0 to 4 000 with intervals of 500 cases very nice june that's some very nice technical writing that's what you need to do okay depica writes the line graph depicts the flu rates in a given population including men and women in the year 1996 with the numbers on the y-axis and the months on the x-axis topeka that's pretty good too i like it okay uh capitalize that t um and uh put a comma after population and after 1996 you're creating an additive clause there so make sure to put commas on both sides of that clause lasso i'm giving you tips this entire hour for task one so uh and for lots more tips bashu check out if you're doing academic outs and if you're doing general aisles okay so that's my best tip is check out those websites of ours okay all right so that is the beginning of our task one response for this line graph let me just cut that actually you know what let me instead of cutting it just copy it um and now we'll put that here as the introduction okay and then we'll continue on with the overview so the overview is uh basically the main feature so our main features uh if it's plural okay and there could be main features uh so the question for task one uh always says describe the main features and make comparisons were relevant basically you can think about it like describe the main features as your overview and make comparisons where relevant is your big body paragraph it's your analysis or analyses of the task one okay all right um so the overview is the most observable feature and without having to look at number data usually okay so basically for the main feature you should be able to just see the main feature by looking at the visual imagery of the graph uh let's take a look at that so um here we have our graph okay uh what is the most observable uh feature in this graph without looking at the data okay so what's the most observable okay so if i look at this and i ask 10 scientists okay what do you see what's the most observable kind of main feature here um what do you see what's the most observed what's the what what jumps out at you what's like well bam there it is okay well that looks really yep obvious okay so let's see um akshay yeah very good so akshay says similar pattern actually i mean i guess you mean for uh men and women yeah so very nice yeah so here we have females it's the red line and then here we have males it's the blue line and it looks quite similar so we can almost say that these two trends are parallel okay so they appear almost parallel for males and females okay all right um i'm sure you i don't speak hindi i'm not sure where you got that from all right so but anyway these two lines they seem almost parallel okay um so and what else do we see so we see this parallel and we see that females are more than males for this year right so uh it's parallel females are more or more cases right um because at every given point females seem to have a greater instance of flu cases with the exception of february where they kind of all seem to start at zero which is fine okay so maybe it was some kind of an outbreak um and then uh what else do we see so let's see did anybody catch um parnit says both lines show an upward trend not really parneet careful with information mistakes we see an upward trend here but we see a downward trend here and we see a flattening uh here right so it's not an upward trend we see an increase in flu cases in the first half of the year and then we see a decrease in the second half so that's the third point okay so if we want to be really clever in our main feature our overview here these are basically the three points that you should observe so number one you should observe that for both males and females the trends are similar the lines are showing a parallel pattern okay the second point that you should observe is that females throughout the course of 1996 seem to have more cases of flu than males at any given month okay and then the third point that you should observe is that for the first half of the year there seems to be a drastic increasing trend and then for the second half of the year there seems to be a decreasing trend okay everybody sees that that's what you should be looking at okay all right so let's report those three main features before getting into the analysis all right uh write the overview everyone i'm going to write the overview as well i've given you all the information or we've deciphered all the information and uh then we can compare okay so we can compare the information afterwards romney says i just wrote that all right romney if you just wrote that that's fantastic i'm not sure if that's what you're referring to there's a lot of chatter going on but if you did that's great okay so at first glance it is clear that both men and women show a similar parallel pattern of flu cases throughout the year with women having more cases than men in any given month furthermore it is evident that there is a rapid upward trend in infections at in the first half of 1996 and then a decrease in the second half of this annum okay so here pick up this vocabulary pick up this writing this is what you want to do to get that band-aid band nine score okay so at first glance let's follow that with a comma because that is an introductory statement okay so it's a leading expression so at first glance it is clear that both men and women show a similar parallel pattern of flu cases throughout the year with women having more cases than men in any given month furthermore it is evident that there is a rapid upward trend in infections in the first half of 1996 and then a decrease in the second half of this annum and you meaning year it's a paraphrase okay jazz writes at first glance comma it is clear that the trend of both males and females affected by influenza is quite similar whereas the number of men are more as opposed to females throughout the given period jazz it's females are more than men and affected in your sentence should be the verb form so a-f-f-e-c-t-e-d not e-f-f okay uh careful with that so effect verb effect with an e noun okay actually writes at first glance it is clear that the graph for males and females has almost a similar pattern instead of saying graph akshay you should write trend okay the entire graph is the graph makes more sense to write trend okay or pattern okay those are better words dipika says noticeably or depica writes noticeably females were more affected by flu than males but the trends are similar among both between both because it's two males females it's between two between three or more among okay deepika with cases peaking in june and then decreasing towards december okay that's good topeka yep you can write that as well all right so rashika says the two lines show a similar parallel pattern of flu cases uh females infected the female infection rate was more throughout the year and peaked in the same month regardless of gender okay rashika a couple of mistakes there so be careful all right up surge uv is okay so uv 302 is asking if we can use an upsurge so in the first half of the year there was an upsurge in flu cases you can definitely use that in this context uv good question so upsurge is an is a good vocabulary to use vocabulary alone students will not get you a high band score it is important but you need much more than just vocabulary okay all right uh good work everyone so this is the uh introduction the overview and now we go into the body paragraph which is your analyses okay your body paragraph is your analyses and what you want to do is make sure to mark your points of comparison before you start okay so you go back to the graph and then you mark your points of comparison all right now um what you can do is use your overview as your thesis statement okay so as your thesis statement so um the first point in our overview is that the pattern is similar okay so the pattern is similar um and uh there is there are more uh female cases than male cases so first of all we want to describe this similar pattern so that's my first point and that's what i'm going to analyze first so in february we have zero cases for both men and women okay and then um the cases of flu start to kind of increase here with both okay so the pattern is the same and there are more cases of uh female infections here than male so here all i'm going to do is just kind of draw a line for the females and then draw a line for the males okay and all i'm doing here is kind of getting an average difference between men and women so i'm not going to describe the difference between all these points but i just want to describe kind of what is the average difference between the rate of uh males versus the rate of females okay so uh we can see that each one of these is 500 cases okay and we can see that the difference at these peak points so this is going to be a bit more than 500 a bit less than 500 now not going to calculate these differences okay but i would imagine i would argue that if we did the math on these two lines then we would end up with an approximate difference of about 500 cases does everybody agree with me on that so this is where ielts is not just an english exam it is a thinking exam especially academic obviously if ielts were just an english exam you wouldn't have this kind of a question okay so yeah uv agrees uv says it's about 500. so the average difference in flu cases throughout the year is roughly 500. so that would be my number one point for analysis okay is going into more detail about my first point in the overview and explaining to the reader that the patterns are the same and looking at it in more detail the average uh female cases throughout the year are roughly 500 more uh cases of influenza than men okay that's number one all right okay so now the second part of my overview is this increasing uh trend in um the first half of the year so until june and then this decreasing trend here okay so depending on my writing fluency how quick i am uh that will decide how much detail i go into okay so we can see that in february there were zero cases and then from february march to april um we get about a thousand cases for uh women and about 500 or just over 500 cases for men now then so that would be my second point now then there's a very quick uptake here from april to june so there's a spike uh men spike to 2600 cases roughly and women spike to 3 500 cases okay which is more than a three-fold of this period here then at this point there's a decrease which is a gradual decrease until september so that would be my fourth point and then we see a flattening to the end of the year okay roughly to december with 1500 cases for men and about 2500 cases for women so that would be my fifth point okay and ideally that's what you have for your task one academic outs you have about five to six points for your analysis okay everybody see that okay so using words like plummeted reg patel it's okay this would not be considered a plummet this would be a gradual decrease a plummet would be like this care like this that would be a plummet this is not a plummet okay using words like plummet alone will not get you a good band score on the ielts especially not on academic okay uh depica the essay should definitely be in the past tense uh when we're referring to the information because it is 1996 so yes if we're referring to the graph it's present tense if we're referring to the year then it's past tense okay the graph is current it's present we're looking at it now and the year is the past it's 1996 okay so that's a good question all right so let's do this let's uh go with number one so firstly describing the pattern uh in more detail between men and women for this year okay so let's do that and then we'll go into each of those other four points so do the same start with number one for the analyses and then we'll go from there so in more detail okay so here we go uh in more detail although the flu cases for wet men and women follow a similar trend the average number of viral infections is on average approximately 500 more cases for females than males so that describes that point number one that we were talking about and that first point in the uh overview okay all right um knock yen i see that you can't hear me if anybody else can't hear me let me know rashika says at deeper inspection on infection rashika i think you're jumping ahead female infection rates uh were dominant throughout the year showing roughly 500 more cases on average than males rashika average is very important okay in more detail although the flu cases for men and women follow a similar trend um the yeah yeah i'm rushing along a little bit here and uh kai tran says you're using average twice um yeah that would so i have to be careful here and fix that okay so uh the average number of viral infections is approximately yeah speaking teaching reading comments sometimes my brain wanders but yeah there we go so let's fix that the average number of viral infections is approximately 500 more cases for females than males okay all right so now um we look at the specific data for each month okay so we're looking at this february to april segment okay um so let's talk about that that's number two so um okay so observing the months it is evident that in february both genders so instead of writing males and females had zero cases and this number started to gradually increase to april and what happened in april at which time a thousand women and just over 500 men were affected okay okay so there we go and there's your past tense so observing the months it is evident and because this is now we're observing the months on the graph that february both genders had zero cases because now we're referring to the time and this number um had started to gradually increase to april at which time 1 000 women and just over 500 men had caught the flu okay so past tense there all right there was a sharp increase in the in the contraction of influenza okay you contract a disease so many people know you the word you get the flu i got the flu okay or i had the flu to have the flu but more specifically you contract the flu so contract is the more academic verb for getting the flu you contract the flu okay ten the first sentence of this does not have to be uh in the past let's see um yeah so here i'm using the present tense very good question uh tan i'm using the present tense because i'm referring to the graph the average in the graph is current it's right now i'm looking at it okay so i'm not using the past tense again when you're referring to the graph use the present tense because it's the general truth this graph will be the same uh tomorrow as it is today when you're referring to the time in the graph the year or the months use the past tense okay so um again at which time a thousand women and just over 500 men had caught the flu there was a sharp increase in the contraction of influenza from april uh to june with numbers peaking at uh let's see 3 500 for women 3 500 for women and around 2600 for men 36 or 3 500 for women so numbers peaking at uh 3 500 for women and about 2600 or sorry 2600 for men following this summer month the case is gradually started to decrease until september right you're at september and then began to level out over the next three months till the end of the year okay increase until september and began to level out for the remainder of 1996 at 2500 for women and 1500 for men okay so there we go now i want to review this and read it and make sure that it makes sense uh so um here we go uh in more detail although the flu cases for men and women follow a similar trend the average number of viral infections is approximately 500 more cases for females than males observing the months it is evident that in february both genders had zero cases and this number had started to gradually increase to april at which time 1 000 women and just over 500 men had caught the flu there was a sharp increase in the contraction of influenza from april to june with numbers peaking at 3 500 for women and about 2600 for men following this summer month the cases gradually started to decrease until september and began to level out for the remainder of 1996 at 2500 ill women and 1500 ill men okay that looks good now if i'm really shooting for the stars and i want to get a band 9 so i will include a summary okay and the summary is a clear observable fact or two that we can infer from the graph okay so uh in summary um what can we infer from this graph so from this graph showing this flow rate for this sample in 1996 um what can we infer so what can we tell our reader that we kind of learn uh from this graph okay what can we summarize about it let's see if you come up with some of the same ideas that i have in my head when um when we look at this graph okay so charmin says in summer the infection increased drastically so going towards summer um yeah okay nick heyman says the flu rate varies between genders and seasons okay very good yeah so we can definitely see that the seasons seem to have some kind of an impact on the flu rate so whether it's summer or winter there seems to be a different rate for this type of flu so for this strain of flu virus and we can also summarize or we can also infer that women seem to be a bit more susceptible okay so a bit more vulnerable for this strain of flu than men okay that's what we can infer so if you were a virologist a specialist in the influenza or epidemiologist then you would make these inferences looking at this graph so you would say in summary one may infer that women were slightly more vulnerable to this strain of influenza then men and the changing seasons impacted the number of cases okay so that would be your summary does everybody see that okay i'm not the only one that saw that uh un and a couple others in the chat i see that they saw that okay uh june it's yeah so the northern and southern hemisphere uh it affects whether it's the summer or winter but i wouldn't get lost in that i'm more in the northern hemisphere and this is where i'm writing the alts exam so i wouldn't uh i wouldn't worry about that level of technicality okay if you're writing it in the southern hemisphere maybe right winter if you're writing it in the northern hemisphere right summer okay all right i think it's being a bit too technical so being in canada i wouldn't worry about that too much that's definitely not going to uh be the deal breaker on your score okay all right so let's read over this and make sure it's all good so introduction this line graph illustrates influenza cases from 0 to 4 000 with intervals of 511 months of 1996 from february to december for both males and females for a given group at first glance it is clear that both men and women show a similar parallel pattern of flu cases throughout the year with women having more cases than men in any given month furthermore it is evident that there is a rapid upward trend in infections in the first half of 96 and then a decrease in the second half of this annual in more detail although flu cases for men and women follow a similar trend the average number of viral infections is approximately 500 more cases for females than males observing the months it is evident that in february both genders had zero cases and this number had started to gradually increase uh to april at which time 1 000 women and just over 500 men had caught the flu there was a sharp increase in the contraction of influenza from april to june with numbers peaking at 3 500 for women and about 2600 for men following this summer month the cases gradually started to decrease until september and began to level out for the remainder of 96 at 2500 ill women and 1500 ill men in summary one may infer that women were slightly more vulnerable to this strain of influenza than men and the changing seasons impacted the number of cases that's it and you're done okay and i'm probably closer to about 250 words maybe on this essay but again band-aid band 9 task 1 essays are almost always longer than 150 words they're closer to 220 okay uh lena's asking can we say all in all more females got infected with the flu in comparison to men and they both showed similar trends uh lena that summary is okay but it's kind of just a repeat of your introduction so for a good summary try to go beyond just a repeat of the introduction okay all right everyone um so that's it for today's class i hope you enjoyed it and of course to avoid the influenza exercise is important so if you would like to exercise on your treadmill uh check out our new channel fun run um it's a channel that i've created i like running it's kind of my hobby and this channel is for charitable fitness carolina our moderator has really been helpful creating this new exciting project as well so check that out when you have some free time you get to see me run in different parts of the world it's kind of exciting and for academic outs visit our academic outlets website at and for general ielts visit us at and you can click on that big red button to join our premium package it's well worth it you are very welcome rashika ramneek good luck on your exam good contributions today uv okay um kai tran having a summary will give you a better band score as long as it's a good summary okay if you have 180 words you're definitely going to be closer to a band 8 than if you have 150 that was a good question by somebody all right students i will be back tomorrow with questions and answers for our members and a speaking part 3 class for everyone have a lovely rest of your day a great start to your weekend i'm adrienne signing out from beautiful victoria for now bye everyone you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 10,532
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Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: 8iYWrm0atY0
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Length: 52min 6sec (3126 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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