IELTS Live - Listening - Parts 1 and 2 Band 9 Strategies

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today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you live from Budapest here the capital city of Hungary in the heart of Europe I hope everybody even is having a great week so far Hayek's done nice to see you in this class as well hi toon Dave hi Giovanni Hilux me this class students listening section parts 1 and part 2 practice today again these lessons they're presented by AE help calm if you'd like to see over a hundred hours of video lessons with mostly me and some other teachers as well as six original practice exams and a fully interactive course for the academic IELTS join us at a help calm for the general join us at G IELTS help calm we truly believe that we have some of the best strategies and materials available anywhere on our websites we're a team of psychologists and educators that create these materials for you to learn and improve your English and communication this is a e help calm here click that big red button to join us there and for general IELTS it's the green background at general Al's help calm and click that big red button to join us there lots of students in the class looking good if you have questions or comments just send me an email Adrian at AE help calm if you're looking for our books in carbon copy paper versions you can get them from Amazon just search for a helps academic IELTS or G helps general IELTS of course you can get the digital versions from Amazon also tomorrow we will have tasks one for members and listening parts three and four continuing from today's class students we're going to get right into this listening so make sure you have your volume up if you have a headset use it I'm using a Bose speaker which is quite good I'm max volume okay so my volume is max on my side and I'm using my mic as well so if it's quiet for you turn it up on your end we're just gonna get right into listening section one answer the questions students please please please do not put your answers in the chat give everybody a fair chance to do the work and we will go through the answers after together okay pretty Shruti nice to see both of you in the class also alright students so again we're gonna hop over to the academic website here and up at the top just click on the my student account to get us into the materials on the website I'm just using the website for the audio here so you can see we have computer-based exams full online course exams workbooks study plans lesson videos so lots and lots of goodies and I'm going for this tab here the audio CDs ok and we're starting with test 1 track 1 listening section 1 so everybody get ready write your answers in a separate document or on a separate piece of paper I'm going to darken up the screen so you can see all of the questions a little bit clearer there we go and we shall now begin the listening here ok here we go to think 1 Solutions Inc and world ESL tutors you will hear several different recordings and you will answer questions on what you hear there will be time given to read the instructions and questions [Music] the test is made up of four sections at the end of the test you will have ten minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet now turn to section one listening section one you will hear a conversation between two men as one of the men registers for a football league first you have some time to look at questions one to five you will see that there is an example this time only the conversation relating to this question will be played hello there I'd like to register for the autumn men's football league all right in what town will you be playing I'd like to play in Chester but I'd be willing to travel to Liverpool if I had to the man says he wants to play in Chester so B has been indicated for you now we shall begin you should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time listen carefully and answer questions one to five hello there I'd like to register for the autumn men's football league all right in what town will you be playing I'd like to play in Chester but I'd be willing to travel to Liverpool if I had to well we have two spots left open on the team in Chester and five spots open on the team in the Liverpool there's a very good chance you would have to try out for the team in Chester are you a good player I consider myself a good play yes I have been to a number of the autumn men's league games in the past just a sec spectator but I'm sure I would have no trouble fitting in okay good so we will register you for Chester then I just need to get some information from you starting with your position where on the field do you prefer to play I'm a midfielder although really I can play anywhere cycling goalkeeper oh I forgot to ask your name right I guess that's important my name is alright students I just realized I'm on the wrong page here it's my bad just give me one second I will restart the audio for that and I do realize that that was my mistake but that's okay in this rare case we'll get this second opportunity to do the listening so I did notice that this is not the right one for us so just give me one second here and I will get us to be appropriate position okay just give me one moment to locate it guys are probably going on couldn't get any of those answers why not okay I just have to go to our review test so give me one moment to set this up in the book okay here we go so let's do that one more time okay everybody get ready you'll get a second chance which will never happen in the official IELTS unfortunately but here we go with test one again there we go and world ESL tutors you will hear several different recordings and you will answer questions on what you hear there will be time given to read the instructions and questions and you will be given a chance to check your work transfer your answers to the answer sheet now turn to section one listening section one you will hear a conversation between two men as one of the men registers for a football league first you have some time to look at questions one to five you will see that there is an example this time only the conversation relating to this question will be played hello there I'd like to register for the autumn men's football league all right in what town will you be playing I'd like to play in Chester I'd be willing to travel to Liverpool if I had to the man says he wants to play in Chester so B has been indicated for you now we shall begin you should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time listen carefully and answer questions one to five hello there I'd like to register for the autumn Men's Football League all right in what town will you be playing I'd like to play in Chester but I'd be willing to travel to Liverpool if I had to well we have two spots left open on the team in Chester and five spots open on the team in the Liverpool there's a very good chance you would have to try out for the team in Chester are you a good player I consider myself a good play yes I have been to a number of the autumn men's league games in the past just a sec spectator but I'm sure I would have no trouble fitting in okay good so we will register you for Chester then I just need to get some information from you starting with your position we're on the field do you prefer to play I'm a midfielder although really I can play anywhere aside from goalkeeper oh I forgot to ask your name right I guess that's important my name is Steve Tramel would you mind spelling Tramel for me certainly tamela spelt TR a mm II Double L right now I need your home address including your postcode I live in Chester of course at four or five to King George Avenue the postcode is ms 86 8 p 4m s 8 6 8 people yes that's right and your date of birth sir the 8th of September 1986 ok now I need your phone just a mobile number will do I don't have a mobile phone right now unfortunately I can't give you my girlfriend's number instead that would be alright I suppose good her number is three to nine six three three two seven zero fine I think that's all the information I need to gather from you do you have any questions yes I do have a couple first when does the season start the season starts on the 28th of September although your first game is later I think let me check the schedule yes your first game is October the 1st in Liverpool let me make a copy of the schedule for you thank you could you also tell me how long each game is each game has two halves forty minutes each half so the game is 80 minutes long that's the little shorter than the other leagues I've played in games are usually 90 minutes yes our spring and summer leagues and 90 minute games but our autumn league has only 80 minute games I think it has something to do with the poor weather you now have some time to look at questions six to ten now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions six to ten okay can you tell me how many players on each team and I mean on the whole team not just the players on the pitch usually there are five additional players to the eleven on the pitch so there are sixteen players on each roster we generally find that to be the perfect number it allows for a few players to miss a game but still allows lots of playing time for each player yes playing time is what I was worried about I don't want to pay my money and then sit on the sidelines the whole season are there minimum playing time requirements yes each player must play a minimum of half again so you are guaranteed at least forty minutes of playing time per game wonderful that puts my mind at ease could you tell me what facility we player in Chester that information is on the schedule along with the addresses of all the other facilities in the league here's your schedule thank you oh good it states we play two streets from my flat how convenient that is very lucky do you have any more questions no I think that's it oh wait how much does it cost to register it's going to be a hundred and twenty-five pounds for the season including all fees how would you like to pay I'll be paying cash right would you like a receipt if you find that it doesn't work out time wise you can always bring the receipt back that is the end of section one you will now have half a minute to check your answers all right students and make sure to check your answers in that half minute I'm just gonna stop the audio for us here and then we'll go through the answers together all right again my apologies I had the wrong listening section up at the beginning there that is very unlikely that that would happen to you in the official exam now before we engage the answers here students just a quick FYI so an important piece of information in your IELTS exams now you will not have this example in section one so a couple of important changes in 2021 this section one it's not going to be called section one it's going to be called part one okay and the other big change is that they're taking out this example okay so no example for section one or part one anymore they're just going to start right away you have a little bit of time to review the questions the same as before but you lose about 15 seconds time with the example so don't count on that okay that's another change also they're not going to refer to page numbers so they'll talk about question numbers but they won't refer to page numbers so those are some of the key changes make sure that you keep that in mind okay so no example alright question number one how many football matches has the man played in the league okay so how many football matches has this man played in the league is it a 10 B 0 C 4250 tuned a d'ya mean says the answer is B 0 yeah absolutely good so one is B is the correct answer can anybody tell me why what does the man say that makes us know this answer so you shouldn't have to guess it he doesn't say 4250 he doesn't say 10 so gunk iran if you figured while it has to be zero because he never said 10 he never said 40 to 50 so that's called by deduction you can figure out at zero yeah very good head tool Shah says that he says that he was only a spectator a spectator is a person who watches the game watches but does not play ok does not play so basically a fan so somebody in the crowd is a spectator so he says I've been to some games but only as a spectator alright so number of matches wasn't mentioned and he says I have been to a number of games but only as a spectator so B is the correct answer okay all right number two what position does the man play in football a midfield be goalkeeper or C striker what's the best answer here all right looks like a lot of people got it aim he said I can play any position aside from goalkeeper okay aside from means beside another way to say it is besides okay it means he does not play in this position but he clearly says I'm a midfielder so a is the correct answer okay all right let's keep going so far so good B and a alright now this is a typical kind of question for part one we have to fill in some missing information so here the man says my name is Stephen something what is his name Stephen Tramel yeah Tramel and he spells it so be patient with these okay so wait for the spelling in part one they almost always spell it so it's true now okay he says TR a mm e double L Stephen Trammell so mm mm it's an M students not n n for this letter when you hear it listen to that strong esau n-- n n a n okay for the m if the emphasis is more on the moon okay so Emma okay this is where you have the emphasis Emma okay so n m n m okay hopefully you can hear the difference there all right again that's a good one to practice so practice listening for the difference between the M and the N sounds so Stephen Tramel this T has to be uppercase if you write a small T it's wrong okay because it's a name and of course as I've said before in the listening and reading section you can write all uppercase but not in your essays okay so task 1 task 2 don't write all uppercase for the listening and for the reading you can do that just be careful because it's slower and you can make more spelling mistakes that way so careful okay all right what is the postcode so what is Stephen trammels postcode let's see if you can get this one so what is Stephen trammels post code okay and Google is obviously hiding some of this because they're thinking you're giving me your real postal code I have to enable them it's ms 8 6 8 p 4 so ms 8 again it's an M not an N so it's an M MS 8 6 8 P for the space doesn't matter for postal codes you don't need to worry about that okay all right any questions about these fill in the blanks does anybody have any questions that they're not sure about when you're doing this kind of filling in the blanks okay so deep bandit says how how can we write the birthdate if the answer is one word or a number okay well then it's going to be only missing one element so if it's just one word or a number if it says 0 8 and then this is missing the month then you would just write sept like this okay for the month all right but there's no way that you could write the whole birthday if it's just one word or a number okay all right somebody else is asking what about the postcode so should the postcode be capital yes it's a good idea so here the postcode because its ms8 six definitely I recommend using capital letters for the postcode that was a good question so somebody's asking should I write a small M is that wrong no it's not so small is okay you would get that correct but it's more clear okay it's clear to write them capital so that was a good question okay Shruti is asking for a phone number can it be continuous so do I need the space or do I need dashes know it can be continuous so you can write it like that okay you can just write it all as one number so you don't have to worry about spaces okay yes dee bandit you can write cept only but remember deep pundit that September is a month and the months have to have a capital letter okay if you write a small s it's wrong all right so be very very careful about that as well okay some good questions so when you're abbreviating months or days like Tuesday if you write Tuesday like this okay it's going to be wrong you have to write it like this okay that's correct so you have to know your proper nouns when to capitalize them okay another trick that you can do is when you're transferring your answers to your answer sheet in the ten minute it's for the paper based exam you can make your letters capital so maybe you'll write it like this on the question booklet and then you have the ten minutes to transfer your answers and you transfer it like this okay that's correct that's wrong all right so pay attention to that okay some really important information okay let's keep going here let's get to question number five okay those are some good questions question number five you have to complete the table pay attention to the given information the league is the autumn league it's 80 minutes how many players on the roster so how many players on one team okay oops sorry I missed a question there yeah a couple of you're like oh wait a second so yeah before we get there sorry my bad the this is matching the time with the event so question number five is actually here this is number five and the question is Steve's first match so when is it is it September thirtieth 28th 3rd of October or 1st of October yeah it's d very good so make sure you write the letter D and again keep this capital so sometimes students accidentally mix up DS and B's of course that would be wrong that's okay but I suggest using the capital so Steve's first match is October first bonus question when does the league start bonus question bonus question time today when does the league actually start hmm September 28th that's right it's beam yeah so the league starts earlier his first game isn't until October 1st very good some of you are paying attention to that information as well nicely done good job ok that's fantastic one really good trick to improve your listening is go above and beyond the questions when you're practicing for the IELTS exam so ask yourself questions when you're doing these listening exercises like the one I just showed you okay all right now we go to question six so complete the table below the league is the autumn league the game length is 80 minutes how many players on the roster so the man says how many players on each team and I don't mean just the players on the pitch but altogether and here you just need one number okay very good Nitesh very good Simona sixteen and please don't write the word okay so this is okay you will get that correct unless you make a spelling mistake if you forget an e okay then it will be wrong so it's much faster and easier to use the number so just write sixteen okay and make sure your numbers are clear students so don't write something like this okay they'll mark this one wrong okay that looks like a ten not a six so you need to have a very clear six okay so careful with your numbers if you're writing seven you can write it like that to be clear if you read it like this okay that could be marked wrong because that can look like the number one so careful with your penmanship all right the rule for the examiners and I'll make a note of this for all of our students I usually mention this and it's important to keep in mind so when they train the examiners in the markers this is the rule okay so some students try to get a little bit tricky or fancy with the way that they write answers but this is the rule for the examiners okay this is a strict rule IELTS rule so if the examiner cannot clearly see a letter or a number they are instructed to mark the answer wrong okay so if the B is not a clear B the D is not a clear D the 1 is not a clear one or the seven they will just mark it wrong so you can't you can't get all tricky with them okay like true false not given sometimes examiners will see something like this where it looks like a T and an F they'll just mark that wrong okay what is that between true and a false and maybe I don't know so they're just mark it wrong okay you have to have clear clear letters all right no no funny business no funny business all right and then we had some multiple choice with multiple choice always pay attention to the actual question and when you're reviewing change it to a statement so I'm so lucky because okay when I read this question why does the man say he's lucky obviously you're not going to hear that question like that but you will hear something like I'm so lucky because oh I feel really lucky because okay all right why does he feel lucky he's able to find a play a team to play on there's a minimum playing time required or the playing field as close to where he lives I know I skipped one gonna go back to it I just don't want students jumping ahead this time this skip was purposeful okay so why does the man say he's lucky I did that on purpose I'll go back to question seven don't worry about it charlie sin preachy yogi very good so see the playing field is close to where he lives okay I don't want you jumping ahead I want you to focus on what I'm saying that's why I skipped that one so see is good does anybody remember exactly what he says and if you're visualizing if you're seeing the information you should remember this do you remember what the man says how do we know that the playing field is close to where he lives yeah so Latifah says ah the field there's only a block away from my house okay now you can check that in the transcripts as well okay transcripts are in the back of the book and you should do this when you're practicing at home so that you know why the answer is the answer okay so here are the transcripts and you can see here it says so Latif I think you were paraphrasing the paraphrase in the in the listening but that's okay that's good that means you have good English skills because you're hearing it in multiple ways so here steve says thank you oh good it states we play two streets from my flat how convenient okay and then Joel replies that is very lucky so oh good it states that we play two streets from my flat that means that he's saying it's closed okay so it's two streets okay from the flat where he lives that's perfect all right so back to the exam here okay so let's go back to question number seven okay so here it says minimum playing time what is the minimum playing time that each player is required to participate in the matches now you can tell me so for question number seven what was the minimum playing time okay the correct answer is forty minutes if you write just forty it's wrong okay if you write forty minutes it's correct you have to have minutes here because forty what 40 seconds forty hours you have to have forty minutes all right if it says minimum playing time in minutes and then you write forty then it's okay so students be really really careful on the exam you have to pay attention to the provided information okay if the information here includes minutes then you only write 40 but doesn't you have to write 40 minutes is that clear that's really important and yes Preeti the s is required okay if you write 40 minute it's wrong okay now bonus question time the administrator Jo says each player is required to play 40 minutes but he also says something else where we can figure out 40 minutes what is the extra information that the administrator says where we know that each player plays 40 minutes yeah Charlie said very good Charlie sounds actually asking this as a question so is Charlie Sen is asking what if just a second I'll get you back on camera here all kinds of trouble what if somebody writes half game okay that's a very good question Charlie and I'll clarify that in just a moment once you can see me here yeah okay here we go all right so yeah the other piece of information that the man says is each player is required to play half a game okay the reason why you don't want to put half a game here is because half game is wrong it's grammatically incorrect okay Charlie so here you'd have to say half game okay because Joe says that Joe says each player is required to play half a game but of course this is one two three words right play half game is not correct okay thank you Gong Quran yeah my baby at times will make an appearance when the camera decides to take random snooze so does that make sense so be really careful play half game that's incorrect half game is wrong grammar okay we do use the term half game in English that's when half of the game is finished we say what time is it it's half game that means the time right now is half game but the time itself is half a game and because it's two words that would be wrong okay even though conceptually it's correct so in theory it's correct okay so for T so MJ shaheed is asking us for T considered a word yes when you have these kinds of instructions the number forty is considered one word so forty minutes you'll usually see and/or a number but it's okay to use the number the reason why is because forty right is a word so in this case 40 counts as one word but you can use the number okay Quran is asking can I write 40 mins like this yes absolutely and that's an easy way to do it okay alright good questions yeah so 40 is counted as a word and yes you can abbreviate minutes and it has to be the plural abbreviation okay with the s I hope that's clear something's not clear students you can always send me an email later as well okay all right let's keep going number nine what is the cost of the football league so how much does the football league cost okay it's 125 pounds okay you have to have pounds here because it's not given in the question okay two words so you need the symbol pounds and it has to come before the number this is correct okay this is wrong all right the pound symbol comes before the number okay just like the dollar symbol and it's not included in the question so you have to add it okay how much does the man pay for registration fee question number ten how much does the man pay for registration oh sorry how does how does the man pay so credit card check cash how does he pay Simona says cash or in cash in cash is okay cash is enough okay CAS H all lowercase is okay or you could write all uppercase cash like that that's okay as well alright so cash as long as you have cash or you could write it like this it doesn't matter for these types of words it's a little it looks a little bit weird I don't suggest it but that would be okay as well okay Mac wish says for this one here can I write 125 pounds yes you can write it this way that's correct 125 pounds but this is much easier than writing the letters try to minimize your time okay how did you do students so what did you get out of 10 for our section one what was your score from ten so what what did you get from the total raw ten Naveen says I got ten good job Naveen reg nee Lex me says five out of ten Mitch says nine out of ten good okay for section one or part one they're going to call it part one out from 2024 part one definitely you want to get at least eight okay your goal should be at least eight correct answers I'm going to write a quick note on that because if you're not getting eight out of ten correct in part one you need to really focus and check where your mistakes are okay this is a tip you should aim to get at least eight correct answers from ten for part one because the next sections or next parts will be more difficult okay our right students looking good let's do part two so let's do it AB I mean that's exactly what I'm gonna do let's get into part two okay I'll just quickly erase this scribble and we'll get right into part two again students don't write your answers into the chat give everybody a fair chance to answer on their own okay and now we will continue with part two turn up the volume on your side use a headset if possible okay and again be fair to your fellow students do not hmm camera seems to be a little bit jittery today yeah that's okay you get a quick moment to collect your thoughts think about your strategies before we begin with part two here okay here we go with part two okay now turn to section 2 take some time to look at questions 11 to 16 listening section 2 you will hear a radio presenter interviewing a woman about the infamous ship Titanic first you have some time to look at questions 11 to 16 now listen carefully to the interview and answer questions 11 to 16 good afternoon to all our listeners and welcome back to history now a weekly program that reflects on subjects of historical influence today we are going to speak with dr. Andrea Smithson an historian at the University of Glasgow good afternoon Andrea good afternoon Peter what are you going to talk about today Andrea are we talking about one of the most catastrophic events in maritime history the sinking of the Titanic I can't wait for you to begin thanks Peter the Titanic was an enormous ship the makers called it unsinkable from end to end it measured approximately the length of three football pitches it had the capacity to carry over 3,500 passengers as well as the over 800 people on the crew of the ship despite its massive size and impressive capacity the Titanic was able to cruise at a speed of 40 knots this was in large part due to the 59 thousand horsepower engine just how much is fifty nine thousand HP well in literal terms it's like being pulled by fifty nine thousand horses more realistically it's the equivalent power of 500 cars on the maiden voyage that left Southampton England on the 10th of April 1912 there were 1343 passengers and 885 crew members there were three different classes of tickets for those aboard the Titanic a third-class ticket was the lowest level tickets at the time it cost between three and eight pounds a second-class ticket cost about twelve pounds a first-class ticket cost anywhere from thirty pounds all the way up to eight hundred and seventy pounds in today's money eight hundred and seventy pounds is over twenty thousand pounds you may be wondering what the people in the first class were paying for they had luxurious rooms on the highest decks delicious meals for breakfast lunch and dinner as well as the finest entertainment money could buy on the other hand those in third-class slept in cramped rooms which were quite plain and small and did not have access to the fine restaurants and entertainment on the upper decks of the ship now I'd like to tell you about a few lesser-known facts about the Titanic although there were four large funnels or smokestacks on the Titanic only three of them were functional one of the funnels was put there just to make the ship look even bigger and more impressive the ship carried over 70 tons of food for the passengers including over 40,000 eggs you now have some time to look at questions 17 to 20 now listen to the rest of the interview and answer questions 17 to 20 on the night of the 14th of April 1912 on her maiden voyage the Titanic his nice burg about three hours later early morning the next day the ship sank the reasons for the sinking are numerous first the watertight doors which was supposed to keep water out didn't work properly second the night of the 14th of April was incredibly calm on the water icebergs are easily spotted when there are waves crashing against them on this night there were no waves the strength of the metal in the Titanic was not as it should have been the metal became brittle in the freezing cold and was easily broken by the iceberg another big factor was the inability of the Titanic to turn quickly once the lookouts had spotted the iceberg but captain ordered the ship turned but it was too late if the ship had been able to turn faster it would have missed the iceberg one of the biggest tragedies about the sinking was that there were not enough lifeboats for everyone on the ship in addition to this many of the lifeboats left the sinking vessel with less than half of the people they were designed to carry for example the first lifeboat off the Titanic left with only 27 of the allotted 65 passengers this unfortunate occurrence can be attributed to panic on the part of the passengers and crew one can only imagine the sheer terror onboard the ship but early morning 1523 out of the 2,228 passengers and crew perished that morning most died from the near freezing temperature of the Atlantic Ocean others drowned after being trapped in the lower decks 705 people lived to tell their story most of them women and children who were put on the lifeboats before the grown men were because of this 94% of the first-class passenger women and children were saved while only 14% of the third class passenger men survived overall 60% of the first class occupants survived while only 25% of the third class ticket holders lived in the aftermath of this tragedy that is the end of section 2 you will now have half a minute to check your answers and students always use that time to check your answers just gonna hop back to our website here and stop the audio and now we will answer these questions together ok so let's take a look at question 11 what was the overall capacity of the Titanic so how many people fit in total onto the Titanic was it a 800 B 3500 or C 4300 okay all of you answering C you are correct okay because it was 800 crew members plus 3,500 passengers so the total number was 4300 okay IELTS is not just testing your English it's testing your communication and logic as well okay keep that in mind alright so very very important tip there are some basic or simple math questions in the listening and in the reading at times okay so careful careful careful all right next number 12 what was the cost of a third-class ticket how much did a third-class ticket cost thirty-two eight hundred and seventy pounds no that would be way too much one to two pounds man three to eight pounds also see very good for twelve yeah so the speaker describes each category and describes that was between three and eight pounds these two just don't look right to begin with okay all right 13 to 15 this is a multiple multiple choice question you had to choose three so what were the three benefits of a first-class ticket watertight doors me luxurious rooms great entertainment high quality meals access to the casino or lower deck rooms what were the answers here yeah a very good student so B C and D you can write this in any order on your answer sheet okay any order is okay all right very nice so biee C and D makes sense right nice rooms good entertainment and high quality meals access to the casino wasn't mentioned all right which of the following picture is the best representation of the Titanic so what did the Titanic actually look like now you can tell the only difference are the chimneys or the smokestacks this has got five this has got four this has got three so a B or C a B or C the answer is B okay so the Titanic had four smokestacks except one of them didn't work okay so one of them was just for show to make it look really big but it did have four okay so the correct answer there is B maybe they should have not put that fourth non-functioning chimney in and put some more life rafts on to the ship instead that would have been a smart idea all right now 17 to 20 it's a flow chart you have to really pay a ten to the information so that you can follow number 17 extremely calm night there were no something that crashed against the iceberg so they couldn't spot it for Dobbs says waves let's me says waves and everybody is correct that said waves okay and waves are countable interestingly so waves is the correct answer the watertight something failed number 18 what failed and this is one of the big reasons why the Titanic sank what didn't work that should have the watertight something the doors failed that's right the watertight doors this is a section two so don't overthink it students Tunde at AME even little emoji doors yep okay last two questions many something left the ship half-full usually these last questions are testing for band eight band nine so they're a little bit more challenging many something left the ship have for what left the ship half-full yeah lifeboats very good students now here's a little trick lifeboats is one word okay and it's many so it has to have the s and it's all one word lifeboats if you write two words I don't think they're going to give that to you okay lifeboats is one word all right fifteen hundred and twenty three people died most from the freezing cold temperatures of the of the what where did it sink Atlantic Ocean that's right now here the correct answer is Atlantic Oshin students very importantly big a big o if you write a small oh it's wrong when the noun is part of the name they're both uppercase okay so big a big o small oh you'll get it wrong I know it's tough love but it's what it is on the IELTS IELTS is tough love small Oh wrong answer Atlantic Ocean big a Big O all right students count up your correct answers save it for tomorrow tomorrow we're going to do Section three and four okay so we shall do section 3 and section 4 tomorrow so keep your answers if you've got eight out of ten on that that's good for section two you want to get nay about six seven at least okay if you're going for a band six point five or seven you want to get at least six or seven correct for section two all right you can write all capital letters but I think it's best to do that when you transferring answers to the answer sheet all right students that's it for today's class my apologies for the technical difficulties in the class today it happens for lots more help lots more great videos definitely definitely check out our premium packages at AE help calm for academic IELTS gl to help calm for general we separate the two because it makes sense different goals people for immigration people for study or for work so check us out there join the Premium Package spend a couple dollars save yourself a lot of time and headache learn from good materials that's it for today a tomorrow again we will have listening parts three and four and we will have task one for members probably pie-chart I'm thinking at this point but I'll figure that out later have a great rest of your day stay smart stay positive see tomorrow bye for now
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Keywords: IELTS, listening, section, audio, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, fill in the blanks, IELTS description, English examination, listening practice, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS listening section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage, headings, multiple choice
Id: vIGW1mmzXlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 53sec (3593 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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