IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing - Band 9 Line Graph Execution

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hi students and welcome again to today's live ielts class my name is adrian i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria i hope everybody has had a good week and i hope you're all getting ready for a great weekend or starting off here we can well depending on which time zone you're in i'm in uh pacific time which is universal time minus seven hours so still very early here hi emily hi vagdevi good to see many students joining into this the class in this class we are looking at isles task one writing uh specifically we are focusing on a band 9 line graph example nickhame un proud nerd very good to have you on board this lesson is presented to you by ae help dot com that's academic for your academic ielts visit us there for the general ielts check us out at g-i-e-l-t-s help dot com on both of these websites we have tons and tons of materials videos practice exams to help you improve your english communication and your band scores click on that big red button to join our premium package we're an ielts registration center and certified agents for general ielts check us out here it's the green background click that big red button to join it's a one-time payment for lifetime access you will have a my student account after you join and in your my student account you will have access to computer-based ielts exams a fully interactive course um with lots and lots of sections for reading listening writing speaking um you'll have lesson videos over 100 hours so lots and lots of goodies there for you get our apps academic islets help general ielts help from your app stores link them to your web accounts so that you can learn from one account welcome carolina our chat moderator and welcome jainil welcome members um if you have questions about ielts or about our courses just send me an email adrian ae help dot com i will help you out welcome roomie kanwal hello back to you all right everyone so task one academic right now tomorrow we'll have speaking part two and three let's take a look at our ielts writing task one question for the day you can already kind of see the line graph emerging at the bottom there all right um so here we go and i can see uh eugene your halloween emojis that's great halloween is on sunday for us october 31st my daughter is very very excited to go trick-or-treating all right let's stay focused um so you should spend about 20 minutes on this task and that's a good idea spend the 20 minutes it's kind of like a recipe it's structured you really have like academic aisles task one it's really just a step one step two step three step four you just follow the steps as long as you know what you're doing you get it done the english should be fairly easy as long as you know what you're doing and then you're off to the races start with task one it's easier than task two if you again if you know what you're doing so the following graph shows the change in population in france over a period of time um report the main features and make comparisons where relevant write at least 150 words band 789 essays are usually 200-ish okay so 200-ish ah mala thank you i appreciate that okay uh shukrat good day to you in uzbekistan all right um so first step always task one read the question read it carefully okay you've just gotten out of the reading section sometimes students are not paying enough attention to their reading they're reading too quickly don't do that so take a deep breath after the reading section and really really just read the question carefully okay all right so uh next step take a look at the graph what are we looking at what are we you know population change that's fine so here we have a line graph okay the top is at 55 here which is almost useless because our last data point is more at 50. um and so here we have uh the y-axis now you have to be very careful so you really want to pay attention to the titles of these graphs right so this um graph is really population in france over a period of time so that's what we're looking at here we're looking at a line graph okay and uh on the x-axis this is the x-axis here okay um on the x-axis we are looking at years okay specifically we're looking at um 300 i'm sorry 300 years so we're looking from the 1700s to the 2000s how else could we say that so um we're looking at what time period so from 1700s to 2000s on the x-axis or you could say that another way okay we're looking at what else the uh three centuries very good siobhan yeah um which three centuries okay yep very good so we're looking at three centuries of population change in france which three centuries okay angel that's a good score all right it's solid okay so we're looking at which three centuries uh seventeen hundreds to the two thousands is not the centuries okay oxen john says actually you don't seem to be friendly during speaking conversations just my opinion oxygen ielts examiners should not be looking friendly um yeah okay uh very good i'm on preets so amanpreet says we are looking at the 18th to the uh 20th uh century oh we could even say beginning to the end right so from the beginning of the 18th century basically to the end of the 20th century okay so this would be your 18th century 19th century and then basically your 20th century there okay we're not really into the 21st century because that would be like from 2000 onward okay uh gurji von verk very good 18th to the 20th um fardu is 21st yeah beginning of the 21st right here 2000. okay good um the y-axis what is interesting about the y-axis here okay so really pay attention to the x-y-axis or the axes because if you're not clear on the x-y axis on a line graph you're going to be in trouble okay so we looked at the x-axis that's fine that's a time scale okay um and then uh for the y-axis so this um vertical it's called your y-axis um the y-axis here we're looking at population in millions right okay now this is just arbitrary it might not be true it'll probably be kind of close to the truth but um okay so here we're looking at the y-axis and uh you have to be careful here because we have two titles right this is kind of an interesting uh setup for this this line graph because we have an interesting set up here we have a y-axis on the left side and we have another y-axis title on the right side so you have to really pay attention okay here on the left side we're looking at population in millions okay so you have 0 to 50 so 0 to 50 million population size and then here on the um well right side i guess for you uh we have 0 to 50 birth and death rate per thousand people okay so this zero to 50 is not the same as this 0 to 50. okay and notice how here you have intervals of 5 million and here um you have intervals of five people per thousand okay okay so intervals of five people per thousand intervals of uh 5 million okay so this is the y-axis here and this is intervals of 5 million so these are different different numbers the scale looks the same but the numbers are different okay it's really important to remember that by the way um what kind of intervals do we have here on the x-axis so x-axis has what kind of intervals okay i hit patella in the premium package you can do one-to-one speaking it's pay on demand so you pay for each session okay um yeah 50 years miyan or quang and ewin says 50 years or half century okay so 50 years five decades or half century okay so those would all be correct 50 years five decades or half a century all right so uh we looked at this graph carefully it's showing us population it's showing us years it's showing us the birth rate and it's showing us the death rate as well um what's another way to say death rate okay in statistics you probably won't actually um read death rate that's kind of colloquial so it would be probably a little bit different so death rate is usually not called a death rate if you look it up on the internet it's not the best way to search um there's a letter there's a word that's better than that uh not demise rate not life expectancy lake wing very good very good june very close mortality rate exactly mortality or mortality rate all right yeah so knowing those words will certainly help your lexical resource score okay all right um so good good good you're getting some good ideas now on what to do okay good luck on your aisles tomorrow okay now before we begin writing just an important question here what is the goal of a line graph so what's the purpose of a line graph um i think one of the big problems for many students who sit the ielts exam the academic outs is they don't actually understand the reason for a line graph versus the reason for a bar chart versus the reason for a pie chart and that's a big problem that's a really big problem okay because how can you write about something when you don't know the reason for it it's like imagine trying to uh write about a vacuum cleaner when you don't know what it's used for okay you can write a lot of things like it makes noise and it sucks air and it does all of this but if you don't know what it's actually used for to clean up dust and debris from the carpet or the ground then it's just going to be a really weird essay right you're writing all this information about a vacuum but you're not actually writing the reason for it okay all right so miles says to measure change rate over a period of time i think okay ajit says to show a trend uh janil says to explain continuous changes over time uh proud nerd says the changes over a period of time um describing about a graph of all materials clearly so notice how we have a lot of different uh answers here and that is already showing a bit of an issue june says to show the trend of certain variables yeah so if you look up the definition of a line graph the purpose of a line graph is to show the continuous uh negative uh and or positive correlation among variables among independent variables variables um measured with dependent variables and yes it's often time okay uh so if we're really getting into statistics and i mean if you're going for a band-aid or a band nine you have to know this okay and in university if you're going into sciences you're expected to know this if not you're going to have to have a lot of extra homework in your first year of studies to learn this okay um for graphs and charts to show to show the continuous negative or positive uh correlation uh among uh the independent variables measured with dependent variables okay now you're probably going adrian this is crazy this is just dials isn't it uh no it's academic ielts so it is for university uh so it's not just english it's measuring your thinking let me give you some more clarity here okay so here uh the dependent variables um are the or sorry i should say the independent variables are the time the population and the birth and death rates okay and your dependent variables um sorry my bad your independent variables are your time and your um intervals here okay and intervals here your dependent variables are these the population size the birth rate and the death rate and your correlations or change over time are these patterns okay so uh positive and negative correlations we can see that birth rate and death rate are positively correlated that means that as one is moving up the other one is moving up as one is moving down the other one is moving down so all the way until the 1950s you can see that birth rates and death rates have a positive correlation okay it's called a positive co relation okay uh correlation just think about relationship and co meaning together okay and so here it basically means that as one goes up the other one goes up so as one is increasing over time the other one is increasing over time as one is decreasing over time the other is decreasing over time all the way until 1950 and 1950 you have a little bit of a divergence okay now overall the population size we could argue has a negative correlation uh to birth and death rate okay and the reason why is because as one is moving down here you can see that this is moving up okay so that's where you have what's called a negative correlation so if one is moving down and the other is moving up so as one decreases the other increases you can say that that is a negative correlation okay nick heyman you absolutely have some math and some logic and some statistics and ielts right because they're measuring your aptitude for university entrance with the ielts with the academic isles they're not just measuring your english okay all right so um yeah and ajit says but in 1950 mortality rates become static while birth rates rapidly increase yeah that's why i mentioned to you that the positive correlation is between this era here and we don't see it further here okay all right so uh keep that in mind okay it's very very important um if you're just looking for like a band 5.5 or maybe maybe a band 6.5 you don't need to have this much uh knowledge of these line graphs but if you're looking for a band 7.5 8.59 you need to have more in-depth knowledge okay all right um so think about line graphs think about these correlations think about variables if these words are new for you write them down look them up it's not that complicated so we're not doing advanced statistics here we're doing fundamental basic statistics here okay all right um so now let's get into writing okay so uh now that you know the purpose of the line graph we can get into it so uh task one has uh four parts three to four parts okay it has an overview it has an uh let's well let's say introduction overview body your body is really your analysis or analyses for plural and then a summary okay each one is a paragraph for the introduction all you need to do is paraphrase the question and add details from the chart okay that's what you need to do so let me show you how to do this um and you can do this with me so please i encourage you to write all right okay all right let me paraphrase this question you can paraphrase this question too and then we'll compare it doesn't have to be the same just make sure to add details okay uh muguntan you don't have details um in your you don't have enough details in your paraphrase so try to paraphrase more so first of all the given line graph depicts wow you okay so if i want to be band nine and i want to be uh super detailed using the graph then this is what i'm going to write so if i were to sit the ielts exam tomorrow and this were my question this was a question from the ielts exam and i want to get a band 9 on my task 1. this is how i would start my introduction okay so the given line graph depicts the variations in the population including the birth and death rates in france uh from the beginning of the 18th to the beginning of the 21st centuries with intervals of five decades also the y-axis uh show the population and i would actually correct this a little bit when reviewing it and i would call it axes because we actually have two axes here so the y-axis show population growth with intervals of five million and birth and death rates with intervals of five individuals of a thousand okay so here basically what i'm telling my um reader is enough information that they can almost see this graph without actually seeing the graph so they can picture the x-axis and they can picture these two y-axis hopefully that's clear so i gave a really clear description before going into my overview and analysis okay all right um so that is my introduction and i can see that some students are doing a great job of writing the introduction as well let me just read a few of them because they are looking pretty good all right uh let's take a look so on rights the line graph depicts the demographic trend with further information about the mortality rate fertility rate in france for three centuries from the 18th uh to the 20th very nice on i like it it's nice description i think you could still get a bad nine with that level of description and i like your paraphrasing of fertility rate instead of birth rate birth rate is also classed as fertility rate okay um very good pavon says the information about the population of france in a given time period uh from the 18th to the 21st century a very important point to write the beginning of the 18th to the beginning of the 21st century okay emily writes um at a glance the graph oh sorry let me try that one more time emily so a glance at the graph provided reveals some striking similarities between the military and birth rates during the period uh the mortality not military i think you might have an auto correct mistake there uh be really careful with that kind of a mistake emily so not military but mortality okay all right uh june writes this line graph illustrates the variation of french population uh natality and mortality over the course of three centuries from the beginning of the 18th century to the new millennium the y-axis indicates the total number of citizens with the interval of 5 million as well as rates of birth and death with interval of five out of a thousand people okay june people all right um finish the sentence uh gineal the line graph depicts the population size of france and millions from zero to fifty with intervals of five million and the percentage of birth and death with intervals of five french people per thousand um yeah very good janil i like it okay listen and learn the given line graph illustrates the modification is not very good you want to say change or variation um in france from 18th century to the 21st century with intervals of 50 years while the x-axis shows the people's growth five among a thousand the end of that listen and learn is confusing you have to rewrite that okay uh alma you have to be careful because it's not really a time access and a population access we wouldn't say that that's awkward so good question but no okay all right um so next is the overview what we notice the most so let me just grab my introduction and if you think well the introduction seems a bit long um yeah but if you're going for a band eight or nine it's not about long it's about accurate okay so you have to be accurate okay and just because the introduction's long doesn't mean the overview will be as long for instance okay let me see if i can move this graph a little bit here there we go i think that'll be better for us okay um so uh what can we say about the overall kind of appearance of this uh data okay so at first glance or at initial look okay what is the major kind of pattern that we see here all right now again don't go into too many details don't start talking about positive and negative correlations just yet i think that would be a little bit too ambitious you just kind of want to look at this this overall type of appearance of these lines on the graph okay so what can you see there what can you say about that all right buckrat says the line graph illustrates the variation of population including the birth and mortality rates per thousand people from the beginning of the 18th century to the start of the 21st century in france overall the y-axis represents the population size from zero to 50 million with intervals of 5 million and the y-axis and the x-axis uh five decades okay all right uh what can we say overall here so i'm gonna write mine you write yours and then we'll compare okay and again don't overdo it right so this is your overview you don't need to write overview this is just for clarity in the class okay uh okay um i still have my lines there so it's a good representation uh this would be kind of a fluctuation okay so you've got an up you've got a down you've got some stability you've got more down then you've got kind of an up i think for birth rates so really this is a fluctuation it's not a clear up line it's not a clear down line as where population growth is more of a clear up right so um at first glance not land right just like mortality not military um so at first glance the data reveals that birth and mortality rates fluctuated throughout the centuries uh while population increased okay and i might add a little bit more here like at first glance the data reveals that birth and mortality rates fluctuated similarly right because they are that's that positive correlation they're kind of moving uh together all right again your goal is to compare report the main features make comparisons were relevant right okay farduous rights at first glance the fertility rate increased dramatically compared to the mortality rate which decreased gradually farduous that's details that's not your overview okay that's your body paragraph right please don't write information for your overview that should be in your body paragraph me yen says at uh initial look the population size experienced an upward trend while the birth and death rate showed a fluctuation over the period of 300 years yeah yeah and that works that's similar to what i just wrote pawan says overall it can be seen that population size dramatically increased while both birth and death rates fluctuated in the given time period yeah pavan sidhu very good it's in the given time period because it's a specific time period it's unique that we're talking about here um 10 12 twos says overall the population size increased while the opposite was true for mortality and fertility rate despite fluctuation it's a bit unclear i'm not sure what you mean by the opposite is true um i don't know if the opposite is true because we have increase and decrease okay so careful all right you have to have accurate information for this task in the ielts all right um okay june says immediately it is clear that the fertility and mortality rates in france during the given period follow a similar pattern with the exception of the last 50 years furthermore the french population increased significantly over the span of 300 years yeah that's very good june it's nice detail nice use of language okay all right so your next step is to write the um is to write the analysis okay before you write the analysis okay so before writing make sure to identify uh five to eight points of interest okay whether it's five or eight depends on your writing fluency speed and accuracy okay so um what i would do is okay um identify maybe this increase in the first kind of 50 years okay then um as the second one uh maybe identify this decrease and then here i would just report some kind of a decrease here this would be my third data point and then my fourth one would be this diversion here of the birth rate increasing while death rate remaining a constant okay now of course population um i would describe maybe kind of this here as my fifth point so from the 17 to the 1800s okay and then my sixth point would be this one here uh from the uh 1800 all the way to 2000. all right so those would be my six data points of interest now here notice that you have some crossing over of the population with the birth and death rate um should i report that so should i talk about this surpassing so population surpassing the birth and death rate or superseding the birth and death rate because if you watch some of my other videos where i look at some line graphs i always emphasize kind of talking about this data point where you have one variable suddenly exceeding or going past these other variables so should i talk about that should i mention this intersection of the population with the birth and death rate yeah very good june so june says no because these are completely different concepts exactly yeah on his um an agreement and me and as an agreement very nice good thinking okay so janiel says not here yeah because basically what we're looking at here is actually two line graphs that are overlaid on one another and it's very important to recognize that if somebody starts to write about um during the 1850s population growth exceeded birth and death rates it'd kind of be like what are you talking like that doesn't make any sense they're they're not relevant here so you have to be really careful you're basically looking at two line graphs here that are sharing one graph space okay so definitely don't mention that here and i'm happy that a lot of you realize that so bam huge thumbs up for many of you out there around the world that thought critically and realized yeah yeah that doesn't make sense in this case these are independent okay so they're not connected it's kind of just saving paper and space to put these data points over top of each other okay and that's why it makes sense to write about one and then write about the other now i don't think you need to separate out these as different paragraphs um because population birth and death rate are relevant they're just not connected here okay all right yeah there's no relation here okay so let's start writing okay so first data point um the 17 17 to 1750s and it's the birth and death rate birth rate slightly higher than the death rate okay all right um so let's keep going okay i'm going to start writing and then you can start writing and we'll kind of compare and see if we're on the same page or i'm out to lunch or somebody else is off topic so let's keep going here okay so uh all right a bit of a lengthy sentence but definitely the right description so initially um there was an increase in both birth and death rates from the start to the middle of the 18th century from roughly 26 to 29 people of a thousand with newborns outnumbering deaths by about a person or two each year okay so basically i'm describing uh this kind of parallel pattern okay so i can say that right so um let's see over the course of the next um hundred years okay so this is the next kind of hundred years here okay all right so i'm being concise here um and i encourage you to keep writing so it's great that you're watching me right and uh watching me describe this uh graph i encourage you to do the same so there are lots of different ways to do this so right now i'm on to this point too and i'm talking about this parallel pattern with this stable birth death rate in the next half century and then this decrease here okay and you know i can mention the numbers so 25 30 where i see fit i can always add those in later as well once i have kind of the main structure of the information but don't get lost in numbers so your goal is to interpret these data it's not to really get lost in 25 30 40 40 to 35 back to 40 staying at 25 25 to 30. okay um we're humans we don't really focus or keep our attention when we just hear a lot of different numbers being thrown at us okay so be really really careful about that all right um pawan says as for the data in the 1700s death and birth rates started from 27 million then increased 10 million pavon you have a huge mistake there okay this is population size this is birth and death rate if you accidentally confuse that you're going to do horribly on this task one and you'll get a very low band score it's going to hurt your writing mark for sure okay so birth and death rates are per 1000 people do not confuse it with millions all right you have to keep this title in mind if you start saying millions of people died um you're going to go [Music] with the band score so be really really careful okay all right um be very very very cautious of that okay on says birth and death rates experienced an increase at the beginning of the 18th century with 38 out of a thousand deaths and 40 more babies were born okay on yeah just make sure you have accurate data but it's looking good okay um so uh let me keep going here okay so then until the mid 20th century birth and mortality rates decreased to uh well roughly uh 20 people per thousand okay finally birth rates diverged from uh death rates and increase sharply or increased sharply in the last half century to 34 per thousand while mortality rates remained constant at 20 per thousand now notice that i'm not going to write words for all of this so 20 per 1000 okay so it's okay to do that so you're saving time and space okay so don't keep writing the words 20 per thousand all right okay uh ahmanjat is writing population size increased significantly and touched the pinnacle in the later year amanja that's coming afterwards okay so now is when i get into population growth okay and we do have this uh connecting factor of the years right so 1700s to two thousands okay all right so uh the seventeen hundreds to the two thousands okay um so population so during the same this is my connection hearing during these same three centuries population rose quite consistently from uh 3 million to 50 million people okay with just a slight stagnation between or let's say from 19 50 to 1800 okay so here we have this slight stagnation this kind of leveling in the population you could say is a stagnation when something stagnates it means that it doesn't move up or it doesn't move down okay so with just a slight stagnation from uh 17 50 to 1800 okay and that's it that's all i'm going to write because i'm definitely nearing like 200 words already if i'm not already at 200 words and with population i don't really um need to write more pavan it's not about being lengthy it's about being accurate okay so ielts examiners don't have like a specific word count in mind they're not like it has to be 200 it has to be 180. they just say it has to be at least 150 that means minimum 150 but depending on the information your essay for a band 789 could be 180 words could be 200 words could be 250 words it depends on your writing ability okay akash again that answers your question it's not too much okay one um we actually have a video coming out this week with an ielts examiner who worked for ielts for 10 years they marked thousands of essays and we do an interview with this examiner and he says in the interview and you will see this video on our youtube channel he says in the interview that they basically never give a band 8 or a band 9 to an essay task 1 that's only 150 words it's almost impossible because there's just too much information so 150 words is the minimum for task completion but he said that basically in the 10 years that he did ielts marking they never gave band eights or nines to essays that were just 150 words or for task two that were just 250 words so think about that okay think about that he said and i asked him in the interview i said well how long are these band-aid band nine uh task one task two essays and he said well they're closer to like 200 and 300 um words for task one task two okay all right um so i don't think you've seen this one buck rock because it's not up there yet or maybe maybe you saw it in unlisted videos i'm not sure okay so careful with that okay uh now we have a summary still so if you think it's long now think about the summary still so for band nine you want a summary okay so if you look at this graph carefully right and you see that birth and death rates are going up and down and then here it's up and then you see that the population is going up what can we summarize about this graph so what can we learn there's a very interesting inference that we can learn by looking at this population graph that we can summarize and if you want that band 9 i would highly recommend including this piece of information okay so what can we learn from that i can definitely tell you that i've learned something very interesting by looking at this um line graph of france's population and this is where i would use passive voice not i can infer but it can be inferred that what can be inferred june says the increase in population is related to the fact that birth rate is higher than the death rate um i'm not sure june because notice that the birth rate is just slightly higher than the death rate so does that really warrant this massive population boom i don't think so so i don't think that um just this small difference in birth rate to death rate can really account for this huge boom in population from 5 to 50 million think about the real world why are we having these population booms so on says although the number of people who were born and who died were relatively the same the population size increased yeah so why would that be okay uh janniel's talking about the positive correlations that's okay too but here i'm going to make an inference and an inference is an educated assumption now you have to be very careful here you have to be careful not to say something that's arguably not true but i would say that we can infer that so in summary by comparing the birth and death rates to the population boom in france from 17 to 2000 it can be inferred that the dramatic uh growth in population is likely a result of people's increased life expectancy and or immigration to the country okay so it's one or both of these right so what can lead to population boom well there's really only two factors and this is why it's not a guess right um it's really only two factors that can lead to such population boom one you've got people migrating going to france two you've got people living longer so all those people that are being born they're living longer and they're not dying right so it's one of those two okay all right um let's see hmm why is that suddenly happening it says my stream is excellent okay so let's refresh this just a second uh can you still hear me okay or is it just the camera it's just the camera that's really weird um that's probably something to do with obs or youtube then okay let me try to turn off the camera and turn it on again just give me a second okay let me try to figure this out for us because i know you're all excited to see what that summary actually has you heard me say it but uh let's see if this fixes it okay all right okay um okay i think you can see it now yeah that was really strange why the camera and obs decided not to communicate suddenly but that's it uh june yeah that's the question right so june is asking is that a subjective uh summary no it's not june because um if i asked you think about it this way june if i asked you well what else could it be then there's no real other answer that you can give me so it's either one or the other or both right so it's either people living longer or people migrating to the country or both but it can't be anything else all right so that's why it's the right answer there okay everybody got that so this is the summary in summary by comparing the birth and death rates to the population boom in france from 1700 to 2000 it can be inferred that the dramatic growth in population is likely a result of people's increased life expectancy and or this is a very important and or here immigration to the country okay everybody got that now all right um so that's your band 9 essay okay so um well let me do it let me see what the word count would be on this oops i did not want to do that there we go uh so let me see what the word count would be here okay uh yeah so the word count is roughly without all of my um like extra words like this it's roughly about 240 words okay so it's about 90 words more than the minimum but again for a band 9 for this line graph you might have to write about this long to get that band-aid or that band nine okay so buck right it's not 300 because i have a lot of extra words in here that don't need to be in there okay like all of these analysis and overview and things like that okay so it's about 250 240 okay all right um so that's it for today that's your task one make sure to practice correctly make sure you know what line graphs bar graphs pie charts are all used for so that you can write a correct essay you can learn more about this at for academic outs and for task one generalized which is very different okay have an awesome rest of your day janil again check us out at uh ae help dot com click that big red button i'll be back tomorrow everyone with speaking part two and speaking part three so come back and join me uh for those lessons have an awesome rest of your day thanks for hanging in there and i will see you in 24 hours or less i'm adrian signing out from victoria bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: VRMM8S5Ldas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 0sec (3840 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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