IELTS Writing task 1: Pie chart lesson

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hello it's also bright in tutorial and today I'm going to explain you how to describe pie charts in arts writing desk run so in this lesson you will see an example of a pie chart question learn a benign ultrastructure write model answer step by step together and learn some useful vocabulary so this is a writing-desk round sample you have a pie chart to describe and you have a question card with some important information about your chart the first thing you need to do is to read the question card let's do it together the two charts below shows the percentages of industry sectors contribution to the economy of Turkey in 2000 and 2016 summarize the information by selecting and reporting you main features and make comparisons relevant okay now let's look in the pie chart as you know pie chart is a circular graph divided into slices well it really looks like a pie so that's where its name came from now let's return to our chart what we can see the name of our chart is contribution to the economy of turkey by sector we have two pie charts the first one corresponds to the year 2000 and the second one corresponds to the year 2016 each of these two pie charts shows many economic sectors namely agriculture construction manufacturing create utilities and transportation healthcare and education finance business and other services leisure and hospitality government so these are our pie charts and when you get familiar with your pie charts you can start right into also it is a very good idea to follow a band line also structure while writing your answer this way your writing will be more coherent and clear for the examiner so let's study the band and also structure together your first paragraph is an introduction in this paragraph you should introduce your chart to the readers in one or two sentences next you should write another the paragraph in this paragraph you should list general trends of your chart do not write many specific numbers or details in this part remember our review should contain all the general information then you should describe specific features of your chart in two or three separate paragraphs you should not try the conclusion in task one because they are not asked to give your personal opinion and you have already summarized the information is the general overview excellent now you know the Altran strategy so let's start writing our band 9 answer as you remember our first paragraph is an introduction the introduction is one or two sentences where you simply paraphrase the information from your question you should mention two things in your introduction what your chart shows and for what period of time you can adjust copy this text from your question card such writing will receive a love scar so don't do it instead of writing the two-page below shows the percentages of industry sectors contribution to the economy of Turkey in 2000 and 2016 we supplied a perfect version of this sentence by using sign awnings and here is how I wrote it the two pie charts illustrate how different industry sectors contributed to the economy of turkey percentage rise in the years 2000 and 2016 you can notice that I did not change the name of the chart and you also should never paraphrase the name of your chart if you get the map right map if you get a table right table and if you get a graph right graph so I also get the same expression as a goodbye chart after that comes the work below this word is used only for guiding purposes and since we examine our don't see chart below your writing you can just skip it next we have the verb shell and verbs can always be replaced with a sign on em I decided to replace the rock show with illustrate but this is not the only option we could also use such silence as represent describe our provide information about then comes a long phrase the percentages of industry sectors contribution to the economy of Turkey I decided to paraphrase it by using the word how and that's what I've got how different industry sectors contributed to the economy of Turkey percentage-wise the word percentage-wise means in terms of percentages you can see that I used a very nice technique if your expression is too long and too difficult to paraphrase you can just use the word hell so if you want to paraphrase with the word how then you have to find the action now in our case it is contribution and change the verb in our case contributed and making this sentence Hanalei the hell's down there it in 2000 and 2016 and I have perforated it in such way in the years 2000 and 2016 so I just made this friend a little bit bigger by edon the years and you can also paraphrase with the time period expression in such way for example in 2015 will become in the Year 2015 in 2015 2016 and 2017 will become in the years 2015 2016 and 2017 okay it's always our introduction it is clear and specific so then the examiner starts reading this essay it will easily understand what our pie chart is all about when you have finished the introduction we have to move on to the general overview paragraph remember the chiller band six or more her desk one you must provide the overview instead of early paragraphs you should briefly describe major features of your pie charts ideally you should describe from two to four key features do not write too many numbers percentages or dates in the overview you have to keep all the general information in this paragraph so let's look at our pie charts and identify some key features well there are many ways to find the key features of our charts first of all we could search for the biggest and smallest slices of each pie chart and secondly we can find which slices became bigger and smaller ordinate change each of these options is fine but do not write both of them because you have to keep your over your shark so I've decided to focus on the first option now let's look at each pie chart and find the key features our first buy chart depicts year 2000 what is the largest slice of this pie well clearly it's agriculture this means that agriculture was the biggest part of turkeys economy in the year 2000 and what is the smallest slice it is construction almost three percent and it also segment of our pie chart is bigger than the construction this means that our construction segment was the smallest part of turkeys economy in 2000 another second pie chart shows year 2016 we can see this is the largest part of this pie is healthcare and education and the smallest park is finance business analysis services now let's make now review with these key features the word repeated myself I will use silence the phrase was the smallest segment can be replaced with contributed the least to the economy made the lowest contribution made of the smallest part of the chart and was the least significant part of the economy and the same from the largest slice was the largest segment can be replaced with contributed the most to the economy may is the highest contribution they doubt the biggest part of the chart was the most significant part of the economy if we take away the world economy you can notice that these phrases are universal phrases to describe slices of any out pie chart keep in mind this useful vocabulary so here's our overview overall at the beginning of the period construction contributed the least to the economy of Turkey while agriculture was the most significant economic sector in comparison at the end of the period Healthcare and education became the largest economic segment and the lowest contribution was made by finance business and other services you can see that the first word I use is the word overall always starts the utterly paragraph with the word overall this word serves as an indicator which tells the examiner that you start writing the every paragraph at the beginning of the period is just an equivalent way of saying in the year 2000 then we use our key features for the year 2000 arrived said construction was the smallest economic segment and agriculture was the largest economic segment after that I start a new sentence to describe the key features of the year 2016 you can see that I used a very nice Lincoln structure in comparison to show the time comparing both charts and then again I just leased the largest economic segment the smallest economic segment is it here as it's always the general over your paragraph now you have to provide specific details of our pie chart in this part you should write specific numbers in years to describe changes never write all the specific details in one large paragraph this would be a very bad organization remember that you should grow the specific features of your pie chart into separate paragraphs this way your writing will be coherent and you will get a high scar you can organize your specific details in many ways the most important thing is the terror organization is logical ideally you should aim at two or three paragraphs with specific features I decided to group the specific features by decreasing and increase in print this means that in the first paragraph I will describe economic sectors that experienced an increase and in the second paragraph I will describe economic sectors that experienced a decrease or read net change we need to look at our chart and identify which sectors increased and reach decreased I'll start with the agriculture sector as we can see it is a quite big segment of the first chart 25 percent and on the second chart it's only 30 percent clearly agriculture had a decrease so I'll put a special degree sign near it and I'll do the same with all other economic sectors health care and education had now changed let's last put a desk near it in the first paragraph with specific features I'll describe sectors with increasing trends and those are construction trade utilities and transportation manufacturing and Finance business and other services and here's my first paragraph construction sector accounted for three percent of turkeys economy in 2000 and experienced and more than three fold increase to run tents in 2016 economic income from trade utilities and transportation was Hardin percent in 2000 and had a slight growth of two percent in 2016 as the beginning of the period manufacturing and science business enough services made up eight percent and 5 percent of Turkey's economy respectively and these figures rose to twelve percent and eight percent in 2016 in fact I simply listed all the sectors to increase and give specific numbers but look at how I use diverse vocabulary to describe changes to write a percentage of a certain sector I use different expressions like accounted for construction sector accounted for 3% of Turkish economy was economic income from trade utilities and transportation was 14% made up manufacturing and Finance business and other services made up eight percent and 5 percent of Turkey's economy respectively to describe a change in percentage I also use a broad range of vocabulary had a slant growth of 2% these figures rose to 12% and 8% experienced a margin three-fold increase to run tense here experienced immersion three-fold increase is a sounding off increased by more than three times or more than tripled and Ron pence is a nice expression to say 10% now when we have written all the increasing trends it's time to add our second paragraph with specific features in this new paragraph we have to list the decreasing trends in our case agriculture government and leisure and hospitality sectors and sectors without change in our case health care and education so here is how I wrote it agriculture which comprised almost a quarter of turkeys economy in 2000 held the 14% in 2016 in 2000 economic outputs from government and leisure and hospitality sectors we're at close and 17 percent respectively and both decreased by 3 percent after 16 year period in contrast contribution from health care and education sector remained constant in both years at 17 percent again I simply missed it what happened to each economic sector of the second group to indicate percentages of different economic sectors I used diverse expressions such as economic outputs from government and leisure and hospitality sectors where 12 percent and 17 percent respectively and comprised almost a quarter of turkeys economy instead of writing 25% I wrote almost a quarter which is a very effective paraphrase and to describe the changes in percentages I use several knives phrases such as held to 13% and degrees by 3% the citizen sector had now changed in percentage I use the following expression remained constant contribution from health care and education sector remained constant in both years at 17% also I use an expression in contrast to contrast sectors that had a decrease and sector it had no change well done it's always our writing this piece of writing will score a benign on IELTS test I wish you to succeed in your ass preparation and Susan in another I'll try to the girl
Channel: IELTS-up Online lessons
Views: 3,623,894
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Keywords: IELTS, IELTS Writing, Pie chart, task 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2017
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