IELTS Practice Exam - Rahul from India 💬🇮🇳 - with teacher feedback

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hello wonderful ielts daily subscribers friends and students i'm chris from ielts daily and i'm back with another fantastic mock exam video do we have any indians in the room because we have rahul our next student from india you will see that rahul has some experience with the ielts test i'm going to go through and listen to what he does well and maybe some of the areas that he makes mistakes in and you can check whether you make the same mistakes as always if you like this video if you think it's useful please give it a thumbs up are you ready because i am definitely ready let's go do you think that the ielts speaking test is difficult well i agree with you the great news is that we've made some fantastic mock exam videos with a real practice exam with real students and a real practice examiner during these videos i'm going to be looking at what the students do well how they can improve and also how you guys can use some of their tips techniques and ideas in your speaking test [Music] okie dokie so i'm just putting my headphones in getting myself ready so that i can watch rahul now i should mention that rahul has his own little ielts channel and i will post a link to rahul's ielts channel it's specifically for people who are looking to reach kind of the band 7 level so if you do want to have some other resources that you might want to dip into check out his channel in this video we've got the examiner may and rahul let's go hello and welcome to this practice exam conducted by ielts daily my name is may and i'm your practice ielts speaking examiner at the beginning of the ielts test you need to provide some identification but as this is a practice test there's no need for that today are you ready to begin yes sir let's talk about where you live do you live in a rural or urban area i would definitely call it urban area and urban area i would say because it's not very far away from the city and it's the the cherry on the cake is that it's near the mountains as well so it's definitely in a mix of urban and rural okie dokie so great start for rahul i'm sure that you all uh enjoyed his fluency he's pretty clear he's got good pronunciation now he does have a bit of an indian accent however that's not a bad thing we live in a multicultural society accents are not necessarily downgraded or penalized in the test pronunciation features are so yes rahul has an accent but we need to be listening for pronunciation features rather than accent the one thing that i would like to to focus on is this idea of idiomatic language and i could see that rahul tried really hard to include an idiom in his speech and he said the cherry on the cake is that i would be questioning here about the use of the cherry on the cake we're talking about where he lives and he said that it's close to the mountains and that's the cherry on the cake and when we talk when we use the idiom the cherry on the cake was or um the cherry i think i think we can say the cherry on the on the icing maybe and this would be used when you're making a list of positive things and then you're kind of saying the best best best thing he only gave one good example or one example of something positive and then said the cherry on the cake so as a native speaker i just query the use of that idiomatic language it's almost like he's memorized it and tried to put it into the test and using memorized language would be something that i would discourage but well done to rahul anyway do you enjoy living there i love living there i would say i love because it's it's a place i always wanted to stay i would say in this question rahul says i love living there and the questioner the examiner asked do you like living there and this would be an example of paraphrasing so you're changing the question in in the answer that you give which is a great a great thing to be doing you shouldn't really be like a parrot and repeating everything i feel like at this point just he might have missed kind of the the ability the option to extend a little bit more but so far i'm it's not too problematic he's he's explaining the reasons i feel like he just could have a little bit more extension what things can you do in your local area there are a lot of things but the thing which is dominating is the different markets which you can explore particularly the food markets anybody who is enthusiastic about eating different types of foods that's the place to go i'd like to move on to the topic of driving do you drive yes i drive and i love to drive are the roads dangerous or safe in your country i think it totally depends upon one's perspective and one's experiences because if you drive safe i think you will be safe so here this is a perfect example and you'll see two sentences on the screen now which is if you drive safe and if you drive safely i would say that the majority of native speakers would probably say if you drive safe grammatically you should use an adverb so if you drive safely is the more grammatically correct form but what we notice in language is that unless you are rigid you know with your grammar if you're a grammarian you're probably not going to be worried too much an examiner is going to be listening for those type of slips and you will say you'll see that in the band descriptors it allows you at a band nine full marks you can make some grammatical slips kind of these ex acceptable grammatical slips and i think this would probably be one of them do you enjoy traveling by car not by car but i definitely love traveling by road because i and that includes public transport because during that time i don't have to drive myself i can just sit passively and enjoy the view all right i'm just gonna jump in here at the beginning of this video i talked about um the fact that rahul has an indian accent which is great the problem is that there's a pronunciation feature that you just heard which signifies and and shows that he's not a native speaker in the sense that he doesn't focus on the the official pronunciation of words so he says words like that if you go back and listen he uses it twice that and this and the correct pronunciation would be that and this try to focus on the tongue and i talk about it all the time don't be lazy if you find words which have the first sound in them try to keep your tongue between your teeth so this and that look at my tongue this and that not this and that and lots of people commented um on the previous videos that we've made about how it's too strict etc but what you will realize is that if you're a native speaker and you come and take this test it doesn't mean that you're going to be guaranteed to have a band 9 the full marks you will find that some native speakers also pronounce things lazily they don't pronounce the first sound they may even say i think i think that's a good idea and you hear that a lot in in the uk and it's lazy and a lazy way to pronounce the first sound so rather than i think they will say i think and i thought that was a good idea and it's this sound f sound and you would be marked down on that in the test because it's not standardized it's not the official way to pronounce words so this is not selecting people who are non-native speakers and singling them out it is possible for native speakers to not reach that band nine as well now let's talk about the topic of seasons does your country have seasons uh it's i think it's having three seasons to be very precise but i'll talk about this place where i am living right now because i call this my country now because it has given me a lot of things i love the seasons over here grammar grammar grammar all right so in this question uh may the examiner says does your country have seasons does your country have seasons does it's a simple form the way that rahul answered it was in the continuous form he said it's having three seasons and that would not be something that a native speaker would and would answer with so because the question came in the simple form does yours does your country have three seasons yes it does yeah it has three seasons not it is having three seasons and i think um rahul makes this mistake a couple of times through the test and therefore he's probably precluded he won't reach the band nine for grammar because of this little slip with the uh tense what is your favorite season uh there's no particular everything is my favorite you know i am very very optimistic about life i would say when it's winter i love wearing jackets and i don't miss a chance to go to the pool when it's summer so everything is my favorite i would i talk a lot about complexity of grammar in my feedback videos in this case he said i don't miss the chance to go to the pool when it's summer so a when sentence is a good way to extend and expand your grammatical range different features good job would you like to live in a country which has different seasons well definitely i am already i would say living in a country which is having different seasons but if i get a chance to move to another country which is also having different seasons i won't back off i will definitely go over there really nice answer i'm querying the use of his language i won't back off i wouldn't say no is probably a more natural way to say it if i ask somebody to back off it means actually to to move away so if somebody's too close to me i can say just back off a little bit um i'm not entirely sure that back off would be the correct phrasal verb here and because of these little errors that are sneaking in he might struggle to score the full band nine for lexical resource because it's it's it's not effortless and it's not completely natural in the next part of the test i'm going to give you a topic and i would like you to speak for one to two minutes you will have one minute to think about what you want to say and i will give you a pencil and some paper to make notes if you want is that clear yes it is here is your paper and pencil and you have one minute to prepare thank you now i would like you to talk about a time you felt proud of a family member or friend remember you have one to two minutes for this so don't worry if i stop you i'll tell you when the time is up can you start speaking now please you know since my childhood i have been very lucky to get in touch with people who have been very inspiring very motivating and when i was in my school days when i was studying i was i still remember i read a quote over there which says which said i would say that whatever you surround yourself with whatever you feed your mind with you become that you know that thing i was so got so caught up with that thing that i i had made a decision very earlier in my life that i would always be in touch with people who are positive so let me talk about somebody who inspired me a lot i'm just going to jump in here uh you will notice that rahul has adopted and implemented a strategy which is go off topic to begin with and and set the scene that's okay as long as as long as he gets back to the answer so the first 30 seconds of his answer actually didn't contain anything which related to the question i personally wouldn't choose to adopt this approach but it's it's completely okay with you if you want to if you if you want to go down that route because there's no right or there's no wrong answer you're trying to demonstrate your ability to speak fluently and so what he's tried to do is fill his time with some background to the topic and i see that quite often with students and she's the reason i'm sitting in front of you right now giving this exam to a scoreville so that i can move to an english-speaking country and the name of the person is priya she's my cousin's sister and you know she her story is so inspiring she when she was 18 years old there was no financial support that she was getting from her parents or family members or anybody for that instance but she didn't give up she opened her own clinic taking a place on rent and she had no means i would say to pay the rate but she had a belief that she can't do it she did it and now two years ago she came to melbourne australia sorry to interrupt you rahul um you're doing really well i want to talk about something which i see all all the time and this is really common if we have any indian students in the room uh we see the term giving the exam i'm going to give the ielts exam now i don't know the answer to this question i've been teaching ielts for a long time and i don't know whether an ielts examiner would mark somebody down for this because it seems that the word give an exam is completely normal on the indian subcontinent we hear people from bangladesh from pakistan from india using this type of language in reality the majority of people who speak english as a native language who only speak english and they would probably say i'm taking the exam so rather than giving the exam it's the opposite it's taking the exam so for example i could say i'm taking the ielts next week whereas somebody from india would say i'm giving the ielts next week now i think this is going to be one example where because of the widespread use and the examiners hear this all the time i sense they will probably accept this as something which is not a deduction which is great because i think language should be fluid fluid and it should be changing but i just wanted to highlight this that for many people who come from india from bangladesh from sri lanka you often say i'm giving the exam if you are one of those people put your i put your ideas in the comments because we'd love to see and if that's a surprise for you that we actually say i'm taking the exam and you say i'm giving the exam then uh it's an interesting piece of learning today and you know what happened then the universe favored her in such manners in in such a way that today she's working in aged care and you know when the coronavirus pandemic started there was nobody helping anybody but these aged care workers they were helping everyone they were taking care of the older family members elder family members i would say but i think i think that whatever she is having right now she deserves it you know why because she's really worked very hard for it and i think you can see it in my eyes that i'm not lying and i'm very proud of her and the reason i am sitting over here i would say i called her two days ago and i told her that i'm going to give this examination and see one thing that i loved about rahul's speech here is that he uses this kind of emotive tone in his language there's a lot of rise and a lot of fall in the way that he describes things he uses his hands and gesticulation now lots of people will say don't use your hands it's absolutely normal to use your hands in the ielts speaking test you can can can but the thing that struck me and that i was impressed by is that he he has this kind of tone in his language where he stresses parts of the words and parts of the sentence when he wants to kind of convey his message which i think is a really good way and it shows the examiner this ability to use pronunciation features flexibly whereas somebody at a lower level you would find they would stay at a single tone throughout and there wouldn't be this emotion coming through in their language so welcome to rahul for that she just sent me very tight hugs through the phone i know it's virtual it's not that real feeling but definitely it is something which thank you i want to stay on the topic of achievements what qualities do you think many successful people have all of them are optimistic about everything can you tell me more yes uh if i elaborate my answer they're very optimistic because i once met somebody in a train i was traveling in and and i was i saw him smiling when he was looking out of the window i asked him what makes you so happy gentlemen and he said that i have two cars at home i have two villas i have two mansions but what makes me happy is traveling with people so what they are is i mean he he told me that no matter how successful you get you should always stay connected to your roots is it possible to be successful without hard work uh first of all i would like to say something about success so being successful is totally dependent upon one's view of being successful you know if somebody has bought a bike after riding a bicycle for a long i think he's successful but if somebody is not able to buy a range rover and he bought a honda city then he would not consider him successful but that car is a dream for the person who is having a bike so i think it's all about perspective is it important for parents to be proud of their children definitely i mean if your parents are not supportive for you because i as i told you earlier in this speaking test as well that whatever we see around us and whatever we surround ourselves with we become and if we are getting support from our parents we are getting love from our parents we would become good citizens of the country and i think everybody in every country needs this this competition lead to better results in some things it does but if you talk about competitive examinations i would say that's something which is only deteriorating the confidence of a lot of students nowadays because they compare themselves with somebody who has been practicing this skill for years now and they just joined that thing and they compare it which i think it's not good thank you this is the end of this practice ielts speaking test many congratulations to rahul for reaching the end of this practice test i think we can all learn lots from rahul's speech today he's very confident he gave explain explanations on his answers there were just the minor slips in terms of grammar some vocabulary so let's give him a score fluency and coherence i don't think there's much that i could mark him down on he gave lots of great reasons i think he deserves a nine for his fluency and coherence and it's very very very well answered um questions grammatical range and accuracy and lexical resource i think both of these would probably be marked down to a band eight one of them could be either of them may be marked up to a nine i sense that it's probably lexical resource that might reach a nine he used a variety of different idiomatic phrases with most mostly natural use but the grammatical slips that he made with the tenses etc might cause him to be marked down to a band eight pronunciation despite his indian accent he had great pronunciation features lots of good stress just at the end i noticed that he said deterioration there was a little bit of a slip on the pronunciation there but otherwise not not too problematic he probably would score a nine here really clear and understandable so overall a strict examiner would have scored um rahul eight and a more lenient examiner would score a band 8.5 i don't think on this occasion he might reach the band nine but i think an 8.5 would be a great result for him so well done to rahul don't forget that you can check out his the link to his channel go and have a look and see whether you like his videos thank you for joining us today we're going to be back with many many many more mock exam videos if you do like them give us a like come back subscribe and we'll see you very very soon i'm chris from ielts daily take care of yourselves and keep working very hard
Channel: IELTS Daily
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts writing, ielts class, ielts preparation, ielts lesson, ielts tutor, ielts 6.0, ielts 6.5, ielts 7.0, ielts online, prepare for ielts, ielts listening, ielts reading, ielts online class, ielts course, ielts video, ielts video course, ielts pronunciation, ielts grammar, band descriptors, ielts teacher, ielts tips, ielts help, ielts band 9.0, ielts band 8.0, ielts mock exam, pass ielts, ielts exam help, how to pass ielts, best ielts course
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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