IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing – Band 9 Diagram

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hi students and welcome to today's live isles class my name is adrian i'm streaming to you from beautiful hungary i hope everybody has had a good week and is looking forward to a fantastic weekend hi back jon hi david hi victor welcome members this is a members chat class everybody is welcome to watch we are focusing on task one writing of the academic ielts specifically we're focusing on a band 9 example for a diagram to become a member of our channel click the join button next to the subscribe button if you don't see that join button send me an email adrian and i will can give you more instructions on how you can join our youtube channel this lesson is a presented to you by ae help dot com for academic ielts check us out there and for general ielts visit us at g that's general on both of those websites we have loads and loads of materials to help you improve your communication and your english this is the general website here with the green background you can click that big red 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writing you should spend about 20 minutes on this task the following diagram explains the way solar energy is collected and converted to usable electricity explain the main features and make comparisons were relevant so i thought i'd pick something kind of interesting today i'm sure most of us have had that question in our minds how does solar power really work right so uh let's take a look at this uh what's our first step here members what's our first step so what do we do with this here we've read the question hey let's take a look at the picture right there's the picture okay and hopefully it's quite clear for everyone i try to really get your clear picture today yeah so victor says read the question carefully and then of course look at the diagram carefully so here we have the sun we have some solar panels we have a combiner box a charge controller some display control unit inverter dc disconnect box some batteries then we have a service box the breaker panel which goes to the loads the electric devices and then we have a a generator here the automatic generator starter okay all right so now uh we can take the next step back john says paraphrase the question with more details yeah and what are the more details here so when we paraphrase this question what can we add as details ooh millen nice well done band-aid overall nicely done i think you sent me an email on that milland if you haven't please send me one i'd love to see the breakdown of your scores band-aid is really good i mean that's right next to band 9 which is basically a university graduate in english so good job yeah always says the number of steps in the process now the number of steps os might be a little bit difficult but the number of elements so steps are a little bit tricky because all of these arrows can be maybe described as a single step but each of these components okay it's another way that we can call these components uh can definitely be some of the details so here we have the panels one two three four five six seven eight nine components and of course the sun let's not forget about that so um this process requires nine different um components man-made components absolutely and we have the flow of power the electricity going in quite a few different directions so let's keep that in mind as well all right um let's do this so the overview again uh we want to paraphrase the question and give those details and that's our overview so let's uh and then of course the main features so overview uh first paraphrase and give some details okay so here's the question again i'll give you a bit of a head start the following diagram explains the way solar energy is collected and converted to usable electricity explain the main features make comparisons were relevant okay go ahead start your paraphrasing i'm going to do the same you all right that's my paraphrase then of course the overview has two parts the second part is going to be the main feature the most observable characteristic in the diagram okay all right so while we wait uh for your paraphrasing let me see if my uh chat is stuck again this might be a glitch in youtube not to worry i'll refresher the page here let's see what happens all right so uh victor says the diagram depicts the information of harvesting solar energy and transferring it to usable electricity victor i like it i like the use of the word harvesting it does work we do harvest solar and wind energy that verb is used in that context in english so well done oh it says the given diagram illustrates the process for production of electricity from solar energy where this process includes nine components oh it's good a couple of slight mistakes i changed a couple of words added a few words so pay attention to that pre-t says the given diagram describes the nine different stages of using sunlight to generate electric power again pretty careful with this the stages it's a little bit tricky to see that because we don't actually see the stages i think this is one stage here two maybe three four five six seven eight um but there are definitely nine components okay so i think looking at the components here saying that it's components it's a little bit more accurate welcome kishan to our group of members send me an email later so i can get you those exclusive videos okay all right uh ferdov says the given blueprint depicts how sun energy is converted into electric power with many stages yeah exactly for dobs if you're not sure how many stages just say with many stages there's definitely many yep romaine says the picture provided describes the process of gathering solar rays uh to convert them into energy for household and company usage okay romaine it's not bad um solar rays yeah it's okay photons i think is what we're actually gathering here um all right this is what i have uh for this i kept it a little bit simpler than maybe some of you so the given schematic presents the method of using sun energy to generate electrical power with the aid of nine different components right so uh here's a word that we haven't used before schematic schematic is another way to say blueprint okay it's another paraphrase it's quite useful if you're studying engineering you will come across this word schematic very quickly it's countable schematics it's used in computer science oftentimes as well so make sure to remember that and of course what are we doing we're generating uh electrical power with uh sun energy in these nine components okay great so uh let's uh let's have a look at the main feature so what is the main feature what do you notice looking at this diagram right away so what can we collect or what can we i don't want to say summarize it do not use the word to summarize at the beginning of your essay ever but what is the most observable main feature here okay and this little display controller is part of this i'm just realizing right now so it's maybe just eight eight components um but anyway it doesn't matter much so victor says well you have the sun you have the solar panels okay um yeah so the solar panels probably gather electricity right the batteries they store the electricity the charge controller combiner box they probably convert electricity these also control the flow of electricity so what can we see here what is the main feature just keep it simple os says the use of cheap devices to produce great energy os i think that we're making an assumption there i mean high quality solar panels can be quite expensive so don't assume don't include your own information os abhishek says there are wires that transfer energy from start to end okay that's okay pretty says a natural resource is converted into artificial light with the help of equipment um yeah i don't know about artificial light uh we don't have a light bulb here or anything like that so again don't assume okay romaine says there are three main noticeable components the panel the batteries and the generator i don't know i mean uh romaine i would argue with you that there the combiner box the charge controller they're also probably some pretty important components i don't think this would work without that um fordav says it's a complex process to create electricity from sun and there are nine devices yeah for dobbs um i would agree with you it's definitely a complex process of creating energy from sun rays and it's uh transferring and transforming the electricity in the process right that's what we can see right away so my main feature here again keep your thoughts simple students so i would say immediately it is evident that the process of converting and transferring solar energy into usable electricity is fairly complex okay i think we would all agree by looking at this diagram that that makes sense okay so the given schematic presents the method of using sun energy to generate electrical power with the eight of nine different components i'm going to change that it's actually eight components as i realized after immediately it is evident that the process of converting and transferring solar energy into usable electricity is fairly complex okay good all right so now let's start with the analysis what makes the most sense for the analysis so this is our overview and now we can get into the analysis what makes the most sense for the analysis here what would be logical okay and if you got a diagram like this maybe finding the right language to describe these steps in the process is the more challenging part the analysis is fairly simple here you just have to keep it clever and clear okay so um abhishek says from the sun to the generator so here's the sun yeah i agree abhishek that the sun is a good start point okay i don't think that the generator is a good end point okay romaine says input transformation output yeah and where is the output what's the last what do you think would be the last step so the start point is the sun i think the generator is kind of one of the end points but it's not the most prominent end point uh what is the more obvious end point to this process where do we have an arrow that kind of just goes off into nowhere land or not the batteries okay batteries is kind of an end point too so this is a kind of end point this is an end point but there's a more obvious end point here yeah janel exactly so janil says it's the electrical devices right like computers laptops heating so after the breaker box right this is a good word by the way for everyone watching to remember in english because if you ever lose power in your home when you've moved to an english-speaking country the first place that you might need to check is the breaker panel so if you have to call the utilities company they will tell you to check your breaker panel so remember this vocabulary it's important okay and you might have to turn your breakers back on because if something is short-circuited in your house then the breakers will automatically turn off okay all right so remember that word breaker panel that come in useful okay all right um so yeah the electrical loads that's the other end point and this would be the ultimate end point so that would be i think the the final end is where you're going because here with the generator you have power going back out to the inverter okay and same thing with the batteries you have power going in for storage and you have power going back out for usage but with electrical devices definitely that's where power is used up uh in the form of movement heat light so it's the end there okay let's do this so let's um go step by step first from the sun to the solar panels okay so this is uh step number one maybe you can combine it all the way to the combiner box okay go ahead and start the analysis so i'm going to write you write think about some good verbs to use here for flow now it is a process diagram so in a process diagram is where you can use the words first or to begin with oftentimes students in the ielts overuse these words like firstly second third to begin with they use them in their task 2 essays they use them in line graphs those are not good places to use these because they're often not accurate or they're a little bit awkward the great place to use that kind of first second third sequential leading expressions are with process essays where you actually have a first step or a beginning and an end okay so this is where you can use them well all right that's an important note remember that so don't overuse first second third fourth except when you have a process essay like a flow chart or this kind of a process diagram okay all right so i'm going to begin give you a little bit of peace and quiet to think okay all right for dob says analyzing deeper for doves deeper is d-e-e-p-e-r uh analyzing dipper would be analyzing the big dip or the small dipper in the night sky it's very different okay so careful analyzing deeper it is clear that's the solar panels gather sun light and send it to the combiner box uh not sun lights okay for dobs you can't count that light that's a non-countable light for dogs the only time we count lights are like the lights in the ceiling okay so there are five six different lights on the ceiling okay uh the actual electrical lights but you can't actually count the light rays okay so careful with that don't make mistakes there okay so here we go uh to begin with solar panels collect the sun's rays and transfer this power to the combiner box okay let me get the diagram back here for you okay now we do see that we have uh some connections here among the solar panels and then we have the panels going from different directions into the combiner box so we could get a little bit fancier and describe how the panels are connected and feed into the combiner box as well so we could get a little bit fancier there okay victor says this process starts from collecting sun rays through the panels um which assemble the sun's light and send it to the combiner box okay victor uh you're getting fancy with your verbs a little bit off on the word choice but uh and on the grammar but you got the right idea just pay attention to my corrections okay abhishek says to begin with the sun rays um bounce on the solar panels which convert and transfer the power to a combiner box with the help of wires okay yeah quite tricky right so pay attention to the feedback here students nick hill says to commence with trapping the heat from the sun and storing it in the solar panels after gathering the sun's heat and sending it to the combiner box um nick hill i'm not i don't know exactly how solar uh power is converted we have to be careful i don't think it's just heat that solar panels are collecting but i believe it's actual photons hitting uh the solar cells themselves so i don't think we're just talking about heat energy here in that case you could just have some black tubing on the roof which is another form of harnessing sun energy but i think solar panels are do much more than just collect the heat of the sun okay pre-t so careful not to assume nick hill okay the word heat is i think incorrect here okay remember students academic ielts it's not just testing your english it is testing your thinking and it's looking at content as well okay priti says to begin with the solar system collects the sun rays and sends this energy to the combiner box yeah so here we have these connected solar panels so this is where we're looking at details so if i want to spice up uh the beginning of my analysis i could say that here so to begin with the interconnected solar panels collect the sun's rays and transfer this power to the combiner box through several connections or instead of connections i'm going to say inputs because i have the word interconnected so i don't want to write connections so that i avoid repetition even though it's slightly different so now i'm pushing my writing to a higher level using more description more analysis and of course more lexical resource as well okay so david valencia says initially the sun's rays impact the surface of the solar panels then these rays are taken to the combiner box okay david i really like the first sentence that you're saying the sun's rays impact the surface of the solar panels that's absolutely true i don't think the rays themselves are taken to the combiner box i think it's power that's produced through that impact david um so be careful with that second sentence uh pretty yeah you could say through several electrical wires or electrical yeah inputs yeah you could say that i'm sure that's what it is i would definitely not test that theory by touching those wires i'm sure it is right and so we see those here okay good uh let's keep going okay so the next step is the combiner box moves uh the power to the charge controller um and then on the charge controller so i realized after that this is just an enlargement here there's a display and controller unit i'm assuming that's where we can see uh the amount of power that's being collected um or transferred from the solar panels okay so we definitely want to describe this process here and then maybe create a complex sentence with this uh process here okay so the charge controller sends the power to the inverter or uh directly to the batteries by the look of it okay it doesn't look like it has to go to the dc disconnect box so looks like it can go right into the batteries okay so create a sentence there charge controller charge controller has a display and control unit it connects to the inverter or the batteries let's see what you come up with for this sentence i'm going to do the same here and then we'll compare okay i'm going to try to uh keep the diagram for this sentence and then i'll just copy paste it after so let's do it like this you okay so let's see what you've come up with all right uh for dove says then the power keeps going to the inverter passing two controllers a charge and unit where it is converted into usable electricity not bad for dobbs i think you could make that a little bit clearer okay i think it's slightly confusing all right mahesh says to begin with the sun rays are reflected on the solar panels generating heat energy and this is transferred into the combiner box again mahesh i'm not sure if it's simply just heat energy so careful with that oh it says the energy input in the charge controller is then distributed to the display and control unit and some big batteries okay fair enough yeah those look like some large batteries definitely not the ones found in our cell phones all right baek chun says once the charge controller receives the power it not only transfers it to the inverter but also to the batteries through electrical wires good beck john that's solid okay um nick hill says from the combiner box chamber um power is transferred to the charge controller which controls the flow of charge and the electricity not only moves through the inverter but also to the batteries okay nick hill lots of information there almost just a couple of slight mistakes david says consequently the energy is sent to the charge controller which transfers the power to either the inverter or the dc disconnect box okay um yeah i think that's a little bit unclear here this little arrow here is just showing that this is called the dc disconnect box the dc disconnect box gets power uh from the inverter and sends it back to the inverter and also back and forth to the batteries okay so here this little arrow is showing the name of the disconnect box but here this uh charge controller is only sending directly to the batteries okay this disconnect box let me enlarge that so that you can see it a little bit clearer what's going on there because that's important for the next step as well okay so see how that looks okay um it just basically says dc disconnect box this seems like some kind of safety device to me but i'm not gonna say that because i don't know for sure and then see how the dc disconnect box it it's a two-way transfer of power between the batteries and also the inverter okay so that's a unique step there and i would be careful to combine that with any other step all right welcome darren to our group of members make sure to send me an email so i can hook you up with those exclusive videos after all right so this is what i have so far next the electricity moves through the charge controller to either the inverter or directly to the batteries and then here i'm using a semicolon to explain this little display and control unit that they've highlighted here uh a display and control unit on the charge controller shows the influx and output of electricity influx meaning coming in and uh output meaning out we can safely assume that the display and control unit is showing that okay um so that's just a little addition but not a direct um continuation so i'm using a semicolon okay it's related but not directly connected that's why i'm using a semicolon there right okay so i'm just going to grab this and then put it to the rest of the analysis and then we'll go to the next step okay all right so now let's write a sentence that explains the function of the dc disconnect box okay so the dc disconnect box is so notice the arrow heads here that's going to be important as i mentioned that we have arrows going this way and this way okay and you have arrows going this way and this way to the batteries okay so let's talk about that dc disconnect box before we move from the inverter to these other processes there okay all right so i'm going to do that and then you do the same okay here we go you all right so that's my sentence let's see what you come up with there we go it's a little bit better spaced okay again think simple don't over complicate all right you're going to come up with some complex sentences anyway with such a complex diagram so all i'm doing is i've reviewed what i've written and i've noticed that i can make that a little bit clearer okay david valencia says the dc disconnect box acts as a regulator for transmitting between the charge controller and the inverter and the battery yeah david i think that's safe to say so i think there you're okay um it's disconnect so we can assume just from the name dis connect that this box can actually stop the flow of power if there's some kind of problem in the system so yeah david i think here you want to be really careful in task one that you're not coming up with information that you can't see but i think david that it's fair to say that we can kind of infer in this uh part of the diagram that that's what's happening there okay that that's a little bit of a piece of safety equipment oh it says the energy arrives to the inverter where it distributes the energy to three points the dc service box and generator which return the energy to the inverter yeah os i see where you're going with that so os is basically saying the inverter will either send power to the service box to the generator or to the dc disconnect box yeah so careful there os in the sense that you're right you can write that just uh don't lose yourself because there's a lot of of steps going on in these three different processes from the inverter but you could start with a sentence like that it does make sense and i do think it's a good way to analyze what's happening from the inverter absolutely okay victor says from the inverter power can be so uh victor when you right like that make sure you put a comma after from the inverter so from the inverter comma power can be sent either to the dc disconnect uh or back to the battery um yeah not or back to the battery because the inverter doesn't send anything directly to the battery it's the dc disconnect that can send to the battery and back or to the inverter okay yeah and i'm assuming it is some kind of a regulator to keep uh electricity stable that's probably why it can uh carry an extra load if necessary from the batteries right if there's a low amount of power all right so this is what i wrote at this point power can be transmitted from the inverter to the dc disconnect box which can both send and receive electricity to and from the batteries and transfer power back to the inverter okay so i'm not an expert in solar power nor am i an electrical engineer so i'm only reporting what i see here all right now uh what i can do is i can discuss in the next step the um the inverter sending power to the generator and the generator sending power back to the inverter so i've basically got two more processes left and i want to be careful to not make mistakes in my grammar and not write confusing sentences so i'm going to keep it simple and i'm going to write about this first and then as i mentioned i will write about this second which will be the absolute final stage of this process okay so do the same thing so right about this part here with the inverter transferring power to the generator and then the generator transferring power back to the inverter okay and here we have a connection to the automatic generator starter we could go into more details there it's not absolutely necessary beck john says i'm going to study electrical engineering well baek john this is uh you're hitting two birds with one stone here you're learning to write a process essay and you're probably writing a process essay that you might have to rewrite in university i have a feeling that in your electrical engineering background you're going to see this diagram in various shapes and forms especially because solar power is becoming more and more important in modern day society so uh it's a good class to be in back john absolutely all right okay so um let me just uh cut and paste that piece uh onto my analysis here and i've noticed that i've pasted the other ones to the wrong place okay so let me just grab that out and put that here okay now i'm in the right spot all right okay hey there's darren welcome to the chat it's fantastic okay so here we go um inverter to the generator okay all right in the following phase the inverter partially transfers power to a generator which in turn can send electricity back to the inverter finally the one way flow of power out of the inverter is to the service box and from there electricity is used by electric devices all right so there we go let's see what you have so pre-t says the inverter transfers power to the automatic generator starter and the generator sends power back to the inverter yeah uh pre-t remember that important s on sends okay okay david says then the energy is con contained in the inverter is partially sent to the generator which receives and returns it back to the inverter which receives it from and returns it back to the inverter yeah david when there's two directional movements happening be really careful with your preposition so um which receives it from comma and returns it back to the inverter okay abc says an inverter transfers the solar power into an automatic generator starter and the generator sends back to the inverter this energy finally the inverter transports the power from the panel to the service box which then transmits the electricity to different electrical devices yeah and abhishek you don't need the semicolon okay it's unnecessary in that sentence it's directly related it's one idea okay good um so let's uh summarize here so what can we summarize okay uh keep the summary simple here so after we've written the overview and this analysis what can we summarize about this process of solar energy into uh usable power okay what can we summarize there should be a fairly simple summary here okay uh so janelle says it's a complex system that's true janeil but that would just be a repeat of our overview in our overview we've already said that this is a fairly complex system i think at this point we've made a little bit more sense about this system so um i think we could say a little bit more here okay in summary okay so os says the summary production of electricity from the sun needs to pass through eight different components and this uh process does not succeed without sun rays yeah that's true always but i think that's given i don't think that gives extra value for the reader okay david says the complex system has many parts together allow the generation of electricity again i think it's okay but there's not a lot of added value there david okay beck john says all the pieces of the equipment are connected with electrical wires again yeah that's okay but i think maybe something like this would give more value for the reader okay so in summary the system includes components that gather transmit and store solar energy and the inverter appears to be the main hub in the process would you agree with me that after kind of walking through this it does seem like the inverter is the main hub where everything kind of feeds into and feeds out of in the system so i think that's a bit more valuable for the reader and also the idea that we have collection we have transmission and then we have storage in this process that's kind of what we get from this more okay so let's read this from start to finish make sure it makes sense it's roughly about 200 words right here we go the given schematic presents the method of using sun energy to generate electrical power with the aid of eight different components immediately it is evident that the process of converting and transferring solar energy into usable electricity is fairly complex to begin with the interconnected solar panels collect the sun's rays and transfer this power to the combiner box through several inputs next the electricity moves through the charge controller to either the inverter or directly to the batteries a display and control unit on the charge controller shows the influx and output of electricity at this point power can be transmitted from the inverter to the dc disconnect box which can both send and receive electricity to and from the batteries and transfer power back to the inverter in the following phase the inverter partially transfers power to a generator which in turn can send electricity back to the inverter finally the one-way flow of power out of the inverter is to the service box and from there electricity is used by electric devices in summary this system includes components that gather transmit and store solar energy and the inverter appears to be the main hub in the process okay so that would be your band 9 essay which gives a lot of clarity and interpretation to your reader that was fun thank you for hanging in there with me i know it's a fairly complex diagram it definitely requires some vocabulary uh for these parts but the vocabulary is everyday vocabulary collect gather transmit transfer those are vocabulary that band six point five seven eight and nine students should have in their toolbox when they sit for the ielts exam okay i'm going to uh have this up on our uh youtube community posts as well we'll get going on some of those task one posts this week students in about 30 minutes i will be back uh with uh some uh speaking part three practice and strategy so you're very welcome back john you're welcome nick hill um thank you for our new members who joined this class i know we had a couple that's fantastic i'm adrienne and i'm signing out from budapest for now for all of those watching check us out at and hopefully i'll see you all in 30 minutes bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,264
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Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: fealZ4uoaqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 37sec (3157 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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