IELTS Live - Task 1 Pie Chat - Write for a Band 9

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students and welcome to today's live odds class my name is adrian i'm streaming to you from beautiful central europe here in hungary i hope everybody has had a great week and is looking forward to a fantastic weekend relaxing and productive hopefully hi alum welcome students hi durga this class everyone is ielts task 1 writing specifically for the academic version of the ielts exam if you are a general ielts student you do not need to do this kind of essay we are looking at a pie chart band 9 example today taken from one of our exams hi carolina hi abhishek rashika nice to see our members moderators if you are studying for the academic exam visit us there if you're studying for the general outs visit us at g on both of these websites we have lots and lots of help for task one writing uh including editing services as well i'll quickly show you these websites this is the academic one here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join the premium package we are an official british council out registration center and we have uh british council certified agents as well this is our general ielts website here you can click that big red button with the green background and if you have questions send me an email to adrian at all right let's get into this so we have this task one class today and tomorrow we'll have a speaking part two cue card class for members so make sure to join tomorrow for that and then we'll have speaking part 3 as well and again right now let's get into some task 1. okay everyone so i will go through the steps of what you need to do for task one writing to get that perfect band nine score um it is really a step by step uh system uh to get a really good score it's important that you know what to do let's read this so writing task one uh spend 20 minutes on this task just 20 minutes not a minute more not a minute less should spend 20 minutes practice the timing at home the charts below show the percentages of types of vehicles sold in the united states in the selected year summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant i believe this is taken from our third or fourth exam and you should write at least 150 words that means minimum uh 150 words uh does anybody know what the most common mistake is that i see when people are writing about pie charts can anybody guess what is the most common mistake so here we have a pie chart it's 1980 1990 2000 2010 we have cars and trucks and suvs and there's a very very common mistake that i see so many um academic um uh ielts candidates make when they have a pie chart question and then they're writing about pie charts does anybody know what it is she says it's tenses nah tense is sometimes a sheesh but it's not the most common mistake no there's no control f yeah carolyn i see you're answering that for uh some mangas there's no control f function um so yeah anything okay janil says they write like significantly increased something um janila you're kind of close how would you explain that okay oh it says take each single year kind of um the most common mistake i'll tell you what it is is uh writing about pie charts like they're line like they're looking at a line graph okay so let me just hop back to the top here okay i'm just going to write it up here give me one moment all right so the most common mistake that students make when writing about pie charts is they write about line graphs instead of pie charts these are not the same okay so a pie chart and a line graph is not the same idea um what's the difference okay so what's the difference between a pie chart and a line graph why do i say that okay uh nyla flowchart bar graph they're all the same level of difficulty as long as you know what you should be writing um they're not that bad okay so what is the difference between a line graph and a pie chart natasha says pie charts show proportions yep sure so okay oh it says pie charts usually do not determine in time what do you mean by that uh natasha says um line graphs show fluctuations property says line graphs show trends uh property pie charts show trends too but it's different okay um i still don't see the best answer by anyone okay vishnu says line charts have many years but pie charts concentrate on only one or two years okay vishnu you're the closest yeah so pie charts show proportions in a given period but line graphs show correlations over time continuously okay so that's the big difference everybody clear on that so a line graph shows continuity you can see the progression you can see the movement from start to finish with pie charts you do not see start to finish okay okay is that clear all right that's the biggest difference so um what a lot of students do and the reason i'm spending time on this it's a very very common mistake uh so a lot of students will say that um here if we look at cars okay it's the big blue slice right um and here you see that it's 95 percent and here um you see that it's 79 well i see a lot of students will write a sentence like this they'll do something like this um the pie chart shows that the popularity of cars has been uh decreasing from 1980 to 1990 from uh 95 to 79 percent okay this is an information mistake and you cannot get a band 9 if you make this kind of a mistake writing about pie charts so the pie charts show or the pie charts i should say the pie charts show that the popularity of cars has been decreasing from 1980 to 1980 from 95 to 75 percent okay um so this is wrong does everybody see that that this is bad information and uh in university you would definitely or college in a business class you would definitely lose marks and in a company where you're in charge of marketing for example in a car company you could even get fired for doing something like that okay because we don't actually see the years between 1980 and 1990 we only see the year 1980 and 1990 we do not see 1980 one two three four five six seven eight nine okay we don't see those years uh maybe just maybe if we have the year 1981 maybe uh we have 97 popularity of cars okay so maybe if it's a line graph it's actually going like this between these years we don't know if it's decreasing or increasing continuously we don't have that information okay it's a very common mistake with pie charts that people are writing about them as if they're looking at line graphs okay so uh don't do that because it's incorrect and if your essay looks like you're writing a line graph you will get it wrong okay is that clear for everyone if i get a couple of thumbs up i know that you understand what i'm talking about and then i will move on okay all right it's clear hopefully that's clear so we're writing about pie charts so when we're writing about pie charts we write about the year 1980 and we compared to the year 1990. we write about the year 1990 we compared to the year 2000 we compared to 2010 okay so we can only talk about the years that are given okay very clear you have to be really clear on that okay that's a very easy way to save a band score in your writing if you get a pie chart question okay i see lots of thumbs up now it's perfect okay thank you jovita thank you tanya ravi nice thank you all okay so that's one of the fastest ways that you can save yourself half a band or a band in the writing section if you get a pie chart don't write like a line graph okay all right so uh what do you do let's go through the steps um the first step is to paraphrase the question with details okay so we read the question the pie charts below show the percentages of types of vehicles sold in the united states in the selected years summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons were relevant so we paraphrased that so the overview is two parts okay you don't need to think about the overview and the introduction separately just the overview okay so one paraphrase the question with details and to indicate the main feature all right so let's look at these pie charts again so we have 1980 we have 1990 here we have cars trucks here's we have here we have cars trucks suvs okay um and then we have uh 2000 and 2010 okay all right um so with this information we can paraphrase the question and add some more details surya is already doing that good job syria so surya says the given four pie charts depict oh sure yeah it's too bad you removed that it was a good start i'm gonna start the same way okay so the or these four pie charts depict the popularity of three vehicle types cars trucks suvs in america in 4 years with 10 year intervals 19 1980 1990 2000 and 2010 okay so looking at the original question it says the charts i say the pie charts i say the four pie charts show the percentages okay so show the percentages let's see if i have that um so i paraphrase percentages as the popularity because percentages shows preference or shows popularity okay so paraphrasing uh of types of vehicles i'm more specific so i look at the legend and i see it's three types of vehicles cars trucks and suvs sold in the united states in the selected year so instead of the selected year i specify those years okay instead of united states in america in four years with 10-year intervals okay 1980 1990 2000 and 2010. so i'm giving more detail here all right uh don't just paraphrase the question that's not enough okay that's what a lot of other students do okay let's see what some of you wrote i'll give you some feedback all right okay so unsays the given pie charts show the distribution of three types of vehicles namely cars trucks and suvs that were sold to people in 10-year intervals from uh 1980 to 2010 that works on very good syria says the given four pie charts depict the proportion of three types of vehicles cars trucks and suvs sold in the united states in four different years very nice surya at an and after 2000 so 2000 and 2010. okay yeah purchased instead of sold um if it's sold it's bought right somebody has to buy it if it's being sold all right uh natasha says the pie charts tell your reader how many pie charts you're looking at natasha the four pie charts below illustrate the proportions the types of vehicles sold in the united states in a particular year natasha definitely add details to your paraphrase don't just paraphrase just paraphrasing is a band six if you want to band eight band nine add more information interpret the information okay your goal is to interpret natasha not just to reflect okay so paraphrasing is good but just paraphrasing is not enough for those high bands abhishek says the given pie charts depict the ratio of three different types of vehicles namely cars trucks and suvs traded in the united states in four years 80 90 2000 in 2010 traded as good yeah that works as a synonym in this case for sold good sandeep says the pie charts illustrate the proportion of automobiles up for sale in the united states of america from the year 1980 to 1990 with intervals of 10 years uh careful sundeep from the year 1980 is kind of like sounding like a line graph so in america from 1980 to 2000 with the interval of 10 years yeah it's good to tell people um it's good to tell your reader that you know you're looking at pie charts so america in four years so i explained that very clearly that we have just four years here okay i want my reader to be extremely clear about the fact that we're not looking at a line graph we're looking at a pie chart we don't have data for the missing years so in this 40-year period we really only have data for four time points okay it's very important to know that all right so careful with the from two okay so i'm gonna write a little note on that note you have to be very careful to usually avoid using the prepositions from and to when describing pie charts as these are usually more true truer when dealing with line graphs okay everybody good on that so that's one of the very common ones where i'm like it's not a line graph okay it's the from two we can see that from this year to this year trucks became more popular did they though do you know what happened in the years between are you sure because if not that could be a serious issue if we're thinking about sales strategy or marketing okay so from two not necessarily true right and it seems like a small mistake but in the real world that's a big mistake okay all right so it could be a million dollar mistake so be very careful okay all right um so now we have to explain the main feature now the tip when you're thinking about the main feature you don't really need data you just need the picture you just need the picture okay so you don't need to look at 79 and 15 and 6. you don't need that information you just need to look at these big slices these small slices and then here we can oh there's some more slices here so two thousand uh you have this slice and then 2010 you have these slices here um all right so uh what do we notice when we look at this i can shrink it down a little bit like this so you can see all four there you go so um when you look at these four pies these four years what's the main feature what do you kind of notice right away so what's what jumps out at you like what's like oh okay that's kind of interesting uh onisim i don't just i i don't know if the the most interesting is biggest portion is cars um there's something else that's a little bit i think more interesting so something something actually jumps out at me much more than uh the biggest is cars yeah the big blue it's there i agree with you that's obvious but there's actually something that for me that that kind of is a little bit more like whoa that's interesting okay again you're looking at um [Music] the details i think when you're looking at cars and suvs even though that looks like it's uh it's appropriate but i don't i don't think so okay all right uh for me well i'll tell you what what kind of is really apparent to me um what is really interesting for me is that these do not look the same and these do not look the same these do not look the same um but these kind of look similar does anybody else see that does anybody else see that these look quite different these compared to these look quite different but these two 2000-2010 look quite similar does anybody else see that just looking not at the details of cars suvs but just looking at the actual image of the pie chart okay that's that's what kind of that when i look at it that's what's most obvious okay so these are kind of like twins but these are like very different looking okay so then what can we say okay so if you agree with me on that that that's very obvious then what can we say about the trends or the popularity of vehicle types in these years okay keep it simple um summarize that for me because that's the main feature that's a band nine main feature so if somebody writes uh cars were the most popular in all of the four years that's a band 6.5 main feature if you write about this similarity and these differences that's a band nine level main feature okay so content is king what you write matters a lot all right so always think about that don't just think biggest and smallest or most and least okay so i'll write my main feature you write yours and then we'll compare okay so this is what i would write so all right so there's different ways to write it you don't need lots of english you can do it in two sentences as well okay so mahmoud says mahmud al-rahal says uh the from the pie charts it's clear that the sale portion between 1980 and 90 is different while the sale portion between two thousand two thousand is quite similar to each other in terms of sales ratio mahmud you're close you're missing one here though so the sale is quite different from 1980 to 90 and also from 1990 to 2000 so it's actually very different from here to here and it's also very different from here to here it's here where we see a lot of similarity right so you want to describe this in the main feature and this in the main feature okay hopefully that's clear all right so close my mood you're just missing one comparison there okay uh sandeep says overall the popularity of vehicle sales trend remains similar in the year 1980 and 2000 but the number of car sales remain maximum among all automobiles sandeep that's actually incorrect information so rethink that okay um un says overall it is evident that the use of vehicles is different among the years 80 90 and 2000 however the charts show similar patterns between 2000 and 2010. on that's good that works okay so you're using straightforward english giving clear explanation for the overview i agree with it i can see that it's good writing okay all right abhishek says overall it is evident that 2000 and 2000 are almost the same pattern however these are very dissimilar from the initial years um abhishek it's okay it's a little bit unclear you should move from the the past to the present okay so from further past to the more recent past moving from 2010 backwards in time is a little bit awkward okay so try to be more chronologically from past to present it's better all right so here this is what i wrote um let me erase this so you can see it and i'll enlarge it as well just give me one moment there we go and there we are okay so uh at first glance let's put a comma after that leading expression a lot of students forget this comma after the leading expression put it in there so at first glance it is clear that consumer trends were significantly different comparing the first three time periods however 2000 and 2010 indicate very similar preferences by vehicle customers okay all right so from the top this is my overview these four pie charts depict the popularity of three vehicle types cars trucks suvs purchased in america in four years with 10-year intervals 1980 1990 2000 and 2010 at first glance it is clear that consumer trends were significantly different comparing the first three time periods however 2000 and 2010 indicate very similar preferences by vehicle customers that's your band 9 start okay is that clear everybody following so far so uh go beyond what you want to just say like most or least and look at the main feature okay the main feature is often more than just most at least or biggest and smallest okay all right abhishek says got it okay so now we want to go into the analysis natasha shalom your overview is looking more like an analysis careful with that okay all right here we go everyone so before we write our analysis we want to indicate our points of comparison and contrast always take a minute to indicate your points of comparison and contrast okay all right so here it makes sense to go chronologically okay so start with 1980 compare 1980 to 1990 okay so this is our first point of comparison all right um what do we want to say here in this in this comparison so obviously cars dominate um the uh choice of uh consumers or the um buyers that's clear okay and we have the um this small five percent of trucks okay now trucks uh we want to compare here um what can we say about trucks in 1990 okay so sundeep says a new type of vehicle appears that would be our next one this is going to be number two what can we say about trucks let's see if anybody is getting that let me zoom in maybe you can see that a little bit more so remember your goal is always to interpret not just report but interpret band nine essays are the essays that are interpreting data and not just reporting data that's super important um okay rashika says twice it's not twice careful you have to be accurate with your information okay don't don't make uh information mistakes so let me uh move this here and then you can see it better okay uh very good shirov so syrah pan says it's three times threefold very good yeah it's a tripling here right 15 is three times that of five percent okay and then you have the emergence so this is our number two and then this is our number three so let's write about that okay let's write about that right so first cars then trucks then the green slice by suvs okay all right you right and then we'll compare and you can see the english the grammar as well okay so we're learning communication and english at the same time all right so here we go with the analyses now ideally what i would do is i would actually do all of the analysis first so i would do it for 2000 and 2010 as well but for this class it will make more sense to just do it step by step here so in 1980 comma i'm starting with a time expression here so i put a comma after the leading expression especially when it's time okay so time expressions when they start a sentence they are always followed by a comma okay so in 1990 cars dominated sales with 95 percent of the market the remaining uh five percent being comprised of trucks okay however in 1990 the popularity of trucks had tripled as well a new type of vehicle suvs had emerged on the market with a six percent share of the whole okay all right so those are my first three comparisons i don't mention cars again so sometimes students will write cars well the intelligent reader will know that the remainder is made up of cars okay so cars obviously still being the most dominant okay you don't need to necessarily write that unless you're a really quick writer and you can comfortably write 220 words in that 20 minute time okay all right so in 1980 cars dominated sales with 95 percent of the market the remaining five percent being comprised of trucks however in 1990 the popularity of trucks had tripled as well any type of vehicle let's take that s off of there um suvs had emerged on the market with six percent share of the whole i'm using past tense here and past perfect because i'm talking about the actual time periods so it's in the past right okay onitsim says in the first period trucks represented the least uh preferred type of vehicle at five percent compared to cars which made up 95 percent however 10 years after the choice of trucks um not suffered a three-fold increase because software would be negative but experience the three-fold increase only seem furthermore another type of vehicle was introduced to the market um comma suvs keep it simple onisim all right unsays in more detail in 1980 cars were the dominant choice for customers we don't know if it's the dominant mode of transportation on uh careful on with that because uh this is uh sales right so we're talking about sales here not the mode of transportation maybe the dominant mode of transportation was subway more people ride the subway every day in new york city than drive the car so but subways aren't being measured here because we're talking about vehicle sales so be really careful okay again on the ielts you'll lose a little bit in university you'll lose more in the real world you'll lose your job so careful okay accuracy is really important all right okay let's keep going so um those are our first couple points now [Music] we're comparing uh 1990 to 2000 okay all right so uh in uh 1990 we have uh six percent for suvs 15 for truck 79 for cars and in 2000 we have uh 30 percent for suvs 16 for trucks and 20 or sorry 54 uh for um cars so what can we say about suvs uh compared to uh compared to uh 1990 for 2000 okay yeah owning it's a five-fold increase right so it's five times greater so the sales of suvs are five times greater what can we say about right very clever because it was six percent now it's 30 so it's five times greater that's interpretation okay what can we say about um trucks so here we can say five times greater what can we say about trucks the red slice it was 15 in 1990 it's 16 in 2000 so what can we say about about the trucks sales of trucks not slightly increased i think it's irrelevant and he says slightly increased i wouldn't say that okay it's irrelevant i would say i don't care about a one percent if i'm um if if i sell cars i wouldn't really care about that one percent if i have a car lot it wouldn't mean that i would buy more or less trucks it wouldn't really be an impact on my itinerary so i would actually say relatively the same the relative difference is insignificant okay um what is a significant difference what is this standard of significant difference according to math this is a good question in math and if some of you have done university you'll know this in math what is usually considered statistically significant it's a good question you'll definitely learn this in university if you study psychology sociology chemistry yeah very good onisim i can tell you've probably done a bit of uh university studies because this those are quite commonly taught in a lot of the different classes yeah so um in math statistical significance is usually five percent or more it depends what you're measuring sometimes they say 0.5 but the two benchmarks are 0.5 percent and five percent or more okay uh for uh certain things like medicine it's point five percent for a lot of other um topics like economics for example five percent is usually the benchmark yeah rashika that's right so five percent or more very good yeah so uh so if you only have a one percent change ten years especially looking at pie charts with a ten year different difference it doesn't really matter okay it's not going to be statistically significant statistically significant okay um so not for car sales all right not in this case so i wouldn't i wouldn't uh spend time talking about that one percent difference okay now here uh we have 54 percent for cars how can we describe that okay um onisim we can't say dramatically decrease so much um we should say something else though so we can think about this and we can think about this so uh what is this 54 percent how much of the pie does it represent okay yeah very good manish so he says it's around half um more specifically i would say just over half okay so just over half of all sales now uh you'll see when i put all of this together why it's important to do this kind of interpretation okay so you're always interpreting data it's just over half it's at 54 i don't want an essay so ideally in task one you don't write an essay that's full of percentages is that clear does everybody catch me on that so band nine essays generally don't have a whole bunch of percentages like this percent and that percent and this percent and that percent um we can see that that's in the pie chart your goal as the presenter as the writer is to interpret the data okay so uh here have a look at how i do this um you can write and then we'll compare okay so here we go okay so continuing with the analysis here all right after 10 years let's write after a decade it's more interpretive okay so after a decade the popularity of trucks remains relatively the same conversely the [Music] preference for suvs is five times greater which cuts into um the demand for cars lowering this proportion of the total to just over half okay so that's how you're writing to kind of compose all of those ideas together notice how i basically don't have any percents okay it's just the flow uh the only place where i have percents is here at the beginning a few of them uh the rest of my writing is all interpretation okay venkatesh you can absolutely use proportions or the other word that you can use as ratios ratios proportions percentages are all synonyms when you're describing parts of the whole in a pie graph absolutely uh mahmoud you can use past tense when you're referring to the specific year and you can use present tense when you're referring to the given data now okay make sure that's clear all right so in 1980 cars dominated sales with 95 of the market the remaining 5 being comprised of trucks however in 1990 the popularity of trucks had tripled as well a new type of vehicle suvs had emerged on the market with six percent of the total i don't know why that's missing it something's up with my thing here of the total let me see why that's getting yeah there we go uh of the whole after a decade the popularity of trucks remains relatively the same um yeah i see what you're asking some of you and it's i think it's a fair correction it's better to write after a decade the popularity of trucks remained uh relatively the same conversely uh the preference for f suvs was yeah let's correct those because we're talking about 2000 and that's in the past so it's a good point yeah uh was five times greater which uh cut into the demand for cars let's take that s off as well there we go lowering this proportion of the total to just over half okay now we're good good yeah review absolutely okay yeah pass we want to stay in the pat all of this information is in the past so for referring to the years and i did refer to the decade i want to stay in the past okay all right okay now i've got a little bit more to go here i'm comparing 2000 to 2010 okay and here i've already mentioned that these are relatively the same so i don't want to just repeat what i already have in my um overview and here we have minus two percent for suvs and minus two percent for trucks and then we have plus four percent so we don't have a lot of writing to do here we just have to kind of indicate this slight change okay all right so try this now describe this similarity in more detail that we introduced in the overview okay moreover ivankatesha's like furthermore and however is a contrast okay they're quite different rajesh meanwhile means during that time okay all right so i'm going to describe the detail of this similarity for this last comparison and then and then we can get to our summary and i'll talk about that in just a moment okay so the difference in consumer demand for these vehicle types between 2000 and 2010 is negligible okay the word when uh when you're looking for the opposite of significance so if it's insignificant another way to say insignificant is negligible we can just kind of neglect it and if i have a bit of time i can describe that further and say [Music] there is a uh there is there was uh two percent less demand for both suvs and trucks and relatively or end in regard to this uh four percent uh more for cars i don't really need to write this last part i think it's understood but if i'm really just putting every little detail in there and i'm confident that i have enough time to type or to write every little detail in there okay uh so that's the last comparison you can keep this really really simple so the difference in consumer demand for these vehicle types um between 2000 and 2010 um i don't want to say between because again that's kind of what i said before it seems like i'm talking about a line graph so instead of between it's another word you want to be careful about i'm going to replace that with in so vehicle types in 2000 and 2010 is negligible there was two percent less demand for both suvs and trucks and in regard to this four percent more for cars uh four percent more um interest for cars in cars there so always making it a little bit better and better okay all right um sandeep we don't need to mention the cars for the second pie chart because it's clear in fact sundeep we don't really need to mention cars for this one either because logically if there's two percent less demand for cars and trucks then there's four percent more for cars because we're only talking about these three types of vehicles so we don't really need to mention this last part it's just if we're putting in every little detail okay all right maxim says in 2010 there was a similar trend as in 2000 the difference can be seen in decreasing of total sales of trucks and suvs by two percent each exactly maxime so you don't even really need to discuss cars here because the difference is so negligible okay medina for a band 9 essay you should have a summary good expository essays at the expert level do have a summary and i know some people are like well my teacher says you don't need one or you don't need a hook for your task two um good essays standard essays according to english literature rules not adrian but english literature rules good essays have a conclusion have a summary have an epilogue if it's a story okay so um you should have a summary okay so keep this in mind bend eight and nine essays do include a summary it's very hard to get one without a a summary because the summary tells your reader what you really got out of looking at this data okay so it's not a conclusion a conclusion and a summary are not the same they're similar they're not the same okay so gives the reader a good overall piece of information that can be learned but not assumed from interpreting the data okay is that clear is everybody on par with me what i mean by that so it gives the reader a good overall piece of information that you can learn from the data but it's not assumed um it's uh it's clear by interpreting the information so i'll show you what i mean okay so in summary although cars are the most popular choice for american consumers in any of the four given years it is also clear that preferences change over time and a significant portion of the market has an affinity for buying suvs in more modern times okay so this would be your band 9 summary okay we can see from these pie charts that although cars are the more most popular choice for the american consumers in any of the four years it is also clear that the preferences are changing over time or have changed and a significant portion of the market has an affinity affinity means has a desire or has a like for buying suvs in more modern times would you agree that we can see this summary so we can see this information by looking at uh the four pie charts so when we look at this we can see okay cars are most popular cars are most popular okay cars are still most popular still most popular but whoa wait a second those big green slices definitely some people in more recent times really like buying suvs i think we can make that summary from looking at these graphs and by making that summary and telling your reader that you will definitely get a better band score okay so here's your overall essay and this is what's required for band nine uh look at it with me okay so these four pie charts depict the popularity of three vehicle types cars trucks suvs purchased in american for years with 10-year intervals 1980 1990 2000 and 2010. at first glance it is clear that consumer trends were significantly different comparing the first three time periods however 2000 and 2010 indicate very similar preferences by vehicle customers in 1980 cars dominated sales with 95 percent of the market the remaining 5 being comprised of trucks however in 1990 the popularity of trucks had tripled as well a new type of vehicle suvs had emerged on the market with six percent share of the whole after a decade the popularity of trucks remained relatively the same conversely yeah and i think somebody said put a comma after conversely i agree with that there should definitely be a comma there the preference for suvs was five times greater which cut into the demand for cars lowering this proportion of the total to just over half and i should put another comma here because i'm defining afterwards the difference in consumer demand for these vehicle types in 2000 and 2010 let's change that to past tense as well because we're still referring to the time was negligible and i need agreement here there was two percent less demand for both suvs and trucks and in regard to this four percent more interest in cars in summary although cars are the most popular choice for american consumers in any of the four given years it is also clear that preferences change over time and a significant portion of the market has an affinity for buying suvs in more modern times okay or instead of times here so i have a little bit less redundancy more modern years or decades even better okay everyone so that's it that's how you do it um go through those steps practice it lots make sure not to confuse line graphs and pie charts when you're writing about these that is the biggest mistake okay um venkatesh you can say in contemporary times rather than contemporary world contemporary world is a bit awkward contemporary times okay all right um check us out for academic outs you can get hd videos with me and other teachers uh we are world leaders when it comes to ielts test preparation online we have helped thousands of students uh in the past and we help hundreds if not thousands of students every day to reach their ielts goals so for academic outs for general ielts i will be back tomorrow with part two part three speaking strategy and practice so come back and hang out with me then you are very welcome adam and everyone have a great rest of your day if it's late in your country get some rest sweet dreams and i will be back again tomorrow much love to all of you from the heart of europe i'm adrian signing out for now bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,363
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Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: kI6eGrbX8fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 24sec (3624 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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