IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing - Bar Chart Band 9 Example

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I've alt class my name is Adrian and I am streaming to you from beautiful Budapest here in the capital of Hungary I hope everybody has had a great week and is off to a good weekend staying healthy and staying productive and industrious ig1 hi Prashant hi hi bye Khyber - Rhett Prince Singh nice to see many students in the class already that's fantastic students in this class we are looking at an IELTS task 1 writing task it's a horizontal bar chart this is specifically for academic IELTS so one of the key differences between academic in general as the task 1 in fact it's a completely different type of essay task 1 in the general it's a narrative piece of writing or a narrative essay meaning you have to write a letter a story an email as we're in the academic IELTS task 1 you have to look at a chart or a diagram you have to analyze it this is an expository piece of writing ok especially for those students who are planning to go to university make sure that you're familiar with the four standard types of writing in literature this is not just in English this is in every language every nationality so there are four standard types of writing in literature okay and this involves all different kinds of writing they are one persuasive persuasive means you want to convince your reader of an idea this is task two in both academic and general okay and the reason why two is persuasive persuasive meaning to convince is because a lot of writing in business in university and research and science is Purse ways writing your goal is to convince your reader of your research your business idea so understand the principles of persuasive writing hopefully you learned some of that in school okay the other type of writing is called expository okay expository writing expose and explain an idea that's what that means expository writing is task 1 in the academic and then another type of the standard 4 is narrative ok narrative is where you tell a story okay so it's storytelling this is task 1 in the general ok the first one was tasked one in the academic and then kind of the king of them all the one that is used in all forms of writing is what's called descriptive and as the word implies it describes ok so remember these ok and persuasive is of course as I mentioned seeks to convince the audience okay so in literature those are your four standard types of writing and it's very important as a writer to understand these four understand the technique the structure of these kinds of writing and also it's useful to know for your reading so when you're reading a passage a paragraph a magazine article you should right away recognize the style of writing and what kind of voice is being used and so on okay so if you haven't heard these words clearly before if you haven't heard persuasive expository narrative descriptive I highly highly recommend you go online and you do a little bit of research to learn the fundamentals of these four different types of writing okay so it's very important not just for the IELTS but for as a life skill okay so make sure so of course there's a lot of information on this but you don't need to learn everything that could take a lifetime but make sure to know the fundamentals the fundamental principles of each of these four types of writing okay all right so having said that students today we're looking at an expository essay specifically task one specifically horizontal bar chart this lesson is brought to you by AE for academic IELTS check us out there where we definitely describe for you all the different kinds of writing and what's involved and for general IELTS check us out at gee IELTS help calm wear of course we have lots of videos and examples for letter writing email writing and likes so you can visit us there to make sure you're on the right pages ae help calm it looks like this blue background click that big red button to join our Premium Package there and for the general version it's the green background at GL's help calm click that big red button to join us there here I'll be a super cool today give you a code r4t y-j will get you a 20% discount from the premium package so you can use that on the websites when you click the join now you can use it at the coupon it'll say use coupon and you'll see that okay cool so if you have a question just send me an email Adrien @ae help calm I will gladly answer that khyber that's going to be later in the year I see that question okay alright so today again task 1 tomorrow we'll have question and answer session for members and we'll have a new reading passage for everyone tomorrow at this time so here we go with this task 1 this task was requested by one of our channel members I think last week or maybe the week before first steps first let's read the question carefully so IELTS task 1 writing you should spend 20 minutes on this task the bar chart below shows the top 10 countries for production and consumption of electricity in 2014 summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant okay great so it's kind of very standard right at least 150 words okay so to get a task completion score you have to write at least 150 words again just a reminder that most Bend 7 to 9 essays will be closer if not a bit over 200 words ok so there is no maximum word limit but there's a minimum if you write less than 150 words you start to lose marks for your task completion ok all right ok so yeah Khyber this does come from a past exam so this was a question on a test in the last few years let's take a look at the chart hopefully it'll be nice and clear for you I haven't tested this but you should be able to see it don't even expand it a bit like that ok so here you have the rank of the country here you have the amount of electricity and then you have a dark bar and then you have a light bar and here we have China United States Russia Japan India Canada France Brazil Germany and the Korean Republic and then here we have production in billions of kilowatts and then here we have consumption in billions of kilowatts so dark-gray production light-gray consumption that's the way that it looks for the academic IELTS paper based test okay there's no colors right okay so let's see I see somebody saying it the volume is low I think it's probably on your side my volume is quite high on my side so use a headset turn up the volume but if it's low for anybody else let me know okay if you're having trouble hearing yep okay so what is the first step can anybody tell me what the first step is in task one you should always start with task one it should be easier than task two so what is the first step in task one what should you do first okay okay so Kyra says paraphrase Terrell says paraphrase and then khyber says and give details yeah so the first paragraph is what's called the overview which often students think is the second paragraph after the introduction but the overview is the introduction the overview and the introduction it's the same idea in an expository essay okay so the overview has two elements as many of you are explaining to me so number one you paraphrase the question plus give more detail okay so and the more detail you give using the graph of course alright so just to give you a very quick simple example of this so the here it says the bar chart okay when it says the bar chart in this case it's a horizontal it's called a horizontal bar chart because the bars are going sideways when they're going up and down it's a vertical bar chart which is more common so this way what you can do to give more detail is just immediately do this the horizontal or this horizontal bar chart okay and then what we mean by a paraphrasing is using different words okay now students don't use the word below okay because in essay writing it's weird to talk about the location of pictures on a piece of paper especially if a person's not looking at it so don't paraphrase below shows there are lots of different ways to say the word shows so the horizontal bar chart depicts K D means out picked coming from picture this is a verb which paraphrases show in this case so the horizontal bar chart depicts okay and I see lots of answers coming up so I'll read some of the answers from our students and members and then I'll do my own paraphrasing okay so seni you're going into the analysis you don't want to do that you're way jumping the gun and it's not going to get you good band scores either because you're missing some very important key information that you're going to see later on okay so so don't jump the gun go step by step here let's focus on the overview okay Samuel Sudheer says the given horizontal bar chart depicts the top 10 countries based on the amount of current produced and consumed in billions of kilowatts per hour during the year 2014 nice use of details there with the kilowatts the year 2014 Samuel instead of current I it's ok currents not a terrible paraphrase Samuel but the word power power is a better paraphrase for electricity okay Karen this would not be a pillar chart a pillar chart would be more of a vertical bar chart but we don't use that so much I do understand it but we don't use that so much at least not that I know of okay jiwon coerce says the following a horizontal bar graph reveals the data about consumption and production of electricity and top ten countries in the year 2014 okay good so there's some paraphrasing there in some detail Sahab Metra says the horizontal bar graph illustrates the production and consumption of power among the top 10 countries in 2014 and the units are measured in kilowatts per hour yeah you don't need to repeat that Sahab because it applies to both so avoid repetition best countries is a little bit strange that's unclear what best means there okay Hassan Sadiq the chart depicts a list of top 10 countries for the amount of production and consumption of electricity in 2014 where the units are measured in billions of kilowatts per hour very good ok so those are the right kinds of paraphrasing so the horizontal bar chart depicts 10 countries from across the globe which were the top producers and consumers of electricity in 2014 the data is given in billions of kilowatts per hour okay sure that works and it's a small ki kilowatts per hour okay so that works that's the start of it now as I said there's two parts to the overview okay so this is just the first part so all I did here was use the question do a bit of paraphrasing add a little bit of detail okay now the second part of the overview is the main feature okay so number two is give the most observable feature in the graph okay so most observable feature end for high band scores think beyond just highest and lowest often there is more interesting main feature okay so think beyond that because I know a lot of students just want to say highest and lowest highest and lowest but oftentimes there are more exciting pieces of information so here I'm going to shrink this a bit for us so we can fit some more of this graph in here you actually don't really need to see the data so much I realized that it's bright don't worry about that I can even darken this up for you while you're looking at this main feature okay so I Manjot says overall the highest producer is China the lowest is now I'm not so interesting I Manjot that's a band six six five type of approach shiridi jean says obviously most of the leader countries produced more power than they consumed that's not so interesting either shiro G Dean okay Samuel says at first glance it is evident that these countries consume the amount of current produces greater than the current generated except for Germany kind of I think there's a more interesting data here that we can see right away when you're looking at a graph or a chart like this just look at the actual visual information remember that graphs and charts are designed mostly to visually show data not necessarily the numbers okay all right Hasan Sadiq says Germany is the only country which has consumption that exceeds production it's still not the most observable main feature okay tirole is mile of says clearly most of the countries given in the park chart utilized and manufactured almost the same amount of electricity that's kind of interesting to rod I think that's one of the better main features so far Beck John says that first glance it's obvious that China and US yield and utilize electricity more than the other eight republics you're halfway there back John I think that's part of the feature okay anybody else coming up with some other ideas let's see if anybody nails a band 9 level analysis okay JP don't use the word you in this essay okay so when observing the information it's clear that China and US produced and consumed more than others combined I don't know if we combined them there would be more JP all right I'm not sure if anybody's stating this but what I would do here so when you visually look at information yeah definitely I'm sure a lot of you are seeing that China and the United States are by far the greatest producers and consumers of electricity now when I'm looking at this information in a bit more detail for me and I and I think that you can see this because I see my feedback screen here it seems to me like there's kind of three groups of countries here so it seems to me that this is kind of a group here okay and then this is kind of a group here as well so for me visually maybe you're gonna say Adrian I think you're crazy but for me visually this becomes apparent okay so it becomes apparent that China and United States by far exceeded the production and consumption of electricity of the other countries and then as a second group Russia Japan and India used a significantly higher percent and produced than the remaining five countries which are similar does everybody see that does everybody kind of see that if you look at these like if I draw a line down here we can see that these countries are clearly over that line if they're not in consumption then at least in production right do you see that kind of patterning there okay by being able to identify these three groupings within these ten trees I think that we can get into some much more interesting writing in this in this essay okay so your main feature is extremely important okay identifying the right main feature can easily bring your band score up in the writing section because you're going to start much strong or much better which will create a better flow into tasks too and a strong start like in any race is definitely a good way for the path to victory right so one of the most important steps in the writing section of the IELTS is to start strong and one of the most important ways to start strong is to have a really good main feature identified in the given graph okay and it seems like most of you are agreeing with me and you're saying yeah that kind of makes sense I can see those three groups okay if we actually look at the numbers you'll see that as well like here you have five thousand five thousand four thousand and then here you're close to the thousands one thousand one thousand nine hundred eight hundred almost nine hundred seven hundred and then here you're actually much closer to the 500s okay so six five five four and a half five three four five so you're much close to the 500 so the numbers reveal that as well okay alright so please write the main feature according to this I already said it verbally so now you just need to practice typing it okay so a few different ways to do it I'm gonna write the main feature you do the same them will compare okay so these three groups so it's China United States clearly at the top Russia Japan and India in second place okay Russia India and Japan in second place all right so let's write this okay so now that we have that I'm gonna brighten up our day a little bit here and bring some more brightness back to the video okay so right that main feature okay if you don't get the countries you don't remember them that's fine I'll show them that to you again okay all right so at first glance it is clear that the USA and Russia or sorry China were now it's word because it's 2014 so it's done and we're not talking about the graph we're talking about the actual information right so it is clear that USA in China were by far the greatest producers and consumers of electricity in the second group I'm going to do this with a semicolon but if you don't know how to use the semicolon you could just use a period here so in the second group Russia India and Japan used and consumed significantly more power than the other five countries which had similar numbers okay just like that there are different ways to write this you could write it as separate sentences you could write it in a simpler way use your level of English but do Express this information okay all right so because what we're going to do in the next step is we're going to detail that more we're going to explain that compare and contrast that more okay all right so I see lots of students have written some information there that's great yeah and believe me when you're the examiner sees this kind of writing they read 50 essays 45 of them say most and least and five of them go into more details like this the five that go into more details have a much better chance of getting those high band scores okay so Jennie Olga Bonnie says at first glance it's obvious that all countries produced and consumed almost the same oh yeah that's from before jainneil so that's when I didn't outline this yeah so I'm gonna go to the end here and see what some of you came up with roshni koonta says overall it's evident that massive amount of electricity were generated by China in the United States as well as Russia Indiana Japan used and consumed significantly more electricity compared to the remaining five countries very good roshni I know you ran out of space there but you're definitely on the right path Latha Robin says that first glance it is clear that USA and China are the highest producers and consumers of electricity and then Russia Japan and India used and consumed more power than the other five countries yeah very good Lhasa you're paraphrasing when I'm writing as well so that's excellent that's your band 9 level writing okay alright nicely done back John same thing well done okay fantastic so everybody's doing a good job alright now what we want to do is the analysis or analyses if you want to say plural which is your body paragraph ok so again for the overview you don't need to separate the paraphrase with the main feature because they belong together it's the introduction to your essay ok it's all the overview all of this paragraph overviews what you are explaining to your reader so these do not need to be two separate paragraphs and this is what it reads like here so this horizontal bar chart depicts 10 countries from across the globe which were the top producers and consumers of electricity in 2014 the date are the date the data fix these typo students if you catch them in your exam ok so the data is given in billions of kilowatts an hour at first glance it is clear that the USA in China were by far the greatest producers and consumers of electricity in the second group Russia India and Japan used and produced so it's another error they're always correct used and produced made significantly more power than the other five countries which had similar numbers ok so that's your band 9 introduction all right yeah so visualize asking shouldn't we separate them nope and that's not the standard format I don't know who came up with that Michelle but they definitely missed the standard format the standard format for an expository essay is the same as for persuasive you have an introduction and their body paragraph the body paragraph is the analysis the introduction is the overview it's all of this together okay ruin master or rewind master yeah I hope you did well too that's fantastic okay so we have that now we go into the analysis the main section here the body paragraph okay before you do that so it's a very very important strategy here so before you begin to write indicate some points for comparison okay so maybe five to six six to eight points okay six to eight points and of course the point one is your first sentence so when you have a good main feature good overview then that becomes clear so our point number one should be these two countries here China in the United States and this discrepancy of power used in power produced okay now we don't need to go into a lot of numbers just rough estimates here so here you have five thousand something hundred here you have four thousand close to four thousand so what you want to do again to sound really professional and get those high band scores is you want to express those relative differences so what's the difference here between the United States and China so what's the power use and production difference how would you say that okay how would you say that so what's the difference five thousand to roughly four thousand please don't get into specific numbers like 4,000 99 okay just say approximately 4,000 all right yeah so ah Manjot says the difference is a thousand billion kilowatts per hour right so we have a difference of 1,000 billion kilowatts per hour difference what's another way to say that okay don't get into it's it's approximately so roughly at this point right 1000 billion what would be another way to say that so if this is 5000 and this is 4000 what's the difference here if we measure it in proportions then anybody think of proportional difference proportional difference would be 20% right so China is 20% more right roughly right 20% if I'm not mistaken so yeah okay yeah yeah Mohammed is that is saying no it's 25% because it's 1000 so it's 25% more yeah cuz 1000 is 25% of the United States so depends on what which which which angle you're looking at from so it's 25% if you're looking at it from US perspective its 20% if you're looking at it from China's perspective right so China is 20% more okay all right so that would be my point number one is that kind of explanation and then my point number two okay would be this now here you have roughly a thousand between these two you have roughly 900 here and you have roughly 800 to 900 here right so there you have differences of about roughly a hundred billion kilowatt differences right so that would be my point number two is the order of these countries okay now some of you are thinking well why don't we get into some real specifics like Russia nearly produced and consumed the exact same amount it depends on how quickly you're able to write that's a very small detail okay Russia produced more than it consumed slightly but still more so I would be careful to get into those real granular differences unless you're a very fast writer your plan is to teach English in university and you need to show a band 8.5 or 9 if you're not doing that don't get into that level of detail just yet okay so that's my point 1.2 and then here again because we have a lot of information so students keep in mind that if I write about all of this information I will definitely run out of time and I will run out of space okay there's no way that I can write about all of these production consumption ratios and differences that would just be crazy then it would be a five hundred six hundred word essay no problem so we can't do that okay be very careful when you have so much data all right so then we get into countries six to ten right and six to ten they're all hovering around 500 Canada with a bit of a higher production ratio but not a main difference the only notable interesting thing so my point number three would be these five countries together with Canada at the front Korea at the back an average of 500 billion kilowatts roughly between production and consumption now the only interesting unique exception here compared to all other countries and you'd have to you might not even see this is Germany where you have Germany with a slightly higher level of consumption and production so that makes Germany a bit unique you could mention that as a fifth or a sixth point okay that makes sense okay so that would come at the end and then we have time for a summary and in the summary we can do a little bit more with the ratio of production to sumption okay hopefully that makes sense if it doesn't let me know if if I've lost you somewhere there then please do tell me okay so we're going to go back to number one all right and for number one we're looking at China United States we're looking at that 1000 billion kilowatt difference that's huge that's ten times the amount of difference between the next group right so it's huge so here what's interesting is this four thousand five thousand twenty percent more okay with the 1000 billion kilowatt difference per hour all right so let's do that let's discuss that first in the analysis okay and then we'll come back hopefully you kind of memorize slightly what we were talking about here because we're going to need this information as we type along so go ahead students we're going to do this together I will type the analysis you will type the analysis and then we will have a look at what your fellow students are writing what I'm writing and we'll take out the best information and I see that there are a lot of students already off to the races for the analysis okay so I'll write my sentence so when going into more detail China produced and consumed the most power at roughly 5,000 billion kilowatts please don't write all these words out because then you'll have a lot of unnecessary wording kilowatts per hour approximately 20 percent more than the second-place United States now I could write which produced and consumed about four thousand but I don't need to do that an intelligent reader understands that if you say it's five thousand billion kilowatts for production and consumption for China it's approximately twenty percent more than second place united states they'll figure that out K twenty percent of five thousand billion is one thousand billion which makes this four thousand billion your reader is intelligent the information is clear here so you don't need to write that okay it's that clear so you don't want to double explain okay especially when you have that much information don't double explain information so don't say United States what's four thousand kilowatts one thousand less because you're all you're doing is explaining what you already said here okay everybody good on that no double explaining don't double explain instead give more details for other information okay the more information the clearer the information the higher your band score okay all right taralli smile of says China was the dominant country in both production and consumption with around five thousand billion kilowatts per hour which was 25 percent higher than the amounts of the USA possessed yeah in that perspective torille it's 20 percent if you write about the u.s. first which would be kind of weird but you could then you would say China produced 25 percent more than the u.s. so perspective torille is very important for the numbers although you probably won't lose too many points for that five percent difference okay sooner Akira says there are three stages of electricity production worldwide list 1 2 to 3 to 5 and 6 to 10 and the act of the chart okay so hard that's still in your overview they're so good Beck John says going into more detail the production and consumption of electric power for marek accounted for more than five thousand billion kilowatts which is 20% higher than china yeah I think you confused China with us Beck John because you didn't see the chart that's fine just make sure you don't make that kind of mistake later okay MIG Hyman says looking more carefully it's clear that the Chinese and Americans generated and consumed the greatest amount of power approximately 5,000 kilowatts for China and the u.s. under with 1000 roughly at 4,000 okay nickname not bad but don't repeat what you already have in the overview okay Alex Joseph says going into deeper analysis China is number one in supply and demand okay supply and demand Alex at roughly 5,000 billion kilowatts per hour approximately 25 percent more than a second place United States 20% more Alex approximately 20 percent more from that perspective okay devinder I'm not an economics teacher but I do study in research finance because I'm into stocks bonds investing and so on as well so good question yeah reading on a broad range of topics having a broad range of interests is definitely a good attitude for success on I'll stiffened there so a good question yeah I'm not an economics teacher but I do like finance okay pooja says taking a further insight China tops the charts by producing about 5.4 thousand billion kilowatts which is 25 percent more than the u.s. at four point one thousand billion kilowatts while Russia is ranked third producing about a thousand kilowatts which is almost a quarter of the US okay pooja that's not bad okay it's not bad alright so let's get into the second grouping here the second grouping is Russia Japan and India and we can compare that to the United States and China okay and I'm going to show you how so number two Russia Japan China or sorry Russia Japan India in this order and compare it to the first group so compare group two to come to group one and then compare what's going on with in group two okay so grouping is a very good strategy for certain bars and graphs to have better information okay the second okay I'm gonna be a little bit silent so you can think they don't distract you okay so again the way that you're presenting this essay is like a very sensible presentation for a PowerPoint in an economics class devinder okay so when do vendors asking are you an economics teacher I'm not an economics teacher but to get that band aid band 9 you sure have to sound like one okay because remember band 9 means an expert user of the English language and that actually means not just an expert user of the English language but an expert communicator using the English language so you certainly do have to sound like you know what you're talking about okay all right so Hassan Sadiq says the second group includes three countries Russia India and Japan they come they come their combined production is nearly a thousand eight hundred kilowatts two thousand eight hundred kilowatts in 2014 while the three countries consumption was approximately less by about a hundred billion kilowatts each yeah okay that's good so you included that point I haven't done that yet huh son 100 kilowatt difference but yeah it's good okay how Manjot says moving further to the other countries Russia Japan and India have power consumption and a difference of about 100 billion kilowatts an hour nice a lot of you got that in there good for you okay Robbie Arshad says the second group in this chart shows Russia Japan and India are close in production and consumption okay about 1,000 billion kilowatts per hour good okay so this is what I wrote here the second group in this list of ten is rank-ordered here's a nice bit of vocabulary for you rank order the rank order means first second third fourth so rank ordered as Russia Japan and India I hope I got that right I believe Japan preceded India so yeah it's below today yeah I did so Japan then India okay so the second group in this list of tenez rank ordered as Russia Japan and India supplying and demanding about or close to 1000 billion kilowatts roughly a quarter of that of the United States and China the and then I can add another sentence here to get that 100 billion kilowatt difference the difference between these countries electrical outputs and uses is about 100 billion kilowatts per hour yeah sure okay great all right so that's the strategy and we keep following that okay so here four countries six to ten Canada France Brazil Germany Korea the production and consumption were approximately half a thousand right so approximately 500 or hovering around 500 billion kilowatts per hour I'm not going to get into the nitty-gritty of 462 455 526 I'm just gonna keep it really simple this one outlier it's called an outlier okay of Germany at 582 I'm gonna talk about that anyway so that's fine so now I'm going to discuss that okay and it's 5:00 so we've talked about the first five so now we talk about the lower half okay so the third group or lower half and literally it's the lower half because even on the chart it's the lower half and I believe that's why so one interesting question that we can ask ourselves here right is why is this chart a horizontal bar chart and why is it not a vertical bar chart and I think the reason why this person chose a horizontal bar chart instead of a vertical bar chart is so that we can see this top half lower half difference it's more visible with this orientation than if this were flipped do you agree with me on that again if I'm out to lunch let me know but I think that the reason why this person chose to depict or show this data as a horizontal bar chart is because it helps us when we're analyzing to see this lower half top half difference a little bit more clearly than if this chart were flipped vertically right do you kind of see that as well that that makes it a little bit simpler okay so always be analytic always be critical right that's a little hint there you should ask yourself why is this bar chart horizontal why is this bar chart not vertical right okay and that's probably your answer why okay so you can see the lower half top half separation okay it would be too easy if they drew a line like that so they're not going to do that on the IELTS okay and also it might get confusing for some people who aren't really going into the bend seven to nine category okay all right so let's write about the lower half here okay so the third group or lower half of this chart shows data which hovers around 500 billion kilowatts per hour production consumption with Canada at the top and South Korea at the bottom okay and then the last one here notably the one outlier in these countries are among these countries is Germany because it is the only nation that consumed more electricity than it produced okay so that would be in alright now notice how here I'm gonna do a word count okay so how many words do we have so far for all this analysis and okay so so far if I take out analysis body paragraph so if I take out this part here which is just instructions I have 200 words okay students so that's a 200 word essay that's why I said that AB and 9 essay will be closer to 200 okay and I see a lot of you writing in the chat there and it's looking good okay you don't need to name it all but notice how I have 200 words here so I'm already 30% above the minimum right so I'm pushing that ban 9 now she cheating says do we need a conclusion not a conclusion not a conclusion but maybe a summary okay and for summary and this is kind of like I'm guaranteeing my bad 9 score the summary is something interesting that we learn from the graph which we haven't yet stated and we haven't given in the overview watch what I do here so in summary all of these countries with the exception of Germany produced a surplus of 10% more power meaning that they are self-reliant in their energy needs okay so now I'll have my pretty much my exact 200 words that's the summary that's the interesting point when we look at this when we look at this bar chart we noticed that every country roughly 10% was maybe a bit generous 5% okay it's pretty close but I would say five put anywhere from 5 to 10% you might give the range produced more electricity than they consume except for Germany so all of these countries are self-reliant that means they don't depend on other countries for power except for Germany which we outline there ok so that's your full si everyone that's your band nein let me read it for you notice how I didn't go into a lot of numbers ok so here this horizontal bar chart depicts 10 countries from across across the globe which were the top producers and consumers of electricity in 2014 the data is given and billions of kilowatts per hour at first glance it is clear that the USA and China were by far the greatest producers and consumers of electricity in the second group Russia India and Japan used and made significantly more power than the other five countries which had similar numbers when going into more detail China produced and consumed the most power at roughly 5,000 billion kilowatts an hour approximately 20 percent more than the second place United States the second group in this list of 10 is rank ordered as Russia Japan and India supplying and demanding about or close to 1,000 billion kilowatts an hour roughly 1/4 that of the US and China the difference between these country electrical outputs and uses is about a hundred billion kilowatts an hour the third group or lower half of this chart shows data which hovers around 500 billion kilowatts production consumption with Canada at the top in South Korea at the bottom notably one outlier among these countries is Germany because it is the only nation that consume more electricity than it produced in summary all of these countries with the exception of Germany produced a surplus of five to ten percent more power meaning that they are self reliant in their energy needs okay that is your band 9 analysis and expository essay ok you don't have to write that not everybody needs a band 9 but that's what you want to do to get a band 9 if that's your aim okay all right hope everybody enjoyed that class I hope you got some really good tips on what to do and how to do if you want to get lots more tips for effective essay writing speaking listening reading strategies that actually work from experts educational psychologists get our premium package at AE helped calm for academic IELTS GL's helped calm for general outs much love back at you shy eek you're very welcome I'm on job thank you so much everybody for watching tomorrow students at the same time as today's class we'll have a brand new reading passage from our own materials and before that members will have a question and answer session where you can ask me whatever you'd like about the outs exam bye for now everybody see tomorrow my name is Adrian I'm signing out from beautiful sunny Budapest
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
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Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: RJt81HXnkKU
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Length: 58min 42sec (3522 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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