IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing - Band 9 Strategies

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live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from beautiful Budapest here in Central Europe I hope everybody is having a fantastic week in this class we are looking at task one writing of the academic version of the IELTS exam specifically we're going to look at some pie chart comparison type question this is a members chat class I can see gunk Iran and Preity Cena are in the class that's fantastic hello students and to become a member click the join button beside the subscribe button on the channel if you don't see that send me an email I can help you out while we wait for some more members to join in a little bit about us these lessons are brought to you by AE help comm for academic IELTS make sure to join our premium packages there and for the general version of the exam please visit us at GI e LTS help calm that's general IELTS help calm on both of these websites we have loads of great materials for you the academic AE help calm looks like this click that big red button to join their get practice exams over a hundred hours of HD lesson videos with me as well as other teachers and a fully interactive course for the general version go to G Alex help calm with the green background and click that big red button there students you can get our apps also academic IELTS help and general IELTS help from your Google Play Apple app stores and again if you have questions about how to become a YouTube channel member or about our premium products send me an email adrian at AE help calm i will happily answer your questions students right now task one this class will be followed in 90 minutes by listening parts three and four continuing from ya today everybody can join the chat in that class hi amira and then we have classes tomorrow members we will have a Q&A session before I go on a way for a few days and then we will have a speaking part three session for everyone again no classes from 31st to the fifth and then I'll be back on the 6th with speaking part one for everybody all right without further ado let's get into today's tasks one writing question members Hayek's ton so again today's class we're focusing on task 1 academic IELTS if your general IELTS student it's still not a bad idea to learn how to write expository essays but you will have a different question which will be writing a letter or writing an email it's more of a narrative style writing so general students your task 1 is different than this okay alright let's get into it so IELTS task 1 writing of course first read the question carefully the following chart shows data for reasons people migrate to and from the United Kingdom in a given year report the main features and make comparisons were relevant ok the word migrated simply mu means to move from one location to another birds migrate to different parts of the world and humans well of course migrate as well if you think of the word immigration right it may gray shun then you have the prefix M you have the route migrate and then Shen which gives the suffix and the word form migrate just means to move M means 2k like in immigrating to a country into a country so if you're going from India to Canada and you're immigrating it means you're immigrating to Canada and you're emigrating from right that's the other word emigrate emigrate means to exit to leave okay emigration okay so immigrate to move in to emigrate to leave from alright and notice the difference in the spelling so emigrate you just have the e for exit immigrant you have an extra M okay so careful with the spelling okay and pay attention to how you use it okay if you say I'm immigrating from India that's awkward you need to say I'm immigrating from India okay I'm immigrating to Canada all right students so here is the pie chart for today let's take a look at this in a bit more detail so here we go hopefully that's quite clear for everyone getting over a little bit of a cold so I apologize if I'm coughing a bit and I'm gonna try to keep that to a minimum it's challenging while speaking all right so a main reason for migration to and from the UK United Kingdom in 2007 we have two pies these pies are three-dimensional they're colorful you can see color on the computer-based exam not on the paper-based exam so here we go first pie chart is immigration so we have the percentages and then we have immigration in the first pie chart are people going out of UK or are people going into the UK for this one so let's call this pie chart one in pie chart one does is this showing data for people going into the UK or leaving the UK and here's pie chart two okay so pie-chart one immigration people leaving the UK or is it people going to the UK just want to make sure who's following me here hi kisi hi Jessica Ron hi Sergei I see more of our members jumped in now that's great so if this pie chart is showing reasons for immigration to the UK are people moving to the UK or are they moving away from the UK ok Amira says the first pie chart means that they're going to the UK that's right ok so here it's reasons why people are going to the UK ok so people go to the UK alright so clearly this one is why people leave the UK ok so the second one is leave that's very important I mean if you have this question in the real IELTS exam and you can you're confused about that your essays going to really sound weird and off ok so you have to be very clear on which is which ok so great let's begin the overview so take a glance at this right we'll go back to the question so notice this oh yeah and of course we have our reasons here let's make sure we don't ignore that so the blue slice means formal study like university school green definite job it means they already have a job offer a company or join what do you think that means so if you saw this pie chart and you see this red square in the legend which of course refers to this slice here and this slice here and it says accompany and join what do you think if they mean by that so what does the accompany and the join refer to in this pie chart okay bTW I'm not changing class times I'm just not going to be here from the 31st to the fifth but otherwise the class times are the same for now okay so a Mira is correct Charlie it's not join a company that wouldn't make sense join a company means definite job okay so this is what you're thinking Charlie said a Mira is correct a company or join a company would mean that they're going with their family so they're going with their father mother brother wife husband okay so that would be a company or join means they're unifying the family like they're going to be with their wife or their husband or their family who is already in the UK okay yeah so it's to be with one's relatives careful about that okay again make sure you're clear on this information before you start writing sentences okay then we have no reason stated okay so the people interviewed didn't answer that question looking for work which is yellow and then other which is purple meaning that it's another reason all right so all together six different reasons sure we looked at the question we looked at the pie charts now we can write the overview let's do it so as you know the overview should be a paraphrase of the question with more details and we've talked lots about this so I think most of you are on par with me here so overview is the same as the introduction students I was very surprised that somebody said to me that their teachers have the overview and the introductions different it's not okay so the overview paraphrase with details please do that members so paraphrase this question and add some details from the okay okay so here I'll show you the graph again to give you some more ideas I'll give you a couple second head start and then I'll write as well okay so clearly two pie charts one showing immigration the other showing emigration six reasons that are noted okay and it's in the year 2007 United Kingdom okay I'm gonna write as well in hint I gave you some good information there okay so all right four does not yeah but you're always on it for das that's great so fir Dobbs says these two pie charts depict six main categories for immigration and emigration to and from the UK with percentages in 2007 very nice I like for Dobbs how you added in the with percentages so we don't know the number of people interviewed or surveyed but we know that it's the percentages okay that's great nice start for Dobbs just one correction for Dobbs it's to-and-from okay so to and from the UK alright quite similar to mine I kept mine a fairly simple as well but with more details so these two pie charts depict the six reasons stated for immigration and emigration to and from the United Kingdom in 2007 another way you could say for das to keep it simpler for immigration and emigration in the UK with percentages in 2007 okay otherwise it's good charlie send says the following two pie charts described the proportion of six reasons why people immigrated to the UK as well as emigrated from the UK so Charlie not bad just a little bit of correction okay six reasons why people emigrated to the UK as well as emigrated from the UK you can use the past tense there Charlie because it's in 2007 right next on these two pie charts depict the amount of people who emigrated to and from the United Kingdom for six reasons in 2017 2007 next on its United Kingdom its 2007 okay and it's not amount because we don't know the number it's percentages as for Dobbs correctly pointed out okay Kesey says these two pie charts represent the percentage of people who emigrated it emigrated to and from the UK in 2007 for six reason beautiful clean accurate writing kisi well done that's a band 9 level start to this task 1 good job kisi pat yourself on the back Amira says these two pie charts depict the six different causes why UK citizens move to and from the United Kingdom in 2007 okay Amira good you don't need to repeat the name of the country twice so you can just see a mirror these two pie charts to pick the six different causes why citizens move to and from the United Kingdom in 2007 okay Amira so just once is enough in English most of the time you don't need to repeat subjects or nouns within the same sentence most of the time okay and good writing alright gunk I ran the pie charts display factors for people's immigration and emigration from and to the UK in 2007 Gong Quran I really like your originality that's a very nice original sentence and almost perfect almost perfect okay Gong Quran the pie charts display six factors for people's immigration and emigration from into the UK in 2007 nice job gun chiron alright one more sentence for the overview right which is the most observable feature okay so let's take a look what is that what is just by looking at the chart here what is the most observable feature so what what can we say about this I think there's there's a very clear observable feature just by one I shot here for sure let's see if we agree what that is okay you should always try to have unanimous thinking with your classmates or others on what that main feature is if four or five of you say the same idea then we know it's probably the main feature here okay so what do we recognize right away when we look at this chart okay okay good so a mirror says it looks like job is the main reason for movement to and from the country right okay next on degrees so X 10 says look at those big green slices those definitely amount to most if we think about both of these together I would agree okay and then with the other ones like you see the blue here as small here it's big Purple's kind of similar blue is very different yellow is quite different as well so there's a fair bit of variance for the other reasons but definitely job seems to be consistent for both immigration and emigration right I agree so let's write that as our main feature go ahead members and compose a nice sentence describing this clear main feature okay all right let's see what sentence you come up with what words you use to describe this main feature now I think these pie charts it's you're lucky if you get a question like this because if you figure out what immigration immigration means and you use it correctly it's easier pie chart but nevertheless it definitely gives you good practice for pie charts so Kesey says at first glance definite job is the main reason for people to move in and out of the UK okay yep good next on says at first I shot it is clear that definite job was the major reason to go and to leave the UK watch the spelling in words at the end there yex dun broch Yadav nice to see you in class it is observed that definite job possesses the highest and marginal difference in both cases I get what you're saying projective but it's a little bit awkward I would write it like this Prussia it's clearly observable that definite job is the highest percentage in both immigration and emigration I think that's much clearer for the reader so students when you're writing your sentences don't just focus on using quality academic language but also make sure that you have clarity think about your writing from the readers perspective okay the marginal difference preju I probably wouldn't worry about that because we can get into that more when we go into the analysis okay all right Firdaus says that first I shot it is clear that the two biggest reasons to immigrate to the UK our definite job and formal study by the way most individuals emigrate from the UK for a job and work I think it's too much for Dobbs for the main feature I think you're you're overdoing it okay just focus on the job all right and then the rest of that you can put in the analysis all right okay here is my sentence clearly job opportunity is the major factor for people going to and from the UK in this particular year is this a good sentence mine what do you think do you think it's a band 9 level sentence mine let's read the whole introduction these two pie charts depict the six reasons stated for immigration and emigration to and from the United Kingdom in 2007 clearly job opportunity is the major factor for people going to and from the UK in this particular year so um what do you think about my main feature sentence is that a band 9 or not a little bit of a test for you bit of a thinker I'm pretty says definitely always question your teachers students teachers like to be questioned I love to be questioned none of us are perfect I appreciate your kindness pre T and X done but I would disagree I think this is a ban 7.5 anybody know why so why would clearly job opportunity as the major factor for people going to and from the UK in this particular year why would that be a ban 7.5 at best hmm anybody because I'm using the word opportunity this is not clear writing okay in university the professor would say well if I don't see the graph right remember what I say students always you have to write you such a way that if somebody does not see the graph it's still clear and it's not confusing for them looking for work and definite job could both be job opportunity so job opportunity does not accurately paraphrase definite job it's confusing okay yeah I think kisi picked that up he's like okay so you have to be careful the academic IELTS students it's not just testing your English that's why you can't just use fancy words and expect that you're going to get a high band score it's testing your logic it's testing your communication skills so I have to change that word okay so instead of job opportunity I can paraphrase it does anybody know what word I can use starts with a GU okay so what would be another way to say definite job without using the word definite here and that would be much more accurate and that would be bad 9 so that difference is just one word in this case so here I'm highlighting for you the importance of word choice a lot of students that are at the band 7 level and they're looking to go to band 9 the big step they need to make in their studies is word choice correct word choice that's right Amira guaranteed so clearly a guaranteed job is the major factor for people going to and from the UK in this particular year that's a ban 9 because guaranteed accurately paraphrases definite job and does not confuse the reader with looking for work okay so that's how it goes very good all right nice so again pay attention to word choice students always always review your writing I'm gonna make a note for you here okay so when you're practicing at home students always review your writing when practicing for IELTS and check your word choice think can I use a better more accurate term okay check for that alright so now comes our analyses and this is where we have to label our points always students always always label five six points for comparison before you start writing it's gonna make for a much cleaner more effective better organized essay okay so I think it's clear that our first point will be this right so we're going to discuss a definite job we just said that as the main feature so now we should state that in a clearer way what should be our second one so what would be a good second point okay high Atif good to see you in class it was good talking with you as well I'm glad you use the speaking services very nice fir Dobbs says second point should be formal study yeah solutely because you have a massive slice here for formal study at 26% and in contrast you have a very tiny little slice here at 4% right so that contrast in comparison makes sense okay that really big difference especially since this is the second main reason for people going to the UK it makes a lot of sense to discuss that slice okay all right what would be my third slice so what would be my third let's see if your logic lines up with mine so first definite job second formal study third and I like how a Mira is also agreeing with that as well okay so somebody said looking for work yeah here okay one way that you can kind of figure this out is additive right so if I add this 12% and I add this 22% then I end up with 34% and that's definitely the third main overall reason for movement so looking for work that would make sense okay all right um what would be my fourth point for comparison what would be my fourth point for comparison okay so somebody says join or accompanying 15 plus 13 that's roughly 28 sure and then here we have other reasons 11 to 14 okay well maybe that one alright so we'll do this one 4/4 okay what would be the fifth what would you choose for fifth would you choose other or no reason stated what do you think so what would be your logic there so we got one two three four now we're looking for the last two five and six which is going to be other and no reason stated which one would you say first five for no reason or five for other what do you think makes sense I think there's a very clear answer here yeah so other is very ambiguous but no reason stated would be my number five for sure Preeti why do you think all of us are saying no reason stated is number five and this is number six so why do you think Preeti that that were saying this one and hopefully yeah so charlie sin is kind of I think helping you with this answer so Charlie census because of the difference what's the difference charlie or what's the reason or what's the difference Preeti triple right it's triple so three times as many people did not decided not to give the reason who left England then those who came to England right okay and gunk Iran that's right other is the least important because other reasons there could be lots and lots of smaller reasons why people are going okay all right good so I think we have a lot of clarity now this is happening quickly okay and the real exam you want to be quick and accurate about this so go ahead members students viewers right the first sentence that's a little bit more clear and detailed regarding definite job okay so definite job 29% emigration 30% emigration okay write that sentence I'm going to do the same what we're going to do now is just go sentence by sentence and I will try to read as many as possible of your sentences while finishing up this pie chart in this class okay alright so I'm just shifting everything underneath the graph for logistic purposes okay so the analysis or analyses for plural okay all right keep it simple don't overthink it all right your sentences don't need to be overly complicated or complex for task 1 or even for task 2 they just need to be clear clean and accurate and I promise that you'll still get a very very good band score I think sometimes students think they need to write these super long tricky sentences but you really don't being concise and being clear is the most important okay so this is what I have going into more detail comma that's a nice opening expression this is not a word filler it's accurate because we're going into more detail regarding this last statement here roughly a third of people who went to and from the UK in 2007 did so because of a definite work position okay the X done says looking at the pie charts in more detail it is evident that people left and came to the UK about a third for work position a yext on you have a few mistakes there number one you actually forgot to mention that it's for work in that sentence okay that's very important it's your subject you can't miss the subject in your sentence otherwise I'm just confused okay so careful and it is evident students when you're referring to what's happening in the chart it is evident okay let me change the size of this here it is because it's evident now right you see why it's present tense it's evident now we can see it now okay fer DAF says it immediately it is evident that roughly the same percentage of individuals immigrated and emigrated in the United Kingdom in 2007 for definite work kafir doves you're also missing the subject students really careful with that okay don't miss the subject otherwise it's very confusing for your reader what do you mean I mean four doves at the end of the day 100% of people who came came 100% who went went right so you have to be careful with that gunk Iran's has obviously definite job motivated people the most to move in and out of the UK and the percentage is roughly equal about 30% that's pretty good gunk Iran I like it gunk Iran be careful with subjective words like motivated I think it's acceptable in this case but it's a little bit subjective what their motivation actually is right so it's okay I think it's acceptable here GaN Chiron just be careful with those subjective opinionated words okay Amira says when looking at the charts in more detail charts Emira plural in more detail uh no not details okay roughly a third of people moved to and from the you cane mainly for guaranteed jobs uh period you don't need the they had Amira it's unnecessary fresca while looking at the charts in more detail definite job is certainly the main reason for people to leave and come back to the UK approach to the project ah that's a repeat of the most observable feature clearly a guaranteed job is the major factor for people going to and from the UK in this particular year in your analysis you have to say more like roughly a third of people okay there has to be more detail there don't just repeat sentences students that's not good you need to always make sure that your analysis is more you should never be repeating information and task one or task two that's why I always tell students that your conclusion is not just a repeat of your intro duction okay all right let's keep going so we want to get through this point number two let's get to that one point number two is formal study formal study is 26% in for immigration to UK in 2007 and just 4% for emigration for formal study okay so write the full sentence for that all right let's see what you come up with for dog says the second reason to immigrate to the UK was formal study at 26% however the least number of individuals to emigrate from the UK for this reason just at 4% was that 4% okay for doves I get what you're doing there and it's not bad a couple of points for dogs number one percent you shouldn't really write the word just use the symbol okay don't waste time and words students on symbols that you can easily write so dollars percents use the symbols okay it's better alright if you use it the word maybe just once it's okay but use the symbol instead all right the second point for dogs is I I see what you're doing there it's quite tricky it's a little bit confusing you're trying to include the concept that it was the the lowest indicated reason for leaving the UK that's tricky for doves because other probably has a lot of smaller percentages if we actually know what it's about so it's this it's the lowest indicated reason for leaving the UK in that year I think it's it's not necessary to include that for dogs for the IELTS in university you can go into that in a presentation IELTS 150 to 220 words yeah I'd just leave that one for this essay okay that's my opinion it's it's too it's it's very advanced to express that clearly all in one sentence okay just make the comparison between the 26 and the four percent instead okay Charlie says interestingly roughly one-fourth of immigrants came to the UK for study whereas only four percent of people left the UK for study purposes okay again Charlie really nice writing don't repeat the word study for this purpose use your pronouns ok charlie pronouns for this purpose okay and watch your tense charlie only 4% of people left left left because it was in 2007 right the UK big you big K for this purpose okay all right Amira a typical study came as the second main factor for people to immigrate to the UK at 26 percent of the total while it was a rare reason to leave the country at only 4% I'm here are a few Corrections there all right this is my sentence here over a quarter of immigrants came for schooling to the UK in 2007 while just four percent left the country for the same reason right while is the dependent clause here so there's no comma Amira pay attention for that it's the same as with yours okay all right let's go to the next one here students so that was our second one okay check now we're on to the third we agreed that third is looking for work so I'm going to write that sentence and I'll wake my camera up before I do that here we go okay so let's go with the third sentence now looking for work so third looking for work immigration 12% emigration 22% almost double right nearly double just 2% shy of double okay if I you don't have to include a lot of numbers but sometimes it's not a bad idea so this is my sentence here thirdly nearly twice as many people left Britain looking for work at 22 percent than those who came to the country in hopes of finding a job at 12 percent so notice all the paraphrasing I'm using here at first I use this specific noun Britain okay and then I use the subjective noun country okay looking for work finding a job all right again paraphrasing as much as possible this 12% is not absolutely necessary this 22% is okay all right I'm gonna keep going here but members push forward because I will read some of your statements and give you feedback I just want to get a little bit ahead in the assignment so I'm gonna keep writing okay so that was our third point right and then our fourth point was a company which is 15 and 13 it's quite a close proportion so I can write that okay individuals that traveled to and from Britain in this year for residents to be with their relatives was roughly was almost the same at now here I wrote to and from Britain so I want to pay attention to that to Britain was 15% from Britain was 13% was the same at 15 and 13 percent now notice how here I'm using the word because I'm not using symbols in two places was 15 and 13 percent respectively this comma respectively tells my reader that the two was 15% and the from was 13% okay all right moving along so that was my fourth right now I'm on to my fifth which is the six percent of people that didn't give a reason for why they're going to the UK versus 18 percent of people who didn't give a reason for going away from the UK so I'm gonna keep going there okay another notable contrast is the proportion of people that did not indicate the reasons or their reasons for Migration semicolon because I'm joining a similar idea here okay three times as many people neglected to mention their purpose for leaving the country at 18% if I want to add that then those who moved to the UK okay all right I pre T so I'm moving along here all right and I can see that some of you are still writing which is great you're listening to my instructions nice I said that I would read some of your comments so practice says the number of people moving to the United Kingdom to look for a job is around 12% and is observed to be half of those proportionally half of those leaving the country for jobs or looking for jobs projects huh that's kind of a tricky way to write what you're saying there but the biggest mistake there's a couple of mistakes there in that statement precious toe but the biggest one is the word doubled so twelve percent is observed to be half of the 22% okay I think the logic there is a little bit mixed up okay Emira about one tenth of immigrants entered the country looking for work however about double the amount of people left for the same reason double the percentage we don't know the amount Emira be really careful students with the word amount amount usually means that it's a specific number okay if we had numbers like 1000 people versus 2,000 people then we can use the word amount but we can't do that with percentages because we have no idea you see what I mean Amira if if this one hundred percent equals fifty thousand people and this one hundred percent equals twenty-five thousand people then the amount of people here and here is actually the same right because this is double the proportion but half the amount I hope that makes sense Samira okay so again students remember in the academic IELTS you are being graded on logic and coherence as well okay keep that in mind okay we don't we don't know these numbers we just know the proportions so we can't speak to the numbers when the questions look a little bit simpler like you only have two pie charts instead of four sometimes it's a bit deceptive it looks simpler but you have to really pay attention to the way that the information is presented because the difficulty might not be in the number of pie charts or the complexity of the numbers but the actual data that you're being given okay so be really careful students if there's a say there's a wise saying that we use in English if it looks too good to be true it might just be okay so be calm all right okay um so last one other okay so eleven and fourteen percent three percent difference finally with a difference of three percent okay or let's just keep it simple three percent eleven percent of people came to the UK for different for various reasons and fourteen percent left the UK for a number of reasons okay something like that now if I'm running out of time like if I've already spent let's say like 18 minutes on this task one and obviously we've spent a lot more I probably wouldn't even include other so you can still get a band 9 if you don't include every piece of information and in fact some graphs and charts are too difficult to include every piece of information in this case other is trivial it doesn't really it's not really that important to include I mean if you're fast and you can then do it include it but otherwise don't do it okay so if you're running out of time don't take time from task 2 to include this kind of information finally with a difference of 3 percent 11 percent of people came to the UK for various reasons and 14 percent left the UK for a number of reasons it's not not completely necessary especially because we have no idea what those reasons are instead what I would do is spend a minute to write a summary okay so to sum up some reasons for moving to and from the UK are proportionally similar such as work while others are quite different like study okay that would be my summary all right after going through all those steps I can clearly see that okay what can we learn from this graph that the proportion or percentage of people going to the UK okay for some of the reasons it's quite similar like accompanying someone that they love or for work okay while some reasons are quite different like study okay that would be my summary that's what I've learned from observing this graph came I hope that makes sense okay students that's your band nine let's read it from the top make sure it makes sense and then we'll wrap it up for today beautiful writing and again students if I didn't get to read all of your comments and writing that's all I could fit in this class but you're all definitely doing a great job and practice is key to success okay Charlie if you don't write a summary it's not necessarily that you will lose scores but it's that you're not going to gain scores it's not quite the same so it's not a mistake to not write a summary but if you do write a summary Charlie you might be able to pick up an extra few points that could be the difference for a half band okay Preeti it's not a conclusion it's a summary summary in conclusion are two different concepts okay it's important to know the difference Preeti between a conclusion and a summary okay all right so I'm going to read this and then we'll wrap it up these two pie charts depict the six three stated for immigration and emigration to and from the United Kingdom in 2007 clearly a guaranteed job is the major factor for people going to and from the UK in this particular year going into more detail roughly a third of people who went to and from the UK in 2007 did so because of a definite work position secondly a major difference is observable when it comes to formal education over a quarter of immigrants came for schooling to the UK in 2007 while just 4% left the country for the same reason thirdly nearly twice as many people left Britain looking for work at 22% than those who came to the country in hopes of finding a job at 12% individuals that travel to and from Britain in this year for residents to be with their relatives was almost the same at 15 and 13 percent respectively another notable contrast is the proportion of people that did not indicate their reason for migration three times as many people neglect it to mention their purpose for leaving the country at 18% than those who moved to the UK finally with a difference of 3 percent 11 percent of people came to the UK for various reasons and 14 percent left the UK for a number of reasons to sum up some indications for moving to and from the UK are proportionately similar such as work while others are quite different like study okay I'd probably change the word reasons a couple of times just because it's a bit repetitive so again using some paraphrasing that would be your ban 9 all right students that's it for this class fantastic job members give yourselves a pat on the back you've done a great job Amira preju nice to see all that sharing share sorry atif i would do an overview and a summary your overview in summary are not the same notice how my overview and my summary are different Atif they're very good both are good pieces of information for the reader okay all right everyone for lots more HD videos task 1 videos for comparing Maps flow charts pie charts line graphs and so on we have lots of great HD videos on our websites in the premium packages a help calm for academic GL's help calm for general check us out there in 30 minutes I'll be back with some listening listening sections 3 & 4 hopefully I'll see you soon bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 9,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: 8jNNoYofZ2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 49sec (3589 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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