IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing - Bar graph analysis and essay

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you live from beautiful Budapest here in Central Europe in the Carpathian Basin I hope everybody is having a great day in this class we are looking at a task 1 writing for the academic version of the IELTS exam specifically we will look at a bar graph and discuss how to analyze what to pay attention to to make sure that you get those high high scores this is a members chat class you do need to be a member to join the chat however everybody is welcome to watch in 90 minutes we will have an all chat class focusing on the listening section of the exam while we wait for some of our members to join in a little bit about us this lesson is presented by AE help comm for all of our materials including six practice exams over a hundred hours of HD video lessons and a fully interactive course for your phone tablet PC check us out at AE help calm and for the general version check us out at G IELTS that's general IELTS help calm the academic version of our website looks like this at AE help calm you can click that big red button to join our Premium Package and for the general version it's the green background same idea click that big red button join us there hi Preeti I'm doing great thank you hi amira yeah I'm doing fantastic thank you for asking I do appreciate that I hope both of you're doing well also students you can download our apps academic IELTS help in general IELTS help from your Google Play and Apple app stores you can link those apps to your web accounts for a world-class learning experience that's really effective if you have questions send me an email about our products or the IELTS exam it's Adrian @ae help calm we are British Council test registration partners so we know lots about the official exam and we have lots of resources to find out answers to questions students today again task 1 writing followed by listening and then tomorrow we'll have some reading for members and then followed by part 3 and for listening for everyone hi should Rudy marry you're doing great that's fantastic hi Ruslan alright everyone so let's get into today's task one question of course the first step is always to read the question carefully paying attention to each and every word and of course looking at the diagram so let's look at this together and then we'll write the essay together and do the analysis together so IELTS task 1 writing you should spend about 20 minutes on this task it is worth one third of your mark so definitely don't spend more than one-third of your time which is that 20 minutes ok the following chart shows the gross earnings for various types of fiction books in five years summarize and report the main features and make comparisons were relevant ok so we have some information here we're looking at a chart about some fiction books and how much money were made with the sales of these books now let's take a look at the actual graph here we go so hopefully this is clear for everyone so the title here is simply fiction book sales and then we want to check out what those fiction books actually are here we have young adult classics mystery romance sci-fi and fantasy what is this called members this box here I do ask that because sometimes it's useful and it shows lexical resource when you can answer this or use that word for that part so what is that called hopefully one of you is writing that right now this is called the legend okay so the legend indicates the specific types of fiction novels young adult classic mystery romance sci-fi fantasy yes Aleksandr very good you get my first thumbs up for the day it's called the legend yeah it's another definition of legend these are different genres your you have the right idea Rousillon there are different genres but whenever you're looking at a map or a diagram or a chart and you have a description of colors or symbols it's referred to as the legend okay as the legend so sometimes you'll hear people say refer to the legend to know what this symbol means okay and then we have our x-axis and y-axis our y-axis shows the gross earnings from zero all the way to $120,000 we don't know if they're US dollars Canadian EU we just see the dollar sign so they're dollars and they are at intervals of 20,000 so I'm going through this step by step showing you exactly what my brain would do if I were to set the IELTS exam so I would look first at the title okay then I would look at the details of the legend then third I would look at my axes so the Y and the x-axis and I would look at that specific information so here I would also look at these intervals to take note that they're $20,000 intervals and then of course I would look just the same at the x-axis and notice that here I have the year 2006 and then here I have the year 2010 so we have five consecutive years six seven eight nine ten from the year 2006 to the year 2010 okay all right and then of course I can see that there are various bars for each of these different types of fiction novels and we'll get into that analysis in just a moment we don't need to really go into details yet because we can start by writing the overview which is the introduction members what do I need to do for the overview so what should I focus on here what do I need to do to write a good high band overview okay obviously that's my first step so I've read this I've thought about it I looked at the graph I took note of the main features of the presentation of the graph now I'm ready to write my overview and as long as I've practiced at home it should go fairly smoothly and quickly after seeing this information so what do I need to do for that overview as I've mentioned many times before it has two parts and what are those two parts of the overview okay first I want to paraphrase the question with details okay that's the first alright so I take the question I use my own words and I add details that's my first sentence yeah Ruslan very good so Ruslan says paraphrase details and then the main feature yeah that's the second part is the main feature right so go ahead students and paraphrase this question with details thinking about this graph K so fiction books young adult classic mystery romance sci-fi fantasy okay so paraphrase the question and then we will write the main feature okay I'll do the same and then what we'll do is we'll compare notes okay so here we go that's where you can use the word genres absolutely so the given bar graph so don't just say the given chart but I'm already adding that detail so the given bar graph indicates the gross revenue earnings revenue for five types of fiction genres young adult mystery romance classics and sci-fi fantasy okay Preeti says I think paraphrase and give details with accurate information absolutely Preeti both Preeti's got it right yeah so write those okay and again that might be one sentence or it might be more than one sentence I'm going to give more than one sentence here for paraphrasing and giving details because there's just a lot of information there so I haven't really said anything about this y-axis here and I'd like to mention that to my reader as well as the years okay so okay now sometimes teachers will say that you don't really need to pay attention to the X and y-axis but I definitely think it's a good idea especially when you have one graph where the X Y axis are very clearly labeled they are the main features of this graph so when the question asks you to summarize and report the main features it's arguable that the X and y-axis are parts of those main features and in this case the revenue aspect on the y axis is definitely a part of that so it's quite important and later when we do the analysis you'll realize how important it is to indicate this 0 to $120,000 with intervals of $20,000 ok so again so far all I've done is paraphrase the question and given more details the given bar graph indicates the gross revenue for five types of fiction genres young adult mystery romance classics and sci-fi fantasy the y-axis indicates the earnings now I don't want to repeat the word indicates so I'm going to paraphrase that there are lots of words for show or indicate such as depict so the y-axis depicts the earnings from 0 to $120,000 with intervals of $20,000 and the x-axis shows the five consecutive years from 2006 to 2010 okay all right ruslan says the given bar charts display okay ruslan this is just one bar chart okay so it's one bar chart there are multiple bars but it's just one bar chart and ruslan also be careful with your plurals and singular so bar charts display or bar chart displays right okay so the verb takes an S when the subject is a singular the verb does not take an S when the noun the subject is a plural then the subject noun takes that s ok you you should never have s s so if you have an S on the noun and an S on the verb something's wrong right ruslan so pay attention to that so the given bar chart displays the gross earnings for five years four or five types of fiction genres young adult mystery romance classic and sci-fi fantasy okay ruslan don't careful not to use words unnecessarily sci-fi instead of science fiction so save some time in space for more important information types of genres which are okay watch your plurals Ruslan which are young adult mystery came hmm so careful fer Dobbs the given bar chart illustrates the gross income for five different types of fiction books young adults classics mystery romance fantasy between 2006 and 2010 that's fantastic for Dobbs it's almost flawless it's very very good okay Preeti says the bar chart illustrates the sales of five types of fiction books from 2006 to 2010 pretty yogi it's good I like it okay it's simple you didn't list the different types of books but that's fine when you mention all those different types of books in the body paragraph it might not be necessary to list them all in the in the overview so that's okay it's acceptable okay I like how you said that it's five types and I like how he said that it's a bar chart it's good and I like he said it's 2006 to 2010 yeah okay it's good alright so far so good students so now we want to look at the main features what's the main feature here so when we're looking at this bar chart what is the most noticeable okay can you see that fairly clearly let me see if I can focus that a little bit better for you hopefully it's about it as well as I can focus that so see alright so what do we see with this okay so Ruslan says that romance is the most popular sure that's okay I notice another feature more okay so instead of seeing so when you're looking at this let's see if anybody else comes up with a different obvious feature here than saying romance okay I see something a little bit different in my eyes there's another feature that's to me a little bit more exciting or interesting than just focusing on the green charts okay so green definitely seems to be the most or the highest-grossing type of fiction novel and every year but there's something else that's different about this okay this isn't I don't know about an increase or decreasing trend because here we have a lower number here we have a higher number here we have a lower number here we have a higher number so this isn't a line graph so increasing decreasing that's not so exciting for us here ok it's not the fluctuations all right meanwhile amira says the bar chart provides a comparison of gross profits for five different types of fiction books young adult mystery classic romance and sci-fi from 2006 to 2010 it's good ok I like it ok so if you had to group the best-performing novels which would they be so if yet this group them together then which would be the best performing genres if we're not just looking at romance what would they be so I want you to train your eyes and your mind to look beyond the most simple analysis too many students just say most unleased and I think you can get an extra half band score or even a band score more if you take a little bit more of a clever approach than most of the other students okay so Preeti says classic and young adult seem to be I think you're thinking of mystery okay so this one here is mystery alright this is romance mystery and yet this orange one is classic and this one's young adult so when I look at this okay what becomes obvious for me is that we have this grouping here okay then we have this grouping here and then we have this kind of outlier here as the fifth one okay so to my eyes yes of course romance is the mo mr. e a second but it's clear to me that romance and mystery outperform the other genres in sales obviously okay so as a businessman I'm kind of looking at my best sellers my mid-level sellers and then my least popular genre here okay so I think looking at groupings is better than just looking at individual bars okay you can do that too it's not it's not terrible you can do that too to look at individual bars but by looking at groupings you can come up with more clever language and more clever sentences all right now when you see a graph like this it's obvious right away that you cannot write about every single bar so that would be a really big mistake okay if the student was like okay I'm gonna write about every single one of these bars well you have five bars per year and you have five years so you have 25 bars okay trying to write about 25 bars for task 1 in the 20 minutes would be a really bad idea so you have to be a little bit more clever when it comes to your analysis especially for those students looking for those been 8 8.59 okay so here before we get into the analysis and the main feature just a quick tip okay and this is a very important tip so tip look beyond the simple assumptions like most and least too many students too many IELTS candidates think only about most least this is often not the best way to approach your analyses okay often you can notice more interesting trends which allow you to write more complex and better sentences that score higher okay so keep that in mind okay too many times students are just like most least most least most least and the examiners see so many of these essays words oh it's the most in the year and it's the most and it's like okay it's another one so take it one step further okay all right so what I would write here as my main feature is that at first I shot or at first glance it's clear that certain genres strongly outperformed other genres in gross earnings and then I can get into it okay because it's clear that not only romance but also mystery I'll perform these other three genres does that make sense students so does it make sense what I'm suggesting for you here is don't just look at these individual little pieces but try to see chunks or groupings when you're looking at these graphs okay meanwhile I'll start writing the main feature okay okay yeah so Amira says yes and it's easier to explain absolutely Amira so that's the other important point when you have the right analysis when you see the right strategy it actually becomes easier to explain the data that you seen so here is my main feature at first glance it is obvious that both romance and mystery literature strongly outperformed the other types of fiction books in earnings in each year okay and at first glance is a leading expression so it should be followed by common outperformed as one word all right okay students so now we can get into our analyses okay and now we'll have a much better analyses than then if we were just going one by one bar by bar okay all right so there's my overview the overview is good now I write the analysis and before I do that I want to indicate my points of comparison so here comes my analysis or analyses okay and I just said that romance and mystery novels had the highest earnings okay so what do you think I should report about romance novels okay what do you think so what what is the best sentence obviously I don't want to write about each one of these bars for romance that would just take up too much time and it would be confusing okay so Ruslan awaaz Amira I like your main feature sentences for the overview I'll read those quickly Ruslan says it is obviously noticeable that both romance and mystery exceeded in all given years compared to the other genres Ruslan makes sure to finish your sentence okay exceeded what exceeded in comparison to the other genres okay finish that okay awaaz says that first I shot it can be seen that the genre of romance and mystery were more popular compared to other genres I don't know about more popular or was that's not so this isn't the number of sales this is just the amount of money it could be that romance and mystery novels are just much more expensive but maybe maybe young adult is just as popular it's just much cheaper okay so careful we have to make sure that you're focusing on the right variable this isn't the amount of sales so it's not the number of books that we sold it's the amount of money okay in this book store maybe romance novels are extremely expensive who knows okay so careful about that okay that that would be considered in university especially it would be considered an information mistake Mira says it can be seen that romance and mix mix mystery books sales dominated among all fiction types throughout the given period not predominant Amira but dominated okay dominated Ruslan says that it went over a hundred thousand only in 2007 did romance go over a hundred thousand okay what's the average so this is where what I would do notice how here you have the eighty thousand mark okay and you have this point this point this point this point okay so in two thousand six two thousand eight nine and ten romance novels averaged about eighty thousand okay that's what I would say all right or you could give the range all right so sixty to a hundred thousand okay sales varied between sixty to a hundred thousand I like the average more because it's more accurate so averaged roughly eighty thousand in sales with the exception of 2007 which was very high sales right it almost reached 120 thousand so this is an exception it's an exceptional year okay so reporting all five of these should really only take you one complex sentence alright so that would definitely be my point number one okay and then for number two of course I would go into the same idea with the mystery novels okay so mystery novels here ranged between forty and sixty thousand right in these years with the exception of two thousand seven okay so that's another exception there so that would be my point - okay so averages and exceptions averages and exceptions that's what you want to focus on there don't write about the least and the most because this least is not much less than this it's actually not much less than this relative in this category so average is much better here alright bar graphs remember are often used to figure out averages on these x axis variables alright I hope that makes sense hope that's clear okay what would be my point three what would what would be a good point three so we have point one it's about the romance novels we have point two we know what we're doing there now what would be my point number three for comparison here okay what do you think well what would you logically indicate for point three that would be easy to write and makes a lot of sense okay I see a mere authority jumping right in there with the first sentence which is okay Amira so your into your analysis but I definitely want to indicate my points okay so Preeti says blue and orange are almost the same yeah not in every year but here right so this would be my point number three in these years blue and orange are young adult and classic they are very similar so in 2007 2008 2009 they performed very very similarly right except in 2006 and 2010 they performed differently whereby obviously young adult outperformed classics okay and then my point five would be science fiction which never reaches or hovers close to actually in this one year it reaches the $20,000 mark okay but I wouldn't spend too much time on science fiction because it's such a small amount compared to these other genres all right so this is what's really important for those of you taking the academic IELTS you have to reach this level of analysis to give yourself the best chance to score a good mark okay if you're writing just most and least and highest and lowest then even with perfect English and perfect grammar and vocabulary you're probably only going to score seven the academic IELTS is testing your logic critical thinking rational analytical okay so most and least are not considered a high level of academic critical analysis alright so you have to if you're going for those mandates BAM nines you're somebody who's doing their master's or their PhD it's expected that you can do this level of analysis for a simple bar chart like this because this is considered a very simple bar chart in college or university so you have to have this level of analysis okay all right now we can start writing these so let's start with number one with romance okay which is the highest grossing of all five and it a ver ajiz around eighty thousand in four of the five years with the exception of two thousand seven where it reaches nearly a hundred twenty thousand dollars in sales so let's start to put these together and I see a mirror again has already done that so Amira says romance revenue was around eighty thousand average over the giving years with the exception of two thousand seven where it excelled to almost a hundred and twenty thousand dollars okay so some Corrections there Amira for the analysis okay I'm going to write it you write it as well okay and I don't waste too much time writing zeroes and dollars after I've done it once so for me to write $80,000 I prefer to do it like this it's fast it's accurate it doesn't waste a lot of space or time I want to use my time and space on the paper wisely for accurate detailed descriptive information okay so after deeper analysis it is clear that romance novels averaged around $80,000 for the years 2006 2009 8 9 and 2010 however in 2007 they showed exceptional it it's one genre so it showed exceptional performance with nearly $120,000 in revenue ok so that would be my lead-in for my analysis so after deeper analysis it is clear that romance novels averaged around $80,000 for the years 2006 2008 2009 and 2010 however in 2007 it showed exceptional performance with nearly a hundred thousand in revenue the and you can I mean if you're going for that band 9 you can say the best of all data given ok so you can't say that alright Awad says in 2006 romance revenues were roughly 80,000 in this none reaches almost 120 in 2007 which is the highest revenue of this genre of any genre a was and the 80,000 is an average for all years except for 2007 so make sure to indicate that clearly I was okay so Co was what's happening is now you're writing more you're writing however in 2008 romance declines to around 80,000 it's too much detail you'll run out of time and space if you go into that much detail there's 25 bars there's no way that you'll be able to go through them all and then you'll end up missing some information because you're focusing too much on the pieces instead of seeing the groups of information so careful it was okay ruslan says it is observable that sales of romance genre fluctuated between 70 to 85 thousand dollars in almost all given years except 2007 when it's soared over a hundred and fifteen thousand dollars ruslan that's okay so you're kind of saying the same you're giving the range or the average as I mentioned is an alternative that works okay all right so now we go to number two which is mystery novels and same idea okay so mystery novels were roughly 60,000 or I'm just going to say were between forty and sixty thousand with the exception of two thousand seven okay my camera fell asleep and got tired of the analysis so let's wake the camera up again all right a little bit of a baby brain break there you go it was just a moment all right so same idea for mystery novels similarly mystery novels showed relatively high sales compared to so similarly to romance literature literature is another way that you can paraphrase novels or books okay it's a nice way so similar to lead to romance literature mystery novels showed relatively high sales compared to the other three genres with averages around I'm gonna say 57,000 it doesn't you don't have to be perfect the IELTS doesn't care about that 50,000 thousand dollars for the years given with the exception of 2007 where sales were over $80,000 okay all right so far so good keep going members keep writing let's see what you come up with I sometimes find that sometimes members will actually come up with a better word and what I have okay so Preeti says after looking at the details , it is clear that the average romance novel revenue was around eighty thousand four two thousand six eight nine and ten , whereas it performed best in 2007 nearly 120,000 okay which was the highest of any sales okay not bad Preeti I made a few Corrections there pay attention to that okay keep going I'm gonna keep writing you keep writing I'll keep looking at what you put into the chat and helping you out and I'll keep going forward so now I'm on two point three which is 2007 2008 2009 so again with these bar graphs and charts and the IELTS you're looking at similarities and contrast so comparisons and contrasts okay alright so in 2007 2008 2009 classics and young adult fiction books performed similarly twenty-five thousand twenty thousand and twenty two thousand respectively right so let's write that from 2007 to 2009 both young adult and classics showed similar revenues around 25,000 not 25 25,000 25,000 20,000 and 22,000 in earnings respectively and again the respectively shows that this 25,000 belongs to 2007 this 20,000 belongs to 2008 which is understood and 22,000 belongs to 2009 okay and now the contrast nevertheless young adult books sold better in 2006 and 2010 then classics okay so that's that difference that I'm reporting in those two years which is observable okay so that's this here and this here and I'm not going into too much detail so I'm not going to say that it was almost three times the revenue in 2010 or 50% more in 2006 you can if you're you have excellent English skills you can go into more explanations but these numbers are so small compared to these big bars here that there's not a lot of point in going into that numerical or quantitative difference that number difference it's just important to mention difference so in 2010 young-adult performed clearly better than classics in 2006 the same young-adult performed clearly better okay alright so Preeti yogi says asper abs are the observation it's a bit awkward Preeti as per the observation as per the analysis may be pretty ok so as per the analysis the sales of romance was 80 thousand average in the four years Preeti and some other students as well really important to remember the word average okay you have to say you have to write the word average okay if you don't have that you're losing marks if you have the word average you're gaining marks the word average here is critical okay so keep this in mind students okay this is I'm gonna add this to our tips because I'm seeing a couple of you do this or make this mistake where you're not using the word average okay so tip bar charts or bar graphs are often analyzed to show averages okay make sure to use the word average now average can be a noun okay or you can use it as a verb as well okay so average duh alright but it's really important that you use it and you use it correctly when you need to all right okay so Amira says mystery novels had similar patterns as romance coming into second place for recorded sales between forty and sixty thousand dollars in the four years while 2007 was an exception with the highest earnings over eighty thousand dollars okay good Amira I know it's a little bit hard to see the graph sometimes so 2007 not six but Amira you're definitely on the right track okay you're thinking in the right way and you're putting together this sentence is almost perfectly so you're going for a good band score there alright okay so now I have just this group left here the sci-fi/fantasy and I'm going to keep this fairly simple especially if I'm running out of time okay the lowest earning genre in each year was sci-fi fantasy somewhere between 10,000 and 20,000 you always remember that big K for the thousand in each year okay and I'm not going to go into a lot of details look at this student so look at how I didn't go into describing each bar so with a sci-fi/fantasy I really kept it quite simple and definitely I mean I have some good description here now remember task one is a hundred and fifty words minimum and here my analysis just my analysis is already a hundred and twenty one words so I have one hundred twenty one words clearly for that analysis and I've covered all of those bars okay if I'm going to go into each bar individually it's going to be way too long it'll be like a 500 word essay okay if you're curious then with my overview I have 194 words okay 194 words with the overview now summary okay and again I highly recommend especially for students going for those band nines to include a summary what can we summarize here in summary the sales of some genres gross significantly more than others as well 2007 was the best year for sales okay so that's different than the overview the summary is not just the overview in the overview we didn't mention 2007 why because we haven't deeply analyzed all of that data but now we can definitely say that 2007 was the best year for sales okay Preity 180 words for task one is absolutely okay it's 150 minimum okay it's very hard to get a band six point five or seven with just 150 words most essays that score band seven eight-nine will be much closer to 200 words okay for task one alright so here's the full essay I'm going to read it for you the given bar graph indicates the gross revenue for five types of fiction genres young adult mystery romance classics and sci-fi fantasy the y-axis depicts the earnings from 0 to 120 thousand dollars with intervals of $20,000 and the x-axis shows five consecutive years from 2006 to 2010 at first glance it is obvious that both romance and mystery literature strongly outperformed the other types of fiction books in earnings in each year after deeper analysis and is clear that romance novels averaged around 80,000 for the years 2006 8 9 and 10 however in 2007 it showed exceptional performance with nearly a hundred and twenty thousand and revenue the best of all data given similarly to romance literature mystery novels showed relatively high sales compared to the other three genres with averages around fifty seven thousand dollars for the years given with the exception of 2007 where sales were over eighty thousand dollars from 2007 to 2009 comma starting with the time expression both young adult and classics showed similar revenues around twenty five twenty and twenty two thousand dollars in earnings respectively nevertheless young adult books sold better in two 6 in 2010 then classics the lowest earnings genre and each year was sci-fi fantasy somewhere between 10 and 20 thousand in each year in summary the sales of some some genres grow significantly more than others as well 2007 was the best year for sales that is your band 9 level essay now to do that it's not just a band 9 level writing it's not the grammar and the vocabulary but it's the analysis that enables that high band score I hope that really makes sense one of the most important points I want you to take away from today's class is that you should not look at individual bars and pieces but you should see groups of bars as well ok this is not a line graph it's a bar graph ok use it as a bar graph and you'll get a better score students in 30 minutes we'll have listening parts 1 & 2 coming up where everybody can join the chat Preeti you're very welcome Preeti sina you're very welcome Amira good job keep going Amira okay you're doing really well type fast keep getting your thoughts out okay all right everyone ayyy help calm for academic IELTS G outs help calm for general for those of you looking for lots more help with task 1 join our premium package at a help calm click that big red button ok and I'll be happy to help thanks for the feedback Amira I appreciate it students in 30 minutes listening tips strategies and practice until then much love to all of you bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
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Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: znRpcm85_Zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 31sec (3391 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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