IELTS Live - Task 2 Writing - Band 9 Authorship

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you live from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had a fantastic week so far i hope you're all staying healthy you're staying strong you're being productive happy optimistic welcome to this ielts class today we are looking at a task two writing question and we are aiming for that band nine authorship welcome erdem ikram boy md shahid nisa khyber good to see you in the class welcome amu and other members nice to see many uh students here ready to learn while we wait for some more of your classmates this lesson is presented to you by that's for lots of help with your ielts writing including help with the listening reading and speaking sections check us out there for the general ielts visit us at g-i-e-l-t-s help dot com that's general on both of those channels we have or both of those websites i should say we have lots and lots of help for you i'll quickly show you these while we wait for your peers this is our academic ielts website here with the blue background you can click this big red button to join the premium package it is a one-time payment for lifetime access doesn't cost very much so it's absolutely worth your investment we help thousands of students every week we are an official british council test registration center and certified agents hi nur sujaya good to see you in the class this is our general ielts website here with the green background you can click that big red button to join us there again once you have access to all of our materials practice exams over 100 hd videos you will improve your marks so um the writing um task 2 lesson is just about to begin this sunday we will have the ielts band 9 journey episode 5 eor i took the official ielts exam back in february and i'm sharing my experience with you so if you want to see that join me on sunday for the premiere of that hd video where i check to see if i can get some better remarks if you have questions send me an email to adrian ae help dot com all right uh vasily says hi sir i just passed my ielts exams vasily uh good job keep that up mittal i will certainly help you we are looking at task two writing uh right now coming up okay so again if somebody has questions and you don't get answers in the class just send me an email adrian uh we've got lots of live ielts classes we've got more classes tomorrow more writing tomorrow and then we have speaking classes on saturday these are free for you to learn so make sure to join them and here is our ielts task to question for today okay when you get to the writing section the writing section is after the reading section and when you're reading in the reading section especially near the end in the last 10 15 minutes you're probably reading very very quickly to get all of the answers to check all of the answers but when you get to the writing section make sure to slow down and read the question carefully okay this is not a reading passage you don't need to read quickly there's not a lot of information here just read it carefully because you have to understand it 110 okay you have to have a good answer for this okay naya uh task two writing is basically the same for the academic or the general nya is asking is this academic or is it general um naya for the writing task two it's basically the same you could easily see this question on the academic test or you could see it on the general test task two for both the academic and the general they're persuasive essays where you have to convince your reader of an argument okay all right um so here let's read this carefully ielts task to writing you should spend about 40 minutes on this task definitely spend 40 minutes it's worth two-thirds of your writing mark some people feel that the design of newly constructed buildings in big cities should be controlled by governments others believe those who finance the construction of a building should be free to design it as they see fit discuss both these views and give your opinion give reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience you should write at least 250 words now this was a question attached to a question from a past ielts exam so it's a good one all right um what is the first step when you read the question so you've read the question you are thinking about it what should you do as a first step so step one read the question and then do what hi eugene welcome to the class sunglasses and panda indeed uh thang ha says paraphrase the question gineal says paraphrase the question uh vg pusala says read the question twice yeah i agree vg read it twice to just be really sure that you understand it so and then paraphrase it to really make sure that you understand it and to get important vocabulary and to think deeply about the ideas this is not your introduction but it will be useful for your essay okay and in the computer-based exam it's really easy because you might even be able to uh cut and paste your paraphrasing in some part of the essay where it's useful okay so let's do this everyone let's uh paraphrase this question so some people feel that the design of newly constructed buildings in big cities should be controlled by governments others believe those who finance the construction of a building should be free to design it as they see fit discuss both these views and give your opinion okay i'm going to paraphrase this there's lots of ways to do it let's gather some vocabulary and then we'll compare okay so all right so here is my paraphrase certain individuals let me get this a bit bigger for you there we go so certain individuals ascertain that the architecture of newly built structures in metropolitan areas ought to be regulated by authorities opponents to this idea feel that the investors should have control over the look of these buildings according to their preferences explain both these perspectives and give your own all right now when you're practicing this at home read the original again and make sure that it makes sense um we've got some paraphrasing by various people in the chat so let's uh take a look at that uh kyber writes uh certain individuals ascertain that producing drawings to show the look and function of a recently developed building should be managed by a person who provides money to construct it while others argue that this should be supervised by the government very nice kyber um it's not the drawings but the actual buildings themselves so that part i would do a little bit differently but i really like your paraphrasing kyber and you even inverted the investors and governments so that's very very good le pay yan says certain individuals assume that the look of urban blocks ought to be managed by national authorities the opposite view ascertain that the external of such buildings should be decided by the sponsors lipay that's very good too also pay attention to the accuracy so like with kyber it's not the drawings and le pay it's not the block that will be a part of it so it's good that you're thinking about that but we're talking about the individual structure here so they're talking about the building itself rather than the block i think that will become important in the argument but it's not a part of the question yet so careful lepay okay and lepay good job on completing the question so le pay completes the question by writing analyses analyze okay different spelling analyze both opinions and provide your thoughts list supporting evidence and cases based on your awareness of past experiences very nice negaman says certain individuals think that authorities should have complete control over the design of newly erected buildings others believe that the investors should make these decisions explain both sides very nice negaimon okay good all right now um we're going to identify the topic and then the controlling ideas so the topic is what we are talking about so what are we writing about that's what you have to think about here and then you have to be accurate and concise okay so it has to have the full idea and you want to say it in the shortest way as possible so what are we writing about here students uh nice paraphrasing as well i just took a quick read of those um so what are we discussing good vibes we're not at the thesis yet before we can come up with a thesis we need to think okay always spend a couple minutes thinking before you come up with a thesis a quick thesis will often get you into trouble because band 7 band a band 9 even a band 6'5 these days requires a good thesis a good argument uh pachu says we're talking about the construction of buildings i don't think so but you not exactly so take a look at the original question again there's it's actually in here okay what are we talking about just sure we're not that's the controlling idea okay what is the actual topic okay aryan uh jane says architecture yeah and nick hill says it's the design of newly constructed buildings yeah it's right here so we're talking about the design of newly constructed buildings so architecture is good as well ariane i would say new architecture right so the most concise way to say it is new architecture but if that's not coming to mind then you can say design of newly constructed buildings in cities okay exclamation mark is just for emphasis there so notice that's an interesting part of the topic here too we're not talking about buildings and towns we're out in the countryside or in the suburbs but we're specifically talking about in cities in fact the question goes one step further and says in big cities that becomes an important part of this essay okay does everybody see that so to get a band 8 or a band 9 you have to have a very clear understanding a very clear picture of the topic all right kyber says yes i see it now okay so in metropolitan areas um the most concise way to say this if you're using very high level english is is that okay if you want to go for that band 9 expert level of english that's your answer to what is the topic new architecture in metropolitan areas boom that's it right there one two three four five words in this case all right so that's your expert level of english all right in the controlling idea and i think some of you said this for the topic okay so the controlling idea if you have an idea nurse who let me know yeah amu exactly a metropolitan thank you for helping with that a metropolitan area is a highly populated urban area like downtown new york or tokyo or jeddah or new delhi yeah absolutely okay um thorusha don't spend 10 minutes on your notes or what you're going to write in the essay but definitely spend three to five yeah so having a good um essay having good content and quality is much more important than having 700 words okay i think that's one of the mistakes i made on my ielts exam when i did it in february in the writing section as i wrote a bit too much and maybe my quality could have been a bit better okay um kyber says uh controlling ideas who should take responsibility for the design yeah okay so is it the responsibility of uh government or investors to design buildings anyway uh preferred okay so that's the controlling idea now um before you start writing okay so we want to do some critical thinking like what why and how like what is this why are we discussing it how are we discussing it last week or the week before we covered an ielts task to question that was similar where the question was uh discuss both sides and give your own opinion okay so this was a question or a similar question that we looked at last week and i gave you a really important tip um that time uh on how you can make this a bit easier the decision okay so in order to decide the best and easiest response you should think about what okay so you should think about what why how and you should do some um critical thinking aside from that so besides that what should you consider okay so what do you need to consider and there's this is a perfect question example for this yeah very good natalie i love it so very good natalie you're really picking up what i'm putting down in the classes and that's gonna really help you when you're producing information absolutely so you should think about how is it in real life so you should think about the way it works in the real world okay um so said another way is don't reinvent the world there are thousands of professionals of highly educated people that are working on solutions okay so everybody thinks they have the best idea but there are people who go to school to very good schools learn from very good teachers and invest all their time and energy into these kinds of questions and situations and they try to come up with the best solutions so we don't need to reinvent the wheel as the idiom goes okay so do not reinvent the wheel all right so i'm showing you a little bit of a different response here okay or a different strategy here okay and this is an important strategy so how does this work in the real world so how does um the control of the design of buildings in metropolitan areas work in the real world okay so let me know that what what happens in reality when somebody wants to create a new building a new skyscraper in um downtown dubai um then uh how does that usually work okay okay um paulo i think you're more looking at the controlling idea there okay so is it so when i design a building if i want to create a new building in some city is it purely my choice of what that building looks like and what i can do with that building or does the government also influence my building or is it just the government is it like okay the government says that's your building that's how you build it give us give use the money and you can do whatever you want with it after okay all right um kyber says the laws which have been imposed by municipalities give instructions to investors about the design of the building okay kutik you will crack this um yeah so bavia says in the real world investors get uh to work on the infrastructure but only according to the regulations set by the government and jessur gives a much simpler answer says both abdi rahman you don't need to be a member to chat here i can see what you're chatting okay all right mattel i live in british columbia not alberta live in the capital of british columbia just a little side question there okay so um [Music] how are building designs regulated in big cities today um they are controlled by both the government and the investor okay so now let's ask how so this is a little bit of a different approach than what you're used to from before so um what kind of regulations does the government set what are some of the typical uh regulations okay yeah bcit baby is just over in vancouver not too far from me yeah okay um all right so how does the government so let's focus on this question everybody stay focused i know you have a lot of questions and if it's different from what we're doing you can always send me an email but let's stay focused here vichy pulsa says the height very good absolutely that's very common around the world that the height of the buildings are controlled by the government you can't just pop up a 200 story building anywhere in the city because you think that's a great idea and you're going to make lots of money selling many many condos okay so uh how governments often regulate the height of the building okay what else so height um thurusha says the distance from the road yeah yash says the materials uh a moose says the fire exit proper quality of materials okay if we want to say a little bit easier then we can say the safety so for example in vancouver buildings must be earthquake proof okay we live in an earthquake risk area same as kind of tokyo so um you have to use materials and you have to have a structure that is safe in case of an earthquake okay because we live in an earthquake zone and the height of the building is also controlled when you have the height of buildings in a metropolitan area what is that called okay what do you call that um the scenery of the height of buildings uh for big cities um there's a special word for that in english and you might have heard it it's quite a common word in in today's societies there's skyscrapers but when you're looking at all of the skyscrapers together you're looking at the city's what a 32n or jack william that's right gino very good you're looking at the skyline okay all right it's called the skyline of the city so when you look at a nice city from a high view and you're looking at all of the buildings you're looking at the skyline okay it's called the skyline okay um so then how do the investors actually regulate the look of that building okay so we're still on the how investors um control the design of the building by what so i'm sure that the investors the people the contractors the developer the developers they also have a say in what the building will look like so how do they control it okay amir the airplanes usually fly over the cities um not through the cities okay so what what are the constraints of the investor okay so pachu says the design or the model so the unique look right sure um the quality yeah within those guidelines okay they're the ones who hire the architect right um the color although the color might be government regulation yeah natalie very good the cost and profit okay june very good june just hopped into the lesson as well yeah it's the cost and profit so especially the cost and profit right so yeah of course um they're going to be they want to have a nice building that they can be proud of okay so uh think of donald trump trump towers right they want to be proud of the building that they build but at the same time there are there are also cost benefits so nobody likes to lose money especially very very wealthy investors who are building these millions and millions and millions of dollars uh worth of skyscrapers uh they don't want to lose money so that also is going to influence the design of the building right so cost profit and pride the example here would be like uh trump uh towers uh we have them in vancouver as well okay so if you come to north america that's kind of where donald trump the former president or ex-president of the united states that's where he made a lot of money is building these giant skyscrapers in many cities across the u.s and even canada not long ago they finished building the trump tower in vancouver okay so and of course they want it to be bigger than the other guys and look better and shinier but at the same time it has to conform to the cityscape the city's landscape okay all right uh aditya is asking what if a topic comes about which we have no idea adichia you have to use critical thinking it's very unlikely that you have no idea you should have an idea ielts usually asks questions that everybody has some idea of okay muhammad javed very nice answer by the way with the skyline and the interior design okay as well all right so we'll add that as well so they have maybe more control of the interior design as well yeah that's a great idea okay very nice muhammad all right um so great okay so now that we have this so we took a little bit of a different approach we can now create our thesis statement okay and this will also help formulate your own opinion okay for those of you who don't know the thesis statement is the last sentence of the introduction that clearly shows the reader your points for argument your voice of the essay okay and the structure so that's what your thesis statement is so if i think about it and i think about the topic and what i just wrote here so how does it work in the real world well in the real world both the government and the investor have an influence on the design of the building why because the governments are responsible for the overall look of the city the skyline the investors are controlled or confined or guided by the cost and the profit and the pride of the building then i can now create a very good thesis statement and i can include my own opinion here okay so give me a nice thesis statement that shows me the reader the examiner in the ielts the structure the voice and the content okay i'm going to do that i'm going to write my thesis you write yours and then we're going to compare all right okay so okay there is my thesis statement i can rethink it rework it re-read it good thesis statements make good essays bad thesis statements make bad essays it's that simple all right okay um georgian says while the government fights to maintain the law when it comes to planning construction developers are pushing back by taking advantage of any flaws in government laws georgian i'm not sure if that answers the question that's a bit awkward it's a bit off topic okay nakuman sits says before arriving to my decision both views should be discussed further nakum with that thesis i have no idea um what you're going to write sarah kasem um you can prepare for the ielts test by following these live lessons and by checking us out at gl's help dot com and okay uh naya says since both the government and investors are considered uh contributors to the creation of new buildings i think that half and half contribution is ideal okay naya that's not a bad idea but i think you can be more specific okay rashika says i believe that both government and investors have a mutual responsibility such as the overall plan and cost and pride when constructing buildings in metropolitan metropolitan areas um rashika i think that's good absolutely and i can see where you're going with that definitely so rashika that works you did not separate the plan um and the cost and the pride to government or investor but you can do that later in the body paragraph so i think that works just fine rashika okay i think that could be a band 9 essay amu says i believe that both governments and architects are equally responsible for constructing a new building even though the design is made by an architect it's the government uh it's the it is so amu don't use contractions don't say it's it is the government's uh responsibility to approve the design okay amu just the end there's a bit awkward it is the government's responsibility to approve the design okay just as in my opinion both governments and individuals have their own impact on the building design governments can make regulations for the building however investors need to hire architects for the finished look yash i made some corrections um yash don't say or don't write in my opinion i think that okay don't do that students this is just a tip i see this a lot and it's bad writing because it's repetitive okay so avoid redundancy in writing as this will drop your ielts score okay a good example is i in my opinion i think that okay uh this is i see it all the time um yash so that's why i'm taking a minute to emphasize this uh don't do that in writing that's considered bad writing in my opinion i think that it's the same so your opinion and what you think are the same ideas okay don't don't repeat yourself right all right um so here is my thesis statement uh in my opinion both the government and the investor should impact the design of new structures in metropolitan areas as the former the government is responsible for safety and cityscape cityscape means the look of the city okay and the latter is guided the latter is the investor guided by cost profit and pride okay so if i'm investing i have a certain amount of money the building will be constrained or the look of the building by how much money i have okay i can't make the building out of diamonds if i don't have trillions of dollars all right no matter how much i want that building to look like it's made of diamonds all right um so uh gineal i'll take a look at yours gineal writes in my opinion it is both governments and investors you need an apostrophe after governments as well if you're showing belonging a responsibility to structure newly constructed buildings in cosmopolitan areas whereby the former maintain safety and rules and the latter sustainability and finance so janila just a couple of small grammatical corrections and you don't need to repeat the word maintain because that can modify both of your nouns okay or all of your nouns all right so uh let's keep going all right so now we can begin our introductory paragraph okay introductory paragraph has three parts it has a hook it has a background and it has a thesis okay and this is not me making this up this is not adrian's lesson this is standard essay writing structure that's what you need to do okay if you go to high school in canada they will teach you exactly this and every textbook will say the introduction in a persuasive essay has a hook a background a thesis it catches the attention of your reader it explains the key concepts and then presents the argument okay that's what you have to think about so catches the reader's attention and maybe introduces the topic okay background explains the main idea or i should actually say defines the main idea and the importance of the question okay and the thesis as we already discussed presents the argument of the author that's you okay that's the way that it works okay that's standard all right um so let's write a hook okay the hook is an interesting statement um that catches your reader's attention and it includes the topic now that's really easy for us because we already talked about the topic the topic is the design of newly constructed buildings okay so here i'm going to write my hook and then all right i'm going to stick with that hook your hook should be pretty short so it shouldn't be a really long like two sentence i usually say 8 to twelve words okay mine's maybe a little bit longer but it's because we have a longer topic today um so this is mine here all right we've got lots of hooks coming up in our academic english help channel i would love to see some hooks come up in our general english help channel as well i'm not really seeing too many there satria is asking is the hook really needed yes satria the hook is really needed especially if you're going for a band seven eight or nine yeah definitely okay i've talked to many ielts examiners former examiners that have marked thousands of tasks two essays and they say that if they don't see a hook they basically never give that essay a band nine so they are look even though it's not necessary they are looking for a hook okay all right um so lots of hooks uh kyber says or kyber writes everybody has its preference of constructing a new building um okay kybert's a little bit broad a little bit general so everyone has their own preference uh janil every year lots of buildings are erected in the downtown areas of cities yeah let's uh use a new word geneal instead of constructed erected erected negaman the outlook of new construction is of significant importance in urban areas um yeah uh and it's good i might use that in my background because you're talking about the importance of the design so think about your background at the same time when you're thinking about your hook on so it might be a way to shorten your introductory paragraph which is okay but just keep that in mind that you're kind of overlapping there okay josh says building design has a massive impact on the reputation of every city josh that's very good okay i like it building design has a massive impact on the reputation of every city again that's also impacting the importance of the question but i do like that for a hook as well bhavya very good all right nice uh i'm gonna keep it a bit shorter okay so shorten that up all right um here is my uh hook there are thousands of potential designs for new buildings that pop up in cosmopolitan areas worldwide so i think that's where you know this question's really sourced from is you have so many different looks for buildings these days when you look at these new skyscrapers or buildings that are popping up right so i'm just you know i like to keep my hook fairly simple but impactful right now um you're thinking cosmopolitan is like metropolitan it's like downtown areas okay all right um arda you do what you can don't worry about it if you can't see the lesson live catch up on it afterwards okay all right now the background the look okay so architects all right so there's my background and now i'm just simply going to take my thesis and plop it in at the end okay so for ease of sake here ctrl copy that and then thesis in the actual alts exam you can just cut and paste and there's my introductory paragraph at a band nine level okay so it really is just a recipe all right um so uh here is my introduction there are thousands of potential designs for new buildings that pop up in cosmopolitan areas worldwide architects invest a great amount of effort and time in the functional and aesthetic design of skyscrapers and other structures to suit the needs of the city's citizens okay the look of these buildings greatly impacts the reputation and function of these urban areas in my opinion both the government and the investors should impact the design instead of impact because i think i already used that word somewhere earlier um i'm going to use influence the design of new structures in metropolitan areas as the former is responsible for safety and cityscape and the latter is guided by cost profit and pride that kind of an introduction will get you a band nine now certainly there's a fair bit of vocabulary that's needed to construct this but what's most important more important than the vocabulary is to have the structure and the information okay good structure good information makes a great essay then vocabulary becomes important as well all right okay so buffy uh good luck on your test tomorrow i'm sure you're going uh to do just fine all right karan patel for the background says it is often argued whether the government or the investor should drive the construction and management of these newly erected buildings sure karen that works as well for the background okay all right everyone so i think um you should have some more clarity on this now and tomorrow we're going to continue with the body paragraphs and the conclusions so that you can see the whole essay thank you so much for joining me on general english help youtube channel as we're multi-streaming now it's our other channel for the general and thank you so much members and viewers on our academic english help channel it's been my pleasure to show you how to interpret understand and plan your task to band nine a response aditya kulkarni just to answer that question real quickly the background defines the main idea of the question and explains the importance of the question okay only answer your questions once a day i'll catch them especially as a member i see them more clearly okay so you don't need to ask me multiple times aditi i think you maybe missed that part of the lesson because i explained it okay um that's it so everyone if you'd like to see lots of hd video lessons like pre-recorded high quality sign up for our premium package at for academic ielts and for general ielts we've got tons of help there for you it's well worth it we're world leaders when it comes to ielts exam preparation all right uh that's it for me for today have a lovely lovely rest of your day if it's late in your country i wish you a good night sweet dreams much love to all of you wherever you are in this beautiful world bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 6,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, Task 2, writing, essay, paragraphs, sentences, vocabulary, introduction paragraph, band 9, body paragraphs, conclusion, IELTS description, English examination, writing IELTS, writing for task two, second part of writing, writing strategies, IELTS task 2, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 2 explain, IELTS task 2 learning, IELTS task 2 explanations, plan, planning, understand, skills, strategies, task 2 ielts writing general
Id: fLfc9HtRw2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 1sec (3181 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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