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cool hello everyone my name is Jay and I'm one of the expert IELTS teachers here at e2 language in this class we're going to look at IELTS speaking and we're going to do a full test simulation in fact for part two we're going to do two of them I'm going to be the IELTS examiner you're going to be the student you're going to do the full thing and I want you to do this because you might be thinking to yourself IELTS speaking couldn't be that hard just have to chat to the examiner just have to chat for two minutes well you'll be surprised on test day it's a whole different story especially if you suffer from anxiety or nervousness because all of a sudden when that examiner hands you the task card and says you have to speak about this topic for two minutes well it's something that we don't do very often so I'm gonna give you a strategy for how to do part two effectively and we're also going to look at the other parts as well so just while we're on that let's do a quick overview of IELTS speaking IELTS a it's called the interview long turn and discussion which goes for fourteen minutes in total but I believe that there's a better way to describe this which is small talk tell three stories and discuss big ideas these are the three things that you need to do okay so let's talk first about meeting the examiner because that will happen the examiner will sit you down and say what's your full name and can I please see your ID they are the two preliminary questions when you start so please have your passport with you then the examiner will move into part one which is small talk small talk look it's really quite straightforward it's just to sort of it is graded this section and each six-h part becomes more difficult this one's really quite straightforward there's a little bit of a secret here though not simply to elaborate or extend your answers so when the examiner asks you where are you from don't just say Sri Lanka or France say something like I'm from a small town in the north of France in the mountains which is on the border with Switzerland something like that just elaborate on your answers a little bit show off this is about showing off your language skills it's not about being shy you're going to have to push through your shyness and show off what you can actually do and when the examiner says do you study your work don't just say I work say I work for a cool company called e to language which is located in Melbourne Australia however it's global in its reach and what we do is prepare people for English language exams elaborate on your answers a little bit cool then something strange will happen and the examiner will ask you a question that seems very off-topic such as do you like flowers and you're going to think to yourself well the examiners gone crazy but this is what the IELTS people do they ask you where you're from and what you do and then do you like going to the cinema and you think what so just be prepared for that change of topic and again just give a more elaborate answer do you like flowers well I would say yes I like flowers in fact I'm a big fan of gardening I think flowers are particularly pretty I'm not very good at giving them to my girlfriend however something like that fine then you move on to the difficult part which is part 2 and what I want you to do is to tell three stories and we're going to look at a strategy called IPPF so what's going to happen is the examiner will hand you a task card a piece of paper a topic you will have one minute to prepare to speak and then two minutes to talk about that topic now this is a weird thing to do and it's not something that we use in conversation it is extremely rare for one person to talk for two minutes about a single topic unless you're telling a story which is what I'm going to teach you how to do here but you definitely need to prepare for this because when I did my IELTS and I did this and I did get a nine for speaking I must say two minutes is a very long time for one person to sit and speak for it feels like and it feels like an eternity okay so you need to prepare so imagine that the examiner hands you this task card and it says talk about an email that you received which you liked you should say who sent it when you received it what the content was and explained why you liked it if you're feeling adventurous you can pause the video over here and just try to do this time yourself for two minutes if you're on YouTube but I can guarantee you're going to find this extremely difficult okay so we need a strategy we need a strategy just before I get to that strategy I'm just gonna check that everything's okay everything's happening cool all right good good good back to the strategy here we go back to the strategy IPPF this is the strategy the I I didn't put this in stands for introduction but then past present future so introduction past present future this is how we're going to battle this is how we're going to do this effectively okay so we look at our task card here about talking about an email and we're going to tell three stories a past story a present story and a future story and I'll tell you why in a second it says talk about an email you received okay so Jay from e2 language must be wrong because it's saying talk about one email that you received in the past you are you allowed to talk off-topic the answer is yes I'm gonna talk you through what the IELTS examiner's are listening for and how they grade you okay there are four things they grade you on all kind of five this one here is called fluency we is how smoothly you speak the other one here is coherence which is how well you connect your paragraphs together how well-structured your speech is this one lexical resource means vocabulary then you've got grammar and you've got pronunciation there is nothing here about topic okay and in fact what I did is I emailed an IELTS examiner and I said to this guy I said hey I've got a great strategy for IELTS speaking which maximizes IELTS test scores is this okay and he emailed back and he said to me yes this is fine your strategy is really good because the speaking questions are not like the writing and being a little tangential or speaking off topic is fine if you're on YouTube you can pause this and read the rest of it if you want but basically this is evidence from an IELTS examiner that this strategy I'm about to teach you not only works but is is is legal it's possible you're allowed to do it it's intelligent it's smart so let's have a look at it so you get one minute preparation time and this is extremely important before you start talking for the two minutes and you want to do this in the past recently in the future these are your three time markers for your three stories then on the piece of paper you'll say well for me anyway I'm talking about the email some keywords so this is what I write down in the one minute in the past South Korea recently e to students future in the future Robert Sapolsky that's all I write down on my piece of paper in the one minute preparation time in the past recently in the future and then the three key words that will remind me of my three stories I'm going to tell a past story about South Korea an email I received about South Korea my present story will be about e to language students and my third story is going to about an an email from a guy called Robert Sapolsky that's all I need to do write that down I take a deep breath and I relax and I wait for the IELTS examiner to say okay you can begin fine and I'm gonna use an introductory sentence this is the I so I'll say today I would like to talk about three different emails and immediately the IELTS examiner's thingy oh this person's interesting they've obviously done their homework they've got a structure in a strategy and I say to the IELTS examiner this in the past I received an email from the boss of a South Korean university I received the email because I had applied for a job there and when the email appeared in my inbox I knew that I either had the job or I didn't so it was very exciting needless to say that the email was good news saying that I had been accepted to teach at the University this was about six or seven years ago now but I can still remember it very clearly in my mind because I had just finished my teaching degree and I was desperate for a job and to travel overseas so what have I done here I've you I've told a past story and I've triggered my mind to use past tense verbs and told a past tense story by using this phrase here in the past and why is this good because look at my verb tenses received received had applied past perfect appear new had didn't was was had been accepted I've used a range of past tense verbs simple past what else is in there past perfect I've used some negatives some passives and I've told a past story and the IELTS examiner is looking at me and listening to me and thinking well this guy is good this guy is good and and I've also connected it to the idea of the email I've told about who sent it to me it was the boss when I received it about six or seven years ago what the content was that I got the job and I explained why I liked it because I wanted to get the job fine so I'm on topic and I've told my past story then I tell a present story and I trigger I trigger my mind to use different verbs by using this word here recently recently I have been receiving emails from lots of my students for me to language usually saying that they are extremely happy because they have received the English test scores that they need it I really enjoy receiving these emails because the students are overjoyed and it means that they can stay in Australia or migrate from their country to another country to work or into university the content of the emails is usually very emotional and full of smiley faces and exclamation marks I love receiving those types of emails so I've used a present perfect continuous verb a present simple a present perfect a past tense a present simple present simple present simple present simple sorry he's a modal verb present simple present simple by this stage the examiners thinking holy moly I have to give this guy a 9 because he just used a range of past tense verbs now he's using a range of present tense verbs but it's not over yet mister examiner because I'm going to tell you a future story and I'm going to trigger my brain to tell a fib see I'm going to trigger my brain to tell a future story by using this little phrase in the future I would like to receive an email from Robert Sapolsky who is one of my favorite academics he's an evolutionary biologist and primatologist I wrote to him a long time ago but he never replied it was a piece of fan mail I guess so yes if if he replied I would be extremely ecstatic as I'd love it if he received my email and appreciated it by now the IELTS examiner pretty much cannot give me a score below eight I mean if as long as my pronunciation is good and my grammars straight by telling these three stories using all of these different verb tenses and now in my future stories I've used a range of modal verbs which are really quite tricky to use but I would like to receive ears is past tense that's fine past tense past tense I've mixed it up a little bit conditionals if he replied I would be ecstatic I would love it if he received and appreciated so it's pretty straightforward if you use this system and again why would it get an IELTS nein well as long as you're as long as you speak fluently here this is structure or coherence structure the structures there because of the three stories one of the things that I see IELTS examiner's do which is terrible if you're an IELTS examiner's they get their task card they have no strategy and they'll talk about one story and what they will do is that would just go round and round and round and round in circles they'll say once I received an email from my girlfriend and it was really nice and so the email was from my girlfriend and I was very happy when I received it and yeah and and my girlfriend sent Ben the email and it was it was and the IELTS examiner's like oh no this is terrible there's no vocabulary there's no mixture of grammar it's just going there's no structure round and round and round and of course the story lexical resource or vocabulary remember all of those verbs and here the grammar those verbs as well this one pronunciation you might require some feedback from e to language comm if you do feel like you need that so let's try it actually it's IPPF I've just introduced the introduction so I'm going to give you one minute to prepare and on your piece of paper in front of you we're going to do this I want you to speak for two minutes on your piece of paper I want you to write this down you can memorize the introduction if you like today I would like to talk about three different emails but on your piece of paper I want you to write in the past and your first point okay in the past and your first point whatever your past email experience is then I want you to write recently and one that's happened recently or is happening now and a future email from somebody you would like okay I'm going to give you one minute to prepare and two minutes to speak your preparation time starts now okay you now have two minutes to tell me your three story speak at a moderate play at the moderate pace speak clearly and split your stories into three one pass one present one future your two minutes starts now that's just over one minute you have fifty seconds left and stop that's two minutes how was that was it helpful I personally I think there's really no other way to do this it speaking about one email for two minutes is just good luck that's that's really tough now what I want you to do is into the comment section below I want you to give yourself a score out of nine I want you to think about how you went in terms of fluency how smoothly you spoke in terms of coherence or structure of your speech how good was your vocabulary did you use lots of different verbs and your grammar was your your verb tenses your articles prepositions everything okay and your printer excuse me your pronunciation so give yourself a score from IELTS four to IELTS nine and put it into the comments below I'll be interested to read them to see what you think of that by the way I should just mention here if you are struggling with your IELTS please stop trying to do it by yourself this is a really tricky test language is a really tricky Beast if you need help check out eetu language comm check out the packages we have where we give you feedback and tutorials and methods and strategies and all sorts of stuff as well as live classes every night of the working week cool all right let's do another one I want you to try again this time I'm not going to show you the section am i I can't remember this time this is your task card here this is your task card just let me see what I've got yes we're going to do it again the task card says talk about an interesting neighbor you have had you should say this person is how often you see him or her how long you have known him or her and explain why you think this person is interesting again you're going to have to talk about three people so I want you to use these notes let's do one more you have one minute to prepare starting from now you now have two minutes to tell me three great stories about an interesting neighbor starting now that's one minute you have one minute left and stop that's two minutes how did you go was that did it make it easier again type into the chat below the comments section what you believe you would have scored out of nine and while you're there please click like and subscribe to this channel so you don't miss out on any of the videos we produce okay someone in the YouTube chat just asked a good question and said Jay this PPF strategy won't work for all topics what happens for example if it says talk about a person you admire okay well let's just do this let's see how this can work you need to be creative but talk about okay let's change it a person whoopsie sorry my writings terrible person you add my yeah okay a person you admire so we want to talk about the past president and the future so in the past I would talk about my grandmother okay she's recently deceased but she is someone that I admired so I could talk about my grandmother presently I'll talk about my boss I admire my boss okay in the future I would like to admire my children or my child okay you have to be creative with this you if it talks about a book talk about it your favorite book talk about your favorite book as a child a book you're currently reading and talk about a book that you would like to read by a new author let's keep thinking of different examples what about if it says I don't know talk about what was mine what was mine I can't remember my topic from my when I did the IELTS ah no my topic was talk about an experience that made me happen that made me angry that's right because it was quite a personal one so sure I could talk about when I was six years old and my brother stole my bicycle that made me angry present recently I've been having arguments with a colleague at work and in the future maybe I would say I don't want to be angry any anymore with people and I could talk about how I'll use a strategy to not be angry or something like that again you're not speaking off topic there is no such criterion about speaking off topic of course if you start talking about your favorite day at the beach when they've asked you about being angry yes the examiner is going to mark you down on vocabulary but only because you're completely off topic as long as you're around the topic it's fine there's nothing the examiner can do they're just listening to your grammar vocabulary fluency pronunciation and structure that's it so again just be creative it also raises another interesting point that I'd like to talk to you about which is and I'm just being reminded from when I did my IELTS is you don't need to tell the truth this is not a test of honesty or anything like that it this is a test of just language skills and you're telling a story and stories are often untrue you're not being dishonest at all by doing this like for example let's say that talk about a book that you would like to read in the future maybe I I would like to read a book that I'm going to write in the future whatever it doesn't need to be truthful you can just let your mind go with the story try not to restrict yourself or be too worried about being honest with this IELTS examiner the IELTS examiner doesn't care if you're telling the truth or not the IELTS examiner just cares again about your vocab grammar pronunciation fluency and structure that's it cool right now what did my notes look like so this is what my notes looked like on test day and I wouldn't I wouldn't have that I probably I would just memorize the introduction and I would just have this so talking about my neighbors so in the past I had a fabulous neighbor named John this was when I was about six years old he was the most lovely lovely man that I've ever met I used to go up and work for him in his garden because he was actually quadriplegic and he was in a wheelchair we became extremely close friends and I used to visit him every single day after school I knew him until he died which was about three years ago then I'll move on to my present story more recently my next-door neighbor is a girl named Kristen she's very lovely she rides a red Vespa and she's extremely trendy sometimes she I see her smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee at the front of the cafe we often have chats about what we're doing with our jobs bla bla bla bla bla future in the future I would like to have no neighbors at all to be quite honest I would love to live in the countryside one of the good things about living in the countryside is that you do not have to have close neighbors so you don't have to worry about music or hearing people shout at each other or whatever it is again I'm just being creative I'm just letting the the words come to me cool alright let's move on to part three part three is where you discuss big ideas with the examiner I also call it the discussion but the key here is that you want to be interesting and philosophical and fascinating you want to walk out of that IELTS examination and you want the IELTS examiner to go whoa that guy is really interesting or that girl is really smart or she has really interesting ideas you need let's face it IELTS you're speaking to a human being right and you want to move that human being emotionally if you can do that by being interesting by being deep even by being emotional and sometimes it's gonna be hard because you're going to I don't know things will come up in this exam like I just discussed my neighbor who I was friends with for example just do that it's fine try not to restrict yourself move that IELTS examiner to give you the you know to go from the 7 to the 8th so how do we do this well let's just do a bit of practice this really is just deep conversation so one of the questions that follows on from the task card might be something like this do you think you should be friends with your neighbors and what you do here is you apply the strategy that we looked at in part one which was to simply elaborate but also be philosophical and deep so let's just do this I'm just gonna give you twenty seconds to answer this question your time starts now the question - do you think people were more or less friendly with their neighbors in the past 20 seconds starts now question three do you think neighbors are more important in the countryside or the city 20 seconds starts now you cool alright guys if you need help with any part of your IELTS do check out WWE to language comm you can sign up for free or you can be adventurous and sign up for one of our paid packages which will be extremely helpful for you when you do take your test cool that's all from me for now what I'll do now is go to the chat and answer some of your questions as for the rest of you if you're on YouTube as I said please click like please leave a comment and do feel free to subscribe alright
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 659,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, IELTS general, IELTS academic, IELTS e2, IELTS jay, ielts speaking, ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking part 3, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking help, ilets speaking, ielts speaking 8, ielts speaking 9, ielts speaking 6.5, ielts speaking sample, ielts sample, ielts speaking 7.5, IELTS ppf, e2 ielts speaking, speaking ielts, ielts 9 speaking, ielts 9, ielts band 6.5, ielts band 8, ielts speaking mock test, e2 ielts, e2,, E2
Id: OXvQ-_3IZts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2017
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