10 Essential Tips you need to know 3 days before the IELTS Speaking test

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to the ielts multi-step program my name is landry youssef your usual anchor throughout the duration of this program um first of all i'd like to say thank you to all of our viewers all of our subscribers who have been watching and giving us feedback on how the contents that we've been sharing has been really helpful for them in their ielts success story the feedback we give to us allows us to revamp our program and to also touch on the areas that you find most difficult that you find most challenging so that other people who are preparing for the test can benefit from your own mistakes or from your own pitfalls one of the most significant areas that people give a lot of complaints about in the speaking tests and this is quite surprising for us here at our studios we consider the speaking test to be one of the easiest areas to pass in the aisles however there are some there's some last minute um checkup that people want to get when they want to do the speaking test what i've made last minute checkup uh these are the tips that you want to hear and are two hours 24 hours or even a week before your speaking test and that's what i'm going to be sharing today so today we're going to be dealing with 10 essential tips that you should know three days before your test the three days before your test could also be extended to three months before your test three weeks before your test and it could also be just a whole year before your test however these tips come the duration which which you will use them is dependent on your own level of preparation without further ado let's jump right into this video the first and most important tip that you need to know about the speaking test is this you need to practice speaking english now this is a very funny tip that a lot of people disregard and i'd like to please explain this a bit now english language has different variants we have the formal official english language that we speak in our places of work at our schools and we have the pidgin english that we speak with probably on the street and we have the hybrid kind of english that we speak with our friends which is quite informal a lot of people are used to the informal english language that they speak and um before they write the speaking text before they go for the speaking test they do not find any way to put themselves in the situation or context where they need to use official or academic or formal english and this is a problem which is why a lot of testicles get into the example and they sort of revert back into their informal state so you have someone speaking on on the day of the speaking test and it's going uh as in i think you know like like like and they keep on saying like like like which are speech fillers that are commonly used during informal speech as a matter of importance you need to find at least an hour or two hours of every day in the three days before you take the speaking test to practice speaking formal or official english language with someone who can sound we can serve as an accountability partner for you this could either be a tutor it could either be a friend who is committed to your success it could either be your spouse or a partner or you could either be your study partner whatever you do you need to find someone who puts you on your toes who is able to assess your speaking competence before you do the test if you do not have access to this one thing that you can do is to ensure that you put yourself in situations where you need to use english language as formally as possible these contexts include speaking at work making presentations at work making presentations in class if you're a student or even just generally gisted with your friend but trying to elevate the quality of your language this is a very important tip that you need to do remember success in the ielts is really predicated on how much you practice and practicing the speaking needs you to put yourself in that same exam context the second tip that we're going to be looking at today is this there are no right or wrong answers in the ielts speaking test this also applies for the ielts right in this as much as i've said this over and over in all of the videos people seem not to get this there are no right or wrong answers in the ielts speaking test a classic example of a question that you could get in the ielts weekend test is this um so a topic smile smile is a topic so one of the questions on that smile uh in part one is who smiles more men or women do men smile more than women or do women smile more than men or who smiles more between men and women now that's a question that doesn't have a right answer no i just have a wrong answer all he needs you to do is to give your own opinion if you say oh i believe that men smile more because they are they are actually quite hard their nature is actually quite hard and harsh so they need to smile to take off the edge oh i believe that women smile more because they need to look beautiful or they like to look beautiful and their smile makes you beautiful whichever one of those two answers would be correct what the examiner would be interested in is how i convey my message not in the content of what i'm saying trust me any reason i give for men smiling will be valid or relevant in the ielts as long as it is grammatically correct and it makes sense in the context of the question any reason that i give for women being the sex that smiles more than the gender that smells more will be correct as long as it is coherent and it is logically arranged what the examiner is more concerned about are what are the words that i'm using to convey my ex my message how did i arrange the words how did i order the words am i fluent did i pronounce the words correctly did i use the correct tenses in conveying my message that is the focus of the ielts that is what makes your answer right or wrong not the content of your answer it's very important for us to note this before we go into the speaking test so that we don't get caught up in that moment of pans where we're thinking that when we're second guessing our answers and we're already thinking that we have the wrong answer for a question that we believe requires in-depth knowledge or intelligence the third tip follows right on the heels of that and it is that the ielts questions the ielts answers sorry the ielts answers in the speaking test are based solely on your opinion now there's a slight caveat here the part one questions there are three parts in the speaking test as we all know the part one is uh questions that are derived from a general context and that are based on your personal experience what do i mean by this most of the information that you're going most of the illustrations of the examples that you're going to use to extend your answer in the past what are going to be based on things that you have personally experienced because the questions are also fashioned along that line did you smile a lot when was the last time you smiled and was the last time you were in a place where where was the last time you were in a place where other people were smiling all of these questions have a you you tag attached to them whereas in part three the question of a much more general context they have a much more general context where they are asking for what in general populist or what a wider section of society thinks or feels about a particular concept okay so the question about who do you think smiles more men or women will be a part of the question well the question about what was the last time you were in a place where people had to smile a lot would be a part one question whichever part of the test the questions come from they are all based on your opinions which means that the only thing that would make them either correct or incorrect or valid or invalid will be the reasons that you use to back up your opinion or the examples that you use to illustrate or buttress your points it is very important that we keep it at the back of our mind immediately before we step into the example or even three days before we get into the exam part very very important that we note this the next tip that i have for us here which will be the first tip is this avoid repeating words used in the examiner's question avoid repeating words used in the examiner's question this is something that i have said over and over and over again and i discovered that a lot of our subscribers a lot of our audience who watch our videos who phone into the studio to request for a one-on-one speaking test with us still make that mistake and when i tell them that this is the score that they have and this is what accounts for that reduction in their score they act surprised please note this the ielts multi-step program is predicated on the power of synonyms and paraphrasing under no circumstance should you throw up that opportunity to display a level of high competence in your vocabulary usage which using synonyms gives to you anytime you're asked a question anytime you're given a sentence anytime you are you're giving a piece of information and you try as much as possible to rephrase it by either changing your word that's a synonym or by changing the whole sentence by practicing the whole sentence what you're doing is two things the first thing you're doing is that you are clearly indicating to the examiner that you understand the question if i have digested the question i should be able to replicate it or repeat it in my own words to show that i have understood the question the second thing that you're doing is that automatically you're getting high marks for vocabulary usage lexical resource is one of the most important criteria that is used in the ielts to assess your communicative competence if i can be asked a question that says what are the advantages of shooting videos and my response says there are many benefits to shooting videos but the most important one is that you look good just by changing the word advantages to benefit i am already a step higher than someone who was ahead to repeat the question another thing that repeating the question does is that it sort of waters down the quality of your responses it starts to sound as if you're apparent in what the examiner is saying and that in a way can help you can make you sound like a primary school student it's like you're just repeating you're chanting nursery rhymes so the examiner says um what is the most interesting thing about your city and you go the most interesting thing about my city is that no what is the most interesting thing about your city could be answered by saying my city has a lot of amazing places but i think the most engaging one or the most intriguing one would be this this this please as much as possible endeavor to do what to change words in the question especially if you are going to be one of those people who repeats questions before they actually give their answers what do i mean by that some people who cannot give a direct answer to a question without repeating the question first and that's not such a bad thing if you do what if you change some words if you rephrase the question that you are repeating if you do not repeat questions before you answer good for you still as much as possible try to change some key words in the question that has been given to you in your response this is a very very valid tip that can automatically boost your performance in the speaking test and ensure that you get a desired score that you want in the ielts test the next tip that we're going to look at is one that has been overflowed and i think that we just need to repeat it again speak clearly clearly this refers to you enunciating your words i'll take this back to an illustration that i will be drawn from the listening test in the listening test of the ielts you will discover that the path one and the part two the pace is a little bit slower the words are pronounced a little bit much more clearly than what you get in part three and part four by the time you get to the party and part four of the listening test there's uh an increase in the pace there's an increase there's a there's a less there's less disregard for clear enunciation the words are just sort of just jumbled together and there's no um there's no desire by the speakers to allow you to carry you along or to ensure that you can hear each word clearly your own model of speaking for the speaking test would be what you hear in your part one and the part two of the speaking tests in fact if you listen to this part two of the part two of the listening test what you usually have is a monologue you have one person giving a tour maybe a tour guide or you have a manager giving a job description you will discover that at this point in time there is a very concerted effort to ensure that you hear the words clearly any confused any confusing bit of information in the part two of the ielts usually is not from the fact that you can't hear the words usually from the fact that the words that i've used might actually be quite confusing to decipher or interpret but you would not complain of not hearing the words you are meant to replicate this in your speaking test speak as clearly as possible i've had situations where test takers start their response at this pitch and as they go on it starts going um and starts going down i wonder why are you reducing the volume of your voice when you are still in the midst of a particular sentence why are you trying to speak with an american accent that has you speaking so fast that each of your words cannot be clearly enunciated that we cannot even clearly hear them do not sacrifice your success on the altar of sounding work or sounding very how do i say it or sounding very foreign as much as possible speaking clearly is a much more important step to success than speaking fancy this is something that a lot of test takers still disregard and i wonder why and i wonder how they have the impression or have this idea that if they speak like a native english speaker when i say speak like a native english speaker i mean the way they sound that would get them higher scores no remember the speaking examiner is put there to facilitate the whole session that would in such a way that would enable you to give the best display of your speaking competence the questions that they ask you are meant to guide you into giving the best performance that you can give even when they interrupt you it is because they've gotten enough material to assess your communicative competence with not because they are wicked or not because you just want to just cut your flow so the everything that the speaking examiner does is designed to allow you to shine you need to take advantage of that opportunity given by speaking as clearly as possible the ielts speaking test is not a place to go and start and to revert into your shell no you need to be as boisterous you need to be as robust you need to be as productive as possible in the speaking test ensure that all the words that you're going to use are clearly enunciated in the speaking disc the next tip that we have here and there will be tip number six remember we're doing 10 tips essential tips that you need to know before you step into this call for the speaking test number six tip is this answer in as much detail as possible answer in as much detail as possible i'll take that once again answer in as much detail as possible a lot of times people answer the ielts questions with monosyllables people give short responses to questions in the aisles and the common excuses i don't know so much about that question no no no this is unacceptable completely unacceptable the ielts speaking test is simply that a test of your speaking competence the only way that i can assess the only way that i can judge if you can speak well or not is if you actually do speak and produce information so if my if your responses are short if your responses are one word responses to word responses there's no way that i'm going to have enough material to assess your communicative competence that way speaking with as much detail as possible is one surefire way of getting good points in the ielts speaking test now so the second part of that uh of that tip which is the complaint that people give and the most frequent excuse is mr larry i really do not know what to say about that question that is why i was my answer was just restricted to a yes or to a no or to it maybe also a i don't know the easy format for extensive for extending your answers in the ielts speaking test is as follows every time you make a claim you share an opinion or you share a view in the ielts those are the three things that you're going to be doing in the speaking test all through rather than making a claim sharing a view or sharing your opinion anytime you do any of the three the next logical thing for you to do is to give a reason or to give reasons why you made that claim reasons why you hold that view reasons why you have that opinion and after you give a reason or you give reasons the next thing to do after that is to give examples to illustrate so your format is opinion reason example view reason example claim reason example this way you are at least assured of giving two to three sentences as response to every question which automatically ensures that you're giving more detail than you would normally give and you're given enough sufficient detail for the examiner to judge or assess your communicative competence speaking with as much speaking answering in as much detail as possible is one surefire way to boost your success chances in the ielts speaking test and i would advise you that this is something that you should keep close to heart if you did if you indeed desire to pass in the aisles okay um the next tip and this has to do with grammar and i'm only going to give just one grammar tip throughout the whole of these 10 essential tips that you need for the speaking test use the correct verb in terms of tense and number use the correct verb in terms of tense and number and use the correct noun in terms of number so the basic tip is tense and number use the correct verb in terms of tense and number what do i mean by that did the thing happen in the past did it happen now or is it happening now or will it be happening in the future your verb that you're using must indicate any of this it can either be an ed verb which is in the past it can either be a verb that is happening now it is in the base form i sleep that is present i slip is habitual and i will be sleeping that is future and i slipped that is in the past use the correct verb in terms of tense use the correct verb in terms of number verbs also carry the plural and singular marker and this is quite strange for a lot of people when we hear singular and plural we usually think of nouns we don't think of verbs but hey there's news for you verbs also carry the the number markup which is singular and plural example larry goes to school larry goes to school goes there is a single adverb and you would see that it carries s now if it was plural it would be larry and tenny go to school landry and his brothers go to school now immediately the nouns immediately people in that sentence were more than one which is plural the verb also changed also so this is something we call the subject verb concord or agreement okay so larry and his brothers go to school maybe the verb change to plural the s was dropped that's a very important rule singular verbs carry s plural verbs do not carry s whereas singular nouns do not carry s while pure nouns carry s it might be quite confusing but just keep that um formula in your head singular verbs carry s plural verbs do not carry s singular nouns do not carry s plural nouns carry s okay so it will be the boy goes to school the boys go to school that's a very clear example the boy goes to school the boys go to school very essential so that grammar would not become the crotch that allowed that makes you feel the ielts okay please very important tip number eight pronunciation tip number eight is on pronunciation and this is something that we a lot of us overlook we confuse pronunciation with accents no pronunciation isn't accent i spoke about this area when i said you should enunciate your words to speak as clearly as possible this also has to do with pronunciation please as a non-native user of the english language your pronunciation is going to be followed by your native tongue there's nothing you can do about that as a non-native speaker or user of the english language your pronunciation is going to be colored by your mother tongue there's nothing you can do about that so even those who have negative competence we also have some areas some key areas where they are native tongue or their their first language still sort of just shows up or sort of shows up in their responses or in their speech so do not allow yourself to be so worried or bothered about your accent about your emotic accent about your eurovirus accent about your hausa accent about your cameroonian accent about your indian accent no your focus should be those words that you're pronouncing those words that you're using are you using them in such a way that they are clearly pronounced and using them in such a way that a noun that someone who does not speak your first language will be able to identify that this is an actual english word are you using those words in such a way that someone who is not a speaker of your own first language or your native tongue will be able to identify that this is an actual english word okay for example the arabs and people from the northern part of nigeria have a problem with the letter p and b p and b well the arabs mix of p would be so it would be the word swimming pool we call swimming bull the word swimming pool will be called swimming for the people from our brothers from the northern part of the country the letter p is often replaced with letter f for the sound f so instead of saying um the paper it could be favor okay it could be safer now fifa obviously is the wrong pronunciation now it is the wrong pronunciation now a native english speaker could say paper paper with the r at the end sounding well in a typical nigerian private evil or europa would say without the r sounded but if i say paper you understand what i'm saying it is you can identify the object that i am calling either i say paper or i say paper you will be able to identify the object that i am mentioning or that i am identifying that is what i mean by speaking clearly and initiating your words i'm not talking about um really really defective uh interferences with your language like fifa fifa doesn't mean anything so that would be obviously wrong so when people talk about pronunciation i think that illustration sort of um explains how important it is and to what extent you can take liberties with your pronunciation tip number nine use simple commonly used vocabulary use simple commonly used vocabulary this is such a bone of contention for a lot of test takers that i cannot just i marvel at how much we complicate things that do not need to be complicated the default mode for the average nigerian is to assume that the bigger the words the more the more high sounding the more advanced the words the better my uh communicative competence but here's news for you it doesn't mean that sometimes people who use the big jawbreaking words are actually in essence not communicating at all they might actually be saying rubbish whereas those who use simple commonly used words that are used in everyday speech by everybody actually do communicate more effectively and convincingly am i saying you should not use big grammar for lack of a better word no use relevant vocabulary where applicable use relevant vocabulary where applicable do not go out of your way to look for words that will make you sound um more competent that will make you sound more knowledgeable without adding anything at all to the message you're trying to pass across let me give you an example there's a candidate there's a client of mine who learns the word reiterate reiterate i use that word one of them in one of our classes when we're writing an essay and i told them that this is a very good word to use when you're writing your tie back in your essay the tie back is just a sentence that links everything you said in a paragraph to the thesis statement and i said you can use a statement that says this simply reiterates the importance of shooting videos okay that's the concept that you can use it so this person goes oh i like this word this big word i'm going to use this one in the exam and she notes it down in a piece in our notebook and crams the word and says i'm going to use it the next time we're having a speaking test so i go ahead and ask that question and i say um would you say your hometown is a good place for young people to leave would you say your hometown is a good place for young people to leave and she goes uh i would reiterate that young people and i'm like no you cannot reiterate when you read to it it means that you are re-emphasizing a point that you've made earlier so there's no point that richard would have come up in that high response because she was just trying to just sound uh advanced she was just trying to sound impressive and that is not the essence of using those advanced vocabulary if you're going to use um much more advanced vocabulary elements ensure that you know what they mean and ensure that they are relevant to the message that you're trying to pass across and not just using them because you want to sound impressive because you want to impress the examiner or because you feel that it makes you sound better that is not the essence if that is the point if that is the reason why you're going to be using advanced vocabulary i would advise you to just stick to your commonly used words that would allow you to express yourself convincingly remember the essence in the ielts speaking test is to say exactly what you mean to say say exactly what you mean to say use words that convey exactly the points that you're trying to convey do not use words that you feel sound like what you think you want to say as much as possible this is one of the reasons why a lot of people fail in the aisles you know they come out and you ask them how do you speak in text to go oh i killed it i was using so much big words the examiner was just nodding at the end of the day you checked their score it's about six it's about 5.5 and then you're wondering what you told me you did this and that and then they go oh but i did it i don't know what happened and then i go okay so let's run a practice test for you i just want to review and then i ask them the questions and then i see that there's this concerted effort to just impress by using words that are high falutin words that do not have any bearing at all on the message that they are trying to pass across to not one of these people do not fall into this trap yes so one of the tips that i want you to note and this is um like a tenth tip watch the examiner's mouth watch the examiner's mouth during the speaking test and why is this this is just to improve your chances of being able to decipher what the examiner is saying if i'm talking to you and you're only listening to me and you cannot see me you cannot in any way tell me that you have a better chance of understanding what i'm saying as opposed to than someone who can actually see me and actually listen to me too visual cues help i'm looking at the examiner i'm watching the examiner's mouth so even if there's a word that i might miss here that i might think that i didn't hear clearly if i'm watching the examination i can read your lips the word lips cannot be pronounced in any other way except lips if you're watching me you will not mistake that for nips because you would see that when i pronounced the word lips my thumb went to the roof of my mouth and i went lips as opposed to nips that had a much more natural sound in it so looking at the examiner's mouth allows you to improve your chances of figuring out what the examiner is saying especially in the part three of the speaking tests where the questions are a little bit longer the questions in part three a little bit longer so there's a tendency for you to miss out on one or two things in the question or even forget part of the question entirely but someone who's looking at the examiner's mouth who's also listening is better polished to grab the message in the question than someone who is trying to avoid eye contact with the examiner and i don't know why people do that well naturally we have different ways of interacting some people naturally do not like making eye contact which is not a problem in the ielts because you're not going to get scores extra scores for making eye contact or not making eye contact but what it does is that it improves or you boost your own confidence and it allows you to make a much more solid connection with the person that you're communicating with so even if you cannot make eye contact for the whole of the 15 minutes or 14 minutes that the test is going to take try as much as possible to at least three to four times during the course of the test look up and ensure that you make eye contact with the examiner or that you study the examiner's countenance of research to be able to decipher the information that the examiner is trying to pass across to you easily the final tip which is actually tip number 11 and supposed to be like an extra tip is be confident be confident be confident confidence is not overrated confidence cannot be overemphasized if you do know if you've seen all the questions for the speaking test prior to the day of the test you've seen the questions you've crammed all the answers and you get into that speaking test and you're fidgeting i can assure you that you will not be able to give out the information that you know that you've already crammed and even if you do give up that information you still will not get good scores because it will affect your delivery remember in the ielts the content is not the challenge the content is not our focus it is the delivery it is the words it is the how you express it that is our focus so even if i know the right answers and i know all the important intelligence high sounding brainy facts that i can use to answer the questions and my delivery is shaky i still fail confidence is king in the ielts speaking says you need a healthy lot of confidence which is why i always round up my speaking sessions by saying that before the day of the speaking test or when you are stepping into that speaking hall find your happy place find your happy place find your happy place confidence would allow you to give answers that are essentially wrong that you know i've wronged that you know you have little or no information about with such poise with such penance that the examiner would be forced to say well even if he was saying rubbish at least sell the rubbish in a very nice way to sell the rubbish in a convincing manner i wish you all the best in the ielts and please stay tuned to our channel and subscribe to our channel to get more information like this that you need to boost your chances of success in the ielts and also fast track your immigration process through writing the ielts just once and that's a guarantee that we always give just once using actives and ensuring that you get the best scores applicable in the test so i come here should i come your way once again my name is landry youssef and i'm your uncle for the ielts multi-step program [Music]
Channel: PrepClass IELTS TV
Views: 4,487
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Keywords: IELTS, ielts LISTENING, ielts WRITING, ielts READING, ielts test, ielts listening test, listening practice test 2020 with answers, ielts listening test 2020, ielts listening 8.0, ielts exam, ielts mod, ielts prep, ielts preparation, ieltsng, ielts nigeria, ielts idp, ielts british council, ielts speaking exam, ielts tips, ielts listening sample, ielts lagos, ielts speaking practice, ielts writing practice, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking sample, ielts ng, reading tips
Id: TRfluS-m-U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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