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hello there my name is Jay in this live class I'm going to be your IELTS examiner what we're going to do is this we're going to do a full test simulation for IELTS speaking I'm not an IELTS examiner but I have actually taken the IELTS before and I did get a 9 in IELTS speaking which what do you do I'm a native speaker it's not that fantastic however while I was taking this test I had a lot of insight into how you can get a high band score that's what we're going to do today so I'm going to test you I'm also going to show you seek nuts secret strategies they're not secret they're not secret wrong they're available and they're good they're powerful we created them here at e2 language comm so let's get started thinking about this just a quick overview of IELTS speaking well Cambridge University or the IELTS say that it's called interview long turn and discussion but this is a poor choice of words really what you're doing on test day is this part one you a small talk part two you're going to tell three stories using a super strategy part three you're going to discuss big ideas this is a better way to look at how to do IELTS speaking first of all I want to talk to you about meeting the examiner because well let's face it IELTS speaking is scary it's terrifying even when I did IELTS speaking I had nothing to lose I was just doing it for the experience of taking the test and yet I became really nervous so let's think about this and let's think about our nervousness because it's important first of all you have to understand you can't beg don't beg don't beg even if you desperately need that six point five or that eight the IELTS examiner has a set of rules and he or she can't bend those rules for you so just what you need to do is you need to have integrity you need to have integrity which means you need to be strong you need to be confident and you also need to bring the passport by the way the IELTS examiner he or she they eat you you're gonna walk down a corridor sit in a classroom the IELTS exam it will ask for a very simple question what is your full name and this I don't think is actually great and they're just asking for details they'll ask also ask you can I please see your ID so that's fine you hand over your passport passport and away you go just give me one second up needs I've just realized I don't have my drawing tool I need my drawing tool where's my drawing tool applications yes I need this thing so I can draw on the screen do to do yes I need that and I went red and I want it to be about so thick cool that's good all right we're back cool right part 1 part 1 is small talk and it's pretty simple all you have to do really is just elaborate which means extend the length of your answers in other words don't just give short answers to these questions it's actually a great opportunity to make a good first impression with the IELTS examiner so what do I mean by that I mean when the examiner asked you a dead simple question like where are you from don't just say Nepal or India or the Netherlands you want to give it a little bit more specific information extend the length of your answers give some adjectives maybe some adverbs like this and say something like well originally I'm from a small coastal town on the great ocean road but currently I am living in Melbourne in the big city and it's very different where I grew up for 10 seconds and what have I done I've used a number of different verb tenses some adjectives and adverbs and right from the get-go the examiners thinking oh okay this person's good so another one do you work or study I study boring you haven't used any verb to use to words and anyone could basically say that sentence so what you could say is yes currently I'm doing my master's degree in applied linguistics from the University of Melbourne it's quite an interesting course though I wish sometimes I had more free time so you're extending a little bit you're elaborating a little bit and and and that's that let's do it I just want you to say one sentence let's go back to this one here so I'm gonna ask you where are you from just in 10 seconds tell me so where are you from fine good and I'm gonna ask you this one do you work with this study or deal work fine ten seconds is all you need there right now what's going to happen is there's going to be a bit of a transition from stead simple small talk questions and all of a sudden the examiners gonna ask you something that well it didn't follow on from the previous questions for example when I did mine the examiner looked at me and said Jay do you like going to the cinema I thought what why are you talking about the cinema that's a weird question to ask but this is what will happen so it goes from where you're from and your work with study to what's your favorite movie something crazy like that so same thing just in 15 seconds I want you to answer this question what sort of accommodation what sort of accommodation do you live in you five or three to one cool fine so for me I would say well interestingly I've just moved in with my girlfriend into a one-bedroom apartment just down near the river in Melbourne it's not too far from here it's an old building I like it Alliance very beautiful and the good thing is has cheap rent cool lots of adjectives lots of verbs lots of beautiful words nice sentences not too complex though this is where it starts to get tricky this is part two you need to tap well the IELTS people call this the long turn and they expect you to speak for two minutes on one topic and that makes it not only hard a nerve-racking it's almost impossible to talk about a mundane topic like what's your favorite book for two minutes can you imagine that is tough seriously tough what most ion's candidates do and this is the reason why they don't get good scores is they choose one story one book and they talk about it for about 35 seconds and there's still a minute and a half left and they've run out of ideas so what they might do is they just tell the same story again and again and again three times and the best you'll get for that is probably an IELTS six if you really want to extend yourself you need to use a good strategy this is what we call PPF just before I get to PPF just let me explain what happens here so what will happen is the examiner will give you a task card right like this I will hand you some a piece of paper and say I want you to talk for two minutes on this topic here and you will take the task card and you look at it you'll have no idea what it's about you'll have then you'll have one minute to prepare and then you have to talk for up to two minutes on this task card yeah it's kind of hard it's kind of hard this is what the task card might look like for example I hand you something like this it says talk about a law you believe is important you should say which law it is why people follow it whether people break it and explain why you think it's important not easy right not easy plus you're nervous you're sitting there and you kind of think you're sweating you're cold you're thinking oh god what am I going to do you need a strategy absolutely need a strategy so let's think about this strategy we call it PPF a t2 language what that means is past present future in fact what you're going to do is tell three stories you're going to look at this task card and you're going to tell a past story about it you're also going to tell a present story and you're going to tell a future story you're going to tell three stories PP if this makes it so much easier but I see a lot of you saying but it says I'll or you're thinking Jay what are you doing you're gonna make me fail because that task card says talk about aa law one law I'm not doing this I'm going to fail well you're not and I'll tell you why you're not going to fail this thing here is what is called the IELTS criteria Lumi why can I remove that look there we go IELTS criteria or the band descriptors this isn't this is an IELTS nine okay there are three sorry four things one two three four things that the IELTS examiner listens for while you're speaking let's start with number four this is pronunciation fine that's the clarity of your speech number three this is grammar this means not just are you accurate but how much grammar do you have to express what you want to say number two they call lexical resource that what that really means is just vocabulary do you have the words to fit into those grammatical structures do you have lots of adjectives do you have lots of nouns lots of verbs and can you actually put those verbs into the correct tense can you use the right prepositions etc there's actually two related to number one there's first of all there's coherence coherence and that means that you have a well-structured what that really means is structure a good structure to your story and there's one here called fluency which is related which means basically how smoothly and effortlessly help easily you can speak now I don't know about you but there's nothing here there is nothing here and these are the same criteria that the examiners used this is what the examiners used to grade you there's nothing here about speaking on topic nothing about speaking on topic you are it's not like the essay in writing task 1 & 2 if you write off topic your score will go down but for speaking the task card is just a guide it's just a guide you do not have to use it exactly now just to prove this what I did recently was I emailed an IELTS examiner and I asked this person who I'm going to keep secret I said excuse me mr. IELTS examiner is it ok if somebody speaks off topic a little bit in their exam because I have a fabulous strategy that makes them get higher scores and this is what he said he said this quote the speaking questions are not like the writing and being a little tangential that means going off-topic a little bit is fine the candidates are marked completely according to the descriptors these things here this is how you're marked and the public version is basically blah blah blah it's the same one that the examiners use having said that if a candidate started talking about their day at the seaside instead or answered every question with a completely different topic then we might start to judge their vocabularies what wide enough bla bla bla bla bla there's always someone who decides to memorize a Hollywood script and then recite it word-for-word whatever the question which might lose them plenty of grammar and accuracy marks as well basically what he's saying is telling the three stories is absolutely fine what's not fine is memorizing something completely different because if I ask you to talk about law and you start talking about your favorite food you're going to lose a lot of points but if I ask you about law and you tell me three stories instead of one that is absolutely fine cool now let's work out how to do it because you get one minute preparation time before you have to speak and this is really critical time critical time all you have to do look let me tell you what happened to me actually being the English teacher and IELTS expert that I am I basically sat there for one minute and lost my mind I just stared at this task card I had the pen in my hand and I just for one minute thought what the hell am I gonna speak about I wish I used this strategy I wish I used this strategy we would have made my life a lot easier instead what I could have done which would have made it so much easier and so much better was I could have just written down three words really to jog my memory PPF the past present future that's when I need to write down on my piece of paper while I prepare then under each of the I need to just remind myself of the story I'm going to tell so when I look at this task card about a law well the first thing that came back to me actually was a past story about when I lived in Indonesia and they passed a new laws for people to wear motorcycle helmets great so I can what law is it why people follow it whether people break it and why I think it's important right I've got one I know that one the present story well excellent because I recently got a fine from the police about a law that I think is not well I don't think it's very cool it's not a good law and the future one well I had to think of one in the future law that I'm going to talk about is no helmets for bicycles fine the thing is here with that future law do I really believe it no you also should realize while you're doing IELTS nobody likes the line I don't think people should lie in society I think lies are terrible I think honesty is beautiful but you know I'm speaking it doesn't matter this is outside of normal society this is you're sitting there with the examiner you're trying to get a high score it's a language test it's not an honesty test so you can not you can tell not the truth you can bend the truth you can tell white lies it's absolutely fine so for the future line I'm going to tell a bit of a lie I don't believe it but I'm going to say it now we need an introductory sentence because it's nice to memorize one sentence so we know how to start our talk well you should start like this today I would like to talk about three topics well what are the topics it depends on your task card today I would like to talk about three laws or three books or three influential people so you just memorize that phrase today I would like to talk about three whatever the task card says now we're going to move into our past story I'm going to get you to do this in a minute by the way I just want to show you my first and then you can do yours so this is my past story and I look at my notes and I'm going to say this I said when I was about 20 years old I lived in job Jakarta in Indonesia it's a wonderful city anyway while I was there the government brought in a new law that people had to wear helmets on their motorcycles prior to that there was no law against riding a motorcycle without a helmet it was really interesting witnessing the law change overnight people followed the law I think simply because they didn't want to be fined for riding without a helmet I don't think that people broke the law after that because it became quite apparent that riding with a helmet on a scooter or motorbike is a lot safer so I've talked about a law I've talked about which law it is talked about why people followed it here whether people broke it here I didn't talk about that and why it's important well I actually kind of did I yes here down here I talked about that why is it good to use three different stories well in English as you know verb tenses refer to a past present or future so one of the main things that you're doing here by talking about a past story present story in a future story is that you're you an amazing variety of grammar to tell your stories plus it's just interesting for the examiner they sit there all day and they're bored out of their brains and you're gonna sit there and say you know what examiner I'm gonna tell you three great stories not just one what about the past what about the prison what about the future and all of these stories we'll use different verb tenses and so you're gonna think I'm great because my language is brilliant let me show you some of these verbs for example when I when I was I lived while I was brought had was uh people followed [Music] didn't there's a- fine there's a present one that's fine i can mix prison and past that doesn't matter but you can see all of these different all of these past tense verbs and when we move into the present tense story you're going to see some present tense verbs and in the future stories and future verbs present story recently i have been in trouble with the law with what i think is a terrible law about a month ago I was riding my scooter and I had my feet off the pigs a policeman pulled me over and find me two hundred and thirty three dollars which I was really annoyed at I think some laws should not be laws with fines but just warnings I don't think that what I was doing was dangerous towards me or anyone else I understand why most laws exist but there are some with the police who just warn you and that's that paying two hundred dollars for a minor infringement is really not the best use of police officers time although I understand that they must enforce the law all of a sudden I've used these different verbs have been think it's present tense now here I've got a few past tense ones that's fine I'm telling a little story inside the story that's okay but then I'm back to present tense verbs I don't think fine fine fine there's a past tense one that's fine I understand present tense should warn there's a present tense one ears I've gone from was two ears I understand so there's my present tense verbs cool right that's telling a past story and a present story is going to take about it makes it so much easier because you'll use about a minute a minute and a half of your time more like a minute and a half so you're going to have a little bit of time at the end usually it'll be less than the past and present story to tell your future story that's okay keep your future story short that's fine the future story is important because not only will you use future tense verbs but you will also use modal verbs and subjunctive like hypothetical phrases and this is the grammar that gets you towards the IELTS nine score let me show you what I mean I'm still talking about law and I tell a future story in the future I would like to see a change in the law so people can ride bicycles without helmets bicycles are far less dangerous than motorcycles so I think helmets should be optional it should be optional nice modal verbs it would be nice to see people right around melbourne without helmets like they do in some parts of europe it would make riding bicycles far less cumbersome and just all-around more enjoyable and that's about two minutes and by this stage the examiners thinking okay great that's what i want to hear so again why IELTS knowing what we've seen we've seen why now I want you to try this method and we're going to look at the same task card so I'm gonna give you one minute to prepare and think of three different stories to do with the law your one-minute preparation time starts now you you just going to check the chat 40 seconds left cool thirty seconds left think of those three different stories take a deep breath and relax you you okay I wanted to look at me I'm the IELTS examiner every 30 seconds I'm just gonna put up my hands and mention it but now I want you to tell me three great stories about that prompt card three different types of thirds or three verb tenses your two minutes starts now you you you you that's 30 seconds you you that's one minute you have one minute left you you you it's 1 minute and 30 you have 30 seconds left you you you okay and stop even if you hadn't finished if you're still talking the IELTS examiner will stop you this is not a bad thing it just means you've reached two minutes don't think that you've done something wrong it's great that you've reached two minutes now I am guessing that a lot of you finished a lot earlier and you probably finished your first story in about 15 seconds you need to practice this if you need help do go to e to language doc because we want tutorials with expert teachers if you need some serious help with your speaking do go to the website sign up to one of the packages and take some tutorials we also give you feedback on your speaking through the website as well as lots of practice material and other strategies all right now one thing you may have noticed that I was doing I was writing stuff down I wasn't really but sometimes the examiners will look at you and they will do that what are they writing down well they're referring back to the criteria that we saw before they're thinking about while you're speaking they're thinking okay how well structured how well structured is this person's speech they're thinking how fluent is this person how smoothly are they speaking are they hesitating they hesitantly searching for words or the words just appearing immediately they're also thinking okay is this person does this person have good vocabulary are they descriptive do they have good adjectives would nouns with verbs and with that are you using those verb tenses accurately not only that but here's the word range are using past present and future verbs as well as prepositions and adverbs and stuff like that pronunciation this is the big one are you speaking clearly are you would you be easily understood by me if you were to speak to me would your words just immediately make meaning in my brain or do I have to sort of think huh what was that word Oh banana ah I think I know what she's saying right so where did you speak clearly cool well then I probably should have showed you this before you did that actually anyway let's look at this here's how you should start we we we looked at the introductory sentence today I would love look today I would like to talk about three laws three books three people three actors three movies whatever there's your introductory sentence now to get you thinking in the past you used this phrase here in the past I lived in Indonesia or when I was young I lived in Indonesia and the laws there were really interesting present currently recently right now this will make you go present tense verb you want to go present tense verb here you want to go past tense verb and it's this phrase that'll make your verbs change recently will make you turn into I have present perfect I have be thinking about right now I am in prison I don't know about that future in the future will would so use these little phrases to start your three different stories because they basically make the right verbs appear very clever right be cool right now you're up to the third section by this stage you're feeling pretty good you've got your talk over and done with you've told three great stories the Adrenaline's starting to sort of wear off so you can sort of focus a bit more now you have to have a philosophical discussion with the examiner this examiner does not want to hear boring ideas this examiner is going to ask you some questions and this examiner wants you to give interesting philosophical deep answers to these questions you're going to have to draw upon your own experience of reading and watching movies on your university degree or whatever it is you need to discuss big ideas discuss big ideas not small ideas not boring you want big so the examiner will now ask you a question related to your task card so it's going to follow on from law or influential people or whatever is so my question is this what law should apply to all countries and you have to think on the spot and you just have to answer the content excuse me the content of what you say is not so important even if you say something really stupid it's okay just stay calm and use good grammar use good vocabulary the IELTS examiner won't mark you down for having a silly idea but you might say something like I think all horses should never be used in cities whatever something crazy will pop into your mind don't be embarrassed it's not about that so let me ask you this question and I want you to speak for about let's say 20 seconds okay what law wash should apply okay pretty you okay that's 20 seconds fine so you want to say something like listen I think there are universal laws that should be applied especially ones that protect children I think children are the most important things in this world and they're so innocent and I think it is only law and order that can protect children from things like starvation or abuse or slave labor or something like that I saw a documentary recently and it was talking about these children working in factories and I think that is the sort of thing that should be outlawed that should be bad it shouldn't be you shouldn't be able to use children in slave labor whatever I just made that up by the way I never saw a documentary about that it's beside the point I'm just speaking and trying to engage the examiner what is the view of lawyers in your country you you you okay and you can stop now if you didn't understand me when I said what is the view of lawyers in your country you can say sorry can you repeat that please and what I will do is the examiner you will not lose points I will just rephrase the question I'll say what do people think of lawyers in your country so for me I'd say Oh lawyers well it's true that lawyers have a bad name probably because they get paid so much money but to be honest I think they do a very good thing for society so it's probably believe that people are lawyers wages rather than thinking that they're actually bad people of course sometimes they charge too much for the types of work that they do but then again they do do pro bono work for people who are poor and in needs so I guess the view of lawyers in society is mixed in my country I'm just free-flowing and thinking about I'm using my knowledge and thoughts that I've had in the past to answer these questions cool that my friends is the end of that I hope that presentation was helpful if you do need help do check out the website go to e to language comm we also offer writing help which is just as good as this using strategies and structures that work right now though I'm gonna go to Q&A if you have any questions please type them into the chat Julia J could you please give your opinion about what is better to buy an IELTS book aiming for vocabulary night or to buy a book for general IELTS targeting vote I had to academic will have a slightly different type of vocabulary but not really about who I'm just guessing but about 2% of the words will be academic words more scientific words you should make sure that you have a good basic vocabulary that applies to IELTS general and then if you're doing academic you should search google or go to our website for an academic word list that will help you as well it's a good question devinder can we discuss three different laws in PPP yes and we did remember I talked about the Indonesian law I talked about my recent fine and run-in with the law then I talked about a future law of bicycle said that yes that's what PPP is sorry people you have three different things three different stories if you're on YouTube by the way please click like I would appreciate that and leave a comment if you don't mind what if I don't know much about my topic says richer well again you have to talk about the topic you can talk off topic slightly so you're just going to have to make do with what you can use that one minute preparation time just to think of those three stories then you're freestyling from there Davina I would like to talk about okay that's fine Prasanna will may be any deduction in points if I continue and stop me at the two minutes no you're not supposed to finish on time you have no idea how long two minutes is because you're just talking the IELTS examiner said Jay stop there and you say okay no problem [Music] cool sumit how to be more confident in our conversation practice feedback that's critical improve get good [Music] okay Russell says in case I misunderstand the question is it okay if I answer it No if you misunderstand the question ask the examiner to repeat the question so you can understand it don't start answering the question off topic that's not good say sorry can you explain that again more clearly please and the examiner will explain it to you again dinesh the embellished and digress method is the same for actually I think PPF is better than the digress but embellishing your stories is fine that applies to all do you think the objects prepare according to which country that I can't understand that the do they examine it I think what you're trying to say is is that the same is I out speaking the same in all countries yes it's standardized across across countries Susan while talking about part two shall we speak all three tenses or only speak a single tense well just use whatever tense is appropriate for that thought okay so the past present future is just a guideline to give you some used different tenses but in my present story for example I use past tense that's fine and in my past story I used a bit of present tense that's fine so it's not strict categories it's just a guideline for using different tenses it's me that J if what I have no clue about the topic at all okay so Smith has asked if the examiner asks a question you better bears in your country if what they just said is it better just to say sorry I don't understand you or just start talking just start talking doesn't matter just it's not kind of contradicted what I said before but if if you don't quite understand ask them to repeat and then talk but if you ask them to repeat and you still don't understand then just say anything joy will they lose marks if I do not finish my three stories no but you probably you might lose marks but you probably get better marks if you do fit in that future story at the end tundra if my English level is average one of the other ways to improve no this is a language test strannix law but only if you have grammar and vocabulary there's nothing you can do if your language is not there this is a language test that's why you should sign up to eat to get some help start building those fundamental skills and mmm fracture what if we get lost somewhere and forget what question was about yeah you can ask you can say sorry I'm can you repeat the question again that's fine ah assume it what should be the expression in the face in front of them and just if you're nervous you'll know that's just e here's the thing with anxiety and test taking people tend to fight anxiety and they tend anxious I think wishing that you're not anxious makes the anxiety worse accepting that you're anxious and going you know what I'm anxious my hands are shaking a bit my voice is quivering accept it and see it as an exciting thing not as a terrifying thing I learn a good phrase once and it's said that courage courage is the thrilling aspect of fear courage is the thrilling aspect of fear all fear has an exciting part to it find the exciting part of the fear don't worry if you make mistakes and your hands shake and you and you whatever that that's not what it's about Addie it's fine this is language it's tough it's messy actually what's the difference between general arts and academic arts is it depending for tougher level yes IELTS academic is slightly more difficult for writing list and reading listening and speaking are the same feel the fiercest persona and do it anyway yeah like that fee on the fear it's good it's good for you makes you think more clearly sometimes if you accept it I think it makes you feel more clear that think more clearly ah is it possible to ask for during the Tucker no you cannot I'm just gonna check it out what's happening on YouTube by the way if you're on YouTube still out there do leave a comment and give a thumbs up cool I better leave you guys to it I better go and prepare for my next webinar thank you very much for coming along I appreciate it I hope this helped and do check out the website if you need extra help to Lou you
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 755,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, IELTS general, IELTS academic, IELTS e2, IELTS jay, IELTS reading test, IELTS reading mock test, ielts speaking, ielts ppf, ielts e2, e2 language ielts, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking strategy, ielts e2language, e2 ielts, ielts course, e2 jay, ielts practice test, ielts test, ielts mock test, ielts lecture, ielts speaking test simulation jay, ielts prep, ielts hacks, ielts speaking test,, e2language ielts, e2, ielts preparation, E2
Id: _XNfAo6lY7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 15sec (2655 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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