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get started my name is Jay and I'm one of the teachers at e2 language comm in this lesson live class whatever you want to call it we're going to look at IELTS writing task 2 which most people find entirely confusing because while it's not simple is it there's a lot of writing that has to be done a lot of sentences a lot of words a lot of punctuation a lot of grammar a lot of vocabulary in fact it can be made easier in this one we're going to look at the advantages and disadvantages question type but what I'm going to teach you will apply to all of the different question types that you may see on test day the first thing you want to do is look at the question prompt of course you want to understand that question prompt and on test day it's going to look like this it's going to just give you a general instruction you should spend 40 minutes on this task write about the following topic then you're going to see the really important thing here and really you can ignore this other stuff you just want to focus here this one says University students are increasingly studying abroad as part of their studies do the advantages of studying abroad outweigh the disadvantages okay so it's asking us about students studying abroad is it good or is it bad or or does the goodness outweigh the badness now the thing is you may see clearly this word advantage or disadvantage other times it will say benefits and drawbacks might say positive and negative but either way this is the advantage disadvantage question type fine we need to look at it a bit more closely because there are three parts to this question prompt first one is a general statement it says University students are increasingly studying abroad as part of their studies this is just a general statement what this does is just sets the context of the essay every question prompt you see will have a first sentence general statement it's important because I'll show you in a minute why the second part of this one basically asks you what are the advantages of studying abroad okay it actually says do the advantages of studying abroad outweigh the disadvantages but we can look at this like this what are the advantages of studying abroad and the third part is of course what are the disadvantages of studying abroad so if we look at this question type there are three parts the general statement what are the advantages what are the disadvantages cool we've just understood that let's just think about the structure we're going to write a four paragraph structure and introduction to body paragraphs and a conclusion this is what the entire essay will look like sentence by sentence and what I want you to do is with me in this lesson is write a full essay sentence by sentence from beginning to end we're going to skip paragraph two because we'll do that in paragraph one so effectively we're writing the introduction paragraph one and the conclusion and I'm going to show you mine as we go alright let's start with the introduction how do we write the introduction well the introduction looks like this this is the first part of the essay and if we look closely at it it has three sentences sentence one we rewrite the general statement in our own words okay that's easy that's a good way to get started I know exactly how to start my essay on test day sentence two we mentioned main advantage and disadvantage okay that's easy enough so what's the main advantage of studying abroad what's the main disadvantage of studying abroad we mentioned that in one sentence fine and then centered three give your opinion okay so do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages let's do it let's write sentence one we need to rewrite this general statement in our own words it says University students are increasingly studying abroad as part of their studies introduction rewrite that general statement you have two minutes to do this rewrite this in your own words to mean exactly the same thing but just rephrase it write it differently two minutes starts now Herman says more and more tertiary students are studying overseas recently good well done perfect Mohamed says trend of studying in different other countries is going to increase no it's currently increasing it's not going to increase it's currently increasing so you say the trend of studying in another country is currently increasing make sure you write the exact get the same meaning but just in different words the trend of studying in another country is currently increasing good well then 30 seconds left pseudo says growing number of university students a growing a growing number of university students up to study abroad nowadays good perfect Julia says the students at the universities tend to complete this study overseas not quite Julia you've missed the increasing part about it Nisha says currently many people are preferring to study abroad at universities good not bad well done Maria says nowadays people are likely to continue to study in the developed countries no it's got nothing to do with developed countries it's just about studying abroad make sure you get the exact meaning we don't want to add in more information or write anything inaccurate Maria says there is an increasing amount of students studying in a foreign land good but I would say there is an increasing number of students studying in foreign countries good Ashida says tertiary institutions students are focusing on pursuing the studies in other countries excellent well done we've just written the first sentence of our introduction here's mine ok so I'm going to capture the same meaning University students are increasingly studying abroad as part of their studies I wrote many university students routinely study in other Institute's around the world as part of their degrees good so this sort of increasingly and I wrote routinely that's it actually I think some of yours were better than mine here but I've captured the main idea here ok I've just rewritten it that's that's all you have to do to start your essay which is great because it relieves a lot of anxiety because you know how to begin cool and we've just written the first sentence so let's move on to the sec second sentence which says mention main advantage and disadvantage singular one of each so one sentence what's the main advantage and what's the main disadvantage I want you to try and write this in a single sentence you may want to use a structure like although blah blah blah blah blah blah or despite blah blah blah blah blah blah let's see if we can get two ideas into the one sentence two minutes you you Maria says although studying abroad can give them the students the opportunity to learn other languages and cultures it can cost them more compared to to their countries good well done Mohammed said students can get some major courses which are not available in their own country and some Advanced Study available abroad good but there's no disadvantage there Mohammed I want I want an advantage and a disadvantage in the one sentence using a structure like although they can get this advantage there is this disadvantage Hermann no homo not yet whoopsy I just realized if I look at YouTube you can't see my screen so I apologize I won't do that again good spencey of good so that's the disadvantage expense services the foremost benefit of pursuing higher education from overseas could be more cultural difference awareness however on the downside it could cost them far more than in their own country good well done so you've got cultural awareness as the advantage and you've got cost as the disadvantage that's fine ruchi says although students get to learn and meet people getting used to the culture takes a lot of time good I agree I agree I agree and I wrote something kind of similar to you guys I wrote this and I started with an although sentence because when you use an although blah blah blah blah blah blah or despite blah blah blah blah blah blah you can put both the disadvantages and advantages in one sentence so I wrote this all those students will often struggle with cultural and linguistic challenges while abroad they will also gain significant life experiences that will reward them later on in their careers cool so what's my advantages well significant life experiences and I put that at the end the first idea though I put is the disadvantage was cultural and linguistic challenges or cultural challenges and language challenges other disadvantages the advantages are the significant life experience and now my essay is going to be about that from this sentence I now have my two paragraphs that I will write one paragraph will be about language and cultural challenges of studying abroad a second paragraph will be about how you can benefit your life from personal experience okay cool let's we've done sentence two now we move on to sentence three we need to give our opinion so I'm going to show you mine so which do you think is better studying abroad or not this is what I wrote and I'm going to go back so you can write yours in a second in my opinion students are far better off having studied in a different country despite the challenges that they will inevitably face so my opinion is that the advantages outweigh disadvantages I've outlined them if this is my introduction now I'm going to move from here into my paragraphs to give more and more details let's go back though because I want you to write your opinion which do you think is better studying abroad or not you you you you all right let's have a look at some of these answers what are your opinions Julia says I believe that the positive points of studying overseas surpass the negative aspects good well done what else we got this is an easy sentence to write ruchi says in my opinion studying abroad opens new avenues and certainly outweighs the disadvantages excellent neasha says in my opinion studying abroad has many advantages then has more advantages than disadvantages Mohammed says in my opinion Commerce studying abroad is more beneficial even though it is costly good Mohammed good good good Sudha says in my opinion students will benefit more by studying overseas even though they may have to pay significant amounts of money well done cool bananas and guess what we've just done we have just written our introduction three sentences first one we rewrote the general statement second one we mention the advantage and disadvantage third one we gave our opinion and it's a beautiful introduction it looks like this I'm going to read it to you many university students routinely study in other Institute's around the world as part of their degrees all those students will often struggle with cultural and linguistic challenges well abroad that will also gain significant life experiences that will reward them later on in their careers in my opinion students are far better off having studied in a different country despite the challenges that they will inevitably face sixty-six words for that introduction good and that's what it is it's those three sentences fine how do we write a paragraph okay how do we write paragraph one well we're going to learn how to do it I want you to do it and the same principles will apply to paragraph two so if we learn how to do this one then we can write the next one no problem so your first paragraph I'm going to talk about the advantage and my advantage that I said was culture what did I say what did I say our significant life experience like personal growth so I'm going to write a paragraph about how studying abroad can lead to personal growth that's my advantage that's my one main advantage okay sentence 1 I'm going to outline that main advantage sentence 2 I'm going to give reasons why studying abroad leads to personal growth sentence 3 I'm going to give some examples maybe even personal examples sentence 4 I'm just going to restate that main advantage of personal growth let's do it together so let's start with sentence 1 what's the main advantage of studying abroad elaborate on your introductory idea what's the main advantage one sentence say in different words what your main advantage is in more detail all right let's have a look at some of these answers I'm sorry I can't look on YouTube but there's a delay so I'm just answering people in the webinar now but keep putting your comments in to the live chat on YouTube put together your whole essay at the end we will come away with the entire essay so it's worth your time what have we got Herman says one argument put forward in favor of the prime benefit is to gain plenty of experience from other countries cultures and other international friends okay so you've split it off into two ideas you're talking about culture and friends so just choose one just choose one Richie says students get to learn a lot during the study abroad good that's fine it's a simple clear sentence that's fine sometimes simplicity and clarity a far better than complexity if you can't control your sentence Suda says one of the main advantages of studying overseas is becoming more aware of cultural differences between countries beautiful well done moment said some major courses are not available in most of the countries so that it is necessary to move in some advanced countries okay good yep that's fine good that's fine well done Julia the crucial beneficial factor of having the opportunity to study abroad is that this provides more options for a future career good well done you've got a single idea there that's fine you're going to elaborate on that in next three sentences Maria says the main point which can be claimed as an advantage of studying abroad is that students may experience other cultures languages good I said that rude she says most of the studies are based on practical exposure where they get to do something hands-on fine what did I write I wrote this I wrote this the greatest benefit that's a nice way of saying that the biggest advantage the greatest benefit of studying abroad is that students will have life experiences that will improve themselves as people that would have been otherwise impossible if they had only studied in their own countries it's a very complex sentence I'm going to talk about complex sentences at the end of this lesson by the way this is the type of sentence that an IELTS examiner looks at and thinks whoa okay this guy or this girl's got some got some skills cool but as I said simple sentences if you're real if you're not confident with your grammar choose a simple sentence any day of the week so let's have a look at this what's the main advantage well well well if life experiences that will improve themselves people have life experiences that will improve themselves that's my main advantage there now I need to give reasons why these experiences will improve themselves or you give reasons why studying at some universities will lead to a better career you need to give reasons why so now you need to answer why give reasons for the main advantage of studying abroad I've missed a slide there I'm just going to show you my example first and you can do yours I'm giving reasons why does studying abroad lead to personal growth being in another country requires people to push themselves beyond the norm into unusually difficult experiences I'm going to elaborate Italy on this in my next sentence now you write your sentence give reasons for the main advantage reason or reasons Ritchie says Sudha says furthermore it is not easy to understand others culture while staying at home country fine Ritchie says students unleash their unknown hidden talent when they go through these practical situations which in turn increases their knowledge and experience beautiful works you will learn Wael Ali says it will encourage people to blend in with an e blend in with different societies with more confidence good nice reason Hermann says students who are staying overseas a self-reliant in order to manage their own financial finances plural and their lives plural finances plural lives plural Julia says the quality of the education overseas is more likely to be higher and is linked to the modern positive trends in this area good reasons well done let's we've just written our sentence - let's write our sentence 3 now we give examples for example I'm going to show you mine first so I'm going to use a personal example it says this for example when I studied in Indonesia and India as part as a 20 year old sorry I'm going to read that again for example when I studied in Indonesia in India as a 20 year old I was continually pushed out of my comfort zone into psychological states that were unique and novel and then I had to adapt to no matter what that's an example so give an example for your your main advantage give an example of your main advantage for example for instance use a connecting word like this good Mohammed well done good says for example when I went to Paris to study the way of study was complete practical bases which helped me a lot to learn there I'm going to reword that Ruchi for example when I studied in Paris the way that the French studied was a lot more practical and this helped me learn a lot something like that Sudha for example it has been found that students who pursue their higher education from overseas tend to blend more easily and effortlessly with people from different backgrounds beautiful beautiful well done Herrmann says to illustrate nice when I was studying in Australia I had to balance my career study and social life which I believe would not be challenging if I stayed in my own country good good good well done Julia for instance many educational providers are able to offer the best lecturers and high qualified staff through a blended learning approach combining face to face in online classes fantastic good example Mohammed is for example one of my friends went to the USA to complete his PhD in information technology because he did not get this opportunity as it was not available in Pakistan excellent well done so I read you my example I talked about personal experience of mine one more sentence then we've written our paragraph what we need to do is we need to pull up and pull our paragraph together how we do that is we restate the main advantage we say for this reason or therefore or something like that I'll show you mine mine says these ultra challenging experiences the I got really technical here I'm sorry I got a bit carried away these ultra challenging experiences are paradoxically the main advantage of studying overseas because they make you grow as a person so I've restated the main advantage was personal growth and I've just done that through a different sentence okay so try doing that restate your main advantage guru Chi says for the final sentence of paragraph 1 these significant challenges make you a better person along with great learning good Mohammed says therefore comma this kind of need makes migrating to another country for higher education essential Herman says as can be seen this advantage is this advantage has a huge huge profoundest has a profound impact on the future on the future has an impact on the future of students you need to get your prepositions right there Herman Sudha says becoming more aware of others culture and understanding them others cultures or others culture , and understanding them , is thus one of the biggest advantages of studying overseas good well done you just need some commas there because sort of listen to how I read this becoming more aware of others culture and understanding them mmm you need a break you need to see others culture , and understanding them , good anymore stew Lea therefore , the rich learning environment can provide a positive effect on students academic achievement it's plural academic achievements good well the good use of the apostrophe Julie our perfect fine so that was my crazy sentence we have just written paragraph 1 which was a where we described in detail the main advantage I'm gonna read your mind it's it's I was kinda look I was kind of showing off using big vocabulary and complex grammar and I'll show you why at the end but let's just read this the great I'm talking about the main disadvantage remember it's a four sentence paragraph the greatest benefit of studying abroad is that students will have life experiences that will improve themselves as people that would have been otherwise impossible if they had only studied in their own countries being in another country requires people to push themselves beyond the norm into unusually different difficult experiences that's my reason my example for example when I studied in Indonesia and India as a 20 year old I was continually pushed out of my comfort zone into psychological states that were unique and novel and that I had to adapt to I've made a mistake adapt to no matter what final sentence which restate my main advantage these ultra challenging experiences are paradoxically the main advantage of studying overseas because they make you grow as a person it's a complex one but cool fine how to write paragraph 2 where we're not going to write paragraph 2 because we just wrote paragraph 1 the structure is the same but let's just have a look it's the same thing you outline the main disadvantage so now we talk about the disadvantage we give reasons we give examples we restate the disadvantage so it's exactly the same its paragraph 1 should say paragraph 2 here so the main disadvantage this is my disadvantage paragraph see if you can see the different sentence parts just let me move this thing here the main challenges so here's my disadvantage the main challenges that students will face while overseas will usually stem from cultural and linguistic differences these differences compose massive obstacles for people because they require one to move beyond the familiar and into the unknown which can often be awkward and quite scary for instance while studying in Indonesia I had to frequently make a fool of myself in order to communicate with the local people in their language often times I felt embarrassed and I longed to speak English and being the familiarity of my own culture fine so I've I've I've stated I've what was the word I use I've stated the main disadvantage there right at the beginning I've given reasons I've given an example for instance and then I've wrapped up the paragraph not quite explicitly I must say oftentimes I felt embarrassed and longed to speak English and being a familiarity of my own culture I've done this not explicitly but I have mentioned language and culture challenge in the final sentence there cool so that's what the paragraph is you can do that one in your own time okay maybe after this lesson let's now move to the conclusion because if you start well and you have a good paragraph structure you want to have a good conclusion you want to finish well so you maximize your score how do we write the conclusion well the conclusion is the fourth paragraph and it will have three sentences again we're going to rewrite the general statement from the question prompt we're going to mention the main advantage and disadvantage again and we're going to give our opinion again effectively what we're doing is rewriting another we're writing another introduction so you've got to make sure that your conclusion matches with your introduction so if you're in good technology and universities and the disadvantage being the cost in your conclusion you should also be mentioning the same things but just in different words and the conclusion should also follow on from your paragraphs so for example in your introduction you wrote about good technology and but it's expensive the first paragraph would be about good Technol gee second power back paragraph will be about the expenses in your conclusion you're going to mention the same factors again this is how you get the coherence the I'll talk to you about the scoring at the end just got a couple of questions here nope all good let's have a look at this introduction rewrite the general statement here's the general statement university students are increasingly studying abroad as part of their studies write this in a different way and in a different way to your introduction good Julia fine Julia right to conclude the recent tendency is that the increasing number of students prefer to complete their degrees plural degrees not one degree their degrees plural oversea it's good Julia I would write to conclude mmm what would I write I would write there is a recent tendency for university students to prefer to complete their degrees overseas I'd probably reword that recent tendency is not quite right Mohamed says finally in this current era it it'd be your verbs not quite right it has become it has become more popular to get education from overseas good Mohamed well that just has become just that present perfect verb their suitor says in modern days students are gaining their higher education from foreign countries their high education program students sorry in modern days students gaining their higher education from foreign countries is increasing significantly well done Herman says to sum up as we have noticed not quite at home and don't put noticed just to sum up there is a significant number of students who prefer to study overseas beautiful par mixes to put in a nutshell no nutshell is not good in an academic essay let's just say to conclude in summary to near to conclude or in summary is probably the best foreign way of teaching will boost up your knowledge tremendously nor all we're doing is rewriting this sentence here we're not putting any opinion in or any advantage we're just rewriting this Ruchi says to recapitulate more tertiary students prefer studying abroad recently good well done all right fine what did I write I wrote a really dead simple sentence I just wrote studying overseas has become incredibly common studying overseas has become incredibly common that's all I wrote simple clean tidy grammatical sentence I've used some I've used a nice verb here has become and I've used this collocation adverb adjectives incredibly comment it's like saying I'm increasingly common it's not it's a little bit different in meaning but this is a simple straight sentence and your essay should have some simple sentences and some complex sentences cool sentence to mention the main advantage and disadvantage again here we go well done this opens significant avenues for learning and practical exposure though they have to cope with cultural and language barriers or culture and language barriers good well done so you've stated both the advantage and the disadvantage Julia says while overseas study can bring some cultural challenges this can open the additional advantages in a future career good well done that's fine Mohammed says it's important to get more education from other countries but the cost is very high good Mohammed's short simple just don't forget that ' on it ears it's good that's it Herman says although there is a linguistic barrier problem students will eventually overcome this and open up an avenue for them to work overseas excellent well done perfect just a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence and that is a perfect sentence cool alright that's probably the hardest sentence to write we need to mention the main advantage in the main disadvantage again this is what I wrote while students will no doubt experience social and language barriers if you remember in my introduction I talked about cultural and linguistic barriers or obstacles so I'm using synonyms here different words that mean the same thing while students will no doubt experience social and language barriers it is in fact these barriers that lead to the main advantage of studying abroad which is personal growth so I've mentioned the advantage here right at the end and I've put my advantage my disadvantages here social and language barriers that's my second sentence we've done that one now we're on to our third sentence give your opinion I'm just going to show you my opinion as a contradiction of sorts it is the hardship that ultimately makes the variants of studying abroad more advantageous than disadvantageous that's my opinion so ultimately I think that the challenges the challenges that I was talking about the social the cultural and linguistic challenges actually become the advantage so mine's a bit complex but let's see what your opinion is oops I'll leave that there write your opinion and sum up the essay in a beautiful sentence good all right so what do we got what do we got what do we got julia has written I am inclined to believe that despite the disadvantages the overall benefits of studying abroad still mainstream that doesn't make sense mainstream is the wrong word here I would say the overall benefits of studying abroad are advantageous or are superior ruchi says in my belief the cultural and linguistic barriers do not hold much significance in front of the experience and knowledge gained good in front of is probably the wrong preposition here in my belief the cultural and linguistic barriers do not hold much significance compared to the experience and knowledge gained that's better Hermann as a result I strongly agree that the benefit of studying abroad outweighs the detrimental effects plural monitors so as my point my my point of view let's just say in my opinion in my opinion I believe that spending more money is nothing in front of getting quality education in front of what's this in front of preposition in my point of view I believe that spending more money is worth the quality of education received that would be better Richi good well Dan you fixed your sentence there Sudha says despite having financial hardship to study overseas for higher education the benefits that students gain by knowing other cultures will be much more beneficial beautiful I love it it's amazing if you just follow a structure sentence by sentence structure how powerful your essays can become without a structure it's so easy just to go blah and end up somewhere where you don't want to be so cool we've done that we've written our conclusion sentence one sentence to sentence three this is my conclusion I'm going to read it to you studying overseas has become incredibly common well students will no doubt experience social and language barriers it is in fact these barriers that lead to the main advantage of studying abroad which is personal growth as a contradiction of sorts it is the hardship that ultimately makes the experience of studying abroad more advantageous than disadvantageous 56 words we have written an essay this is what it looks like if they didn't the ODS examiner's didn't give me a 9 for this I would be so upset I think this is I actually write too many words I wrote 320 words because I was typing this is worth a 9 I'm going to show you why why would this essay that I wrote and yours would probably get a good score looking at some of those sentences and the structure you used some of the grammars not great still you might be you're improving but why would mine get a 9 I'm a native speaker fine but let's have a closer look first thing is task response so let me explain first there are four things that the IELTS examiner's look for in your essay one is task response which means did you answer the question the second is grammar did you use good grammar third is vocabulary did you use precise vocabulary the fourth one is coherence did you use a good structure so let's go through this so why would I get a nine for task response answering the question because everything I wrote was about this everything I wrote I never went off topic I never talked about anything else I followed a strict structure that followed this completely so we'd get a nine for task response fine what about vocabulary why would I get a nine for vocabulary greatest benefit otherwise impossible unusually difficult experiences beyond the norm continually pushed out of my comfort zone psychological states unique and novel adapt no matter what ultra challenging experiences paradoxically I've used a mixture of simple clear vocabulary and academic complex vocabulary but what you will notice is that words aren't individuals words often come together as pairs like greatest benefit or what was the one I use incredibly common incredibly common greatest benefit so when you're writing you don't want to be thinking in terms of one word you want to be thinking in terms of phrases greatest benefit otherwise impossible beyond the norm unique and novel or no matter what this will get you an IELTS nine for vocabulary what about grammar okay let's look at this because this looks a bit colorful looks like I am I don't know what that looks like actually here we go let's first look at the red words these are verbs red verbs so I've used a variety of different verbs will improve had have studied requires simple present future simple had have studied are past perfect in the passive will have future simple would have been well this is a present perfect with a modal verb studied past simple pushed past simple work past simple had to adapt our present simple make present simple I've used a variety of different verbs not really consciously they just they just appeared as I was thinking and so these were the verbs I used but in order to get a nine you need to use complex verbs but here's the thing only use them if you understand or if you are confident that they're correct or accurate if you are not confident and you're just trying and experimenting that's then using simple verbs that you're confident with right what else have we got in here well we've got green ones and nouns benefit experiences plural more than one experience experiences students plural countries norm comfort zone experiences overseas psychological states get your singular and plural nouns incorrect the benefit the norm the main advantage a person get your articles right prepositions as in beyond in in to in out of into as as and the final one is these orange words that these words connect a simple sentence to another simple sentence to create a complex sentence that if that that that and that because so we've got conjunctions and pronouns the last thing I want to point out to you are the other pronouns that I've used here so we've got C I'm talking about students so I talked about themselves plural they plural themselves plural when I studied in Indonesia I was continually pushed out of my so you can see how are the the pronouns are the same as the nouns if I'm talking plural here more than one then my pronouns will be plural more than one cool and down here down here I go back to experiences the main advantage of studying overseas because they I'm talking about students okay that's a little bit different anyway that's grammar last one is coherence coherence means that my paragraphs my introduction my power graph 1 paragraph 2 in my conclusion flow from the very first letter capital letter right down through to the full stop okay that structure I showed you uses this flow and the other thing about that structure I showed you is that it there's it it's it's cyclical its circular the introduction goes into sentence to which goes into sentence 3 which goes into the conclusion the concluding sentence and that links back to the first sentence so let's recap what we learned so that when you see a question about advantages/disadvantages you know exactly what to do you look at the general statement you look at the advantages you think about the disadvantages we're going to write a four paragraph essay with an introduction paragraph one paragraph to a conclusion here is the entire essay sentence by sentence it's not that difficult to memorize because this the introduction is the exact same thing as the conclusion paragraph one is the exact same thing as paragraph two all you're memorizing in fact are seven sentences and that's that cool any questions any questions all right how do I do this where's my chat where's my check on to do there where is my chat chat there it is cool cool cool answering questions Julia the word mainstream was I think you have a an incorrect understanding of the word mainstream the way that you used it in that paragraph was was incorrect I can't remember what what it was but please check out that word you might want to think of an alternative word if you're on YouTube by the way and you have not clicked like please do it will mean a lot to me click subscribe as well while you're there why not and if you're feeling very adventurous you can check out WWE 2 language comm where you can sign up for free and get some free practice materials and stuff like that Julia says J is it possible in this type of essay to write 2 paragraphs just about the advantages it is but that structure I showed you it's better to write an advantage disadvantage and then come to a conclusion why because it's a bit more complex and the examiners will prefer it rather than you're saying studying abroad is great because of a studying abroad is great because of B goodbye no it's better to say studying abroad has advantages here they are here are the disadvantages I think this so you'll get a higher score if you use if you write both types of paragraphs ah Ruchi do we need to use indentations now Ritchie I'm going to show you what that was my cursor where's my cursor nope I can't show you look there it is there got it I'm going to show you what your essay should look like on test day hold on you sorry the alarm was about to go off in my office this is what your essay should look like on test day where is it did it to do like this Ruchi there's no there's no indentations you write like this you just leave a line between your paragraphs that's all no indentations introduction paragraph one paragraph two conclusion that's it cool all right I'm just looking at the chat on Facebook and any questions on Facebook how important is spelling a good question actually because they just have the four criteria they don't mention spelling and let me think I actually don't know the answer to that I know that those four things task response grammar vocabulary and coherence are the key things you need to worry about any more questions on YouTube feel free ok can you hear me now can you hear me just typing yes if you can hear me routine no indentation for the letter writing either what's going on - two - two - should have audio okay so DV answers ask the same question can we write just about the advantages and the answer is you can but the structure I just showed you will become redundant so do write both the advantages and disadvantages the examiner will prefer it okay so ritika it's got a good question radhika has asked hey J please tell me if I use simple language will I be able to score a 7 or higher the answer is simple accurate language is good complex inaccurate language is bad so 2 simple right straight sentences right right right accurate sentences try to make some join sentences using because or and or which or that for example Sushma so will we be given exactly 40 minutes no you're given 60 minutes to do both tasks writing task 1 and writing task 2 you have to manage your own time so spend about 20 minutes on the first task 40 minutes on the second task interesting cool all right any more data to do okay all good I think that's all thanks very much for coming along I appreciate it I hope it was helpful I've just realized that anyway thanks 3 McCarthy banyak Amanda rusty sometimes you'll be lucky
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 775,112
Rating: 4.9082384 out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, ielts academic, ielts general, ielts writing task 2, ielts advantages disadvantages, ielts essay, ielts writing, e2language, e2language ielts, ielts e2language, e2 ielts academic, e2 ielts, ielts, ielts e2, ielts speaking, ielts reading, E2 IELTS, ielts writing sentences, e2language ielts essay, ielts preparation,, e2 language, e2 jay, ielts faqs, ielts writing help, ielts class, ielts tutorial, E2Language, esl, ielts writing tips, e2, E2, English lesson
Id: FLpGuPSoqnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 2sec (3602 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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