IELTS Live - Speaking Part 3 - Band 9 Continued

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hi students and welcome to today's live isles class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having a good weekend so far staying healthy staying strong welcome karen hi charmin zea doula good to see many students in the class already uh today everyone we are looking at ielts speaking part 3 the final part of your speaking interview and it is a band 9 continued band 9 continued because part 3 is in fact a continuation of your part 2 cue card response we'll talk more about that in a minute hello again jay neil welcome members all right this class is presented to you by for academic ielts success check us out there for the general aisle to visit us at g ielts help dot com that's general ielts help dot com on both of our websites we have lots and lots of materials to help you improve your english and your communication you can even practice your speaking for free with other aisle students in video chat i'll show you where this is our academic ielts web portal here with the blue background click that big red button to join the premium package it is a one-time payment for lifetime access we are an official ielts test registration center and certified british council agents when you have a my student account you can log in at the top here and after you are logged in you will find this uh student partner speaking and of course speaking interview practice that's with a native speaker that's a paid service this one's a free service with other ielts students student partner speaking when you click on that you will go to a new window and in that new window you will see some students who are waiting for someone to practice here's david here's buckrut you can video chat and audio chat with them so check that out okay and uh make sure to use that again it's free for the general aisles it's the same idea green background click that big red button to join the premium package there okay welcome victoria hi rupinder hi eugen nice to see so many students in the class okay everyone so if you have any questions uh send me an email adrian we have been holding classes according to our new schedule this week which is at this time in the morning keep in mind everybody that tomorrow sunday monday tuesday there are no classes as usual our classes are wednesday to saturday so after this class the next class will be on wednesday at this time on the 12th okay so just keep that in mind okay everyone so let's get to speaking now this is speaking part three and yesterday we did speaking part two the cue card okay uh this is a speaking class everyone so make sure to speak and repeat speak and repeat copy my intonation my pronunciation my fluency as much as possible okay all right harsh deep you are making me blush okay um so this was the cue card yesterday uh it was uh part two talk about a memorable landmark you have visited you should say what the place is who you were there with what happens in this place and why this landmark is so memorable for you okay so we did that yesterday anybody remember what we talked about yesterday for this uh famous landmark what was that anybody recall what this famous landmark was what was that because um in part three you have to make connections and relate to your part to response okay jainil and bahrain say it was the colosseum hi carolina there's our moderator good to see you okay yeah it was the colosseum and you know what um let's practice our part two response just to warm up our speaking muscles and then we can go to uh part three after so this was our response yesterday to part two and here we go okay so again speak and repeat copy with me from the top uh try not to read try to just copy me if you can okay so here we go three two one a very memorable landmark that i have visited back in 2005 is the great coliseum in rome italy this world heritage site is located in the heart of central europe which was at one point the epicenter of the roman empire the colosseum is built on roughly 10 acres of land it is an oval-shaped theater or stadium made of stones and is a reflection of the advanced roman engineering back in 72 a.d the stadium is about 30 meters in height and houses roughly 2 500 spectators sitting around a main stage or arena where entertaining events were held for centuries the romans had originally built the colosseum for gladiator battles and chariot races in order to entertain the citizens of the empire the gladiators would emerge from underground tunnels and battle each other or animals often uh to the death later in history the coliseum was used for music and theater and nowadays it's for tourists i had visited there in 2005 with my friend corey when we were on a european tour after graduating university it was an incredible experience to see the place which i had not only read about in school but have also seen depicted in so many hollywood movies the colosseum has been restored somewhat to reflect its former glory and certainly during our visit there had been a moment where i felt the roar of the roman citizens as they cheered for their favorite gladiators i took many pictures when i was there and it is an amazing memory that i will treasure for the rest of my life okay adrian your two minutes is up i'm going to stop you there please put the note paper to the side and your pen and now we will continue with part three for part three i will ask you a question or two related to the topic of your part two response and uh uh and to your answer um and then the examiner might say something like uh do you remember the cost of the ticket to enter this landmark okay so right away let's get right into it lydia i have to speak at a natural speed i want you to build your fluency i will speak slower in some parts however if you miss some of this don't worry you can go back and check this lesson again later and improve on that fluency okay all right um so here's a question the examiner might ask you they will ask you at least one or two questions for part three that's connected to your response okay so do you remember the cost of the ticket to answer this landmark what would be your answer give me an example answer students it doesn't have to be accurate okay just come up with something so i might say something like well i don't recall the exact amount but if i had to guess i would say it was around 20 euros okay all right sadesh says i don't know the cost of the tickets exactly as i was provided with the couple by my travel agent as part of the european package very nice sedash that's the exact kind of sentence that will get you those high band scores okay all right um cold deep it would not be roman currency in italy today it would absolutely be euros okay uh ferdovs says absolutely it cost me an arm and a leg about 50 us dollars however it was worth every penny okay it was worth every penny for dobbs i like your use of it cost me an arm and a leg in this case that's great we can throw another idiom in there it cost me uh it was worth every penny okay so this was for bob's answer absolutely um i was shocked that i had to pay an arm and a leg it was 50 bucks at us but in the end it was worth every penny okay so some nice use of idioms and expressions here very good i don't recall the exact that was mine this was for dobbs okay uh pay an arm and a leg means that it was really expensive obviously okay um and then uh 50 bucks us it was worth every penny all right okay very good um and then the examiner might ask you uh one uh more question something like um [Music] do you think it the coliseum will ever be used for entertainment again aside from tourism i mean okay so they might ask you a couple don't be surprised sometimes you get one question sometimes you'll get two questions directly related to your response so um answer this question for me do you think the coliseum will ever be used for entertainment again aside from tourism i mean okay so here the examiner's kind of chatting with you or i shouldn't say chatting it's more professional than that i should say conversing so the examiner will be conversing with you very naturally okay ielts is not an esl test it is an english proficiency exam so the examiner will use very natural language good to see you in the class on yeah nice to have you back all right bara says well i have vivid memories of the landmark but i don't recall the cost of the ticket so much it will i remember it was extremely expensive around a hundred dollars for one person okay buck right i made a couple of corrections there victoria says definitely it can generate some revenue for the government so authorities might restore it further and eventually use it again as a historic theater okay victoria you need a little bit more explanation there okay all right thank you salim all right um so here's my answer i don't think it is in good enough shape to be anything but a tourist hot spot also i don't think that the structure could be really used as a stadium again without it falling apart the stone the stones are simply too old and brittle okay here's my answer and again nice clear answer if you answer in the negative you have to be fluent it's usually better to answer in the positive this time i decided to go against the grain okay all right so here we go do you think the coliseum will ever be used for entertainment again aside from tourism i mean i don't think it's in good enough shape to be anything but a tourist hotspot also i don't think that the structure could be really used as a stadium again without it falling apart the stones are simply too old and brittle brittle means easy to break okay so an eggshell is brittle when i give you new vocabulary like this write it down and for those of you members hint that were in the last class you should write that word down and then when you have some time after the class use those steps from my last lesson for vocabulary learning so write the definition and then write a unique original sentence that includes you and is complex or compound with the word brittle okay brittle all right uh sukdeep is asking a question sukdeep says sir what if i could not understand the question um in that case took deep first ask for it to be repeated so simply say i'm sorry i didn't quite catch what you're asking can you ask me again and then the examiner will repeat yeah do you think the colosseum will ever be used for entertainment again aside from tourism i mean and then if you still don't get it suck deep then you have to say i'm just not clear on what you're asking can you please move to the next question okay all right so that's how you do it uh do not try to answer questions that you do not understand there is no point you will lose and marks and that's very valuable okay all right some more answers coming up i reckon that it is quite unlikely to happen because it's much easier for authorities to construct other entertaining facilities rather than using the coliseum that's a good answer okay that's a good alternative all right so at this point the examiner will say okay let's discuss city development so something that's kind of related landmarks are buildings or structures in the city so they might introduce a topic like city development okay before we start to get really heavy into part three i want to give you a couple of really important tips to get those higher band scores okay all right so here we go so important tips for high bends in part three tip number one make sure to use the question in your answers okay reflect the grammar and give explanations and examples tip number two this is an important one keep this one in mind way too many students forget to do this so the examiner is giving you a hint when they say now i will ask you some questions connected to the topic of part two okay all right so you need to say something like um uh yeah okay the coliseum where i was is an example of this so what you want to do is make sure to connect your part 3 responses to your part 2 discussion as much as possible okay so using expressions like just like i mentioned about the coliseum okay uh as i had said in the previous part okay so you can use these kinds of expressions all right we react to says thanks a lot sir just because of you i have cleared my exam with 6.5 overall congratulations react 2 that's fantastic i'm happy to hear that i'm always glad when students come back to these live classes and share their uh success experiences and of course you can always send me an email as well we love to get your testimonials if you have it some time go on our website you can see like there's over 150 testimonials of students from around the world um that have cleared the ielts which is great okay so congrats react too that's good all right um so let's do this so we want to practice these for the next questions answering reflecting the grammar so if the question is present perfect use the present perfect if it's past perfect use the past perfect and we want to give explanations and examples okay and we want to connect to part three as much as possible um with part two because that will create a lot of coherence originality uh fluency all of those goodies that will get you a high high band score okay all right so here we go the examiner says let's discuss city development and then they will go one question at a time this is a professional conversation treat it as such okay give your best english and uh here's the first question what are some ways that cities in your country are changing in the past decade okay uh give me a nice full sentence answer uh for this one so what are some ways that cities in your country are changing in the past decade okay for dob says structures these days uh tend to be designed mostly for commercial purposes um and thus there are a lot of high-rise buildings in my city being built these days in this way businesses can maximize revenue while also uh taking advantage of small uh inner city property space okay uh for dobbs i made a couple of um corrections there uh i did say in my city but you can say yeah cities in my country okay so mention your country uh for dobbs alex says cities in india are developing enormously with high-tech companies and high-rise buildings industrialization and globalization has changed the evolutionary movement and has made these cities global hot spots okay um all right alex a little bit general try to be a bit more specific okay um so it's a good start be as specific as possible all right uh sadesh says i think the cities have developed to a vast extent as compared to a few decades ago for example there are plenty of wi-fi hotspots in public places these days which citizens use to browse the internet publicly okay sadesh multiple questions some ways so multiple ways okay all right ahn says in vietnam cities like hanoi have not only been more multicultural have not only become more multicultural but also are more prosperous as the economy has flourished for the past decade from the tourism revenue and global trade very good and that's a great answer now think about how you can tie in your part two response to the colosseum okay i'm sure there are some landmarks in hanoi which draw tourism like the colosseum in rome okay all right let's take one more os says most of the cities have changed in my country syria in the past 10 years such as old landmarks have been replaced by new buildings and a lot of new roads have been built which run across wooded land and the aleppo ancient market has been okay it's good i don't see the finish but it's a good start all right in this case for this question it's a tricky one to start off uh part three as you heard my responses i'm using a lot of present perfect um passive voice why am i doing that so for those students who were in my grammar lesson the other week and we talked about present perfect why am i using present perfect passive in this case to answer this question what's the logic there can anybody tell me okay so cities in canada have flourished both technologically and economically over the past 10 years there have been many improvements to historical landmarks which have drawn an increasing number of visitors to cities like toronto and vancouver just like the coliseum in rome millions of travelers now go to toronto to see the cn tower okay i'm just making it up uh the important point here is i'm making connections okay so the question is asking me plurals some ways so i need at least two okay technologically infrastructure economically so cities in canada i'm being very specific your country okay name the country it doesn't matter that you're sitting in an exam in that country be specific okay so cities in country so cities in canada have flourished both technologically and economically over the past 10 years there have been many improvements to historical landmarks which have drawn an increasing number of visitors to cities like toronto and vancouver just like the coliseum in rome millions of travelers now go to toronto to see the cn tower okay all right so i see some answers to my question about the present perfect passive uh so let's see um chaby says answers with no personal experience so no personal answers i'm not sure what that's relating to chaby uh amanda says emphasize the change in the cities yeah very good amanda absolutely so i'm using the present perfect in the answers so present perfect this is going back to my grammar lesson the other week it's just a reminder is good in this answer to reflect both change and achieve over time since we do not express the agent of the action the engineers or builders making these changes we use the passive form of the present perfect okay i hope that makes sense for everybody so this is why present perfect is used here this is just a little bit of review from last week so present perfect is used to emphasize change and achievement um so the change over the past 10 years is that achievement as well and we don't really say okay well the engineers have improved the city's infrastructure you could but we don't so i use the passive voice here okay everybody's clear on that right all right um so the next question is uh and the examiner will follow up and sometimes it might sound strange but you have to answer clearly is this good or bad so um again answering this question basically have these changes in uh the cities in your countries being good or bad okay all right amanjat says um this is better for not only accommodating large populations but also it gives a beautiful look to the cities and improves the economy as well which leads to a better quality of life for the citizens okay amanjad good for dob says i'm in two minds about this question for business it is good but for locals the trend causes a major negative effect squeezing living space and greenery especially out of the downtown core these changes have also influenced people's daily stress stress levels okay good for dobbs you're absolutely on the right track i'm not sure how you're planning to finish that sentence but it's looking good okay let's take some more here nico says the greatest change in my city nowadays compared to 10 years ago our [Music] ancient stadiums that are used for football were now reviewed and it's used for entertainment as well as celebrating the independent restoration day niko careful with your grammar okay elida says i think development is always good for the country and people when cities are developing in the country it will lead to better and better life all of the developing countries attribute their success to these kinds of changes as i mentioned in technology and um economy from increased tourism okay eli i had to make a few corrections there for your response to be sensible so uh pay attention to that okay all right un call comrade says yes these have been good changes because of these developments in cities in my country there are many more job opportunities for people i mean job vacancies proportionally increasing in the population there's a great demand for um employment in the tourism industry as well as of course more demand in the supporting businesses like souvenir shops around these tourist hot spots okay and call make that connection right so connect among your answers uh rajvir says it is definitely a positive not only does it enhance the quality of life for the citizens but also attracts tourists which contributes to the economy of the nation good nbx gaming hi join right in i see that you uh became a member just recently that's fantastic make sure to send me an email and hop on in the chat so give some answers okay all right so is this good i think this is mostly uh positive for canada as the increase in tourism helps to create many jobs in this industry and thereby improves the living standards of the citizens furthermore the improvements and technology have made commuting and communicating faster and better than ever before all right and i might say something like one downside is that tourists at times create added pollution however this can be managed by authorities okay all right so here is my response uh repeat after me is this good or bad i think this is mostly positive so again i'm paraphrasing right if i can avoid saying good if i can use a different word that will definitely help my lexical resource score to go up in the ielts exam so i think this is mostly positive for canada as the increase in tourism helps to create many jobs in this industry and thereby improves the living standards of its citizens and this is where you might want to include an example so there's always you know think of the examples i read that just last year a new museum in toronto hired 500 employees okay so it could kind of squeak in these smooth flowing examples to really clarify your response and increase your band score so try to squeeze these in whenever you can okay so i read that just last year a new museum in toronto hired 500 employees furthermore the improvements in technology have made commuting and communicating faster and better than ever before one downside is that tourists at times create added pollution however this can be managed by authorities so i if i'm not stopped then i mentioned a quick negative here as well instead of saying negative or bad i use the word downside downside is kind of like saying a negative or a bad but not as strongly okay a strong version would be like a horrible side effect a horrible side effect of tourism is the massive amount of pollution that's created by tourists or by the industry okay that would be the stronger way to express that all right let's keep going next question okay um is there anything you would change in the way cities function these days and how would you do that give me a nice uh full sentence okay give me a nice full sentence for this one all right so is there anything you would change in the way cities function these days and how okay always good job catching that this is a conditional for sure so os says if i could change or adjust the cities nowadays i would suggest to establish new buildings and roads um in the countryside so that there will be they will be far from city centers to reduce the pollution and protect the ancient land okay os um the end of it clarified i think you have a good start i think you have a good idea you need more clarification at the end of your response okay for dav says of course i can clean my vicinity and create more bike lanes to help people reduce traffic jams also um authorities could teach people to use eco-friendly vehicles and clean up in their region okay um so more cleanliness and more eco-friendly alternatives to transportation for dogs it doesn't have to be you doing this the question is not saying like what would um you personally do but what would you simply change about the city okay on says i think that cities should be more aware of the environment while keeping economic growth like in vietnam tourists can donate a couple of dollars to preserve and plant trees around the hanoi monuments okay on good so more conservation of historical landmarks and a greater awareness of the environment okay uh srihari says there are many books online you can find those instead of the books you can follow him or you can take membership instead of the book i'm not sure exactly what you're referring to srihari maybe clarify that okay all right elida says um i would change the metro and transportation networks i would make more places for tourism in this way increasing the overall functionality and uh developing the city further to improve the economy okay all right that's a good idea let me try to rephrase that a little bit so it's a bit better english so i would uh change the public transportation system specifically the metro which would make commuting highly efficient and i would build more places for tourism in this way increasing the economic power of the cities in turkey i'm guessing you're in turkey from your name yamaz okay all right um yes i would make a few adjustments to the daily operation of cities in canada firstly i would have the government [Music] fund more public transport systems especially to rural areas in this way decreasing carbon emissions also i would allocate funds to improving the fiber optic network across the country as the internet infrastructure is still quite poor in canada compared to the uh global standards all right it's actually true uh what i wrote here so uh here's the question again repeat after me is there anything you would change in the way cities function these days how yes i would make a few adjustments to the daily operation of cities in canada firstly i would have the government fund more public transport systems especially two rural areas in this way decreasing carbon emissions also i would allocate funds to improving the fiber optic network across the country as the internet infrastructure is still quite poor in canada compared to the global standards and for those of you who might have visited canada or come to canada i'm sure you know what i'm talking about so in canada we overuse cars everybody's driving everywhere all the time because we have fairly poor public transportation in many parts of the country especially from cities to rural areas you have to wait for buses they take a long time so definitely some improvements could be uh made there and our internet here is well it's progressing but it's uh still quite bad compared to many other places so all right again uh if you didn't catch this the first time the video will be up after this class in about an hour so you can go back and review okay all right next question should there be more regulations placed on city planning so this question is asking you should there be more rules more laws that control the way cities are planned chineal says and costly yeah absolutely jainil i agree you're talking about the internet here in canada it's way overpriced it's bad and you're paying a lot all right for dav says governments should protect the design of cities by laws as there are many unaesthetic structures and most trees have been chopped down in order to build commercial buildings these should be replaced so protecting green space is very good for doves okay great answer so protecting green spaces and protecting the aesthetic appeal of the city so how beautiful it is okay all right os says absolutely governments must impose laws so that people own just one vehicle per household and use public transit to reduce pollution and not allow buildings more than 10 stories in the cities mm-hmm yeah protecting natural sunlight that's definitely one os so reducing the height of city or the height of buildings yeah absolutely it's a clever answer okay thinking outside the box always a good idea all right amanjad says i think yes because there are some areas in cities where schools and hospitals are uh close to major roads rather than further from the hustle and bustle of the city okay so all right amanda you're talking about infrastructure design for it to be more convenient for citizens or to better serve citizens so you want to clarify that i get your idea it's a good start you need to clarify okay all right vipul says well according to me city planning should be done with great precision rather than focusing on simply infrastructure and factories that emit smoke and cost pollution they should focus more on greenery and parks very good vipul okay all right salim says certainly encroachment on greenlands should be restrained uh alongside with the protection of water bodies such as rivers and lakes that are close to or in the cities um the later industrial entities should be regulated by law okay very good yes so um i definitely feel that legislation that more legislation should be established which regulates the aesthetic of new buildings to keep the cities looking beautiful there is a large box shaped mall which has been recently built in vancouver and it looks awful also there must be laws that protect green spaces like parks so that people not only fine cities functional but also pleasurable to reside in all right there we go so uh again repeat after me should there be more regulations placed on city planning i definitely feel that more legislation should be established which regulates the aesthetic of new buildings to keep the cities looking beautiful there is a large box-shaped mall which has been recently built in vancouver and it looks awful also there must be laws that protect green spaces like parks so that people not only find cities functional but also pleasurable to reside in okay not only but also that correlative conjunction uh again okay the meaning of legislation is basically a law that's created by government which becomes a part of the regular functioning of society okay yeah amanja has put a definition there legislation is rules and laws established by government okay so here you have a few more uh questions related to the topic of part two in your opinion why do people like to travel to other countries do you think it's good or bad for countries to welcome tourists can you give examples and how has tourism changed in your country over the years has this been a positive i encourage you to practice these questions on our websites so again remember when you log in to your website at a you have this student partner speaking you can click on that student partner speaking and there will usually be some students waiting to chat so right now we have alisher and in here you can video chat or audio chat with them so make sure to practice these questions with your fellow students for general ielts it's again same kind of chat interface you can click that big red button to join the premium package there it's a one-time payment for lifetime access so really worth spending a couple dollars and getting all of our goodies on those websites to improve your band scores videos practice exams apps much much more and that's it for me for today i will be back students on wednesday with uh speaking part one thank you carolina for responding to many people's questions i saw that that was great job thank you members for supporting our channel and thank you students for being here with me today i wish all of you a great remainder of your weekend wherever you are in the world i wish you sweet dreams if it's getting late in your country if it's the start to your day then i wish you a successful day ahead i'm adrian signing out from victoria on the west coast of canada for now much love to all of you bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 6,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: veIPt83N-hY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 56sec (3176 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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