IELTS Speaking Test | BAND 9 | Real Exam | Describe a time when you helped someone?

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this is the speaking test of the international english language testing system the examiner is mark reed good morning can you tell me your full name please hello my name is justin hegarthy and what shall i call you you call me justin okay justin can i see your identification please thank you it's all fine now moving on to the first part of the test i'd like to ask you some questions about yourself sure so tell me justin where are you from uh yeah so i'm from a very small famous town called dunkirk it's in france and it's on the english channel that's interesting now did you work or are you a student yeah i study here i'm a student for the bachelors of science and computers ah very good now let's talk about how you keep in contact with others true how do you usually get in touch with your friends yeah so i have a mobile phone so usually i just will call them if i want to talk to them if it's something urgent and i can't talk on the phone i'll just text them but yeah i usually call them so do you prefer to communicate with people by phone or writing emails oh definitely phone um just because i prefer talking to them because i can hear their voice and kind of get like a feeling for how they're feeling just communication is better in my opinion um but with emails it's kind of you know it takes a bit for back and forth you know it it just doesn't feel as personal to me why is that i i really think it's just because you can't see their face um it's definitely just not the same i think i i'd probably say i see so is there anything you dislike about mobile phones yeah yes definitely um first off i'm in public i'm on the train you can hear someone else on their phone talking with their speaker phone on in public it's the most annoying thing ever i'll i'll tell you that you know you hear their whole conversation you know what i mean i don't know it's true now let's talk about traveling sure do you enjoy traveling to different places oh absolutely i love traveling to new countries if you probably took a map out right now of the uk i've probably visited almost every place here you could point out a spot i've probably been there um the only reason i don't travel as much as i would like is just because i don't have as much time and money you know as i feel like i would need to do that um but i love it i get to meet new people see new faces things like that you know so tell me what places have you been in the uk uh i've been to london birmingham manchester with my friends during the holidays uh london bridge is probably my favorite and then probably next would be the prehistoric museum and after that probably the art galleries around there excellent now moving on to talking about your hometown in france is your hometown a good place for young people to live oh yeah absolutely and why oh yeah children absolutely uh just because there's a bunch of open fields and parks for them to play in teenagers i'd probably say not so much just because there's not as much facilities like movie theaters and and gyms and things like that and cafes um but definitely children yes younger children definitely in your hometown has it changed much over the years hmm that's an interesting question yeah dunkirk is a very historic town especially after world war ii um just because a lot of the town was left in ruins after the war and you can still see now to this day old churches and shipwrecks and things like that which are still standing uh to this day and it's pretty cool but i would say that it's definitely industrialized a lot there's a lot of modern houses now you know more factories things like that interesting and what sort of jobs do the people in your hometown do yeah so a lot of them are farmers um they'll grow you know a lot of vegetables over the summer potatoes and they'll have farm stands and sell off what they grew and things like that so a lot a lot of them are farmers let's see now moving on to the second part of the speaking test i'm gonna give you a topic i'd like to give you a minute or two to talk about it but before you talk take a minute think about what you're going to say make some notes if you wish do you understand yes yes here's the topic paper here's some paper and a pencil give a minute let's write down some ideas oh do you want me to go right now i'm sorry i'm just really nervous no that's fine you have a minute okay so describe a time when you help someone okay your preparation time is over now remember you have one or two minutes for this so don't worry if i stop you i'll tell you when your time is up and you start speaking please yeah so basically there was this one day where i was driving by in the neighborhood after work and i noticed this lady on the sidewalk freaking out so i still i still remember this pretty clearly honestly um i go to pull over i stopped asked her what's happening and she goes sir my cat is stuck in the tree i know i know this is very cliche i'm sure you've heard of a cat being stuck in a tree all the time but it happened so i got out of the car assessed the situation and there was no way i was reaching that cat it was scared it was so up it was up high no way i could possibly climb it so out of luck a white van with the ladder on the top so a work van was driving by i waved it down they pulled over which was a miracle i'm surprised they even pulled over um they were like oh my goodness yeah you can totally use our ladder so i grabbed the ladder off the truck propped it against the tree climbed up the ladder grabbed the cat and i'm telling you when this cat saw me and i i put my hands on it this thing freaked out it scratched me up and down my arms it bit it tried biting me um it was it was just freaking out i wasn't mad at it but you know it hurt it hurt pretty bad grab this cat took it down the tree i handed it to the lady oh my gosh thank you you know she was very thankful for for the help um yeah honestly it was just heartwarming to be honest i think that's why i still remember it you know wow that's a wonderful story did you manage to even eat some nice food that night i i went home with my friends and told them about it at dinner yeah i definitely did pretty well okay now before we start the third part can i have your papers and pencil back please yes yes okay okay now in this third part sure i'll first ask you some questions regarding helping others to people who live in small towns and villages help other people more than those in the city yes probably because when you're in a smaller village you kind of know everyone and they kind of know you in a sense like you could go to the store and you probably see after going to the store 10 times you've probably seen a good 60 percent of the population of the town right you know someone they know someone else and then it's just kind of a small loop because there's not many people right you could go to the you could walk by your neighbor's house and see them leaving to go the store right you can ask them hey can you bring me some eggs when you're at the store and bring it back sure you know they'll come back bring you some eggs it's kind of like that close close friends neighbor idea i guess you could say behind it everyone knows everyone um you know very nice kind helping people but with the city you don't really know anyone there's so many people that no one really cares about you you know you'll never see anyone half the people there ever again um yeah i i really think that's why to be honest with you just there's less people right you can talk to them i see do you believe that the salaries for the jobs that involve helping others are generally too low definitely definitely i mean look at celebrities right these guys are making millions a year playing football you know singing whatever and then there's people who actually go out of their way to help other people right like firefighters police you know nurses they they literally save people's lives every single day and yet these people are being paid kind of the least if you think of it and comparing the celebrities so yeah i would definitely definitely say that these people are definitely underpaid not paid what they should be at least i agree now tell me why i think some people don't want to help others you know personally i think it's a lot of people just don't want to get involved right like for example you'll see a car accident on the side of the road and you'll see it happening but instead of stopping to help a lot of people will just call 9-1-1 and that's it they'll let them handle it um i i feel like they just don't want to be bothered or bother anyone else and interfere in a way but then there's also people who are selfish so it's a mix of the two i feel like that's kind of why now let's talk about communities which people usually need the most support in a community oh definitely children with special needs and disabilities and things like that along with that it's definitely old people in general just because they have you know a lot of them have alzheimer's and like other diseases where they can't really function you know at a normal rate i would say um and then on top of it there's like homeless people and you know people like that really can't provide for themselves and who do you think should pay for the services that the people in the community use honestly i think it depends on what right like a library or a park right that should be kind of like a one-time membership thing per year you know it's if you're going to use it you pay for it right it's kind of that sort of deal but if it comes to like medical or something i feel like that should be kind of government funded and you know they kind of take care of it through taxes i'd say that's all good that's the end of this speaking test thank you oh thank you thank you thank you [Music] you
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test 2021, ielts speaking test part 2, ielts speaking test part 1, ielts speaking test part 3, ielts speaking test real test, ielts speaking test actual, ielts speaking test video, ielts speaking 2021 band 9, english test, speaking english
Id: TneqhthYz_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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