IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Begin with Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria on the west coast of canada on vancouver island hi ziadullah rahul hi janil welcome eldor good to see you kyber nice to see everybody in the class uh today everyone we are looking at ielts speaking part 1 the first part of the speaking interview and i will tell you what you need to do to begin with a band 9 which of course is very very important it sets the tone for the interview this lesson is presented to you by for academic ielts success visit us there uh for the general aisles check us out at g ielts help dot com that's on both of our websites we have lots and lots of content videos practice exams interactive courses to help you improve your speaking and your english and your communication so check us out there i'll show you those real quick just so you know what i'm talking about this is our academic alex website here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join our premium package it is a one-time payment for lifetime access so definitely worth it if you're taking the ielts exam for the general ielts it's the green background again push that big red button one-time payment lifetime access and we are british council registration ielts registration center and ielts agents so you have um speaking opportunities on our website as well when you log into your my student it gets absolutely free i'm gonna emphasize that first this is a free option here when you log into your website you can access this for free you have student partners speaking you can find other ielts students to video chat and audio chat with right now we have uh flony and paris there they are uh waiting for somebody uh to join in and chat with them so check that out all right okay everyone so if you have any questions just send me an email adrian you can also follow us on instagram ielts underscore a help that's for academic or gl's help check out instagram lots of free materials for you as well um all right no worries vikram about the thumbs down it actually put a smile on my face so good to have you in the class we do have our books our exam books on amazon and uh we have a full week of uh classes for you coming up so today speaking part one tomorrow task one for members and task two writing uh for everyone so today speaking tomorrow writing make sure you hang out and pick up lots of information okay everybody so this is a speaking class make sure to speak i know it's easy to get lost in the chat and in just typing and listening but the goal of the class is to practice your speaking so i would love to imagine that you all are sitting at home and when i say a question you repeat the question when i give a response you repeat the response in fact when i'm reading your uh comments and your responses then you're answering that as well all right uh okay everyone so let's get right into it um with the uh exam uh show up early okay one hour early before the test uh find someone to practice with at the exam center another uh candidate take some questions with you and then after you register make sure you're using english all day before your exam and then finally the examiner will call you into the exam and you will begin they're very professional and of course they're human there are small differences between examiners but they're all well trained they know what they're doing so just stick to strategy and answer the questions completely and fluently the most important you get marked on a lot of different points you get marked on fluency and coherence pronunciation grammatical range and accuracy lexical resource does anybody know what the most important criteria is out of all of those so i'm sure some of you have done some research on what they look at when they're marking your speaking and it goes as fluency and coherence grammatical range accuracy lexical uh resource pronunciation uh which of those is the most important so which one should you pay the most attention to uh when you're practicing from those marking criteria does anybody know yes very good coherence right coherence means that you're making sense that you're giving a clear and comprehensible understandable answer so coherence okay fluency and pronunciation do not matter if you're not making any sense if i'm really nice and fluent with you and i'm like well on the day of the sunday i went out to the lunch and with my dog we jumped over a fence after fishing in the river for blue gems um i'm being really fluent great pronunciation i'd probably get a band score of two okay or a band score of one because it makes no sense all right uh so you have to be coherent you have to be uh understandable okay all right so coherence is king all right when it comes to practicing out and that means if you have to speak a little bit slower to be more coherent and speak a little bit slower okay if you have to use a little bit simpler vocabulary or grammar to be coherent then do that because you will still get a better mark all right okay so you walk into your exam you're met by your examiner your examiner first of all will say may i see your passport please or they'll just say i see your identification please um because in some countries they only accept the passport in some countries they accept your national id as well or other official picture id may i see your identification please you cannot sit the exam if you don't have your id with you so don't lose it between your registration time and your interview okay so be coherent give me a nice coherent sentence for this manpreet says sure it's semi-coherent because it's kind of like i got what you said but i haven't really reflected on what you said vikram says yes precisely this is my passport which i used for my registration uh vikram precisely is a bit odd um yes certainly yes sure yes of course um yes uh just give me a moment those are all okay but yes precisely a bit bit unnatural so careful with that uh ravi says certainly here is my passport which i used to register for this exam please have a look rashika says yes here's my passport that i used to register for the exam please have a look akshay says sure here's my passport that i had used for registration for my alex exam uh nice use of the past perfect akshay i had used yeah before you sat the test right uh koldiv says yes sure this is my passport here uh please have a look that works koldeep it's natural watch your tone your intonation daniel says yes of course here it is please take a look very good aldor says yes here's my id that i used for registration please take a look alright good so those are all great answers um yes my pleasure here is my passport please take a look all right so again repeat after me this is speaking may i see your identification please yes my pleasure here's my passport please take a look okay next question um at this point the examiner will say okay um this is candidate number seven three one two five uh we are uh currently in calcutta and the time right now is eleven o'clock um and uh i'm going to record this speaking interview for uh clerical um and marking purposes um and then they will begin it has three parts i will give you instructions for each what is your full name so give me a nice full sentence answer again for this one make sure you're clear and fluent here okay you can find speaking partners on our websites for absolutely free and you can actually practice on the website as i showed in the beginning uh manpreet singh says my full name is manpreet singh please call me the same a little bit awkward man preet please call me the same uh so you want me to call you manpreet singh for the whole interview by both first and last name uh some people might do it but it's i think it's a bit unusual to be called by your full name first and last um all right janil says my full name is jainil gabani please call me jay for short because i'm used to it i'm used to it daniel i am um okay i want to say a little bit more um manpreet uh to help you on how to use that expression please call me the same so manpreet it would work something like this my full name is dave andrews people usually just call me dave please call me the same i think that's yeah okay that makes a little bit more sense manpreet if you use it like this so my full name is dave andrews people usually just call me dave please call me the same so you're telling the examiner to call you the same as most other people okay then it makes sense because if you say my full name is dave andrews please call me the same a person naturally would actually say okay dave andrews and then yeah it's a bit odd okay so most people tend not to use their first and last name together there's the rare exception all right okay so next question do you work or study give me a nice full sentence answer for this one do you work or study very common for an icebreaker okay vikram well at present i'm a student i recently did my did some classes in math matrix and at present i'm doing my senior secondary at ct public school okay watch your writing vikram i think you meant math matrix okay mushkan rana says i'm studying currently in 11th standard all right good at what school what's your favorite subject a little bit more information rana just so you have more fluency more coherence again okay kushan says currently i'm studying i'm planning to start work this month okay kushan same advice what are you planning to do for work if you're starting this month uh it'd be interesting to know okay ravi says i've recently completed my studies in chemistry and now i'm pursuing my master's in inorganic chemistry and also preparing for this ielts exam for my further studies in canada okay uh ravi darjee careful with completed my graduation no you graduate from uh university in chemistry or you get a graduate diploma in chemistry you don't complete your graduation that's awkward okay so careful with how you use that right renato barbosa dos santos says i do both i work as a dance instructor and in graduate school and i'm in graduate school for masters of science in physiotherapy it's not physical therapy renato it's physiotherapy we use a unique adjective in that case physiotherapy okay so good though it's a good answer just make sure you give accurate um words okay so one more time renato i do both i work as a dance instructor and i'm in graduate school for msc in physiotherapy okay all right let's take one more rahul uh comedia says well i am a company secretary having about five years of experience i'm working with a refuted uh manufacturing organization okay um yeah all right that works sure rahul that's good okay um i'll give an answer i do both i'm working as a part time dash here at a store to make and i'm also pursuing my uh master's micro as i hope you do call research in the future all right so i just came up with this answer as many of you know my major was psychology i specialize in ielts and language acquisition so do you work or study i do both i'm working as a part-time cashier at a grocery store to make ends meet and i'm also pursuing my master's in microbiology as i hope to do medical research in the future okay good so here i'm also dropping a little gem which means giving you a little idiom here and many of you probably caught that idiom and the idiom is make ends meet anybody know what that means make ends meet and i've decided that i'm going to give you some of these simple quick little idioms that are easier to use and you can pick up some points for your lexical resource so you don't want to use really complicated idioms but nice short little quick idioms that just bump up your score anybody know what that means make ends meet well it's very commonly uh used uh idiom okay akshay says to pay bills close akshay yeah it's a little bit more general than to just pay bills but that's part of it i i believe yeah so anybody else uh have an idea of make ends meet so this end that end uh janelle says to manage expenses that's a little bit closer yeah it basically means to afford the necessary costs now it doesn't have to be living you can use it in a business context as well so we have to sell at least 20 000 units in the next month to make ends meet okay it means to afford the cost of operations in the business but it means simply to afford the necessary costs okay all right cool so um at this point the examiner uh will introduce the part one topic and uh they'll say okay um let's talk about the weather and then immediately when you hear let's talk about the weather what should you think of and so here's some good training coming up thank you milton by the way for reflecting that milton a help dot com for all of our training videos um so let's talk about the weather when you hear the examiner introduce the topic of part one like that immediately thoughts should flash in your mind that will help you to increase your score and of course one of those are associated words okay so associated means connected words okay and of course many of you will think of words like windy hot sunny rainy cold okay but you shouldn't just be thinking about these different states of weather you should also think of what so some students who have been with me in classes in the past at this point you should immediately realize a key point that you need to include in your responses what is that okay so what should you immediately recognize as soon as you hear let's talk about the weather there's a key strategy that should kind of pop into your mind and you should be thinking aha okay this will be a great place to use this type of strategy to improve my coherence hint hint my clarity and get higher points so what can you do to improve your coherence when you're talking about the weather to a person okay what can you do all right let's see yeah very good sean nicely done sean you get a giant thumbs up from me today nicely done sean i'm impressed okay um so you should include quantitative language okay quantitative language and when we're talking about quantitative language and the weather um what kind of words um should uh pop into your mind okay what kind of words should come to your mind when when you're thinking quantitative language and the weather yeah so busan says quantity of language makes you sound smart yeah absolutely and it also makes you sound more fluent and more coherent as well okay yeah very good sean celsius so the specific degrees right so for example or when you're talking about the wind then you can say a certain kilometer uh wind okay absolutely okay uh so think about that and now answer this question so here's the question do you like hot or cold weather give me a nice full sentence response to this question do you like hot or cold weather yeah daniel fahrenheit absolutely british love fahrenheit americans use fahrenheit as well right uh rashika yeah precipitation precipitation is measured in millimeters usually how many millimeters of precipitation okay all right very good so gus says i'm fond of cold weather i find myself convenient comfortable when the weather is 16 to 17 degrees warm and a bit wet this helps me to relax in the day in fact i usually go hiking in the mountains in hopes of getting drenched yeah soaked in rain very good okay nice use of the word drenched those kind of words help you to increase your vocabulary score very good eldor says actually i prefer cloudy days because then it's neither too cold nor nor too hot and what's more important to me is that the weather is perfect for photography as the light is so diffused eldor it's diffused light okay because uh clouds act as a diffuser so you don't get so many shadows and uh sharp rays of light so it's soft is okay it's diffused diffused is the more accurate word okay uh jesse says although i enjoy both winter and summer weather when it comes to my favorite i would choose hot summer days as in this season i can put on my favorite clothes shorts and a t-shirt as well as go to goa beach with my friends okay jesse nice i like your explanation kevin says i enjoy neither of them the former makes me hot and sweaty not to mention easily upset as where the latter allows for swimming my favorite pastime activity impossible i would in fact prefer a mild breezy day uh to go out and have some fun in the mild sun i suppose is what you're saying there okay good classic says i prefer cold weather um compared to hot weather due to the fact that cold weather provides me with good vibes and in spite of this there are plethora of stylish clothes that i can wear on cooler days okay classic i made a few different corrections the most important one that i made is you went from i to we and us don't do that students that will hurt your coherence score okay so that's a big no-no i'm going to give you a note on that as well okay just so it's clear okay so do not switch from i something to we us you okay so i've seen uh students do that sometimes we do that by accident during our speech where we start with an eye like i love hot weather because it lets us go out and enjoy the sun we can go swimming hey what do you i don't know how to swim no i do know how to swim but you don't know that right so it's very awkward plus you're switching from i to a general public and it's strange okay it makes it confusing so don't do that all right make sure that for part one you keep your answers i me my because part one is always about you okay so i me my myself those are the key words that you want to keep in mind uh rana vijinder says to be honest i love both summer and winter but my most favorite season is winter because i enjoy uh snowfall and my friends and warm foods like a nice cup of hot rooibos tea okay give some examples so i prefer warmer weather around 30 degrees celsius because i love to hang out at the beach with my friends and family and do water sports like surfing in fact i can't wait for next summer i'm going to spend tons of time just chilling at my local beach okay all right um so answer explain example here we go uh do you like hot or cold weather i prefer warmer weather around 30 degrees celsius because i love to hang out at the beach with my friends and family and do water sports like surfing in fact i can't wait for next summer i'm going to spend tons of time just chilling at my local beach okay part one's a bit more casual show nice fluency use respectful language of course and again that quantitative language so when you tell a person you like warmer weather state the degrees and then they'll have lots more clarity and you're going to get more points for being really coherent okay keep that in mind all right keep going uh next question what is the weather usually like in your city again hint quantitative language okay that's going to make your answer much clearer all right meanwhile while you're thinking about that jay neil says well i love cold weather around 15 degrees celsius because it um makes it lets me do outdoor activities so i'm not only physically fit but i'm also more uh social to help me be mentally recharged as well all right janelle it's a little bit awkward careful you're gonna have to make some corrections there all right koldeep um let's change the beginning of your answer from my experience in my hometown uh the typical hot summer temperatures are often 40 or above and the winter lows are around 2 degrees celsius okay so kolep remember to check this correction it seems to me that is a bit awkward in this situation okay so uh otavio is asking me a question otavio's asking can we use some informal expressions like top notch or hit rock bottom when we are answering yeah otavio absolutely okay so speaking is the same for the general and for the academic versions of the exam you can definitely use informal language however avoid low level words like using stuff or things okay so using informal language is okay remember even within informal language there are unique and accurate expressions and there are general weak expressions like the word stuff okay so don't use the word stuff but using expressions like top notch or hitting rock bottom which is an idiom yeah that's absolutely fine okay all right let's see some more responses okay jan and floria says since i love cold weather the weather i prefer in my city is rainy weather since it does not snow here in the philippines the closest to cold weather it gets is around 25 and that's only during storms okay uh all right uh janna not bad it doesn't really answer the question though so uh stick to answering the question of what's the weather usually like you have to pay attention uh toward usually okay so what's the weather usually like in your city all right when you hear the word usually you have to think of adverbs of frequency like always often and usually okay or as rahul is starting uh generally so rahul kamodiya says generally the weather in my hometown is warmer around 30 to 45 degrees celsius in the summer and around 20 to 25 degrees in the winter season all right now that's the temperature don't forget about those other qualifiers like uh windy dry humid okay those are all really important let me show you a little bit what i mean all right so think outside the box don't get stuck on just temperature okay so um in my city of victoria british columbia the climate is temperate the temperature hovers from 16 to 26 degrees between summer and winter months since victoria is on the southern tip of vancouver island in the pacific it is frequently windy and rainy it rains about 170 days in the year okay so temperatures one aspect wind precipitation those are some other aspects of weather again lots of quantitative language so uh everybody speak and repeat okay so copy my intonation my fluency my pronunciation as best as you can again these lessons are recorded so you can go back and practice again all right if you don't catch it the first time here we go so what is the weather usually like in your city in my city of victoria british columbia the climate is temperate the temperature hovers from 16 to 26 degrees between summer and winter months since victoria is on the southern tip of vancouver island in the pacific ocean it is frequently windy and rainy it rains about 170 days in the year okay temperate climate means that it's not extreme it's not very hot it's not very cold it's somewhere in the middle okay so that is a temperate climate that's why here in british columbia we have what's called temperate rain forests all right temperate rain forests okay all right let's go to the next question uh why do people like talking about the weather give me a nice full sentence answer for this one so why do people like talking about the weather yeah ak uh temperate is a moderate climate yeah that's right that would be a synonym for it temperate's more accurate it's a moderate climate aka all right so classic says as uh weather is the most indispensable aspect of our planet and since a long time natural phenomenon have captivated people i reckon as a result individuals frequently gossip about the weather okay very good classic it's a nice answer you reversed the explanation and the answer you have to be careful with that sometimes that can get confusing so only do that if you're absolutely sure that you're making sense okay usually it's better to go answer than explanation than example but at times that is a different strategy to give an explanation and then an answer you have to be careful though and make sure that you're on topic otherwise the examiner will interrupt you they think that you don't understand the question okay that's one point classic the other point classic is uh don't say natural things captivates natural phenomena okay natural phenomenon always find the better word the better noun than the word things practice that at home all right janeil says the weather in sarad is usually um changing throughout the year where in the first four months it's cold between 10 and 18 and then uh from 25 to 46 in the four summer months from september to december it's quite rainy okay janiel good i made some corrections uh pay attention to those twenty six on rana says i don't have any idea exactly but maybe because people don't have anything else to talk about or maybe to introduce the person with problems they're facing in their hometown because of weather okay mushka that's a good answer okay or to exchange interest yeah mushkan so it's a good answer say it confidently okay sadesh says well if you ask me talking about the weather can function as a small talk which uh can later build into more complex conversation uh topics like personal questions for example regarding family very clever sadesh yeah it sounds like you might have studied a little bit of psychology people like to start conversations with what's what's called cliches uh in french and uh cliches are these types of so how's about the weather um or uh did you see the cricket game last night on tv okay so that's the cliche conversation starters and uh good use of the expression small talk small talk yeah absolutely sedes nice okay nice use of vocabulary okay rodolfo alkiozola says um because it is basic information that we have to know in order to make us prepared if ever bad weather is coming like a heavy downpour yeah so that's another reason rodolfo absolutely now rodolfo make sure to use the questions so individuals like chit chat about the weather because it's basic information that many of us have to know in order to help us prepare especially if there's bad weather coming like a storm okay very good rodolfo and then you can even throw in an example like last week my friend warned me about a heavy downpour in my city okay so more robust accurate fluent answers rudolph when you'll get a better band score all right ravi says weather is an interesting topic to discuss when people don't have anything else to talk about especially when they're having conversation with a new person and they don't really have any special common knowledge to talk about ravi good i made some corrections there as well all right otavio same advice as to rudolfo don't just start with because that's okay to do if you're chatting with me on the street absolutely it's normal natural but in the ielts you want to be more complete so you want to use the question in your response all right so uh here what uh what i just read a moment ago so um people like to make uh small talk about the weather because it is a an easy uh conversation starter especially when uh people individuals are strangers in addition discussing the weather can help people to be better prepared for the day in fact just this morning i let my mom know that it will be very windy so she should take a scarf with her all right um so here we go uh repeat after me why do people like talking about the weather people like to make small talk about the weather because it is an easy conversation starter especially when individuals are strangers in addition discussing the weather can help people to be better prepared for the day in fact just this morning i let my mom know that it will be very windy so she should take a scarf with her okay all right rolling along nicely yeah notice that uh verb there we make small talk it's kind of a unique way to express that all right okay uh next question if it is raining and you have to go somewhere what do you do okay uh be prepared for these kinds of questions uh in the arts exam so if it is raining and you have to go somewhere uh what do you do macrob says if the weather is rainy and i'm going to the park um because in my city there's a beautiful park and i have many uh memories there when i had when i was a child uh especially in the rain okay uh macrob um explain why you go to that park okay when it's raining because otherwise it doesn't make much sense to me why anyone would go to a park when it's raining maybe a cultural difference but i need to know okay uh kevin says if i have to leave shelter uh during rainy weather i brace myself against the storm by grabbing an umbrella um or a poncho to prevent getting soaked from head to toe nice use of expression kevin getting soaked from head to toe kevin says by the same token i'll hail a taxi rather than ride my motorbike just like today coming to this test center very good kevin yeah hailing a taxi hey taxi right whistling um all right nicely done yeah so soaked from head to toe right um drenched means drenched we had that word earlier uh rakhmani says weather is vital and necessary for human nature and it keeps the mind fresh as well as energized so that joy from the moment and subsequently people individuals having fun um i'm not sure if you're answering the previous question but you sound a little bit off topic again remember the most important criteria is coherence so focus on coherence rahul says uh if it's raining heavily then i will take my car instead of a two wheeler and if it's not raining that heavy then i might just take a raincoat or an umbrella to save myself from being soaked okay um yeah heavy rain is called a downpour okay a light rain is called a drizzle drizzle okay all right um koldeep says that's a tough question uh if it's raining outside and i need to go to do a certain task i will uh take a hard step outside of my house with cover over my head and definitely i will take the bus that day all right on me loving says if it is raining outside i use my car if it's not possible then i will cover uh my head and body with my raincoat so that i don't get wet and um i can meet people without rushing okay i'm be loving careful with your coherence as well all right careful with that akshay says uh usually depends on the urgency of the work for me the other day i had to pick up my sister from the bus station so i put on my raincoat and brought another one for my sister before heading out okay actually notice the corrections there all right good good okay so well on rainy days if i need to rush out i will put on my raincoat and drive if i have to go somewhere far otherwise uh if i'm just out for a walk i will put on my gum boots and my cap so that my head and feet stay dry okay now uh that expression by kevin was soaked from head to toe this is uh if somebody goes out in very heavy rain and they're completely wet okay so i'm combining a few of the expressions that we had in the chat so you can learn them all soaked from head to toe it means getting drenched from a heavy downpour okay so heavy rain downpour right uh here we go next question and the last question so make it a good one students um has the climate changed in your country uh since you were a child has the climate changed in your country since you were a child notice the present perfect so make sure to use the present perfect in your answer and give me a nice complete answer with present perfect muscan says yes the climate has changed in my hometown i think because of global warming um winters have gotten shorter and summers have gotten longer than usual and there are often unseasonal rains which is um [Music] at least a few dozen times in the year okay 26 mushkan did you notice all of the changes that i made so i added the present perfect instead of saying everywhere i made it more specific because the questions dealing with your country okay so use your country name i said city but it should have been country okay so be specific be accurate it's very important akshay says oh yes the climate has changed dramatically since my childhood couple of decades ago we had clear seasons where rain used to fall only during the rainy season but now we see heavy downpours even during the summer months all right nickname says yes i remember um that it has changed since my childhood um in the various seasons all right give me more details okay i will put up my answer as well so definitely the weather has become quite different in victoria and in canada since my childhood back in the 90s nowadays most places in canada are a couple of degrees warmer throughout the year and some places get hotter summers while others have never others the weather has become quite unpredictable with cold nights during summer and warmer days in the winter all right um so here's my answer again present perfect has the climate changed in your country since you were a child definitely the weather has become quite different in victoria and in canada gotta go to that country because it's country now canada is so big it's hard to know how the weather has changed but just give the answer okay so one more time definitely the weather has become quite different in victoria and in canada since my childhood back in the 90s quantitative nowadays most places in canada are a couple of degrees warmer throughout the year and some places get hotter summers while others experience never before seen snowfall the weather has become quite unpredictable with cold nights during the summer and warmer days in the winter likely because of global warming perhaps because of greenhouse gases all right shishir klon says the climate of my country has changed drastically leading to negative effects rising the surface temperatures makes winter seasons a bit warm which should have been cold and very hot during the summer nice answer okay rashika says the climate has significantly changed um unqualified in my country compared to my childhood when i was a child there were there was lots of greenery waterfalls and more precipitation nowadays uh there are droughts and many areas have um become arid and desert-like okay rashik i gave you a few words to finish that idea otherwise a good job let's take one more chart says as global temperatures are warming it's directly proportional to climate change i have noticed mathematical changes in my country since my childhood a good start shartak finish that up okay what are those changes okay students fantastic work today this is kind of one of those hot topics talking about the weather you could get an alts exam dealing with that in part one certainly so make sure to practice and you can do lots of practice on our websites for free or spend a few dollars and get our premium package one-time payment lifetime access for academic ielts and for general ielts of course the websites are supported by native apps academic ielts help for a help dot com and general alex help for so do check us out there if you have any questions just let me know that's it for today but i will be back tomorrow at the same time with task two writing for the all chat class and a little bit earlier members i will be here with a new task one uh for you uh you jin you are very very welcome thank you for the emojis uh making us happy let me just click on that so everybody can see those um and um take care of yourselves stay healthy uh respect each other love each other and uh hopefully i will see all of you tomorrow i'm adrian signing out from victoria for now much love to all of you bye you you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 6,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: J0ruIVDG8Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 18sec (3378 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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